After Living for 38 YEARS in THAILAND, 67 Year old Farang tells us how to be HAPPY

  • Опубликовано: 4 сен 2024

Комментарии • 659

  • @Syntax1963A
    @Syntax1963A Год назад +145

    I live 32 years in Thailand, I speak Thai language same as your interview partner Paul, and I can assure you the exact same things he told you, Paul has a deep understanding of Buddishm and controlling you thoughts, train you mind which at the end makes you the driver of your journey in life.
    Thoughts and mind is the most powerful thing a human has, some have to be very aware of it. I can verry much relate with Paul because I went through the same path, the same thoughts, the same inner fights and like Paul said it takes a long time to get rid of you western heritage of mind.
    At the beginning you will not understand Thai culture at all, even after 32 years I still learning, it is not easy if you grow up in western cultures get used to this new way of thinking, and same as Paul, the most I had learned by developing interest in their religion Buddhism, which for me is not a Religion in the way we Christians see Religion with so strikt defined rules, it is more a teaching of life, nature, time and the universe itself.
    The next big step in aknowledging the beauty of this country and the beauty of their society and their life is to learn the local language, as this just opens millions of new doors for you. That is when you are able to talk to the farmers, your neighbors, or even ask the Buddhist monks questions of your interest, and it was the language which speeded up so many things for me in this country.
    What can teach you more than a good talk with some random old rice-farmer you met on you motorbike trip, or a shop-owner who works in his shop for many years just making enough cash to survive and you wonder why he never tried to expand as he is so good in what he does he could make much more cash, or you walk into a temple, or as I did join a Buddhist Temple for six months and life, walk with the monks - these close human interactions teached me more about the meaning of life than my whole seven years of technical university in Austria.
    I life in Thailand a happy family life, - happy does not mean you never went trough struggles, but compared to all other countries I lived in I just see Thailand as the place on earth I searched so many years for in my younger age - and I finally found it, it is paradise on earth, but you have to adapt to it, work with it, for it and see the tranquility of the moment, and not only the nice nature, the many Tourist attractions or all the night life because this will get you bored soon.
    Thailand has like every other country huge problems to, it is not all gold what shines!
    If you come here you have to be aware of it, accept it and go on with it, otherwise you will fail to life here like so many foreigners have.
    As usual a good interview with Paul, he is a bright mind and I like to listen to him as we are roughly the same age and had many similar experiences in our time on this planet.
    Thanks for the video.

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад +10

      Thanks so much for your eloquent, thoughtful and insightful comment mate. I concur with everything you said...

    • @maxbyrne851
      @maxbyrne851 Год назад +3

      Very interesting. Do you think in the modern world now and changing times that thailand will stay the same under alot more western influence.
      Most people nowadays want more and more and are not content and i think it is also now the case in modern thailand and the social media/instagram generation are not so much influenced by budhism unfortunately.

    • @deanwalsh9647
      @deanwalsh9647 Год назад +1

      @@JBWanders73 hey Lad is Vietnam better than Thailand where is cheaper like your pod

    • @Ned88Man
      @Ned88Man Год назад +6

      I am glad you found your place, but ultimately, it shouldn't matter WHERE because if you possess these controls of emotions or cutting off attachment to things, you will find peace in any physical place, its what is within and where you are within that really matters

    • @Syntax1963A
      @Syntax1963A Год назад +6

      @@Ned88Man That is very true, but I am a person who likes the hot climate, tropical climate as in Austria my body suffers under the cold and developed migraene because of the alps and the low high pressure weather systems (warm falling wind we call 'Föhn'), additional the gout troubles my bone joints, which I never experience in this tropical Thailand climate.
      To be honest I just love the natural beauty of Thailand and the mostly happy people and their style of life.
      On the issue itself you are totally right - to be happy you not need to be in Thailand, but I was able to come to this knowledge, to come to this Buddhist teachings and see it in practice has its routs by living in Thailand.
      Additionaly some can't ignore the differnt kind of people how they life, think and help each other, how much of family people they are and how they respect life itself, be it in animal form, plant or human life is just the highest in regards to repect giving in their culture, further there is the repect of older people, society does not place old people in retirement homes (yes they have 'whats', but thats different than western retirement houses) -
      There would be more to bring foward, but my daughter calls me,....hear you on another day.

  • @PaulWalliswriter
    @PaulWalliswriter Год назад +131

    Thank you all so much for the wonderful comments, if you would like to hear more, I'm happy to sit down with Jim in the future. Peace and love!

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад +9

      I enjoyed our chat immensely Paul... let's sit down again soon.

    • @jimcraiggeezer
      @jimcraiggeezer Год назад +5

      Always an education listening to your experiences..all the best.

    • @biglance
      @biglance Год назад +9

      Please consider just turning on your camera and talking at least once a week, you have tons of wisdom, thanks for making my day, peace from Hawaii.

    • @strangetv4635
      @strangetv4635 Год назад +6

      Really enjoyed that guys.

    • @PaulWalliswriter
      @PaulWalliswriter Год назад +4

      @@strangetv4635 Thank you sir!

  • @DreamofThailand19000
    @DreamofThailand19000 Год назад +33

    I am Thai. It is true that our thoughts will affect our minds and emotions. I enjoyed listening to your wisdom. 1. Love everything and everyone 2. Never thinks about negativity 3. Live and enjoy the moment. Happiness comes from within oneself. Thanks for reminding me 🙏

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад

      Khop khun na khrap ....... I really appreciate this comment and you are so right Khun Jan. Have a lovely day.

    • @jparsit
      @jparsit Год назад

      As a Thai, you should realize that Buddha did not teach never to think negatively. If you did not know negative how do you know positive? Both come together hand in hand. You should listen to Buddha not this Farang who is lost in Thailand.

    • @sansand1236
      @sansand1236 Год назад

      ​@@jparsit what do you mean by "lost in Thailand"?

    • @jparsit
      @jparsit Год назад

      @@sansand1236 He sees Thailand as his heaven based on his standard which is irrelevance than others. Setting himself to everyone else standards are dangerous and misleading. If Paul is in the US, people may treat him as homeless. The Thai, people do not bother with his business but treated him as a foreigner. That is why I said he lost in Thailand because not many host nations welcome the poor. Paul has no clear direction and purpose in life but we welcome anyone that do no harm to others. Buddhist teach compassion while westerners teach war and power. These actions effect to people's thought that already happening in the US and the E.U. and Paul was a victim of his own.

    • @fullerjohn1119
      @fullerjohn1119 5 месяцев назад +1

      I’m thinking….all humans experience negative thoughts and emotions. I believe peace and happiness comes from observing these phenomena for what they are….transitory energies that come and go….and not live in them or dwell on them or think they are reality….simply observe without judgement or criticism. We should not suppress them….as they are part of the human experience.

  • @sparkcommunications2499
    @sparkcommunications2499 Год назад +42

    This was amazing, i've lived in Thailand for 9 years, born in 1985 when Paul just arrived, but i also discovered Thailand when i was 29 (2014) and my mind was INSTANTLY set, i went back home from my holiday, quit my job and moved here with just a suitcase and some money, KNOWING i was meant to be here. Also converted to be buddhist pretty soon after, bought Jasmine flower wreaths from the street sellers and would put on my desk/sales job, all the other farangs thought i was mad but i did it anyway. Started my company here 5 years ago, wear a Phra Kreuang around my neck, and also love Thailand as much as i did on Day 1 when i first discovered. Learnt Thai too... ฝรั่งคนนี้สามารถพูดภาษาไทยได้ครับผมมมมมมม Would love a beer with these two!

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад +1

      Thanks mate! Personally, I arrived in 1998 at the age of 25. Great, positive comment. I love to hang the garlands in the car - wonderful smell. I too wear an amulet - usually a Phra Somdet although my Thai isn't as good as it should be. Fantastic to hear such a positive story - cheers!

    • @Amorhoo
      @Amorhoo Год назад

      Hi. Thanks for the comment. I am an Asian Aussie considering to move to Thailand mainly for a better environment to practice. Can you please reach out to guide me through the relocation process. TY

    • @sirbill443
      @sirbill443 Год назад


  • @marcodean8725
    @marcodean8725 Год назад +17

    Thailand is the very best country in the world .
    I have lived there many times and i have never had a bad experience , only positive .
    God bless and long live Thailand .

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад

      Thanks Marco, have a lovely day.

  • @biglance
    @biglance Год назад +21

    He needs his own channel, just to talk and heal the world, wise man, Good bless him.

  • @pamy5965
    @pamy5965 Год назад +15

    Buddhist values place great emphasis on empathy, compassion, and loving-kindness towards oneself and others. Cultivating these qualities can help individuals lead happier, more fulfilling lives. Here are some ways in which empathy is fostered through Buddhist values:
    Metta (loving-kindness): Metta is the practice of cultivating unconditional love and goodwill towards all living beings, including oneself. By practicing metta, one can develop a greater sense of empathy and compassion, as well as a deeper connection with others.
    Karuna (compassion): Karuna is the sincere desire to alleviate the suffering of others. By understanding and sharing in the suffering of others, one can develop empathy and work towards helping those in need.
    Mudita (sympathetic joy): Mudita is the practice of taking delight in the happiness and success of others, rather than feeling envious or jealous. This attitude can foster a sense of empathy and interconnectedness, as well as greater happiness.
    Upekkha (equanimity): Upekkha involves maintaining a balanced, non-reactive state of mind in the face of life's ups and downs. By cultivating equanimity, one can develop greater empathy and understanding towards oneself and others, regardless of their circumstances.
    Practicing mindfulness: Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present and aware of one's thoughts, feelings, and actions without judgment. By developing mindfulness, one can become more attuned to the emotions and experiences of others, fostering empathy and compassion.
    Engaging in deep listening and skillful communication: Buddhism emphasizes the importance of right speech and deep listening in fostering empathy and understanding. By actively listening to others without judgment and speaking with kindness and compassion, one can develop stronger connections and greater empathy.
    Recognizing interconnectedness and interdependence: Buddhism teaches that all living beings are interconnected and interdependent. By recognizing this truth, one can develop a deeper sense of empathy and compassion for all beings, as well as a greater appreciation for the impact of one's actions on others and the world.
    By cultivating these qualities and practicing Buddhist values, individuals can develop greater empathy, compassion, and loving-kindness, which can lead to increased happiness and a more fulfilling life.

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад +1

      Thanks a lot for that - it's really interesting and useful

  • @markpallister9882
    @markpallister9882 Год назад +6

    Words fail me but for sure this man's positive outlook is really key to a better life

  • @KM-pq7sr
    @KM-pq7sr 8 месяцев назад +3

    Paul seems like a great guy with a great message. Peace and happiness, that's what the world needs more of.

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  8 месяцев назад +1

      I completely agree mate

  • @batlily
    @batlily 9 месяцев назад +4

    I first came to Thailand in 2005 on a high school student trip. We immersed in local culture by staying in a rural village in Issan Province. Love the vibe in Bkk too. The good memories and impression stuck in my mind for so long! Came back to Thailand in 2017 for a 1 year work trip! Came back recently for 1 week and I felt it is not enough! I am in my 30s and wish to retire in Thailand soon. I am from Singapore, and feel that Thailand is the best country in this region and has so much to offer.
    Singapore as a country…is constantly chasing for efficiency and is a competitive society. Students and workers are treated like utilitarian units, driving many to the edge. Many people says that Singapore is a good country….but all that glitter is not gold. Thailand is a hidden gem!

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  9 месяцев назад

      I totally agree mate.... the UK can be the same.... I unplugged myself from the UK propaganda machine a long time ago and, most of the time, I don't regret it at all 🙏✌

  • @IEMedia
    @IEMedia Год назад +4

    Paul’s a great chap, I interviewed him on my podcast recently which is up on my channel if anyone wants to hear more of his story. Thanks for this one too. 🙏

    • @IEMedia
      @IEMedia Год назад +2

      Link to Pauls interview:видео.html

    • @PaulWalliswriter
      @PaulWalliswriter Год назад

      Thanks Martin, we have to do another soon.

    • @PaulWalliswriter
      @PaulWalliswriter 4 месяца назад

      @@Rodderz1 No he didn't

  • @shaund8332
    @shaund8332 Год назад +10

    What a fella , a blinding conversation and so much real talk 🙏🏼

  • @Michibz57
    @Michibz57 Год назад +11

    Although I've only been in Thailand for 6 years, I can 100% confirm the feelings and thoughts. It's very similar for me

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад +1

      That's great to hear that Thailand has impacted you in a positive way.

  • @brucewayne2773
    @brucewayne2773 Год назад +41

    Belated happy birthday to Paul. We all need to work on our naughty Monkey, Paul did such a good job explaining it. Positivity is absolutely essential .

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад +5

      Thanks mate! We do indeed Bruce.... and I agree that positivity is paramount.

    • @narongponsaetan8605
      @narongponsaetan8605 Год назад +2

      Real sugar daddy 😂

    • @brucewayne2773
      @brucewayne2773 Год назад +3

      @@narongponsaetan8605 😊

    • @pannachawangkul585
      @pannachawangkul585 10 месяцев назад +1

      You are a good man, Bruce. Your blessings will be tenfold as you continue to bless others. 🙏

    • @brucewayne2773
      @brucewayne2773 10 месяцев назад +1

      Thank you for the kind words. Bless you as well Panna 🙏@@pannachawangkul585

  • @cassidygan159
    @cassidygan159 6 месяцев назад +2

    Hi Paul your way of describing detachment has given a new meaning to that which I was struggling all my life on Buddhism. That is a real eye-opening for me. I have heard no one can say it better than you do from just this short video alone!!! You are awesome.

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  6 месяцев назад +2

      I've just seen him and shown him your comment... he has a great way with words

  • @JasonPruett
    @JasonPruett 5 месяцев назад +2

    i love listening to this guy talk

  • @alanconroy
    @alanconroy Год назад +19

    I fell in love with Thailand on my 1st visit. I still can’t say why, I mean I don’t believe it was any one thing but the whole thing. I have travelled but never felt that way before. I felt I had found what I was searching for my whole life.

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад +4

      I think Thailand often has that affect on people..... for many different reasons

    • @thaitraveller9756
      @thaitraveller9756 Год назад

      do you live in thailand

    • @alanconroy
      @alanconroy Год назад +1

      @@thaitraveller9756 I had to come back to the UK but I am planning to move there permanently if I can later this year

    • @thaitraveller9756
      @thaitraveller9756 Год назад +1

      it got me hooked when i come here for me its the slow pace of life and how good the people are
      dont get me wrong there are alot of challenging things out here especially on the visa side but after a while things fall into place
      but be under no illusion things can be expensive out here and alot of people are taken for a ride so you need to be bold in what you do but overcome these and you will be fine
      because i,me not in a tourist area i think things for me is a lot better you dont get ripped off
      drop us a line if you want more info or just check the vlogs to see life in the north

    • @thaitraveller9756
      @thaitraveller9756 Год назад +1

      @@alanconroy keep in touch for info done a vlog on visa going to update soon stay safe enjoy life

  • @TheSamuiman
    @TheSamuiman Год назад +13

    One is either happy and content with what is and how it is or not - simple as that - no matter where you are, you are always with you and that may be the problem or not - there are no "others"! 😋

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад

      That's really thought provoking; thanks!

  • @aaronzharnel766
    @aaronzharnel766 Год назад +8

    This guy is super amazing person I think that he got the very high level of the Buddhism Dhamma although he is a lay man Not a Buddhist monk I am Thai person and have practiced my mind like him so I can I understand what the deeply meaning of what he said He is the true disciple of the Lord Buddha. Sadhu ! Sadhu ! Sadhu!😊😊😊

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад +2

      Thanks for the comment. Yes, he certainly seems to get it.

  • @brucewayne2773
    @brucewayne2773 Год назад +28

    I have seen his interview with another RUclipsr, he's been traveling around the world working odd jobs since he was around 17 years old., started in France. If you are used to living with very little, it's an eye opener. I am glad Paul found Thailand at his age as well as yourself Jimmy. You did a great job asking great questions. Blissful mentality with a craving for a cigarette . The dog story was pretty good, confirming his emotions.

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад +5

      Yes, he doesn't have an awful lot in terms of money but he is very happy with his situation. Thanks Bruce, I appreciate that..... he does love a bit of nicotine but should stop really; I quit ciggies/nicotine in 2019 and haven't craved one since.

    • @brucewayne2773
      @brucewayne2773 Год назад +4

      @@JBWanders73 Could have sworn I saw you toking on a 🚬during the interview 😂

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад +5

      @@brucewayne2773 It wasn't a ciggie.... just 'herbs' to loosen my interviewee's tongue 🤣😅😎... I probably should have cut it out

    • @brucewayne2773
      @brucewayne2773 Год назад +5

      @@JBWanders73 Basil and coriander

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад +4

      🤣 Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme

  • @marketsqueezer
    @marketsqueezer Год назад +7

    He is unbelievably rich of knowledge that is more worthy than anything ❤

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад

      Yes, he is certainly full of knowledge mate

  • @it_is_what_it_is2023
    @it_is_what_it_is2023 Год назад +13

    What a beautiful mindset. This just made my day and it made all sense to me. ❤ very inspiring. I am dealing with some trauma from my past and this was very motivating to me . This was loaded with wisdom 🙌 thanks for sharing.

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад +2

      Thanks for having an open mind and I truly hope you can deal with said trauma. Peace and love to you

  • @alexandercharehjoo7744
    @alexandercharehjoo7744 Год назад +6

    This was one of the most meaningful interview I've ever seen. Excellent job 👏

  • @CharlieLegendaryKing
    @CharlieLegendaryKing Год назад +3

    Very very important human this man would be a honour to meet him one day #2024 🇹🇭

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад

      Cheers Charlie... yeah, he's an interesting character

  • @donniebuss6291
    @donniebuss6291 Год назад +7

    Amazing Paul!! I want what he has!! Thanks so much!!

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад

      It's great... he literally 'worries' about nothing mate!

    • @PaulWalliswriter
      @PaulWalliswriter Год назад +2

      You can have it too sir!

  • @cinderella1295
    @cinderella1295 Год назад +6

    What an outstanding philosophical conversation, he is a stunning man.Thy !💝✌🙏

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад +2

      Thanks mate, appreciate that and I am sure Paul will too.

  • @IssakIC5
    @IssakIC5 Год назад +2

    Wow, Paul is a fascinating person, could listen to him for hours. Thank you so much for spoiling us with his knowledge and wisdom. 😍

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад

      Glad you enjoyed it! There'll be more of Paul in the not too distant future.

  • @sekijojosekijojo6278
    @sekijojosekijojo6278 Год назад +8

    Pual, You're Thais grandpa who khow secrets of life mixed about Buddhist and NLP. Enjoy the moment.คิดแต่เรื่องดีๆ มีความสุขอยู่​กับปัจจุบันขณะ​ คุณคือครูในการใช้ชีวิต​ที่มีความสุข​ ผมอยู่​สมุทรสาคร​ขอบคุณ​มากครับ

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад

      Yes, I agree. Some people will not be ready to listen and scoff at him, but what he says makes so much sense to me. Thanks for watching. สวัสดีคร้าบและขอบคุณมากที่รับชมคร้าบ

  • @alanwood4968
    @alanwood4968 Год назад +6

    I loved this blog ive been coming to thailand for twelve years and this is the place i would like to be. As my aircraft starts to come down to land i have this feeling that i am coming home it is a very strong feeling so this year it is going to happen. Thank you.

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад

      Thanks Alan. Fantastic that it will happen this year. I am sure you won't regret it.

  • @patrickm.4754
    @patrickm.4754 Год назад +6

    Thanks for this intriguing interview. Hope to run into this chap. He got it figured out. A Thai through and through.

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад +1

      Very welcome Patrick and thanks for watching. He's definitely part Thai, indeed.

  • @mattfinch7403
    @mattfinch7403 Год назад +2

    I really needed to listen to this with all the negativity of the past few years. Fantastic advice

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад +1

      Thanks Matt. We will do a series on positivity very soon.

  • @bailly1897
    @bailly1897 Год назад +4

    One of the most insightful and relatable youtube videos, I have watched. I met my wife on my first trip there 15 years ago, As with many others, I knew the moment I stepped off the plane that my life would forever be connected to Thailand, We both moved to the UK 10 years ago and soon we are moving back, I can get by speaking Thai and have been learning to read and write for a few years, can't wait to fully immerse myself there once again.

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад

      It sounds like you are ready to immerse yourself in Thailand mate.... I wish all the very best of luck

  • @luvtogroove
    @luvtogroove Год назад +3

    Fascinating man.Wonderful philosophy on life.

  • @antech555
    @antech555 Год назад +9

    Real people with real world issues and how to deal with them. Paul is a world of knowledge. Bad 🐵. Thank you JB. Epic video. I will share it with some negative people that I know. Hope they'll be more like Paul🙏. We all could be like him

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад +1

      Yeah, he is an extremely interesting chap, full of knowledge and wisdom.... I am working on my naughty monkey as we speak. I used to believe strongly in the power of positivity, gave up for a bit, and it is something I am striving for on a daily basis.

    • @antech555
      @antech555 Год назад +2

      @@JBWanders73 as they all say, it's a lot easier said than done.

  • @karlsthailand
    @karlsthailand Год назад +10

    That was nicely done Jimmy. I'd already seen Paul being interviewed by Pete (Thairish Times) so already knew a bit about Paul's story.

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад +1

      Thanks Karl, appreciated mate. He's quite a character.

    • @thaitraveller9756
      @thaitraveller9756 Год назад +1

      ok karl liked pauls story as well
      how you going anyway still enjoying life
      looked at your vlogs for inspiration places to go in the village up khon kaen way always off on bike getting lost makes for a good vlog but also just living with the locals cant believe what happens her
      went to see a neices 3 day old baby and ended up at a temple 10 oclock at night , temple packed massive stage with go go dancers and, band .stalls allover and this was part of a funeral,
      anyway it makes for a vlog
      next day elephant in front of house never a dull day enjoy life

    • @karlsthailand
      @karlsthailand Год назад +1

      @@thaitraveller9756 They don’t need much of an excuse for a party do they Mick 😂

    • @thaitraveller9756
      @thaitraveller9756 Год назад +1

      @@karlsthailand any excuse to have a party at the temple the only thing is the monks dont join in

  • @setkyarwalar
    @setkyarwalar Год назад +5

    Hey Paul, you don't need to regard for not coming in early. The moment that you arrived is the best time. It's what we call right timing/right movement. If you come earlier, everything might change. So, don't be regrets. Stay at the current stage of mind and be happy!

  • @NicHeuwGuitar
    @NicHeuwGuitar Год назад +6

    What a lovely conversation and such a wise point of view about living in the moment. I've been in Thailand for 10 years and I've always been wondering if I'll be here for the rest of my life..
    My mother asks me from time to time if I still want to go and live in Australia or Canada, I used to have that dream. But here in Thailand at the moment I'm very happy and people around me are really nice people. Thank you for sharing this!

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад +1

      Thank you very much indeed. I came here in 98, went back to the UK in 2005. We returned in 2009 and have stayed ever since. I wonder the same things as you although my Mother has stopped asking if I will move on. I think the grass is always greener on the other side so I have stopped wishing my life away and have started to appreciate where I am.... and Thailand can be a wonderful place to live. Cheers.

  • @armunro
    @armunro Год назад +6

    Wonderful interview. Paul is a legend.

  • @coastmansingha9980
    @coastmansingha9980 Год назад +5

    As someone having been in Thailand for 18 years I enjoyed and found your video very interesting. Great always to hear a fellow Farang provide a positive take on Thailand. When listening to your exist music I started to anticipate Stevie Nicks breaking into Edge of Seventeen. 👍

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад

      Yes mate, there are far too many foreign whingers here with a negative take..... it's great to hear positivity. Wow, that intro is almost the same. I just blasted that Stevie Nicks tune... first time I heard it and it is awesome

    • @thaitraveller9756
      @thaitraveller9756 Год назад

      so many people get the wrong impressions of thailand, people mainly only get to see the tourist side and its mainly around pattaya and bangkok and we all know what people go there for
      but to go up north into the villages, the people are so much better it is truly the land of smiles
      i left the tourist areas and now live in a village outside khon kaen it may not have a beach but there sure is plenty to see and doand the locals are the salt of the earth
      i do vlog in the village and beyond and i can tell you you would be surprised what happens in a village community
      take care enjoy life

    • @EB-jf5oi
      @EB-jf5oi Год назад

      Referring to yourself as a farang is cringe. Find your balls

  • @Vonsat
    @Vonsat Год назад +3

    I really enjoyed listening to this interview with Paul and what an interesting character he is indeed! I am a Buddhist and lately I've been interested in stoic philosophy as well so by applying the two principles to my life, I have become so much happier and a lot less stressed. I think Paul is on the right path and may he always be in the state of bliss to the very end😄

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад +2

      That's really interesting; Stoicism and Buddhism kind of mixed together! Thanks for watching and commenting.

    • @PaulWalliswriter
      @PaulWalliswriter Год назад +1

      Thank you sir!

    • @Vonsat
      @Vonsat Год назад

      @@PaulWalliswriter You're my idol!

    • @pannachawangkul585
      @pannachawangkul585 10 месяцев назад +1

      I was brought up by my grandmother, who was a devout Buddhist, so I picked up the dos and don'ts from Buddhism. As I am getting older, I have learned to shrug off things that are not worth worrying about, and my BP is near perfect, (121/80).😊. So, Paul, don't let negative people get to you. Live your life the way it makes you happy. Our time here on earth is short, so....

  • @thanaang1455
    @thanaang1455 Год назад +5

    Very good interview from experienced person sharing his wisdom, really great!

  • @brianmyers9989
    @brianmyers9989 Месяц назад +1

    I just got here(Krabi) and I am so lucky I found this guy. Paul, I would love to meet you, such a great guy! You guys smokin' a doob? Even better.

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Месяц назад

      You're right, he's a great guy. Roll him a doob or buy him a coffee and I'm sure he'd be happy to have a chat. The little rascal beat me at snooker the other day.

    • @brianmyers9989
      @brianmyers9989 Месяц назад +1

      @@JBWanders73 Hey JB, thanks for the response and I love your vids man. Great work, brother!!!

  • @mctruehunter
    @mctruehunter 7 месяцев назад +2

    I love Paul.

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  7 месяцев назад +1

      He's a treasure mate

  • @perfectcar8180
    @perfectcar8180 4 месяца назад +1

    great that u interview the guys in T for long time..great stories.. u got my sub mate

  • @spencerrayong
    @spencerrayong Год назад +3

    Great video m8….Paul has found the answers many of us do not find 🙌🏻

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад

      Thanks a lot mate. You're right ✌🙏

  • @donnatalley144
    @donnatalley144 Год назад +6

    I want more of this!

    • @donnatalley144
      @donnatalley144 Год назад +2

      This is a wise man

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад

      I shall have some more content like this very soon Donna... thanks

  • @simonharper5894
    @simonharper5894 Год назад +2

    realy good i usualy never comment ive english and been around thailand for nearly 35 years allso and paul puts it very well great guy and well done you

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад

      Cheers Simon, I really appreciate the comment mate - thanks

  • @JBWanders73
    @JBWanders73  Год назад +11

    I know or have known an awful lot of different characters here in Bangkok over the years; from charlatans to vagabonds, clowns to wise men, nice guys, a**holes, pirates, criminals, head-the-balls, sages and wise men; for this is a city that has always drawn interesting characters to it.
    I spent a morning with one of these characters just last week and we filmed enough golden content for 2 or 3 videos. Paul is an old school farang, a fascinating character and very much an individual.
    Between today's guest and I, we have lived in Thailand for 62 years! After travelling to many different countries, Paul Wallis arrived in Thailand in 1985. Here in Thailand, Paul has found true happiness; a state of bliss. He has immersed himself in Thai culture and speaks the language fluently. He says he can't remember the last day he even had a tinge of sadness. But just how does he do this? You're going to want to watch this video in order to find out!!
    What is the law of attraction? The law of attraction argues that positive thoughts and actions reap positive rewards and vice versa for negative ones. At the core of this philosophy is positivity.
    Paul is 67 TODAY!! Watch this chat/interview as a birthday gift to him - you won't regret it.
    #lifeinthailand #interview #paulwallis
    Please help to support the channel, and I will head of for some more adventures soon:

  • @tomhill3439
    @tomhill3439 Год назад +5

    I know a Thai who has lived here in the U K for 40 years and has all his teeth

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад +1


    • @Amorhoo
      @Amorhoo Год назад

      what do you mean?

    • @astazou1720
      @astazou1720 2 месяца назад

      @@Amorhoo@tom hill has a grind teeth sense of humor . Simple isn’t it.

  • @BryansMusings
    @BryansMusings Год назад +4

    A great chat this was, Jim. Loving the new series. I bet its gonna have some pretty interesting people coming up!

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад

      Thanks B... There should be a few mate. I had a chat with the Kenyan Ambassador recently, who come across very well!

  • @AG-so4gl
    @AG-so4gl Год назад +6

    He looks a good 10 years older. Life and tropical weather does that to you

    • @Marco-en3jl
      @Marco-en3jl Год назад +4

      @@StarxPlayz7 I live in the tropics; where the sun never stops shining; people think I fifteen years younger; don't smoke, don't drink...

  • @user-sq5dc6og6u
    @user-sq5dc6og6u Год назад +2

    Very useful guidance. You made my day both of you. I will try to not forget all these good advices. It’s how we should all live here on earth. 🙏🏼👍🏻 Merci

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад +1

      And merci to you also mon ami. Have a lovely day

  • @saingmckinnon6631
    @saingmckinnon6631 Год назад +2

    I love how you look in life and the positive way and control your own emotions ❤🙏

    • @PaulWalliswriter
      @PaulWalliswriter Год назад

      It is the key to happiness Saing

    • @saingmckinnon6631
      @saingmckinnon6631 Год назад +1

      @PaulWalliswriter yes I am. Happy go lucky type of person And because I always stay away from the negative people and care less what they think about me. Because in the end, it is only me who walks alone . I always thank above all for letting me choose this direction 🙏 🙏🙏

  • @parrishmedley
    @parrishmedley 4 месяца назад +1

    Paul, Just Magical

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  4 месяца назад +1

      Yes, he's a gift isn't he mate

  • @nattapongnilprohm3912
    @nattapongnilprohm3912 Год назад +2

    Hey, I love how you go "Oops...", then hide the joint behind you after your mate just took a puff right in front of the camera. Don't worry, There's no law against that just yet. I'd better enjoy it while it last. Thank you for this great content. Thank you, Paul, for your wisdom.

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад +1

      Haha yeah, old habits die hard... I keep forgetting it is legal now. Have a lovely day mate.

    • @Amorhoo
      @Amorhoo Год назад +1

      @@JBWanders73 what are the joint and the puff?

  • @suarsivapong9311
    @suarsivapong9311 Год назад +5

    Martin of Kham Pla Lai, Khon Kaen, is a British man who has lived in Thailand for more than 30 years.

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад

      Ok, good for Martin.... thanks for watching

  • @fatahabukar
    @fatahabukar Год назад +2

    Best Interview I have ever watched

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад +1

      Thank you very much indeed Fatah, really appreciate that

    • @fatahabukar
      @fatahabukar Год назад

      Welcome my brother JB Wanders

  • @theauroralightyr
    @theauroralightyr Год назад +3

    Full of wisdom, thank you so much

  • @jparsit
    @jparsit Год назад +3

    There are a few westerner monks who you should discuss about life in-depth, freedom to happiness. These monks live peacefully in small provinces, but hurry they are reaching to the last chapter of life.

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад

      That would be really interesting. If you hear of any in particular, please let me know and I will go and find them.

    • @jparsit
      @jparsit Год назад +1видео.html

    • @Amorhoo
      @Amorhoo Год назад

      True, but I also think monks don't have experience of lay life / world. So may not be the best advisors for laity?

  • @lukorax
    @lukorax Год назад +2

    Paul is amazing

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад

      He's an interesting chap for sure

  • @tobyprice1092
    @tobyprice1092 Год назад +4

    Cool old dude. He's having a great life.

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад

      He's happy, which I guess is what we are looking for. Thanks for watching.

  • @sant04
    @sant04 Год назад +1

    It was a wonderful video and will try to apply Pauls teaching. Thank you so much

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад +1

      Thanks very much indeed. I'm trying myself too.

  • @destinationsunknowntheroadsles
    @destinationsunknowntheroadsles Год назад +4

    Paul and I have so much in common. I have been on the road since 1972 at age fourteen. Have always had a very difficult time settling down. Even still in Thailand after about a week at home base I can,t get back outside fast enough. Always follow your bliss you will be fine. Sadly most humans seem trapped in another reality.

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад +1

      Thanks mate... I'm similar to you in that I get itchy feet pretty quickly. Maybe that's just a desire to explore and experience as much as you can. I agree - follow your bliss

  • @JD_B_Y
    @JD_B_Y Год назад +4

    Love it❤ thank you for sharing 🙏🏻

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад

      Thank you, you are very welcome indeed

  • @markcorbo6388
    @markcorbo6388 Год назад +4

    Trying not to be cynical as I agree with much of what was said. And it's positive and good for you. However, we appear to be entering an era in the West where freedoms are being eroded fast. A dystopian future is a real possibility. Partly down to apathy selfishness and being too comfortable for too long so I question some aspects of putting negative thoughts away. At times it's crucial to stand up against tyranny.

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад +1

      Mark, I actually agree completely with your rather eloquent comment. Cheers mate, and have a great day.

    • @markcorbo6388
      @markcorbo6388 Год назад +1

      @@JBWanders73 thanks. I may seek him out for advice when I finally visit Thailand. Plan to semi retire from my chauffeur job in a year or so and spend some time in Thailand. Lived in Rangoon from 1972 to 75. Dad was British Council proffesor. Influenced my life a great deal. Must return.

    • @PaulWalliswriter
      @PaulWalliswriter Год назад +1

      I agree sir and I am saddened by how easy people have rolled over

  • @PaulWalliswriter
    @PaulWalliswriter 6 месяцев назад +1

    I am happy to have told it like it is. Their plight is real!

  • @geirwiwansivertsen7981
    @geirwiwansivertsen7981 Год назад +2

    I thought at first that he was dubbed with Simon Cowell’s voice! Remarkably similar! That put aside: Another fine example that material wealth might not be the way to happiness! Greetings from another Thai expat that just past the 10-year mark of good living in Thailand.

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад

      Haha he's a lot nicer than Simon Cowell though. Paul genuinely seems happier than most people I know that have plenty of money and possessions. Thanks very much for the positive comment mate.

  • @ricardofumagalli4631
    @ricardofumagalli4631 Год назад +1

    Wow stumbled on your Chanel by accident, and after watching this about this remarkable gentlemen I've subscribed and look forward to more of this content in the future. Thank you so much. Ricardo Birmingham UK

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад

      Thanks so much for your lovely comment Ricardo. Hope you have a wonderful day

  • @JasonPruett
    @JasonPruett 5 месяцев назад +2

    "Damn it, Bones, you're a doctor.012 You know that pain and guilt can't be taken away with a wave of a magic wand. They're the things we carry with us, the things that make us who we are. If we lose them, we lose ourselves. I don't want my pain taken away!012 I need my pain!"

  • @gotchagotcha3293
    @gotchagotcha3293 Год назад +1

    Wow wow wow ฟัง farang สนทนาธรรม กัน for the first time ... new perspective !! Thanks 😂😂

  • @Truman77.
    @Truman77. Год назад +1

    An inspiring interview and great life hacks. Very helpful as I tend to worry about things.

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад

      Thanks Robert.... worrying and over thinking used to consume me, but I have got rid of most of it.... not all yet, but most of it

  • @JohnFrancisByrne
    @JohnFrancisByrne 2 месяца назад +1

    Inspirational 🎉

  • @KptnBlowFly
    @KptnBlowFly Год назад +1

    23 years Thailand. Wise man. Hello from Ubon. 🙏

  • @durianwalker
    @durianwalker Год назад +3

    Best interview ever, detachment

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад

      Thanks very much for the comment

  • @youtuber-MGTOW
    @youtuber-MGTOW Год назад +5

    A live altering interview 🙏

  • @ICTicon
    @ICTicon Год назад +1

    Blissful "being in the moment" podcast 💕

  • @rambodiehardwarrior2006
    @rambodiehardwarrior2006 Год назад +4

    For me I consider that this is how the wise men converse. Paul is the man who understands life. I really love this VDO and when I've finished watching I've hit the thumb up and notification bell to follow it.

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад

      Thank you very much. Hope you have a wonderful day.

    • @thaitraveller9756
      @thaitraveller9756 Год назад

      was a great take on why he was in thailand
      its such a nice place to be even better when you actually live amongst the locals

  • @aznprnz2225
    @aznprnz2225 Год назад +7

    Paul...You speak like a TRUE Buddhist! I admire your choice to live in a foreign land, just like myself in reverse, in the U.S. for 38 YEARS! LIFE is for LIVING to LOVE and to LAUGH! NAMASTE!!!

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад

      Yes! Great comment.... Peace and love to you

  • @Ned88Man
    @Ned88Man 3 месяца назад +1

    I think there is something to be said here, but I often find that "not caring what anyone else thinks" can be seen as a carte blanche to be able to act however you want and disregard what others feelings are often. Now, this isn't always the case, but if people "dont like us" there is often, not always, a reason for this, and often this reason is because we haven't done well by them or have been mean or have a tendency to disregard their feelings and simply focus on ourselves, to hell with anyone else. So, it's a double edged sword. I also think that while it is good to control our emotions, a lot of what it sounds like is going on here is repressing them, which really doesn't allow us to feel the fullness of what is going on. It's just another way of kicking the can down the road. But, I do respect the effort.

  • @AfureAofkun
    @AfureAofkun Год назад +4

    There are many foreigners who want to know the deep Thai character about Buddhism and what they are. and finally finished with ordination as a monk.

  • @captainsaveaho4838
    @captainsaveaho4838 Год назад +2

    For me in my life thus far, I find the negative things motivate me to do better and helps me to appreciate the little things in life.

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад

      If that works for you bud, fantastic - more power to you sir. We are all different...

    @1BIGFROGGY Год назад +2

    Almost felt that I was there having a nice iced coffee and sharing that joint! I'll try and control "The Naughty Monkey" and be happy and kind/helpful to people and look for the silver linings. Oh, and have a J whenever I can get one. Thank you!

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад

      Thanks for watching and thanks a lot for the comment too mate. Have a great day!

  • @urszulab8397
    @urszulab8397 Год назад +1

    So true 😊 Thank you so much 🙏🙋‍♀️

  • @bro2499
    @bro2499 Год назад +1

    Man's living the dream. Great interview m8 . Subbed 🙏✌️❤️

  • @rogerwalker2523
    @rogerwalker2523 Год назад +1

    Your post just came across my RUclips. I'm a new subscriber after listen to this interview with Paul. Very interesting what he has to say. Love to hear more to leave more about Thailand!

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад

      Thanks a lot Roger. I plan a lot of content very much focusing on Thailand, some of the quirks of the culture and indeed the people here, both Thai and foreign.

  • @ma3stro681
    @ma3stro681 Год назад +2

    All suffering comes from attachment to 'Self'. All attachments and aversions will lead to suffering. These are the basic principles of Buddhist philosophy ...

  • @toddbridges7430
    @toddbridges7430 Год назад +1

    Heh, hey Jim, great interview,,,,, really spoke to me. Didn’t know you were a You Tuber. Cheers.

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад

      Thanks a million Todd.... it's definitely food for thought. Vlogging keeps my mind busy and sometimes my soul. Hope you are well mate and hope to see you again at the lake. Cheers mate

  • @bennynackholm866
    @bennynackholm866 Год назад +2

    26 years counting same thing for me. Except the Covid years took me down a bit. When the borders closed i panicked and i said hell no i aint leaving Thailand alive but luckily a friend helped me to sort out my visa requirements so i didnt have to commit suicide lol. Life here is real and i love to live here. I see people from my home country and i feel pity for them living in the gray world of the west .Im luckily married also and have a grandchild and a nice family and a wonderful wife.Thank you all Thai people i love and respect you all for making me feel welcome here in Thailand.

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад

      Cheers to you Benny and may you have many more happy years here in the land of smiles

  • @gheechiedan9299
    @gheechiedan9299 Год назад +1

    This was a REALLY interesting concept worth looking into.🤔

  • @georgesmith3022
    @georgesmith3022 Год назад +1

    1. love everybody 2. avoid negative thoughts 3. live in the moment

  • @StreetStrongAbroad
    @StreetStrongAbroad Год назад +2

    this man is speaking on a cosmic metaphoric level.

  • @MrPeter924
    @MrPeter924 Год назад +1

    Great video great view. Thailand 🇹🇭. 👍

  • @XMCD31
    @XMCD31 Месяц назад

    Paul Wallis is legend!

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Месяц назад +1

      He beat me 6-5 at snooker yesterday, the little rascal! 😂✌

  • @thaiav8r
    @thaiav8r Год назад +1

    Awesome man, Paul.

  • @LifeinLao
    @LifeinLao Год назад +2

    I have listened to Paul's interviews a few times and all were soooooo damn good and eye opening. Thanks to you both gentlemen. Paul, I have a problem and I want your advice. I am in a relationship with a Lao lady but her daughter 16 is so rude to her mother and me sometimes. she is kind of obnoxious too. I dont want to give up this lady since I love her. I will appreciate your thoughts. thanks.

    • @PaulWalliswriter
      @PaulWalliswriter Год назад +2

      Try to make a connection with the daughter, if that is possible. Mothers are often blind to their children's faults, so I think you should focus on building a positive relationship with the daughter. Good luck, I hope it works out for you sir!

    • @LifeinLao
      @LifeinLao Год назад +1

      @@PaulWalliswriter Thanks a lot Paul. Stay safe and sound and hope to hear from you more often ^^

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад

      Cheers bb, have a lovely day

  • @spokeman
    @spokeman Год назад +2

    He said he listened to somebody and I can't help but think that person might be Alan Watts in fact even sounds like him

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад +1

      I'd be extremely surprised if he hasn't listened to Alan Watts, among others... good observation mate

  • @JBWanders73
    @JBWanders73  Год назад +2

    Paul's books:
    The Essential Guide To Living In Thailand:
    A Wanderer's Words:
    Paul's media:

  • @charleshallam3216
    @charleshallam3216 Год назад

    Good luck to him!
    Ive been fortunate to live here for the past 22 years, happily married and living in a small village just outside Cha-Am in Petchaburi.
    Taught myself to speak, read and write Thai although the latter two aren't as good as my knowledge of the spoken.
    As I've grown older, I'm 68 now, I do tend to worry about my health.
    I'm far from being classed as a hypochondriac but, I do tend to find myself suffering from ailments on a daily basis...
    Bringing me back to the interview and the gentleman's apparent positive outlook.
    I wonder if he has ever suffered any illness and if so, how can you put a 'spin' on that and give it a positive thought?

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад

      Thanks Charles - Phetchaburi is my favourite province (my wife is from there). Currently, he is in the grips of a 'bug' - he's had the flu for almost two weeks so I will ask him. I would guess that he would tell you the illness is giving him a chance to catch up with his writing etc. Thanks for the comment Charles

    • @violetsarelavender
      @violetsarelavender Год назад

      Que sera sera.
      What's in your hands, do that. What's not, leave it. The more you obsess over the things out of your control, (or the thoughts which make you ruminate) the more anxious you will be. It's not worth it. You could look at it this way.. i am here and it is what it is. What can I do about it? How can I see this in a positive way? accept it and it passes too.. all difficult phases passes just like the good ones.
      Sorry, I have intruded in this space.
      Edit: may God bless you with good health 👍. And let this hard phase pass to let the sunshine in.

  • @nickreels
    @nickreels Год назад +2

    15:34 Brillianty explained.

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад

      He does explain it rather well Nick

  • @kevod09
    @kevod09 Год назад +1

    What a character , just put him in the safron robes and thats him, Very interesting guy. 😊🙏

    • @JBWanders73
      @JBWanders73  Год назад

      He is definitely an interesting guy