How to use your Tablet as a Car Head Unit with AutoZen the best alternative to Android auto

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 50

    @MOTOGENESIS_IND 11 месяцев назад +2

    Hi brother. I have purchased your app and I love it. I use it everyday here in India on my motorcycle and car. Thank you so much for your hard work and efforts. It has really improved my on road experience tremendously

    • @autozenApp
      @autozenApp  11 месяцев назад +2

      Amazing!! thanks a lot for the support, and I will continue working to make it even better!!!, I'm glad to see that is making your road experience better and that's the idea of AutoZen, reading this comment motivate me to keep going and offer something amazing , thanks a lot!

    • @priyanshuchaudhary6545
      @priyanshuchaudhary6545 3 месяца назад

      How to play music using Bluetooth from phone?

    • @PrathapVlogs13
      @PrathapVlogs13 Месяц назад

      Can we connect reverse camera to it in anyway?

  • @acetune0080
    @acetune0080 3 месяца назад +2

    Hey, just found this vid, and i happen to use my tablet in my car for music and such. i think this app really looks great and has much to offer for how little it costs. the only thing that concerns me is the access it need. i dont really feel comfortable with giving apps access to literally everything. what happened is that when i wanted to give the app access my tablet warned me that this allows the app to literally see everything and idk if i like that. can you tell me a bit more about that so i can be a little more chill about this thing

  • @alangourmet6903
    @alangourmet6903 6 месяцев назад +3

    The app looks great, but I have an issue. Am unable to change the navigation from google maps to
    waze while am using the theme.

  • @ignacio3714
    @ignacio3714 Год назад +10

    can you connect a dashcam somehow to a tablet like this one?

    • @WhoButBilly
      @WhoButBilly Год назад +2


    • @ignacio3714
      @ignacio3714 Год назад +1

      @@feitw man. thank you really much. Finally a good comment hahaha! have a nice day

  • @gabbohunter1044
    @gabbohunter1044 8 месяцев назад +2

    Hi man, first your app is amazing and i hope you'll continue to upgrade it, i have a question, the autozen navigator is based on google maps or waze or is a customized navigator? I'm asking this because I'm worried about the warnings about speed cameras, incidents, things that google maps and waze have.

  • @davidgolida1412
    @davidgolida1412 3 месяца назад

    You could get one of the Chinese tablets that double as a phone or use google voice for calls. Also you the tablets have 2 sim card slots.

  • @MusbahFattouh
    @MusbahFattouh Месяц назад

    Hello, thanks for this application just downloaded it today. i'am using the launcher mode and trying to make it two functions maps and music player with no success. Can you please assist on this. Thank you

  • @GK-Greece
    @GK-Greece 3 месяца назад +1

    Man we need a offline maps or add ability to change the application in coolwalk theme with sygic Navi

  • @jellisellis8558
    @jellisellis8558 8 месяцев назад +1

    Well I’m using tab a9 plus
    I just fill my screen with the map app the music app , weather app etc like windows pc using dex on the tablet . I was able to resize the windows and play music while I’m on navigation google voice to browse internet reply to text using google , could watch a movie , tik tok not that I would 😂 while driving. Just connected via Bluetooth it’s just like having a windows pc . But your app it’s another option too. Any app you choose to have you can use using Dex if your tablet is equipped

    • @billt.4422
      @billt.4422 2 месяца назад

      Is yours the WiFi version only or with SIM card? It’s troublesome to keep connecting to your phone data hotspot

  • @tomlahood7421
    @tomlahood7421 11 месяцев назад

    An I connect my reverse camera? On galaxy tab s8/s9

    • @autozenApp
      @autozenApp  11 месяцев назад

      Unfortunately is not possible, but that would be awesome, but you will have to connect the video from the camera to the tablet

    • @gunapallisiresh7953
      @gunapallisiresh7953 4 месяца назад

      ​@@autozenAppit's possible with wifi reverse camera

  • @SupaaManix
    @SupaaManix Год назад

    Thank you for this detailed presentation. I have 2 questions:
    - can you swipe in the task bar or in the widget to go to the next/previous track?
    - when you use the CoolEalk theme, can you have the 2/3 map widget on the right and the 1/3 widget on the left?

    • @autozenApp
      @autozenApp  Год назад +2

      Hello, currently you can't swipe but that's a good idea I will add it to my to-do list, I'll make it soon to change the map to the right

    • @SupaaManix
      @SupaaManix Год назад +2

      @@autozenApp Thank you for listening the idea: swiping is much faster and doesn't require the driver to leave his eyesight off the road. Usually anything with a touch interaction needs to be precise. At contrary, swipe can let you be less precise.

    • @spectr49
      @spectr49 Год назад

      @@autozenApp I would like to second the option to have the map on right hand side of the screen, just feel more natural to right-hand drive vehicle. Ideally we should be able to treat the map just like a widget, so we can decide the size and position of it. Hope you will consider this ☺

    • @autozenApp
      @autozenApp  Год назад +2

      @@spectr49 you are right, i changed this already and you can have this option soon, it will be available in my neck release in the coming days, you will be able to change the map to the right from settings.

    • @spectr49
      @spectr49 Год назад

      @@autozenApp Awesome, looking forward to it. Btw, have you seen the launcher which weirdly named Car Penguin. AFAIK it's the only launcher in PS which can have Google Maps turn by turn navigation in the launcher screen itself. Would be great if it can be implemented in AutoZen, would be an instant buy for some people I know, since mapbox isn't very accurate depending on area

  • @ffu2679
    @ffu2679 3 месяца назад

    Omg you have a brand new audi and you using chinese work tablet for carplay 😮 I’ll use for my 1996 peugeot😅

    @BERLIN.WEDDING 7 месяцев назад

    Hallo mein S24 ultra wird dabei sehr heiß ist das normal

  • @priyanshuchaudhary6545
    @priyanshuchaudhary6545 3 месяца назад

    How to play music using Bluetooth from phone?

    • @robinmiller986
      @robinmiller986 3 месяца назад

      What app do I need to mirror on my phone for carplay

  • @nicksmith9
    @nicksmith9 Год назад

    Im slightly confused. So canI use this app on my tablet which doesn't have gps, data, or any of my contacts and have it conenct to my phone for all that information?

    • @autozenApp
      @autozenApp  Год назад

      Hello, unfortunately you can't, but I'll work in a companion app so maybe the tablet can link to you phone, usually all tablets have a gps and the contacts are synced with the Google account, however, since the tablet does not have a sim card you can't make calls

    • @bira896
      @bira896 11 месяцев назад

      So it can't connect to a phone, via bluetooth like Android Auto, and make calls?

    • @autozenApp
      @autozenApp  11 месяцев назад +2

      @@bira896 you connect the tablet with your car, but yes, if your tablet does not have sim card/phone capbabilites, you can't make calls yet, I'm trying to figure out how to connect the phone with a tablet and you can make calls

    • @bira896
      @bira896 11 месяцев назад

      @autozenApp Thank you! You let me know when you get that figured out, and I'll definitely purchase the app at that point! It's great otherwise!

    • @dsms4274
      @dsms4274 10 месяцев назад +3

      all android head units make calls and they dont have sim card, but they are conected with your smartphone with bluetooth?

  • @original7064
    @original7064 Месяц назад +1

    Can we connect are reverse cam with our tablet used like this?

  • @codyjesen7507
    @codyjesen7507 4 месяца назад

    Am I able to link the tablet to my car speakers?

    • @_CryptoNoob_
      @_CryptoNoob_ 3 месяца назад

      You just have to use Bluetooth to pair the tablet to your vehicle and you'll be able to use all the hands free capabilities like voice to text and answering calls, voice command navigation and such.

  • @elsondeSaantana123d
    @elsondeSaantana123d 9 месяцев назад

    and the loading?

  • @Kiwel_Eduardo
    @Kiwel_Eduardo 11 месяцев назад

    Excelent car Launcher congratulations for the work.

    • @autozenApp
      @autozenApp  11 месяцев назад

      Thanks a lot, I'm working to bring even more features

  • @FlyAudit
    @FlyAudit Год назад

    Which tab is the one you are using ?

    • @autozenApp
      @autozenApp  11 месяцев назад

      I'm using a SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab A8 10.5

  • @KPCflipping
    @KPCflipping Месяц назад

    wow this app is amazing. Nice work

  • @gustavinus
    @gustavinus 2 месяца назад

    Or you install Headunit Reloaded in the tablet and have the full android auto experience.

  • @JB-pj7mo
    @JB-pj7mo 8 месяцев назад

    AutoZen tablet connect by bluetooth or internet data from phone?

    • @adrianinnavan3910
      @adrianinnavan3910 6 месяцев назад

      Both. Wi-fi hotspot for any tasks involving data and bluetooth for phone calls and SMS.
      On my phone car mode is initiated when the phone connects to the Android unit in the car and as part of the car mode the Wi-Fi hotspot is started. This means that when the car is started everything connects automatically.

  • @TheFredoruiz
    @TheFredoruiz 6 месяцев назад

    Esta chido tu inglés de Peña Nieto jaja

  • @ieatYTP59
    @ieatYTP59 Месяц назад

    lol if you dont pay this app is useless af

  • @keesstaps4606
    @keesstaps4606 4 месяца назад

    Shame no UK English