Farage SLAMS latest England Cricket report.

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024
  • A new report by the Independent Commission for Equity in Cricket says racism is "entrenched" in the sport. Behind this nonsense is a loathing for our country, our culture and who we are.

Комментарии • 919

  • @mogbrown8409
    @mogbrown8409 Год назад +41

    It was obvious that they were coming for British cricket when Azeem Rafiq accused Yorkshire cricket of being racist. Around about the same time I read about a Birmingham cricket coach saying that there should be more encouragement of ethnic minorities. Not white boys? Who actually are the racists here? They want special privileges.

    • @BeobachterofTruth
      @BeobachterofTruth Год назад

      You made up the bit about the Birmingham cricket coach.

  • @rickcurrie2687
    @rickcurrie2687 Год назад +96

    It's cultural marxism at work. Plain and simple.

    • @evolassunglasses4673
      @evolassunglasses4673 Год назад +11

      + Woke Capitalism

    • @Muckylittleme
      @Muckylittleme Год назад

      It is an attack on the native white populations of Europe because they are the "nation"
      The West, as defined by nation states of peoples with shared heritage, history, culture etc, is being systematically torn down to make way for technocratic global governance, AKA the NWO.

    • @dazjackson1972
      @dazjackson1972 Год назад +4

      Even that is a banned term now. They say it's antisemitic.
      They'll do anything to close down criticism.🇬🇧👍

    • @chesterdonnelly1212
      @chesterdonnelly1212 Год назад +4

      Well it's sexism, racism, classism and elitism, so why not through Marxism in there as well.

    • @Muckylittleme
      @Muckylittleme Год назад

      @@chesterdonnelly1212 All of those things are divisive and innately discriminatory which is the whole purpose of political correctness/identity politics, AKA cultural Marxism, divide and rule.
      They just invert reality and pretend it is equitable to discriminate against men, heterosexuals and whites and then project their internalised self hatred onto those who oppose them.

  • @truckerfromreno
    @truckerfromreno Год назад +413

    We can't have anything of our own in our own country. I'm sick to death of it.

    • @evolassunglasses4673
      @evolassunglasses4673 Год назад

      We live under a anti White regime.

    • @ohdearism
      @ohdearism Год назад +2

      What do you mean by 'anything' and why are you sick to death of it?

    • @somethingintheair5373
      @somethingintheair5373 Год назад +1

      What do you mean ‘own country’? That’s the point of it all. They don’t want us to have a country. They want to destroy it utterly, so that it becomes nothing more than a borderless, globalist blob. 😡

    • @Muckylittleme
      @Muckylittleme Год назад

      @@ohdearism The same media and people who would make a cucumber sandwich racist and find imaginary white supremacists and Nazis under every stone, are the same people who not only ignored the industrial scale rape of our children for decades, but covered it up and allowed it to continue.
      The same people who after every murderous Islamist attack tell us Islamaphobia is on the rise.
      The same people who say it homophobic and transphobic not to have drag queens teaching kids how to have anal sex in schools.
      The same people who say you are a white supremacist if you don't like your neighbourhood being transformed into Bangladesh or feeling like a foreigner in your own city and country.
      The same people who are obsessed with racial identity except when it shows non whites in a bad light and racial identity is suddenly irrelevant but is headlined if it shows whites in a bad light.
      The same people who celebrate and promote an actual racial supremacy movement because it is anti white.
      The same people who tell you equality is inclusion but discriminate against and exclude whites through affirmative action and diversity quotas.
      The same people who tell you that we need diversity across Europe through the counter culture of "multiculturism" that corrupts and destroys the true diversity we had of national European cultures and replaces them with a conformist non culture of Marxism.
      The same people who pronounce themselves defenders of democracy, all the while they actively centralise power and demonize people who vote "the wrong way" and attempt to overturn acts of direct democracy such as referendums that don't suit their agenda.
      The same people who celebrate the death of the family and abortion, lock you in your home, force an experimental substance into your veins, accelerate the surveillance state, restrict your movements and impoverish you with so called "green policies," bring in biometric security and make it harder to travel through Europe than ever before, but that open borders and freedom of movement for undocumented illegal immigrants is humanitarian and paramount to protecting freedom.
      The same people who said white people are having too many children while they knew we are in the worse fertility crisis in human history.
      The same people who told you we needed mass immigration because ageing population when ageing population is due to the fertility crisis (mean age of population rising due to lack of babies bringing it down and not causing not people living longer as they claim. Longevity of life stalled over a decade ago and is now decreasing)
      The same people who celebrate that Europeans will be minorities in their own lands by 2050 because of diversity, yet celebrate and protect the racial homogeneity of African and Asian countries.
      These people are our mortal enemies. they have been waging war upon us for decades which has now reached proportions that will be recorded in history as the greatest premeditated and widespread crimes against humanity and a people to have ever been committed.
      You should know who is actively working against you and your families interests locally and oppose them in every way possible.
      Mass non compliance of whites in their own countries should be a prerequisite to this tyranny and evil yet half our countrymen are brainwashed into celebrating their own enslavement.

    • @michealgillman7418
      @michealgillman7418 Год назад

      Absolutely...anything traditional or English is constantly castigated by the left...I'm sick of it to. If you don't like this country, it's traditional sports, cuture and drinking then feel free to leave. Don't worry we will be fine without you!

  • @garbino8160
    @garbino8160 Год назад +1

    Great day for the Patriotic congratulations nigel the front man for the true voice of Britain my vote was in without you gb news the true voice would be rolled over and silenced cheers to you once again congratulations nigel

  • @timbradbury8177
    @timbradbury8177 Год назад +20

    Just another woke group

  • @MrLees-oq8wb
    @MrLees-oq8wb Год назад +11

    The ECB is ran by the same people that own the press, love the banking system and make a big fuss of having dinner on a friday

    • @Bacon4Rashers
      @Bacon4Rashers Год назад +2

      I know who you are referring to with out you saying it for obvious reasons, they also make good lawyers and jewellers too.

  • @lynnemarlow8985
    @lynnemarlow8985 Год назад

    They want this country full stop 😮

  • @stephennicholson8644
    @stephennicholson8644 Год назад +1

    Up to the players to say f.off start their own company

  • @HerbertSwales
    @HerbertSwales Год назад

    Nigel you are voice of the people a true hero

  • @marycaine8874
    @marycaine8874 Год назад +4

    Breaking for afternoon tea - it smacks of colonialism.

  • @dovetonsturdee7033
    @dovetonsturdee7033 Год назад +2

    How is that 'Independent' reports are so called, when they are nothing of the sort?
    Doubtless the solution will be a quota system in English cricket, in which any men's team must include three players of Asian origin, three of Black/West Indian origin, and one of Chinese origin. Of the other four, at least three must be able to prove their unquestionable, working-class credentials.

  • @terencefield3204
    @terencefield3204 Год назад +2

    Go to Gibraltar Farage and walk down the Main Street. That would be amusing to see.

  • @bryanhilton7360
    @bryanhilton7360 Год назад

    Well said Nigel.

  • @MrRQBQ
    @MrRQBQ Год назад

    It's quite telling how Rafiq's own apology for anti-Semitic comments was immediately accepted and quickly forgotten by the MSM yet Michael Vaughan's much milder comment (you lot) said tongue in cheek was pounced upon and he was hung out to dry and suspended from his job with BBC 5 Live. Thankfully he has since been reinstated and made a welcome return on Television.

  • @Knivesout101
    @Knivesout101 Год назад +1

    I stopped watching Cricket years ago due to most of the England Cricket team was made up of mostly foreigners ! lol

  • @marineforces3214
    @marineforces3214 Год назад

    That is “the art “ of some humans , getting kicked & still talking like there would be somebody left with any sense at all LOL ❤️👀

  • @train4905
    @train4905 Год назад

    Really well said sir

  • @londonhodnet4079
    @londonhodnet4079 Год назад +107

    From an Australian - Come on let’s play cricket Brits, cheers to you all

    • @pussypostlethwaitsaeronaut8503
      @pussypostlethwaitsaeronaut8503 Год назад

      English cricket, not British cricket. English and British are not synonyms.
      English = belonging to or relating to England, or its people: Englishwoman, Englishman.
      British = belonging to or relating to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, or to its people (English, Scottish, Welsh, and Northern Irish) or its culture.
      Englishwoman = me, because I'm specifically an old English girl from England.
      England = a country within the island of Great Britain; England shares land borders with Wales to its west and Scotland to its north and is part of the United Kingdom.
      Britain, or Great Britain = large geographical island in the British Isles comprising three small countries: England, Scotland, and Wales. The fuller name 'Great Britain' has been in use since the Middle English period, originally to distinguish the island from Brittany, which was then also called Britain.
      British isles = a geographically named group of islands, including Britain, Ireland (Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland), the Isle of Man, the Hebrides, the Orkney Islands, the Shetland Islands, the Isles of Scilly, and the Channel Islands, lying off the coast of north-western Europe, from which they are separated by the North Sea and the English Channel.
      United Kingdom = sovereign country and kingdom consisting of four smaller countries: England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. Full name: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
      Moreover, the Union Flag (or Jack) does not represent England. St George's Cross is the flag that represents England: it's a red cross on a white background.
      The Union Flag (or Jack) is not a symbol or flag of England or Great Britain: it's the flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, being a composite design composed of St George's Cross (England), Saint Andrew's Cross (Scotland), and Saint Patrick's Cross (Ireland, now with Northern Ireland remaining). Wales had been annexed to the Kingdom of England before the Union, and therefore its flag does not form part of the composite design of the Union Flag.
      Hope this is of interest and helps to elucidate the particularities of the United Kingdom.

    • @raypurchase801
      @raypurchase801 Год назад +6

      As a Pom, it's never a dishonour to be beaten by the Aussies or the Kiwis.

    • @MarcusMorris-q6r
      @MarcusMorris-q6r Год назад

      The ECB should, of courtesy and correct form, turn and ask the Umpire "How am I?". Then, regardless of the Umpire's verdict, they should turn on their heel and WALK! (Raising a glass to you as I type this Oz! Wishing you luck - but not too much!)

    • @MarcusMorris-q6r
      @MarcusMorris-q6r Год назад

      The ECB should, of courtesy and correct form, turn and ask the Umpire "How am I?". Then, regardless of the Umpire's verdict, they should turn on their heel and WALK! (Raising a glass to you as I type this Oz! Wishing you luck - but not too much!)

    • @remoanersrknts6736
      @remoanersrknts6736 Год назад +1

      Sanity from our cousins. God bless ya! 👍

  • @carlpage9898
    @carlpage9898 Год назад +169

    This country has gone right down the pan. If we don’t stand up and be counted in the very near future. Our way of life will never return.

    • @simongarthwaite7695
      @simongarthwaite7695 Год назад

      Only going to get worse after the next election it will either be Labour and Lib Dems or Labour on its own.

    • @evolassunglasses4673
      @evolassunglasses4673 Год назад

      We destroyed ourselves with WW2. Captured by international finance and the post 1945 Liberal paradigm.

    • @rostik1685
      @rostik1685 Год назад +12

      And whose fault is it? Ours! The millions of decent, hard-working people who were just too busy, or too frightened, to oppose the BS in the first place. We put up with the BS and hoped it would go away. It will only go away when people ACTIVELY oppose it!

    • @Muckylittleme
      @Muckylittleme Год назад

      @@rostik1685 I disagree, at least in part.
      Many of us have been working hard for decades opposing this globalist plot to collapse the Western nation states so that the populists and patriots are replaced by immigrants and brainwashed Marxists in order to collapse natural opposition to their centralised technocratic global governance.
      Unfortunately we couldn't wake enough people up fast enough and instead suffered years and years of demonization by own weak minded "liberal" countrymen.
      Fighting totalitarian tyranny with liberalism is a recipe for acquiescence and capitulation and that is exactly what we have seen.
      Even now, when the war against the native white populations of Europe and their nations is so out in the open and brazen, most will simply vote Labour at the next election and imagine something will change.
      The only possibility of real change is routing the establishment and all their instruments of power and putting in populists and patriots but it won't happen because they have too much control of information and media and so the minds of many of our countrymen who are even readily sacrificing their children and their futures at the altar of Political Correctness.

  • @LILLYB8328
    @LILLYB8328 Год назад +98

    I'm American and I absolutely love cricket! I went to the T20 blast not long after I moved here. Hooked instantly. What a day out. There is NO way I will ever use the term batter. I noticed football now call it 'player of the game' now instead of MAN. It is absolutely pathetic.

    • @robertajohnson2753
      @robertajohnson2753 Год назад +14

      Well said - a man with a bat is a batsman, a woman with a bat is a batswoman - batter is what we fry fish in!!

    • @LILLYB8328
      @LILLYB8328 Год назад +11

      @@robertajohnson2753 It is just complete and utter nonsense. These people should grow up and get a grip!

    • @dazjackson1972
      @dazjackson1972 Год назад +5

      Definitely pathetic.
      Seems like all the players and pundits are under contract to use woke terminology too.

    • @BeobachterofTruth
      @BeobachterofTruth Год назад

      Stop lying. Please.

    • @anthonyclarke5579
      @anthonyclarke5579 Год назад +2

      Thank you Yank, we love you!

  • @carlobalzer3238
    @carlobalzer3238 Год назад +279

    Well said Nigel Farage 👍 🇬🇧

    • @genwoolfe
      @genwoolfe Год назад

      I was listening for the word "ENGLISH" but as usual he missed it.

    • @ArgentWolf95
      @ArgentWolf95 Год назад

      @@genwoolfe I got ya covered.

  • @davidiand7
    @davidiand7 Год назад +85

    Just ignore them, continue with batsman and batswoman, it tells us who they are, actors and actresses, waiters and waitresses etc!

    • @rostik1685
      @rostik1685 Год назад +2

      Ignore them, yes, but more importantly actively oppose them.

    • @pmarsh3700
      @pmarsh3700 Год назад

      Totally agree!

    • @johnturner1073
      @johnturner1073 Год назад

      Race grifters like the woman behind this report are just that...grifters...

    @HYUKLDER1 Год назад +162

    If the English Cricket Board says cricket is not ok as a result of a report they commissioned (!) that can only be their own fault and they ought to resign en masse and let nornal English people with English values take over running it properly.

    • @chrisr5499
      @chrisr5499 Год назад

      English Cricket and Rugby Union in this country or run by the old farts still.

    • @jimcazador6057
      @jimcazador6057 Год назад +3

      good point

    • @clucas101
      @clucas101 Год назад +15

      ​@@chrisr5499I'll take the old farts over the woke brigade any day

    • @dovetonsturdee7033
      @dovetonsturdee7033 Год назад +2

      @@chrisr5499 Really? Unlike you, probably, I am a member of my local club committee, and you would be surprised how hard it is to recruit younger members to committee positions.

    • @MrLees-oq8wb
      @MrLees-oq8wb Год назад

      @@chrisr5499 no it's not use a browser that's not Google and find out who is on the board, and where their grandparents ran from in the 30s

  • @roccoparks
    @roccoparks Год назад +100

    As I recall correctly the only person who was guilty of racism was raffiq but since when do facts matter

    • @tomd2103
      @tomd2103 Год назад +11

      Was also accused of exposing himself to females and blackmailing another player during the Michael Vaughan episode, but this was all swept under the carpet.

    • @roccoparks
      @roccoparks Год назад +4

      @@tomd2103 indeed so and it’s funny he came out with all this the day after the terrorist attack in Liverpool with the cab driver

    • @secondchance6603
      @secondchance6603 Год назад +1

      Here in New Zealand we're proud of our stance on fighting racism. So much so that we have the Maori All Blacks and the Maori Football Association that doesn't allow anyone in the teams if they're not Maori.

    • @roccoparks
      @roccoparks Год назад +1

      @@secondchance6603 did Jacinda ardern not try and make you more woke as a nation, if she failed I’m delighted for you

    • @gregbennet5560
      @gregbennet5560 Год назад

      @@secondchance6603 Some of them should identify as females so they can play in the female competitions. That'd be entertaining to watch.

  • @martin701
    @martin701 Год назад +324

    Of course Rafiq was himself alleged to have made antisemitic comments, but that didn’t apparently make it to the mainstream media. That’s really odd isn’t it?

    • @brianhannon3253
      @brianhannon3253 Год назад +21

      He said sorry then it was swept under the carpet

    • @johnallen7807
      @johnallen7807 Год назад

      @steiner554 Correct, you can only be "racist" if you are white. 80% of knife crime in London is black on black but we never hear that fact mentioned in the MSM.

    • @simonchapman5560
      @simonchapman5560 Год назад +19

      @@laurenceBDontYaNo Are you serious ? . It was posted on social media and he apologized ( grovelled ).

    • @kaydewinter3588
      @kaydewinter3588 Год назад +4

      Too true

    • @TheAtheist22
      @TheAtheist22 Год назад +22

      Most "Rafiqs" would make antisemitic comments. No surprise there. The irritating ,beyond what can be tolerated, point, is that they get away with it. Until when I wonder....

  • @DavidA-ps1qr
    @DavidA-ps1qr Год назад +389

    Written by those who loath this society and seek to dismantle it.

  • @johnallen7807
    @johnallen7807 Год назад +182

    Well said Nigel! If this country is really so bad why do the world and his dog want to come and live here?

    • @nancyreid2416
      @nancyreid2416 Год назад

      They dont want to live here,!! they want the whole country , thieves ,

    • @dmg1866
      @dmg1866 Год назад +21

      Yes that says it all. They should leg it to elsewhere ASAP. We don't need them!

    • @colingeddes2172
      @colingeddes2172 Год назад +3

      Cos it suits their narrative and privilleged lifestyle. We have to conform with them! !

    • @johnallen7807
      @johnallen7807 Год назад +6

      @@colingeddes2172 Not me! I vote and stand for ReformUK.

    • @colingeddes2172
      @colingeddes2172 Год назад +2

      @@johnallen7807 so do i but it isnt making any difference thus far is it....

  • @ReekieReels
    @ReekieReels Год назад +79

    Whether it exists or not, the Inquisitor always finds Heresy 😉

    • @sebastianguerre6868
      @sebastianguerre6868 Год назад

      This report is pure racial scapegoating by political activists that hasn't been seen in Europe since the 1930s.

    • @somethingintheair5373
      @somethingintheair5373 Год назад +2

      @steiner554Yep. “The days of the witch hunt are not yet over”

  • @nharwood111
    @nharwood111 Год назад +71

    When small groups of people everywhere get a bit to much power they cant help themselves turning into lunatics.

    • @evolassunglasses4673
      @evolassunglasses4673 Год назад +1


    • @ohdearism
      @ohdearism Год назад

      Do you mean the 7% of the privately educated toffs that land all the best jobs in business, the City and Whitehall? Or is it a different minority of people?

    • @BeobachterofTruth
      @BeobachterofTruth Год назад

      Is that your life story?

    • @nharwood111
      @nharwood111 Год назад

      @@BeobachterofTruth huh

  • @illuminant1129
    @illuminant1129 Год назад +101

    100% Nigel - as is invariably the case.

  • @dazjackson1972
    @dazjackson1972 Год назад +118

    In 50 yrs time Vaughan will be remembered as a fine batsman and accomplished England captain - Rafiq will be remembered as a winging nobody, if that isn't too much of a contradiction.🇬🇧👍

    • @NigelHyphenJones
      @NigelHyphenJones Год назад +2

      No one is going to remember anyone from 50 years ago, only family descendants (maybe)….. only an egotist wants to be remembered after death 💀….. if you talk to a kid now about a player from 50 years ago, he will listen for 1 minute, then carry on looking at his phone and social media posts

    • @kevxsi16v
      @kevxsi16v Год назад +1

      @@NigelHyphenJones yeh can’t argue with that comment really. Pretty accurate and realistic.

    • @dazjackson1972
      @dazjackson1972 Год назад +1

      There will always be a niche of fandom for any sport, that is interested in its history.
      Many fans are only concerned with the current series/season.
      Even more fans find it difficult to tear their eyes away from their phones.

    • @dazjackson1972
      @dazjackson1972 Год назад

      @@dddayesq5061 Absolutely. Michael Vaughan has made a very positive contribution to English cricket.
      Us fans appreciate this, even if some others don't.

  • @imbonkers3629
    @imbonkers3629 Год назад +31

    It’s that rascist cricketers from all over the world to play here 🤔without cricket people apply to come here in there millions every year but I’ve never heard of a immigrant ever asking to leave because the uk is a rascist country 🙈

  • @oliverpearson1577
    @oliverpearson1577 Год назад +177

    Eion Morgan - a white Irish man and ex England white ball captain - delivered a sickening monologue praising the virtues of Islam during test match commentary. Simply grotesque.

    • @rhydyard
      @rhydyard Год назад +31

      Absolutely! ..grotesque is the right word for it..

    • @jameswebb4593
      @jameswebb4593 Год назад +34

      They will be sorry when their and family throats are cut. I wonder if they have any daughters .

    • @richardstokes6827
      @richardstokes6827 Год назад +9

      Bringing this country down and down . With this silly stupidity. For gods sake lets get some common sense back into this marvellous country of ours .envy of the world we used to be.

    • @michealgillman7418
      @michealgillman7418 Год назад

      A bloody laughing stock now...its F- ing embarrassing...Great Britain, don't make me laugh. The great Britain's are the ones turning in their graves! What was it all for...this shower of shit!

    • @sz4128
      @sz4128 Год назад +1

      @@richardstokes6827 you mean the country that went around the world raping and pillaging?

  • @marklynch3149
    @marklynch3149 Год назад +42

    Anything else just isn't cricket 🤣🤣

  • @anglosaxon5874
    @anglosaxon5874 Год назад +47

    Boycott them.

  • @RubyMarkLindMilly
    @RubyMarkLindMilly Год назад +38

    Cricket is absolutely traditional in all it's values and long may they continue

    • @ohdearism
      @ohdearism Год назад

      What are Cricket's values? I thought it was just a bunch of blokes in silly outfits stood in a filed looking bored.

  • @seandelap8587
    @seandelap8587 Год назад +29

    How about cancelling woke entirely

  • @juliasage7923
    @juliasage7923 Год назад +30

    Spot on Nigel

  • @DIEMLtdTV
    @DIEMLtdTV Год назад +22

    I was stuck in the Euston first class lounge last year when all the trains were cancelled. It was the hottest day of the year and Avanti let a class of school children into the lounge for the air con.
    Michael Vaughan was there randomly and a schoolboy pointed him out. Vaughan could not have been more charming and friendly towards to the class and the had a big team photo together.
    Thankfully down at our local cricket club they advertise when the bar is open alongside the match. Social events keep these sporting clubs going and the club has adult teams for men and women and a thriving boys and mixed children’s teams.

  • @ralphheming1461
    @ralphheming1461 Год назад +62

    Our forefathers must be turning in their Graves, it's time for true Brits to show what we are made of !!!!

    • @ohdearism
      @ohdearism Год назад +1

      What do you mean by that specifically?

    • @ange1098
      @ange1098 Год назад

      Not many left , main reason why it’s been so easy to infiltrate from within and destroy our heritage and culture.
      Some call it the kalergi Plan.

    • @BeobachterofTruth
      @BeobachterofTruth Год назад

      Yes! We complain. We winge. We moan. We are built for it, and even though most don't know their real forefathers, you can't even get a decent cup of tea abroad.

  • @jacquelinegrafton3906
    @jacquelinegrafton3906 Год назад +17

    Nigel thank god for you

  • @simong7539
    @simong7539 Год назад +21

    Standard playbook tactics from a certain demographic.

    • @esm7708
      @esm7708 Год назад

      What? Women?

  • @AllenORourke1954
    @AllenORourke1954 Год назад +64

    I was involved in amateur cricket for many years and yes there was a drink culture after the game. the home captain bought the away captain a pint then off we went talking about the game quaffing pint after pint, this included the Asian origin lads who's religion forbids it, it's what club cricket is all about, playing gods game for 5 or 6 hours and socialising afterwards...

    • @kaydewinter3588
      @kaydewinter3588 Год назад +8

      Well said sir

    • @dovetonsturdee7033
      @dovetonsturdee7033 Год назад +5

      I agree. My experience was much the same, although I never aspired to the captaincy. Having a drink with the fast bowler who had spent the previous few hours trying to knock my head off was part of the charm!

    • @DavidA-ps1qr
      @DavidA-ps1qr Год назад +3

      As a Sunday League umpire you've summed it up perfectly. I loved it afterwards when a batsman told me he wasn't out. I used to say, "look in the score-book, and I think you'll find you were" 😄

    • @johnsidwell2241
      @johnsidwell2241 Год назад +2

      Used to play in a team of West Indian bus drivers,I was the white honky as the only white man in the team and they were a bunch of black bas***ds,it was called banter and we laughed and joked together on and off the pitch and when we all got pissed after the game that was the greatest of times,boy did they like a drop of rum

    • @BeobachterofTruth
      @BeobachterofTruth Год назад

      A fairytale....

  • @kfckillie1
    @kfckillie1 Год назад +51

    If we start with us all being racist sexist and all the ist then I am happy with that....🙈🙉🙊🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🇮🇪🇬🇧

    • @ohdearism
      @ohdearism Год назад

      You're happy being called racist or sexist? Why?

    • @kfckillie1
      @kfckillie1 Год назад

      @@ohdearism on please go away...🙈🙉🙊😵‍💫

  • @terrortorn
    @terrortorn Год назад +25

    Just ignore them, carry on with your support, carry on putting your money in, that'll teach them. Force the new behaviour on the populace and don't react. Good idea Nigel.

    • @dovetonsturdee7033
      @dovetonsturdee7033 Год назад

      When the ECB start introducing measures that alienate most people who actually participate in grass roots cricket, that will not be easy to do.

  • @iandavis1723
    @iandavis1723 Год назад +14

    Of course they are going after Cricket. It's a traditional game played in backwaters and the countryside is absolutely abhorrent to those that hate this country.

  • @777colin1
    @777colin1 Год назад +37

    Well said Nigel. I grew up on cricket and now having spent many years in Australia, the Ashes are the lifeblood of the game.

  • @AnthonyGuy-z7u
    @AnthonyGuy-z7u Год назад +21

    Exactly Mr Farage. God bless the British. I love you lot.

    • @desolateones
      @desolateones Год назад

      This is about England cricket not the British....

  • @markmelvin299
    @markmelvin299 Год назад +35

    Thanks Nigel. 100% agree. Too many things to comment on but the drinking thing and ham sandwiches at tea are ridiculously enough big reasons why my club in particular questioned playing certain clubs. The guys were great (and usually beat the bejesus out of us) but after 7 hours of cut and thrust, reliving the events with everyone (and this is what happens after a game, both sides get together to banter and laugh at one another's inadequacies as opposed their skills) over a glass of orange squash just doesn't cut it. We had a side give us a suggested menu for afternoon tea. Bloody ridiculous. The tea volunteers (men and mostly women) told us where to shove it. The fixture was the one that suffered. This presumably is racist. Well balls to that.
    When I lived and played in Bermuda I was often the only white face and was given a real roasting. 'Whitey', "White mother***', 'Boycott" even -- now that one hurt. Umpires would constantly give you out LBW. Some from my own team would deliberately try to run me out. What about the racism faced by we white faces (incidentally I am not 100% but so what if I was)? As for the sexism, that one made me choke as it was the ladies who were constantly chasing the cricketing guys, particularly if they were any good (so I was safe most of the time). One particular guy I played with was top standard and girls used to chase him so they could have a baby with him. This is actually fairly normal in Bermuda even now. The guys get called 'Foreign Ambassadors' as there are 9 different parishes. So don't give me sexism, that one is tough to take!
    And as for the rest.... I will stop here and just say Nigel you had it bang on mate. Come on England!!!

    • @wicksp335
      @wicksp335 Год назад

      "Boycott"!! That's brutal!!🤣

    • @BeobachterofTruth
      @BeobachterofTruth Год назад

      Always nice to hear from an alcoholic and drunkard.

  • @richardwalker6077
    @richardwalker6077 Год назад +23

    Can’t wait for people to start sorting all this crap out and bring all these idiots down. Sooner the better before it’s to late.

  • @JoeBlowUK
    @JoeBlowUK Год назад +7

    A player, especially in cricket, who is batting or whose chief skill is in batting.
    So, a woman who is batting is still a batsman.

  • @daisyrosario3438
    @daisyrosario3438 Год назад +61

    We are being forced to do these people's bidding because of their inferiority complexes!
    It's utterly appalling!
    Just saying...

    • @rostik1685
      @rostik1685 Год назад +5

      You are not FORCED to do anybody's bidding. Become an anti-woke activist and take the fight to those people who would deny you everything that you hold dear!

    • @derekcable
      @derekcable Год назад

      ​@@patriot1066You can't and if you did you'll be cancelled.

  • @granvillestout2681
    @granvillestout2681 Год назад +7

    Batter is something that covers my fish when I have fish and chips.

  • @d00mg1rl
    @d00mg1rl Год назад +10

    It's BS, that's what it's about. Stop pandering to it.

  • @mgocan6593
    @mgocan6593 Год назад +7

    More of the same propaganda, utter nonsense.

  • @bushwhackeddos.2703
    @bushwhackeddos.2703 Год назад +20

    We cannot continue to live like this.

  • @keegan773
    @keegan773 Год назад +22

    You have to understand that racism is an industry.
    Those involved in this industry have to find racism to remain relevant.
    The sadness is that their victims are then made to humiliate themselves by making a grovelling apology.
    It’s time people stood up and told them to sod off.

    • @johnturner1073
      @johnturner1073 Год назад +2

      As someone cleverly observed on another forum, if you pay a ghost hunter to investigate an allegedly haunted house, they will always, always, report supernatural activity - even though ghosts do not exist (again, allegedly, but you get the point).

  • @j3m638
    @j3m638 Год назад +6

    Well this is sure to unite more of us & all thanks to the snowflake cry babies.

  • @colinmelling6369
    @colinmelling6369 Год назад +13

    Let’s hope the game stays healthy but than can only happen if the wokies keep there noses out . But this bunch of self haters won’t.

  • @vevey75
    @vevey75 Год назад +9

    How dare they blame the barmy army they bring the atmosphere travelling all around the world to support the England cricket team (which has diversity). This obsession to equalise pay is frankly misguided when the mens game is of a different level and interest. Its about getting the players not ticking a socia economic diversity box. More needs to be done to encourage cricket in state schools. Scrap the hundred atleast for mens cricket as we already have vitality blast and plenty of tournaments in sub continent and Australia. Sample was only 4K most of those do not like cricket or have had bad experiences. You could say them same about most professional sport you need support and links to get trials whether that be a scout or club player who recommends you. The facts are unless you play for a cricket club or go to a private school you are less likely to get a contract or represent your county.

  • @christopherjensen5007
    @christopherjensen5007 Год назад +7

    I'm an expat and I voted for Nigel. This has made my day! Well done Mr Farage and the excellent GB News team. The power of the people!!!

    • @BeobachterofTruth
      @BeobachterofTruth Год назад

      More like a cow pat....

    • @remoanersrknts6736
      @remoanersrknts6736 Год назад

      I smell a Loser! 😂

    • @BeobachterofTruth
      @BeobachterofTruth Год назад

      @@remoanersrknts6736 Think of others and try using a deodorant.

    • @remoanersrknts6736
      @remoanersrknts6736 Год назад

      Your stench of Bullshit is overwhelming.
      Do us all a favour and stop posting on RUclips, there's a good chap! 👍

  • @MrLees-oq8wb
    @MrLees-oq8wb Год назад +7

    Batter, 3rd region, nighthawk and left arm leg spin bowler.
    They are taking bars out of the clubhouses in Lancashire and replacing them with prayer rooms.

  • @vMaxHeadroom
    @vMaxHeadroom Год назад +7

    Well and trully said Nigel! As an immigrant who utterley loves this country, I cannot believe how these wretched people seem to hate thier own country and are now the ones dividing by race, gender and identity, something I thought would never come from those that claim to be liberals! I so hope people of this great country wake up before it is to late!

  • @elizabethdalton9356
    @elizabethdalton9356 Год назад +6

    Vote Reform they will stop this nonsense

  • @julianp4787
    @julianp4787 Год назад +8

    One of the best speakers in our generation !!
    Amazing chap !
    Thank you :)

    • @timcomley5948
      @timcomley5948 Год назад


    • @julianp4787
      @julianp4787 Год назад

      @@timcomley5948 I'm confident that my response was grammatically correct thank you !

  • @joeswinny7686
    @joeswinny7686 Год назад +6

    All this crap they keep coming up with these days is from a small minority of gruesome weirdo's that need to be ousted permanently. I feel sorry for the young growing up in this sick world we live in.

  • @MaryBrownIsTheBlairWitch
    @MaryBrownIsTheBlairWitch Год назад +39

    If being the minority bothers them, why not move someplace they're not? This country's fiscal generosity aside, why...?

    • @Muckylittleme
      @Muckylittleme Год назад

      They aren't a minority in most major cities across Europe, the native white populations are.
      Meanwhile African and Asian countries celebrate their racial homogeneity and we are told we must celebrate it too, "African history month" for example, but we must denigrate and rewrite our own history despite the fact we built the civilisation that the world wants to flee to but then protest and actively work against what made it great.

    • @Muckylittleme
      @Muckylittleme Год назад

      @@Vegelen Imagine.

  • @johnblack9037
    @johnblack9037 Год назад +5

    Everything is Racist isn’t it!😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @classicraceruk1337
    @classicraceruk1337 Год назад +7

    I reckon the Barmy Army shattered Australian fast bowler Johnson, brilliant. The chant for him was hilarious….

  • @richardhaughton4303
    @richardhaughton4303 Год назад +8

    Well said 😊

  • @DAZ28111
    @DAZ28111 Год назад +4

    Yeah, Batter nice with fish and chips 😂

  • @css7765
    @css7765 Год назад +5

    Congratulations Mr. F. You made my year winning that award! So deserved by you.

  • @philipwilkes2780
    @philipwilkes2780 Год назад +20

    Excellent Nigel, keep up the great work.

  • @SirJimmySavileOBEKCSG
    @SirJimmySavileOBEKCSG Год назад +8

    Get me in charge, Jim'll Fix It!

    • @stuzo666
      @stuzo666 Год назад +1

      Ows about that then..

    • @stuzo666
      @stuzo666 Год назад

      @@Vegelen lol..want to see my puppies..another JS classic

  • @nigelseymour4850
    @nigelseymour4850 Год назад +3

    We are coming to the end of the Gentleman's game . NF has, as always, got it right...was the report created by black folk only???

  • @tocarules
    @tocarules Год назад +3

    You'd think they'd love Cricket. Eat ze bugs.

  • @MrDunkycraig
    @MrDunkycraig Год назад +3

    Its certainly classist but thats been the same for my 50yrs of life. Ive seen plenty of better talented kids not get an opportunity over kids from private schools or sons of ex players

  • @norabarry7694
    @norabarry7694 Год назад +29

    I mean considering us Brits are terribly racist and whatever else is rotten about us it still doesn’t seem to stop everyone and their Grandma coming here

    • @somethingintheair5373
      @somethingintheair5373 Год назад +2

      I don’t actually mind their grandmas. It’s the young men of fighting age that I have a problem with! 😡

  • @ianwilson6876
    @ianwilson6876 Год назад +7

    Well said Nigel

  • @rogerwatt3154
    @rogerwatt3154 Год назад +3

    Excellent summary, Nigel . . . I suspect you're speaking for 99% of us.

  • @derekmassam1755
    @derekmassam1755 Год назад +4

    Spot on again Nigel. I live in Kent and one day i would love to buy you a pint 👍

  • @MrGMawson2438
    @MrGMawson2438 Год назад +6

    Spot on Mr Farage

  • @redknight9740
    @redknight9740 Год назад +4

    More woke nonsense

  • @tyromenobber-fb2ls
    @tyromenobber-fb2ls Год назад +3

    These reports are not worth a damn...already disregarded it.

  • @tanfosbery1153
    @tanfosbery1153 Год назад +6

    When you have an agenda, you can always find evidence to fit it

    • @johnturner1073
      @johnturner1073 Год назад

      As someone cleverly observed on another forum, if you pay a ghost hunter to investigate an allegedly haunted house, they will always, always, report supernatural activity - even though ghosts do not exist (again, allegedly, but you get the point).

  • @axelgs11
    @axelgs11 Год назад +2

    Well done Nigel "Presenter of the Year"......
    Bet some BBC and ITV. ..news readers are suckling the teeth at the moment.🏆🏆🏆

  • @themanftheworld8439
    @themanftheworld8439 Год назад +3

    More wokism.

  • @robthomas2137
    @robthomas2137 Год назад +2

    Spot on Nigel . I played cricket for several decades , and this report sounds nonsensical . Rob Thomas

  • @hairzilla
    @hairzilla Год назад +3

    They hate cricket because its a bastion of Englishness, much of the report is also based on the testimony of that Asian chap who was a proven anti-semite. Can these people just leave our culture alone?

  • @mabbrey
    @mabbrey Год назад +4

    well said Nigel its amazing what's going on

  • @garethwigglesworth8187
    @garethwigglesworth8187 Год назад +3

    Also notice we only hear about global warming in the summer.

  • @ianbaker2599
    @ianbaker2599 Год назад +2

    Which compost heap are all these worms slithering out of? It's like were under siege from all sides.

  • @mikedee1771
    @mikedee1771 Год назад +2

    Perfectly summed up by Nigel Farage.

  • @dazjackson1972
    @dazjackson1972 Год назад +16

    Next they'll be saying Root, Smith & Williamson need to donate some of their runs - to help close the racial run gap.🇬🇧👍

    • @philipalbert3272
      @philipalbert3272 Год назад +1

      Do not joke. That will probably haloen 😂

    • @ishyandmikkischannel8811
      @ishyandmikkischannel8811 Год назад

      Yes, Crawley needs some runs. They need to deduct all the runs from that Usman Khawaja alcohol refusing Pakistani origin and credit to Crawley instead. Crawley may average only 28 but his average against Pakistan is 80+ . There you go Khawaja! You and your average of 70 for last years trumped. If Khawaja's runs debited and given to Crawley, then Khawaja's average goes to 0, and Crawley's to 75+ Hold my beer Khawaja! Don't you sneak a sip now...

  • @glenismalone1809
    @glenismalone1809 Год назад +2

    What sort of people did they 'survey' I wonder??

  • @needap0078
    @needap0078 Год назад +3

    Big Nigel for PM

  • @davidreece1642
    @davidreece1642 Год назад +3

    Pakistan, India, Windies, any whites in those teams?

    • @onlyme8117
      @onlyme8117 Год назад +1

      Any white grooming gangs over there, are their prisons crammed with white criminals?

  • @assassinsunite3434
    @assassinsunite3434 Год назад +2

    Rafiq has also said anti homosexual comments

  • @ianroyston1065
    @ianroyston1065 Год назад +2

    The country is in a mess and this is the only thing you can think of..

  • @daflondon
    @daflondon Год назад +3
