Probably can’t help it, demons recoil at the use of scripture and the demon(s) in that guy were probably writhing. It’s also crap like this that makes me think that the book of Enoch was a demonic attempt to attack the church. It’s also gotten a lot more press recently as the forces of evil have grown.
There is obvious heresy in Enoch, so the enemies of Christ try to use it to deceive people. In case you didn't know the Book of Enoch identifies the biblical Enoch as the Messiah who becomes the Angel of the LORD or the angel Metatron who in turn becomes God. It is weird.
Because it says some weird stuff that sometimes contradicts the Bible, and when atheists read the weird stuff, they think "oh, i wish that was in the Bible so i can make a tiktok about it".
People just gotta understand the old generation will not believe the book of Enoch because they wasn’t born in the Technology RUclips era- so when they read the book of Enoch back then they didn’t have any source or proof to back it up.. No RUclips no nothing Now the RUclips generation is now believing the book because they can see the evidence- God knew in his wisdom they will take the book out to promote Darwin theory- but God petrified most things in the preflood world that the RUclips generation can actually see. Like the petrified gigantic trees that was cut down; the bodies of the titans; and the black holes being the prison house of the angles.. That why the newer generation is believing in the book and it’s no big deal it’s just God waited a time period in knowledge and technology for this too happen.. No disrespect to the old generation but we all been lies to by the Freemasons and higher ups.. Now I would say the standard gutted bible the KJV is still relevant because we can still use that book to get to heaven and know Jesus and learn about repentance.. The book of Enoch is good for showing physical evidence to atheists because like I said you can all the petrified stuff
What are you referring to when you say Michael Jones is going "full father mode" on this man? It seems obvious to me but I'm not confident It is what you speak but if it is that's feeling unrighteous.
In the modern day of TikTok-style posting, being unsettling or weird is also strangely something that attracts more attention to your content in the algorithms. It is likely intentional for that reason.
Enoch is still an important historical book for Christians to read once they reach the maturity to know it’s not cannon. We read plenty of extra biblical books that are important.
What part points to it not being cannon? It’s literally an Old Testament book that points to the son of God BEFORE ANY BOOK. And details life on earth before the flood, how the nephilim (the watchers) bestowed forbidden knowledge to the people at the time. A big reason the flood happened.
@@spacestation13nerd50 it’s only cannon in one branch of Christianity. The Ethiopian. I’m not here to argue that point. I said it’s important to read. If you disagree with that, we can discuss it. I agree with everything you said except the cannon part.
@@TEMPESTsonofThunder ok lol. I stated a fact about the Ethiopian church not being influenced by Rome… your reply quit trolling I’m not interested. Looking at the entertainment choices you publicly display on your channel, you are in no position to say anything about the Bible… game of thrones?? Really. Have you ever read Romans 12.
The book of enoch is scripture but not necessary too understanding the gospel. Enoch is for people that require more knowledge; hence being a book for the last days.
The Book of Enoch is quoted in the Epistle of Jude in Jude 1:14-15. "And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him." (Jude 1:14-15) 1 Enoch 1:9 "Behold, he comes with the myriads of his holy ones, to execute judgment on all, and to destroy all the wicked, and to convict all flesh for all the wicked deeds that they have done, and the proud and hard words that wicked sinners spoke against him."
@@danielwilson3976 In six different english translations, in swedish, in finnish, and in german. I also use interlinear translations online. I am familiar with the text.
A RUclips short is enough to convince you of something? If you want to dig deeper into Enoch and if it’s important for a Christian to study, look into the work of the late Dr. Michael Heiser or Dr. Judd Burton. Good day, brother.
IP, please do a dialogue with Craig. Y’all 2 are my favorite Christian philosophers. Maybe discuss something interesting like your different views of God and time?
🤜💥 Enoch “prophesied” … Jude1:14 KJV “And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints…” Prophesy is the spirit of Jesus Christ which is the Word (Jn1:1 KJV) 💥 🤛
Jude quotes Enoch Jude 14-15 It was also about these that Enoch, in the seventh generation from Adam, prophesied, saying, “See, the Lord is coming with ten thousands of his holy ones, to execute judgment on all, and to convict everyone of all the deeds of ungodliness that they have committed in such an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things that ungodly sinners have spoken against him.” 1 Enoch 1:91 Behold, he comes with the myriads of his holy ones, to execute judgment on all, and to destroy all the wicked, and to convict all flesh for all the wicked deeds that they have done, and the proud and hard words that wicked sinners spoke against him.
Paul quotes several Greek philosphers, because his intended audience was familiar with and had respect for their writings. Paul was in no way saying their writings were part of scripture. Same thing with Jude. He can quote something attributed to Enoch, without implying it was from scripture. The early church did not count the "book of Enoch" as scripture.
Yes but remember lots of references and context is lost in translation.also the book of Enoch is dated to be older then any book found in the New Testament which if you use logic maybe Jesus is referring to something he has read. Again we will never know. One thing to take is that Ethiopian Orthodox Church put the book of Enoch in there bible and where heavily criticized for it until the Dead Sea scrolls were found.
I agree with IP 99% of the time, but this time the other guy is right. Though Jesus does not quote Enoch, He does refer to a concept seemingly established in Enoch, and states that if the audience had read their Scripture, they would have known it. This is related to your other video where Jude directly quotes Enoch, and the reply was basically that other texts were quoted from that aren't Scripture, therefore there is no reason to believe this quoation is any different. The issue with this however, is that the quote is stated as Prophecy (thus implying inspiration similar to Isaiah, Malachi, etc...) and is stated to have been said by the authentic person named Enoch (not just the culturally believed author.)
you would just have loved for every bizarre thing which was presented to the church to be piled into the Bible. Why stop at 67 books? Why not fit God into 2000? Go ask the Muslims why they're struggling with "hadith science" today. "this is Sahih, this is daif, this is fabricated". Because someone didn't do their homework in the early years of Islam. I thank God for the providence of our church fathers. They gave us a book we can easily defend our faith with. Go see how the Muslims struggle with all the bizarre things that are canonized and now too late to deny.
I don’t believe the Book of Enoch is canon or worthy of believing BUT “it is written” and “have you not read” seem similar to “you are wrong because you neither the scripture…”
People just gotta understand the old generation will not believe the book of Enoch because they wasn’t born in the Technology RUclips era- so when they read the book of Enoch back then they didn’t have any source or proof to back it up.. No RUclips no nothing Now the RUclips generation is now believing the book because they can see the evidence- God knew in his wisdom they will take the book out to promote Darwin theory- but God petrified most things in the preflood world that the RUclips generation can actually see. Like the petrified gigantic trees that was cut down; the bodies of the titans; and the black holes being the prison house of the angles.. That why the newer generation is believing in the book and it’s no big deal it’s just God waited a time period in knowledge and technology for this too happen.. No disrespect to the old generation but we all been lies to by the Freemasons and higher ups.. Now I would say the standard gutted bible the KJV is still relevant because we can still use that book to get to heaven and know Jesus and learn about repentance.. The book of Enoch is good for showing physical evidence to atheists because like I said you can all the petrified stuff
@@waqmanimethe word for one God is ECHAD which is the same one that is used for marriage (when a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife to become ECHAD flesh)
@captainkrajick What are you on about? Echad? You know Jesus spoke Armaic anyway. So if you are saying it isnt translated properly then the whole bible in English isn't reliable. But the message is pretty clear that the Father is the one and only true God and you should worship him alone.
Mike, you have found your niche in RUclips shorts. Your style is relevant and funny and the videos you choose to counter are always wisely chosen. Well done!
The Bible says that Enoch walked with God. Jesus said the angels didn't have wives and no where in the Bible mentions that but the book of Enoch does. Also, Enoch was found with the dead sea scrolls and many Africans will tell you that Enoch was always in their Bibles. I could go on and on.
@@TEMPESTsonofThunder Our Lord was not directly quoting Enoch, however Enoch was an important text of that time. The Epistle of Jude DOES directly quote Enoch. Jude was for a while debated on about as being accepted as canonical scripture. Eventually, it was accepted as inspired by consensus. Here is the thing: Many people argue that Enoch is not inspired, while at the same time claim that what we have now as the 66 books of the Bible is the ultimate, infallible, inerrant, Holy Spirit inspired, ultimate authoritative word of God. So, what's the problem with this? If Enoch is uninspired, it can be likened to as false, since if it is uninspired it is likely to be full of error. Therefore it can ultimately be likened to yeast. Open your hearts to receive this truth since you're likely to see where I am going with this. Here it is: As it is written, "A little bit of yeast leavens the whole loaf." So, either Enoch is inspired, or the entire Bible is uninspired. You don't get both when it comes to our God. OR, you would have to be willing to accept that we made a mistake in discerning which writings were inspired when bringing the Bible together. AND, even then, you would still have to question just how true the rest of it really is since there are many texts that still didn't make the cut. Do you see the dilemma? So which is it? Keep in mind, that even for a while the Epistle of James and Hebrews were debated as to whether or not they were inspired, then ultimately accepted.
"14 Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about them: “See, the Lord is coming with thousands upon thousands of his holy ones 15 to judge everyone, and to convict all of them of all the ungodly acts they have committed in their ungodliness, and of all the defiant words ungodly sinners have spoken against him.”" -NIV from bible gateway
Enoch and even the Gnostic text have way too much that is accurate to just throw them out. They are also the only text that made me feel similar to how I feel reading the Bible. The Gnostic texts give a better understanding of Satan being the god of this world and how he decieves. Freemasons serve the god of this world and their beliefs and actions match what it said about the evil ruler of this world. People think the Gnostic texts call God "evil" but all it says is that we were created by lower gods, just like Genesis says "let US make man in our own image"
That's ridiculous. There are dozens of times in the New testament where Jesus or other people are directly quoting from the Old testament with out referencing the source
From what I have read about from Enoch it seems to be mostly prophesies. There is information about the heavenly bodies presented in the book. However that portion even says that the truth of them would be hidden from the Sons of Man. In any case I am not convinced that the book is not canonical.
Yeah, that’s a demon’s stare alright. Not that he has to be possessed, but likely heavily demon influenced & doing their bidding & thinking that it’s all his brilliant idea. Cuz that’s how they get you.
@@VidBint That's not always how they get you. There are plenty of people in heretic circles, particularly occult and Luciferian circles, who knowingly invite demons in, you'd be surprised how many people find the idea of being demonized "cool" and attractive and you'd also be surprised by how many people would actually go great lengths to dabble in dark and satanic stuff because it appears cool to them, I used to be one of them and what I saw there are the kind of things a person never forgets. It's a spiritual epidemic and it's getting worse as time progresses. The demonic is manifesting more because it's being normalized and Christ is being manifested less because people aren't repenting and calling out to him.
@@VidBint As Christianity is being more and more marginalized in our culture, the devil is becoming more and more openly celebrated, even worshipped, by the masses. Just like when the Israelites built the golden calf, the people have chosen for themselves which god they want to serve and it isn't the God of Israel.
Not everything is demons. Careful being narrow minded. Don’t be the hammer that thinks every problem is a nail. God created life to be more nuanced than that.
The enochian tradition is valid within Eastern Orthodoxy, but it is usually seen as pseudopygrypha or non-essential for the Orthodox believer, though we have the apocrypha and a few more septuigent texts seen as essential because of the council of Trullo which was restated and made ecumenical at 3rd Constantinople if I remember correctly.
I'm not sure what the status is with Enoch, but reminds me of the value of the Protoevangelium of James in the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches. Whilst it is not canonical Scripture, it is regarded as good read, especially for knowing the context of the Bible, despite itself not being fully canonical. Because the two Churches are Apostolic and not Sola Scriptura, they have lots of traditions not present in the Bible, but founded by Jesus and practiced since the first Christians. Many of these are not written in the Bible, but do appear in the Protoevangelium. That is really interesting, because it's like linking puzzle pieces. Whilst the Protoevangelium is not fully canonical, you can see the early traditions still practiced by the Orthodox and Catholic Churches recorded in the Protoevangelium. I find this very cool!
So, this does raise the question: what does knowing whether or not one will be married in heaven have to do with the 'Scriptures or the power of God'? Jesus is seemingly implying that if they knew those two things, they would have known the answer. Or is He simply calling out their hypocrisy in attempting to trap Him with a seemingly impossible-to-answer question?
If these people spent the same time seeking Jesus than they did trying to disprove Scripture or add to it, then they too will be set free and be saved! ❤
Nobody here know what Jesus/Yeshua quoted! You all are taking for granted what someone has written down and don't know if that has even been edited or not...! Fact!
Ever since someone pointed out that all of the fringe/unhinged “content creators” film in their car so people can’t hear them say their ludicrous opinions out loud… I cannot un-see it… 😂
This is our first encounter with SCP 616: An humanoid entity that uses dubious religious statements to lure its prey, before entering a state of aggravation, before it utilizes its barbed tongue. Staring into its eyes can cause disorientation.
We shouldn't be mocking others. John 7:24 says to judge with righteous judgment and not with prejudice. Jesus rightfully judged and rebuked, but didn't make fun of people. I struggle with this a lot, it is very hard to unlearn, but we must strive to do better
Yep and there are several verses that reference it in the New Testament, Jude being one Some people believe that God, the creator of the universe is limited to the 66 books. Between Enoch and most of the gnostic texts, there's just way too much info that is correct and can further your understanding of the Bible that should be considered
@@cowel8734you would just have loved for every bizarre thing which was presented to the church to be piled into the Bible. Why stop at 67 books? Why not fit God into 2000? Go ask the Muslims why they're struggling with "hadith science" today. "this is Sahih, this is daif, this is fabricated". Because someone didn't do their homework in the early years of Islam. I thank God for the providence of our church fathers. They gave us a book we can easily defend our faith with. Go see how the Muslims struggle with all the bizarre things that are canonized and now too late to deny.
@@FromValkyriebud Mohammed was born 500 years after Jesus that is why Islam shouldn't even be considered. If you ever read the Quran or the Bible you would know why that automatically disproves the Quran. Because Jesus was a prophet in the Quran as well as Isaiah, yet the people who wrote the Quran knew neither! Yet those who wrote the bible knew jesus and his desciples and it was written during jesus's life. A big difference between the Quran and Bible. And to your "why not 2000" comment. The original scriptures were aligned in truth and they didn't have 2000 different books like the Quran because they weren't trying desperately to come up with some story, they were simply writing down the facts. And if you really wanna get more in depth, Enoch even accurately depicted the planets orbiting around the sun in a time when that idea was very much objected. How about you actually know what you're speaking of before you talk? And if the book of Enoch is false then why not read it? I read the Bible when I was atheist and thought it was false because that's the only real way to learn. Otherwise youre just ignorant.
@@brendan4844 Have fun defending the absurdities in the book, since you're so much smarter than God and the fathers who excluded it from the canon. I'm not gonna waste time with you.
“Line upon line”, “precept upon precept” , “blessed be they whom rightly divide the Word of YAH” Also note Jude (brother of the Son of Man) 1:14-15 is word for word Enoch Chapter 2:1 A voice in the wilderness
Exactly! That was done for a good reason. God doesn’t make mistakes when instructing his followers to do something like make copies of the current Bible of the time and hide it in a cave so people thousands of years later can find it.
Dear Mr. Jones, could you discuss about eastern orthodox christians who also do sholat (bow) when they are praying. In fact, they have been existing a long time ago pre-Islamic. I think it is important to prove that Christianity isn't fabricated like some muslims claim.
EVERY Muslim argument is laughable, but that one is so stupid it's actually irritating. When people fall on their face to pray in the bible, it's not some religious requirement. It's because they experienced direct communication with God and were so overwhelmed they "fell on their face as dead" like John in Revelation 1. Muslims are REQUIRED to do these things which proves they don't even know who God is. Because God isn't like that. Remember that God's nature is both lion and lamb simultaneously. Every religion teaching God's power and authority and judgement is automatically false because his mercy, tenderness and humility is just as real. No matter how humble a person is, God is infinitely more humble; he's actually MEEK which is both mighty and weak. And that's the very nature of Jesus Himself.
enoch was read by was a book of those times, as was jubilee which was also referenced by the bible...reguardless if jesus used or didnt use the word "scripture" in reguards to enoch, he still quoted a viable tennant of angelic order out of the book of enoch...btw... a tennant that is not listed anywhere in the bible but is only found in enoch...this is the only place we find that angels are not given in marriage. not in the the tennant is truth because christ confirmed it, that it is only found in enoch and disavowing the book seems foolish...
@coffeehousedialogue5684 it wasnt just quoted though. It was used to tell a truth. It was obviously somthing the people knew as truth as in those days. And for Jesus to use it to prove something to them makes it obvious that he himself believed it also... lest he be a liar.
@@coffeehousedialogue pagan writings were not in the scriptorums in qumeran....or the temple...this is a writing that was found among other preserved biblical scriptures...the priests copied this book over and over and preserved it with the other biblical canonized scriptures/ books sir....your comparasion sucks!
@@coffeehousedialogue to the jews, enoch was part of their bible! Otherwise they wouldnt have forund it with cannonized books! Should make commonsense to those that have the spirit! ....chapter 69 goes into the messiah prophecies which are confirmed by cannonized books....he is to be a son in the book of ench as well! So iam not sure how this book would be blasphemy?
People just gotta understand the old generation will not believe the book of Enoch because they wasn’t born in the Technology RUclips era- so when they read the book of Enoch back then they didn’t have any source or proof to back it up.. No RUclips no nothing Now the RUclips generation is now believing the book because they can see the evidence- God knew in his wisdom they will take the book out to promote Darwin theory- but God petrified most things in the preflood world that the RUclips generation can actually see. Like the petrified gigantic trees that was cut down; the bodies of the titans; and the black holes being the prison house of the angles.. That why the newer generation is believing in the book and it’s no big deal it’s just God waited a time period in knowledge and technology for this too happen.. No disrespect to the old generation but we all been lies to by the Freemasons and higher ups.. Now I would say the standard gutted bible the KJV is still relevant because we can still use that book to get to heaven and know Jesus and learn about repentance.. The book of Enoch is good for showing physical evidence to atheists because like I said you can all the petrified stuff
The book of enoch is a book written from past to the present and now future. Very believable. Enoch was and is a man of god and God took enoch away from this polluted world of that time 🙏
I went and read the scripture before the other guy came on and was like nah this guy's making things up. Then second dude came on and gave me the Enoch scripture and I thought wow, those are really connected
@@Blinkehyo There isn’t actually an answer. Enoch may not have been considered scripture by all Jews, but the Qumran community (who preserved many such Jewish texts) had at least 11 copies of it. It was at least considered an authoritative historical narrative.
@@Blinkehyo If you want to hear a real scholar talk about it, look into Michael Heiser. This guy has some good stuff, but he has rose colored glasses on when it comes to Catholicism.
He wasn’t referring to any other scripture, he was stating a fact. Not everything he says is quoting or referring to another scripture. Jesus says things independently most of the time. And when he quotes from scripture he says “have you not read” or some indicator that he’s quoting from scripture, he didn’t do that here, indicating he wasn’t quoting or referencing scripture
Wow, when you said that thing about his tongue sticking out. I had a flash back of my grandmother saying "put thay tongue back in your mouth before I cut it off" after I stuck it out at her. 😂. I haven't thought of that in decades
What do you think of the idea of the early church fathers believing in Enoch but when the text was lost the later church founders had to make changes in teaching
Further, just because Jesus says, "You have heard that it was said...", doesn't mean he's referencing scripture, as in Matt 5:43-44. He's just referring to something that they believe whether it's actually from scripture or not. Here Jesus refers to the concept of loving your neighbor and hating your enemy, but never did God tell people to hate their enemy.
Hmmm, looks like he's directly referencing it if you ask me. That idea never gets mentioned elsewhere, and Jesus CLEARLY says that they would know this if they "knew the scripture", implying that it is previously stated, leaving Enoch as the only viable source he could have pulled from. Logic can be hard, but you should at least try.
@Tyler-wt5hwYeah, the conversation was already about mentions of the resurrection. We are all aware. Did you have a point againt The Book of Enoch being just as invalid as the rest of scripture or...?
@Tyler-wt5hw "Study the Jewish culture" I already have. To what are you specifically referring? Orrrr, are you just coming up with SOMETHING random to say in order to save face, given that you haven't got a fucking clue what you're talking about?
Keep telling yourself that. I don't think it's a salvation issue but them some impressive mental gymnastics. How about this, tell me where in canonized scripture it says that.
Hey IP can you do a video over Old Testament contradictions such as 1 Kings 4:26 vs 2 Chronicles 9:25, Ezra 2:11 vs Nehemiah 7:16, Ezra 2:5 vs Nehemiah 7:10?
Also, Jesus would not have quoted from the book of Enoch to Saducess as they only believe that the first five books of the Law are Holy. So whenever Jesus is speaking to the Saducess he would only use the Torah
Greetings from The Bride of Christ. Enoch spoke truth which many reject or cannot comprehend. The Gospel of Mary Magdalene was left out as well as a man's world it has always been.
I gotta say i got alot respect for my man and no one ever challenges him like he does all these people 🤷🏻♂️ i man knows the scriptures and is a true scholar and he doesn’t even look that old which to me means he worked hard and studied and is actually very intelligent to remember all of this 🤷🏻♂️🤷🏻♂️🤷🏻♂️ 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻💯💯💯💯
Jude, who was Jesus's half brother, states in Jude 1:14, it's referred to as the prophecies of Enoch, which jews all agree for it to be ancient scriptural documents that everyone is well aware if the context. It's also still in the Ethiopian cannon , and has always been.
Wasn't the book of Enoch originally a part of the Bible? I heard that the Ethiopian Bible is the only Bible that we know of that has the book of Enoch included in the book. The other, modern/current bibles that we read are without it. Just curious.
The Jews living in Ethiopia, and therefore the Christians living in Ethiopia, consider Enoch to be canonical. The rest of the Church never has. Since that book was never part of the Bible outside of Ethiopia, no other church ever removed it from the Bible because it was never in their Bible.
So I am not an apocrypha guy. But i did read the book of enoch. In my opinion, it connects so many things. It makes things that I read in the bible that I had questions about when I first started reading make sense. Whether or not you think it's cannon cool, you are free to do so, but at the very least, it is a good read.
Ok honest question here because I have wondered this for a while, so what scripture is Jesus referring to here? Because he says they do not know the scripture but what scripture do they not know when he is referring to she is like the angels in heaven? And yes, later in the chapter, he is referring to Exodus three saying he’s the same God. But what scripture says she will be like the angels since they don’t know the scripture?
This is just three verses, but I don’t see the connection “For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind.” Isaiah 65:17 KJV “He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord GOD will wipe away tears from off all faces; and the rebuke of his people shall he take away from off all the earth: for the LORD hath spoken it.” Isaiah 25:8 KJV “Let all mine enemies be ashamed and sore vexed: Let them return and be ashamed suddenly.” Psalm 6:10 KJV
@Tyler-wt5hw “Therefore in the resurrection whose wife shall she be of the seven? for they all had her. Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.” Matthew 22:28-30 KJV What scripture is he referring to?
Love how me mentions Matthew 22:29-30, saying it’s a reference to the book of Enoch, when it isnt, because he is leaving out crucial context. (Ik the video already covers this) “But Jesus answered them, “You are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God. For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven.” Matthew 22:29-30 ESV Full context: “The same day Sadducees came to him, who say that there is no resurrection, and they asked him a question, saying, “Teacher, Moses said, ‘If a man dies having no children, his brother must marry the widow and raise up offspring for his brother.’ Now there were seven brothers among us. The first married and died, and having no offspring left his wife to his brother. So too the second and third, down to the seventh. After them all, the woman died. In the resurrection, therefore, of the seven, whose wife will she be? For they all had her.” But Jesus answered them, “You are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God. For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven. And as for the resurrection of the dead, have you not read what was said to you by God: ‘I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’? He is not God of the dead, but of the living.” And when the crowd heard it, they were astonished at his teaching.” Matthew 22:23-33 ESV
The author of Jude references 1Enoch word for word towards the end. That just helps me understand what texts were studied and accepted in the time of authorship. Personally reading 1Enoch completely in like 10 hours I completed it. It’s illuminated The Truth within the King James Bible. The Kimg James specifically. The choice of language is deliberate. The same message doesn’t always come into its full focus without the precise language. I’m came to know Jesus Christ and am now a Christian only from my experience actually reading the Bible. 1Enoch as my starting point and then the Holy Bible, made me understand the Bible that has turned me into a servant of Christ. Everyone needs to Read it. It doesn’t matter if all Enoch is just imaginings based on the small Info in the early parts of the Old Testament. The attention to the transgression of the fallen amgels helped me keep in focus the kind of evil we’re dealing with throughout
You should fully reread Matthew 22. Jesus did quote from Enoch. The book of Jude references Enoch, the NT has multiple quotes from Enoch. You should understand, Enoch was a text studied in the biblical times. As well as, The Torah. Be careful of adding to or, taking away from the truth of the Biblical Gospel reverend by Yeshua and, the biblical prophets. You do understand, modern day versions of the Bible are Not as the original ancient texts. Enoch is quoted throughout the entirety of the Bible. So, Yes. It is verified by biblical scriptures. And, Yeshua would have read, studied, quoted and, clearly spoke to those with understanding of that time period. He did NOT have to constantly clarify every word, once he had your attention. Either you see it plainly or, you do not. Jude speaks of scoffers. You should read the words carefully.
I heard that the passage where Jesus mentions many mansions in His Father’s house is a reference to Enoch as the concept of “mansions” isn’t mentioned in the Bible, just in Enoch. Jesus also followed this up with the response “if it wasn’t so I would have told you”, to me this implies people were considering Enoch the same way back then, questioning what he meant. This would mean that, if were correct, Christ was clarifying that at least some (what percentage we’re not sure) of Enoch is accurate and a true telling of events and cosmology. Thoughts?
The concept that angels are forbidden to marry women is nowhere in the Scriptures unless 1 Enoch is considered scripture. Gen 6 says they took wives and bore children, nephilim. No more is said. However, 1 Enoch explains that angels are forbidden to marry, and this is referenced by Jesus in Matt. 22:29-30.
The Book of Enoch was viewed as scriptural/canon by many early Church Leaders, including Irenaeus, Athenagoras, Clement of Alexandria, and Tertullian, who wrote around 200AD that the Jews had dismissed the Book of Enoch since it includes prophecies about Christ. It is also viewed as scriptural in the apocryphal Epistle of Barnabas (16:4) as well as. The Ethiopian Church still includes both as true canon that inspires conversion to and faith in Christianity. But all bibliolatry is a malicious disease of pure evil trickery, regardless of how small and vague they make the stories/myths.
“And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, to execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.” Jude 1:14-15 KJV 1 Enoch 1:91 Behold, he comes with the myriads of his holy ones, to execute judgment on all, and to destroy all the wicked, and to convict all flesh for all the wicked deeds that they have done, and the proud and hard words that wicked sinners spoke against him.
This would be a lot better if the other guy didn’t try so hard to make his audience cringe.
I mean I laughed... but yeah I can see why you said so
Nah it made this better. Guy is a nut😂
Probably can’t help it, demons recoil at the use of scripture and the demon(s) in that guy were probably writhing. It’s also crap like this that makes me think that the book of Enoch was a demonic attempt to attack the church. It’s also gotten a lot more press recently as the forces of evil have grown.
It made this video you party pooper
It would be a lot better if they just didn't make videos at all
Why do people want the book of Enoch to be scripture so badly?
So that it will be easier for them to disprove the bible
There is obvious heresy in Enoch, so the enemies of Christ try to use it to deceive people. In case you didn't know the Book of Enoch identifies the biblical Enoch as the Messiah who becomes the Angel of the LORD or the angel Metatron who in turn becomes God. It is weird.
Because it says some weird stuff that sometimes contradicts the Bible, and when atheists read the weird stuff, they think "oh, i wish that was in the Bible so i can make a tiktok about it".
@@marwanelias1728how well has that been going for them
@@reyis_here945 not good. The book of Enoch is not scripture
Mike going full father mode was amusing
People just gotta understand the old generation will not believe the book of Enoch because they wasn’t born in the Technology RUclips era- so when they read the book of Enoch back then they didn’t have any source or proof to back it up.. No RUclips no nothing
Now the RUclips generation is now believing the book because they can see the evidence- God knew in his wisdom they will take the book out to promote Darwin theory- but God petrified most things in the preflood world that the RUclips generation can actually see. Like the petrified gigantic trees that was cut down; the bodies of the titans; and the black holes being the prison house of the angles..
That why the newer generation is believing in the book and it’s no big deal it’s just God waited a time period in knowledge and technology for this too happen.. No disrespect to the old generation but we all been lies to by the Freemasons and higher ups..
Now I would say the standard gutted bible the KJV is still relevant because we can still use that book to get to heaven and know Jesus and learn about repentance.. The book of Enoch is good for showing physical evidence to atheists because like I said you can all the petrified stuff
What are you referring to when you say Michael Jones is going "full father mode" on this man? It seems obvious to me but I'm not confident It is what you speak but if it is that's feeling unrighteous.
@@IsraelCountryCubeWhen he tells the man to put his tongue back in his mouth, he sounds like a dad telling his son not to do something.
This guy is either socially awkward or forgot to edit out his pauses… either way it’s unsettling.
In the modern day of TikTok-style posting, being unsettling or weird is also strangely something that attracts more attention to your content in the algorithms. It is likely intentional for that reason.
@@RyanBoggsmhh Yum Yum ice cream yum
I think it's really Pennywise, he can't fool me !
Unsettling is the perfect word for it.
It’s a bit.
Your editing game is really getting mad entertaining as the context stays increasingly edifying. Bless up, IP!
"Put your tongue back in your mouth!!" 🤣🤣🤣
If you don't keep it in your mouth, a bird will think it's a worm and eat it! 😮
@@marvalice3455 wait what 💀
@@marvalice3455 that is wild dude...
@@bagastian3125 that's what my grandma used to tell me xD
@@JanaeJohnson96 my grandma used to tell me that so I would stop sticking my tongue out xD
This heretic is unsettling 😂😂😂
"Hey Heretic!"
bro's got issues. he loves the non-cannonical books too much.
You know Ethiopian Orthodoxes aren’t heretics right?
@@frogtownroad9104well, they technically are. Depending how you define heresy
@@frogtownroad9104 yes they are. They keep the Old Testament Jewish practices, recognize Enoch as scripture, and don’t follow chalcedon
Dunning Kruger effect in full force here
Yep, pretty much. The guy mike responded to was incredibly smug about it.
How ironic that the effect was eventually considered to be wrong by them. 😅
I doubt that, I think hes just spreading misinformation.
@@billotron5521 nothing new for an apologist or excusegist.
No one in the comments seems to have read scripture from enoch and how it’s in the bible like in jude 14-15 being quoted from 1 enoch 1-9
Enoch is still an important historical book for Christians to read once they reach the maturity to know it’s not cannon. We read plenty of extra biblical books that are important.
What part points to it not being cannon? It’s literally an Old Testament book that points to the son of God BEFORE ANY BOOK. And details life on earth before the flood, how the nephilim (the watchers) bestowed forbidden knowledge to the people at the time. A big reason the flood happened.
@@spacestation13nerd50 it’s only cannon in one branch of Christianity. The Ethiopian. I’m not here to argue that point. I said it’s important to read. If you disagree with that, we can discuss it. I agree with everything you said except the cannon part.
@@TEMPESTsonofThunderoh the only church that wasn’t perverted by the Catholics ?
@@woodflowerman I’ve seen your other comments on this channel. Go troll someone else. I’m not interested.
@@TEMPESTsonofThunder ok lol. I stated a fact about the Ethiopian church not being influenced by Rome… your reply quit trolling I’m not interested. Looking at the entertainment choices you publicly display on your channel, you are in no position to say anything about the Bible… game of thrones?? Really. Have you ever read Romans 12.
The book of enoch is scripture but not necessary too understanding the gospel. Enoch is for people that require more knowledge; hence being a book for the last days.
The Book of Enoch is quoted in the Epistle of Jude in Jude 1:14-15.
"And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints,
To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him." (Jude 1:14-15)
1 Enoch 1:9 "Behold, he comes with the myriads of his holy ones, to execute judgment on all, and to destroy all the wicked, and to convict all flesh for all the wicked deeds that they have done, and the proud and hard words that wicked sinners spoke against him."
Does this make every source that Bible writers used a Scripture?
@@mikemental8285 It does when they include the fact that they prophesied.
In Book of Enoch?
Yes prophecied, you clearly haven’t read the book of Enoch
In six different english translations, in swedish, in finnish, and in german.
I also use interlinear translations online.
I am familiar with the text.
Starting to think that guy's car also serves as his toilet
Oh no 😅
With all that poop coming out of his mouth I wouldn’t be surprised
Its the only place he can make his videos without his wife yelling at him to quit with the nonsense
Lol, I make the same face when I'm on the 🚽🚽💩💩
Excellent rebuttal. I am now convinced that the Book of Enoch is not scripture after reading the OP.
That dude is cringe. Tiktok is filled with absurd people 😩
I don’t understand why people don’t just research with an open mind
TikTok was created by the Chinese government as not only as a psyop weapon to manipulate and dumb down Americans but to also spy as well
Tiktok is literally a platform for narcissistic and arrogant type people.
Thank you, brother! This a point with apologetics where I've struggled to give an answer! No more! God bless.
A RUclips short is enough to convince you of something? If you want to dig deeper into Enoch and if it’s important for a Christian to study, look into the work of the late Dr. Michael Heiser or Dr. Judd Burton. Good day, brother.
When I see videos where people talk about religion and theological topics in a car, I start digging a bunker before they drop the bomb.
Or the ball
This guy made me chuckle for a second, and Mr Jones your reaction 😂 always top tier
IP, please do a dialogue with Craig. Y’all 2 are my favorite Christian philosophers. Maybe discuss something interesting like your different views of God and time?
I would watch that immediately
I'd love him to debate me.
@@Thyalwaysseek I would love that too👌
🤜💥 Enoch “prophesied” … Jude1:14 KJV “And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints…” Prophesy is the spirit of Jesus Christ which is the Word (Jn1:1 KJV) 💥 🤛
Jude quotes Enoch
Jude 14-15 It was also about these that Enoch, in the seventh generation from Adam, prophesied, saying, “See, the Lord is coming with ten thousands of his holy ones, to execute judgment on all, and to convict everyone of all the deeds of ungodliness that they have committed in such an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things that ungodly sinners have spoken against him.”
1 Enoch 1:91 Behold, he comes with the myriads of his holy ones, to execute judgment on all, and to destroy all the wicked, and to convict all flesh for all the wicked deeds that they have done, and the proud and hard words that wicked sinners spoke against him.
Paul quotes several Greek philosphers, because his intended audience was familiar with and had respect for their writings. Paul was in no way saying their writings were part of scripture. Same thing with Jude. He can quote something attributed to Enoch, without implying it was from scripture.
The early church did not count the "book of Enoch" as scripture.
@ I’ll quote Donald Trump then : Make America Great Again!
Yes but remember lots of references and context is lost in translation.also the book of Enoch is dated to be older then any book found in the New Testament which if you use logic maybe Jesus is referring to something he has read. Again we will never know. One thing to take is that Ethiopian Orthodox Church put the book of Enoch in there bible and where heavily criticized for it until the Dead Sea scrolls were found.
I agree with IP 99% of the time, but this time the other guy is right. Though Jesus does not quote Enoch, He does refer to a concept seemingly established in Enoch, and states that if the audience had read their Scripture, they would have known it.
This is related to your other video where Jude directly quotes Enoch, and the reply was basically that other texts were quoted from that aren't Scripture, therefore there is no reason to believe this quoation is any different. The issue with this however, is that the quote is stated as Prophecy (thus implying inspiration similar to Isaiah, Malachi, etc...) and is stated to have been said by the authentic person named Enoch (not just the culturally believed author.)
Yeah, this feels like word-games by IP.
you would just have loved for every bizarre thing which was presented to the church to be piled into the Bible. Why stop at 67 books? Why not fit God into 2000? Go ask the Muslims why they're struggling with "hadith science" today. "this is Sahih, this is daif, this is fabricated". Because someone didn't do their homework in the early years of Islam.
I thank God for the providence of our church fathers. They gave us a book we can easily defend our faith with. Go see how the Muslims struggle with all the bizarre things that are canonized and now too late to deny.
I don’t believe the Book of Enoch is canon or worthy of believing BUT “it is written” and “have you not read” seem similar to “you are wrong because you neither the scripture…”
So simply reading something and understanding the grammar correctly is called “word-games”…? You need to a grammar lesson.
YOU'RE A LEGEND BROTHER! Will see you upstairs soon!! ❤✝️
I cannot stomach to watch people like that.
People just gotta understand the old generation will not believe the book of Enoch because they wasn’t born in the Technology RUclips era- so when they read the book of Enoch back then they didn’t have any source or proof to back it up.. No RUclips no nothing
Now the RUclips generation is now believing the book because they can see the evidence- God knew in his wisdom they will take the book out to promote Darwin theory- but God petrified most things in the preflood world that the RUclips generation can actually see. Like the petrified gigantic trees that was cut down; the bodies of the titans; and the black holes being the prison house of the angles..
That why the newer generation is believing in the book and it’s no big deal it’s just God waited a time period in knowledge and technology for this too happen.. No disrespect to the old generation but we all been lies to by the Freemasons and higher ups..
Now I would say the standard gutted bible the KJV is still relevant because we can still use that book to get to heaven and know Jesus and learn about repentance.. The book of Enoch is good for showing physical evidence to atheists because like I said you can all the petrified stuff
Same here. It's clear that Enoch is scripture.
@@GFCProductionsx it isn't
Yes it is. It is actually quoted by the disciplines multiple times.
@@GFCProductionsx that doesn't automatically make something scripture
Brother, HOW do you not crack yourself up making these videos!?! I love your editing and effects! Keep up the great work!
Glory To The Triune GOD😊
God is one. Jesus literally said that: Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God, the Lord is one!
@@waqmanime One what?
@au8363 What? One God, not 3 in 1 just 1. And the fact that Jesus is saying our God is obviously proving that point as well.
@@waqmanimethe word for one God is ECHAD which is the same one that is used for marriage (when a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife to become ECHAD flesh)
@captainkrajick What are you on about? Echad? You know Jesus spoke Armaic anyway. So if you are saying it isnt translated properly then the whole bible in English isn't reliable. But the message is pretty clear that the Father is the one and only true God and you should worship him alone.
Mike, you have found your niche in RUclips shorts. Your style is relevant and funny and the videos you choose to counter are always wisely chosen. Well done!
Behold the Effects of Heresy.
The Book of Enoch is a good read even if it's not canon. Highly recommend.
Angel Phanuel, hope for those to inherit eternal life
- anonymous writers of Book of Enoch -
I come here for the humour lessons Prof. Jones
The Bible says that Enoch walked with God. Jesus said the angels didn't have wives and no where in the Bible mentions that but the book of Enoch does. Also, Enoch was found with the dead sea scrolls and many Africans will tell you that Enoch was always in their Bibles. I could go on and on.
The book of Jude, Chapter 1, includes a direct quote from the Book of Enoch.
Exactly! Also, it was hidden in a cave with the rest of the Dead Sea scrolls because it was important.
@@TEMPESTsonofThunder Our Lord was not directly quoting Enoch, however Enoch was an important text of that time. The Epistle of Jude DOES directly quote Enoch. Jude was for a while debated on about as being accepted as canonical scripture. Eventually, it was accepted as inspired by consensus.
Here is the thing: Many people argue that Enoch is not inspired, while at the same time claim that what we have now as the 66 books of the Bible is the ultimate, infallible, inerrant, Holy Spirit inspired, ultimate authoritative word of God.
So, what's the problem with this? If Enoch is uninspired, it can be likened to as false, since if it is uninspired it is likely to be full of error. Therefore it can ultimately be likened to yeast. Open your hearts to receive this truth since you're likely to see where I am going with this.
Here it is: As it is written, "A little bit of yeast leavens the whole loaf." So, either Enoch is inspired, or the entire Bible is uninspired. You don't get both when it comes to our God. OR, you would have to be willing to accept that we made a mistake in discerning which writings were inspired when bringing the Bible together. AND, even then, you would still have to question just how true the rest of it really is since there are many texts that still didn't make the cut. Do you see the dilemma? So which is it?
Keep in mind, that even for a while the Epistle of James and Hebrews were debated as to whether or not they were inspired, then ultimately accepted.
"14 Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about them: “See, the Lord is coming with thousands upon thousands of his holy ones 15 to judge everyone, and to convict all of them of all the ungodly acts they have committed in their ungodliness, and of all the defiant words ungodly sinners have spoken against him.”" -NIV from bible gateway
Enoch and even the Gnostic text have way too much that is accurate to just throw them out.
They are also the only text that made me feel similar to how I feel reading the Bible.
The Gnostic texts give a better understanding of Satan being the god of this world and how he decieves. Freemasons serve the god of this world and their beliefs and actions match what it said about the evil ruler of this world.
People think the Gnostic texts call God "evil" but all it says is that we were created by lower gods, just like Genesis says "let US make man in our own image"
Continue to clarify things for us please, so noone can put confusion in us.... God bless you 🙏✝️💖
Jude and Peter nuff said
these fallen angels and demons dont want people knowing they are actively in your life trying to destroy and kill you.
Even a lot of the things that John wrote in Revelation are almost a direct correlation to what is written in the book of Enoch.
Enoch and the Gnostic texts are very important.
That's ridiculous. There are dozens of times in the New testament where Jesus or other people are directly quoting from the Old testament with out referencing the source
Walking into the heavenly realm is worth a study.
From what I have read about from Enoch it seems to be mostly prophesies. There is information about the heavenly bodies presented in the book. However that portion even says that the truth of them would be hidden from the Sons of Man.
In any case I am not convinced that the book is not canonical.
It is as if the demon inside him is trolling him.
Yeah, that’s a demon’s stare alright. Not that he has to be possessed, but likely heavily demon influenced & doing their bidding & thinking that it’s all his brilliant idea. Cuz that’s how they get you.
@@VidBint That's not always how they get you. There are plenty of people in heretic circles, particularly occult and Luciferian circles, who knowingly invite demons in, you'd be surprised how many people find the idea of being demonized "cool" and attractive and you'd also be surprised by how many people would actually go great lengths to dabble in dark and satanic stuff because it appears cool to them, I used to be one of them and what I saw there are the kind of things a person never forgets. It's a spiritual epidemic and it's getting worse as time progresses. The demonic is manifesting more because it's being normalized and Christ is being manifested less because people aren't repenting and calling out to him.
@@VidBint As Christianity is being more and more marginalized in our culture, the devil is becoming more and more openly celebrated, even worshipped, by the masses. Just like when the Israelites built the golden calf, the people have chosen for themselves which god they want to serve and it isn't the God of Israel.
Not everything is demons. Careful being narrow minded. Don’t be the hammer that thinks every problem is a nail. God created life to be more nuanced than that.
Thanks for posting this. I messed up a relationship with a fellow believing and want to ask forgiveness and move on
The enochian tradition is valid within Eastern Orthodoxy, but it is usually seen as pseudopygrypha or non-essential for the Orthodox believer, though we have the apocrypha and a few more septuigent texts seen as essential because of the council of Trullo which was restated and made ecumenical at 3rd Constantinople if I remember correctly.
I had no idea about this, thank you for the knowledge!
@@thicclizzyisamanbaby5316 you are most welcome
I'm not sure what the status is with Enoch, but reminds me of the value of the Protoevangelium of James in the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches. Whilst it is not canonical Scripture, it is regarded as good read, especially for knowing the context of the Bible, despite itself not being fully canonical. Because the two Churches are Apostolic and not Sola Scriptura, they have lots of traditions not present in the Bible, but founded by Jesus and practiced since the first Christians. Many of these are not written in the Bible, but do appear in the Protoevangelium. That is really interesting, because it's like linking puzzle pieces. Whilst the Protoevangelium is not fully canonical, you can see the early traditions still practiced by the Orthodox and Catholic Churches recorded in the Protoevangelium. I find this very cool!
So, this does raise the question: what does knowing whether or not one will be married in heaven have to do with the 'Scriptures or the power of God'? Jesus is seemingly implying that if they knew those two things, they would have known the answer.
Or is He simply calling out their hypocrisy in attempting to trap Him with a seemingly impossible-to-answer question?
If these people spent the same time seeking Jesus than they did trying to disprove Scripture or add to it, then they too will be set free and be saved! ❤
The book of Enoch is scripture plain and simple! There's a reason it was hidden with the dead sea scrolls.
I think Jude points to Enoch as scripture by providing the same context about the angels as Enoch does.
@@brendan4844 Enoch can’t be scripture. It disqualifies itself by lying about who its author is.
Nobody here know what Jesus/Yeshua quoted!
You all are taking for granted what someone has written down and don't know if that has even been edited or not...! Fact!
Ever since someone pointed out that all of the fringe/unhinged “content creators” film in their car so people can’t hear them say their ludicrous opinions out loud… I cannot un-see it… 😂
Your videos are great dude ❤
This is our first encounter with SCP 616:
An humanoid entity that uses dubious religious statements to lure its prey, before entering a state of aggravation, before it utilizes its barbed tongue. Staring into its eyes can cause disorientation.
Damn. Which of the two?
We shouldn't be mocking others. John 7:24 says to judge with righteous judgment and not with prejudice. Jesus rightfully judged and rebuked, but didn't make fun of people. I struggle with this a lot, it is very hard to unlearn, but we must strive to do better
The oldest Bible, the Ethiopian Bible still has the book of Enoch included. That's scripture if you ask me 😊
Yep and there are several verses that reference it in the New Testament, Jude being one
Some people believe that God, the creator of the universe is limited to the 66 books.
Between Enoch and most of the gnostic texts, there's just way too much info that is correct and can further your understanding of the Bible that should be considered
@@cowel8734you would just have loved for every bizarre thing which was presented to the church to be piled into the Bible. Why stop at 67 books? Why not fit God into 2000? Go ask the Muslims why they're struggling with "hadith science" today. "this is Sahih, this is daif, this is fabricated". Because someone didn't do their homework in the early years of Islam.
I thank God for the providence of our church fathers. They gave us a book we can easily defend our faith with. Go see how the Muslims struggle with all the bizarre things that are canonized and now too late to deny.
@@FromValkyriebud Mohammed was born 500 years after Jesus that is why Islam shouldn't even be considered. If you ever read the Quran or the Bible you would know why that automatically disproves the Quran. Because Jesus was a prophet in the Quran as well as Isaiah, yet the people who wrote the Quran knew neither! Yet those who wrote the bible knew jesus and his desciples and it was written during jesus's life. A big difference between the Quran and Bible. And to your "why not 2000" comment. The original scriptures were aligned in truth and they didn't have 2000 different books like the Quran because they weren't trying desperately to come up with some story, they were simply writing down the facts. And if you really wanna get more in depth, Enoch even accurately depicted the planets orbiting around the sun in a time when that idea was very much objected. How about you actually know what you're speaking of before you talk? And if the book of Enoch is false then why not read it? I read the Bible when I was atheist and thought it was false because that's the only real way to learn. Otherwise youre just ignorant.
@@brendan4844 Have fun defending the absurdities in the book, since you're so much smarter than God and the fathers who excluded it from the canon.
I'm not gonna waste time with you.
@@FromValkyrie youre ignorant
“Line upon line”, “precept upon precept” , “blessed be they whom rightly divide the Word of YAH”
Also note Jude (brother of the Son of Man) 1:14-15 is word for word Enoch Chapter 2:1
A voice in the wilderness
Enoch 1 and 2 were found with the Dead Sea scrolls
Exactly! That was done for a good reason. God doesn’t make mistakes when instructing his followers to do something like make copies of the current Bible of the time and hide it in a cave so people thousands of years later can find it.
@@TEMPESTsonofThunder facts 📠
So were plenty of other writings that you wouldn't call scripture
Dear Mr. Jones, could you discuss about eastern orthodox christians who also do sholat (bow) when they are praying.
In fact, they have been existing a long time ago pre-Islamic.
I think it is important to prove that Christianity isn't fabricated like some muslims claim.
How would that prove anything though?
The Muslims aren't coming by that argument honestly so why would an honest response dissuade them?😊
EVERY Muslim argument is laughable, but that one is so stupid it's actually irritating. When people fall on their face to pray in the bible, it's not some religious requirement. It's because they experienced direct communication with God and were so overwhelmed they "fell on their face as dead" like John in Revelation 1. Muslims are REQUIRED to do these things which proves they don't even know who God is. Because God isn't like that. Remember that God's nature is both lion and lamb simultaneously. Every religion teaching God's power and authority and judgement is automatically false because his mercy, tenderness and humility is just as real. No matter how humble a person is, God is infinitely more humble; he's actually MEEK which is both mighty and weak. And that's the very nature of Jesus Himself.
@@marvalice3455 They do in my country.
This man is painful to behold
John 7:24. We cants make fun of people
I should NOT have been eating while watching the first part of this. I almost choked.😂
Who gave the Roman church the right to say what is scripture and what not? 😂
I know this is a great channel on theology but my word I keep forgetting the comedic element to it too. 😂😂 Keep it up!
enoch was read by was a book of those times, as was jubilee which was also referenced by the bible...reguardless if jesus used or didnt use the word "scripture" in reguards to enoch, he still quoted a viable
tennant of angelic order out of the book of enoch...btw... a tennant that is not listed anywhere in the bible but is only found in enoch...this is the only place we find that angels are not given in marriage. not in the the tennant is truth because christ confirmed it, that it is only found in enoch and disavowing the book seems foolish...
Just because something is quoted does not mean it is scripture. pagan writings are also referred to in the Bible, so why are those not in the canon?
@coffeehousedialogue5684 it wasnt just quoted though. It was used to tell a truth. It was obviously somthing the people knew as truth as in those days. And for Jesus to use it to prove something to them makes it obvious that he himself believed it also... lest he be a liar.
@@coffeehousedialogue pagan writings were not in the scriptorums in qumeran....or the temple...this is a writing that was found among other preserved biblical scriptures...the priests copied this book over and over and preserved it with the other biblical canonized scriptures/ books sir....your comparasion sucks!
@@coffeehousedialogue to the jews, enoch was part of their bible! Otherwise they wouldnt have forund it with cannonized books! Should make commonsense to those that have the spirit! ....chapter 69 goes into the messiah prophecies which are confirmed by cannonized books....he is to be a son in the book of ench as well!
So iam not sure how this book would be blasphemy?
imagine if JUDE, the brother of JESUS CHRIST, quoted Enoch directly. wow. that would be something. imagine that.
Yes, but he didn’t say it was scripture
No these funny shorts want to kill me today , i'm done , i can't laugh anymore 😂
Oh my goodness you got to do more videos for this guy is hilarious the banter
@@davidmckelvey2601 beware the witches be vigilant
Buffet walker is more like it... dude you don't need another helping of Mac and cheese trust me....
The book of ENOCH was not written by ENOCH.
Well, in the Letter of Jude, there is a literal an textual mention of the Book of Enoch. So, here we go again....
The staring competition at the beginning😂😂😂
It is part of the canon in the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church along with many other books.
People just gotta understand the old generation will not believe the book of Enoch because they wasn’t born in the Technology RUclips era- so when they read the book of Enoch back then they didn’t have any source or proof to back it up.. No RUclips no nothing
Now the RUclips generation is now believing the book because they can see the evidence- God knew in his wisdom they will take the book out to promote Darwin theory- but God petrified most things in the preflood world that the RUclips generation can actually see. Like the petrified gigantic trees that was cut down; the bodies of the titans; and the black holes being the prison house of the angles..
That why the newer generation is believing in the book and it’s no big deal it’s just God waited a time period in knowledge and technology for this too happen.. No disrespect to the old generation but we all been lies to by the Freemasons and higher ups..
Now I would say the standard gutted bible the KJV is still relevant because we can still use that book to get to heaven and know Jesus and learn about repentance.. The book of Enoch is good for showing physical evidence to atheists because like I said you can all the petrified stuff
Don't forget, Christ was the burning bush that talked to Moses. Jesus walked with Enoch and took him up 🤙🏽
The book of enoch is a book written from past to the present and now future. Very believable. Enoch was and is a man of god and God took enoch away from this polluted world of that time 🙏
I went and read the scripture before the other guy came on and was like nah this guy's making things up. Then second dude came on and gave me the Enoch scripture and I thought wow, those are really connected
Enoch is very interesting either way! Its worth a read even if it's just for the fun of reading it.
If Jesus isn’t referring (I didn’t say quoting) Enoch here, then which scripture is he referring to?
I’ll wait.
I'm curious about this too
@@Blinkehyo There isn’t actually an answer. Enoch may not have been considered scripture by all Jews, but the Qumran community (who preserved many such Jewish texts) had at least 11 copies of it. It was at least considered an authoritative historical narrative.
@@Blinkehyo If you want to hear a real scholar talk about it, look into Michael Heiser. This guy has some good stuff, but he has rose colored glasses on when it comes to Catholicism.
He wasn’t referring to any other scripture, he was stating a fact.
Not everything he says is quoting or referring to another scripture. Jesus says things independently most of the time. And when he quotes from scripture he says “have you not read” or some indicator that he’s quoting from scripture, he didn’t do that here, indicating he wasn’t quoting or referencing scripture
@@thatguy2521 but how did he know that Enoch said it then?
Wow, when you said that thing about his tongue sticking out. I had a flash back of my grandmother saying "put thay tongue back in your mouth before I cut it off" after I stuck it out at her. 😂. I haven't thought of that in decades
What do you think of the idea of the early church fathers believing in Enoch but when the text was lost the later church founders had to make changes in teaching
IP God bless you.
My man really thought he said something profound. He was very pleased with himself! 😂
Further, just because Jesus says, "You have heard that it was said...", doesn't mean he's referencing scripture, as in Matt 5:43-44. He's just referring to something that they believe whether it's actually from scripture or not. Here Jesus refers to the concept of loving your neighbor and hating your enemy, but never did God tell people to hate their enemy.
Hmmm, looks like he's directly referencing it if you ask me. That idea never gets mentioned elsewhere, and Jesus CLEARLY says that they would know this if they "knew the scripture", implying that it is previously stated, leaving Enoch as the only viable source he could have pulled from.
Logic can be hard, but you should at least try.
@Tyler-wt5hwYeah, the conversation was already about mentions of the resurrection. We are all aware.
Did you have a point againt The Book of Enoch being just as invalid as the rest of scripture or...?
@Tyler-wt5hw According to what? To your baseless speculation? How convenient...
@Tyler-wt5hw "Study the Jewish culture" I already have. To what are you specifically referring?
Orrrr, are you just coming up with SOMETHING random to say in order to save face, given that you haven't got a fucking clue what you're talking about?
Keep telling yourself that. I don't think it's a salvation issue but them some impressive mental gymnastics. How about this, tell me where in canonized scripture it says that.
Hey IP can you do a video over Old Testament contradictions such as 1 Kings 4:26 vs 2 Chronicles 9:25, Ezra 2:11 vs Nehemiah 7:16, Ezra 2:5 vs Nehemiah 7:10?
He has
@@SamAdamsGhost he only did New Testament contradictions
@@nothingnothing7958 No he didn't. Look at his playlists.
@@SamAdamsGhostwhich playlist
@@nothingnothing7958 Biblical Contradictions
How do people not confirm and feel so confident. Yahusha smiles on you, Sus.
I'm trying to pay attention but yalls staredown was so funny 😂
I personally believe that the book of Enoch is scripture; but we should be cautious when reading it.
Welcome to the war. Good luck.
Lol, the transition from "Put that tongue back.." to starting the explanation in such an academic matter. 😅
Also, Jesus would not have quoted from the book of Enoch to Saducess as they only believe that the first five books of the Law are Holy.
So whenever Jesus is speaking to the Saducess he would only use the Torah
So, we are going to be like angels in the resurrection? No marriage, no having kids, etc?
Greetings from The Bride of Christ. Enoch spoke truth which many reject or cannot comprehend. The Gospel of Mary Magdalene was left out as well as a man's world it has always been.
I gotta say i got alot respect for my man and no one ever challenges him like he does all these people 🤷🏻♂️ i man knows the scriptures and is a true scholar and he doesn’t even look that old which to me means he worked hard and studied and is actually very intelligent to remember all of this 🤷🏻♂️🤷🏻♂️🤷🏻♂️ 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻💯💯💯💯
Good work sir
Jude, who was Jesus's half brother, states in Jude 1:14, it's referred to as the prophecies of Enoch, which jews all agree for it to be ancient scriptural documents that everyone is well aware if the context. It's also still in the Ethiopian cannon , and has always been.
Wasn't the book of Enoch originally a part of the Bible? I heard that the Ethiopian Bible is the only Bible that we know of that has the book of Enoch included in the book. The other, modern/current bibles that we read are without it. Just curious.
The Jews living in Ethiopia, and therefore the Christians living in Ethiopia, consider Enoch to be canonical. The rest of the Church never has. Since that book was never part of the Bible outside of Ethiopia, no other church ever removed it from the Bible because it was never in their Bible.
So I am not an apocrypha guy. But i did read the book of enoch. In my opinion, it connects so many things. It makes things that I read in the bible that I had questions about when I first started reading make sense. Whether or not you think it's cannon cool, you are free to do so, but at the very least, it is a good read.
Ok honest question here because I have wondered this for a while, so what scripture is Jesus referring to here? Because he says they do not know the scripture but what scripture do they not know when he is referring to she is like the angels in heaven? And yes, later in the chapter, he is referring to Exodus three saying he’s the same God. But what scripture says she will be like the angels since they don’t know the scripture?
This is just three verses, but I don’t see the connection
“For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind.”
Isaiah 65:17 KJV
“He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord GOD will wipe away tears from off all faces; and the rebuke of his people shall he take away from off all the earth: for the LORD hath spoken it.”
Isaiah 25:8 KJV
“Let all mine enemies be ashamed and sore vexed: Let them return and be ashamed suddenly.”
Psalm 6:10 KJV
“Therefore in the resurrection whose wife shall she be of the seven? for they all had her. Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.”
Matthew 22:28-30 KJV
What scripture is he referring to?
I love this channel
Enoch was quoted in the Book of Jude which is scripture
Love how me mentions Matthew 22:29-30, saying it’s a reference to the book of Enoch, when it isnt, because he is leaving out crucial context. (Ik the video already covers this)
“But Jesus answered them, “You are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God. For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven.”
Matthew 22:29-30 ESV
Full context:
“The same day Sadducees came to him, who say that there is no resurrection, and they asked him a question, saying, “Teacher, Moses said, ‘If a man dies having no children, his brother must marry the widow and raise up offspring for his brother.’ Now there were seven brothers among us. The first married and died, and having no offspring left his wife to his brother. So too the second and third, down to the seventh. After them all, the woman died. In the resurrection, therefore, of the seven, whose wife will she be? For they all had her.” But Jesus answered them, “You are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God. For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven. And as for the resurrection of the dead, have you not read what was said to you by God: ‘I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’? He is not God of the dead, but of the living.” And when the crowd heard it, they were astonished at his teaching.”
Matthew 22:23-33 ESV
The author of Jude references 1Enoch word for word towards the end. That just helps me understand what texts were studied and accepted in the time of authorship. Personally reading 1Enoch completely in like 10 hours I completed it. It’s illuminated The Truth within the King James Bible. The Kimg James specifically. The choice of language is deliberate. The same message doesn’t always come into its full focus without the precise language. I’m came to know Jesus Christ and am now a Christian only from my experience actually reading the Bible. 1Enoch as my starting point and then the Holy Bible, made me understand the Bible
that has turned me into a servant of Christ. Everyone needs to Read it. It doesn’t matter if all Enoch is just imaginings based on the small
Info in the early parts of the Old Testament. The attention to the transgression of the fallen amgels helped me keep in focus the kind of evil we’re dealing with throughout
You should fully reread Matthew 22. Jesus did quote from Enoch. The book of Jude references Enoch, the NT has multiple quotes from Enoch.
You should understand, Enoch was a text studied in the biblical times. As well as, The Torah.
Be careful of adding to or, taking away from the truth of the Biblical Gospel reverend by Yeshua and, the biblical prophets.
You do understand, modern day versions of the Bible are Not as the original ancient texts.
Enoch is quoted throughout the entirety of the Bible. So, Yes. It is verified by biblical scriptures. And, Yeshua would have read, studied, quoted and, clearly spoke to those with understanding of that time period.
He did NOT have to constantly clarify every word, once he had your attention. Either you see it plainly or, you do not.
Jude speaks of scoffers. You should read the words carefully.
That and both Armenia and Ethiopia have it in their canonical scriptures.
Also, Revelation treats Enoch as Scripture
That guy's facial expression is gonna give me nightmares
I heard that the passage where Jesus mentions many mansions in His Father’s house is a reference to Enoch as the concept of “mansions” isn’t mentioned in the Bible, just in Enoch. Jesus also followed this up with the response “if it wasn’t so I would have told you”, to me this implies people were considering Enoch the same way back then, questioning what he meant. This would mean that, if were correct, Christ was clarifying that at least some (what percentage we’re not sure) of Enoch is accurate and a true telling of events and cosmology. Thoughts?
The concept that angels are forbidden to marry women is nowhere in the Scriptures unless 1 Enoch is considered scripture. Gen 6 says they took wives and bore children, nephilim. No more is said. However, 1 Enoch explains that angels are forbidden to marry, and this is referenced by Jesus in Matt. 22:29-30.
The Book of Enoch was viewed as scriptural/canon by many early Church Leaders, including Irenaeus, Athenagoras, Clement of Alexandria, and Tertullian, who wrote around 200AD that the Jews had dismissed the Book of Enoch since it includes prophecies about Christ. It is also viewed as scriptural in the apocryphal Epistle of Barnabas (16:4) as well as. The Ethiopian Church still includes both as true canon that inspires conversion to and faith in Christianity. But all bibliolatry is a malicious disease of pure evil trickery, regardless of how small and vague they make the stories/myths.
“And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, to execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.”
Jude 1:14-15 KJV
1 Enoch 1:91 Behold, he comes with the myriads of his holy ones, to execute judgment on all, and to destroy all the wicked, and to convict all flesh for all the wicked deeds that they have done, and the proud and hard words that wicked sinners spoke against him.