" የየካቲት አብዮት መክሸፍ የፖለቲካ ችግሮቻችን ሁሉ ምንጭ ነው" @Miraf @Nahoo Television

  • Опубликовано: 4 окт 2024
  • " የየካቲት አብዮት መክሸፍ የፖለቲካ ችግሮቻችን ሁሉ ምንጭ ነው" @Miraf @Nahoo Television
    #nahootv #nahoonews #nahoosport #nahoomeznagna #nahoowektawi
    For more :
    ቴሌግራም :- t.me/NahooTele...
    ፌስቡክ፦ / nahooethiopia
    ዩትዩብ፦ / nahootvethi. .
    Web-Site :- nahootelevision...

Комментарии • 64

  • @ggvideonow1
    @ggvideonow1 6 месяцев назад

    Long live the Ethiopian Revolution! Long Live!

  • @AmA-ul7rs
    @AmA-ul7rs Месяц назад

    የኢሕአፓ ነፍሰገዳዮች በአገራችንና በሕዝባችን ላይ የሠሩትን ግፍ ለመደበቅ የሚንተባተቡት ነገር ይገርማል።

  • @solomondesta6891
    @solomondesta6891 7 месяцев назад +3

    ከየት የፈበረካቸውን ቁጥሮች ነው የምትጠቅሰው? ለስልጣን ቋምጣችሁ ጮርቃውን ወጣት የሳተ እራት አደረጋችሁት

    • @120Mil
      @120Mil 6 месяцев назад

      ለምን እውነተኛውን ቀመር አትነግረንም ታዲያ?

  • @seifutilahun1204
    @seifutilahun1204 8 месяцев назад +3

    እናንተ1960ዎቹትውልዶች ማፍረሥንብቻአልማቹ ሀገሩንመቀመቅየከተታቹ የኢትዮጵያየመጀመርያ ካንሠርናቹ😢ምንዓመጣቹ😢ሀገሪቷንከደምአባላከታቹ😮እሥካሁንእያመረቀዘየቀጠለቁሥል ተከላቹእንጂ😢ምንታወራለህ😢አባቶችህንአዋርደህ😢የተረገሙ😢ትውልድነውለኔ።

    • @120Mil
      @120Mil 6 месяцев назад

      ካንሰርስ አንተ ሌላው በለፋበትና በሞተበት መብላት የምትፈልግ:: ችግር ከገባህ በስድሳዎቹ ከማማረር ለውጥንይ አሳያቸው:: ያን ጊዜ ትከበራለህ:: እነሱስ ላመኑበትና ለውጥ ለሚያስፈልገው ታግለው ሞተዋል:: ሸክም መሆን አቁም::

  • @adaneweldmariam7430
    @adaneweldmariam7430 8 месяцев назад +1

    The ethiopian politics was destroyed by derg and eplf

  • @RasgizatI
    @RasgizatI 6 месяцев назад +1

    ስማ ጌታው ስለ ንጉሠ ነገሥቱ ብዙ ብለሀል ለግዜው እሱ ይቆይ እናንተ የማታውቁትን ሕዝብ (አደራህን ብቻ እገሌ የሚባል ጎሳን ወይም የእገሌን ኃይማኖት ተከታይ እናውቃለን እንዳትለኝ) ነፃ እናወጣለን ብላችሁ ስትነሱ የመረጣችሁት አቋራጭ መንገድ የት እንዳደረሰን እያየነው ነው በነገራችን ላይ በባህል አብዮት ብቻ ከ20 ሚልዮን የቻይኖችን ሕይወት የቀጠፈውን የማኦንና ከ1929 አስከ 1953 ብቻ ከ22 ሚልዮን ሩስያውያንን የበላውን የስታሊንን ሶሻሊዝም እንደ ሞዴል መውሰድ የጤና ነበር አደራህን እኛ ማርክሲስቶች እንጂ ማኦኢስቶችም ሆነ ስታሊኒስቶች አልነበርንም እንዳትለኝ ማርክስ የሶሻሊስትን አብዮት በሰራተኛው መደብ እንጂ ያያት የቅድም-አያቶችን ቂም ቋጥሮ በተነሳ የመንደር ጎረምሳ ይመራል አላለም እሱም ቲኦሪ ነው በመጨረሻም መንግስቱ ነዋይን አንስተሀል በፈለገውም ምክንያት ይፈጽመው ነፍሰ ገዳይ ነበር ቢያንስ በፍርድ ቤት የመከራከር እድል ተሰጥቶታል እናንተ ግን ግብረ-አበራችሁን በአሰቃቂ መግደላችሁ ሳያንስ አስከሬኑ ላይ አሢድ ነው ያፈሰሳችሁት ፋሺስትነት ይሉሀል ይሄ ነው የብዙዎች ደም ወደ ፈጣሪው ይጣራል ለመፀፀት ምንም እንኳን ሕሊና ባይኖራችሁ እንዴት ዝም ማለት ይሳናችሁዋል

  • @honestygalor6748
    @honestygalor6748 8 месяцев назад

    This is a very enlightening discussion about the genesis of our country's bloodshed. The unfortunate fact that should be noted is the other aspect of the ruling class, which remained insensitive to the insults being summarily rained on the Oromos people in spite of the fact that Oromos were dedicated loyal citizens when the country was facing all this challenges in the northern parts of the country and Ogaden.
    This very negligence has left the society psychologically divided creating a fertile ground for division to take off in no time when it was brought to the land in early 1990s EC.
    What's happening today compared to the lack of freedom during the eras of the Emperor and all the two former governments which followed, today we have taken the unlimited freedom allowed to self destroy by needless wars.
    Everyone has the right to aspire to government powers but everyone cannot be in the leadership at one time as it should take patience and process to change leadership. This is what we are not ever ready either to allow as we clamour to unseat and destroy any government from day one it comes into place. How can the country ever hope to succeed in the face endless efforts to take guns

  • @TedrosTumizgi
    @TedrosTumizgi 2 месяца назад

    አቃቂ ጨርቃ ጨርቅ እስከ 19 80 ዓም ድረስ አዲስ ተቀጣሪ ተራ ስራ ለ ስዓት 1.93 ሳንቲም ይከፍል ነበር !

  • @Aligaz1909
    @Aligaz1909 8 месяцев назад +1

    Please confront dr Melaku Tegegn with Dejazimach Woldesemayat Woldesenbet so we can know how a little bit about Ethiopia history

  • @merkeby6738
    @merkeby6738 8 месяцев назад +2

    አረ ባክህ አገር እየፈረሠ ስለ ኢህአፓ ምናምን 😮😮😮

  • @solomonend8235
    @solomonend8235 8 месяцев назад +1

    ገበሬው አሁን በጣም ዝቅተኛ መሬት ይዞታ ነው ያለው ፣ ያውም ደካማ ምርታ ጋር so No Change !
    የሠራተኛ ደሞዝ አሁንም ዝቅተኛ ነው!
    የኤርትራ የብሔር ትግል አይደለም !
    የብሔር ችግር ነበር ነገር ግን ፣ ቀኝ ገዢዎች በአከረሩት መጠን አይደለም።
    የ60ዎቹ ጥራዝ ነጠቅ ፖለቲካኞች ፣ ተሳስተናል ፣ ተፀፀተናል ፣ በዚህ መልኩ
    ያታረም አልፈጠረባቸውም ..🤮🤮🤮
    They always want to justify that they are 😇

  • @frewzeru2809
    @frewzeru2809 8 месяцев назад

    ኤልያ በመጨረሻ ያነሳኸዉን ሀሳብ በሚቀጥለዉ ቃለመጠይቅ እዉነታዉን ካስጨበጥከን ጋዜጠኛ ያዓመቱ ሽልማት ይኖርሀል በእርግጠኛ የወሎ ረሀብተኞች በተወለድኩበት ሐዋሳ ደርሰዉ አያቴ ደረታቸዉን እየመቱ በግምት 20 ግለሰቦችን ለ15 ቀናት ሲረድ በልጅነቴ አስታዉሳለሁ የሴት ዓያቴ በልጅነታቸዉ ሰለባ ሆነዉ ከቅድም ዓያቴ ጋራ ከጎንደር ተሰጀዉ ላሊበላ ሕዝብ እንደ ታደጋቸው አጫውተውኛል በእርግጠኛ አልተዘገበ ይሆናል እንጂ በተለያዩ የአገራችን ክፍል ይኖራል 1977 ድርቅ የትግራይ ስደተኞች እኔ በስደት ከኖርኩበት ሱዳን በተለያዩ ጣቢያዎች ስሰራበት በነበረው IRC የእርዳታ በመስጠት ተሳትፊያለሁ የስራ ድርሻዬ የከባድ መኪና ሾፌርና በመካኒክነት (የኤሌክትሪክ) ባለሙያ በመሆን ዘርፈ ብዙ ተግባር በመስጠቴ የዓያቴን ድርሻ በመክፈሌ በጣም የረካሁበት ወርቃማ የወጣትነት ዘመኔ ምኮራበት ነዉ ከሰራሁት 1ኛዉ FO የስደተኛ ጣቢያ ኦስፒታል የኤሌክትሪክ ግንባታ እዉቀት የሽመትኩበት ያሥደስተኛል::

  • @Tesfa-ll4ye
    @Tesfa-ll4ye 4 месяца назад

    How on earth Eritrean struggle for independence is classified as ethnic movement? Still Ethiopians don't understand what was the problem in Eritrea. That is why they couldn't solve it and defeated at the end.

  • @aberabekele3585
    @aberabekele3585 8 месяцев назад

    Jonathan Dimbilby,journalist 1st report on ethiopian famine....when was it???

  • @chongayifru5124
    @chongayifru5124 8 месяцев назад

    Yetekefelewun Meswaetina Yametachihutin wutet indet yimezinutal?

  • @damtewtesfaye9149
    @damtewtesfaye9149 7 месяцев назад

    His historical reorientation of poverty, injustice and ethnic violence is not at all truthful. I lived through the time.

  • @solobrand100
    @solobrand100 7 месяцев назад

    Every where war, so haw we are going to as a state

  • @eliasibrahem4246
    @eliasibrahem4246 6 месяцев назад

    ኤልያስ የዕድሜና ልምዱ ያህል ያልበሰለ አስተሳሰብ ያለው ሰው ነው፡፡ በተለይ ወያኔ በሚለው ላይ ያለው አስተሳሰብ ምሁራዊ ትችት ሳይሆን ተራ ጥላቻ ነው፡፡ ከኋላው የከመረው መፅሐፍ ያልገራው የአስተሳሰብ ዝቅጠት ምን ያህል ጥልቅ እንደሆነ ለማሰብ ይከብደኛል፡፡ ከጥላቻ፣ ከቂም እንዲሁም ከአላዋቂነት የራቀ አስተሳሰብ መያዝ ነው የማወቅ ማሳያ! እስቲ ጥላቻህ ካላሸነፈህ ሁሉን አቀፍ የሆነ ስራ ለመስራት ሞክር! ወንድማዊ አስተያየት ነው! መላኩ ተሸናፊ ስለነበረ ንዴት የማያስብለው ነገር የለም ብዬ ስላለፍኩት ነው!

  • @JAsperEudaimonia
    @JAsperEudaimonia 8 месяцев назад +2

    የተሸነፉት ጄነራል ኢሳያስ መሰሉኝ። ራስ አበበማ አረጋግተው ነው የመጡት።

    • @mekuriagize7514
      @mekuriagize7514 8 месяцев назад +3

      አበበ አረጋይ የወያኔን ቂጧ ን ገርፎ ልክ አስገብቷቸው ነው የተመለሰው። ሰውየው አማራንና የአማራ ነገስታትን ይጠላል። ከጃንሆይ የተሻለ ዲሞክራት መሪ እስካሁን አልመጣም። 50 አመት አልፎ ባዶ ለውጥ!

  • @zegfanta4244
    @zegfanta4244 7 месяцев назад

    አቶ አወቀ፥ እኒህ ምሑር ብዙ ያውቃሉ ሆነም ግን ስለ ርሃቡ የሚናገሩት መላምት ነው። አንድም ሚና ነበራቸው ብየ አላምንም። ሁሉን አውቃለሁ። የርሃቡን ፎቶግራፍ ያሰራጨሁት እኔ ነኝ። የርሃቡ መንስኤ ሌላ የንጉሡን ግልበጣ ሴራ የቆሰቆሰው ጉዳይ ነው። ካሁን ቀደም ድንገት ደውለህልኝ ሳንገጋገር ቀረን። በዚህና በሌላም የኢትዮጵያ ጉዳይ የተከታተልኩት ብዙ አለ። በመሬት ይዞታ ካርታ ድርጅት ሲንየር ካርቶግራፈር ሁኘ አገልግያለሁ። በዚሁ የተነሳ ያላገለገልኩበት መ/ቤት ቁጥሩ ካገለገልኳቸው ያንሳል። እነዚህን ጠቅሸ ዝርዝር ልልክልህ እችላለሁ። በትምህርቴ ከቢውልዲንግ ኮሌጅ (ቀኃሥ) ኢንግላንድ በካርቶግራፊ፥ አሜሪካ ባችለር፥ ሁለት ማስተርስ እና ፒ ኤች ዲ ድዘርቴሽን ሲቀረኝ በኦርጋናይዜሽን ሊደርሺፕ ዲግሬዎች አሉኝ። በታወቁ ድርጂቶች ሰርቻለሁ። ሰለ ግድቡ የሳፍኩትን አንድ አርቲክል ልልክልህ እፈልጋለሁ። ግን አጻጻፉን ላርመው እፈልጋለሁ በችኮላ ጽፌ ያካፈልኩት ነበር። በእንግሊዝኛ ያሰብኩትን ለኢትዮጵያኖች ግንዛቤ ስል ቶሎ የጻፍኩት ነው። በኢሜልህ ልልክልህ እችላለሁ ሳላርመው እንዳለ። አቀራረቡ እንጂ ሃሳቡ ያው ነው። ይህን የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ ጠንቅቆ ያውቃል ብየ አላምምንም።
    ለመደወል ከፈለክ ስልኬ ይህ ነው።

  • @leuismesfin3443
    @leuismesfin3443 8 месяцев назад

    ስውየው ባንድ ነነገር ወይ ሁለት ነገር ላመሰግንህ እወዳለሁ አንድ ለዚህ እድሜ በጤና በቅተህ ያለፉ አዎ ታሪክ ስለምትተርክ!"" ሌላው አዎ ስለ ከርቸሌ ብዙም ስቃይ ባታይም! የዛን ቤት ውስጥ ታሪክ አንድ መድረክ ስታወራ ስለሰማሁ ከዛ ውጭ ኢትዮጵያ ዛሬ እና አምሐራ ህዝብ ላይ ያለውን ስቃይ ማውራት ግን አማራ ጋዜጠኛ የሆናችሁ ዛሬን. ማደር ያቃታcq

  • @tigistwoubalem4867
    @tigistwoubalem4867 8 месяцев назад

    ከሠንጋተራ - አምስተርዳም ን ፅፎ ስለሰጠን ከልብ እናመሰግነዋለን !!

  • @tsemere
    @tsemere 3 месяца назад

    የንጉሡ ልደት ሲከበር ከተማው ፈንጠዝያ ላይ ነበረ ሲል የነበረ አይመስልም። Read his book. He was in Europe by then. He did not make an honest assessment of his party's course of action in the aftermath of the revolution, the so called የከተማ ትጥቅ ትግል in his book. The very thing that ruined his party and put the nation into swirl of unending conflict

  • @belaynehabate7832
    @belaynehabate7832 2 месяца назад

    This nostalga of EPRP. All evelz started at that time by the so called Teramges. All forget Ethiopian Reality. You and likes are responsible for all evils. Ethiopia has never seen a blood shed because of your ideogy.

  • @asnakeabdi
    @asnakeabdi 8 месяцев назад

    ገባሩ ማን ነበር?

    • @120Mil
      @120Mil 6 месяцев назад

      ገባሩ ደቡብ አስገባሪው የከተማው ቱጃርና የገዥው መደብ

  • @estifanosworku4203
    @estifanosworku4203 7 месяцев назад

    የብሔርን ገዳይን በተመለከተ ሰውየው ላቀረባቸው ውሸቶች ጋዜጠኛው ይዞት ነበር ግን ምን ያደርጋል ከጥያቄው ሾልኮ እንዲወጣ መንገድ ለቀቀለት ።

  • @adugnawubbie9740
    @adugnawubbie9740 8 месяцев назад +3

    በሽታ ይጨቁንሕ እብድ።
    የትኛው መሬት ነው 1% ሰዎች እጅ የነበረው??

    • @user-gy4lq1id1z
      @user-gy4lq1id1z 8 месяцев назад +2

      I think you misunderstood him. He was saying 75% of land was owned by 1% of feudal family.

    • @adugnawubbie9740
      @adugnawubbie9740 8 месяцев назад +1

      That is not true at all
      Which statistics would prove this non sense ideology.
      It is better he keeps his false theory to his own gut.
      These are the people who likes for the disintegration of Ethiopia.

    • @solomonend8235
      @solomonend8235 8 месяцев назад +1

      1-You can guess land to ppl ratio. .
      2- half of the country is not even accessable. Even Today it's hard to access rural area near A.A. 100km2.
      But yet his statics are from cloud 😅

  • @NowIstheTime581
    @NowIstheTime581 8 месяцев назад +1

    አንተ የማትረባ ተረኛ ጋዜጠኛ። የዛሬውን መተቸት ፈርተህ ያለፈውን ስታቦካ ትውላለህ። ናሁን አዋርደሀል።

  • @asrathaile7350
    @asrathaile7350 8 месяцев назад

    This useless person is still talking. ገፈጥ ሁሌም ይንሳፈፋል

  • @abrahammelse8447
    @abrahammelse8447 8 месяцев назад

    You tell us the Oromo Muslem in Bale,the Amhara Muslem in Mota Gojam ,in Somala Ogadan MUSLEM the idea to eliminate the Muslem in 21 century is to eliminate the Eth.Muslem.

  • @ambaye3115
    @ambaye3115 8 месяцев назад

    በሞላ አገሪቱ በየጥጋጥጉ ሁሉ ይደረግ የነበረው የህዝብ አመፅ የሚያሣየው: በንጉሡ ዘመን በህዝቡ ላይ የማያባራ ከፍተኛ ጭቆና መኖሩ ነው:: ካለው ድህነትና: አገሪቱ ለተወሠኑ ዜጎች ብቻ መፈንጫ ነበረች: ታድያ ደርግ የወሰደው የግድያ ዕርምጃ ፍታዊ ነበር ቢባል ስህተቱ ምንድነው?

    • @tesfayekifle1969
      @tesfayekifle1969 8 месяцев назад +2

      ሰዎቹ የተገደሉት በደርግ አባላት ስብሰባ ላይ የተገዳዮቹ ስም እየተጠራ ምን አይነት እርምጃ ይወሰድበት ለሚለው በተሰብሳቢዎች የድምፅ ብልጫ ነበር የተወሰነው፡፡ ይገደል የሚለው አብላጫ ድምፅ ከሆነ ይገደላል ማለት ነው፡፡ ስለዚህ ሰዎቹ ጥፋታቸውና ለአገር የሰሩት ስራ በፍርድ ቤት ሳይታይ የተረሸኑ ናቸው፡፡ ፍርድ ቤት ቢቀርቡ በነፃም የሚለቀቅ አይጠፋም፡፡

    • @120Mil
      @120Mil 6 месяцев назад

      ፍትሃዊ አልነበረም:: አስፈላጊም አልነበረም::

  • @honestygalor6748
    @honestygalor6748 8 месяцев назад

    This is a very enlightening discussion about the genesis of our country's bloodshed. The unfortunate fact that should be noted is the other aspect of the ruling class, which remained insensitive to the insults being summarily rained on the Oromos people in spite of the fact that Oromos were dedicated loyal citizens when the country was facing all this challenges in the northern parts of the country and Ogaden.
    This very negligence has left the society psychologically divided creating a fertile ground for division to take off in no time when it was brought to the land in early 1990s EC.
    What's happening today compared to the lack of freedom during the eras of the Emperor and all the two former governments which followed, today we have taken the unlimited freedom allowed to self destroy by needless wars.
    Everyone has the right to aspire to government powers but everyone cannot be in the leadership at one time as it should take patience and process to change leadership. This is what we are not ever ready either to allow as we clamour to unseat and destroy any government from day one it comes into place. How can the country ever hope to succeed in the face endless efforts to take guns

  • @honestygalor6748
    @honestygalor6748 8 месяцев назад

    This is a very enlightening discussion about the genesis of our country's bloodshed. The unfortunate fact that should be noted is the other aspect of the ruling class, which remained insensitive to the insults being summarily rained on the Oromos people in spite of the fact that Oromos were dedicated loyal citizens when the country was facing all this challenges in the northern parts of the country and Ogaden.
    This very negligence has left the society psychologically divided creating a fertile ground for division to take off in no time when it was brought to the land in early 1990s EC.
    What's happening today compared to the lack of freedom during the eras of the Emperor and all the two former governments which followed, today we have taken the unlimited freedom allowed to self destroy by needless wars.
    Everyone has the right to aspire to government powers but everyone cannot be in the leadership at one time as it should take patience and process to change leadership. This is what we are not ever ready either to allow as we clamour to unseat and destroy any government from day one it comes into place. How can the country ever hope to succeed in the face endless efforts to take guns

  • @honestygalor6748
    @honestygalor6748 8 месяцев назад

    This is a very enlightening discussion about the genesis of our country's bloodshed. The unfortunate fact that should be noted is the other aspect of the ruling class, which remained insensitive to the insults being summarily rained on the Oromos people in spite of the fact that Oromos were dedicated loyal citizens when the country was facing all this challenges in the northern parts of the country and Ogaden.
    This very negligence has left the society psychologically divided creating a fertile ground for division to take off in no time when it was brought to the land in early 1990s EC.
    What's happening today compared to the lack of freedom during the eras of the Emperor and all the two former governments which followed, today we have taken the unlimited freedom allowed to self destroy by needless wars.
    Everyone has the right to aspire to government powers but everyone cannot be in the leadership at one time as it should take patience and process to change leadership. This is what we are not ever ready either to allow ir to understand as we clamour to unseat and destroy any government from day one it comes into place. How can the country ever hope to succeed in the face endless efforts to take guns to finish the govov

  • @honestygalor6748
    @honestygalor6748 8 месяцев назад

    This is a very enlightening discussion about the genesis of our country's bloodshed. The unfortunate fact that should be noted is the other aspect of the ruling class, which remained insensitive to the insults being summarily rained on the Oromos people in spite of the fact that Oromos were dedicated loyal citizens when the country was facing all this challenges in the northern parts of the country and Ogaden.
    This very negligence has left the society psychologically divided creating a fertile ground for division to take off in no time when it was brought to the land in early 1990s EC.
    What's happening today compared to the lack of freedom during the eras of the Emperor and all the two former governments which followed, today we have taken the unlimited freedom allowed to self destroy by needless wars.
    Everyone has the right to aspire to government powers but everyone cannot be in the leadership at one time as it should take patience and process to change leadership. This is what we are not ever ready either to allow as we clamour to unseat and destroy any government from day one it comes into place. How can the country ever hope to succeed in the face endless efforts to take guns

    • @120Mil
      @120Mil 6 месяцев назад

      Please do not massage history and the reality then for OLF current infantile misdeeds.

  • @honestygalor6748
    @honestygalor6748 8 месяцев назад

    This is a very enlightening discussion about the genesis of our country's bloodshed. The unfortunate fact that should be noted is the other aspect of the ruling class, which remained insensitive to the insults being summarily rained on the Oromos people in spite of the fact that Oromos were dedicated loyal citizens when the country was facing all this challenges in the northern parts of the country and Ogaden.
    This very negligence has left the society psychologically divided creating a fertile ground for division to take off in no time when it was brought to the land in early 1990s EC.
    What's happening today compared to the lack of freedom during the eras of the Emperor and all the two former governments which followed, today we have taken the unlimited freedom allowed to self destroy by needless wars.
    Everyone has the right to aspire to government powers but everyone cannot be in the leadership at one time as it should take patience and process to change leadership. This is what we are not ever ready either to allow as we clamour to unseat and destroy any government from day one it comes into place. How can the country ever hope to succeed in the face endless efforts to take guns

    • @yonastesfaye8759
      @yonastesfaye8759 8 месяцев назад

      The party u obsessed with by itself had been worthless and blood thirsty.

    • @derejeshiferaw8334
      @derejeshiferaw8334 8 месяцев назад

      ጋዜጠኛ ኤልያስ የመጨረሻው ጥያቄህን ወድጄዋለሁ...ማንበብ ጥቅሙ ይሄ ነው:: ዶክተር መላኩ ም በማስረጃ (ወይዘሮ ታደለችንም ሆነ ብርቱ የስራ ሰው ደጃዝማችን ) እንደገና የምንመለከትበትን መልስ በቀጣዩ ክፍል ይሰጡናል ብለን ተስፋ እናደርጋለን::