BBC Question Time 11/12/2014 Russell Brand Nigel Farage

  • Опубликовано: 10 дек 2014
  • Full episode. David Dimbleby presents topical debate from Canterbury in Kent. Among the panellists are Penny Mordaunt MP, Mary Creagh MP, Nigel Farage MEP, Russell Brand and Camilla Cavendish.

Комментарии • 2,2 тыс.

  • @TheRealAdamT
    @TheRealAdamT 9 лет назад +455

    Very telling to see the politicians attack Russell from time to time out of nowhere. And for what? Being popular and having money? He's very knowledgeable and actually listens and cares about the people's concerns, which is more than I can say about most politicians.

    • @TheRealAdamT
      @TheRealAdamT 9 лет назад +27

      I didn't even know that was an issue. Does that happen a lot in the UK? And has Russell come out and said he doesn't give a shit or is that something you're inferring because you haven't heard him talk about it?

    • @TheRealAdamT
      @TheRealAdamT 9 лет назад +13

      ***** If you have politicians and police who let any group of people abduct, pimp out and commit heinous crimes against young girls and then try to cover it up and let it keep happening you have deep seeded problems of corruption that are much bigger than immigration.

    • @legaliseme
      @legaliseme 9 лет назад +1

      "Even though the so called conservatives aren't much better labour had a distinct plan to flood the country with immigrants even though the people never wanted it."
      Oft trotted out hogwash, apparently the UKIP movement in swansea consists almost entirely of Somalian immigrants.
      Such a heap of blab

    • @DanDaMan098
      @DanDaMan098 9 лет назад +6

      ***** pedophilia and rape are problems in the world that need to be solved but this isn't about white and Muslim, Christianity and Islam this is about people being used and accused by monsters.
      The police historically have been terrible at dealing with this and helping victims. Russell Brand doesn't talk about it for a variety of reasons but I'm sure he doesn't want anyone to be raped.

    • @TheAcad3mic
      @TheAcad3mic 9 лет назад +6

      Don't listen to this fool... No, there is not some endemic situation of "islamic grooming gangs" going around kidnapping "anglo" girls. We don't even really use the word anglo to describe ourselves FFS... The only thing you should take away from here is that in the UK there really are a subset of crazy racists who think we matter far more than we do, and talk absolutely obscene shit about foreigners and 'them muslims'.

  • @sbbjusticeleague2258
    @sbbjusticeleague2258 9 лет назад +60

    I went to a state school, with some very bright kids who could think for themselves. One kid said one day "I want to be doctor when I'm older". We were about 15 years of age. The teacher said "nobody from this school will become a doctor" and laughed it off. I had another teacher who wore a tie that beared the name of a local grammar school on it. He screamed and called us all 'thick' on a regular basis. It's as if we were programmed to think we couldn't be high flyers. Now I have a RUclips account claiming I'm in a Justice League with a disturbing picture of somebody in a bathtub. Proof that I have been failed by the system.

    • @peeonthepenski4729
      @peeonthepenski4729 3 года назад +15

      underrated comment from 6 years ago that not enough people saw

    • @peeonthepenski4729
      @peeonthepenski4729 3 года назад +4

      @Adrien Zaid @Crhis Chance
      yo pretty sus how you both joined youtube on the same day

    • @brendonbre8745
      @brendonbre8745 3 года назад

      @Adrien Zaid sure you did, you moron

    • @bensmith5288
      @bensmith5288 2 года назад +1

      Take responsibility for your own life you moaning prat

    • @Tad1945
      @Tad1945 2 года назад +1

      @@bensmith5288 Wow a Lott has changed in almost 7 years hasn’t it ?

  • @fubar.1
    @fubar.1 5 месяцев назад +7

    Watching this 10 year on , how right nigel Farage was

  • @mhl8396
    @mhl8396 8 лет назад +113

    That's right Russell, when you run out of arguments, just shout 'RACIST'

    • @Harris.azj.97
      @Harris.azj.97 8 лет назад +26

      yet he was still the most intelligent person on the panel

    • @mhl8396
      @mhl8396 8 лет назад +20

      The other people on the panel back up their arguments, all he could muster was 'but but but UKIP are racist, lets blame bankers for everything'. Don't think that makes him intelligent.

    • @Harris.azj.97
      @Harris.azj.97 8 лет назад +8

      MHL83 true but if you actually paid attention to what he was saying and if you spend the time to see the his videos about certain issues affecting the UK you will see the amount that has been lost through tax invasion then you to would be blaming bankers instead of everything else that when it comes down to it hasn't been having any affect on the UK
      so you may not find him intelligent but what I've seen from him shows clearly that he is one smart chap

    • @mhl8396
      @mhl8396 8 лет назад +11

      What has he actually achieved though? Nigel Farage (love him or hate him) got us a referendum. Russell Brand appears to just shrink into the background, and occasionally pop up spouting about everything he sees is wrong with the world, offering no solutions at all. Perhaps if he put his 'intelligence' to good use people could see what you see. How he behaves with Farage in this video is just like a comedian, just using put downs to get him a laugh and applause from the audience. He never really gives a good reason he does not like Farage, just says what he knows will get the reaction he wants. This is something he definitely is good at... perhaps you are confusing this for intelligence?

    • @osao.387
      @osao.387 7 лет назад +5

      You want the Comedian to be in charge?

  • @doogiespence5310
    @doogiespence5310 9 лет назад +72

    LMao this shit's awesome. Need shows like this in the U.S

    • @LizzyhisNizzy92
      @LizzyhisNizzy92 9 лет назад

      Doogie Spence We have them . . . .

    • @doogiespence5310
      @doogiespence5310 9 лет назад +2

      Lizzy Loves No we don't.. Not like this. What's the show you fucking smart ass?

    • @LizzyhisNizzy92
      @LizzyhisNizzy92 9 лет назад +3

      I'm not trying to be a 'smart ass'. Face the nation is like this and a few others. Again not trying to be a 'smart ass' just saying that we do. No need to get hostel.

    • @ninny65
      @ninny65 9 лет назад +10

      Don't get "hostel"

    • @ssh1487
      @ssh1487 9 лет назад +12

      Yeah no need for hostelety.

  • @richardthelionheart8656
    @richardthelionheart8656 8 лет назад +42

    Still love seeing that smug demeanour get wiped from Russell's face by the disabled chap.
    I'm disabled too, and there's nothing more infuriating than having someone speak for you. Stay out of Politics forever now that you've gone Russell.

    • @ChaseMyska
      @ChaseMyska 6 лет назад +5

      There is nothing more frustrating than watching a politician try to blame immigrants for a lack of funding when they approve tax breaks for billionaires.

  • @paulinekilburnie2224
    @paulinekilburnie2224 3 года назад +7

    2021: One man standing.

  • @eddiearcher7018
    @eddiearcher7018 8 лет назад +19

    You can't just shout "racist" whenever someone has a valid point that maybe you don't like this is a country with freedom of speech

    • @jordantaylor716
      @jordantaylor716 8 лет назад +3

      To hysterical open border liberals, narrative and mantra come before logic, facts and reality. Blame the blatant bias in the media and education system.

  • @MagicMan1_1_1
    @MagicMan1_1_1 9 лет назад +10

    I honestly am not sure who to hate more: Russell Brand or Nigel Farage? Ideologically, I'm definitely more against Farage, but Brand comes off more unbearable in just how obnoxious he is. And you know what? Give Farage some credit, he handled himself with maturity and actually answered his questions directly. What do you guys think?

    • @rickesh28
      @rickesh28 9 лет назад +1

      I completely agree with you there. I do love Russell as a comedian, but not as a sanctimonious political commentator. I couldn't care less about Farage, I can't stand the man's ideology.

    • @1967whaley
      @1967whaley 9 лет назад +1

      I agree...Brand is the left-wing Farage

    • @keithdavid3054
      @keithdavid3054 9 лет назад

      Magic Man - Nigel tries to listen, to have manners and to reason. He does quit well on these I think. Russell has to learn to do the first two better and the latter more calmly but I think he has his heart in the right place but has his foot in his mouth. Oddly enough I think they would probably agree with each other. Its just the path on how to get there they disagree on.

    • @earthstick
      @earthstick 9 лет назад

      Is it the immigration you don't like about his ideology? His other big point is that of self governance. I cannot understand people who do not value the freedom to make their own decisions.

    • @loopa-fiasco5300
      @loopa-fiasco5300 9 лет назад

      Magic man's comment is definitely part of a UKIP PR stunt, you can see the hidden agenda shine right through basically saying "I'm with you guys totally both are idiots but that nigel, well compared to russell he isn't so bad right.. right?" You ain't fooling no one mate..

  • @mirorbalmacfisto
    @mirorbalmacfisto 9 лет назад +52

    Russell mate, you're a decent guy with a big heart no doubt but you have to understand; UKIP is Britains's last hope. Stop making it about right or left because that's so trivial compared with what we're really up against. You make a HUGE MISTAKE in confusing the rich with the true powers that be. No one likes the rich and tbh I'm even getting tired of UKIP banging on a about immigration 24/7 but you have to see there is A MUCH BIGGER CONSPIRACY going on and the EU is CENTRAL it. Stop talking about bloody immigration and listen to Farage on WAR. FARAGE HATES WAR! AND THAT'S WHY THE ESTABLISHMENT HATE HIM BECAUSE WAR IS THE MOST PROFITABLE TOOL FOR THE ELITE THERE IS. !!!THE REBELS USED CHEMICAL WEAPONS!!! AND THAT ALONE IS WHY YOU SHOULD VOTE UKIP!

    • @thethreeamazingmen
      @thethreeamazingmen 9 лет назад +8

      Barack Obama also "hated" war, and said there would be change for americas foreign policy and their racial inequality...look where that got them

    • @keithdavid3054
      @keithdavid3054 9 лет назад

      Moror . . . Right on. The LibLabCon lot took us into an illegal war egged on by Tony indoors. Cost is £30,000,000,000. Be interesting to see where all the lucre went. I know some of it will have certainly gone to the middle class with pensions, via a somewhat obscure route and studiously ignored.
      Prime Minister David Cameron in August insisted the government's position on Iraq is "clear" and said the UK would not deploy "boots on the ground". I did not have sex with Miss Monica Lewinski. Like Tony Blair there will be semen stains. Blair's stain was 480,000 dead non combatants with his consenting adult partner Bush.
      While that was being said our SAS boys (no dishonour to them at all - NONE - they are the best) were carrying our recon, pointing lasers and assisting some ISIS crew to their ultimate end. Now I see we will have boots on the ground.
      I also see big profits on the horizon for the arms dealer lot, huge bonuses for the bankers, thousands more innocent deaths and more austerity cuts for us.
      Usual scene. Except for Nigel. He has a lot to live up to, but he said it, it is out there and I will bellow if he reneges.

    • @keithdavid3054
      @keithdavid3054 9 лет назад

    • @thegrade3726
      @thegrade3726 9 лет назад


    • @Manc-king
      @Manc-king 9 лет назад

      The Grade and when have we said we was better? we as a country are better of out off the EU with our own laws not being told what we can and cant do. having one set of laws for multiple country's doesn't work, different country's have different problems and have there own fix. we as a country don't mine immigrants but they have to have something to give back to the country not just come here because they get to live for free and everything given to them. we are not racist just fed up would you buy a house then let a stranger live in it rent free and give him money to buy furniture and money each week to live off (no and that's what we are sick of)

  • @ezzspice
    @ezzspice 9 лет назад +35

    It would not make a difference. If Brand did stand for parliament he wouldn't get in for the reason it's all manipulated by money And power. Everything Brand stands for would not be of any gain for the rich, they would loose billions In helping working class and making the country a better place in other words everyone would be equal. Oh and of course lets not forget honesty. When has a politician ever been honest and carried out what they say they will. At least brand is honest. Whenever he hits a nerve with what he says, (cause it's the truth) what does the fk up media do? Attack and try to belittle the person.

    • @christopherwood3507
      @christopherwood3507 9 лет назад

      Amen, the fact that that bitch who was saying cock as a joke should be no where near fucking me or my potential kids

    • @ezzspice
      @ezzspice 9 лет назад

      That just showed the mentality of the people who have "our best interests at heart" Trying to make light of a extremely serious subjects I think is not acceptable. I have a great sense of humor, but their is a time and a place,

    • @blackwarb
      @blackwarb 4 года назад +1

      Russel is a multi millionaire himself and part of the Glitterati. He does talk sense alot of the time , i agree, but he always sticks up for his corrupt greedy celeb friends.

    • @annoyingbstard9407
      @annoyingbstard9407 3 года назад

      Erin Brand IS (inexplicably) the rich - all his talk of redistribution of wealth seems to apply to others.

    • @phill9958
      @phill9958 2 года назад

      Disagree Zarah sultana has pretty much the same mindset and outspoken opinions Russell has and she’s a member of Parliament.

  • @brendangosling4993
    @brendangosling4993 9 лет назад +5

    Great questions from some of the young ones in the audience. There is a faint glimmer of hope for the future.

    • @aryastark772
      @aryastark772 Год назад +1

      This comment aged well mate…

  • @FireAirand
    @FireAirand 9 лет назад +15

    I love how English people speak so directly about all this.

    • @dalegowler6436
      @dalegowler6436 9 месяцев назад +1

      My friend that is because when talking to idiots it's best to be straight because you make yourself absolutely understood and as is our world is full of idiots and liars

  • @matil7039
    @matil7039 8 лет назад +76

    you can't barrage the farage

    • @bdash3215
      @bdash3215 8 лет назад +4

      Barrage the cunt

    • @dickslaughter2
      @dickslaughter2 3 года назад +1

      @@bdash3215 so intelligent and articulate

    • @SteveBownMusic
      @SteveBownMusic 3 года назад

      @@eoin8019 you wanna tussle with Russell's cheesy muscle

  • @ms198919
    @ms198919 9 лет назад +17

    35:33 "why aren't we talking about that?" then it get's completely ignored, I'd really love to have seen what they would have said about that and how they'd fix it

  • @UKTheOmegaPyro
    @UKTheOmegaPyro 9 лет назад +75

    Female Politicians really need to stop bring their gender into it. I'm all for more diversity of genders and races in politics but really, stop bringing it up.

    • @UKTheOmegaPyro
      @UKTheOmegaPyro 8 лет назад +9

      ***** Male Politicians talk over Male Politicians too. It's just a Politician thing, and it NEEDS to change. But it isn't based on gender.

    • @uhegbu
      @uhegbu 8 лет назад +1

      +Richard “Firebug” Merrick Humans in general have always behaved badly, me included, from the unemployed to the executives. Reflection I feel is a better word than change. When you do something wrong, you accept responsibility. Reflection and also acknowledgement is part of accepting responsibility.

    • @uhegbu
      @uhegbu 8 лет назад

      +Richard “Firebug” Merrick They can go ahead and make people's lives a misery. I can guarantee you one thing. They are human after all. Trials and tribulations. When you make promises, e.g lower taxes, creating employment, transportation, etc, the public are fed up with them, that is when I know that the trust is gone.

    • @Dave25892
      @Dave25892 3 года назад +2

      Thatcher led by example.
      Yes she was the first woman prime minister but she got their based on her talent, ideology and hard work, not because of her sex.
      She also never mentioned it or used it to try to gain an advantage.

    • @Umbrella2
      @Umbrella2 3 года назад +2

      Exactly, people interrupt each other get over it for god sake, keep making it about your gender when actually it isn’t doesn’t help anyone.

  • @michaelballack6759
    @michaelballack6759 4 года назад +11

    This is the best question time ive ever watched

    @AxFLYiNGxDILDO 9 лет назад +5

    I was attacked and had both sides of my jaw broken, i waited 14 hours in A and E waiting room and you know what? The end of the day they took care of me, and operated on me for free and they did a bloody good job aswell. I'm so thankfull for our NHS service.

  • @dolesjak
    @dolesjak 9 лет назад +2

    Hello from Canada!!
    Just listening in as many of these "hot button" issues apply to my country as well.

  • @18T220
    @18T220 9 лет назад +84

    Look at that guy on the left, WTF

    • @ladozhividze8245
      @ladozhividze8245 9 лет назад +12

      HOLLYYY FUCKING SHIT! that shit scared the fuck out of me

    • @TheDarkNikolai1
      @TheDarkNikolai1 9 лет назад +5

      HAHA what the fuck.

    • @Tupemo
      @Tupemo 9 лет назад +6

      what the fuuuuuuck WHAT THE FUUUUUCK

    • @Tupemo
      @Tupemo 9 лет назад +5

      Well m8 I'm sorry to hear that. Please try to understand my reaction, because that was a thing that I have never seen actually happen to somebody. Realize that it those things might look weird or funny to some people, my friend for example cracks up for some handicapped people, even when he doesn't mean it to be negative. It's just a reaction that happens in peoples brains and you know that when you aren't supposed to laugh, people usually laugh the loudest. Of course there is no excuse for people who mock other people.

    • @18T220
      @18T220 9 лет назад

      I'm the same, I know it's a shame on disabled people but I cant stop myself laughing when I see them. I try and think to myself.. that could have been me.. and the my laughter takes control.

  • @richardkan8499
    @richardkan8499 3 года назад +8

    I love the audience participation! Good healthy debate, clearly adversarial but still with decent mutual respect. Don't see that much these days

  • @Krackonis
    @Krackonis 9 лет назад +5

    "The notion of the common good is gone...." So well said.

  • @alanabowker1363
    @alanabowker1363 9 лет назад +1

    Just love these debates. Love it.

  • @RamoSFTT
    @RamoSFTT 9 лет назад +1

    I am not even British, but I really really enjoyed this debate. Thank you very much for posting this. Minute 35:15 and the Question asked by the lady and was not given any answers is one of the most important question that plagues not only the british nation but the whole world. Instead of focusing on side issues, why do we not all focus on why the rich do not pay taxes. If we really do not tackle this issue, the super rich will get richer, the poor will get poorer. The control will be in hands of the greedy few and George Orwell's 1984 will take full effect.

  • @MooseTremonti
    @MooseTremonti 9 лет назад +17

    I really hope the people attacking and commenting on the people on this panel actually watched the entire video, rather than just the one segment that the Media has emphasised and advertised everywhere. Cause it looks like the bbc and newspapers find the "argument" between Nigel and Russell more important than the entire debate itself. So people will watch those 5 mins and reckon themselves educated. Everyone is avoiding answers, everyone is talking over everyone, everyone has valid points and completely wrong points - that's politics. To focus on all the negatives of one person, which is what the media likes to do (without being controversial), isn't constructive. It just divides us more! The media plays a huge part in politics, how do you think Russell got on this panel? The real discipline is to focus on the actual dilemmas rather than focusing on who you hate or who you love more. At one point I was on Nigel's side, next I'm on Russell's, then I'm agreeing with the Journalist. It's a sure sign to me that this separation in politics isn't working (duh), but if we combined the right ideals of each party and find a balance (instead of voting for one extreme or another). A lot of our issues as a nation can be solved. I'm probably stating the obvious here, but I agree with Russell when he says "give us something to vote for".

  • @stanmusz
    @stanmusz 9 лет назад +23

    Russell Brands mum at the back of the room LOL.

  • @alexandrakas253
    @alexandrakas253 9 лет назад +22

    Australia as noted at 12:25 by Farage "has a high voter turnout". That turnout being vote or be fined lol

    • @darwincity
      @darwincity 2 года назад

      As it is also in Belgium.

    • @aids1487
      @aids1487 2 года назад +1

      People just turn up get their name marked off and don't actually vote on the ballet, so the voter turnout isn't even an argument that can be used

  • @individualism20
    @individualism20 9 лет назад +2

    I literally just watch this to know how to be more persuasive when argueing !

  • @25CarpeDiem
    @25CarpeDiem 9 лет назад +8

    24 mins - passion in politics I haven't seen in years - it's refreshing! Russell Brand is right in my opinion - it's easier to point a finger at the newest immigrant than the bankers and politicians that need to be accountable for letting down the masses - in my opinion!

  • @jasminebates4514
    @jasminebates4514 7 лет назад +9

    I disagree with Nigel Farage on a number of issues, but I have to say he has made more sense than the others on this and actually answered the questions whereas the others either made it personal or completely avoided the questions.

  • @cshaw1347
    @cshaw1347 9 лет назад +4

    We can't we have shows like this in the US? Audience members yelling at each other, audience members calling panelists racists, everyone just freaking out? This is like Jerry Springer but with educated people. Awesome.

  • @tomekstec3448
    @tomekstec3448 9 лет назад +14

    35:30 Most important question... just skipped over.

  • @hiesen666
    @hiesen666 9 лет назад +14

    Brand is a smart dude. He knows. He has been to that side. Listen to this guy.

    • @kerbain
      @kerbain 9 лет назад +10

      He's a multi millionaire celebrity... Goes against everything you say. He obviously works on you. wrapped round his little finger :)

    • @hiesen666
      @hiesen666 9 лет назад

      kerbain He works on me lol? You have far too much free time on your hand man. Go do something.

    • @kerbain
      @kerbain 9 лет назад +4

      hehe, I could say the same to you. I had 30min to spare and checked out all your crazy youtube comments :D Seems you have quite a lot of time to waste. Funny stuff though. Thanks for the lols ;)

    • @hiesen666
      @hiesen666 9 лет назад +1

      kerbain Over the last, ohh i dunno 5 years i think i made like 100 comments lol. I dont even want to get into your list of shit. So do you reallly wanna talk about who has the most time? or are you just gonna keep searching for shit i say on other videos and act like im the one with all the time on my hands?

    • @kerbain
      @kerbain 9 лет назад +2

      100 amazing comments :D To be honest I don't usually do this. But I'm going to keep going until you stop replying. Which I think may be never. So we both have spare time. Amazing. :D

  • @aussiechick00
    @aussiechick00 9 лет назад +11

    Nigel farage: "Australia is an amazing democracy with high voter turnout"
    ..yh...because it's legally mandated...

  • @bigbadbaron8416
    @bigbadbaron8416 Месяц назад +2

    Amazing how Farage was right 10 years ago and Russell Brand has totally flipped from being an establishment supporter to where he is now!

  • @MrHJW1995
    @MrHJW1995 9 лет назад +32

    I love Farage's response to that animal shouting abuse at him, "Russell, you've got some voters in mate, these are your voters. What lovely people they are." Brilliant Farage.

    • @rvmm2
      @rvmm2 3 года назад +7

      Like his voters are any better xD

    • @stephenmurray2851
      @stephenmurray2851 3 года назад +2

      @@rvmm2 We are

  • @IfthiAli
    @IfthiAli 9 лет назад +7

    Felt bad for Russle. He means well and loves the people but he really doesn't know how to solve the problems with out keeping everyone happy.

  • @AriSosnovsky
    @AriSosnovsky 9 лет назад +9

    Oh my god, british politics are amazing. Lol

  • @stephenmurray2851
    @stephenmurray2851 8 месяцев назад +2

    8:50 "excuse the sexist language love, I'm working on it". - Russell Brand

  • @ProXyFullBack
    @ProXyFullBack 8 лет назад +22

    I Dont vote for UKIP, but Nigel was the only one who either answered the questions and did it clearly whilst the rest either spent far to long explaining themselves or didn't answer the question at all and decided to attack nigel instead of answering the question

  • @opinionofamoose308
    @opinionofamoose308 3 года назад +32

    I love how Nigel Farage successfully pees off everyone. 👌🏻😁

    • @chrisroger8774
      @chrisroger8774 3 года назад

      Yes I Think it's dodgy brand I bet you he try hide IS Money Fr tax man no money for social stuff

    • @johnredwell-skinner1326
      @johnredwell-skinner1326 3 года назад +6

      @@chrisroger8774 Nigel Farage is a politician who says it how it is, no matter if he’s called a racist, or even if everyone on the panel is against him, he still pulls through and still tells the truth

    • @rogueninja185
      @rogueninja185 3 года назад +4

      @@johnredwell-skinner1326 Lol

    • @stutoon2755
      @stutoon2755 10 месяцев назад +2

      SIR Nigel Farage only pisses off the minority.

    • @Toodyslexicforyou
      @Toodyslexicforyou 4 месяца назад

      @@stutoon2755so the monitory is 88% of thr uk okie live in your own world then😂 btw same % as a amount of shit people in the country therefore MUST be a minority 😂😂😂

  • @A-Disappointed-Horse
    @A-Disappointed-Horse 9 лет назад +15

    Having watched a few episodes of this show for the first time, I can't help but think it's one of the most aggressive and vile shows I've ever seen. Everyone just attacks, interrupts and yells at each other with no attempt to actually solve problems. No wonder politics in this country is fucked. The only admirable person here was the journalist (Camila, I think her name was).

    • @A-Disappointed-Horse
      @A-Disappointed-Horse 9 лет назад +2

      Butnix This one was okay, all things considered, but some of the others get pretty insane.
      I would class a decent conversation as people calmly hearing the other out, then presenting their side, with an open-minded attitude and preparation to accept they were wrong. Those weren't present there. And "e wuss"? Really?

    • @A-Disappointed-Horse
      @A-Disappointed-Horse 9 лет назад +1

      Butnix Ah, fair enough. If you're interested, I think I saw one with Nick Griffin that was pretty horrible (it's a bit old now, so it might not be as bad as I remember).

    • @izizibee
      @izizibee 9 лет назад

      A Disappointed Horse its very interesting how the point of view changes depending of the angle you are, coming from an 3rd world country i found the debate so civilized and contained that can't help to admire and be envious

  • @NOAHisEpic1
    @NOAHisEpic1 8 лет назад

    Lovely discussions

  • @TheVanillatech
    @TheVanillatech 9 лет назад +2

    Excellent Russell. Well done!

  • @martinw28703
    @martinw28703 9 лет назад +5

    The woman in the purple is worse than, that's bad

  • @lloydseweka9737
    @lloydseweka9737 9 лет назад +18

    All the politicians talk about these days is immigration. They don't see the immigrants that actually work here and pay taxes, who come here to work and then buys properties which is helping the construction industry, the ones that goes shopping and by doing that helping our high street bounce back to live, the ones that are here and employing people's thereby taking people off the dough. The uk allows more immigrants than any other countries in the EU, and the uk is the fastest growing economy in the EU following the global financial meltdown. Yes there is strain in every social amenities but instead of looking at one direction let look at the big picture. IS IT A COINCIDENCE THAT THE UK IS THE FASTEST GROWING NATION AMONGST THE OTHER EU COUNTRY?

    • @CM1032
      @CM1032 9 лет назад +2

      It's not a coincidence, but I would argue it has more to do with the UK staying out of the disaster that is the Eurozone, rather than on how many immigrants we are accepting. Remember, even though they are paying tax, they are also withdrawing from the system by using public services, so it's a give-and-take situation and the precise numbers vary depending on which source one reads. For skills and services we need, its great. If it's putting a British person out of work who could be doing that job, not so much. Most immigrants fit your description, the problem is the scale. Something else I object to is that non-EU citizens are discriminated against for no other reason than where they are from. Britain needs to move towards a needs based system, based on an exchange of skills and services that we can't provide sufficiently from our own people. Move towards that, and our country can maximise its gains and minimise its losses from immigration.

    • @lloydseweka9737
      @lloydseweka9737 9 лет назад +3

      Cm1032, I totally agree with you, am not in support of the mass immigration myself, what I don't support is the way the politicians are making it look like. I read the other day that farage said the reason he was late for a meeting or something, was because of immigrants. The influx is sometimes overwhelming, where I work, until the come out of the warehouse at the end of the day, you will think you are in one of the eastern European countries, they don't speak or understand English. If the government wants to cap immigration they should, regardless of where you come from.

    • @CM1032
      @CM1032 9 лет назад +1

      Lloyds Eweka
      I think Farage has raised a fair point even though he managed to do it in a clumsy way. Infrastructure investment within the UK has not kept pace with the level of immigration. It was partly a hangover from the Tories before Labour were elected, who made the problem even worse, spent all the money and now we're mired in debt trying to find some money to put on infrastucture. A lot of immigrants also drive cars and investment in roads has not kept pace with car ownership. Hasn't for a long time. Even the existing roads are poorly maintained, how long can we drive for without hitting a pothole? Immigration wasn't exactly the problem for Farage's delays, but the government not investing enough in infrastructure to support their immigration policies is to blame, in my opinion.

    • @lloydseweka9737
      @lloydseweka9737 9 лет назад +1

      What is #whitegenocide ?

    • @simiangimp2282
      @simiangimp2282 9 лет назад

      Lloyds Eweka Something made up to scare dumb The Sun readers into becoming bigoted, racist twats?

  • @ProphecyEU
    @ProphecyEU 9 лет назад +1

    A) Very interesting discussion, I hope more people in the UK will watch this.
    B) As an outsider, I cant help but wonder and ask, what if (and how would this be made possible?) that there would be a rise in demand for a new party that could be spearheaded by Russell Brand consisting of a band of the best, brightest and educated people to support him to create, force and enforce (for the people practical) changes?
    I.e. He provides said band with the list of changes and how he "potentially" sees this to come to fruition which would be backed up by actual facts and suggestions made by the professionals. (per issue have a group of professionals provide said solution)
    As has been stated by other commentators it is easy to "throw out catch phrases that people want to hear" but to have this be backed up by educated people (without any other secondary agenda's) providing facts and actual solutions problem for problem would make a huge difference.
    P.s. for the record, with regards to Russell Brand, I sincerely dislike all of his movies and stand-up's but I tend to usually agree with his ideologies, however easy it is to produce, if as said in this discussion he would actually stand up for said ideologies as i asked / theorized above it could make major changes and perhaps have a huge influence on other countries in and outside of the EU.

    • @lewis123417
      @lewis123417 8 месяцев назад

      Lol hot garbage take

  • @ingridjerkovic7408
    @ingridjerkovic7408 9 лет назад +1

    Thanks to Russell I find it interesting to see and listen how it is in U.K. Can say that the situation in my country Croatian is so the same with corrupt and not even polite politicians. Would be happy that we had someone like Russell. Lots of love from Croatia.

  • @HexAppeal
    @HexAppeal 5 лет назад +5

    why was Russell even on the panel?

  • @GeneralJackRipper
    @GeneralJackRipper 8 лет назад +6

    We need Question Time in the United States.

    • @lilhotepjesusgrift6669
      @lilhotepjesusgrift6669 8 лет назад +1

      Hillary wont come

    • @GeneralJackRipper
      @GeneralJackRipper 8 лет назад

      Then she can go fuck herself.

    • @lovervshater1234
      @lovervshater1234 7 лет назад

      Neither would Trump

    • @GeneralJackRipper
      @GeneralJackRipper 7 лет назад +1

      lovervshater1234 Sure he would, he loves talking to news media. Hillary is the one who hasn't had a single press event in almost a year now. She can't stand answering questions.

    • @lovervshater1234
      @lovervshater1234 7 лет назад

      Im sure he does love it he is just fucking terrible at it, and just because Trump answers questions doesn't mean his answers are good at all.

  • @peterdaniel262
    @peterdaniel262 9 лет назад

    They ARE lovely people Nigel... angry but lovely

  • @CALO65
    @CALO65 9 лет назад

    stunning video quality would be interesting wich codec and adjustments were used.

    • @CALO65
      @CALO65 9 лет назад

      also i would like to know wich source material was used.

  • @connorglendinning1261
    @connorglendinning1261 9 лет назад +21

    Well done Nigel Farage. His points are always clear, concise, and meaningful.

  • @1969Punjabi
    @1969Punjabi 9 лет назад +6

    I like Nigels point on Grammar schools :)

  • @TheJackasskids11
    @TheJackasskids11 9 лет назад

    8:00 Ms Mordaunt is really clever! She can tell why people vote! Truly a mighty lady!

  • @ellierichards5008
    @ellierichards5008 9 лет назад

    Absolutely loved the lady at 30:00. Spoke so much sense.

  • @Chrysa1isTYPE2000
    @Chrysa1isTYPE2000 9 лет назад +3

    I'm voting UKIP!

  • @leckstar100x9
    @leckstar100x9 Год назад +4

    Penny is an absolute waffler😂

  • @Louisyed
    @Louisyed 9 лет назад

    Anyone know the name of the documentary advertised at the end?

  • @alexandern4403
    @alexandern4403 9 лет назад +5

    What Ukip supporters forget is that open door immigration is self-balancing.If someone comes over and can't find a job then they will leave and if British people don't take certain jobs then someone else will.
    The fact that there is loads of immigration to the UK is a sign of economic prosperity not a catastrophe.The reason why there is strain on public services and infrastructure is because the tories cut money from those sectors.

    • @kd84afc
      @kd84afc 9 лет назад +1

      ***** If it is self balancing, Why are we building homes at a such fast rate? Why is there people demanding we need to build on green belt land? Why is there people renting a single room for over £300 a week in the capital? Why as London's population grown is double of the rate of the rest of the UK?

    • @alexandern4403
      @alexandern4403 9 лет назад +1

      KD84Afc™ I'm glad you asked.Realistically we're not building at a fast rate at all.We're not building enough to be able to meet the needs and that's why prices are so high - high demand,low offering.Only around 10-15% of the landmass of the UK is built on.We have space.As for why London is growing...well I already answered that in my OP.We may not be happy about the way money is being spent and distributed but there is economic prosperity and that's why the population is growing.It really is as simple as that.Higher standard of living means more children per family and longer life expectancy for the seniors + more immigration.People don't like to hear this but open door immigration is better than controlled immigration,because it means that the constant traffic of people(inbound and outbound) constantly keeps markets satisfied,whether it would be by people taking up jobs or starting up new businesses.

  • @chrissims5904
    @chrissims5904 9 лет назад +13

    Russell Brand called his book "Revolution" It should really have been called "Give into the two party system and vote Labour"

  • @IThinkYouLookLarvely
    @IThinkYouLookLarvely 9 лет назад +3

    Forgive me, which one's the comedian again?

  • @TheDanpatdoy
    @TheDanpatdoy 3 года назад

    And yet the media has not changed

  • @jorgeyboy3364
    @jorgeyboy3364 9 лет назад +1

    This was really quite a moving programme, the best Question Time I have seen in fact. The audience really attacked the key things that most of us care about and the panel gave clear and unhidden answers on the most part. People should vote on the issues that they feel most strongly about.I agree that we need a cap on immigration as the resources of our country cannot continue to be overstretched, that is why I will be voting UKIP.

  • @NobleNemesis
    @NobleNemesis 9 лет назад +3

    This is my first time viewing this show, I'm not even from the UK and I've been finding this show pretty interesting. Are there any shows like this engaging with the public like this in Canada/US?

    • @lezebedaios6040
      @lezebedaios6040 9 лет назад +7

      Not without fireworks, cars exploding and the F-word being used in every sentence. ;)

    • @NobleNemesis
      @NobleNemesis 9 лет назад


    • @NobleNemesis
      @NobleNemesis 9 лет назад +1


  • @TheVanillatech
    @TheVanillatech 9 лет назад +5

    The girl at 5:30 ...
    "Yeah I'm a sheep and you can clearly see and hear my general lack of understanding about whats going on around me, the lack of knowledge of history and politcs in general, my weak education... BUT I THINK that we are going in the right direction! And I'm glad that politics is still petty because my brain wasn't equipped to handle change!"

  • @LordSzabonight
    @LordSzabonight 9 лет назад +1

    The politicians always say the "Understand" but they still don't do anything about it.

  • @Kiwironic
    @Kiwironic 9 лет назад

    The voice of reason. Respect for the woman at 35:15

  • @chefmark1751
    @chefmark1751 9 лет назад +7

    I'm an American spectator here, and a lefty at that. My perception of the British left is not very high though in this debate. There is a lot of jabs and cries of racism, when it seems like everyone else is just talking about limits and background checks on immigration. Having a country's population increase by a 6th in 10 years is a big deal, we could easily absorb those 11 million people here in the US, but those figures do seem serious to me, and these lefties seem to not want to have a serious discussion about it. I'm not seeing the racism here, and it reeks of evasion.

    • @chefmark1751
      @chefmark1751 9 лет назад

      Well I think it's cultural. I think one of the things I admire about the UK is that there seems to be an intense national pride for tolerance that I think is born of the fact that Brits view themselves happily as an open and accepting people.
      In America, we used to be like modern Britain, and even engraved on the Statue of Liberty "Give me your tired, your poor,
      Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free". But the pendulum swung the other way because of the sheer scale of 20th century immigration to the US, which overwhelmed the Eastern seaboard (though Im grateful to it). My feeling is the UK is making its policy more with its heart than with its head, which is not something to ridicule, though perhaps a change is due. Yall need to close up a bit, and we need to open back up a lot.
      My hope is that y'all can get a comprehensive immigration policy without feeling like you've cheated the multi-cultural British heart. It's not a race issue, but Britain can welcome its immigrants much for effectively under a regulated system.

    • @chefmark1751
      @chefmark1751 8 лет назад

      ***** I think you don't know a lot about Europe or America. I think America and Europe have strong strands of xenophobia. Of course, not all American states, and not all European countries. Texas is less tolerant than Germany. Massachusetts is more tolerant than France, and so on.

    • @chefmark1751
      @chefmark1751 8 лет назад

      ***** I don't think you know what a troll is. A troll is someone who says something they don't believe to annoy people. Here, I wrote my take on this debate, then you came in with some BS, and I state why I thought you were wrong. Add "troll" to the list of definitions you don't know.

    • @chefmark1751
      @chefmark1751 8 лет назад

      ***** Ok Michelle. I hope you get a safe job as a receptionist where you can't do any harm to anybody

    • @richardthelionheart8656
      @richardthelionheart8656 8 лет назад

      All UKIP has ever said is that they want LIMITED immigration and more background checks, and they have someone become viewed as being a Nazi Party. I would wager that 99% of those who are anti-UKIP would not be able to name a single one of their policies, just that they are "racist".
      The Left in the UK are absolutely mental. If you don't support the EU and open door immigration, if you don't support benefits being handed out to everyone with a cold, you are a racist facist scumbag.

  • @illuminatisos
    @illuminatisos 9 лет назад +6

    When the so called elected leaders are asking a comedian for advice, then you know you are in trouble.. *God help us all*

  • @MrTypingsound
    @MrTypingsound 9 лет назад

    bloody hell, it sure kicked off about 24 minutes in, lol

  • @russhendo8387
    @russhendo8387 9 лет назад +1

    Awwww, nice to see Timmy Mallet looking well!

  • @loqutor
    @loqutor 9 лет назад +30

    Nigel Farage seems to be the only one of them with anything even resembling a working knowledge of economics.

  • @konastinky888
    @konastinky888 9 лет назад +6

    Wow Russell actually added something to a show rather than just irritating the hell out of me like he normally does. he actually made this normally dull show better.

  • @shanjanusman9974
    @shanjanusman9974 9 лет назад +2

    Mary is one of the most arrogant people in British politics. She should lose her seat.

  • @Foerdi94
    @Foerdi94 9 лет назад

    Totally Independent of the Content but just judging from voice and style Russel Brand is really preaching the hell out of me.

  • @andrewtaylor3853
    @andrewtaylor3853 9 лет назад +4

    Was a bit confused when russel said he wouldnt stand as an mp in case ended up like the rest of them. How can you preach knowing that if he had power then he could be corrupt? It doesnt matter if your far left or far right. People are people and give some people power and thry will only look after their own.

    • @zachhall3337
      @zachhall3337 9 лет назад +7

      1. why would a man who has such a disapproval of parliament and the way it works, choose to try and become part of it? That's like saying, I hate the way football revolves around money these days so let me go and join a team.
      2. What reason does he have to feel the need to join it? The only benefit people get by joining parliament is getting a strong voice that is heard by the people at the top. He clearly already has that.

  • @SickOfThisCrap1
    @SickOfThisCrap1 9 лет назад +8

    Russell Brands RUclips profile pic of himself in the image of Che Guevara says it all really.

  • @GetZLoffmylawn
    @GetZLoffmylawn 9 лет назад +1

    The only difference between left and right is whichcentral bank is controlling them.

  • @anna-majandersson6716
    @anna-majandersson6716 7 лет назад

    People shouldn't boo each other when someone else has another perspective. People doesn't listen to each other, they are only waiting for there turn to speak, and when it's there turn, they suddenly demands everyone to listen to them.... like a sandbox with children....

  • @optijohn
    @optijohn 9 лет назад +10

    Nigel farage is very hypocritical Russell brand makes a lot of sense

    • @curtiscurt
      @curtiscurt 9 лет назад +6

      lloyd dixon He rents. . . . . .

    • @singforyoursanity1
      @singforyoursanity1 9 лет назад +5

      lloyd dixon
      How is he dodging taxes?

    • @keithdavid3054
      @keithdavid3054 9 лет назад +2

      Wolf come out of the shadows and explain what is hypocritical about Farage. Exactly. Don't be shy or do you work better in a pack.

    • @johngarvey5370
      @johngarvey5370 9 лет назад

      lloyd dixon Russel pays 76k a year to landlord that dodges taxes. Where in that sentence does that constitute Russel dodging taxes?
      I find it even more amusing that you chose the sun to quote from considering Rupert Murdoch exploits every legal loophole known to man to dodge taxes. 11 years he went without paying tax in the UK, but Russel's the bad guy?
      That makes sense ...

  • @MrInfoRevolution
    @MrInfoRevolution 8 лет назад +5

    Yet again Russel Brand using emotive commentary than hard facts about reality and the real causes, what he lists are so vague that he might as well not even bring those points up.

  • @jackalfox332
    @jackalfox332 9 лет назад +1

    Nigel talks so much, he gets my vote.
    Vote UKIP!

  • @MrMarkPelle
    @MrMarkPelle 9 лет назад

    Amazing how Politicians can agree when the people criticise all politics not based on party positions.

  • @dagozzzz
    @dagozzzz 9 лет назад +6

    Very good points Mr. Farage about the high voting turn-out in Australia, except that turn-out is compulsory in Australia, so your point is null and void, sorry Nigel.

  • @daveevans1410
    @daveevans1410 9 лет назад +5

    Brand reminds me of my kids when they were thirteen ..... they grew up ...

    • @the81kid
      @the81kid 9 лет назад +10

      Dave Evans Your kids used the same eloquent language he does? You must be very proud.

  • @bah8925
    @bah8925 9 лет назад +2

    How can the english people support Farage? You got so much eduction and smart people, yet this is the best you got?

  • @imogenimeson664
    @imogenimeson664 8 месяцев назад +2

    Nigel is a head of his time,can't believe this is almost ten years ago, look at the state of the UK now!!. Am glad gobshite Brand has finally been held to account, throw the 'wooky book' at him!

    • @imogenimeson664
      @imogenimeson664 8 месяцев назад +1

      Would have liked to of confronted that loud mouth mad cow in the back row of the audience, she's the scumbag! more like.

  • @wogpak
    @wogpak 9 лет назад +3

    You know what I got to say about immigration?
    I've never been to an English pub without curry on the menu..

    • @phillipimran7377
      @phillipimran7377 3 года назад +1

      I dont know what pubs you go to, but every pub ive been to does not have curry on the menu.

    • @lb-in2sx
      @lb-in2sx 3 года назад +1

      Curry Tuesday at weatherspoons? Yeah that microwaved processed Shite you get with a pint of fosters for £4.99 is really worthwhile

  • @arkinhk2019
    @arkinhk2019 9 лет назад +22

    Awesome. Love the plant with the blue hair. "I'm coming for you Farage". Lol. It's like a goldfish threating a Lion - completely ridiculous.

  • @ppss764
    @ppss764 8 лет назад +1

    That man who decided to have a go at Russell Brand had no points at all. Just decided to start shouting.

  • @TheSquidly1
    @TheSquidly1 9 лет назад

    around 7 minutes in they discussed voting and how to get more people to vote. if i was a lawmaker, i would make voting compulsory for everyone who is eligible to vote. but most importantly, i would add a "none of the above" opition to all ballots. if enough people (say 35-40%) chose this option compared to the candidates, new candidates would have to be chosen rather than deals within the parties being made.

  • @rebharath
    @rebharath 8 лет назад +4

    dude @23:38 makes the best point - sees right through the BS.

  • @sagjagegahg
    @sagjagegahg 9 лет назад +7

    I'm Australian... there is high voter turn out because you get a massive fine if you don't vote.

    • @evertontalk
      @evertontalk 9 лет назад +2

      You guys should protest that or do something,that's oppression in my eyes

    • @sagjagegahg
      @sagjagegahg 9 лет назад +7

      it's too hot though

    • @briklay
      @briklay 9 лет назад

      Im also Australian,you do not have to vote you have to go to your nearest polling station and have your name ticked off the register but yo do not have to vote.

    • @curtiscurt
      @curtiscurt 9 лет назад +1

      briklay Still thats pretty fucked.

    • @dennissolomon455
      @dennissolomon455 3 года назад

      You only have to vote if your on the electoral roll don't sign up don't vote

  • @larrypass6720
    @larrypass6720 2 года назад

    50 seconds in, and I can't help thinking that this sounds like a Monty Python sketch.

  • @user-yn6sc4qh4p
    @user-yn6sc4qh4p 9 лет назад

    It is a great show. On the one hand, what amazes me is that ordinary people can come and talk with politicians or media representatives. They talk, people - ask questions. Though Camilla Cavendish the journalist, wondered what people may think of the UK, cause of the debate, in fact, the practice of talking to common people is just great and it can teach other countries something. Here we can compare other countries' politicians. If they are open and ready to talk or discuss their drawbacks, drawbacks of their party, and their country, then it means they are brave people, whose desire to find the reason for increased immigration or underpayment of ordinary workers or anything else is more important, than their reputation, or what will critics or mass media workers will chew during their career.
    On the other hand, I am totally against ruling system, parliament, presidents, chancellors, kings, queens, party leaders and so on. I hope that one day we won't need any political system to reach the agreement and solve our problems ourselves. That is why it seems to me as a REAL SHOW, where politicians - are comedians and actors.

  • @philliploco5037
    @philliploco5037 5 лет назад +13

    This is exactly why Nigel Farage should be Prime Minister

    • @JP-jz4uq
      @JP-jz4uq 8 месяцев назад

      God no

  • @chrisrogers8111
    @chrisrogers8111 3 года назад +3

    Nigel is Spot on

  • @JordiFrancis
    @JordiFrancis 9 лет назад +1

    All of those people attacking Brand, that's what the media wants. The hate campaigns directed at attacking him on a personal level to distract people from the REAL issues that he's actually talking about. The issues that politicians avoid and the media sweep under the carpet. Whether or not people like Russell Brand on a personal level is completely irrelevant. What's relevant is all of these issues that he's bringing to light, issues that we should really care about. He's not claiming to be able to solve all the world's problem. He's highlighting them when others in the spotlight won't and doing his best to empower those that struggle to be noticed by those that run this country. Good on him.

  • @koolbritannia303
    @koolbritannia303 9 лет назад +2

    Well done, Nigel. At last, a politician who hasn't been grown in an EU greenhouse for politically correct vegetables.