Joe Rogan on Going Sober for a Month

  • Опубликовано: 17 окт 2017
  • Joe Rogan talks about quitting weed for a month as a part of #SoberOctobert.
    Taken from Joe Rogan Experience #1025: • Video

Комментарии • 332

  • @paulmelonas7263
    @paulmelonas7263 6 лет назад +291

    The delusion is that weed is harmless..That is a delusion.

  • @chavycash2518
    @chavycash2518 6 лет назад +184

    Im NOT addicted to weed. Guys, im not. It hasnt even been hard. I haven't missed it one bit. I have no problem giving it up. Weed is not addicting so itd be impossible for me to miss it. Its already been 2 weeks, 3 days, 11 hours, 37 minutes with 24 seconds and I feel like normal. I could do this for the rest of my life if I wanted to. 0 is the amount that I miss weed. Yesterday, for 2 hours straight, I told my wife how much I dont miss weed.

  • @majinbull17
    @majinbull17 6 лет назад +127

    Joe is a grown ass man, it's kinda ridiculous that he's so productive, health obsessive, and successful yet everyone feels the need to peer pressure him to stop smoking weed.

  • @lukemarks92
    @lukemarks92 Год назад +34

    Everytime i quit weed for an extended period of time. Then restart. It just makes me appreciate weed even more lol

  • @jessegimenez8175
    @jessegimenez8175 6 лет назад +48

    Total truth, I stopped for 3-6 months something around that after smoking very frequently for 3 years and decided I could not do it any longer. In fact I couldn't even comprehend or understand how my former self was able to get through how intense the beginning stages of marijuana use can be. Haven't smoked since, don't plan on doing it ever again.

  • @LeiYuanHong

    Funny how a guy that smokes weed and drinks every day says it's no problem quitting, don't miss it at all. He's not being honest with himself. Why ever drink or smoke again if you don't care about it and don't need it?

  • @BIGW20
    @BIGW20 4 года назад +59

    You knew you were gonna drink and smoke again that’s easy. Do it for a year .

  • @PureDisorder
    @PureDisorder 6 лет назад +56

    I gotta say, Joe seems alot less douchy since he's been off the substances. He seems nicer and more chill

  • @nickhertochjan9742
    @nickhertochjan9742 5 лет назад +9

    The tought of not smokeing weed is harder than not smokeing weed cause if you are past day 3 or a week you dont care no more

  • @jdg6336
    @jdg6336 3 года назад +10

    If only I could quit youtube now thats a big issue.

  • @Zerosumthing
    @Zerosumthing Год назад +42

    21 days no weed. Dreams are fucking unreal.

  • @milwaukeebucks78
    @milwaukeebucks78 6 лет назад +218

    Joe wouldn't admit even if he was wanting weed.

  • @PhatGirlLuvr68Comix
    @PhatGirlLuvr68Comix 6 лет назад +23

    I'm honest enough to admit that I'm only addicted to weed. There are far worse addictions.

  • @UnionBerlinUltra1
    @UnionBerlinUltra1 6 лет назад +249

    Joe "I dont need weed, Iam totally not addicted" Rogan.

  • @AreaS4channel
    @AreaS4channel 6 лет назад +154

    I did 30 days without booze and then drank beers last night, I woke up so damn sick I thought I was dying. I am still (

  • @TheChrishendrix
    @TheChrishendrix 6 лет назад +46

    Never enjoyed drinking. I've been off weed for about four years now. I miss it occasionally but don't want to get back into the habit again. But I've been listening to alot of Terence Mckenna..... Everytime I go on a peaceful nature walk I see those liberty caps looking back at me.

  • @bryangm72
    @bryangm72 2 года назад +29

    I feel this applies to marihuana addiction also. I was dependent and addicted to it for 12 years, my mistake was smoking the most powerful stuff every time. Tried to quit atleast once every year, the most i could go on was a couple months, experienced psychosis to extreme levels, delusional thoughts, even after week 5 i would still feel sick, thought i was already crazy, even at times thought i was schizophrenic. I was scared, depressed, wanted to end it all. Even afraid of my self thinking i could go crazy and hurt someone, (delusional thoughts and psychosis can do that to you) but it was a symptom and i thought at the time it was me with a damaged brain and damaged thinking pattern that thought i wasn't going to be able to heal. My heart would race so bad i was taken to the hospital 7 or 8 times in 2 months, at times with blood pressure so high i was told i could get a heart attack, slept 3 hours per night at most, crazy scary nightmares, sleep deprevation was driving me insane, crazy mood swings, prescribed xanax and high blood pressure medicine to ease symptoms, which end it up making them worse. My psychiatrist told me to quit them, So i quit medication after 2 weeks which is enough for xanax to give you withdrawals (made me feel like week one). I would rarely get peace moments, ranging from only minutes to an hour at most, and then go back to anxiety and pain. But those moments where enough to see what i was missing on with my addiction. i would go back to smoking to try to ease my symptoms, starting with very little and progressively getting back to high doses. What was my mistake? Trying to do it alone, going on day 34 today, but this time I've been going to AA since the first week of quitting, excercising 5 days a week 30 minutes a day, all 7 days if possible. Quit gun games. Quit Facebook videos full of fights, accidents, death, dumb people doing stpd things. Quit porn as weed would lead me to it to calm euphoria and anxiety. Quit soda and sweets, as sugar rush would give me more anxiety. My body becomes sensitive to everything and anything. I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety, ptsd, with panic attacks and major depression disorder. Tried to end all a few times in the past. Not a pill fan so no medication to help me this time. Just spitting all out at AA tribune, excercise, eating healthier, visiting family members, avoiding places, people and situations that could trigger my anger, pain, anxiety, and addiction, feeling in the gap with work when i can because currently unemployed, cleaning home, spending time with wife and kids, working on small projects like cleaning the cars and whatever i can do to distract my pain. Eating a healthy breakfast, Not eating after 9pm only maybe jelly or yogurt, and i sleep much better. also swimming decreases my inflammation. Drinking lots of water everyday, showing love to those around me, and trying not run too fast in my recovery. But most of all getting closer to God, much prayer asking for forgiveness, help, and a chance to recreate my life and recover all the time wasted. I been understanding myself better, learning I've been my worse enemy, so trying to forgive myself to let go of the past and let go of the person ive been, or else it's like heavy chains on my body and soul that keep trying to make me think i will always be that person, and if i dont let go of that i wont be able to become someone new and free. trying to transform my habits, my thinking, my actions. It definitely a battle, that's why i have needed all those things and much more to feel in the emptiness before depression, anxiety, remorse, and pain take over and i go back to addiction. Im still a recovering addict, im understanding i was looking for peace in the wrong place, peace in marihuana thinking it would relax me, but was just making my body, mind, and heart sicker. Now im looking for that peace in all the mentioned above, im starting to appreciate soberness, everything smells, looks, seems, much brighter, much more positive, i am now hopeful for the future, im putting my faith in God and trusting He is with me on this journey, to being clean, to actually living. I have alot to work on, mood swings and old thinking patterns, all together with the physical pain that comes with abstinence, but the peace moments last longer as i get closer to detoxing, this time has been different, because im looking for all the help i can get, and actually using it. when i wake up anxious, i pray to God for help and peace, and end up Falling asleep again without notice. When i wake up in the morning i thank God for letting me see the sunlight once again, I thank him for my family, our health, our food, our home, the sun, the air, you name it, alot to be thankful for! .. Loosing a parent, loosing a child, having a chronic decease, are some of the harshest and hardest things in life, and i add recovering from addiction to the list. I pray that everyone who wants to change their lives around will make it, that they will get the help they need and take action in the right direction, I pray they never give up, i pray for God to help them heal and see the future with hope, and that they can recover faith and love in themselves, and most of all that they reach peace in their hearts to never need to go back to any type of addiction. I pray for healing for the sick, help for the poor, and i wish you all new beginnings in your bodies, minds, hearts, and souls! You can do it! Even when you feel alone, you are not, there are many of us who get you! Who understand what you are going through. We're all on this together, from different parts of the world! From different paths and upcomings! We are a sister/brotherhood. I am writing this from a peaceful moment laying on my bed, thankful for another day. Take it day by day, dont try to run. Its a journey to a new life, takes time and be patient with yourselfs, show love to those around you, forgive and forget, let go of the past, look for new begginings. Not just in the outter, but also within you! Love you all and pray we all find meaning in our existence, and true happiness and peace in our hearts. 💙 I will end this message for you like i end my tribune at AA, I thank God for this past 24 hours sober and thank YOU for your tolerance! 🙏

  • @victorespinoza6210
    @victorespinoza6210 6 лет назад +22

    Joe "MCT oil makes me shit" Rogan

  • @kevinkelley4376
    @kevinkelley4376 6 лет назад +3

    Dudes story about the M - 80 was awesome.. 💣💥👂😭

  • @Nardvillain
    @Nardvillain 2 года назад +5

    my BP was pretty high and i was drinking daily. i'm on day 19 and my blood pressure is lower than it has been in forever.