I hate those types of missions in every game, though - especially when the guide moves at the pace of a fucking snail instead of matching your normal running speed. Assassin's Creed is one of the worst offenders of this. It's just straight up unnecessary. If the devs want to show off the nice city they spent so much time on, they should make it a skippable cutscene. If it's actually any good, we'll do the city exploring on our own.
+Cliff Chao You know what game does them in a way that actually works? Yakuza 0. They never go on for too long, the pace they move (and you follow) at is just right. And most importantly, the dialog is actually worth taking in.
Foodfight was a much better game. And food fight is a shitty AI created hunk of actual garbage. Oh and it’s a movie that came out a dozen years after it was made.
The whole video summed up every dislike I had for it. It’s laughably bad and that’s disappointing. I bought this for my mom on her birthday. She never usually plays games, but there’s a select few she loves. Fallout 4 she didn’t enjoy too much (which I’ll give it the credit of being hit or miss compared to older ones) and now Mass effect was ruined. It really sucks.
brice prueit EA gave the project to Bioware Monteal a tiny inexperienced team which hasn't done fucking anything significant (they did some Sims 3 expansions and ME3 multiplayer).
Never played andromeda, but I think that's part of the game, cause the playable character can fly as well. But I can see why you think its glitched, cause it's completely lacking animation.
... they were thinking they would keep the games consistent, since every other female of that species sounds normal in every other game. it was a joke, not a real criticism
This was really unlike him, none of his usual top notch jokes. He just proclaimed it garbage, and then supported his claim with evidence. You know he must have been pissed.
One thing to keep in mind is that the studio that made all the Bioware games we love (Kotor, ME1 & 2, DA:0), doesn't exist anymore. Dragon Age 2 was the breaking point for the studio. EA pressured them to release the game in an incredibly short window, and it caused the majority of the senior development team to leave. This is Bioware in name only, with little of the team that made the previous games.This new team took a great IP, tried their best, but ultimately dropped the ball, due in no small part to EA also rushing them. What irks me the most is that this didn't need to be a Mass Effect game. Nothing from the original trilogy plays a central role in the game. This could have been a totally separate game, and it would have been received much better because it wouldn't have to be compared to three good games.
Drew Lundgren Alright ow this is bullshit. Mass effect isn't just shepards story, it's a beautifully crafted and designed universe with all its species and it's technology. So yes it had to be a mass effect game, because part of why I loved Mass effect in the first place was said universe. So after the OT I wanted a new story in the same universe. And though I feel a tiny bit less bad than dunkey about it, it's needless to say that Bioware took a brilliantly prepared canvas and basically did their best to fuck it up.
Considering they were basically sold as sex toys to EA by the former BW heads, i'm surprised it took as long as it did for them to march out. I really wish the old team would get together and write something new, something out of this world, just like they used to do.
Drew Lundgren They had 5 years to develop a game that would take any experienced studio half the time. They wanted more time but EA pretty much said to them "We gave you half a damn decade!!!" This is what happens when you assign a studio full of inexperience people to develop a game.
0:59 "Default female character's face has been mathematically perfected by a team of elite genetic scientists to be the dumbest fucking face achievable by humankind." I can't breathe from laughing too hard.
Well, shit! I died, too, when I heard that line. Mass Effect? Why not call it Flat Affect? Because there's no inflection or semblance of personality anywhere in the voice acting. They might as well have had robots do the voice acting.
When it got to the part where Dunkey said "try to picture how this dinosaur guy speaks" I thought "okay, usually I'd think it would be a gravelly, deep voice, so if Andromeda messed up then it's probably like a squeaky, cartoony voice" and let me tell you, the actual voice was somehow *even more disappointing than I actually expected*
i mean, the only other aliens they have met are actively trying to genocide their whole species. so yeah, the first time you go to their capital city they don't want you messing with their shit. you get to come back later and walk around wherever you want.
@@divinecomedian2 the Japanese dub was pretty good, but using a fake British accent for an American girl was about the dumbest thing they could have done for the English dub lol
Actually he once made a video about how bad the last of us is, but later made a second video saying he made a misjudgement. Not saying andromeda is good, I've never played it, but dunkey's word is not the word of god, as I originally thought.
Проба Пример He didn't say the last of us was bad, just that some parts of it are annoying (which is true). He then retracted that statement when he played it on a harder difficulty. ME: Andromeda he's outright saying is a garbage game (because it is).
Literally every single one of his criticisms are 100% true, and one that is absolutely infuriating for me is the system of switching between skill sets which is utterly broken, and how they handle menus. The gameplay itself is a lot of fun, but the exploring aspect and the characters are SIGNIFICANTLY lacking. This is ignoring the facial animations, which I bypass by having Ryder with an always on helmet and just reading the subtitles and skipping the dialogue. It's a really shitty way of dealing with it, but the gameplay is fun. The biggest issue is that, running around the Citadel in the originals never felt like a gigantic chore, but running around the Nexus or any non-combat area is so fucking dull. I enjoy the game a lot because it's fun to play, but the story is terrible, the characters are weak and there are just so many bugs, glitches and shitty design decisions.
Alright, I agree with almost everything, but the voice-acting thing is bs. There are a lot of awesome voice acting across every kind of media made by unknown people. The Boss from MGS3 is one of the finest examples. PERFECT voice acting. What was her job before MGS3? Yep, "Random Girl" in Family Guy. Of course that was not the case for any character in this fecal videogame.
There are tons of great voice actors in Mass Effect 2 that aren't superstar actors, Michael Beattie as Mordin Solus and Brandon Keener as Garus are probably the standout performances from that game. Most of the best voice acting performances in games are by relatively unknown actors, but casting well known movie actors can be a really effective way to legitimize video game characters. Especially in a game like Mass Effect where you're introduced to so many characters.
Just goes to show how insanely good ME2 was, the voice acting in that game was SO amazing, oh my. The Illusive Man is still one of my favorite villains, Sheen was just perfect for that.
Exactly. And they took him back to do what? To write for that fucking MMORPG they have. I just don't understand why people in Bioware did anything they've done. The doctors are gone one by one. They dismantled the team that have made the best games in the company. It's like EA hates success. Just pay the people who made good for shit for you and swim in fucking money.
I agree. I think the reasoning might be that female krogans in Andromeda don’t have to worry about the genophage and perhaps thats why their attire looks the way it does in ME3. But the cure didn’t happen until after they left the milky way so I dont know
@@DantesInferno96 In body bags, sure, but you never see them. Bakara is the only female we meet. Ever. And OP said ME3 anyway, so even if you'd been right it still wouldn't have been relevant.
@@xyex it is relevant because there's not much difference between me2 and me3 from a technical standpoint. Also, you do see some Krogan females near the shaman guy who conducts rituals on Tuchanka. But you're forbidden from talking to them until you complete the trials with Grunt. Krogan females aren't warriors so they aren't on the front lines.
Not Original i haven't even played Mass Effect and his voice and quotes are awesome. he's the only other person i've ever heard of that sounds like Kevin Conroy's Batman it's fantastic
Dunkey, not sure if you read all of these, but I've been watching your videos for a while. Your planning, your delivery, your timing is all second to none. It is comic genius of its own brand. It's not just satire, or buffoonery, it varies from video to video, and and in context always delivers something fresh. Your ability to maintain this consistently is simply amazing - where many channels have their 2-3 things that they do well, you have been able to show great diversity without sacrificing quality. On top of delivering actual genuine laughs (rather than just keeping me entertained silently), you also deliver valid criticism and commentary that comes from an honest and unfiltered place. Keep up the great work!
“Follow closely. Do not try to explore the city or interact with anyone.” The fact that someone got paid to write this and another person got paid to voice this line is just hilarious in an “RPG”.
I always like to pretend that ME:Andromeda is some kind of bad movie in ME universe where Shepard and Garrus chill out on Citadel while watching it and making fun of it after Reapers are gone. 😎
I still disagree with dunkey's point about the voice actors, giving new talent a chance isn't necessarily a bad idea just like how film actors in games isn't necessarily a good idea (remember Call of Duty...?) But yeah the vocal performances are very subpar.
Her name Eve was given to her by Mordin. In truth her name was something else that I'm forgetting. Lol she was a female Shaman. Shamans discard their names.
Step 1: You see the Ad; Step 2: buy the game; Step 3: go back to dunkey's video and watch it; Final Step: starts thinking about your acts and begins to do self-harm, proceeding to live a meaningless life
Hispanic Cuckslayer and Sjw flayer but EA did the backing and financial support to this IP. Sure they didn't make it but they want us to pay DLC and microtransactions on the co-op and multiplayer.
I was an enormous mass effect fan. It was the first series that really caught me and made me see what video games could be. Anyways this game really hurt my feelings.
Cheesethegoldensword He asked the bartender for two drinks, "extra quick." The humor came from the fact that she put the drinks on the table before he finished asking for them and that she looked excited and silly while doing so. Ky Cai said that they "laughed *way too hard* at that," which indicates that they found the joke only a little funny.
I agree with everything except the voice actor recognizability. I think a voice actor should really only be judged based off their talent and ability to play their character well.
Something the OG trilogy had that andromeda couldn't really do is have a slew of famous scifi actors I the voice cast. You got Claudia Black, the Canadian dude fm Stargate, ol mate "I'm not a merry man" fm Star Trek. Since a lot of them were already cast in 1, 2 and 3 there wasn't really a chance to grab more for Andromeda to give the world some gravitas
Even today I still like Oblivion's NPC's altough they're not the best. I preferred them to Skyrim actually, because they actually acknowledge things about you. "You are the grand champion!". And God do I miss the Dark Brotherhood questline. I'm glad the Dark Brotherhood exists in Skyrim, but the best questline will always be Oblivion's Dark Brotherhood questline.
TheGuardian163, Oblivion in general seems to be so much more full of life than Skyrim. The questing in general is so much more enjoyable and diverse, though I use the term without full conviction. Even to this day Oblivion is still my preferred Elder Scrolls game, the only thing it really falls short of is polish and combat, otherwise the rest surpasses Skyrim with flying colours. The soundtrack I don't believe is up for debate, Jeremy Soule does a wonderful job with whatever he is given.
TheGuardian163 Oblivian's quest lines all felt more open ended like you could do them the way you wanted to. Skyrim felt way more linear. That's why I got bored of it.
MMA, Agreed, though it's hard to word what it is exactly that gives that vibe, it's very evident in the way Oblivion is designed. Lately, Bethesda's just pushing games out that offer no actual choices or real dynamic in questing. The Radiant AI/Quest system is a gimmick, mainly because it recycles, which does reinvigorate old dungeons but yeah, nothing spectacular. Oblivion just seems like a rich and vibrant world waiting to be discovered. I've pumped hundreds if not thousands of hours into it, and I'm still finding new stuff. As old as Oblivion may be, it really is a vast yet dense world, beaming with colour and sound, quite the opposite of both it's successor, and it's predecessor. I literally cannot bring myself to uninstall it. Morrowind, yeah, sure. Skyrim? Haven't cared to play it since 2014. But Oblivion? I refuse to give it up.
When it comes to the female faces, it wouldn't surprise me. It's sad when I think that the alien with metal plates on her face (Vetra) looks better than any of the human or asari females. The angaran females look like someone was trying to redo the quarians from scratch. While being blindfolded.
Jesus fuck no. This is just dumb message board bullshit. They fucked up the faces because they didn't know what they were doing, didn't have the oversight they should have, and because someone desperately mismanaged the project.
Guys, didn't you know? Half the original team left Bioware after Mass Effect 3. The people who made Andromeda are almost entirely those who made the ME3 Multiplayer.
Biofan: "If you just ignore all the flaws the game is fun." Yeah I might also be able to enjoy watching paint dry if I just flip my "standards" switch to "off".
MrZurata it was first contact with an Alien Species. if an Alien Species came down to earth after we were attacked by a different alien species, you wouldn't want this new alien to just run around and fuck with everyone. You hadn't earned their trust and you were something they never saw before. how about you at least think before commenting. the majority of this video is taken out of context. not gonna lie Sara and some of the animations and bugs are bad. not much else
This game was one of the very few games I just stopped playing. You nailed everything. The characters just weren't there, my character didn't feel like _me_ and I could give less of a shit about anything happening. It honestly depresses me.
I gave up right after you find out the Kett are turning Angarans into Kett. They try to pull on your heartstrings....but we don't give two fucking shit about the boring ass Angarans. The Angarans are easily the most dull species in all of Mass Effect. Fuck having a cool new species for a new galaxy right? Back to the bullshit heartstring yanking, we don't give a shit about Kett turning Angarans. WE'VE ALREADY SEEN THIS SAME SHIT. Except then it was the Reapers turning entire species into hideous monstrosities....so when this reveal came in Andromeda I could not have cared less. God the people who made this game sucked....
MUDA Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda MUUUUUUUDA!!!!!
I have theories on why the game dev market is so screwed up at the moment. It's probably a bit divisive, so I'll leave out the particulars, but it's a mix of: profit first, employment practices, and listening to the loudest people who don't play games.
You know shits getting real when Dunkey spells his name right at the end of the video
he was legit mad at this game
i think he liked it
It's the end of the world i tell ya!
ragnell999 holy shit
omfg thats duper
“Follow me, and don’t try to explore the city or interact with anyone”
Literally the game telling you not to play the game
It’s probably good. They told you not to play this piece of trash. Thank that guy!
Context. I don't doubt that even after one year you will still spew bullshit misinformation regarding this game.
Raoul This is a trash game what the fuck are you on
It's not like there's anything to be gained from talking to people. Who do you think made this game? Obsidian?!... I miss KOTOR II
@@Spumoon Obsidian ain't too hot either now man. Outer Worlds was just okay. CDPR probably has the best dialogue now.
I think they really pissed Dunk off!
Maybe because they shot him in the FACE!
Oh man, I wish more people like you existed, this shit was hilarious
SonofKiernan XD
*Hits Seinfeld theme*
SonofKiernan I think dunk was very excited for this game..and it failed miserably
Still, you've gotta give it credit for being the first triple A title to be developed entirely using Gmod.
Gmod is more impressive. For example facial expressions
@@Valkyries733 unironcially tho, I've seen some smooth ass Gmod animations that rival movies
@@joaosoares3161 can they rival Pixar animation?
@@paperluigi6132 homie relax we're talking about gmod here
@@joaosoares3161 that rival movies, really? They can be okay but I think that's stretching it a bit haha
I got this game for free. So I sold it to Gamestop for five bucks and bought some batteries
Good job
@De1n3n Kr4ftTr4um not 1 year ago
If anything, it can make an okay coaster or a frisbee.
“My father is dead”
@@Vastolorde71 But in her mind its more like :P
"Oh, I'm sorry"
777 likes lol time to ruin that heh
@@Djindas why not?
"Do not try to explore the city or interact with anyone." - Space Igor
Quality RPG
That literally lasts for the three minutes it takes to follow her to their leader.
It's part of the story. Y'all are just looking for stuff to complain about.
I hate those types of missions in every game, though - especially when the guide moves at the pace of a fucking snail instead of matching your normal running speed.
Assassin's Creed is one of the worst offenders of this. It's just straight up unnecessary.
If the devs want to show off the nice city they spent so much time on, they should make it a skippable cutscene. If it's actually any good, we'll do the city exploring on our own.
+Cliff Chao You know what game does them in a way that actually works? Yakuza 0. They never go on for too long, the pace they move (and you follow) at is just right. And most importantly, the dialog is actually worth taking in.
I fucking died, when I heard this one.
that character is literally the female version of the face that i've always imagined when I see this emoticon - ( :
Its worse than that...
Main character dialog: My father is dead.
Main character expression: 🙂
Wow he didn't even disguised it as sarcasm this time lmao
Gabriel Yo He really didn't like andromeda :O!
His Dunkviews and legit game-shaming are very serious.
It's that bad
dunky vs dunkey who is the real one?
The fact that he compared Mass Effect Andromeda's animation to that of Foodfight's is genius
Foodfight was a much better game. And food fight is a shitty AI created hunk of actual garbage. Oh and it’s a movie that came out a dozen years after it was made.
Ass defect downsyndromeda
Dude, the video glitch exactly when he mentioned “on a technical level”
You know dunkey really hated this game when he just straight up says "fuck this game" at the very end. No score, no joke, just hatred.
You also know he's serious when his video ends with a black screen with the words "more dunkey".
Maybe because good franchise + time + money came out as shit
The whole video summed up every dislike I had for it. It’s laughably bad and that’s disappointing. I bought this for my mom on her birthday. She never usually plays games, but there’s a select few she loves. Fallout 4 she didn’t enjoy too much (which I’ll give it the credit of being hit or miss compared to older ones) and now Mass effect was ruined. It really sucks.
Amroth Knight and he spelled his name right. That's how much of a fuck he doesn't give about them.
This game is 10/10, really makes you feel like a sociopath.
reach for ma it has a little something for everyone
This guy's commentary is 10/10
Makes you feel like Anita Sarkeesian
Makes you feel like batman.
Its not you are nitpicking and biased bye bye i win
It was so bad, he didn't even give it a rating.
That's what makes it really bad lol, doesn't even deserve one.
SteveSpike "Fuck this game."~Donkey, 2017
It didn't deserve the "dunkview" in the title
he gave it a fuck this game
You only rate finished games, it's not fair to rate a game that's so incomplete.
It's pretty fucked up when a multimillion dollar company fucks up so made they made dunkey use his actual title name in the ending of his video
I was thinking the same thing lol
That's how you know he's serious. When the Dunk spells right, he means business.
brice prueit EA gave the project to Bioware Monteal a tiny inexperienced team which hasn't done fucking anything significant (they did some Sims 3 expansions and ME3 multiplayer).
your grammar is fucked up too
You can tell how strongly he feels about this review by the fact that he spelt his name right at the end..... dude is serious...
It was oddly impactful.
Jamblesquack Exactly
No humor is allowed in this video, for it is a somber depressing and sad affair to speak of the tragedy that is Andromeda.
$1000 says that Watchmojo put it in their top 10 for best games of 2017
4/5 it has a little something for everyone.
don’t know why I die everytime I see this comment
@@Gaddafist23 It's hilarious in its own right lmao
no, this game is horrible. You are nitpicking and bias. Bye byee!
8/5 i shit myself
I'm really liking this new lord of the rings game where you play as gollum.
VisiWubz x3 Gollum has emotions...
is this real? what's the name? and do you play as smeagol or as gollum
Annaconda 'tis a joke. It's referring to how ME: Andromeda's main characters look similar to Smeagol/Gollum.
Annaconda If there was a gollum game you would be playing as both, since it's a split personality in the same body.
Honestly I'd rather play a game as gollum
Edit: I take it back
A krogan should not sound like that even if it is female
Exactly. But they had to make the Krogan seem more 'human'. Even though they are not supposed to be human. Such a stupid game lol.
Mass Effect 3 had a female Krogan that sounded just fine. Why couldn't they just use that as an example?
@@Shauny7488 yeah the clan leader. She was a great strong female character.
A krogan with the voice of a salarian
@@Shauny7488 damright(havntplaydlol)
"My fathers dead." *Has massive shit-eating grin.*
I see it more as a sarcastic "No shit, I just said he was dead" way
I see it as a: "Did I fucking stutter bitch?"
Y'all crazy, it's obviously an "I killed him" grin
Kwebblekop in a nutshell
Jaime Lara Exactly. It's more like "Yeah, he... had an accident..."
3:56 I love how he never acknowledges the dude standing in the air, that's just a normal occurrence in this game
Never played andromeda, but I think that's part of the game, cause the playable character can fly as well. But I can see why you think its glitched, cause it's completely lacking animation.
Can't forget the shitshow at 2:40
I happened like 5 times throughout the video
Ya it's the little things he doesn't mention that are so perfect, like having to stand still and hold E for several seconds to open a door
Ryder:My father is dead :)
My face is tired:Alec is dead? :I
Ryder: :)
It's more like 8)
Except... they didn't do the motion capture. Inform yourself.
What for? It's a shitty game not worth digging info about. And if they didn't do the motion capture.... that's even more of a fail.
Patryk Żukowski They can't do mocap. It's would look even worse.
I have an adice for you: take that stick out of your ass.
"That is not what you expected this character to sound like." Had me in stitches with that one, wtf was bioware thinking
... they were thinking they would keep the games consistent, since every other female of that species sounds normal in every other game. it was a joke, not a real criticism
I like your name
@@jynxed66six54 they should've made the games consistent by making a good game
Tbh she didn't sound much different from Eve, the female krogan from mass effect 3.
If Garrus was around, everything would be calibrated
Haha nice one!
I guess he's not in the middle of some calibrations anymore :c
He was busy thinking of some new upgrades.
Well, Garrus is busy getting his combination cloaca/hemipene polished by Femshep, so no, he won't be around anymore.
But little did dunkey know, he was actually playing the future of video games
Those of you curious, This is not a typical Dunkey satire video.
He's being 100% genuine.
but zis is just teh tip of teh iceburg... just wait for his dunkview
*its strange hearin him saying donkey instead of dunkey during intro
It's pretty obvious.
if the game was good, it would have gotten the same treatment as Breath of the Wild.
This was really unlike him, none of his usual top notch jokes. He just proclaimed it garbage, and then supported his claim with evidence. You know he must have been pissed.
"Mass Effect Andromeda is inhuman, unoriginal, and a fundamentally broken game......10/5 it's a mastapeece babyyyyyy"
Craig With a Wig I wouldn't call this satire
More like mass defect
@@hydrochloricacid2146 more like massive shit
Or *Mass Produced Trash
rip kitty0706
mASS effect
Mess defect
One thing to keep in mind is that the studio that made all the Bioware games we love (Kotor, ME1 & 2, DA:0), doesn't exist anymore. Dragon Age 2 was the breaking point for the studio. EA pressured them to release the game in an incredibly short window, and it caused the majority of the senior development team to leave. This is Bioware in name only, with little of the team that made the previous games.This new team took a great IP, tried their best, but ultimately dropped the ball, due in no small part to EA also rushing them.
What irks me the most is that this didn't need to be a Mass Effect game. Nothing from the original trilogy plays a central role in the game. This could have been a totally separate game, and it would have been received much better because it wouldn't have to be compared to three good games.
Drew Lundgren Alright ow this is bullshit. Mass effect isn't just shepards story, it's a beautifully crafted and designed universe with all its species and it's technology. So yes it had to be a mass effect game, because part of why I loved Mass effect in the first place was said universe. So after the OT I wanted a new story in the same universe. And though I feel a tiny bit less bad than dunkey about it, it's needless to say that Bioware took a brilliantly prepared canvas and basically did their best to fuck it up.
Considering they were basically sold as sex toys to EA by the former BW heads, i'm surprised it took as long as it did for them to march out.
I really wish the old team would get together and write something new, something out of this world, just like they used to do.
Drew Lundgren They had 5 years to develop a game that would take any experienced studio half the time. They wanted more time but EA pretty much said to them "We gave you half a damn decade!!!" This is what happens when you assign a studio full of inexperience people to develop a game.
Same story as Bullfrog, Westwood, Maxis and so, so many more.
Drew Lundgren
If this game would not have been named mass effect, it would get bashed even harder.
You know that the game is really bad when dunkey ends with "More Dunkey" instead or something like
"More Dunk effect" or "More Dunkromeda"
Utterly defeated
But what about god of war
He was so blown away he couldn't make a pun
Just check out his Mario 64 video lol he end it with a "more dunkey" too. That shits his favourite game
0:59 "Default female character's face has been mathematically perfected by a team of elite genetic scientists to be the dumbest fucking face achievable by humankind."
I can't breathe from laughing too hard.
The choir sound afterward made it all the better. XD
Consural I literally couldn't breathe after that
Those eyes give me nightmares...
this shit is too funny man i cantt the commentary 😂😂😂😂
+The pancake Boy What about yahtzee?
This is how Bioware dies. Not with a silent whimper, but with a loud Shrek. As the main character. Seriously, she looks like a swamp ogre.
Bioware die when co-founder bioware retired after mass effect 3
A loud, smelly Shrek.
PeeBee is closer to the swamp ogre appearance than Ryder.
my father is dead
made my day
Well, shit! I died, too, when I heard that line. Mass Effect? Why not call it Flat Affect? Because there's no inflection or semblance of personality anywhere in the voice acting. They might as well have had robots do the voice acting.
She was trying not to bust out laughing.
When it got to the part where Dunkey said "try to picture how this dinosaur guy speaks" I thought "okay, usually I'd think it would be a gravelly, deep voice, so if Andromeda messed up then it's probably like a squeaky, cartoony voice" and let me tell you, the actual voice was somehow *even more disappointing than I actually expected*
Yeah, it's not the case of "so bad it's funny". It's the case of just plain bad. Especially since we know what female krogans supposed to sound like.
When he said Metal Gear Survive was worse than this you know he was serious since he absolutely hates this game.
@@coolguy02536 Nope. No diversity hires over there.
@@coolguy02536 wait what
@@coolguy02536 what do you mean? Can you explain why?
@@tfgenobatssasin1788 watch his metal geat survives video
They were paying more attention on sex scenes than anything else.
Which isn't a bad thing in the first place, but y'know.
than why sex scenes suck in this game too
The sex scenes suck in this game to lol.
And they don't even show off any alien dick... So really, what's the point of it all?
This is what happens when you dont have Garrus to calibrate your game.
Any good game needs Garrus Confirmed.
My old team miss me so much when i watch this new piece of garbage
All good games secretly have Garrus hiding behind a door, calibrating things for greatness.
I feel... left out. :(
You know where to find me! ;)
"Follow closely. Do not try to explore the city or interact with anyone"
This is why I play video games
I died
Right after declaring it an "open world" game for no reason..."Do not explore or interact".
That's so broken and backwards.
@@JH-no9sl he spliced it. 99% open world. The angar are cautious with you when you first make contact
@@FuzzyChubbyPurpleUnicorn yeah after playing the game, a lot of this review seems cherrypicked to make the game look terrible
This was during a scripted cutscenes.
This entire review is very misleading
*makes an open world game*
3:45 "Do not try to explore the city or interact with anyone."
i mean, the only other aliens they have met are actively trying to genocide their whole species. so yeah, the first time you go to their capital city they don't want you messing with their shit. you get to come back later and walk around wherever you want.
Johnny Crack that's the first time you get there and their hostile towards you, you get to explore it later.
+Will Segura
Stop apologizing for this atrocity of a game and the disgusting people being it.
Johnny Crack We know. We saw it
This game is literally $15.
And I still cannot bring myself to play it.
I don't think I ever will.
iAmAnonymousTom I played through it 4 times already its very fun and in my opinion the face animations makes it fun to play
Your loss man, the game was great...
This game is not worth of $15.
Just buy it something useful than this shit.
I got this game as a present I laughed my ass off from the horrendous writing and face animation gonna sell it soon
Good decision. Don't.
you know your animation is bad when VRChat is more expressive
you arent even wrong
Honestly how tf can someone fuck up a game that bad
These games are why Nintendo is terrified to voice link
Well excuuuuse me, princess!
@@LargenirGK keke
Shouldn't have voiced any of the characters in BotW... Damn that was bad!
@@divinecomedian2 the Japanese dub was pretty good, but using a fake British accent for an American girl was about the dumbest thing they could have done for the English dub lol
They're nightmare fuel. So awful.
When Dunkey says "fuck this game" in a serious tone, you know it's bad.
Actually he once made a video about how bad the last of us is, but later made a second video saying he made a misjudgement. Not saying andromeda is good, I've never played it, but dunkey's word is not the word of god, as I originally thought.
+Проба Пример
Legitimate Criticism = Shit talking apparently
Проба Пример He didn't say the last of us was bad, just that some parts of it are annoying (which is true). He then retracted that statement when he played it on a harder difficulty. ME: Andromeda he's outright saying is a garbage game (because it is).
Do you have the video of him saying The Last Of Us was a bad game ??
Literally every single one of his criticisms are 100% true, and one that is absolutely infuriating for me is the system of switching between skill sets which is utterly broken, and how they handle menus.
The gameplay itself is a lot of fun, but the exploring aspect and the characters are SIGNIFICANTLY lacking. This is ignoring the facial animations, which I bypass by having Ryder with an always on helmet and just reading the subtitles and skipping the dialogue.
It's a really shitty way of dealing with it, but the gameplay is fun. The biggest issue is that, running around the Citadel in the originals never felt like a gigantic chore, but running around the Nexus or any non-combat area is so fucking dull.
I enjoy the game a lot because it's fun to play, but the story is terrible, the characters are weak and there are just so many bugs, glitches and shitty design decisions.
Alright, I agree with almost everything, but the voice-acting thing is bs. There are a lot of awesome voice acting across every kind of media made by unknown people.
The Boss from MGS3 is one of the finest examples. PERFECT voice acting. What was her job before MGS3? Yep, "Random Girl" in Family Guy.
Of course that was not the case for any character in this fecal videogame.
There are tons of great voice actors in Mass Effect 2 that aren't superstar actors, Michael Beattie as Mordin Solus and Brandon Keener as Garus are probably the standout performances from that game. Most of the best voice acting performances in games are by relatively unknown actors, but casting well known movie actors can be a really effective way to legitimize video game characters. Especially in a game like Mass Effect where you're introduced to so many characters.
videogamedunkey wtf no likes and dunkey replies gg
Luis Andion my name Jeff
She voices Pearl in Spongebob Squarepants
videogamedunkey wow dunkey
Oh my god, what's wrong with her FAAAAACCE? 😭
would anybody like a redlettermedia reference email me at this webspace if you want a redlettermedia reference i have 4 left
pizza rolls
She must've kneeled before monster mash and pledged her allegiance to the graveyard smash.
It's just tired
Is Dunky replacing Rich?
Just goes to show how insanely good ME2 was, the voice acting in that game was SO amazing, oh my. The Illusive Man is still one of my favorite villains, Sheen was just perfect for that.
I'm Commander Shepard and this is my least favourite piece on the Citadel.
Important comment
Just gotta remember... after ME2, most of the talent left bioware. ME3 took the last guy with some vision out of bioware.
lazersify Mass Effect was doomed after Drew Karpynshyn left
Exactly. And they took him back to do what? To write for that fucking MMORPG they have. I just don't understand why people in Bioware did anything they've done. The doctors are gone one by one. They dismantled the team that have made the best games in the company. It's like EA hates success. Just pay the people who made good for shit for you and swim in fucking money.
NightWatch707 ea should just stick to their yearly sports game recycling.
Mass Effect 3 had a DLC that changed the ending that nobody liked. Mass Effect Andromeda is going to need a DLC that changes the whole game
So, like, a sequel?
Jan M no, no sequel. This game just needs to rot in video game Hell
Trenton Boyett Have you played the game? I am enjoying the game despite all the negative reviews
More like Ass Deffect.
Nakmor Kesh is a female right? I thought she looked more like a male simply because what she's wearing didn't resemble the females from ME3.
I agree. I think the reasoning might be that female krogans in Andromeda don’t have to worry about the genophage and perhaps thats why their attire looks the way it does in ME3. But the cure didn’t happen until after they left the milky way so I dont know
"Females" from ME3? You mean the single one we saw? Ever? JFC. 🤦♂️
@@xyex there were more females in me2.
@@DantesInferno96 In body bags, sure, but you never see them. Bakara is the only female we meet. Ever. And OP said ME3 anyway, so even if you'd been right it still wouldn't have been relevant.
@@xyex it is relevant because there's not much difference between me2 and me3 from a technical standpoint. Also, you do see some Krogan females near the shaman guy who conducts rituals on Tuchanka. But you're forbidden from talking to them until you complete the trials with Grunt. Krogan females aren't warriors so they aren't on the front lines.
its like a unwanted female nick cage
Lol replying to a 7 month old comment
Take an chill pill
Hazel Heyimgaylimbaten
pot, kettle.
hey, at least Nic Cage is expressive
RIP bioware
who are you
Who are you
@@flup1303 that's what im sayin
@@prod_luutt7721 Who are who you, are you who, you are who are you?
@@flup1303 who are who you are who who are are you who who are who you?
Mark Meer really makes you *feel* like a leader.
Not Original
i haven't even played Mass Effect and his voice and quotes are awesome. he's the only other person i've ever heard of that sounds like Kevin Conroy's Batman it's fantastic
Agreed, Kevin Conroy and especially Mark Hamill’s chemistry really elevated the Arkham series.
"We'll bang ok?" Such an unforgettable line.
Don’t forget about my girl Jennifer Hale. Her voice acting for Female Shepard was just impeccable.
FemShep's voice acting in the original trilogy was iconic. This makes Ryder's acting even more of a travesty.
Jennifer Hale is a goddamn national treasure
@@mkultra2456 That's cool and all, but I don't remember asking
@@mkultra2456 So does your mom lmao
@@mkultra2456 Yeah a treasure chest full of shit
@@halfmettlealchemist8076 National Treasure for voice acting for a game? Man you manginas try to put women in pedestals for the most average things.
Dunkey, not sure if you read all of these, but I've been watching your videos for a while. Your planning, your delivery, your timing is all second to none. It is comic genius of its own brand. It's not just satire, or buffoonery, it varies from video to video, and and in context always delivers something fresh. Your ability to maintain this consistently is simply amazing - where many channels have their 2-3 things that they do well, you have been able to show great diversity without sacrificing quality.
On top of delivering actual genuine laughs (rather than just keeping me entertained silently), you also deliver valid criticism and commentary that comes from an honest and unfiltered place.
Keep up the great work!
Every time i watch a dunkey vid im like "oh ya this is why i subbed." But its EVERY video.
I'll add a comment so that maybe your comment gets more popular and he might see it. Also, I totally agree with everything you wrote!
Dunkey is funkey!!
The only complain I could possibly form is I wish I could watch our videos for longer and more often, and even then I'm grasping at straws.
246trinitrotoluene absolutely agree
“Follow closely. Do not try to explore the city or interact with anyone.”
The fact that someone got paid to write this and another person got paid to voice this line is just hilarious in an “RPG”.
Welcome to *finger guns* modern gaming :D
I always like to pretend that ME:Andromeda is some kind of bad movie in ME universe where Shepard and Garrus chill out on Citadel while watching it and making fun of it after Reapers are gone. 😎
Thinking about it in that context does make it more bearable
that's actually a cute and genius idea
Tali and Shepard watched it for Netflix and Chill night
Was waiting at the end for a 0/5 or even a 1/5
"fuck this game"
Ryder was sssuuccchhhh a step down from femshep in voice actors
Syd Norton a step? More like two flights of fucking stairs
Just a step? More like a death drop straight to the bottom.
drop to the cliff
Jennifer Hale was awesome as femshep.
I still disagree with dunkey's point about the voice actors, giving new talent a chance isn't necessarily a bad idea just like how film actors in games isn't necessarily a good idea (remember Call of Duty...?) But yeah the vocal performances are very subpar.
Even after a year and a half with more than 15 updates the game is still g a r b a g e
And the faces still look trash.
How about now?
Yeah how about now
@@mohamedloulidi903 thanks for renforceing me mohamed
@@nikimilky Well, now EA and Bioware are trying to pretend that Anthem is salvageable.
Most honest review ever. Subscribed.
Vandalgia Took the words right out of my mouth XD
That's the way dunkey rolls mah friend
I say we catch it
Was letting him know u subbed necessary? Not like he only has a couple dozen subs. It's another drop in the bucket for him.
Vandalgia The elusive white knight of the comment sections. Must protect strangers from letters on a screen. You're doing the overlord's work,mate.
“I’m fragile, but I’m not that fragile.” -Sarah Ryder
The female Krogan from ME3 had such a good voice.
I still miss Mordan
eva was a robot and theres no character named mordan wtf
@@qwefhj3011 Mordin?
@@aerohydra3849 ikr
Her name Eve was given to her by Mordin. In truth her name was something else that I'm forgetting. Lol she was a female Shaman. Shamans discard their names.
Thanks, I played this game a long time ago with a friend.
Drunk nevertheless
"My father's dead."
The Mass Effect Andromeda Ad just before the start of the video... ::Kisses fingers:: Magnificent!
Step 1: You see the Ad;
Step 2: buy the game;
Step 3: go back to dunkey's video and watch it;
Final Step: starts thinking about your acts and begins to do self-harm, proceeding to live a meaningless life
The only thing better is the baked in Kinect Ad on the Two Best Friends video shitting on the kinect.
"follow closely , do not try to explore the city or interact with anyone"
This is why I play video games.
Literally where I stopped playing
I cant believe that's real dialogue
That's gotta be the creepiest looking set of main characters I've ever seen.
Why the hell is she always smiling?!?!?!?!
Bioware messed up the animations cause they switched engines halfway through development
I heard they told the actor double, to smile during lines that were supposed to be neutral so now she looks psychotic
You can't spell steal without EA.
Hispanic Cuckslayer and Sjw flayer but EA did the backing and financial support to this IP. Sure they didn't make it but they want us to pay DLC and microtransactions on the co-op and multiplayer.
Jack NightFire
You can't spell a lot of things without an E or A.
Jack NightFire also nauseating.
well what do you expect when its Early Access
Shepard: "We'll bang ok?"
Yeah! Good for you...
@bayj0nes Let's get to bashing butts, as well as deez nuts.
even Mark Meer like this line
@@jatisoem7472 He actually watched it? Haha I never saw that...
I was an enormous mass effect fan. It was the first series that really caught me and made me see what video games could be. Anyways this game really hurt my feelings.
4:02 I laughed way too hard at that.
Cheesethegoldensword He asked the bartender for two drinks, "extra quick." The humor came from the fact that she put the drinks on the table before he finished asking for them and that she looked excited and silly while doing so.
Ky Cai said that they "laughed *way too hard* at that," which indicates that they found the joke only a little funny.
right? im dying, the stupid face as she hand the beer. not normal at all. she also widens her eyes and then glares at you for no reason.
her stupid face
Clearly an intern made that.
@@ReubenBosch I can't believe you have to explain what a joke is
EA: *Proceeds to close down Bioware and puts all blame on them*
Don't even joke about those things, they could do it !
We can only hope.
Thats their classic MO
Aaron Hillaker pretty sure it ain't their fault
Then again we don't know so yeah...
If they had putted the work in the hands of more veteran/skilled people it would've been better
Super Mario Bros. 2 has better facial animations.
Which one?
Greedyselfish97 The one....and.... only "Super Mario Bros. 2!!!!"
The saddest thing is that he may be right, I think you can actually tell that Mario or whoever is hurt when they lose a life.
That's why it's goty for almost 30 years now.
Doomsday, you know he's referring to whether it's the American or Japanese versions of Super Mario Bros. 2, right?
Director: Sarah! I love what you’re doing so far, but we could use a little more...expression.
Sarah Ryder: 5:08
"Inhuman, unoriginal, and fundamentally broken" christ Donkster let them know how you really feel haha
Wow, great job BioWare, you actually made Dunkey legitimately angry
Erone the best punchline is the one that never hits
Bioware Montreal made this, not the team behind the original trilogy
He's been made legitimately angry before, though.
Don Rooster doesn't matter, its still under the Bioware name
I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite review on the Citadel.
it was so cool that could could profit from doing cheesy marketing
damn right
Some volus: yes, earth-clan
@@CaboosePootis ywnbaw
I agree with everything except the voice actor recognizability. I think a voice actor should really only be judged based off their talent and ability to play their character well.
Yeah but they can’t really play their character well
Something the OG trilogy had that andromeda couldn't really do is have a slew of famous scifi actors I the voice cast. You got Claudia Black, the Canadian dude fm Stargate, ol mate "I'm not a merry man" fm Star Trek. Since a lot of them were already cast in 1, 2 and 3 there wasn't really a chance to grab more for Andromeda to give the world some gravitas
1:41 was so unfunny it made me laugh because of how funny their attempt at being funny was.
Cancer Lover lol
That sounds like someone playing online who takes the game way too seriously but still tries to crack a few jokes.
TBH it sounds like something a boomer would say
i think that was the point. at least i hope so.
Its fun ass hell, don't you understand
He shot him in the face
Wow... Oblivion NPC's had more life in them.
Even today I still like Oblivion's NPC's altough they're not the best. I preferred them to Skyrim actually, because they actually acknowledge things about you. "You are the grand champion!".
And God do I miss the Dark Brotherhood questline. I'm glad the Dark Brotherhood exists in Skyrim, but the best questline will always be Oblivion's Dark Brotherhood questline.
TheGuardian163, Oblivion in general seems to be so much more full of life than Skyrim. The questing in general is so much more enjoyable and diverse, though I use the term without full conviction. Even to this day Oblivion is still my preferred Elder Scrolls game, the only thing it really falls short of is polish and combat, otherwise the rest surpasses Skyrim with flying colours. The soundtrack I don't believe is up for debate, Jeremy Soule does a wonderful job with whatever he is given.
TheGuardian163 Oblivian's quest lines all felt more open ended like you could do them the way you wanted to. Skyrim felt way more linear. That's why I got bored of it.
"Oblivion NPC" was actually the first thing I thought when I saw Addison's face.
MMA, Agreed, though it's hard to word what it is exactly that gives that vibe, it's very evident in the way Oblivion is designed. Lately, Bethesda's just pushing games out that offer no actual choices or real dynamic in questing. The Radiant AI/Quest system is a gimmick, mainly because it recycles, which does reinvigorate old dungeons but yeah, nothing spectacular.
Oblivion just seems like a rich and vibrant world waiting to be discovered. I've pumped hundreds if not thousands of hours into it, and I'm still finding new stuff. As old as Oblivion may be, it really is a vast yet dense world, beaming with colour and sound, quite the opposite of both it's successor, and it's predecessor.
I literally cannot bring myself to uninstall it. Morrowind, yeah, sure. Skyrim? Haven't cared to play it since 2014. But Oblivion? I refuse to give it up.
these vids are hilarious I can't believe I haven't heard of Dunkey before
Timothy Baumann you poor thing watch more my friend
Soon you have seen them all many times
Damn, Starfield was Andromeda all along
starfield is a bit better, but its not saying much
Let's all laugh at a industry that never learns anything tee hee hee
an* industry
You need to brush up on your yahtzee fucko
How did that guy get that many thumbs for not getting the reference and being a dick for no reason?
Mass effect hurt, andromeda
Zero Punct?
I waited so long for this game. . . . . . .feels like I'm still waiting. . . .
Super Shimada Bro that's how it felt about Mgs5 and FF 15
I have to agree. I enjoy the game overall but I still feel like I'm waiting for the return of Mass Effect.
Super Shimada Bro You can. For Star Citizen.
You need healing.
after it came out, none of us did
Saddest thing is that this game was made by a BioWare studio that has never made a video game before. It really shows too.
When it comes to the female faces, it wouldn't surprise me. It's sad when I think that the alien with metal plates on her face (Vetra) looks better than any of the human or asari females. The angaran females look like someone was trying to redo the quarians from scratch. While being blindfolded.
Jesus fuck no. This is just dumb message board bullshit. They fucked up the faces because they didn't know what they were doing, didn't have the oversight they should have, and because someone desperately mismanaged the project.
This shit honestly just reminds me of brilliance halo 1-3 then going to the shit show that was halo 4
Guys, didn't you know? Half the original team left Bioware after Mass Effect 3. The people who made Andromeda are almost entirely those who made the ME3 Multiplayer.
If you put it like that I feel kinda bad for the team...
The female protagonist looks like she's always looking at the squiggly lines in her eye fluid
holy shit
Biofan: "If you just ignore all the flaws the game is fun."
Yeah I might also be able to enjoy watching paint dry if I just flip my "standards" switch to "off".
"Follow closely. Do not try to explore the city or interact with anyone"
The fact that this was a line in a Mass Effect game makes me want to die.
MrZurata it was first contact with an Alien Species. if an Alien Species came down to earth after we were attacked by a different alien species, you wouldn't want this new alien to just run around and fuck with everyone. You hadn't earned their trust and you were something they never saw before. how about you at least think before commenting. the majority of this video is taken out of context. not gonna lie Sara and some of the animations and bugs are bad. not much else
It's similar to the "My face is tired" line. In game excuses for laziness.
Context is pretty fucking important, have you not played the game?
CreativeUsernameEh why would anyone play such a shitty game?
Candere Yet people still play cods, battlefields and league
Won't even grace it with a rating, huh. Harsh.
It wasn't a dunkview, so I guess it doesn't warrant a rating. Just him ranting about its shortcomings
I'm thinking it's a good old 1/5
well he did, Fuck this game/5 thats close enough i guess :^)
Fuck this game/10
Not harsh enough.
"Follow closely, do not try to explore the city or interact with anyone"
This game was one of the very few games I just stopped playing. You nailed everything. The characters just weren't there, my character didn't feel like _me_ and I could give less of a shit about anything happening. It honestly depresses me.
JackAgony but did you feel like Batman?
I simply hate this game. It took a huge step backward in every way and even that’s understating how bad they screwed up.
I gave up right after you find out the Kett are turning Angarans into Kett. They try to pull on your heartstrings....but we don't give two fucking shit about the boring ass Angarans. The Angarans are easily the most dull species in all of Mass Effect. Fuck having a cool new species for a new galaxy right?
Back to the bullshit heartstring yanking, we don't give a shit about Kett turning Angarans. WE'VE ALREADY SEEN THIS SAME SHIT. Except then it was the Reapers turning entire species into hideous monstrosities....so when this reveal came in Andromeda I could not have cared less. God the people who made this game sucked....
It's taken way out of context. You were free to explore a planet before getting to that point, and dick around as much as you wanted.
Joao Gomes I don't think you get the point of why people don't like this game.
Should've called this video Mass Defect
Another RUclipsr beat him to that.
Mess Defect
I call this EA effect.
Massive Disappointment: Down Syndrometa
BioWare: How do you want your new ME protagonist
Me: You ever seen Garry's Mod videos?
BioWare: Say no more.
lazierbeam I can't believe you say that. Stop insulting Garry's Mod by comparing them to ME:A
Top 3 Anime Moments that signified the villains doom:
3: Golden Wind
2: Omae wa mou shindeiru
1: More Dunkey
4:Yare Yare Daze
MUDA Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda MUUUUUUUDA!!!!!
Kore ga.. requiem, da
Wouldn't three be "to be continued"
Golden wind?
To think, BioWare would make a game, 2 years later, that would make this look good...
the difference was we all knew Anthem was just gonna fuckin suck, whereas with this a new mass effect game at least sounds good on paper
No one was expecting Anthem to succeed. But yeah I see what you mean.
I already knew anthem would suck, it just looked like some shitty destiny rip off
I had to read the responses to figure out what game you meant. I forgot Anthem even existed.
M S Yeah same lol
Mass Effect: Andromeda came out on March 21.
World Down Syndrome day is on March 21.
damn nathen
pfp sauce pls
Mass Defect: DownSyndromeda
Eeeeeyyyy, that's my birthday!
Slimy Salted Bull Balls Deepest lore
This game has the world's first romance story that isn't better than Twilight.
That's some innovative shit right there.
ItsMcDude jeez that memes like what, 2012?
Sir, it's an old meme, but it checks out.
its an old meme, but it checks out
Old meme is gold meme...
ItsMcDude its an old check, but it memes out
I swear to god, the gaming industry is the only one where saying something’s “regressed” or “gone back” makes me think that it might have improved
I have theories on why the game dev market is so screwed up at the moment. It's probably a bit divisive, so I'll leave out the particulars, but it's a mix of: profit first, employment practices, and listening to the loudest people who don't play games.
A Mass Effect Andromeda ad played before this video. How fitting.
Dunkey you should have put in the hand-to-hand fight scenes, the animation was so abysmal
the female krogan vs the male krogan fight was the worst thing i had ever seen from a triple A game in a while
I know right, it was actually hilarious watching them fight
George Emdin it was just like this " I punch you no I punch you no you don't eh" then kicked him in the shins and he fell.
Hazza Jr And we thought No Mans Sky was shit
I laughed for a solid 5 minuets from it.
I never knew andromeda was the uncanny galaxy
I keep coming back to watching this. This was one of the funniest videos from Dunkey in my opinion.