the only thing i really dont like about the vehicle is that it is called a mustang. i fully understand the branding decision but i also feel that if they were to bastardize a name just to sell units it should have been the thunderbird. thunder is associated with lightning which is pure electricity. solid pedigree of a name that actually makes sense, imo.
Reviewers have finally understood that all the important stuff is on the wheel, and the rest should be well laid out on a touch screen (such as the Tesla, Polestar 2 and Mach E).
It's a bit funny how Matt mentions the fact that the car seems like it's on red bull, shakes and what not, then 20seconds later he demonstrates the 1-pedal mode and happens to reveal he's driving in UNTAMED MODE!!! AFAIC that mode has been made only to make people play around and feel like they are sitting in a "real" Mustang. I went test driving this car today, and was in Whisper Mode the whole time, it felt absolutely amazing, there was no shaking or anything like it. It was so quiet and nice.
"You can't fit a human body in the front space unless you liquefy them and pour it in. And that brings me onto five other annoying things about this car" 😂😂
Honestly, design-wise it is the best UV out there, I LOVE IT. The car itself, mechanics and stuff are descent, not bad. Accelaration, miles, configurations, settings, all pretty good and it is HELLA comfortable. Honestly, I like it more than a Tesla Y or Tesla X. Plus it is actually quite cheap for the ammount of luxury. I really recommend buying this car because it is a great SUV. !!!
We all complain about the lacking of the volume button and now, when bravo people listen and put it there for us, Matt says they should not have bothered... wft
A physical button for the volume is always easier and better than touch-screen, plus being in the middle of the screen gives it a futuristic look so its cool
Am I the only one who is not getting all the cards for the videos he is recommending 😂 I'm impressed about how well he implements the other reviews he has done and then the editors don't even put the cards in the videos 🙈😆
I like how Mat's sarcasm got better in the last year or two. I mean, he used to laugh at himself at the end some jokes, now he just stays serious and that makes the joke even better.
WATCH MORE VIDEO F.U.L.L H.D 💓 CLICK HERE : livegirls19. com !💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候1&!/ 1618752955
I've seen some Mach-E up close and they are impressive. Fit and finish is impeccable. Looking forward to booking a test drive once all this covid craziness is over.
Perfect timing Mat. I was genuinely interested in your review for this, as it's the only EV in my price range that I like the look of. But your review means I will be sticking to petrol for at least one more lease period. Would be great if you could do a video of your favourite hybrids around a similar price range 👍
@@allan4923 its not a mustang bro ,mustang is a car for free young people ,its a two door sport car coupe,ford spat on the heritage,it donest make you cool or something cuz you are getting a SUV not a sport car ok,no cool factor for you mustang mach e owners
@@voltgaming2213 I’m not in the least interested in being “cool”,all I want is a good car…not interested in the name either, but it looks as though it bothers you too much, the world is changing my friend, and no doubt in time there will be an electric 2 door sport coupe mustang to satisfy you and all those who hate the new one. You stay lucky my friend in these COVID times.
@@DS-pk4eh unfortunately buddy, there’s a 6 month delivery time in the UK, so ask me around December time. I have to admit I’m not at all happy with the waiting time.
On street cars more sidewall is rarely a bad thing. You may not get top end performance, but that isn't going to be a problem at legal speeds. You are more likely to have a problem with a low profile setup when you hit a pothole and destroy your wheel.
@@lhd4278 it's a sex party where people take drugs that increase your libido and stamina to have sex (coke, amphetamine, ghb, ecstasy) The drugs are the "chem" part of Chemsex. #themoreyouknow
@@georgeionescu6425 news articles and research studies on the subject get published every once in a while. Though who knows, maybe he has first hand experience lol
I quite like the physical volume dial, in fact they should probably just make that whole bottom row physical buttons and turn the screen landscape. Things like volume, hazard lights, a/c etc are always going to be there aren’t they. Not going to need replacing in a software update!
I'm guessing that they went with their current setup so that they can advertise that it has a bigger screen. I don't know why this is a plus, but it seems to be to their target market.
Before anyone considers buying a Mach-E or any EV watch these two videos, then decide, it's the smart thing to do:видео.htmlвидео.html
First proper electric suv that doesn't look weird or boring. Amazing car! And btw Matt, the door handles on the front doors are mandatory in most countries in Europe for the emergency services.
@@alexrose7861 Here I was thinking it was because the front have the option to put in the code to open the doors, but was assuming they didn't "pop" on successful entry of the code.
Cars rarely come with licence plate surrounds. I’ve never seen it apart from some Mercedes dealers selling cars with them on. This is liekly a Ford press car hence it has it
@@Horizon301. In Finland the dealerships put their own frames for the license plates so you're driving around advertising the dealership. For a Ford dealer it would probably mention "Ford" but not have the actual badge.
@@Noksus yeah I know what you mean - I have seen that in the US also. As I mentioned, usually the licence plate itself has the dealer name in a very small font below the registration I.e. Coventry Audi or Lookers Ford. The surrounds are rare but Mercedes had them for the various dealer locations such as north west Mercedes and then the number right next to it but it doesn’t look very appealing and they don’t seem to do them anymore
Love the new format it has enabled you to pad stories out maybe your not getting more stories in your able to give us more information on each story 👍🏻❤️
Practically Id4 is better than Tesla and MachE.. but overall the Tesla is still the best EV. However for the money I wud buy a Mach E.. just because it felt cool and nice and like a normal car to drive and had more than enough range for most users everyday needs
@@citaron Not that total volume, but the boot at the back is far far better shaped.. more practical n daily use. Also the interior space too is better n Id4.. also suspension is better and the real life range is same as Mach E
@@connor90549 Eh. I didn't like that they called it a Mustang and I'm not usually bothered by stuff like that. There's just not many things further away from a Mustang than an electric SUV
@@sirzechsazazel1150 Fair enough. My point was that most suv buyers don’t seem to care to much about the specifics of cars. Most just want comfortable and practical and they get that no matter what it’s called. I’m not a total fan of the name, but it probably makes a lot of sense of marketing, because it gets them a lot of attention.
On the basis of this review, took a test drive. Review is bang on about the suspension. Driving about town on typical less than perfect surface. This car bounces constantly. Couple with the over aggressive manual AND regenerative braking, I felt physically car sick. Loved the style and the interior but my stomach wouldn't cope. Not on my short list anymore.
Before anyone considers buying a Mach-E or any EV watch these two videos, then decide, it's the smart thing to do:видео.htmlвидео.html
That release button is a US regulation so if u get kidnapped or trapped you can get out, and the checking for occupants is because there are so many cases of people just leaving kids in the back forgetting about them on a hot day and leaving them to die.
It’s interesting to see the difference between the European models and US models. They never claimed 370 miles of range here tho only at max 305 with high end models. It’s also odd the car was that slow, I just drove the exact one and it did it in over a second quicker.
Had a test drive yesterday in the AWD, extended battery version. Super car except that it bounces like a 1970s space hopper. The car never settles down on the road. How can Ford of all companies get the suspension so wrong? Weirdly, when it runs over a bump in the road, the car bounces back & forward more than up & down. The passenger kept knocking the back of her head on the head rest - something that has not happened in any other car, ever. Even though we have ordered one (before we could secure a test drive), now actively considering cancelling the order. Great review Matt and thank you for mentioning the ride quality in your review.
Before anyone considers buying a Mach-E or any EV watch these two videos, then decide, it's the smart thing to do:видео.htmlвидео.html
Is that not how ALL new cars is now? Just a gigantic touch screen in the middle that control everything... (Touch screens should be banned in cars, here in Norway it is actually illegal to use the touch screen while driving, meaning you have to stop the car and park to do ANYTHING or risk a 1100 £$€ fine...).
Really great review again. I never liked this car until I watched your review, it is very practical and comfortable looking, big surprise is the cabin space, I would choose this over many other electric cars, although kia and hyundai are doing an excellent job. It terms of speed, shur the insurance companies must be jumping for joy, they are going to screw people with cars that do 0 to 100 in just 3 to 8 seconds.
I mean, 0-60 in 3.5 seconds for the gt version seems pretty fast to me lol. Not to mention in inevitable Shelby version of this car is going to be insane.
@@THESLlCK It appears as though there's a culture for tuning evs on the horizon. Not to mention, as over the air updates become more common place, car brands themselves become tuners in a sense, as these over the air updates can improve the performance of the vehicle as well as other elements. Making tuning companies less relevant in the future.
@@KB-bh9hp companies are removing right to repair via electrification, tesla being the chief of it, ford close behind. The new fiesta is literally irreparable by a standard mechanic
@@THESLlCK It's a tradeoff, modern cars are harder to repair, but hardly ever break. Old cars are easy to repair, but they're broken constantly and nowhere near as durable as modern cars.
A passenger's knee sitting in the front seat will hit the screen bezel when turning hard right (or left in the UK) especially around a clover leaf highway entrance.
The button in the front boot was made useless because of the dividing plastic bits so someone can't fit in the first place. Also make sure you don't lift off that plastic frunk and see the mess underneath. It's a jumble of tubes all of which will probably leak at some point and be annoying in the future.
There have been cases of people in the US forgetting to drop their kids at Daycare, going to work and the kids end up dying...That 'Check Rear for Occupants' is a worthwhile warning in my opinion.
38 people per year out of the entire US, over 300 million people, and they decide to make a warning about it? With a number like that, odds are no child would ever die in the back of a Mustang Mach E as long as the car is ever sold, regardless of warnings. They didn't even choose something more likely to be deadly like "Watch for pedestrians" "Beware of deer crossing" "Slow down in urban areas" "Roads may be icy" But instead they put in a totally worthless one. If each mustang driver gave 0.5 seconds of notice to that stupid warning each day of owning the car, we're talking over 300 hours per year of time COMPLETELY WASTED if you only count cars sold in the first 2 months. As sales continue, that number will rise massively. Imagine what else you could do with 300 hours.
@@sonictimm That's it - think of yourself instead of the innocent babies in their car seats and the anguished parents that inadvertently left them in a car in the summer heat. What a shit hook you are -
As a GT owner and a 3.7 cabriolet owner which is very fun to drive because of the lower power to weight ratio I wanted to like this car. I'd like a mustang EV but this just seems like a standard EV with a horse badge on it. Doesn't look too mustangy, certainly doesn't feel or drive like one. I'm not a tesla fan because the interior seems to be 4/5 passengers. The lack of proper driver's display etc puts me off. I'd still like an EV to have a nice driver friendly cockpit. I'm thinking Polestar si the way to go.
I appreciate the features and the design of the Mach-E. And I can see the thinking behind calling it a "Mustang". But I think it is a missed opportunity to bring an actually good looking e-Coupé to the world. If anyone remembers when Dice (gaming company) released Hardline as part of the Battlefield franchise, that's a similar mistake in my opinion.
In reference to all your reviews on fully electric cars, my two burning questions (that I don't think have been answered) are, 1) Electricity cost per mile (standard), and 2) Having plumbed your journey in, does all the wondrous wizardy keep you appraised of where the next charging point is? Can it calculate whether you should stop at it, or risk being stranded. Or, whether you can safely proceed to the next? Also, I would need to know what facilities exist at each charging centre in terms of loos, food, etc. If one is driving to Spain with Granny on board, it is of prime importance. All the other toys, bells, whistles and wizardy cease to be of use, if these basic requirements are not met.
Electricity cost per mile would be location dependent and there would also be a huge difference in cost between home charging and public charging. Here in Maryland, my cost per kWh at home is $0.13, but the cheapest public chargers are $0.17 for 7kW or $0.32 for 50 kW. Also predicting whether you can make it to the next charger may put them in a strange legal situation. There are so many variables that impact range that it would difficult to predict and people would be upset if the either 1/ didn't make it (traffic, low temp, detours etc) or 2/ got to the next charger and it was out of service. This is a much bigger problem in the US (Mach e target market) because the distances can be so much longer than Europe. We have places where there is more than 100 miles between fuel stations (106 miles is the longest on an interstate) and our EV infrastructure hasn't caught up to our petroleum infrastructure yet.
To be absolutely honest, and at the same time please don't find it offensive, the fact that the car reminds you to check back seat for passengers is genius for every busy parent especially in the USA where ppl have left kids in cars to boil. Here in UK we rarely get temperatures so high for anybody to boil inside but it happens same with pets. So I think it actually is a very good idea.
@@bernardfender5147 No - but Ford owns the nameplate and can put it on anything they sell. Sucking your thumb won't change this. Obviously, Ford is expanding the Mustang nameplate, as they have the Bronco nameplate. There will now be other types of Mustangs - not just planet killing ICE coupes.
@@AMan-he9sz Calling this car a mustang seems like a desparate attempt at making more sales,seems like ford had no faith at their 1st generational EV and decided to call it a mustang to increase publicity because people will buy it because it's called a mustang,it's ridiculously hedious
@@Hadi_765lt But at the end of the day, Carwow is a business that sells the newest cars, and the Mach-E is one of them. This means Mat had to review it for the consumers. Unfortunately, the enthusiasts are not pleased! 😂
I love that Mat reviews electric cars and doesn't once mention that its environmentally safe, this is key because electric cars now compete with fossil fuel cars on every level, and people buy them because they are good, not because they are green
Ok it's electric I can live with that But It shouldn't be a Crossover It's one of the best electric cars and I would be happy IF it wasn't named a mustang ....
Love it or hate it? Reply with one emoji that describes how you feel about the Mach-E!
Love it 🤩 But, I've never seen this car once also 😓
A jaguar I pace on steroids.
Petition for a bicycle race between mat and yiannie
We still need the foot race first
🤣please we need to see it
We need it !!
running race first
Should have called it the "Model T" just to piss off Tesla. 😆😜
Better than mustang
@@mrfalcon7871 Agree.
Model E would be the best way to troll Tesla
Nah Model E is the name Tesla wanted so bad but Ford wouldn’t allow them so that would’ve really pissed them off
the only thing i really dont like about the vehicle is that it is called a mustang. i fully understand the branding decision but i also feel that if they were to bastardize a name just to sell units it should have been the thunderbird. thunder is associated with lightning which is pure electricity. solid pedigree of a name that actually makes sense, imo.
Or better the Ford Galax-E. Throw back to the Ford galaxy.
Or model T
The ford Muppet would be more apt
Car reviewers: I don't like how it's no dials In new car interior.
Car manufacturers adding dials.
Mat: A slider would have been fine...
LITERALLY!!! He was complaining about it in the last review with the Golf R 😪😂
Reviewers have finally understood that all the important stuff is on the wheel, and the rest should be well laid out on a touch screen (such as the Tesla, Polestar 2 and Mach E).
In the ID.3 and ID.4 he didn't like it and here it's everything better!? Really don't get it
@@ZesPak you know the Polestar 2 does have a physical volume dial though right?
@@ZesPak all the important stuff off on the wheel in a tesla? It only has 2 tiny knobs
That tyre that he rolled was heading straight for that massive screen 🤣
I thought it would just break the screen
I came down here to see if I was the only one to get scared about that 😂
It's a bit funny how Matt mentions the fact that the car seems like it's on red bull, shakes and what not, then 20seconds later he demonstrates the 1-pedal mode and happens to reveal he's driving in UNTAMED MODE!!! AFAIC that mode has been made only to make people play around and feel like they are sitting in a "real" Mustang.
I went test driving this car today, and was in Whisper Mode the whole time, it felt absolutely amazing, there was no shaking or anything like it. It was so quiet and nice.
Shaking aint got shit to do with the modes, its all suspension related.
Ford: You can’t fit a human in the front boot.
Mat: Here are five annoying things about this car.
I still cannot get over the fact that they didn't name it The Big Mach.
McDonald’s would be on their phone immediately
Well, it isn't pronounced Mack
extra american, eh
@@taurussho86 so?
@@taurussho86 it is lol mok or mak
10:37 Not gonna lie the "really really strong fingers" part got me. 😄
Oh didn't realize it bc I'm not brit.
"You can't fit a human body in the front space unless you liquefy them and pour it in. And that brings me onto five other annoying things about this car" 😂😂
Why don't people start murdering innocent people if they love talking about dead human bodies.
When you are so early, that there is no pop-out-banner
Nowadays the pop out banner doesn't even work on iphones
@@ojaspadekar659 idk it works for me
@@ojaspadekar659 iphones haha
@@ojaspadekar659 that's your punishment for using apple
@@draxxsklounst6595 why would we want pop out banners lmao
Honestly, design-wise it is the best UV out there, I LOVE IT. The car itself, mechanics and stuff are descent, not bad. Accelaration, miles, configurations, settings, all pretty good and it is HELLA comfortable. Honestly, I like it more than a Tesla Y or Tesla X. Plus it is actually quite cheap for the ammount of luxury. I really recommend buying this car because it is a great SUV.
The car is the lr the la support for 5,1
really you own one i wouldn't give no respect to you i dont hate the car i hate the name
You guys should start having people drive you around while your in the back, get a better feel for how cars are for passengers, just an idea though
Great idea! I actually did that being driven in the 2020 LS500 and 2020 7 series 😄
That's a superb idea, hope they implement it!
@Do One You know this channel is called carwow right? Not bikewow, lol. But yeah litre bikes are pretty scary if you don't ride normally, haha.
Good idea. Many cars out there are only comfy in the front. The back is usually very stiff and can be a pain on longer trips.
Yaya cagao
We all complain about the lacking of the volume button and now, when bravo people listen and put it there for us, Matt says they should not have bothered... wft
Then goes to say that they should've made the climate control buttons physical...
@@angelherg1997 that's because this interface is a laggy POS unlike Teslas.
@@adam33555 there was no lag in the video?
Yeah I noticed that too. Very strange
literally the only redeeming feature he criticized
"I would rather have physical dials"
*Has physical volume button and complains about it*
Yes because a dial and a volume button is the same...
Yes, cause having a button in the middle of a screen is totally normal
@@leonardovenancio6096 it looks amazing there
A physical button for the volume is always easier and better than touch-screen, plus being in the middle of the screen gives it a futuristic look so its cool
" you got some cup holders which are grippy enough but not too grippy"
Mat Watson, April 2021
Having Physical buttons is always better, especially for the Volume button
Physical over digital any day!
It's already on the steering wheel on practically all cars so...
@@bullracing1 they can do whatever they want with the central volume controls. As long as the steering wheel has easy controls.
Not anymore. 10 years ago yes. But try a Tesla. Never want all those cheap plastic dials and buttons again. So old.
Am I the only one who is not getting all the cards for the videos he is recommending 😂
I'm impressed about how well he implements the other reviews he has done and then the editors don't even put the cards in the videos 🙈😆
Thanks for watching.....don't forget to hit the subscribe button...........
F~o~r m~o~r~e i~n~f~o^^^
*I absolutely love that there are no Popping cards into the video whatsoever which Matt talks about...* 👌🏻😂
I thought I’m the only one noticing that😂😂😂
what are you watching on? there are
Turn on annotations, walnut brain
Anotations. Dummy.
“Some weird chem sex party”.... the fact that you know what that is, gives me questions
That implies non weird chem sex parties are also a thing.
Whats chem sex oh wait dont tell me i dont wanna know.
I don't want to know what he meant either!
Many. Many questions.
I’m not trying to fuk up my browser history, can someone explain what that is😅
10:47 Matt saying that we need to do some kind of workout with ours fingers...very explicit 😂😂
I like how Mat's sarcasm got better in the last year or two.
I mean, he used to laugh at himself at the end some jokes, now he just stays serious and that makes the joke even better.
I thought the laugh made him seem more real and laid back. Now it seems more like this is just his job and not a passion.
WATCH MORE VIDEO F.U.L.L H.D 💓 CLICK HERE : livegirls19. com
!💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候1&!/ 1618752955
Mustang : Thor in INFINITY WAR
Mustang Mach E : Thor in ENDGAME
Well he's quite good at Fortnite now. So there's that.
I've seen some Mach-E up close and they are impressive. Fit and finish is impeccable. Looking forward to booking a test drive once all this covid craziness is over.
Booked one yet?
@@caflee7801 Wish I could if I could find a dealership with one.
Perfect timing Mat. I was genuinely interested in your review for this, as it's the only EV in my price range that I like the look of. But your review means I will be sticking to petrol for at least one more lease period. Would be great if you could do a video of your favourite hybrids around a similar price range 👍
My dad is getting one of these and me and him are super excited for whenever it comes in
I ordered mine this week Jack. Drove it last Monday... Spectacular and my missus insisted I buy one.
@@allan4923 its not a mustang bro ,mustang is a car for free young people ,its a two door sport car coupe,ford spat on the heritage,it donest make you cool or something cuz you are getting a SUV not a sport car ok,no cool factor for you mustang mach e owners
@@voltgaming2213 I’m not in the least interested in being “cool”,all I want is a good car…not interested in the name either, but it looks as though it bothers you too much, the world is changing my friend, and no doubt in time there will be an electric 2 door sport coupe mustang to satisfy you and all those who hate the new one.
You stay lucky my friend in these COVID times.
So, did you got it? Impressions to share?
@@DS-pk4eh unfortunately buddy, there’s a 6 month delivery time in the UK, so ask me around December time. I have to admit I’m not at all happy with the waiting time.
When he mentioned how bad it was in the corners... "Oh yeah? Maybe it's more of a Mustang than I thought."
Mats' Doh moment "Why they call it Untamed mode" . Its a horse reference mat , as in Untamed Mustang.
Should have used Unbridled then
Doesn't change the fact that it's cringey AF.
And Whisper like "horse whisperer"?
@@visionist7 In the USA that mode is, in fact, called "Unbridled" - I've no idea why they felt that word didn't make sense in the UK market.
Yeah, pretty obvious. Maybe he was just horsing around?
The 18 inch alloys might be small and not look amazing, but they’ll give a more comfortable ride and slightly better range than a set of 20s or 21s
On street cars more sidewall is rarely a bad thing. You may not get top end performance, but that isn't going to be a problem at legal speeds. You are more likely to have a problem with a low profile setup when you hit a pothole and destroy your wheel.
That door handle is going to be extremely handy when my door is frozen in the winter and that back cargo cover folds into a tiny square!
10:30 "it's lubricated with vaseline like it's been to a chemsex party" 💀💀💀 that was a very specific reference, mat
My English is not the best, so could u explain what is a chemsex party? I see it is something sexual though 😅
@@lhd4278 it's a sex party where people take drugs that increase your libido and stamina to have sex (coke, amphetamine, ghb, ecstasy) The drugs are the "chem" part of Chemsex. #themoreyouknow
@@wmahmoo how is he knowing that?
@@georgeionescu6425 news articles and research studies on the subject get published every once in a while. Though who knows, maybe he has first hand experience lol
The little grab handle on the front doors are for cold weather if the door is frozen shut. I usually have to deal with that once or twice a winter
Actually I have opened all the doors on a Mach-E with an inch of ice on them and didn't need the pull to do it.
I quite like the physical volume dial, in fact they should probably just make that whole bottom row physical buttons and turn the screen landscape.
Things like volume, hazard lights, a/c etc are always going to be there aren’t they. Not going to need replacing in a software update!
I'm guessing that they went with their current setup so that they can advertise that it has a bigger screen. I don't know why this is a plus, but it seems to be to their target market.
Those buttons are going to be so handy in snow weather.
@sanjeewa silva nob
Fr 😭
Before anyone considers buying a Mach-E or any EV watch these two videos, then decide, it's the smart thing to do:видео.htmlвидео.html
First proper electric suv that doesn't look weird or boring. Amazing car!
And btw Matt, the door handles on the front doors are mandatory in most countries in Europe for the emergency services.
Also apparently doesn't live in a climate where it actually gets cold....doors routinely freeze shut here.
@@alexrose7861 Here I was thinking it was because the front have the option to put in the code to open the doors, but was assuming they didn't "pop" on successful entry of the code.
@@alexrose7861 Having a door handle doesn't always help especially after freezing rain. I can't imagine dealing with pop out door handles.
Liquefied human beings! 😂🤣😂 You've got me in stitches now, Mat!
same here
Mat: "Not a single ford badge on this car"
Me: Looks at number plate
There's also one at the top of the windshield, but they aren't large and obvious.
@@MelkhorX That's the same as a normal Mustang
Cars rarely come with licence plate surrounds. I’ve never seen it apart from some Mercedes dealers selling cars with them on. This is liekly a Ford press car hence it has it
@@Horizon301. In Finland the dealerships put their own frames for the license plates so you're driving around advertising the dealership. For a Ford dealer it would probably mention "Ford" but not have the actual badge.
@@Noksus yeah I know what you mean - I have seen that in the US also. As I mentioned, usually the licence plate itself has the dealer name in a very small font below the registration I.e. Coventry Audi or Lookers Ford. The surrounds are rare but Mercedes had them for the various dealer locations such as north west Mercedes and then the number right next to it but it doesn’t look very appealing and they don’t seem to do them anymore
I love how two of my favorite car RUclipsrs (Doug DeMuro & Carwow) uploaded a Ford review in the same day
Doug was yesterday
@@nihal89 Depends on the time zone.
Love the new format it has enabled you to pad stories out maybe your not getting more stories in your able to give us more information on each story 👍🏻❤️
Can't wait for Mach-E vs Model Y vs ID.4 video! It is gonna be amazing to see these 3 directly compared.
Practically Id4 is better than Tesla and MachE.. but overall the Tesla is still the best EV. However for the money I wud buy a Mach E.. just because it felt cool and nice and like a normal car to drive and had more than enough range for most users everyday needs
@Do One Why would they do so?
@@1989rs500 Alex on Autos from US removed the devider in the MachE-Frunk. So he could put even more suitcases in the Mach E than in the ID4.
Not that total volume, but the boot at the back is far far better shaped.. more practical n daily use.
Also the interior space too is better n Id4.. also suspension is better and the real life range is same as Mach E
@@1989rs500 Lol.
1st person who wants to buy the mach e because of the name.
Thank god some people think it's good.
Every time Matt says Mach-E it makes me want 20 nugs with large fries
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說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候 1618751935
In the U.S. parents do leave their children in cars. That warning is an excellent idea.
There was recently a case in Croatia where father forgot his son who was sleeping in the back seat. Unfortunately the kid died from the heat.
@@DanielDJCRO yes even here in saudi arabia is actually happened with one of my relative
Yes those pesky American regulations trying to keeps kids from dying
Can’t teach stupid I guess…
5:36 after looking at his phone, i felt happy that I am not the only one who broke his phone'screen 😂
Its a tempered glass screen protector..😂
I was literally searching for mustang mach e carwow review before this post, wow😱
Pathological liar ☺️
@@JEENAKKA no for real, what a coincidence
Matt: "Launches car"
Car: "240-ish mile range driving like that"
Matt: "well, that's far from what they claimed isn't it? I was doing city roads"
Just remember that 240 miles is max range down to 0% charge from 100%, no one charges or drives like that.
I don’t know why but I laughed every time Mat says “big pony badge” 🤣🤣
I'm 45 and yet to see pony like that
I do actually appreciate physical ring on the screen! Super neat feature
11:06 door handles are needed if your door gaskets are frozen - unless doors have very powerful motors for kicking them open - which I doubt.
I love the look of this car! My only gripe is the silly knob for a gear selector and the lack of physical buttons for HVAC and audio.
Tesla has a wheel on the steering wheel or voice command or the screen. I use the wheel.
I never thought this would come out so early in the 🇬🇧
I think they’re not selling many in the US, Americans are not liking the Mustang tie in
@@mrfish3915 The only people complaining about calling it a Mustang are the self-proclaimed “car enthusiasts” most Americans don’t give a crap.
@@connor90549 Eh. I didn't like that they called it a Mustang and I'm not usually bothered by stuff like that. There's just not many things further away from a Mustang than an electric SUV
@@sirzechsazazel1150 Fair enough. My point was that most suv buyers don’t seem to care to much about the specifics of cars. Most just want comfortable and practical and they get that no matter what it’s called. I’m not a total fan of the name, but it probably makes a lot of sense of marketing, because it gets them a lot of attention.
EU co2 fines and the ford phev mess mean they need to shift these in UK/Europe
On the basis of this review, took a test drive. Review is bang on about the suspension. Driving about town on typical less than perfect surface. This car bounces constantly. Couple with the over aggressive manual AND regenerative braking, I felt physically car sick. Loved the style and the interior but my stomach wouldn't cope. Not on my short list anymore.
Look how they massacred my boy meme would fit here perfectly.
Simply amazing what Ford managed to get done. Could be my next purchase.
Before anyone considers buying a Mach-E or any EV watch these two videos, then decide, it's the smart thing to do:видео.htmlвидео.html
That release button is a US regulation so if u get kidnapped or trapped you can get out, and the checking for occupants is because there are so many cases of people just leaving kids in the back forgetting about them on a hot day and leaving them to die.
That is not good
It’s interesting to see the difference between the European models and US models. They never claimed 370 miles of range here tho only at max 305 with high end models. It’s also odd the car was that slow, I just drove the exact one and it did it in over a second quicker.
That tyre went for that screen Mat😂😂😂
Lol thought the same 🤣
Had a test drive yesterday in the AWD, extended battery version. Super car except that it bounces like a 1970s space hopper. The car never settles down on the road. How can Ford of all companies get the suspension so wrong? Weirdly, when it runs over a bump in the road, the car bounces back & forward more than up & down. The passenger kept knocking the back of her head on the head rest - something that has not happened in any other car, ever. Even though we have ordered one (before we could secure a test drive), now actively considering cancelling the order. Great review Matt and thank you for mentioning the ride quality in your review.
Before anyone considers buying a Mach-E or any EV watch these two videos, then decide, it's the smart thing to do:видео.htmlвидео.html
Suspension is better in GT, but hefty price increase
It looks like the designers forgot about the infotainment system, so they just stuck a big tablet on the dash and just said "Done!"
Tesla :- amm.......😂😂
yeah lmao
Is that not how ALL new cars is now? Just a gigantic touch screen in the middle that control everything... (Touch screens should be banned in cars, here in Norway it is actually illegal to use the touch screen while driving, meaning you have to stop the car and park to do ANYTHING or risk a 1100 £$€ fine...).
That screen in the middle, I can't stop laughing! 😂😂😂
I know , ridiculous and I imagine quite distracting. The new S class is just as daft
Yeah I prefer my screens to be fully installed into the dash.
I know, who the Fook wants a chavvy touchscreen in their car? Id Smash it within a week!
I can't stop laughing at whiny babies who complain about screens in cars they have neither driven nor intend to purchase. 🤣
Really great review again. I never liked this car until I watched your review, it is very practical and comfortable looking, big surprise is the cabin space, I would choose this over many other electric cars, although kia and hyundai are doing an excellent job. It terms of speed, shur the insurance companies must be jumping for joy, they are going to screw people with cars that do 0 to 100 in just 3 to 8 seconds.
"Let's brand it a Mustang!" - "So it's going to be fast?" - "No, why? But let's add some cabin sound!"
I mean, 0-60 in 3.5 seconds for the gt version seems pretty fast to me lol. Not to mention in inevitable Shelby version of this car is going to be insane.
@@KB-bh9hp yay, nobody cares. still an SUV with no tuneability at all
@@THESLlCK It appears as though there's a culture for tuning evs on the horizon. Not to mention, as over the air updates become more common place, car brands themselves become tuners in a sense, as these over the air updates can improve the performance of the vehicle as well as other elements. Making tuning companies less relevant in the future.
@@KB-bh9hp companies are removing right to repair via electrification, tesla being the chief of it, ford close behind. The new fiesta is literally irreparable by a standard mechanic
@@THESLlCK It's a tradeoff, modern cars are harder to repair, but hardly ever break. Old cars are easy to repair, but they're broken constantly and nowhere near as durable as modern cars.
Looks like a really well thought out and high quality product. 45 mins to charge to 80% is still too slow though
A passenger's knee sitting in the front seat will hit the screen bezel when turning hard right (or left in the UK) especially around a clover leaf highway entrance.
I own a Mach e. Knee does not come anywhere near the screen.
9:04 wow it gets dark really fast x'D
Heisenberg type of dark
20:00 shout out to the editor!! Loving it
The button in the front boot was made useless because of the dividing plastic bits so someone can't fit in the first place. Also make sure you don't lift off that plastic frunk and see the mess underneath. It's a jumble of tubes all of which will probably leak at some point and be annoying in the future.
There have been cases of people in the US forgetting to drop their kids at Daycare, going to work and the kids end up dying...That 'Check Rear for Occupants' is a worthwhile warning in my opinion.
Not for the UK market it isn't
@@Jack-ts6yk There is an option to turn it off. It's good for it to come standard.
@@Jack-ts6yk why exactly is that Jack? I am from the UK!
It only warns you when a rear door is opened and closed, otherwise it won’t show on screen.
Can you do a circuit race with Yianni?
My wife and I are going to take a test drive in their demo KIA EV6 car when they get in in September. So looking forwards to your take on it
I love that his whole outfit matches the car
@@thebeacon2 🧐 then watch something else?
10:09 People have actually left their kids in the car, during the summer months, with the windows up. It didn't end well.
Average of 38 kids per year in the United States each year apparently:
Mostly intentionally, I believe. No warning will fix stupid.
38 people per year out of the entire US, over 300 million people, and they decide to make a warning about it?
With a number like that, odds are no child would ever die in the back of a Mustang Mach E as long as the car is ever sold, regardless of warnings.
They didn't even choose something more likely to be deadly like "Watch for pedestrians" "Beware of deer crossing" "Slow down in urban areas" "Roads may be icy"
But instead they put in a totally worthless one. If each mustang driver gave 0.5 seconds of notice to that stupid warning each day of owning the car, we're talking over 300 hours per year of time COMPLETELY WASTED if you only count cars sold in the first 2 months. As sales continue, that number will rise massively.
Imagine what else you could do with 300 hours.
@@almuliman No use warning YOU then.
@@sonictimm That's it - think of yourself instead of the innocent babies in their car seats and the anguished parents that inadvertently left them in a car in the summer heat. What a shit hook you are -
You might find the lickle handles on the doors come in handy, when it’s frosty and the door don’t pop out when unlocked.. lol 😂
I was waiting this video for a long time
I’ve been waiting for ages for this review
You and me both
As a GT owner and a 3.7 cabriolet owner which is very fun to drive because of the lower power to weight ratio I wanted to like this car. I'd like a mustang EV but this just seems like a standard EV with a horse badge on it. Doesn't look too mustangy, certainly doesn't feel or drive like one. I'm not a tesla fan because the interior seems to be 4/5 passengers. The lack of proper driver's display etc puts me off. I'd still like an EV to have a nice driver friendly cockpit. I'm thinking Polestar si the way to go.
I appreciate the features and the design of the Mach-E. And I can see the thinking behind calling it a "Mustang". But I think it is a missed opportunity to bring an actually good looking e-Coupé to the world. If anyone remembers when Dice (gaming company) released Hardline as part of the Battlefield franchise, that's a similar mistake in my opinion.
Petition for carwow to make merch saying “click the pop out banner in the top right hand corner of the screen”
In reference to all your reviews on fully electric cars, my two burning questions (that I don't think have been answered) are, 1) Electricity cost per mile (standard), and 2) Having plumbed your journey in, does all the wondrous wizardy keep you appraised of where the next charging point is? Can it calculate whether you should stop at it, or risk being stranded. Or, whether you can safely proceed to the next? Also, I would need to know what facilities exist at each charging centre in terms of loos, food, etc. If one is driving to Spain with Granny on board, it is of prime importance. All the other toys, bells, whistles and wizardy cease to be of use, if these basic requirements are not met.
Electricity cost per mile would be location dependent and there would also be a huge difference in cost between home charging and public charging. Here in Maryland, my cost per kWh at home is $0.13, but the cheapest public chargers are $0.17 for 7kW or $0.32 for 50 kW.
Also predicting whether you can make it to the next charger may put them in a strange legal situation. There are so many variables that impact range that it would difficult to predict and people would be upset if the either 1/ didn't make it (traffic, low temp, detours etc) or 2/ got to the next charger and it was out of service. This is a much bigger problem in the US (Mach e target market) because the distances can be so much longer than Europe. We have places where there is more than 100 miles between fuel stations (106 miles is the longest on an interstate) and our EV infrastructure hasn't caught up to our petroleum infrastructure yet.
people forget about their kids all the time in the back seat. so the dinging and telling you to check your back seats is a good feature.
In America, it's a thing...
Editor forgot to add any of the cards he mentioned.. he has to do it after comments😁😂
It is added
12:35 are we just gonna ignore the fact that he got a damn supercharger in the jungle?
Yess Matt! Some people did forgot their kids and pets on the back, in some cases sadly didn't ended well.....cheers from Romania:))
It's sadly true
@@Carlife0830 yes it is indeed. How dumb some people are.
The alloy wheels look like a copy of the ones we get on the mid spec Kia Seltos in India 😂
And that were actually available even when the donut wasent born lol
The physical volume know is accessible for the front seat passenger Matt. And only seconds later you say how you prefer physical nobs ... 😉
can’t wait for mine 🙌🏼
Do u have it?
@@ob8088 I‘m from Austria and here most Mach E models will arrive in late July/August
@@ImTehRiZe OK
Are you guys gonna review the new plaid + Model S? I'm kinda looking forward to it!
To be absolutely honest, and at the same time please don't find it offensive, the fact that the car reminds you to check back seat for passengers is genius for every busy parent especially in the USA where ppl have left kids in cars to boil. Here in UK we rarely get temperatures so high for anybody to boil inside but it happens same with pets. So I think it actually is a very good idea.
Calling this car a Mustang is like calling Matt Watson Tom Cruise!😂😂
Guess Matt Watson is actually Tom Cruise. Because it's a Mustang.
@@AMan-he9sz if you call a nag a race horse it won't win the derby
If you mean Tom Cruise is cult following midget and Matt is RUclips car reviewing internet sensation 👍
@@bernardfender5147 No - but Ford owns the nameplate and can put it on anything they sell. Sucking your thumb won't change this. Obviously, Ford is expanding the Mustang nameplate, as they have the Bronco nameplate. There will now be other types of Mustangs - not just planet killing ICE coupes.
@@AMan-he9sz Calling this car a mustang seems like a desparate attempt at making more sales,seems like ford had no faith at their 1st generational EV and decided to call it a mustang to increase publicity because people will buy it because it's called a mustang,it's ridiculously hedious
Everyone: no one wants Mat to review the Mach e
Meanwhile Mat: Let’s review it!
Because why not? :D
@@bonzobonanza when someone requested the review to Mat in the comments, everyone in the replies refused it.
@@Hadi_765lt But at the end of the day, Carwow is a business that sells the newest cars, and the Mach-E is one of them. This means Mat had to review it for the consumers. Unfortunately, the enthusiasts are not pleased! 😂
I think the door edge to pull is in case the door gets stuck with the ice . Some cars have a recall with the door latches freezing lol
They should’ve left it at just “Ford Mach E.”
They kinda ruined the name Mustang now
I never liked nor care about the Mustang "heritage." This car emphasizes American muscle and it just feels too loud for me.
Driving my Model 3 and saw one on these in this color. It was. BadAss looking 💪🏾.
I guess your analysis on Mustang EV origins was bang on!!
I love that Mat reviews electric cars and doesn't once mention that its environmentally safe, this is key because electric cars now compete with fossil fuel cars on every level, and people buy them because they are good, not because they are green
10:27 “Weird chemsex party...”
I’m screaming 😂😂😂
I screamed soooo loud! Lmfao
(3:23) I've actually never seen a right-hand drive Mach-E before this video! Neat! (Yes, I live in a right-hand drive country, that isn't the UK)
I didn't listen to a thing. I was too distracted trying to figure out if Mat was wearing a burberry jacket like he always does. Very subtle this one.
Ok it's electric I can live with that
But It shouldn't be a Crossover
It's one of the best electric cars and I would be happy IF it wasn't named a mustang ....
I fully agree
Hey mat, I've found a OCD trigger for you. Go to 4:42 and you will see that the vol icons/font are off centre.