Don't be afraid to find out for yourself, in fact we are told to examine everything. If you have the Holy Spirit with you, He will tell you if it's right or wrong. This goes for everything-DONT JUST BELIEVE OTHERS, "SEEK AND YE SHALL FIND". You'll know Him when you find Him 😉 Edit: and you'll find Him in His Word.
Amen Got Your6. Well put. I am careful not to allow myself to be misled by religious literature . But as you say , a saved man has the discerning spirit of God , The Holy Spirit , that will always guide you to the truth. God bless you.
I’ve recently been born again as of a few weeks ago. Always believed in God and became a lukewarm Christian over time. I did shrooms, drank, but mostly smoked pot everyday. I look back and can’t believe how patient Jesus has been waiting for me (I’m 38). I have been saved by an angel or Jesus (not sure at the time) at least twice, but possibly 3 times. A voice told me to let off the gas pedal when I was going through an intersection, as soon as I did, a truck blew a stop sign that would have killed me. I also fell asleep at the wheel another time and WOKE up while driving sitting upright and very much positioned like a robot. I ended up on the other side of town somehow! Fell into a pool’s deep end as a child, somehow my mother knew to check on me and pulled me out. I had another experience where I was praying for a relative that was brutally murdered and burned alive years prior. I was HIT like a sledgehammer with unexplainable peace and joy. Instantly tears poured out of my eyes and I had the breath sucked out of me, totally winded. It was like I was experiencing the joy of heaven but my human body could not handle it! I also experienced an interaction with several demons in the basement of a psychic lady’s house who summoned them and spoke to them nightly. The fear and anger I felt as their eyes pierced my soul was like nothing of this earth......,over and over and over Jesus was calling me!!! I was too much of a fool to notice, even though I believed in Him! Last month, I heard a demon’s voice talk to me telepathically in my mind- “I hate you, I’ll kill you and tear your family apart.” With the most conviction in my soul I commanded that thing to leave my house in the name of Jesus Christ. Every room in the house I yelled at it. I felt our Lord blast through my house and beat those things down! Whoosh gone! I prayed and thanked him and repented for allowing them to get close to me. He talked to me telepathically asking me questions and made me feel the guilt of my sins. Lots of information as a sort of psychic download into my heart and mind simultaneously. Question 1: “After all I’ve done for you, what have you done for Me, and others?” Question 2: “Am I NOT enough for you?” Then, the weight of my sins lifted, it was incredible. Since that moment, I’ve had no desire to drink, smoke, blaspheme, masterbate, be angry, stressed out or sin at all. Wanting to share love with no other possible explanation. I notice the tiniest signs he puts in my path....I see them right away and chuckle, seeing He really does work in mysterious ways. I fully understand how to have a relationship with him and not need to physically see or hear our relationship. He is incredible people! Let him into your heart! I had felt in my soul the the extremes of joy and sorrow in my soul, through just some of my life experiences..... Feeling the presence of God and Satan deep inside through strange encounters. For that, I am blessed to KNOW Christianity is the truth, yet I STILL tried to not fully commit. He wants us all to repent and accept Him. He actually told me this! Don’t think you can sin all your life and God will be OK with it. He really will reward you if you follow with all your heart!!
I've been through almost the same as you. He saved my life as I was about to die twice from alcohol poisoning. He cured me miraculously as I prayed to him knowing I would die if I fell asleep. One minute I was so drunk about to die, I felt my heartbeat slowing down and not able to breathe, and after I prayed in an instant I was completely sober. The second time He gave me the strength to get up and walk to the restroom to throw up. I almost killed myself drunk driving when I fell asleep at the wheel, I broke my jaw. There was an image of Christ on the tree I hit. But the last opportunity He gave me was when I ended up in jail for DWI, He let me know that it was my last chance. I have also battled demons and felt their fear and anger, even seen them. And when my nephew passed away after I found him in his apartment dead from alcohol poisoning, I prayed to God to have mercy on him and to let me know if He was ok. A few hours later, I felt a peace come down on me and I knew. That peace helped me deal with his loss. God is so good to those He loves. We are His sheep.
Its odd Enoch was excluded from the 66 books even though he was one of few that God took to heaven without dying. He must have done something extremely right.
Exactly. It makes no sense to me that a book written by someone who was highly revered by God himself, so much so that God took him to heaven, isn’t included in the Bible.
Bear in mind that enoch lived on earth before the great flood. We don't know if there's a writing culture this time, if so who preserved the book, maybe Noah, Sam,Ham,Jafet?
@@goodnight8169 Well 1 thing is certainly true, Enoch did in-fact exist. And the conditions of his ascension are written about. However his books regarding the details of angels demons and giants have always been a hot topic. Id say the Jews would have more information considering a rabbi helped complete Enochs 3rd book in 500a.d. but we regular folk will never know.. it also makes me wonder if at this point multiple leaders gathered for information as the founding of the Islamic faith occured at about 500 a.d aswell.
@@goodnight8169 a few early books of old testament written by Moses inspired by the Holy Spirit of God so for me its enough to tell why we dont have extra book like enoch in the bible
Enoch is a great book, you can learn very good things from it. BUT salvation is only through Jesus, so we better focus on the 4 Gospels and Jesus' commandments my brothers and sisters! God bless you all!
But the Lord said unto him, Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel: Acts 9:15
@@sl4983 Hi LM..I was just using Jesus' words to remind Camilo that Paul wrote over half of the New Testament since his comment just happened to emphasize the very fractured view of the Hebrew-roots cultists who deny Paul's apostleship... It's called using the Sword of the Spirit to quote the bible confronting error: if Camilo is a Hebrew-roots cultist who rejects the authority of Paul's letters in the bible, then Jesus' words correct Camilo showing that he is wrong... if Camilo is _not_ a Hebrew-roots cultist, then Jesus' words in Acts should remind Camilo that Jesus spoke in places other than just the 4 gospels and honoring Jesus' commandments *_throughout the Scripture_* is very important.
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. (Mat 5:5) The elect shall possess light, joy and peace, and they shall inherit the earth. (Enoch 5:7 {6:9}) the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the son (John 5:22). the principal part of the judgment was assigned to him, the Son of man. (Enoch 69:27 {68:39}) shall inherit everlasting life (Mat. 19:29) those who will inherit eternal life (Enoch 40:9 {40:9}) "Wo unto you that are rich! for ye have received your consolation. (Luke 6:24) Woe to you who are rich, for in your riches have you trusted; but from your riches you shall be removed. (Enoch 94:8 {93:7}). Ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. (Mat. 19:28) I will place each of them on a throne of glory (Enoch 108:12 {105:26}) Woe unto that man through whom the Son of man is betrayed! It had been good for that man if he had not been born. (Mat. 26:24) Where will the habitation of sinners be . . . who have rejected the Lord of spirits. It would have been better for them, had they never been born. (Enoch 38:2 {38:2}) between us and you there is a great gulf fixed. (Luke 16:26) by a chasm . . . [are] their souls are separated (Enoch 22: 9,11{22:10,12}) In my Father's house are many mansions (John 14:2) In that day shall the Elect One sit upon a throne of glory, and shall choose their conditions and countless habitations. (Enoch 45:3 {45:3}) that ye may be called the children of light (John 12:36) the good from the generation of light (Enoch 108:11 {105: 25}) the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life. (John 4:14) all the thirsty drank, and were filled with wisdom, having their habitation with the righteous, the elect, and the holy. (Enoch 48:1 {48:1})
It's amazing how my history teacher from high school said that there were missing books of the Bible. And it left me wondering why they weren't in it. But thanks to this video, it resolved that question that came up in my mind. Thanks Dr.Brown! :)
The Book of Enoch is definitely worth reading because the Bible and the Book of Enoch have so much together intertwined with each other I think the Book of Enoch 100% facts about Mankind's history.
I tend to disagree in my opinion the book of Enoch is very important when it comes to answering questions about fallen angels Lucifer etc and why they are condemned. As for me the information I gleaned about how esoteric practices and metaphysical religions came to be in fact makes me believe in Christ more than ever as I was always questioning how one religion could actually be The Right One (Christianity) when there were tons of Faith's as old or older than it ...but now that I have come to understand these practices were taught by fallen angels to humans I now get it. Hope that makes sense!
My Brother Christianity is not a religion in Bible, in the Bible people saved were called Disciples by Jesus, Gentiles called Believer Christians not Lord Jesus and I believe Believing in Jesus Christ is a relationship not religion. I hope it will help you Dear
That’s when Jesus said this are my brothers and mother the people that believe in God, and also the fist time believers or Disciples were called Christians was at Antioch at Acts 11:26 by the Unbelievers because they follow Christ, but Jesus called them Disciples please read Acts from Chapter 1
Many little things gain context in the New Testament after you've read 1 Enoch, I consider it a highly recommended supplemental reading. In addition it has one of the best explanations for the origin of demons: they are the disembodied spirits of the slain Nephilim (the children of fallen angels via mortal women). The fallen angels themselves are chained deep under the Earth until Judgement Day, which has very interesting parallels with several events in Revelation.
I would never suggest using extra-biblical writings to "gain context" on things in the Bible. As was mentioned in the video, "the book of Enoch" wasn't written by Enoch and didn't come about until around 2,000 years after God took Enoch off the earth.
I hear these guys say this all of the time. If it didn't have a "divine stamp" on it, then why would Jud quote from it. Why quote from a book and call Enoch a prophet, if it is not inspired. The Bible says All scripture is inspired by the Holy Spirit, so if the Holy Spirit led Jud to quote Enoch, it is very safe to say the book is inspired as well. All throughout the new testament they quote from the prophets and the Law and all of those are considered inspired, so why then not the Book of Enoch. It just doesn't make any common sense that a disciple of Jesus would quote from a book of which he calls Enoch a prophet and then later say it's not inspired. The main issue IMHO, is that you guys don't aspire to the whole Nephillum thing, which is already stated in Genesis 6 and were called Sons of God.
Gospel Musicians He explained this in the video. Paul even quoted the greeks to make points. Nothing the greeks wrote was scripture. So that's not an argument.
Swan Kelly definitely not the same thing. Jud called Enoch a Prophet! That is not the same thing as quoting from Greeks. He called Enoch a prophet. That means the prophecies are inspired by the Holy Spirit, if a disciple and brother of Jesus called him a prophet, then the book of Einoch’s prophecies are more than tales.
Gospel Musicians well the book of Maccabees is quoted but it doesn't mean that it's part of the Divine Cannon it may have some historical relevance to it I feel a tad suspicious of the Book of Enoch it seems always revolve around people who wanted well into something that maybe they are pretty much leave it alone but the book of Jobe does mention it so that's a tough call but we have plenty in the 66 books in the Canon and I mention Maccabees it teaches the doctrine of purgatory which is obviously quite unbiblical so there you
Merita Smith Actually the first and second Books of Maccabees IS part of the Catholic Bible, as are the books of Wisdom, Sirach, Baruch, Judith, and Tobit. These books always were included in the Canon of Holy Scripture because they, along with all of the other Old Testament books, were in the Greek Septuagint, which was basically a standardized Greek compilation of the Torah. It wasn’t until the Protestant Reformation that these books were removed. The reasons why they were removed varied, but it was mostly because the Protestants disagreed with some ideas contained in the ancient texts. For example, in the second Book of Maccabees it mentions the ancient rite of praying for the dead, which Protestants reject but Jews and Catholics still believe. Also Protestants do not believe that Confirmation, Matrimony, Holy Orders, Reconciliation, or Anointing of the Sick are Sacraments, so anything that lifts any of these rites to the level of a Sacrament had to be omitted. As a matter of fact, Martin Luther himself wanted to remove the Book of James because of the verse,” Faith without works is dead”, but he let it remain. I say this with all humility and not in arrogance because I was a Lutheran for 22 years, but after much study and contemplation I came to realize that Catholicism is the true Faith. I do agree that there are certainly good reasons for the Book of Enoch being omitted from the holy Canon, although we do not know what the reasons are, we can trust that God Himself acted, through the Holy Spirit, during the Council of Nicaea to establish our Holy Canon for posterity. Anyway, please know that I say these things not to prove anyone wrong, but only to help dispel a lot of the myths surrounding my Faith. I am willing to answer any other questions you may have, and may our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ bestow great blessings upon you and your family now and forever!
Gospel Musicians I heard from a friend who researched about it ... He said the book of Enoch consists of really crazy things from Nephelms (I hope I spelt it right) who were seen as like Demi Gods /fallen angels... The reason for this book to be removed from bible is cause of this reason. Does anyone of you have a genuine copy of the book of Enoch am eager too, from what I also understand Enoch walked with God and hence God did much more mighty things with him than Moses or Elijah
1Enoch (which contains parts of the book of Noah)The book of 1Enoch is actually 5 books in one, rediscovered in 1773 in Ethiopia. It has more and greater influence than all of the Apocryphal and Pseudepigraphal books put together on the New Testament of the bible. JUDE 14-15 Quotes 1Enoch 1:9-Plus the book of Dan. 7 :9-10,13-14 =1Enoch 14:20,41:1,46:1-5,48:3,71:8, Psalms 114:4,6,=1Enoch 51:4, Rev 21:1 =1Enoch 91:16, John 4:14=1Enoch48:1, Matt 5:5=1Enoch 5:7, John5:22=1Enoch 69:27, Matt19:29=1Enoch 40:9, Luke 6:24=1Enoch 94:8, Matt 19:28= 1Enoch 108:12, Matt 26:24=1Enoch 22:9,11, John 14:2=1Enoch 45:3, - Etc.- plus over 100 other New testament verses allude to what 1ENOCH says. Many Christians today and in the past consider it holy scripture and over 40 million Ethiopian Christians have it in their bible. The Coptic church of Alexandria has 1Enoch in their bible also. Church father Tertullian believed the book of Enoch or parts of it came off of Noahs Ark. Justin martyr, Clement of Alexandria, Origen, Irenaeus, Atanasius, Athenagoras, Commodianus, Lactantius, Methodius of Phillipi, Minucius Felix, Cyprian, Cassian, Ambrose, Nicephorus Augustine, Bishop of Lyons, Tatian,-All sanctioned the book of 1 Enoch. most called it scripture. Josephus-Philo-Eusebius also believed in its fallen angel ideas of 1Enoch. The writers of the Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs, the Epistle of Barnabas, the book of Jubilees, The Zohar, Bin Gorian Sage and different books in the dead sea scrolls, Quote or talk about the book of 1Enoch It contains Prophecies of the Son of man, Jesus ,-final judgment,-Resurrection, messianic kingdom ,New Heaven and Earth, Fallen angels, the flood, End times, etc. There is an old book from 1853 called Babylon and Nineveh [Austen Henry Layard] in the book they found ancient pottery with the names of angel's found only in the book of 1Enoch- during excavation. If true making it one of the oldest books in the world-instead of the 400-200BC DATE. More copies of it are found in the dead sea scrolls then any other book except Genesis and Psalms. Showing that the Jewish people of Qumran, felt that the book of 1Enoch as important scripture. Some scholars today think Parts of the book of 1Enoch are older then are book of Genesis. The Jews rejected it in 90AD at the Counsil of Jamnia, because it for told about the Son of man coming [Jesus](church fathers Tertullian, clement of Alexandria, Irenaeus and Athenagoras all told us that the Jews rejected the book of 1Enoch because it for told the coming of Jesus.) And the early Catholic church rejected it because of its fallen angel ideas could not be dealt with 1Enoch 48:2 (R H Charles) And at that hour that Son of Man (Jesus) was named In the presence of the Lord of spirits (Holy Spirit), And his name before the Head of Days. (Father God) 1Enoch48:2(Laurence) In that hour this Son of Man (Jesus) invoked before the Lord of Spirits (holy spirit), and his name in the presence of the Ancient of Days. (Father God) Eusebius , CHRON I, III, in patrol , Graec, XIX, 115f- Noah was ordered in his day "to inscribe in writings the beginning, middle and end of everything and to bury the records in the city Sippar" In the dead sea scrolls (1 QapGen) it says that Abraham read to them the words[ book] of Enoch, then in 4Q559 it says that Abraham ----He gave to Levi the book of the Words of Enoch[to preserve and pass on to his own descendants]
ALL recorded history about things BEFORE the Great Flood had to have been carried on the Ark with Noah. Who could have known the story of creation to the Flood, the geneology from Adam to Noah, etc., except from what records Noah and his sons were able to bring on the Ark and any wrtiting he did himself? Who told Moses the story of creation, the fall, etc.??? God? An angel? The Bible doesn't say. The records had to have been passed down from Noah. Just saying...
The book of Enoch was intended to be in the Bible just like Ezekiel's accounts in heaven. It's only that the devil used people to uninclude because it has alot of wisdom inside it.
I read the book of Enoch, and i learn a lot from it. Specially about how the fallen angels tempt the true human beings away from the nature God intended human beings to be created.
Yes I learned from The book of Enoch.❤️✝️❤️I believe they are true what I read.Enoch was special.Demons are at work on the earth .Jesus (Yeshua)cast out a lot of demons for a reason.They even talked to him and asked for mercy.Scripture also says basically we are fighting against spiritual forces in high places ,not flesh , and blood but the rulers of this world in a way, who I believe are apparently fallen angels who influence men and women badly.God is good.
My personal opinion is that because Jesus [Yeshua] chastised the scribes, prophetically, we cannot always go by scribal authority. In other words, just because we have fragments that have been compiled and we don’t have an intact original, this doesn’t necessarily mean that God never intended the BofE to be included in the canon. Look how many years elapsed before the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls? And also the fact that Jesus warned against people adding to or taking away from the scrolls indicates that this could have happened to Enoch’s writings.
The real reason Enoch was excluded, even though it and Jubilees is in the Ethiopian canon, is because Satan wants people ignorant of what really happened as well as the actual calendar the Creator established.
phil g are you one of these KJV Onlyists who rely on a translation based from a corrupt source of the Hebrew known as the Masoretic Text? See how easy it is to judge someone based on assumption? Next time you write an asinine comment, try putting aside your bias.
@@baptic2 God has preserved his word, but also It's not properly preserved in 200 bible translations. He has preserved it, perfectly as he said he would, and its in one.
@@davidgooley8940 I am a staunch believer in the Authorised Version. Say as you will about it, allege it's corruption, but we know that Satan will cast doubt on God's word as he has done since the garden. The Authorised Version has been the impetus behind every major revival in the last 100 or more years, it has the anointing of God upon it. Mark 16:20 "And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen."
Dazzwidd you say Authorized Version, but that’s incomplete as a label. It was authorized by a king who defected from the Roman Catholic Church because they wouldn’t sanction his marriage. Furthermore, the source material that was used was actually in part the Tyndale translation as a foundation. When you look at the Masoretic Text that was supposedly used for its development, there were a few errors within that text, such as a missing line from Psalm 145 and the missing text regarding the blind receiving their sight from Isaiah 61. Then there are the errors the translators made including making beetles a clean meat insect or giving a masculine pronoun to the feminine word menorah. While the KJV is an overall decent translation, it is inferior when compared to texts such as the Septuagint that was based from an older Hebrew source. It sounds like you are one of these KJV onlyists that have elevated the status of the translation into an idol. If you believe Gail Riplinger is an authority on translations, you would have shown me everything I need to know about you.
Paul never quoted a poet as a prophecy from the Lord. The fact that Jude references Enoch to establish prophetic doctrine of things to come, shows that it was esteemed to be an authoritative work intended to establish doctrine from the Lord.
I totally agree with you! I think that when Enoch first wrote it, it was totally inspired and 100% true, but what this video is saying is that the book of Enoch that we have today has had things added to it by other sources and there's no way to confirm that what we have today is the same thing that it was when Enoch wrote it.
The book of Enoch confirms that fallen angels had sexual relations with women, including Eve (ch 68)....proving there is a literal physical seed of Satan ala Genesis 3:15, Matthew 13, 23, & John 8 on the earth, and the NWO can't have people knowing that.
@@doxholiday1372 That's clear from the bible anyway. The flood in noahs day had to occur to wipe the giants out that came from it. Satans goal was to Corrupt the bloodline so that Jesus couldn't come.
Judge never quotes from anything about the Book of Enoch that's wrong either. The quotes are very selective, and the Jews didn't even consider it inspired as it wasn't part of the canon. Not sure where you get "authoritative" from. The choice quotes indicate that it was viewed more like a commentary.
1945 - WW2 ends with Germany (GOMER) & the NAZI's - Ashkenazi Jews. Ashkenaz was Gomers son. Gomer was Japheth's son 1947 - Dead Sea Scrolls found - Book of Enoch 1948 - Israel becomes a nation again after 2000 years 1949 - Billy Graham starts his ministry in 1949 in LA (City of Angels) This all cannot be a "coincidence" I don't think.
The book of Enoch was not written by the actual Enoch the seventh from Adam. Evidence suggests that the book of Enoch was written somewhere around the same time the Apocrypha a books were written, Jesus never quoted from The book of Enoch, the apostles didn't quoted from The book of Enoch either. Some could argue "Jude quoted from The book of Enoch 1:9", however what is written in Jude 1:17 it's way different than what is written in the book of Enoch there's a great possibility that Jude was not quoting from The book of Enoch, but probably he was quoting what was orally handed down from prophet Enoch.
@@TKO67 Catholics don't have it. The only traditions that do are in africa: Ethiopia n Eritrea. The better question is when was it considered not canon. Because the early church, the period before any established canons appeared to have considered it reliable in some way in many community. Irenaeus is a pretty popular early church father noted for his work against heretical doctrine. And he n many others for some reason didn't consider it a heresy. There are other examples that can be elaborated on n many other early fathers to name (by early church I don't mean catholic church)
The writer of Genesis only mentioned Enoch in 1 verse, probably because his story could be found in his book. We have no proof that Enoch actually wrote it, but we have evidence. You can’t always have hard proof for everything. The prophecies in Enoch are amazing and have been coming true to this day. There’s no way that someone else wrote them.
It’s good to know that such a perfect and all-knowing being created all of this confusion in such a perfect way. It’s all just so perfect. I am certain there was no more of a perfect way to spread the message of being saved from his perfect plan in such a perfect way! It’s all just so perfect. Did I mention?
Here's what I understand. Enoch is a good historical document that possibly gives us deeper insight to the nephilim and other stuff. But should not be held as scripture because there are many contradictions in it. And the Holy Word Of God has no contradictions.
@@wanderingoutlaw2083 The only one people have found is Methuselah speaking to Enoch. They say he couldn't possibly do so since Enoch died before NOahs birth. However, Enoch never died. He was taken, but he never died, so Methuselah could speak to him.
@@dendanskehelt4296 God also says the wages of sin are death. No man Is without sin yet enoch went to heaven without dying? That's a contradiction of God's word right there.
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. (Mat 5:5) The elect shall possess light, joy and peace, and they shall inherit the earth. (Enoch 5:7 {6:9}) the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the son (John 5:22). the principal part of the judgment was assigned to him, the Son of man. (Enoch 69:27 {68:39}) shall inherit everlasting life (Mat. 19:29) those who will inherit eternal life (Enoch 40:9 {40:9}) "Wo unto you that are rich! for ye have received your consolation. (Luke 6:24) Woe to you who are rich, for in your riches have you trusted; but from your riches you shall be removed. (Enoch 94:8 {93:7}). Ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. (Mat. 19:28) I will place each of them on a throne of glory (Enoch 108:12 {105:26}) Woe unto that man through whom the Son of man is betrayed! It had been good for that man if he had not been born. (Mat. 26:24) Where will the habitation of sinners be . . . who have rejected the Lord of spirits. It would have been better for them, had they never been born. (Enoch 38:2 {38:2}) between us and you there is a great gulf fixed. (Luke 16:26) by a chasm . . . [are] their souls are separated (Enoch 22: 9,11{22:10,12}) In my Father's house are many mansions (John 14:2) In that day shall the Elect One sit upon a throne of glory, and shall choose their conditions and countless habitations. (Enoch 45:3 {45:3}) that ye may be called the children of light (John 12:36) the good from the generation of light (Enoch 108:11 {105: 25}) the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life. (John 4:14) all the thirsty drank, and were filled with wisdom, having their habitation with the righteous, the elect, and the holy. (Enoch 48:1 {48:1})
The book of Enoch is for the last generation of man... The esoteric that is involved with that book is pertinent to the evil that will reveal itself in the end times.... Trust me if you are a Bible believing Christian this book is a must read... It is inspired by God and it was written by one of the holiest men to ever exist... Enoch was even taken up to heaven on chariots of fire... You must listen to his words with an open mind to understand the teachings and cross reference them with biblical doctrine, but there is truth inside that book.
Yep, I am. Jude said it was written by "Enoch the prophet the seventh from Adam", when he quoted him. James and Jude, womb brothers of Jesus the Messiah, both quoted from Enoch. Paul did, too, and Jesus did, plus many, many, many more. Revelation is strongly based on the revelation to come of the Son of Man that Enoch wrote of, first.
Free Your Mind Salam....this book never explained Jesus(Pbuh) as God...neither in your's explained a connection of faith or a test of faith between the Creator Allah Swt and his faithful servants...and also predict the advent of last holy massenger or holy spirit Muhammad(Saw).....i never read any statement in this book telling me about an original sin....
True it's not include in the Canon .but from my trials and triblulasions biegn born again 30 years ago . coming across this book it gave me more understanding .and closer to God
God didn't create canon, Catholics did. The early believers studied this book, trusted it, and even quoted it. Don't let fear of man keep you from the blessing that is in these scriptures. Shalom Maranatha Lord Jesus!
1945 - WW2 ends with Germany (GOMER) & the NAZI's - Ashkenazi Jews. Ashkenaz was Gomers son. Gomer was Japheth's son 1947 - Dead Sea Scrolls found - Book of Enoch 1948 - Israel becomes a nation again after 2000 years 1949 - Billy Graham starts his ministry in 1949 in LA (City of Angels) This all cannot be a "coincidence" I don't think.
The name "Jesus" is unfortunately a deception. The Father's name is YAHUAH יהוה. The name of the Son contains the name of the Father: he is called YAHUSHA יהושע which means "Yahuah is salvation" in Hebrew. YAHU is short for Yahuah and SHA שע means salvation. Contains יהוה (H3068) and ישע (H3467)
@@Dani.al2020 I wouldn't say "Jesus" is a deception. It's just a translation of his name over languages. Which of could easily attribute to the Tower of Babel when God confused languages so that "nothing will be impossible for them." Jesus, Yeshua, etc etc....changing the name or translating to another language doesn't change who God, Jesus or they are. And of course "Christ" is is title. Not his surname. I like to call him Master J most days. But that's just me!
@@FrankAndSenseDSM The whole world is under the power of the evil one. Yes there are many languages, but think about it: why translate this name, which has power and meaning? (jesus=zeus)
@@Dani.al2020 I saw that connection the other day as well. Jesus - Zeus. Spanish version of Jesus sounds like “Hey Zeus”. Maybe God is SOO awesome he is ising you & me now to show ppl this connection. Like, “Holy moly. God is turning it around on the devil again by showing is even a translation of Jesus’s name is pointing out a false Pagan god of Zeus.” Just because Jesus’s name looks or sounds like Zeus in a different language… Does it mean it automatically promotes it. To those who are wise… and willing to share that information or fact for the right reasons (you & me)… this could be another way to prove that the Bible is the one & only. 💪 🙏
Very Good. Also the book of Enoch could not be any clearer on this. It actually says "this book is not for everyone." as for esoteric? most of the major satanic churches and organised practice groups that Christians would call satanic have the book of Enoch as a part of their required or recommended readings. There is nothing in there that we need to focus on to have a full life with Christ but it is very interesting and feels like the truth to me.
@@JMarie-th8xe because it shows them that they can have power on the earth now in this life. They know they are worshiping Gods enemies and they are ok with that. It gives a plausible reason for most of the beasts and gods of mythology in past civilisations as being real at one point. It shows the gods with a power over something we’re just bad angels. Helps them have faith in what they are doing.
REVELATION tells you ALL you need to know about end times. AND the book of ENOCH plays NO PART in your faith or acceptance of Jesus Christ as your LORD and SAVIOR or your SALVATION. Are you doing what God said to do? Do you share the gospel with people?Because that's our only "job"
The Revelation of Jesus the Messiah is the revelation totally built upon the foundation laid in the Book of Enoch the prophet, the seventh from Adam, and his seeing of Him; who saw Him as God, who was "hidden in God, who was with God, and who was God, and who was to come" -and is come and is returning".
The book of Enoch is in the past. It's an acrophyca writting. It teaches things that are not true and historycly accurate. The book teaches it rained before the flood. That contradicts Genesis 2:5,6. It teaches honoring and worshiping angels instead of God. That contradicts Revelation 22:8-9. The book of Enoch says that the fallen agels will stay in the earth for sll eternity. That contradicts Revelation 21:2-9. And it tesches enochian magic. If its not God's power causing that, then you know whos it it. Praise God the almighty!
VERY GOOD explaination. Thanks for posting this video. I have found the Book of Enoch 1 to be of great help in understanding what took place BEFORE the Great Flood causing God to decide to destroy all creation except Noah and his family. Genesis is very vague on that time period. Understanding where giants came from, how ancient monoliths could have been made, why ancient drawings of human/beast images, etc. Thought not neccessary for general biblical understanding, it does help to sense the heart of God for the need to destroy most of created life.
Touche' yes so it probably was ment to be ready and studied in one way or another. but they r 50 or more books that never made in bible.. that was mainly because Roman wanted the glory to be and act like gods.. still today if people open they eyes.. they took out books that's talk about having ur own relations with god.. romans said hell no the people can't think like this then be no need for popes and priest.. opps there goes there gold rich lifestyles. I'm so glad that a lot of people know Jesus and god thur their own under standing for what they did allow in the bible teaches us to call on his name and he is there.. it dont say go to the pope and ask forgiveness.. awaking is happening all around the world I love it people r finally seeing the truth about the Roman empire man they did some horrible things research it.. god will forgive if they change and do what's right before its to late.. change bk the Sabbath for that is gods law..stop saying father God.. stop drinking real wine and allow all members to drink of the kind they did in bible.. bible says they will change laws and times.. wake up world. wake up wake up.. Jesus about to roll on out them clouds I can't wait I love to Jesus
I've often wondered why the Book of Enoch is in the oldest bible in the world and nowhere else. The Ethiopian Bible. Why is that significant? Phillip baptized an Ethiopian Eunuch. Apostle Matthew was martyred in Ethiopia. In Ezekiel 38...the land of Cush is commonly known as Ethiopia. Plus....the Dead Sea Scrolls were found 2 year after WW2 ended in 1945 (Germany -or- GOMER & the Nazis...Ashkenazi Jews....ASHKENAZ was the son of Gomer and grandson of Japheth). 1947 - Dead Sea Scrolls. 1948 - Israel becomes a nation again. 1949 - Billy Graham starts his ministry in LA (city of Angels)...also, radio carbon dating was coined which started the "Evolution" movement within schools. It's now 77 years later from that time. ENOCH was (1) of two people never to have to die on this Earth. The other was Elijah. Are they the two witnesses in Revelation? The Book of Enoch is highly apocalyptic and even gives the names of the angels cast into the darkness of the Earth. Maybe the angels released during Revelation? Plus...JUDE (the last book before Revelation & Jesus's brother) mentions Enoch as one who prophesied about the end times. I am new to all of this but I don't think GOD reveals everything to us. Maybe The Book of Enoch and the Dead Sea Scrolls were with held from us for reason, for the proper time. Or maybe not. But either way....when I read the Book of Enoch, it doesn't lead me away from God or points me directly to them. Just saying!
The Bible says that those who take out or add God will take out of the book of Life. There’s also the Book of Jasher spoken in 2Samuel 1:18, 2Timothy 3:8, Joshua 10:13, it tells us to study it.
You say that God never intended for it to be in the bible. Then my question to you would be who decided what books had the divine stamps. It's a part of Ethiopian canon and the Catholics have books that aren't in the KJV. Man put what he felt was important at the time, remember it was disagreements of interpretations and views that sprung forth different denominations. So if the KJV is correct why did the correction come at that time and not earlier so everyone will be on the same accord.
Although the scriptures say they are God Breathed, man still has/had the ability to do whatever MAN wants to do, regardless. What is in the Bible is God Breathed, but so is what’s been left out, BY MEN!
2 Timothy 3:16-17 "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works." See what it says, it's given by inspiration, but not necessarily inspired of God. Some is there to show you something, but not to directly quote for doctrine. Ecclesiastes for instance is the word of the preacher, that's why it has that name
I guess I'm having trouble squaring the fact that the Holy Spirit would inspire Jude to quote Enoch if He didn't inspire that writing. It seems like sometimes we act as if the New Testament writers aren't inspired, rather just choosing what to write. We should definitely clear this up.
Men decided not to put Enoch book in the bible not the Lord. Everything was revealed to him for us to know. Enoch book talked a lot obout fallen angels and darkness. This is the reason why the devil use mankind not to include Enoch in the bible cause satan the devil do not want us to know about spirits and dimension .
1945 - WW2 ends with Germany (GOMER) & the NAZI's - Ashkenazi Jews. Ashkenaz was Gomers son. Gomer was Japheth's son 1947 - Dead Sea Scrolls found - Book of Enoch 1948 - Israel becomes a nation again after 2000 years 1949 - Billy Graham starts his ministry in 1949 in LA (City of Angels) This all cannot be a "coincidence" I don't think.
What's crazy is that the opening paragraph of the book of Enoch says it's not for back then But for, "BUT NOT FOR THIS GENERATION, BUT FOR A REMOTE ONE WHICH IS FOR TO COME." Sorry about the caps but it was already in caps I just copied and pasted....being lazy. So in a sense it was deliberately left out on purpose, possibly by God himself? Personally I really was astounded by the info in the book of Enoch. Everyone should either listen to it or read it. Huge wake up call.
Sounds like a sensible explanation of it's exclusion. Doesn't mean that anyone is trying to hide or deny anything. There has to be certain concrete criteria for the acceptance of certain writings as canon, purely in the interest of accuracy and authenticity. It doesn't mean it's forbidden, although I'm sure many have gone overboard with their pretense of holiness based on fear and a desire to control, and did just that, further adding to the mythology surrounding it. An education regarding its travel through history, as seems to be communicated here, which distinguishes it from accepted canon, is simply in order before approaching it. No big whoop.
I am not disputing it should not be part of canon, however I didn't hear an answer to the original question. I heard that it is not part of the canon because God did not intend for it to be. But that part wasn't explained, how do we know God did not intend it to be such? Perhaps there was an assumption I missed or maybe I was listening with blinders on :P
Logan Ginger I think we're he is coming from I think he means if God wanted it to be in the Canon he would not allow man to not add it cause god has a plan for everything and mayb man not adding it is part of a bigger plan
Frank Sui Music - that is correct .The other books of the Bible we have many copies of the scriptures all reading the same.Enoch had variations not just (for example) changes in vocabulary like the Old King James and the New American Standard. BUT VARIATIONS in the actual "story" IF a book is GOD BREATHED it would NOT change the story.The vocabulary MAYBE but not the particulars.specifically. This is what shows Mormonism as a false religion the SECOND transcript was DIFFERENT from the first one dictated to his associate who wrote them down. Whats the first sign of fraud ? Completely different "only" revelations from God ONE must be right and ONE must be wrong. NOW in our OWN Bible there are many things often cited as "errors" MOST however have proven to be errors in understanding usually caused by cherry picking verses or not understanding the culture and times they were first written.
The book of Enoch does not have variations as you say. The Ethiopian Enoch agrees with the 36 different copies of fragments of the Book of Enoch found in the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Essenes [sons of Zadok] studied it as "sacred Scripture". The only portion missing from the Dead Sea Scrolls [I suspect from Bias of the Essenes against Yeshua the Messiah being come in flesh in the first century], and that portion is proven true from other sections in the Book of Enoch....can't take it all out just cause you don't like Yeshua having come and who is the Son of Man in heaven come in New creation human being flesh.
The church of Ethiopia has that book as part of their Bible. How do you know God never intended for that book to be part of the Cannon? Who decided which books were included and which ones don’t? As you know the Bible used by the Catholic church contains more books than the Bible use by Protestants. Did God intend for Catholics to have more books in their Bible? This is beyond a simple comment of saying God didn’t intend this book or that book to be part of the cannon. 😶😐😐
Leviticus and Exodus says there would be 66 books in the bible thousand of years before the scriptures were translated into the bible. On the table of shewbread there are 12 unleavened breads arranged in two rows of 6. 6 on the left and 6 on the right. 6 -6 = 66 books. Unleavened Bread is TRUTH. Yahshua said: "I am the bread of life". The Lampstand has 7 branches. On each branch there are 3 blossoms, 3 buds and 3 fruits. a total of 9. 9 X 6 branches = 54. On the middle branch there are 4 blossoms, 4 buds and 4 fruits. 4 + 4 + 4 = 12. 54 + 12 = 66. The lampstand is LIGHT. Light is TRUTH. Yahshua said: "I am the LIGHT of the world". Yahshua is the vine, we are the branches. Yahshua is THE LIGHT in Genesis 1:3. The OLD covenant has 39 books. the 3 branches on the left = 27 + 12 of the middle branch= 39. The NEW covenant has 27 books. The 3 branches on the right = 27. All that the SAINTS need to know is written in the scriptures. ALL. Amos 3:7 May Yahweh bless you.
What about the Book of Baruch and the Book of Jasher? Both are referenced and mentioned in the Canon. Why were they removed? If they removed these too books, then I cannot trust that the other books were NOT supposed to be included, thus, I cannot trust that the Canon is complete.
@Stock Raising Jesus never quoted from Enoch. Jude did not quote Enoch as scripture. Do you not realize that Enoch contains much heretical teaching? It even states that Enoch is the Messiah! As long as your using an accurate translation of the Ethiopic. Also, the Book of Enoch had a clear history of editing. The Son of Man portions were not added until after the writing of the New Testament.
@Stock Raising It's true that Jude said that Enoch prophesied. But he doesn't quote from the Book of Enoch as scripture. Paul said in Titus: "One of Crete’s own prophets has said it: 'Cretans are always liars, evil brutes, lazy gluttons'." Paul calls this pagan poet a "prophet". Does that mean his works are inspired scripture? Of course not!
@Stock Raising Again, the Son of Man sections of Enoch supposedly about Jesus were written AFTER the New Testament, and also claim that Enoch himself is Messiah.
@@Ashley-rf6ex my opinion on what the rag of enoch? When you compare it to the bible it shows its true colours. Like when did Enoch get taken up? 365 years or 500 years. People havd been led astray by shills on you tube like Rob skiba and the thousands of book of enoch pushers. You need to ask yourself why does you tube who is run by the elites who are Satan's puppets want everyone to believe the book of Enoch is legit. What's their end game. Anyway Satan's time is nearly up. His short season can't last forever. He's having fun before the lake of fire.
The word Nephilim appears Twice in the Bible depending on the translation first in Genesis 6:4 used in a position of worship and adoration (to fall, lie prostrate, and cast down) and then Numbers 13: 33 as Bullies and Tyrants. There are TWO uses for the word Nephilim (OT Hebrew). Just like the word Love (NT GREEK) can be used as Agape, Eros, Philia, and Storge. The word Nephilim is a Hebrew word, when translated in English it means Giant. Strong's Concordance for Nephilim is H5303 and is derived from the word Nephal is H5307. Nephilim definition is "giants," name of two peoples, one before the flood and one after the flood. Nephilim, a Hebrew word meaning 'those who have fallen' or 'the fallen ones', translated into Greek as gigantez, gigantes, or 'giants' Looking at the Genesis account of the Giants/Nephilim With using both Hebrew and Greek there is more than one meaning or use of the words nephilim and giants. There is a DOUBLE meaning, because of Hebrew and Greek. Nephilim, a Hebrew word meaning 'those who have fallen' or 'the fallen ones', translated into Greek as gigantez, gigantes, or 'giants'. Strong's Concordance for Nephilim is H5303 and is derived from the word Nephal is H5307. Nephal is to fall, lie or cast down. Using the Hebrew word Naphal which you get the Hebrew word Nephilim. Job 1: 20 "Then Job arose, tore his robe, and shaved his head; and he FELL to the ground and worshiped." The word "FELL" in Job 1: 20 when translated to Hebrew is the word Naphal. Hebrew use is the Nephilim would fall (Naphal) to the ground like Job 1: 20 mentions, so it would be in a state of worship, probably on their knees. In Genesis 6:4 the Nephilim are in a position of worship or falling to the ground and worshiping, The Nephilim is a word that describes Genesis 5 who are the faithful, they would fall to the ground in a state of worship while presenting the animal sacrifice/Burnt offering. Man has twisted the meaning of the word and changed the meaning of the word "Nephilim" to some a giant form of hybrid. That is how deception works and many are mislead and deceived. By twisting and changing the word Nephilim which is a state of worship towards God, it is now a word that takes away the worship to God and how man worshiped and was presented before God in that day or time period. What Man has done is remove what God says about years in verse 3 and ignore the giant life spans mentioned in Genesis chapter 5. Man has replaced Years and Giant life spans with half human half angel demi-gods. Marriage is an institution between a man and a women, the offspring are human. What the offspring are, is just people who lived a Giant life span as well. The "sons of God" and the daughters of men, that their offspring lived a long life or to say a Giant life. God may have created Adam taller and with a different physical stature than what man has today. Goliath was 9"9" 1 Samuel 17:4 "And a champion went out from the camp of the Philistines, named Goliath, from Gath, whose height was six cubits and a span. We should not make any person taller than Goliath, scripture does not mention anyone taller than Goliath. Human Genetics/DNA have been breaking down ever since Adam. Adam was directly created by God from the earth. Genesis 2:7 “And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being. Adam’s genetic structure would have been far superior to man kind of today. That could also explain larger bone fragments, skulls and size of a skeleton that are found. Interesting that Adam all the way to Noah lived long life spans. Living that long of a life span could have given the people of that day (before the flood) a larger physical body. Adam lived 930 years (Gen 5: 5). Noah lived 950 years (Gen 9: 29). Another point is after the flood, the flood changed the earth. More solar radiation could have effected people as well. Giant life spans existed after the flood, Noah and his sons were alive after the flood. but life spans kept shrinking after the flood. Sin may have corrupted the DNA/genetics as well. Man’s sin could have gotten so wicked that God decided to shorten the life span of man. NUMBERS 13 and 14 The word Nephilim appears Twice in the Bible depending on the translation first in Genesis 6:4 used in a position of worship and adoration (to fall, lie prostrate, and cast down) and then Numbers 13: 33 as Bullies and Tyrants. There are TWO uses for the word Nephilim (OT HEBREW). Just like the word Love (NT GREEK) can be used as Agape, Eros, Philia, and Storge. The word Nephilim is a Hebrew word, when translated in English it means Giant. Strong's Concordance for Nephilim is H5303 and is derived from the word Nephal is H5307. Nephilim definition is "giants," name of two peoples, one before the flood and one after the flood. Nephilim, a Hebrew word meaning 'those who have fallen' or 'the fallen ones', translated into Greek as gigantez, gigantes, or 'giants' Looking at Numbers Numbers 13: 31-33 “ But the men who had gone up with him said, “We are not able to go up against the people, for they are stronger than we.” 32 And they gave the children of Israel a bad report of the land which they had spied out, saying, “The land through which we have gone as spies is a land that devours its inhabitants, and all the people whom we saw in it are men of great stature. 33 There we saw the giants (the descendants of Anak came from the giants); and we were like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight.” What these spies did is found verse 32. These spies gave Israel a “bad” report. The word “bad” can also be translated as “evil” in other translations. The point is the word “bad”. The word bad means poor in quality, not correct, inaccurate, incorrect, faulty, mischievous, poor, ect. The word "evil" means morally wrong or bad,immoral, wicked, harm, mischief, cause harm. Basicly the spies LIED about the report they gave, meaning that they lied about Anak’s decencendants being Giants (Nephilim) and that they ( the spies) looked like grasshoppers. It is a false and inaccurate report about the land, this land is the Promised land.. There is no giants or nephilim like some are lead to believe. This evil or bad report the spies told, made Israel complain and murmur against God, because the report put fear in Israel and made Israel not wanting to go into the Promised Land, this made God upset and slandered God. What did God do with the spies that gave this bad report or false report, it is found in Numbers 14: 36 and 37. Numbers 14: 36 & 37 “ Now the men whom Moses sent to spy out the land, who returned and made all the congregation complain against him by bringing a bad report of the land, 37 those very men who brought the evil report about the land, died by the plague before the LORD.” The “bad” or “evil” report meaning false, the LORD struck them down with a plague. The spies Lied about the report. There were NO GIANTS. Satan's seed of Lying was in these spies. Notice in verse 36 "bad report" and in verse 37 "evil report" is used so this wickedness and malicious of the spies is really emphasized. Some translations instead of using "bad report" or "evil report" use "spreading false rumors". The KJV uses the word "slander". Even using Numbers 14:6-9 Caleb and Joshua were among those that spied on the land. They gave a good report saying the land flowed with milk and honey. Caleb and Joshua said NOTHING about Giants (Nephilim). God spared Caleb and Joshua, they were not struck down by a plaque. The spies that told an evil report were telling a lie and did not want to go into the land. Most people do not realize or take notice to Numbers 14. Interesting when most people use Numbers 13: 33 for this angel view for the Giants (Nephilim) and looked like grasshoppers are falling into the faults of the report the spies told. The report the spies told is misleading. Most people do not take notice to the rest of the scripture. Think of the story the spies told as a "Fish Story", just a overly exaggerated story with no truth. How the spies used the word giant in verse 33 would be bullies or tyrants, but the bad report or to say the lie they told about these Giants (Nephilim) NEVER existed. Caleb and Joshua never gave a report like that, and Caleb and Joshua were with the spies. The use of the word Giants/Nephilim in Numbers 13: 33 would mean bullies or tyrants, but since this is a misleading report that the spies gave would be under FALSE PRETENSES. Romans 3:23 "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God," What is not noted in the comment is with the Nephilim, mankind is in a fallen from the glory of God. Since the word Nephilim comes from the word Nephal is to fall, lie or cast down. The word would also mean the sinful condition of a fallen state as well, along with falling to the ground in worship and prayer before a Holy God, while presenting the animal sacrifice for the payment for sins, done by the head of the household (Patriarch). The fall of man happened in Genesis 3, of course this is when sin and trangression against a Holy God corrupted mankind.....a fallen condition.
It is better to read the book of Enoch than most of the fiction books available in the world today. I think it reinforces the existence of giants and how they came to be. But there is a catch. Reading the book of Enoch can only add to your general knowledge. It is faith in Jesus Christ that saves people. You should, however, complete other parts of the bible before you get the audacity to read the book of Enoch.
HeWhoHasTheSon makes more sense then opening a yucky can of worms.... Thanks to the Holy Spirit we're guided with true discernment..not intuition..that could be devil's don't quote me lol
Did Moses write the Pentateuch? I get surprised when I use Deuterocanonical books to argue a case for evidence of creation, critics are quick to point out that the books are not inspired because they are not certain of the authors. Okay, let me blow off and ruin the myth of your confidence. The First temple stood for about 375 years and then Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar II plundered and burned the First Temple (Solomon’s Temple) on 30th August, 586 BC. Not only did Solomon's Temple suffer at the hands of Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylonia, the Temple treasures were also removed and lost in 604 BC and 597 BC and totally destroyed the building in 587/586 including the books. Whatever was written by Moses was lost including the Hebrew Language. As we have it now both in the Christian and Hebrew bibles, the Pentateuch was not written by Moses but Ezra and Nehemiah. Now here is something to consider by scholars here: The Jewish calendar is a lunar calendar, derived from the ancient Hebrew calendar and has remained unchanged since about AD 900. It is the official calendar of the modern state of Israel and is used by Jewish people throughout the world as a religious calendar. The Pentateuch uses the Babylonian calendar system (lunar based) because its writer lived under Babylonian influence. Ezra is a good candidate. The Jubilees writer uses a solar based calender system which the Egyptians used. Moses is a good candidate and there in claim in the book that he wrote it. Need I not to tell you that Ezra is from Babylon and Moses is from Egypt. If Moses wrote the Pentateuch, he would have used the Egyptian calendar system in which he was schooled and familiar with. According to the Bible, the Persian king sent Ezra to bring the Torah, the five books of the Laws of Moses, to the Jews (Ezra 7:11-26). Modern scholars have claimed not only that Ezra brought the Torah to Jerusalem, but that he actually wrote it, and in so doing Ezra created Judaism. Jubilees is part of the Ethiopian Orthodox church bible and is also among the Dead Sea Scrolls Discovery. The texts of the Dead Sea Scrolls have great historical, religious, and linguistic significance because they include the second-oldest known surviving manuscripts of works later included in the Hebrew Bible canon, along with deuterocanonical and extra-biblical manuscripts which preserve evidence of the diversity of religious thought in late Second Temple Judaism. The identified texts fall into three general groups: 1. Some 40% are copies of texts from the Hebrew Scriptures. 2. Approximately another 30% are texts from the Second Temple Period which ultimately were not canonized in the Hebrew Bible, like the Book of Enoch, the Book of Jubilees, the Book of Tobit, the Wisdom of Sirach, Psalms 152-155, etc. 3. The remainder (roughly 30%) are sectarian manuscripts of previously unknown documents that shed light on the rules and beliefs of a particular group (sect) or groups within greater Judaism, like the Community Rule, the War Scroll, the Pesher on Habakkuk, and The Rule of the Blessing. In February 2017, Hebrew University archaeologists announced the discovery of a new, 12th cave. Though tradition credits Moses as the author of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy, these books are in fact anonymous and look back on Moses as a figure from the distant past in the style the language is used where by Moses does not say I wrote it down. It appears like someone was reporting what Moses wrote. Again how can Moses report his own death? For these reasons, other contesting modern scholars increasingly see the Pentateuch as a product of the 6th and 5th centuries BC yet Moses lived much earlier (the traditional date for his birth is 1527 BC). Look at this: 31 These were the kings who reigned in Edom before any Israelite king reigned: 32 Bela son of Beor became king of Edom. His city was named Dinhabah. [Genesis 36:31-32 NIV] It appears that the writer of Genesis lived after the reign of the kings of Israel (586 BC). It’s not a coincidence that this corresponds with Ezra (480-440 BC). The last king of Judah was Zedekiah, original name Mattaniah, of the 6th century BC. Zedekiah was born in 617 BC or 618 BC, being twenty-one on becoming king. He was king of Judah from 597 BC to 587/586 BC) whose reign ended in the Babylonian destruction of Jerusalem and the deportation of most of the Jews to Babylon. Zedekiah's reign ended with the siege and fall of Jerusalem to Nebuchadnezzar II. But Bela son of Beor became king of Edom while the Israelites were still in Egypt and that is far in the past (over 1,000 years before) around 1600BC. Moses lived around the exodus (1454 BC): In the four hundred and eightieth[a] year after the Israelites came out of Egypt, in the fourth year of Solomon’s reign over Israel, in the month of Ziv, the second month, he began to build the temple of the Lord. [1 Kings 6:1 NIV] There is no doubt in my mind that God inspired more than the 66 books found in the mainstream canon but it was the bishops who selected the 66 books. It is irrational to consider manuscripts referenced by the canon as non inspired. If the Book of Enoch is not Scripture then what Scripture is Christ referring to that Teaches that the Angels of God in Heaven do not Marry? Matthew 22:29-30 KJV 29 Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures nor the power of God. 30 For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven. This teaching can only be found in Enoch (thus Christ was calling and confirming it as Scripture) Enoch 15:7 R.H. Charles And therefore I have not appointed wives for you; for as for the spiritual ones (Angel's) of the heaven, in heaven is their dwelling.
Then why did Jesus say that no one knows the hour of his coming, not the son nor the angels.? Wouldn’t Jesus our Lord have told us “ no one knows but my Father and Enoch who he took to heaven.” ???
I had listened to the first chapter and stopped when I heard the names of the angels,was falling for it and thank you for yr warning video,I will go back to the holy scriptures and Jehovah permitted to be in the bible,thank you very much
We know the “Book of Enoch” is a fraud and not written by Enoch. (Please note: Enoch is the great-grandfather of Noah . . . . Enoch >> Methuselah >> Lamech >> Noah): 1. Enoch was taken by God to heaven before Noah was born. (Study Gen 5 and do some math.) 2. The “Book of Enoch” records conversations between Noah and angels on how to build the ark. Enoch wasn’t present to witness nor record such conversations. (Remember: Enoch taken by God before Noah was born.) 3. The “Book of Enoch” records events that happened during the flood on the ark. Enoch wasn’t on the ark. 4. The “Book of Enoch” says angels built the ark. The Bible says Noah built the ark. 5. The “Book of Enoch” speaks of Mt. Sinai. There was no Mt. Sinai at the time of Enoch or Noah because there were no mountains. Mt. Sinai probably wasn’t even named until hundreds of years after Nimrod/Babel. Yet the “Book of Enoch” names Mt. Sinai by name. 6. The “Book of Enoch” attempts to reveal that Enoch was taken to heaven and told that he would be the Messiah, the savior of mankind. (What ? ? ? ? ! ! ! ! !) 7. The “Book of Enoch” speaks of giants (hybrid-humans) that were 450 feet tall. These giants apparently ate regular humans. 8. The “Book of Enoch” was first recovered around 200 years before Christ. It was written in an Ethiopian dialect, not Hebrew, not Arabic or anything that would be close to Noah-dialect. The New Testament book of Jude does not quote the “Book of Enoch.” It quotes the book of Genesis and prophetic quotes by Enoch that had been passed on through Noah, through the generations by means of oral tradition. The “Book of Enoch” is not from God. But feel free to adorn your faith and belief system founded on the insanity pointed out above (and more) . . . if you feel so illuminated by the one who comes as an angel of illumination. Be it far from me to get in the way of anyone’s ascension to a higher plain of enlightenment. (Ya, I’m contending that the “Book of Enoch” is from the other guy; not from God.) PS. . . . There are multiple RUclipss revealing this AntiChrist book and the many problems that expose it to be a fraud. People would do well to find them.
How do _you_ know what God _intended_ to be in the cannon?! You are giving too much weight to doctrines of men and traditions, rather than Holy Spirit who spoke through the prophets and Enoch was certainly a prophet. You contradict the Bible, brother. Not everyone should be a teacher, as more will be required of him. Do you want to be called "the least" in the Kingdom?
Yeshuasavedme It was out of favor by Augustines Time and since the Jews discarded it centuries before even Jerome never even considers the book ,I doubt Augustine was even aware of it especially if never translated into Latin. The Eastern Churches even rejected "The Apocalypse " in English "Revelation "and Augustine was its Champion. (Interestingly Luther rejected it along ,with Hebrews Jude,and James. Jude because it references Enoch.) I believe to this day there are no readings from Revelation in Eastern Churches. The idea that God created the Canon is ridicules. The Canon was put together to make sure the readings in the liturgy of the word. Could be traced to an original inspired source . Books like 3-4 Maccabees were Pseudo writings as the were written in the First century AD . Dozens of alleged Gospels were thrown out as they were 2nd century contructs Even first Century writings like Clement , the Didache , the Shepard ,and Barnabas ,widely read and still valuable were rejected . Hebrews barely made it. Developing Canon that accurately reflect the Jewish Culture and Christ teachings a couple of hundred years later is not easy especially with so many claims is not easy but I personally believe they did an incredible job. The task was simple preserve the Faith handed down from the Apostles. The details were the hard part. The Giant of early Christianity Ireneous of Lyon rightly identified 4 Gospels . As the four pillars on which Christianity stands about 170 AD (his against heresy is a must read ) The agreement was Universal He also mentions the crazy Gnostic writing like the gospel of Judas as being totally false Matthew - Originally written in Aramaic To Jewish Christians, No copy has come down to us in the original language. That would be a great find. Translations are fine but a commentary are Christian Jews would be invaluable. Mark a collection of Homilies from his Teacher Peter The Apostles and Peter are the least exalted in this book . Peter gives us a lessen in humility and the power of Christian conversion. His account of the Transubstantiation and his fear of the presence is unequaled Luke probably one of the best historians of antiquity write a remarkable history of Christ. I believe his, sources, were Mary,John and Peter.among others. People who criticized and called him a fabricator have been proven wrong over and over. John a Christian apologetic (explanation) work written to clarify true Christian Doctrine from false teachings. I personally believe all were written before the fall of the Temple 70 AD everyone agrees John was the last but the fact that there is no mention of the Temple being destroyed especially since the early Christian confrontation were with Jewish Authorizes is crazy if post Temple. Peter canonizes Paul's letters unilaterally in his first epistle. The Ethiopians had no specific Canon ( that's a Latin word) but preserved all the writing they could ) What writings they kept is not actually as important as the writings they use in their liturgy. Actually most of the non canonical Orthodox writings were preserved along with the canonical by the Church.. The Ethiopian Jews did the same probably because they were isolated from the centers
Sergio Morales If i was you i wouldn't count on the church too much, remember the same church burned people that translated the bible some centuries ago, that's not a godly church here, they also do necromancy by praying to the dead, totally forbidden in the old testament, please let the dead rest in peace, pray to God and Jesus alone, don't rely on mere man, and the inquisitors that burned everyone, so we gone to being persecuted, to burning people? Wow... that's a politic church here, mine is not from this world, God is my pope. Please research about the Catholic apostasy, but if you're staying in, just don't do everything they tell you, it's better for your soul...
Of all the missing articles omitted from the new testament, this should be considered the most important part to be aware of as the writings are not relevant in any time of history as much as it is today, I hope you will find this information useful enough to be intrigued and to take a look and read the whole work of this important figure and the role you have been kept away from your whole life. You will be able to understand more of what is said by Enoch than anyone else in history as it speaks to you and me in our time
I have heard so many people make comments like, "This book was not inspired by God" or "this book was inspired by God because it aligns with other scripture." If only certain books were inspired by God, then who were so righteously blessed and honored to declare the "inspired status?" This is very dangerous. I consider certain people that have claimed these roles to be potentially judgmental and bias for future generations. We started out with 80 books in the original KJV publication in 1611, but 14 of the 80 books were removed by a select few. These 14 books were referred to as the Books of the Apocrypha. Most of us know what God said in the book of Revelation regarding removing or taking away of His word.
Interesting people want to argue that this book should be included in the Canon 98% I'm going to probably never read this book and of those 98% 98% have not read the Bible all the way through so that should tell you something right there.
Ethiopian Orthodox Church does have the true complete book. These were the original Christians. I very much trust Enoch or it would not be part of Jude. Daniel and John both had visions that came from Enoch. King Nebuchadnezzar also had the dream. Spouting lies.
Nick and Rachel there is a man from Wales his name is Justin Abraham he says that he has daily communications with Enoch he trained by John Paul Jackson in this particular area this his specialty
Nick and Rachel ... During the time of Prophet Mohammed, the Christian emperor of Abbysinia accepted Islam and Prophet Mohammed as a true messenger of God, and successor to Jesus.
it's not in the Bible because the Bible do not mention ''the book'' of Enoch; the Bible talk about Enoch but don't talk about the book...but the Bible mention about the book of Jasher, and the book of Jasher talk more about Enoch. ...just believe the scriptures, guys
@@a.stevens3550 Garden of Eden was when Satan began corrupting the word of god. Never stopped. He kicked up a gear with the Catholic counterfeit church though. How many millions of Christians did they torture slowly until death? I was raised in that not so holy "church". Seemed nice at the time and most people are duped. Every good lie has a good dose of truth.
There is an unmentioned epidemic ravaging the human genepool. The disease is I.C.A.S. & the symtoms are wearing a VERY tight belt & the severely infected people refuse to think for themselves, believe whatever crap they hear that moment, most are democrats that like Squirrilly Cliton & that other fascist bitch Pignosy. It's no wonder to me that mass shootings are on the rise, the healthy people are fighting to keep their second amendment rights to protect themselves & the infected are trying to cull the human herd shooting at anyone. They should be shooting themselves.
i've heard people recommend the book of enoch many times but i never took an interest until recently. i've read a portion and listened to some audio book and i can tell people that i recognize what i'm learning. recognition of information is confirmation. one part in particular mentions a place that is very hot but also cold. i _know_ that place, but it's too distant in my mind for me to grasp in order to examine it up close. the other part that i recognized is the prison for angels. i strongly recognize it, but again, it's too distant in my mind for me to grasp in order to examine it up close. the secular word for life's total body of information is *akashic record.*
so God wanted 66 book in the Bible? these books including the Apocrypha where not taken out until the Catholic Church wanted to give this edited Bible to the United States! what proof do Yo have that says God didn't want this book in the text??
the 66 books are man made...there were no chapter and verse demarcations in the originals.MAN did this to make it EASIER to study and to reference. there were only the septuagint and the new testaments
St Jerome, the man that translated the vulgate, insisted that the apocryphal books are not to be recognised as canon, by the way the vulgate is the latin translation that the catholic church used for over a thousand years, but the Church still took the apocryphas as canon, it's only later, after the reformation, (in the 19th century) that the apocryphal books were removed, for a good reason too, the hebrews never had those books as canon neither. I'm not saying you can't read them, you can read them, for information, but don't see it as canon and don't found a doctrine on them. In other hand the ethiopic church (coptic christinity) had the book of enoch, and even more apocrypha, they recognise it as canon.
The fact that it isn't is the most compelling proof. You seriously think God would allow man to mess with His Word? By the way, do you have proof that He does want that book to be in The Bible?😊
Phan Van What does the Word say? It says to seek and you shall find. You realise that the Scripture is meant to be used for studying. If you think your English version is the exact copy, it’s not. All we have today are copies and it’s not perfect. We need to trust in the Most High and the Spirit will lead us in all truth as we read. That is how we will know truth. There are more than 11 books that were purposely excluded. If you count all the books, it adds up to about 80.
The word Nephilim appears Twice in the Bible depending on the translation first in Genesis 6:4 and then Numbers 13:33. The word Nephilim is a Hebrew word, when translated in English it means Giant. Strong's Concordance for Nephilim is H5303 and is derived from the word Nephal is H5307. Nephilim definition is "giants," name of two peoples, one before the flood and one after the flood. Looking at Numbers Numbers 13: 31-33 “ But the men who had gone up with him said, “We are not able to go up against the people, for they are stronger than we.” 32 And they gave the children of Israel a bad report of the land which they had spied out, saying, “The land through which we have gone as spies is a land that devours its inhabitants, and all the people whom we saw in it are men of great stature. 33 There we saw the giants (the descendants of Anak came from the giants); and we were like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight.” What these spies did is found verse 32. These spies gave Israel a “bad” report. The word “bad” can also be translated as “evil” in other translations. The point is the word “bad”. The word bad means poor in quality, not correct, incorrect, faulty, mischievous, poor, ect. The word "evil" means morally wrong or bad,immoral, wicked, harm, mischief, cause harm. Basicly the spies LIED about the report they gave, meaning that they lied about Anak’s decencendants being Giants (Nephilim) and that they ( the spies) looked like grasshoppers. It is a false report!!!! There is no giants or nephilim like some are lead to believe. What did God do with the spies that gave this bad report or false report, it is found in Numbers 14:36 and 37. Numbers 14:36,37 “ Now the men whom Moses sent to spy out the land, who returned and made all the congregation complain against him by bringing a bad report of the land, 37 those very men who brought the evil report about the land, died by the plague before the LORD.” The “bad” or “evil” report meaning false, the LORD struck them down with a plague. The spies Lied about the report. There were NO GIANTS. Satan's seed of Lying was in these spies. Notice in verse 36 "bad report" and in verse 37 "evil report" is used so this wickedness and malicious of the spies is really emphasized. Even using Numbers 14:6-9 Caleb and Joshua were among those that spied on the land. They gave a good report saying the land flowed with milk and honey. Caleb and Joshua said NOTHING about Giants (Nephilim). God spared Caleb and Joshua, they were not struck down by a plaque. What come down to is the Truth that Caleb and Joshua reported verses the Lies the spies reported. Just a note this land is referred to as the Promised Land. Most people do not realize or take notice to Numbers 14. Interesting when most people use Numbers 13:33 for this angel view for the Giants (Nephilim) and looked like grasshoppers are falling into a trap of EVIL and a LIE by the bad report of the spies. Most people do not take notice to the rest of the scripture. How the spies used the word giant in verse 33 would be bullies or tyrants, but the bad report or to say the lie they told about these Giants (Nephilim) NEVER existed. With that said the bullies or tyrants NEVER existed. Looking at the Genesis account of the Giants/Nephilim Genesis 6:1 & 2 "1 Now it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, 2 that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose. Genesis 6:2 and Genesis 6:4 refers to what was listed in Genesis 5 as the "sons of God". The "sons of God" presented God with burnt offerings and are the Patriarchs. Noah and Job would be "sons of God". The daughters of men mentioned in those verses are just the woman of the day. Genesis 6:3 & 4 3 And the Lord said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.” 4 There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown. In verse 4 the English word Giants is used and in Hebrew it would be Nephilim. It is plural, not singular. Since the word Giants or Nephilim in Numbers 13:33 does not exist because of the bad/false report of the spies or to say the Lie. The word Giants or Nephilim has to be used a different way. In verse 3 God said about man that his days shall be 120 years. Years is a theme in Genesis 5 the previous chapter. Years is emphasized over and over in Genesis 5 and is mentioned again in Genesis 6:3. In Genesis 6:4 the word Giants or Nephilim is used. The word Giant or Nephilim is primarily referring to YEARS. God NEVER mentions height in the Genesis 6:3. Basically the Giants or Nephilim is referring to YEARS that man lived, it is about people who lived a long life span or to say a giant life span. A person's physical stature may have been different if people lived that long. What a lot of people have done is remove what God says about years in verse 3 and ignore the giant life spans mentioned in Genesis chapter 5. Man has replaced Years and Giant life spans with height. The offspring produced is that some are Godly, like the offspring mentioned in Genesis 5 a Godly line and some produced were ungodly and wicked. The ungodly offspring (giants/nephilim) were the tyrant and bullies that were the faithless toward Gods and probably never presented God with burnt offerings. They never recognized God. These wicked and ungodly offspring are not listed in Genesis 5 and they are not Patriarchs. Marriage is an institution between a man and a women, the offspring are human. What the offspring are, is just people who lived a Giant life span as well. The "sons of God" and the daughters of men, that their offspring lived a long life or to say a Giant life>>>>>NEPHILIM!!! God may have created Adam taller and with a different physical stature than what man has today. Goliath was 9"9" 1 Samuel 17:4 "And a champion went out from the camp of the Philistines, named Goliath, from Gath, whose height was six cubits and a span. We should not make any person taller than Goliath, scripture does not mention anyone taller than Goliath. Human Genetics/DNA have been breaking down ever since Adam. Adam was directly created by God from the earth. Genesis 2:7 “And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being. Adam’s genetic structure would have been far superior to man kind of today. That could also explain larger bone fragments, skulls and size of a skeleton that are found. Interesting that Adam all the way to Noah lived long life spans. Living that long of a life span could have given the people of that day (before the flood) a larger physical body. Adam lived 930 years (Gen 5:5). Noah lived 950 years (Gen 9:29). Another point is after the flood, the flood changed the earth. More solar radiation could have effected people as well. Giant life spans existed after the flood, Noah and his sons were alive after the flood. but life spans kept shrinking after the flood. Sin may have corrupted the DNA/genetics as well. Man’s sin could have gotten so wicked that God decided to shorten the life span of man.
@@Dexter.001 Okay. I think it means exactly what is says. "Men of reknowned" from my interpretation would be Adam and the decendents of Adam. In the beginning everything was bigger and better. I think it's more simple than people are making it out to be. The perversion would come from the idea of prostitution or slavery amongst early man as sin was beginning to ravish the lands. As time passed man got shorter,weaker and had a shorter lifespan. Man and giants are the same "kind".
Once again Dr. Brown had wrong information. Jesus Himself referred to what was ONLY in the book of Enoch and no where else in scripture in Mark 12:25 and Matthew 22:30 and in BOTH accounts Jesus referred to it as "SCRIPTURE". Dr. Brown also FALSELY claims there is no correlation between the pictographs of early Hebrew and any meaning to be deciphered such as the POWERFUL first verses of the bible talking about God's Son. He is 0 for 2 on the 2 subjects I've watched his commentary on. Beware.
@@OrnelaReavesOfficial the words were mentioned as "scripture" and the ONLY place they appear is the Book of Enoch and NOWHERE else in the Old Testament.
The Book of Enoch is actually a Jewish book of Fables, meaning what is in the Book of Enoch is not true. These writings are NOT missing texts. To many contradictions when compared to the Bible. CONTRADICTION #1 Using the Book of Enoch chapter 7 (sec II) verses 10-14. 10. Then they took wives, each choosing for himself; whom they began to approach, and with whom they cohabited; teaching them sorcery, incantations, and the dividing of roots and trees. 11. And the women conceiving brought forth giants, 12. Whose stature was each three hundred cubits. These devoured all which the labour of men produced; until it became impossible to feed them; 13. When they turned themselves against men, in order to devour them; 14. And began to injure birds, beasts, reptiles, and fishes, to eat their flesh one after another, and to drink their blood. Verses 10 & 11 in Enoch sounds like Genesis 6:1-4. NOTICE in Book of Enoch 7 verse 12 it is written “Whose stature was each three hundred cubits.” 300 cubits (3,000 ells) when converted into feet is 450 feet. This so called offspring is 450 feet in stature. REALLY?!?!?! So where did this 300 cubits (450 feet) come from? It just so happens this exact measurement is found in Genesis 6:15. Genesis 6:15 “ And this is how you shall make it: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, its width fifty cubits, and its height thirty cubits.” Interesting that the LENGTH of Noah’s Ark is 300 cubits or to say 450 feet long. What the Fable book of Enoch does is take the Length of the Ark and apply it to the stature of this offspring. Offspring that are 450 feet in stature. Why believe such nonsense. CONTRADICTION #2 Enoch chapter 1 verse 3b and 4The Holy Great One will come forth from His dwelling, 4 And the eternal God will tread upon the earth, (even) on Mount Sinai, [And appear from His camp] And appear in the strength of His might from the heaven of heavens. In Enoch chapter 1 verse 3b and 4 is a prophecy that the great holy one will appear on Mount Siniai. Scripture tells that Jesus will appear on the Mt. of Olives. This is a contradiction. Jesus ascended to heaven from the Mount of Olives, on the east side of Jerusalem, and Jesus is coming again to the same place and location (Mt. of Olives). [Acts 1:9-12 and Zechariah 14:4-5] Jesus Ascends to Heaven Acts 1:9-12 Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. 10 And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, 11 who also said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.” The Upper Room Prayer Meeting 12 Then they returned to Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet, which is near Jerusalem, a Sabbath day’s journey. >>>>> mount called Olivet is the Mount of Olives. Zechariah 14:4-5 And in that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, Which faces Jerusalem on the east. And the Mount of Olives shall be split in two, From east to west, Making a very large valley; Half of the mountain shall move toward the north And half of it toward the south. 5 Then you shall flee through My mountain valley, For the mountain valley shall reach to Azal. Yes, you shall flee As you fled from the earthquake In the days of Uzziah king of Judah. Thus the LORD my God will come, And all the saints with You. Zechariah is a prophet of the Old Testament. What Zechariah is talking about is the SECOND COMING of Jesus. CONTRADICTION #3 Enoch Chapter 9 "And then Michael, Uriel, Raphael, and Gabriel looked down from heaven and saw much blood being 2 shed upon the earth, and all lawlessness being wrought upon the earth. And they said one to another: 'The earth made without inhabitant cries the voice of their cryingst up to the gates of heaven. 3 And now to you, the holy ones of heaven, the souls of men make their suit, saying, "Bring our cause 4 before the Most High." Verses 3 and 4 in chapter 9 of the book of Enoch tells that men are sending prayers, requests and petitions to these angels (Michael, Uriel, Raphael, and Gabriel) in Heaven. This is clearly angel worship and Idolatry. This is no different than what the Roman Catholic Church does with Mary, so many send prayers, requests and petitions to Mary, and then Mary is to take these prayers to God. As Christians our prayers, requests, and petitions are to go directly to God. Verses we are not to worship angels are Revelation 22:8-11, Matthew 6:9, Luke 11:2, Ephesians 1:13-14, John 17:1-26 (This is the ACTUAL Lord's prayer He prayers for Himself, His disciples and Believers). Even the model prayer (Mt. 6:9, Luke 11:2) when Jesus taught us to pray, He says "Our Father in Heaven, Hallowed be Your Name." Christians are to pray to God, not angels. Prayer is a form of worship. Clearly Another contradiction. Another contradiction, the book of Enoch does not include the marriage element like Genesis 6 does apply the marriage. Book of Enoch mentions that these angels lusted. Where is the marriage element in Enoch? In the Bible the book of Titus Paul writes: Titus 1:13-15 “This testimony is true. Therefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith, 14 not giving heed to Jewish fables and commandments of men who turn from the truth. 15 To the pure all things are pure, but to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure; but even their mind and conscience are defiled.” This is EXACTLY what has happened to so many, because they take the Fable book of Enoch to be true. A lot of peoples minds (conscience) are defiled.
You're claim that it should not be scripture is an assertion fallacy. Early Church did quote it as scripture, considered it scripture, at least the Book of the Watchers. Other parts were added such as Book 2, 3, and Letters, and last I checked, Dr Brown is not the arbiter of what is and what is not Canon. Trent did not establish for the entire Church. There are also specific prophecies in the Book of the Watchers that the Early Church held as trustworthy such as Chiliasm, the belief the Lord would return 6000, years from Adam, and that the Fallen Angels who bred with the daughters of Adam would have final judgement at 7000 years from Adam.
This is far from the truth. The bible make references to many books such as Book of Jasher, Book of Kings. When man select or choose to ignore some books, do you call that inspired by God? It is Paul who said all scriptures are God breathed to teach, rebuke, instruct and correct... Say something please.
I was confused and waver before my faith was restored. I heard a song about Allah. Mermaid 🧜♀️. I was being in to a trap because the guy singing Allah was tricking my to joining Islam and asked should I convert to islam everyone say yes io me. My faith in Jesus Christ had been restored.
Actually the Catholics didn't finalize their Canon until about 1500's give or take However the Canon of scripture came about a long long long long time ago before that and is of divine origin
What is Dr. Brown's opinion on the late Michael Heiser's teachings, which make many references to the Book of Enoch (as well as Genesis 6 and Psalm 82)?
was God behind the Council of Nicea?!!! the canon didn't exist until the Council of Nicea! Just individual scrolls. Don't think the people that decided what was included were inspired by God.
Yaaas however the council of nicea was established to determine something else unrelated to what books would be canonized. Remember, try not to take the da vinci code too serious!
@Niko Bellic True... but Christ insulted people who were in wrongdoing and refused to repent... that is not the same as insulting someone who is sharing a good point of view without any ill will...
Should the gospel of Judas, Peter, Mary, Thomas be in the canon? Well no. They came hundreds of years after Jesus and teach things that Jesus didn’t teach. The council of Nicea were lead by the church leaders (who knew the most about the gospel.) and was watched over by Constantine (a pagan with no interest in adding anything into the Bible.) are church founders are the people who preserved the gospel and gave us insight to what the early church believe. It’s good to question authority but Enoch claims to be the messiah! How can you be Christian and yet say Enoch should be canon? If Enoch is canon than he would be the Christ and not Jesus.
To those who would claim plagiarism in order to reject proposed prophets should realize that John clearly used phrasing from Enoch 1 when writing Revelation. "And I saw," "And I saw an angel falling from heaven.....".
Yeshuasavedme The" and I saw" is clearly borrowed. John was real person with real literary influencing. We can uphold the validity of God's word without denying what can be deducted from scholarly observation. After all, like Dr Mike Heiser says, "I know this is going to sound crazy but.....the writers of the Bible were people."
The Book of Enoch has always been included in the Ethiopian canon as Scripture. The Ethiopian Scripture is the oldest and most complete Biblical text that exists in Christendom. Some of the earliest Monasteries in Christendom are in Ethiopia. Dr. Brown must know this as he alludes to the language of Ge'ez, the ancient language of Ethiopia and that of the High Priest Scribes. The Ethiopian text includes the Book of Enoch as well as the apocrypha (apocrypha texts interspersed in the "old" and "new" testaments), Book of Jubilees, etc. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church also claim that they have, protect and keep the Ark of the Covenant. Also the final Emperor of Ethiopia, Halie Selassie, was a blood descendant of King David and the Queen of Sheba who continued a two thousand year tradition of Kings descended from this union on the throne (except during the Zagwe Dynasties). He was crowned King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah. He was also recognized as such by the world. The relationship of Ethiopia to the Judeo-Christian paradigm cannot continue as a footnote in Christendom.
Nope, not true. The Hebrew "canonization" did not exist until the Christ denying Jews of the first century decided to do away with the most sacred book about His Person and work, like they thought to do away with His person by having Him crucified....didn't work. Rome followed those Christ denying Jews in the 4th century, but the Ethiopians did not. There was the Church in Ethiopia before Rome decided to make itself the authority over the minds of men and of what they were to believe and who they were to follow. The Ethiopians didn't follow Rome.
Matthew Mccoy first of all Hali Selassie is not his real name because he is not divine or trinity he is just a man. Christ is the king of king lord of lords the lion of juda alpha and omega the first and the last!!! The Ethiopian king name was Rastafaria or Rasimokonen
Matthew Mccoy As an ethiopian orthodox Christian I agree with you bar one point. His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Sellassie I was not a blood descendant from The Queen of Sheba and King Solomon, nevertheless he was the 225th "Great Grand son of King Solomon" not by blood we are talking kingship ONLY. Ethiopian ancient kings were not chosen by being the eldest or being the son. Its almost a system of rights of passage or showing the ability to rule which he did whilst being the governor of Harar province.This can be seen when Ras Tafari become Prince regent under Emperess Zauditu and not Lij Iyasu who was the Grand child of Emperor Menelik . Ras Tafari not being a blood relative didn't stop his accent to the Royal throne of Dawit, He was not the Grand child of Emperor Menelik but was a member of the inner court nevertheless was given the mandate to rule before being crowmed King...its a small point I am making. The book of Enoch however, I've had for a while and only recently I've been able to put all the pieces togather. The bible makes more sense now than ever before my biblical understanding has developed with the content of the book of Enoch playing centre stage. Initally i found it not an easy book to read. And I only read it in small portions at a time.Most scholars say it was written in the intertestemental/second temple period. These scholars don't include Ethiopian scholarship.
Book of Enoch ok to read? No, I disagree with that. If it's not, God-lnspired, Scripture, Why fill your head with that garbage? I, Only, want to read or Hear, From God's Living-Word.(2Tim 3:16-17)(NKJV)
1945 - WW2 ends with Germany (GOMER) & the NAZI's - Ashkenazi Jews. Ashkenaz was Gomers son. Gomer was Japheth's son 1947 - Dead Sea Scrolls found - Book of Enoch 1948 - Israel becomes a nation again after 2000 years 1949 - Billy Graham starts his ministry in 1949 in LA (City of Angels) This all cannot be a "coincidence" I don't think. Reading the book of Enoch puts me to Jesus even more!
Thank you! That was a question my Husband had. It's Important to read to know what the days of Noah were like. Jesus said in Mathew 24 that as 5he days of Noah were, so would it be when he returns. I asked the Lord, what were the days of Noah like? If I am to be know, at least the time frame of your return.... then what were those days like? I believe he led me to the Book of Enoch. Reading it also helped me understand why he commanded the Children of Israel to kill all the people and the animals, when he sent them into certain battles. God Bless you!
please understand this ethiopia orthodox church is the corner stone of true chrstianty never been poisoned or updeated but other protestant and chatlic churvh does pls try to learn about ethiopian orthodox church you will be surprised more
2:31 what are you trying to say? So only one particular line is inspired; but not the other part of the book? And one last question why the follower of Jesus 1:48-1:51?
The farther say you must seek out his word, and when I heard this verse I thought back to when I was a kid and we played hide go seek. And it wasn’t easy to find the other kids .i say that because God’s word isn’t always easy to find and isn’t just in the holy bible because they have trying to destroy gods word for centuries but if you continue to seek you shall find , knock and the door 🚪 shall be opened.🙏🏾
Except the Orthodox Christian specially Coptic, Ethiopian & Eritrean Orthodox churches are still teaches the original Christianity believes. Moreover, the original Book of Enoch existed in Ethiopian written by Ge'ez language with its own scriptures or fonts. And still now it is in our Holy Bible. There exists a chapter for the book of Enoch.
What found in the Book of Enoch is esoteric specifically? Does anybody here know what exactly brother Dr. Brown is referencing? I know about the angel Phanuel who is said to be "set over the repentance unto hope of those who inherit eternal life". But is that the heftiest argument against the Book of Enoch's authenticity? Thanks
I've read most of the book of Enoch, I don't find anything that can be labeled as esoteric, in fact, most of the book o Enoch resemble many of the book or revelation, it goes very well hand to hand with Scriptures, it also describes the trip of Enoch when God took him.
The Book of Jude in the NT contains scripture derived from The Assumption/Ascension of Moses (v. 9-10) & the Book of Enoch (v. 14-15). It would be one thing if Jude had only included v. 14-15, but the Assumption/Ascension of Moses & the Book of Enoch were both Jewish Apocalyptic literature widely read before, during & even after Jude's passing among Jewish Christians, along with Paul's letters, etc. There was no unification then, for even in Rome, c. 160 ACE, the Muratorian Fragment shows that the Apocalypse of Peter, along with Paul's letters and other NT books, were read in Rome.
Phanuel/Penuel is the "Angel of His Presence/Face", in the Hebrew Torah. He wrestled with Jacob and gave Jacob the Name of the New Creation Man, "Israel", [Isaiah 49; Hosea 12:3-5; Revellation 3:12], as the sign of the adoption into that Nature/Spirit and Name, by the Spirit rebirth and by the flesh rebirth, that was to come.
The example of Saul and the witch is a one-off in the Bible. Saul had turned from God, and with Samuel dead, he now had no guidance in his leadership. The witch was already frightened because she knew Saul had issued a decree that all mediums be put to death. God was the one who brought forth Samuel and used him to tell Saul that he and his sons would be dead by the next day. And of course they were dead by the next day.
DR BROWN I look at it in the sense of by ENOCH speaking in the one person,i Saw the Angels told me,as he is speaking in first person, not what was Said. Just a perspective, what do you think about this?
I agree that it was not universally accepted scripture. However, it was considered scripture by more than a few of the early church fathers. Regardless, one thing is a fact: It was on the bookshelf of the apostles - literally. Perhaps it should be on our bookshelves too. Still better than Joel Osteen.
I found myself enjoying your presentation and agree with you. All things are of God. A careful reading in Apostle Peter’s epistle shows that he, as the head of the church, set in motion what writings would be the handed down to the church of God following his death. 2 Peter 1:12-21 ESV [12] Therefore I intend always to remind you of these qualities, though you know them and are established in the truth that you have. [13] I think it right, as long as I am in this body, to stir you up by way of reminder, [14] since I know that the putting off of my body will be soon, as our Lord Jesus Christ made clear to me. [15] And I will make every effort so that after my departure you may be able at any time to recall these things. [16] For we did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty. [17] For when he received honor and glory from God the Father, and the voice was borne to him by the Majestic Glory, "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased," [18] we ourselves heard this very voice borne from heaven, for we were with him on the holy mountain. [19] And we have the prophetic word more fully confirmed, to which you will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts, [20] knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone's own interpretation. [21] For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. The present cannon includes all the scriptures necessary to mature a man of God. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 KJVS [16] All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: [17] That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. I might also at this time point out that Apostle Peter endorsed Apostle Paul’s letters. 2 Peter 3:15-18 KJVS [15] And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you; [16] As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction. [17] Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness. [18] But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen. There are numerous heresies in the Christian world that mislead and confuse many, Eph 4:14, due to a lack of understanding the role grace plays in salvation.
Dr. Brown great videos, I am doing a research project on the 12 deciples and would like to ask u if you have any books or websites you would recommend to help me with information?
Why is this guy going out of his way to say that Enoch wasn't intended to be part of the Bible when it's fact that the book of Enoch is for the last generations and the elites of our pasts are doing the same thing they always do to keep what they feel is not good for us but what they really mean is it doesn't fit them..I'm reading the book of Enoch it's scares me to bits but I Wil say this if ever one wanted to get right with God this book will help you because the alternative is something we can't imagine until one read this book.I can't say enough on how important this book is to our spiritual growth. ..
In another video, you said that we don’t have the original book of Yashar and the one that exists today is a fake. So since we don’t have the original book of Enoch, is the one that exists today also a fake?
One of the greatest truths as it leads to higher truth and God. Much like the Flat Earth is a foundation for us, it also becomes a foundation for all truth.
@max marrero Exactly. We don't suffer eternally. God is fair, and isn't cruel. If we - Flawed Human Beings - understand that Eternal Hellfire is cruel. Then it only makes sense that him - Who made us in his image - would also understand that is a cruel and unjust punishment. Once I truly began to understand this, my trust and confidence in God skyrocketed. We will get through this, hope to see you all in the next life.
graham McColl you should look up the CEPHER it has all the original names and books, it’s basically what the Bible should look like. Or you can buy the books separately even though it ends up costing more.
Don't be afraid to find out for yourself, in fact we are told to examine everything. If you have the Holy Spirit with you, He will tell you if it's right or wrong. This goes for everything-DONT JUST BELIEVE OTHERS, "SEEK AND YE SHALL FIND". You'll know Him when you find Him 😉
Edit: and you'll find Him in His Word.
Got Your6 that was beautiful!!
Arturo Garcia thank you so much, I can't begin to explain how much your comment means to me, truly and humbly Thank You. God bless you.
Amen Got Your6. Well put. I am careful not to allow myself to be misled by religious literature . But as you say , a saved man has the discerning spirit of God , The Holy Spirit , that will always guide you to the truth. God bless you.
Great comment! Why is it though that it seems like the ones who examine everything and read the whole Bible often become atheists?
JoyStar - curious where you got this factoid that those who examine and read the whole Bible often become atheists, I have not heard that?
I’ve recently been born again as of a few weeks ago. Always believed in God and became a lukewarm Christian over time. I did shrooms, drank, but mostly smoked pot everyday. I look back and can’t believe how patient Jesus has been waiting for me (I’m 38). I have been saved by an angel or Jesus (not sure at the time) at least twice, but possibly 3 times. A voice told me to let off the gas pedal when I was going through an intersection, as soon as I did, a truck blew a stop sign that would have killed me. I also fell asleep at the wheel another time and WOKE up while driving sitting upright and very much positioned like a robot. I ended up on the other side of town somehow! Fell into a pool’s deep end as a child, somehow my mother knew to check on me and pulled me out. I had another experience where I was praying for a relative that was brutally murdered and burned alive years prior. I was HIT like a sledgehammer with unexplainable peace and joy. Instantly tears poured out of my eyes and I had the breath sucked out of me, totally winded. It was like I was experiencing the joy of heaven but my human body could not handle it! I also experienced an interaction with several demons in the basement of a psychic lady’s house who summoned them and spoke to them nightly. The fear and anger I felt as their eyes pierced my soul was like nothing of this earth......,over and over and over Jesus was calling me!!! I was too much of a fool to notice, even though I believed in Him! Last month, I heard a demon’s voice talk to me telepathically in my mind- “I hate you, I’ll kill you and tear your family apart.” With the most conviction in my soul I commanded that thing to leave my house in the name of Jesus Christ. Every room in the house I yelled at it. I felt our Lord blast through my house and beat those things down! Whoosh gone! I prayed and thanked him and repented for allowing them to get close to me. He talked to me telepathically asking me questions and made me feel the guilt of my sins. Lots of information as a sort of psychic download into my heart and mind simultaneously. Question 1: “After all I’ve done for you, what have you done for Me, and others?” Question 2: “Am I NOT enough for you?” Then, the weight of my sins lifted, it was incredible. Since that moment, I’ve had no desire to drink, smoke, blaspheme, masterbate, be angry, stressed out or sin at all. Wanting to share love with no other possible explanation. I notice the tiniest signs he puts in my path....I see them right away and chuckle, seeing He really does work in mysterious ways. I fully understand how to have a relationship with him and not need to physically see or hear our relationship. He is incredible people! Let him into your heart! I had felt in my soul the the extremes of joy and sorrow in my soul, through just some of my life experiences..... Feeling the presence of God and Satan deep inside through strange encounters. For that, I am blessed to KNOW Christianity is the truth, yet I STILL tried to not fully commit. He wants us all to repent and accept Him. He actually told me this! Don’t think you can sin all your life and God will be OK with it. He really will reward you if you follow with all your heart!!
I've been through almost the same as you. He saved my life as I was about to die twice from alcohol poisoning. He cured me miraculously as I prayed to him knowing I would die if I fell asleep. One minute I was so drunk about to die, I felt my heartbeat slowing down and not able to breathe, and after I prayed in an instant I was completely sober. The second time He gave me the strength to get up and walk to the restroom to throw up. I almost killed myself drunk driving when I fell asleep at the wheel, I broke my jaw. There was an image of Christ on the tree I hit. But the last opportunity He gave me was when I ended up in jail for DWI, He let me know that it was my last chance. I have also battled demons and felt their fear and anger, even seen them. And when my nephew passed away after I found him in his apartment dead from alcohol poisoning, I prayed to God to have mercy on him and to let me know if He was ok. A few hours later, I felt a peace come down on me and I knew. That peace helped me deal with his loss. God is so good to those He loves. We are His sheep.
I’ve been through the things you discussed this is Gods way of showing me hes still here
What an incredible testimony...yepp, Jesus surely does love u...keep in ur life always.
I love God’s word.I love God first because God first loved me.
Jesus Christ Yeshua is my Savior.❤️✝️❤️I’m baptized in The Holy Spirit.God is good.
Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.
I love God’s word.
@@ahskincare3150 Me too.
my favourite bible verse
Its odd Enoch was excluded from the 66 books even though he was one of few that God took to heaven without dying. He must have done something extremely right.
Exactly. It makes no sense to me that a book written by someone who was highly revered by God himself, so much so that God took him to heaven, isn’t included in the Bible.
Bear in mind that enoch lived on earth before the great flood. We don't know if there's a writing culture this time, if so who preserved the book, maybe Noah, Sam,Ham,Jafet?
@@goodnight8169 Well 1 thing is certainly true, Enoch did in-fact exist. And the conditions of his ascension are written about. However his books regarding the details of angels demons and giants have always been a hot topic. Id say the Jews would have more information considering a rabbi helped complete Enochs 3rd book in 500a.d. but we regular folk will never know.. it also makes me wonder if at this point multiple leaders gathered for information as the founding of the Islamic faith occured at about 500 a.d aswell.
@@goodnight8169 a few early books of old testament written by Moses inspired by the Holy Spirit of God so for me its enough to tell why we dont have extra book like enoch in the bible
@@jordy2850 the islamic faith came in the 7th century. Isn't 500Ad the 5th century
Enoch is a great book, you can learn very good things from it. BUT salvation is only through Jesus, so we better focus on the 4 Gospels and Jesus' commandments my brothers and sisters! God bless you all!
But the Lord said unto him, Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel: Acts 9:15
I found it odd.
InTruth who are you referring to?
@@sl4983 Hi LM..I was just using Jesus' words to remind Camilo that Paul wrote over half of the New Testament since his comment just happened to emphasize the very fractured view of the Hebrew-roots cultists who deny Paul's apostleship... It's called using the Sword of the Spirit to quote the bible confronting error: if Camilo is a Hebrew-roots cultist who rejects the authority of Paul's letters in the bible, then Jesus' words correct Camilo showing that he is wrong... if Camilo is _not_ a Hebrew-roots cultist, then Jesus' words in Acts should remind Camilo that Jesus spoke in places other than just the 4 gospels and honoring Jesus' commandments *_throughout the Scripture_* is very important.
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. (Mat 5:5) The elect shall possess light, joy and peace, and they shall inherit the earth. (Enoch 5:7 {6:9})
the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the son (John 5:22). the principal part of the judgment was assigned to him, the Son of man. (Enoch 69:27 {68:39})
shall inherit everlasting life (Mat. 19:29) those who will inherit eternal life (Enoch 40:9 {40:9})
"Wo unto you that are rich! for ye have received your consolation. (Luke 6:24) Woe to you who are rich, for in your riches have you trusted; but from your riches you shall be removed. (Enoch 94:8 {93:7}).
Ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. (Mat. 19:28) I will place each of them on a throne of glory (Enoch 108:12 {105:26})
Woe unto that man through whom the Son of man is betrayed! It had been good for that man if he had not been born. (Mat. 26:24) Where will the habitation of sinners be . . . who have rejected the Lord of spirits. It would have been better for them, had they never been born. (Enoch 38:2 {38:2})
between us and you there is a great gulf fixed. (Luke 16:26) by a chasm . . . [are] their souls are separated (Enoch 22: 9,11{22:10,12})
In my Father's house are many mansions (John 14:2) In that day shall the Elect One sit upon a throne of glory, and shall choose their conditions and countless habitations. (Enoch 45:3 {45:3})
that ye may be called the children of light (John 12:36) the good from the generation of light (Enoch 108:11 {105: 25})
the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life. (John 4:14) all the thirsty drank, and were filled with wisdom, having their habitation with the righteous, the elect, and the holy. (Enoch 48:1 {48:1})
It's amazing how my history teacher from high school said that there were missing books of the Bible. And it left me wondering why they weren't in it. But thanks to this video, it resolved that question that came up in my mind. Thanks Dr.Brown! :)
Manny Rivas read the comments
The Book of Enoch is definitely worth reading because the Bible and the Book of Enoch have so much together intertwined with each other I think the Book of Enoch 100% facts about Mankind's history.
And you just ignore all of the contradictions? remain ignorant or read the word of god.
I tend to disagree in my opinion the book of Enoch is very important when it comes to answering questions about fallen angels Lucifer etc and why they are condemned. As for me the information I gleaned about how esoteric practices and metaphysical religions came to be in fact makes me believe in Christ more than ever as I was always questioning how one religion could actually be The Right One (Christianity) when there were tons of Faith's as old or older than it ...but now that I have come to understand these practices were taught by fallen angels to humans I now get it. Hope that makes sense!
It's in the bible without the book of Enoch anyway.
@@Dazzwidd Enoch details explicitly what they’ve done
My Brother Christianity is not a religion in Bible, in the Bible people saved were called Disciples by Jesus, Gentiles called Believer Christians not Lord Jesus and I believe Believing in Jesus Christ is a relationship not religion. I hope it will help you Dear
That’s when Jesus said this are my brothers and mother the people that believe in God, and also the fist time believers or Disciples were called Christians was at Antioch at Acts 11:26 by the Unbelievers because they follow Christ, but Jesus called them Disciples please read Acts from Chapter 1
@@WaterWalkers01 Apostolic fathers do not agree lol
Many little things gain context in the New Testament after you've read 1 Enoch, I consider it a highly recommended supplemental reading. In addition it has one of the best explanations for the origin of demons: they are the disembodied spirits of the slain Nephilim (the children of fallen angels via mortal women). The fallen angels themselves are chained deep under the Earth until Judgement Day, which has very interesting parallels with several events in Revelation.
I would never suggest using extra-biblical writings to "gain context" on things in the Bible. As was mentioned in the video, "the book of Enoch" wasn't written by Enoch and didn't come about until around 2,000 years after God took Enoch off the earth.
I hear these guys say this all of the time. If it didn't have a "divine stamp" on it, then why would Jud quote from it. Why quote from a book and call Enoch a prophet, if it is not inspired. The Bible says All scripture is inspired by the Holy Spirit, so if the Holy Spirit led Jud to quote Enoch, it is very safe to say the book is inspired as well. All throughout the new testament they quote from the prophets and the Law and all of those are considered inspired, so why then not the Book of Enoch. It just doesn't make any common sense that a disciple of Jesus would quote from a book of which he calls Enoch a prophet and then later say it's not inspired. The main issue IMHO, is that you guys don't aspire to the whole Nephillum thing, which is already stated in Genesis 6 and were called Sons of God.
Gospel Musicians He explained this in the video. Paul even quoted the greeks to make points. Nothing the greeks wrote was scripture. So that's not an argument.
Swan Kelly definitely not the same thing. Jud called Enoch a Prophet! That is not the same thing as quoting from Greeks. He called Enoch a prophet. That means the prophecies are inspired by the Holy Spirit, if a disciple and brother of Jesus called him a prophet, then the book of Einoch’s prophecies are more than tales.
Gospel Musicians well the book of Maccabees is quoted but it doesn't mean that it's part of the Divine Cannon it may have some historical relevance to it I feel a tad suspicious of the Book of Enoch it seems always revolve around people who wanted well into something that maybe they are pretty much leave it alone but the book of Jobe does mention it so that's a tough call but we have plenty in the 66 books in the Canon and I mention Maccabees it teaches the doctrine of purgatory which is obviously quite unbiblical so there you
Merita Smith Actually the first and second Books of Maccabees IS part of the Catholic Bible, as are the books of Wisdom, Sirach, Baruch, Judith, and Tobit. These books always were included in the Canon of Holy Scripture because they, along with all of the other Old Testament books, were in the Greek Septuagint, which was basically a standardized Greek compilation of the Torah. It wasn’t until the Protestant Reformation that these books were removed. The reasons why they were removed varied, but it was mostly because the Protestants disagreed with some ideas contained in the ancient texts.
For example, in the second Book of Maccabees it mentions the ancient rite of praying for the dead, which Protestants reject but Jews and Catholics still believe. Also Protestants do not believe that Confirmation, Matrimony, Holy Orders, Reconciliation, or Anointing of the Sick are Sacraments, so anything that lifts any of these rites to the level of a Sacrament had to be omitted. As a matter of fact, Martin Luther himself wanted to remove the Book of James because of the verse,” Faith without works is dead”, but he let it remain. I say this with all humility and not in arrogance because I was a Lutheran for 22 years, but after much study and contemplation I came to realize that Catholicism is the true Faith.
I do agree that there are certainly good reasons for the Book of Enoch being omitted from the holy Canon, although we do not know what the reasons are, we can trust that God Himself acted, through the Holy Spirit, during the Council of Nicaea to establish our Holy Canon for posterity.
Anyway, please know that I say these things not to prove anyone wrong, but only to help dispel a lot of the myths surrounding my Faith. I am willing to answer any other questions you may have, and may our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ bestow great blessings upon you and your family now and forever!
Gospel Musicians I heard from a friend who researched about it ... He said the book of Enoch consists of really crazy things from Nephelms (I hope I spelt it right) who were seen as like Demi Gods /fallen angels... The reason for this book to be removed from bible is cause of this reason. Does anyone of you have a genuine copy of the book of Enoch am eager too, from what I also understand Enoch walked with God and hence God did much more mighty things with him than Moses or Elijah
1Enoch (which contains parts of the book of Noah)The book of 1Enoch is actually 5 books in one, rediscovered in 1773 in Ethiopia. It has more and greater influence than all of the Apocryphal and Pseudepigraphal books put together on the New Testament of the bible. JUDE 14-15 Quotes 1Enoch 1:9-Plus the book of Dan. 7 :9-10,13-14 =1Enoch 14:20,41:1,46:1-5,48:3,71:8, Psalms 114:4,6,=1Enoch 51:4, Rev 21:1 =1Enoch 91:16, John 4:14=1Enoch48:1, Matt 5:5=1Enoch 5:7, John5:22=1Enoch 69:27, Matt19:29=1Enoch 40:9, Luke 6:24=1Enoch 94:8, Matt 19:28= 1Enoch 108:12, Matt 26:24=1Enoch 22:9,11, John 14:2=1Enoch 45:3, - Etc.- plus over 100 other New testament verses allude to what 1ENOCH says. Many Christians today and in the past consider it holy scripture and over 40 million Ethiopian Christians have it in their bible. The Coptic church of Alexandria has 1Enoch in their bible also. Church father Tertullian believed the book of Enoch or parts of it came off of Noahs Ark. Justin martyr, Clement of Alexandria, Origen, Irenaeus, Atanasius, Athenagoras, Commodianus, Lactantius, Methodius of Phillipi, Minucius Felix, Cyprian, Cassian, Ambrose, Nicephorus Augustine, Bishop of Lyons, Tatian,-All sanctioned the book of 1 Enoch. most called it scripture. Josephus-Philo-Eusebius also believed in its fallen angel ideas of 1Enoch. The writers of the Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs, the Epistle of Barnabas, the book of Jubilees, The Zohar, Bin Gorian Sage and different books in the dead sea scrolls, Quote or talk about the book of 1Enoch It contains Prophecies of the Son of man,
Jesus ,-final judgment,-Resurrection, messianic kingdom ,New Heaven and Earth, Fallen angels, the flood, End times, etc.
There is an old book from 1853 called Babylon and Nineveh [Austen Henry Layard] in the book they found ancient pottery
with the names of angel's found only in the book of 1Enoch- during excavation. If true making it one of the oldest books in the world-instead of the 400-200BC DATE. More copies of it are found in the dead sea scrolls then any other book except Genesis and Psalms. Showing that the Jewish people of Qumran, felt that the book of 1Enoch as important scripture. Some scholars today think Parts of the book of 1Enoch are older then are book of Genesis. The Jews rejected it in 90AD at the Counsil of Jamnia, because it for told about the Son of man coming [Jesus](church fathers Tertullian, clement of Alexandria, Irenaeus and Athenagoras all told us that the Jews rejected the book of 1Enoch because it for told the coming of Jesus.) And the early Catholic church rejected it because of its fallen angel ideas could not be dealt with
1Enoch 48:2 (R H Charles) And at that hour that Son of Man (Jesus) was named In the presence of the Lord of spirits (Holy Spirit), And his name before the Head of Days. (Father God) 1Enoch48:2(Laurence) In that hour this Son of Man (Jesus) invoked before the Lord of Spirits (holy spirit), and his name in the presence of the Ancient of Days. (Father God) Eusebius , CHRON I, III, in patrol , Graec, XIX, 115f- Noah was ordered in his day "to inscribe in writings the beginning, middle and end of everything and to bury the records in the city Sippar" In the dead sea scrolls (1 QapGen) it says that Abraham read to them the words[ book] of Enoch, then in 4Q559 it says that Abraham ----He gave to Levi the book of the Words of Enoch[to preserve and pass on to his own
ALL recorded history about things BEFORE the Great Flood had to have been carried on the Ark with Noah. Who could have known the story of creation to the Flood, the geneology from Adam to Noah, etc., except from what records Noah and his sons were able to bring on the Ark and any wrtiting he did himself? Who told Moses the story of creation, the fall, etc.??? God? An angel? The Bible doesn't say. The records had to have been passed down from Noah. Just saying...
The book of Enoch was intended to be in the Bible just like Ezekiel's accounts in heaven. It's only that the devil used people to uninclude because it has alot of wisdom inside it.
I read the book of Enoch, and i learn a lot from it. Specially about how the fallen angels tempt the true human beings away from the nature God intended human beings to be created.
Yes I learned from The book of Enoch.❤️✝️❤️I believe they are true what I read.Enoch was special.Demons are at work on the earth .Jesus (Yeshua)cast out a lot of demons for a reason.They even talked to him and asked for mercy.Scripture also says basically we are fighting against spiritual forces in high places ,not flesh , and blood but the rulers of this world in a way, who I believe are apparently fallen angels who influence men and women badly.God is good.
Just started reading the book of Enoch and it's an amazing book.A lot of Revelations inside.
My personal opinion is that because Jesus [Yeshua] chastised the scribes, prophetically, we cannot always go by scribal authority. In other words, just because we have fragments that have been compiled and we don’t have an intact original, this doesn’t necessarily mean that God never intended the BofE to be included in the canon. Look how many years elapsed before the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls? And also the fact that Jesus warned against people adding to or taking away from the scrolls indicates that this could have happened to Enoch’s writings.
The real reason Enoch was excluded, even though it and Jubilees is in the Ethiopian canon, is because Satan wants people ignorant of what really happened as well as the actual calendar the Creator established.
David Gooley so Satan is stronger than god ? God couldn’t preserve his word ??
phil g are you one of these KJV Onlyists who rely on a translation based from a corrupt source of the Hebrew known as the Masoretic Text?
See how easy it is to judge someone based on assumption? Next time you write an asinine comment, try putting aside your bias.
@@baptic2 God has preserved his word, but also It's not properly preserved in 200 bible translations. He has preserved it, perfectly as he said he would, and its in one.
@@davidgooley8940 I am a staunch believer in the Authorised Version.
Say as you will about it, allege it's corruption, but we know that Satan will cast doubt on God's word as he has done since the garden.
The Authorised Version has been the impetus behind every major revival in the last 100 or more years, it has the anointing of God upon it.
Mark 16:20 "And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen."
Dazzwidd you say Authorized Version, but that’s incomplete as a label. It was authorized by a king who defected from the Roman Catholic Church because they wouldn’t sanction his marriage. Furthermore, the source material that was used was actually in part the Tyndale translation as a foundation. When you look at the Masoretic Text that was supposedly used for its development, there were a few errors within that text, such as a missing line from Psalm 145 and the missing text regarding the blind receiving their sight from Isaiah 61. Then there are the errors the translators made including making beetles a clean meat insect or giving a masculine pronoun to the feminine word menorah. While the KJV is an overall decent translation, it is inferior when compared to texts such as the Septuagint that was based from an older Hebrew source.
It sounds like you are one of these KJV onlyists that have elevated the status of the translation into an idol. If you believe Gail Riplinger is an authority on translations, you would have shown me everything I need to know about you.
Paul never quoted a poet as a prophecy from the Lord. The fact that Jude references Enoch to establish prophetic doctrine of things to come, shows that it was esteemed to be an authoritative work intended to establish doctrine from the Lord.
I totally agree with you! I think that when Enoch first wrote it, it was totally inspired and 100% true, but what this video is saying is that the book of Enoch that we have today has had things added to it by other sources and there's no way to confirm that what we have today is the same thing that it was when Enoch wrote it.
The book of Enoch confirms that fallen angels had sexual relations with women, including Eve (ch 68)....proving there is a literal physical seed of Satan ala Genesis 3:15, Matthew 13, 23, & John 8 on the earth, and the NWO can't have people knowing that.
@@doxholiday1372 book of enoch is false mixed with truth
@@doxholiday1372 That's clear from the bible anyway. The flood in noahs day had to occur to wipe the giants out that came from it. Satans goal was to Corrupt the bloodline so that Jesus couldn't come.
Judge never quotes from anything about the Book of Enoch that's wrong either. The quotes are very selective, and the Jews didn't even consider it inspired as it wasn't part of the canon. Not sure where you get "authoritative" from. The choice quotes indicate that it was viewed more like a commentary.
If revelation is in the Bible the Enoch can be in it.
1945 - WW2 ends with Germany (GOMER) & the NAZI's
- Ashkenazi Jews. Ashkenaz was Gomers son. Gomer was Japheth's son
1947 - Dead Sea Scrolls found - Book of Enoch
1948 - Israel becomes a nation again after 2000 years
1949 - Billy Graham starts his ministry in 1949 in LA (City of Angels)
This all cannot be a "coincidence" I don't think.
The book of Enoch was not written by the actual Enoch the seventh from Adam. Evidence suggests that the book of Enoch was written somewhere around the same time the Apocrypha a books were written, Jesus never quoted from The book of Enoch, the apostles didn't quoted from The book of Enoch either. Some could argue "Jude quoted from The book of Enoch 1:9", however what is written in Jude 1:17 it's way different than what is written in the book of Enoch there's a great possibility that Jude was not quoting from The book of Enoch, but probably he was quoting what was orally handed down from prophet Enoch.
the Ethiopian bible still has the book of Enoch in Ethiopia
Interestingly Ethiopia was also never colonized.....besides Eritrea.
Don't they include every book in their Library?
@@johnplain1546 they were colonized till 1847 they defeated the Italians.
@@rizikimichelle5885 Go back and do your research again occupied and colonized means two different things. Ethiopia has never been til this day.
@Pink Velvet That’s interesting. What other books have been removed from the Bible besides Enoch?
ETHIOPIA , poor but rich , original GOD'S PP
Isnt ethipioa, eritrea, and egypt the only ones that have enoch in the canon
@@yeshuamattatron5745 what canon ?
@@TKO67 wym the Ethiopian canon of the bible
@@yeshuamattatron5745 the catholic church also includes that i believe. The question is when was it added
@@TKO67 Catholics don't have it. The only traditions that do are in africa: Ethiopia n Eritrea.
The better question is when was it considered not canon. Because the early church, the period before any established canons appeared to have considered it reliable in some way in many community. Irenaeus is a pretty popular early church father noted for his work against heretical doctrine. And he n many others for some reason didn't consider it a heresy. There are other examples that can be elaborated on n many other early fathers to name (by early church I don't mean catholic church)
The writer of Genesis only mentioned Enoch in 1 verse, probably because his story could be found in his book. We have no proof that Enoch actually wrote it, but we have evidence. You can’t always have hard proof for everything. The prophecies in Enoch are amazing and have been coming true to this day. There’s no way that someone else wrote them.
Just started reading the book of Enoch.Its an amazing book.Even Psalms wasn't entirely written by David.
It’s good to know that such a perfect and all-knowing being created all of this confusion in such a perfect way. It’s all just so perfect. I am certain there was no more of a perfect way to spread the message of being saved from his perfect plan in such a perfect way! It’s all just so perfect. Did I mention?
Here's what I understand. Enoch is a good historical document that possibly gives us deeper insight to the nephilim and other stuff. But should not be held as scripture because there are many contradictions in it. And the Holy Word Of God has no contradictions.
I have not found any contradictions in it.
@@dendanskehelt4296 wow.. really? lol there are major contradictions.
@@wanderingoutlaw2083 The only one people have found is Methuselah speaking to Enoch. They say he couldn't possibly do so since Enoch died before NOahs birth. However, Enoch never died. He was taken, but he never died, so Methuselah could speak to him.
Yeah I agree.
@@dendanskehelt4296 God also says the wages of sin are death. No man Is without sin yet enoch went to heaven without dying? That's a contradiction of God's word right there.
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. (Mat 5:5) The elect shall possess light, joy and peace, and they shall inherit the earth. (Enoch 5:7 {6:9})
the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the son (John 5:22). the principal part of the judgment was assigned to him, the Son of man. (Enoch 69:27 {68:39})
shall inherit everlasting life (Mat. 19:29) those who will inherit eternal life (Enoch 40:9 {40:9})
"Wo unto you that are rich! for ye have received your consolation. (Luke 6:24) Woe to you who are rich, for in your riches have you trusted; but from your riches you shall be removed. (Enoch 94:8 {93:7}).
Ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. (Mat. 19:28) I will place each of them on a throne of glory (Enoch 108:12 {105:26})
Woe unto that man through whom the Son of man is betrayed! It had been good for that man if he had not been born. (Mat. 26:24) Where will the habitation of sinners be . . . who have rejected the Lord of spirits. It would have been better for them, had they never been born. (Enoch 38:2 {38:2})
between us and you there is a great gulf fixed. (Luke 16:26) by a chasm . . . [are] their
souls are separated (Enoch 22: 9,11{22:10,12})
In my Father's house are many mansions (John 14:2) In that day shall the Elect One sit
upon a throne of glory, and shall choose their conditions and countless habitations. (Enoch 45:3 {45:3})
that ye may be called the children of light (John 12:36) the good from the generation of light (Enoch 108:11 {105: 25})
the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life. (John 4:14) all the thirsty drank, and were filled with wisdom, having their habitation with the righteous, the elect, and the holy. (Enoch 48:1 {48:1})
Great parallels! Thanks for the comment.
Great reference, very helpfull!!! ... 🙂🙂🙂
Where can I get the book of Enoch ?
Aaron Haskins I like your Templar shield.
Thumbs UP!
The book of Enoch is for the last generation of man... The esoteric that is involved with that book is pertinent to the evil that will reveal itself in the end times.... Trust me if you are a Bible believing Christian this book is a must read... It is inspired by God and it was written by one of the holiest men to ever exist... Enoch was even taken up to heaven on chariots of fire... You must listen to his words with an open mind to understand the teachings and cross reference them with biblical doctrine, but there is truth inside that book.
So are you saying that your confident the book was written by Enoch (the one mentioned in canon)?
Grant Schuchmann Possible I don't know... I guess we'll find out
Yep, I am. Jude said it was written by "Enoch the prophet the seventh from Adam", when he quoted him. James and Jude, womb brothers of Jesus the Messiah, both quoted from Enoch. Paul did, too, and Jesus did, plus many, many, many more. Revelation is strongly based on the revelation to come of the Son of Man that Enoch wrote of, first.
Free Your Mind Salam....this book never explained Jesus(Pbuh) as God...neither in your's explained a connection of faith or a test of faith between the Creator Allah Swt and his faithful servants...and also predict the advent of last holy massenger or holy spirit Muhammad(Saw).....i never read any statement in this book telling me about an original sin....
Yeshuasavedme No, Jude did not say "written".
I heard the Jews took it out because of how strongly it prophesied Jesus to be the Messiah.
True it's not include in the Canon .but from my trials and triblulasions biegn born again 30 years ago . coming across this book it gave me more understanding .and closer to God
God didn't create canon, Catholics did. The early believers studied this book, trusted it, and even quoted it. Don't let fear of man keep you from the blessing that is in these scriptures.
Maranatha Lord Jesus!
1945 - WW2 ends with Germany (GOMER) & the NAZI's
- Ashkenazi Jews. Ashkenaz was Gomers son. Gomer was Japheth's son
1947 - Dead Sea Scrolls found - Book of Enoch
1948 - Israel becomes a nation again after 2000 years
1949 - Billy Graham starts his ministry in 1949 in LA (City of Angels)
This all cannot be a "coincidence" I don't think.
The name "Jesus" is unfortunately a deception. The Father's name is YAHUAH יהוה. The name of the Son contains the name of the Father: he is called YAHUSHA יהושע which means "Yahuah is salvation" in Hebrew. YAHU is short for Yahuah and SHA שע means salvation.
Contains יהוה (H3068) and ישע (H3467)
@@Dani.al2020 I wouldn't say "Jesus" is a deception. It's just a translation of his name over languages. Which of could easily attribute to the Tower of Babel when God confused languages so that "nothing will be impossible for them." Jesus, Yeshua, etc etc....changing the name or translating to another language doesn't change who God, Jesus or they are.
And of course "Christ" is is title. Not his surname.
I like to call him Master J most days. But that's just me!
@@FrankAndSenseDSM The whole world is under the power of the evil one. Yes there are many languages, but think about it: why translate this name, which has power and meaning?
@@Dani.al2020 I saw that connection the other day as well. Jesus - Zeus. Spanish version of Jesus sounds like “Hey Zeus”. Maybe God is SOO awesome he is ising you & me now to show ppl this connection. Like, “Holy moly. God is turning it around on the devil again by showing is even a translation of Jesus’s name is pointing out a false Pagan god of Zeus.” Just because Jesus’s name looks or sounds like Zeus in a different language… Does it mean it automatically promotes it. To those who are wise… and willing to share that information or fact for the right reasons (you & me)… this could be another way to prove that the Bible is the one & only. 💪 🙏
Very Good. Also the book of Enoch could not be any clearer on this. It actually says "this book is not for everyone." as for esoteric? most of the major satanic churches and organised practice groups that Christians would call satanic have the book of Enoch as a part of their required or recommended readings. There is nothing in there that we need to focus on to have a full life with Christ but it is very interesting and feels like the truth to me.
That's weird that it's used by them. Why do you think that is?
@@JMarie-th8xe because it shows them that they can have power on the earth now in this life. They know they are worshiping Gods enemies and they are ok with that. It gives a plausible reason for most of the beasts and gods of mythology in past civilisations as being real at one point. It shows the gods with a power over something we’re just bad angels. Helps them have faith in what they are doing.
i think the wicked removed the book because they are scared of the truth😌
Amory R amen me to I think they where scared cause of what it says about there judgement and they don't want people to see the truth
REVELATION tells you ALL you need to know about end times. AND the book of ENOCH plays NO PART in your faith or acceptance of Jesus Christ as your LORD and SAVIOR or your SALVATION. Are you doing what God said to do? Do you share the gospel with people?Because that's our only "job"
Mark Tillotson exactly.
The Revelation of Jesus the Messiah is the revelation totally built upon the foundation laid in the Book of Enoch the prophet, the seventh from Adam, and his seeing of Him; who saw Him as God, who was "hidden in God, who was with God, and who was God, and who was to come" -and is come and is returning".
The book of Enoch is in the past. It's an acrophyca writting. It teaches things that are not true and historycly accurate. The book teaches it rained before the flood. That contradicts Genesis 2:5,6. It teaches honoring and worshiping angels instead of God. That contradicts Revelation 22:8-9. The book of Enoch says that the fallen agels will stay in the earth for sll eternity. That contradicts Revelation 21:2-9. And it tesches enochian magic. If its not God's power causing that, then you know whos it it. Praise God the almighty!
VERY GOOD explaination. Thanks for posting this video. I have found the Book of Enoch 1 to be of great help in understanding what took place BEFORE the Great Flood causing God to decide to destroy all creation except Noah and his family. Genesis is very vague on that time period. Understanding where giants came from, how ancient monoliths could have been made, why ancient drawings of human/beast images, etc. Thought not neccessary for general biblical understanding, it does help to sense the heart of God for the need to destroy most of created life.
Touche' yes so it probably was ment to be ready and studied in one way or another. but they r 50 or more books that never made in bible.. that was mainly because Roman wanted the glory to be and act like gods.. still today if people open they eyes.. they took out books that's talk about having ur own relations with god.. romans said hell no the people can't think like this then be no need for popes and priest.. opps there goes there gold rich lifestyles. I'm so glad that a lot of people know Jesus and god thur their own under standing for what they did allow in the bible teaches us to call on his name and he is there.. it dont say go to the pope and ask forgiveness.. awaking is happening all around the world I love it people r finally seeing the truth about the Roman empire man they did some horrible things research it.. god will forgive if they change and do what's right before its to late.. change bk the Sabbath for that is gods law..stop saying father God.. stop drinking real wine and allow all members to drink of the kind they did in bible.. bible says they will change laws and times.. wake up world. wake up wake up.. Jesus about to roll on out them clouds I can't wait I love to Jesus
@@LSV.Delight It doesn't. The bible and Enoch are both geocentric.
@@Volleyball_Chess_and_Geoguessr you need to study more my dear. Plus, the Book of Enoch clearly contradicts the Bible.
I've often wondered why the Book of Enoch is in the oldest bible in the world and nowhere else. The Ethiopian Bible. Why is that significant? Phillip baptized an Ethiopian Eunuch. Apostle Matthew was martyred in Ethiopia. In Ezekiel 38...the land of Cush is commonly known as Ethiopia. Plus....the Dead Sea Scrolls were found 2 year after WW2 ended in 1945 (Germany -or- GOMER & the Nazis...Ashkenazi Jews....ASHKENAZ was the son of Gomer and grandson of Japheth). 1947 - Dead Sea Scrolls. 1948 - Israel becomes a nation again. 1949 - Billy Graham starts his ministry in LA (city of Angels)...also, radio carbon dating was coined which started the "Evolution" movement within schools. It's now 77 years later from that time. ENOCH was (1) of two people never to have to die on this Earth. The other was Elijah. Are they the two witnesses in Revelation? The Book of Enoch is highly apocalyptic and even gives the names of the angels cast into the darkness of the Earth. Maybe the angels released during Revelation? Plus...JUDE (the last book before Revelation & Jesus's brother) mentions Enoch as one who prophesied about the end times. I am new to all of this but I don't think GOD reveals everything to us. Maybe The Book of Enoch and the Dead Sea Scrolls were with held from us for reason, for the proper time. Or maybe not. But either way....when I read the Book of Enoch, it doesn't lead me away from God or points me directly to them. Just saying!
YAH bless you!
@@Dani.al2020 Frank you very much! Bless you too!
Truth will remain truth even if you don't like it. Truth will stand... Truth will privail.
Thank you Dr brown for clarifying!!
Dr Brown I'm interested in studying The Bible and Hebrew like you. What schools do you recommend?
The Bible says that those who take out or add God will take out of the book of Life. There’s also the Book of Jasher spoken in 2Samuel 1:18, 2Timothy 3:8, Joshua 10:13, it tells us to study it.
You say that God never intended for it to be in the bible. Then my question to you would be who decided what books had the divine stamps. It's a part of Ethiopian canon and the Catholics have books that aren't in the KJV. Man put what he felt was important at the time, remember it was disagreements of interpretations and views that sprung forth different denominations. So if the KJV is correct why did the correction come at that time and not earlier so everyone will be on the same accord.
Although the scriptures say they are God Breathed, man still has/had the ability to do whatever MAN wants to do, regardless. What is in the Bible is God Breathed, but so is what’s been left out, BY MEN!
2 Timothy 3:16-17 "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works."
See what it says, it's given by inspiration, but not necessarily inspired of God.
Some is there to show you something, but not to directly quote for doctrine.
Ecclesiastes for instance is the word of the preacher, that's why it has that name
I guess I'm having trouble squaring the fact that the Holy Spirit would inspire Jude to quote Enoch if He didn't inspire that writing. It seems like sometimes we act as if the New Testament writers aren't inspired, rather just choosing what to write. We should definitely clear this up.
Men decided not to put Enoch book in the bible not the Lord. Everything was revealed to him for us to know. Enoch book talked a lot obout fallen angels and darkness. This is the reason why the devil use mankind not to include Enoch in the bible cause satan the devil do not want us to know about spirits and dimension .
1945 - WW2 ends with Germany (GOMER) & the NAZI's
- Ashkenazi Jews. Ashkenaz was Gomers son. Gomer was Japheth's son
1947 - Dead Sea Scrolls found - Book of Enoch
1948 - Israel becomes a nation again after 2000 years
1949 - Billy Graham starts his ministry in 1949 in LA (City of Angels)
This all cannot be a "coincidence" I don't think.
What's crazy is that the opening paragraph of the book of Enoch says it's not for back then But for, "BUT NOT FOR THIS GENERATION, BUT FOR A REMOTE ONE WHICH IS FOR TO COME."
Sorry about the caps but it was already in caps I just copied and pasted....being lazy.
So in a sense it was deliberately left out on purpose, possibly by God himself?
Personally I really was astounded by the info in the book of Enoch.
Everyone should either listen to it or read it. Huge wake up call.
Why are you more moved by Enoch than you are by the Bible
I know I’m late to this video but I just want to say thank you so much for this explanation
Sounds like a sensible explanation of it's exclusion. Doesn't mean that anyone is trying to hide or deny anything. There has to be certain concrete criteria for the acceptance of certain writings as canon, purely in the interest of accuracy and authenticity. It doesn't mean it's forbidden, although I'm sure many have gone overboard with their pretense of holiness based on fear and a desire to control, and did just that, further adding to the mythology surrounding it. An education regarding its travel through history, as seems to be communicated here, which distinguishes it from accepted canon, is simply in order before approaching it. No big whoop.
I am not disputing it should not be part of canon, however I didn't hear an answer to the original question. I heard that it is not part of the canon because God did not intend for it to be. But that part wasn't explained, how do we know God did not intend it to be such? Perhaps there was an assumption I missed or maybe I was listening with blinders on :P
Logan Ginger the reason being we don't have a complete manuscript in its original language.
Logan Ginger that's what dr brown said.
Logan Ginger I think we're he is coming from I think he means if God wanted it to be in the Canon he would not allow man to not add it cause god has a plan for everything and mayb man not adding it is part of a bigger plan
Frank Sui Music - that is correct .The other books of the Bible we have many copies of the scriptures all reading the same.Enoch had variations not just (for example) changes in vocabulary like the Old King James and the New American Standard. BUT VARIATIONS in the actual "story" IF a book is GOD BREATHED it would NOT change the story.The vocabulary MAYBE but not the particulars.specifically. This is what shows Mormonism as a false religion the SECOND transcript was DIFFERENT from the first one dictated to his associate who wrote them down. Whats the first sign of fraud ? Completely different "only" revelations from God ONE must be right and ONE must be wrong. NOW in our OWN Bible there are many things often cited as "errors" MOST however have proven to be errors in understanding usually caused by cherry picking verses or not understanding the culture and times they were first written.
The book of Enoch does not have variations as you say. The Ethiopian Enoch agrees with the 36 different copies of fragments of the Book of Enoch found in the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Essenes [sons of Zadok] studied it as "sacred Scripture".
The only portion missing from the Dead Sea Scrolls [I suspect from Bias of the Essenes against Yeshua the Messiah being come in flesh in the first century], and that portion is proven true from other sections in the Book of Enoch....can't take it all out just cause you don't like Yeshua having come and who is the Son of Man in heaven come in New creation human being flesh.
The church of Ethiopia has that book as part of their Bible.
How do you know God never intended for that book to be part of the Cannon?
Who decided which books were included and which ones don’t?
As you know the Bible used by the Catholic church contains more books than the Bible use by Protestants. Did God intend for Catholics to have more books in their Bible?
This is beyond a simple comment of saying God didn’t intend this book or that book to be part of the cannon. 😶😐😐
Leviticus and Exodus says there would be 66 books in the bible thousand of years before the scriptures were translated into the bible.
On the table of shewbread there are 12 unleavened breads arranged in two rows of 6.
6 on the left and 6 on the right. 6 -6 = 66 books.
Unleavened Bread is TRUTH. Yahshua said: "I am the bread of life".
The Lampstand has 7 branches. On each branch there are 3 blossoms, 3 buds and 3 fruits. a total of 9.
9 X 6 branches = 54. On the middle branch there are 4 blossoms, 4 buds and 4 fruits. 4 + 4 + 4 = 12.
54 + 12 = 66.
The lampstand is LIGHT. Light is TRUTH. Yahshua said: "I am the LIGHT of the world". Yahshua is the vine, we are the branches.
Yahshua is THE LIGHT in Genesis 1:3.
The OLD covenant has 39 books. the 3 branches on the left = 27 + 12 of the middle branch= 39.
The NEW covenant has 27 books. The 3 branches on the right = 27.
All that the SAINTS need to know is written in the scriptures. ALL. Amos 3:7
May Yahweh bless you.
Reading this was like those illuminati conspiracy videos. By gosh
Sounds like a lot of lazy numerology that doesn't add up
Lol religious freak
What about the Book of Baruch and the Book of Jasher? Both are referenced and mentioned in the Canon. Why were they removed? If they removed these too books, then I cannot trust that the other books were NOT supposed to be included, thus, I cannot trust that the Canon is complete.
Wasn't it found with the Dead Sea scrolls? I'd think that would give it more validity.
The DSS contain much popular Jewish literature besides the Bible. Enoch is not scripture but was a popular book at the time.
@Stock Raising Paul quoted pagan poets. Does that mean they are scripture? Don't think so.
@Stock Raising Jesus never quoted from Enoch. Jude did not quote Enoch as scripture.
Do you not realize that Enoch contains much heretical teaching? It even states that Enoch is the Messiah! As long as your using an accurate translation of the Ethiopic. Also, the Book of Enoch had a clear history of editing. The Son of Man portions were not added until after the writing of the New Testament.
@Stock Raising It's true that Jude said that Enoch prophesied. But he doesn't quote from the Book of Enoch as scripture. Paul said in Titus: "One of Crete’s own prophets has said it: 'Cretans are always liars, evil brutes, lazy gluttons'."
Paul calls this pagan poet a "prophet". Does that mean his works are inspired scripture? Of course not!
@Stock Raising Again, the Son of Man sections of Enoch supposedly about Jesus were written AFTER the New Testament, and also claim that Enoch himself is Messiah.
Tell me which verse from Enoch against Other books of the Bible, can you show one?
the book of enoch is for the last days.
It’s starting to come up more and more for younger Christians. Maybe the end of times are near.
The last days was the end of the Jewish age before 70ad.
@@Ashley-rf6ex the end of the world, was the end of the mosaic covenant age. Enoch is a dish rag and goes hand in hand with gnosticism and kabballah
@@Ashley-rf6ex my opinion on what the rag of enoch? When you compare it to the bible it shows its true colours. Like when did Enoch get taken up? 365 years or 500 years.
People havd been led astray by shills on you tube like Rob skiba and the thousands of book of enoch pushers. You need to ask yourself why does you tube who is run by the elites who are Satan's puppets want everyone to believe the book of Enoch is legit. What's their end game.
Anyway Satan's time is nearly up. His short season can't last forever. He's having fun before the lake of fire.
@@Ashley-rf6ex watch my book of enoch is fake playlist. Its got the jesuits hand marks all ovrr
Thank you, Dr. Brown!
The word Nephilim appears Twice in the Bible depending on the translation first in Genesis 6:4 used in a position of worship and adoration (to fall, lie prostrate, and cast down) and then Numbers 13: 33 as Bullies and Tyrants. There are TWO uses for the word Nephilim (OT Hebrew). Just like the word Love (NT GREEK) can be used as Agape, Eros, Philia, and Storge.
The word Nephilim is a Hebrew word, when translated in English it means Giant.
Strong's Concordance for Nephilim is H5303 and is derived from the word Nephal is H5307.
Nephilim definition is "giants," name of two peoples, one before the flood and one after the flood.
Nephilim, a Hebrew word meaning 'those who have fallen' or 'the fallen ones', translated into Greek as gigantez, gigantes, or 'giants'
Looking at the Genesis account of the Giants/Nephilim
With using both Hebrew and Greek there is more than one meaning or use of the words nephilim and giants. There is a DOUBLE meaning, because of Hebrew and Greek.
Nephilim, a Hebrew word meaning 'those who have fallen' or 'the fallen ones', translated into Greek as gigantez, gigantes, or 'giants'.
Strong's Concordance for Nephilim is H5303 and is derived from the word Nephal is H5307. Nephal is to fall, lie or cast down.
Using the Hebrew word Naphal which you get the Hebrew word Nephilim.
Job 1: 20 "Then Job arose, tore his robe, and shaved his head; and he FELL to the ground and worshiped."
The word "FELL" in Job 1: 20 when translated to Hebrew is the word Naphal.
Hebrew use is the Nephilim would fall (Naphal) to the ground like Job 1: 20 mentions, so it would be in a state of worship, probably on their knees. In Genesis 6:4 the Nephilim are in a position of worship or falling to the ground and worshiping, The Nephilim is a word that describes Genesis 5 who are the faithful, they would fall to the ground in a state of worship while presenting the animal sacrifice/Burnt offering. Man has twisted the meaning of the word and changed the meaning of the word "Nephilim" to some a giant form of hybrid. That is how deception works and many are mislead and deceived. By twisting and changing the word Nephilim which is a state of worship towards God, it is now a word that takes away the worship to God and how man worshiped and was presented before God in that day or time period.
What Man has done is remove what God says about years in verse 3 and ignore the giant life spans mentioned in Genesis chapter 5. Man has replaced Years and Giant life spans with half human half angel demi-gods.
Marriage is an institution between a man and a women, the offspring are human. What the offspring are, is just people who lived a Giant life span as well. The "sons of God" and the daughters of men, that their offspring lived a long life or to say a Giant life.
God may have created Adam taller and with a different physical stature than what man has today.
Goliath was 9"9" 1 Samuel 17:4 "And a champion went out from the camp of the Philistines, named Goliath, from Gath, whose height was six cubits and a span. We should not make any person taller than Goliath, scripture does not mention anyone taller than Goliath.
Human Genetics/DNA have been breaking down ever since Adam. Adam was directly created by God from the earth. Genesis 2:7 “And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.
Adam’s genetic structure would have been far superior to man kind of today. That could also explain larger bone fragments, skulls and size of a skeleton that are found.
Interesting that Adam all the way to Noah lived long life spans. Living that long of a life span could have given the people of that day (before the flood) a larger physical body. Adam lived 930 years (Gen 5: 5). Noah lived 950 years (Gen 9: 29).
Another point is after the flood, the flood changed the earth. More solar radiation could have effected people as well. Giant life spans existed after the flood, Noah and his sons were alive after the flood. but life spans kept shrinking after the flood.
Sin may have corrupted the DNA/genetics as well. Man’s sin could have gotten so wicked that God decided to shorten the life span of man.
NUMBERS 13 and 14
The word Nephilim appears Twice in the Bible depending on the translation first in Genesis 6:4 used in a position of worship and adoration (to fall, lie prostrate, and cast down) and then Numbers 13: 33 as Bullies and Tyrants. There are TWO uses for the word Nephilim (OT HEBREW). Just like the word Love (NT GREEK) can be used as Agape, Eros, Philia, and Storge.
The word Nephilim is a Hebrew word, when translated in English it means Giant.
Strong's Concordance for Nephilim is H5303 and is derived from the word Nephal is H5307.
Nephilim definition is "giants," name of two peoples, one before the flood and one after the flood.
Nephilim, a Hebrew word meaning 'those who have fallen' or 'the fallen ones', translated into Greek as gigantez, gigantes, or 'giants'
Looking at Numbers
Numbers 13: 31-33 “ But the men who had gone up with him said, “We are not able to go up against the people, for they are stronger than we.” 32 And they gave the children of Israel a bad report of the land which they had spied out, saying, “The land through which we have gone as spies is a land that devours its inhabitants, and all the people whom we saw in it are men of great stature. 33 There we saw the giants (the descendants of Anak came from the giants); and we were like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight.”
What these spies did is found verse 32. These spies gave Israel a “bad” report. The word “bad” can also be translated as “evil” in other translations. The point is the word “bad”. The word bad means poor in quality, not correct, inaccurate, incorrect, faulty, mischievous, poor, ect. The word "evil" means morally wrong or bad,immoral, wicked, harm, mischief, cause harm.
Basicly the spies LIED about the report they gave, meaning that they lied about Anak’s decencendants being Giants (Nephilim) and that they ( the spies) looked like grasshoppers. It is a false and inaccurate report about the land, this land is the Promised land.. There is no giants or nephilim like some are lead to believe. This evil or bad report the spies told, made Israel complain and murmur against God, because the report put fear in Israel and made Israel not wanting to go into the Promised Land, this made God upset and slandered God.
What did God do with the spies that gave this bad report or false report, it is found in Numbers 14: 36 and 37. Numbers 14: 36 & 37 “ Now the men whom Moses sent to spy out the land, who returned and made all the congregation complain against him by bringing a bad report of the land, 37 those very men who brought the evil report about the land, died by the plague before the LORD.”
The “bad” or “evil” report meaning false, the LORD struck them down with a plague. The spies Lied about the report. There were NO GIANTS. Satan's seed of Lying was in these spies. Notice in verse 36 "bad report" and in verse 37 "evil report" is used so this wickedness and malicious of the spies is really emphasized. Some translations instead of using "bad report" or "evil report" use "spreading false rumors". The KJV uses the word "slander".
Even using Numbers 14:6-9 Caleb and Joshua were among those that spied on the land. They gave a good report saying the land flowed with milk and honey. Caleb and Joshua said NOTHING about Giants (Nephilim). God spared Caleb and Joshua, they were not struck down by a plaque. The spies that told an evil report were telling a lie and did not want to go into the land.
Most people do not realize or take notice to Numbers 14. Interesting when most people use Numbers 13: 33 for this angel view for the Giants (Nephilim) and looked like grasshoppers are falling into the faults of the report the spies told. The report the spies told is misleading. Most people do not take notice to the rest of the scripture. Think of the story the spies told as a "Fish Story", just a overly exaggerated story with no truth.
How the spies used the word giant in verse 33 would be bullies or tyrants, but the bad report or to say the lie they told about these Giants (Nephilim) NEVER existed.
Caleb and Joshua never gave a report like that, and Caleb and Joshua were with the spies.
The use of the word Giants/Nephilim in Numbers 13: 33 would mean bullies or tyrants, but since this is a misleading report that the spies gave would be under FALSE PRETENSES.
Romans 3:23
"for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,"
What is not noted in the comment is with the Nephilim, mankind is in a fallen from the glory of God. Since the word Nephilim comes from the word Nephal is to fall, lie or cast down. The word would also mean the sinful condition of a fallen state as well, along with falling to the ground in worship and prayer before a Holy God, while presenting the animal sacrifice for the payment for sins, done by the head of the household (Patriarch). The fall of man happened in Genesis 3, of course this is when sin and trangression against a Holy God corrupted mankind.....a fallen condition.
I like the way you think.
It is better to read the book of Enoch than most of the fiction books available in the world today. I think it reinforces the existence of giants and how they came to be. But there is a catch. Reading the book of Enoch can only add to your general knowledge. It is faith in Jesus Christ that saves people. You should, however, complete other parts of the bible before you get the audacity to read the book of Enoch.
Always wondered about this Enoch book and why it wasn't in scripture, now I'm satisfied. Thank you Dr Brown.
HeWhoHasTheSon makes more sense then opening a yucky can of worms.... Thanks to the Holy Spirit we're guided with true discernment..not intuition..that could be devil's don't quote me lol
Dont belive this man or anyone else
You should still read it and ask God to help you out.
Did Moses write the Pentateuch?
I get surprised when I use Deuterocanonical books to argue a case for evidence of creation, critics are quick to point out that the books are not inspired because they are not certain of the authors. Okay, let me blow off and ruin the myth of your confidence.
The First temple stood for about 375 years and then Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar II plundered and burned the First Temple (Solomon’s Temple) on 30th August, 586 BC.
Not only did Solomon's Temple suffer at the hands of Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylonia, the Temple treasures were also removed and lost in 604 BC and 597 BC and totally destroyed the building in 587/586 including the books. Whatever was written by Moses was lost including the Hebrew Language. As we have it now both in the Christian and Hebrew bibles, the Pentateuch was not written by Moses but Ezra and Nehemiah.
Now here is something to consider by scholars here:
The Jewish calendar is a lunar calendar, derived from the ancient Hebrew calendar and has remained unchanged since about AD 900. It is the official calendar of the modern state of Israel and is used by Jewish people throughout the world as a religious calendar. The Pentateuch uses the Babylonian calendar system (lunar based) because its writer lived under Babylonian influence. Ezra is a good candidate.
The Jubilees writer uses a solar based calender system which the Egyptians used. Moses is a good candidate and there in claim in the book that he wrote it.
Need I not to tell you that Ezra is from Babylon and Moses is from Egypt. If Moses wrote the Pentateuch, he would have used the Egyptian calendar system in which he was schooled and familiar with.
According to the Bible, the Persian king sent Ezra to bring the Torah, the five books of the Laws of Moses, to the Jews (Ezra 7:11-26). Modern scholars have claimed not only that Ezra brought the Torah to Jerusalem, but that he actually wrote it, and in so doing Ezra created Judaism.
Jubilees is part of the Ethiopian Orthodox church bible and is also among the Dead Sea Scrolls Discovery.
The texts of the Dead Sea Scrolls have great historical, religious, and linguistic significance because they include the second-oldest known surviving manuscripts of works later included in the Hebrew Bible canon, along with deuterocanonical and extra-biblical manuscripts which preserve evidence of the diversity of religious thought in late Second Temple Judaism.
The identified texts fall into three general groups:
1. Some 40% are copies of texts from the Hebrew Scriptures.
2. Approximately another 30% are texts from the Second Temple Period which ultimately were not canonized in the Hebrew Bible, like the Book of Enoch, the Book of Jubilees, the Book of Tobit, the Wisdom of Sirach, Psalms 152-155, etc.
3. The remainder (roughly 30%) are sectarian manuscripts of previously unknown documents that shed light on the rules and beliefs of a particular group (sect) or groups within greater Judaism, like the Community Rule, the War Scroll, the Pesher on Habakkuk, and The Rule of the Blessing.
In February 2017, Hebrew University archaeologists announced the discovery of a new, 12th cave.
Though tradition credits Moses as the author of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy, these books are in fact anonymous and look back on Moses as a figure from the distant past in the style the language is used where by Moses does not say I wrote it down. It appears like someone was reporting what Moses wrote. Again how can Moses report his own death? For these reasons, other contesting modern scholars increasingly see the Pentateuch as a product of the 6th and 5th centuries BC yet Moses lived much earlier (the traditional date for his birth is 1527 BC). Look at this:
31 These were the kings who reigned in Edom before any Israelite king reigned:
32 Bela son of Beor became king of Edom. His city was named Dinhabah. [Genesis 36:31-32 NIV]
It appears that the writer of Genesis lived after the reign of the kings of Israel (586 BC). It’s not a coincidence that this corresponds with Ezra (480-440 BC). The last king of Judah was Zedekiah, original name Mattaniah, of the 6th century BC. Zedekiah was born in 617 BC or 618 BC, being twenty-one on becoming king. He was king of Judah from 597 BC to 587/586 BC) whose reign ended in the Babylonian destruction of Jerusalem and the deportation of most of the Jews to Babylon. Zedekiah's reign ended with the siege and fall of Jerusalem to Nebuchadnezzar II.
But Bela son of Beor became king of Edom while the Israelites were still in Egypt and that is far in the past (over 1,000 years before) around 1600BC. Moses lived around the exodus (1454 BC):
In the four hundred and eightieth[a] year after the Israelites came out of Egypt, in the fourth year of Solomon’s reign over Israel, in the month of Ziv, the second month, he began to build the temple of the Lord. [1 Kings 6:1 NIV]
There is no doubt in my mind that God inspired more than the 66 books found in the mainstream canon but it was the bishops who selected the 66 books. It is irrational to consider manuscripts referenced by the canon as non inspired.
If the Book of Enoch is not Scripture then what Scripture is Christ referring to that Teaches that the Angels of God in Heaven do not Marry?
Matthew 22:29-30 KJV
29 Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures nor the power of God. 30 For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.
This teaching can only be found in Enoch (thus Christ was calling and confirming it as Scripture)
Enoch 15:7 R.H. Charles
And therefore I have not appointed wives for you; for as for the spiritual ones (Angel's) of the heaven, in heaven is their dwelling.
I read up to the 60th chapter. The Lord reveals to Enoch the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, 1st and second coming. The great judgement
Joe Schoen which translation do you recommend?
@@absolutecanvas3205 KJV
How many chapters are there in the book of Enoch bro
@@absolutecanvas3205 the Jewish version brother even kjv has less books
Then why did Jesus say that no one knows the hour of his coming, not the son nor the angels.? Wouldn’t Jesus our Lord have told us “ no one knows but my Father and Enoch who he took to heaven.” ???
I had listened to the first chapter and stopped when I heard the names of the angels,was falling for it and thank you for yr warning video,I will go back to the holy scriptures and Jehovah permitted to be in the bible,thank you very much
We know the “Book of Enoch” is a fraud and not written by Enoch. (Please note: Enoch is the great-grandfather of Noah . . . . Enoch >> Methuselah >> Lamech >> Noah):
1. Enoch was taken by God to heaven before Noah was born. (Study Gen 5 and do some math.)
2. The “Book of Enoch” records conversations between Noah and angels on how to build the ark. Enoch wasn’t present to witness nor record such conversations. (Remember: Enoch taken by God before Noah was born.)
3. The “Book of Enoch” records events that happened during the flood on the ark. Enoch wasn’t on the ark.
4. The “Book of Enoch” says angels built the ark. The Bible says Noah built the ark.
5. The “Book of Enoch” speaks of Mt. Sinai. There was no Mt. Sinai at the time of Enoch or Noah because there were no mountains. Mt. Sinai probably wasn’t even named until hundreds of years after Nimrod/Babel. Yet the “Book of Enoch” names Mt. Sinai by name.
6. The “Book of Enoch” attempts to reveal that Enoch was taken to heaven and told that he would be the Messiah, the savior of mankind. (What ? ? ? ? ! ! ! ! !)
7. The “Book of Enoch” speaks of giants (hybrid-humans) that were 450 feet tall. These giants apparently ate regular humans.
8. The “Book of Enoch” was first recovered around 200 years before Christ. It was written in an Ethiopian dialect, not Hebrew, not Arabic or anything that would be close to Noah-dialect.
The New Testament book of Jude does not quote the “Book of Enoch.” It quotes the book of Genesis and prophetic quotes by Enoch that had been passed on through Noah, through the generations by means of oral tradition.
The “Book of Enoch” is not from God. But feel free to adorn your faith and belief system founded on the insanity pointed out above (and more) . . . if you feel so illuminated by the one who comes as an angel of illumination. Be it far from me to get in the way of anyone’s ascension to a higher plain of enlightenment. (Ya, I’m contending that the “Book of Enoch” is from the other guy; not from God.)
PS. . . . There are multiple RUclipss revealing this AntiChrist book and the many problems that expose it to be a fraud. People would do well to find them.
I'm sorry but even the genesis is written by moses, and he is lives after henoch but the first scripture about henoch is in the genesis.
Yes indeed. Good points Manchild.
How do _you_ know what God _intended_ to be in the cannon?! You are giving too much weight to doctrines of men and traditions, rather than Holy Spirit who spoke through the prophets and Enoch was certainly a prophet. You contradict the Bible, brother.
Not everyone should be a teacher, as more will be required of him. Do you want to be called "the least" in the Kingdom?
and How would you know when something is "canon" or not? Like, Who would be the judge?
it's prophecy, harmony with the gospel according to godliness, and esteem by other prophets of old, the apostles, or Jesus himself.
Augustine decided against it. There was a big disagreement on it. Augustine is not the Holy Spirit and did not speak for Him.
Yeshuasavedme It was out of favor by Augustines Time and since the Jews discarded it centuries before even Jerome never even considers the book ,I doubt Augustine was even aware of it especially if never translated into Latin.
The Eastern Churches even rejected "The Apocalypse " in English "Revelation "and Augustine was its Champion.
(Interestingly Luther rejected it along ,with Hebrews Jude,and James. Jude because it references Enoch.)
I believe to this day there are no readings from Revelation in Eastern Churches.
The idea that God created the Canon is ridicules. The Canon was put together to make sure the readings in the liturgy of the word. Could be traced to an original inspired source . Books like 3-4 Maccabees were Pseudo writings as the were written in the First century AD . Dozens of alleged Gospels were thrown out as they were 2nd century contructs
Even first Century writings like Clement , the Didache , the Shepard ,and Barnabas ,widely read and still valuable were rejected . Hebrews barely made it.
Developing Canon that accurately reflect the Jewish Culture and Christ teachings a couple of hundred years later is not easy especially with so many claims is not easy but I personally believe they did an incredible job.
The task was simple preserve the Faith handed down from the Apostles. The details were the hard part.
The Giant of early Christianity Ireneous of Lyon rightly identified 4 Gospels .
As the four pillars on which Christianity stands about 170 AD (his against heresy is a must read ) The agreement was Universal
He also mentions the crazy Gnostic writing like the gospel of Judas as being totally false
Matthew - Originally written in Aramaic To Jewish Christians, No copy has come down to us in the original language. That would be a great find. Translations are fine but a commentary are Christian Jews would be invaluable.
Mark a collection of Homilies from his Teacher Peter
The Apostles and Peter are the least exalted in this book .
Peter gives us a lessen in humility and the power of Christian conversion.
His account of the Transubstantiation and his fear of the presence is unequaled
Luke probably one of the best historians of antiquity write a remarkable history of Christ.
I believe his, sources, were Mary,John and Peter.among others.
People who criticized and called him a fabricator have been proven wrong over and over.
John a Christian apologetic (explanation) work written to clarify true Christian Doctrine from false teachings.
I personally believe all were written before the fall of the Temple 70 AD
everyone agrees John was the last but the fact that there is no mention of the Temple being destroyed especially since the early Christian confrontation were with Jewish Authorizes is crazy if post Temple.
Peter canonizes Paul's letters unilaterally in his first epistle.
The Ethiopians had no specific Canon ( that's a Latin word) but preserved all the writing they could ) What writings they kept is not actually as important as the writings they use in their liturgy. Actually most of the non canonical Orthodox writings were preserved along with the canonical by the Church..
The Ethiopian Jews did the same probably because they were isolated from the centers
The Catholic church decides what is Canon.
Sergio Morales If i was you i wouldn't count on the church too much, remember the same church burned people that translated the bible some centuries ago, that's not a godly church here, they also do necromancy by praying to the dead, totally forbidden in the old testament, please let the dead rest in peace, pray to God and Jesus alone, don't rely on mere man, and the inquisitors that burned everyone, so we gone to being persecuted, to burning people? Wow... that's a politic church here, mine is not from this world, God is my pope.
Please research about the Catholic apostasy, but if you're staying in, just don't do everything they tell you, it's better for your soul...
Of all the missing articles omitted from the new testament, this should be considered the most important part to be aware of as the writings are not relevant in any time of history as much as it is today, I hope you will find this information useful enough to be intrigued and to take a look and read the whole work of this important figure and the role you have been kept away from your whole life. You will be able to understand more of what is said by Enoch than anyone else in history as it speaks to you and me in our time
I have heard so many people make comments like, "This book was not inspired by God" or "this book was inspired by God because it aligns with other scripture." If only certain books were inspired by God, then who were so righteously blessed and honored to declare the "inspired status?" This is very dangerous. I consider certain people that have claimed these roles to be potentially judgmental and bias for future generations. We started out with 80 books in the original KJV publication in 1611, but 14 of the 80 books were removed by a select few. These 14 books were referred to as the Books of the Apocrypha. Most of us know what God said in the book of Revelation regarding removing or taking away of His word.
Thank you for this brother
Interesting people want to argue that this book should be included in the Canon 98% I'm going to probably never read this book and of those 98% 98% have not read the Bible all the way through so that should tell you something right there.
Ethiopian Orthodox Church does have the true complete book. These were the original Christians. I very much trust Enoch or it would not be part of Jude. Daniel and John both had visions that came from Enoch. King Nebuchadnezzar also had the dream. Spouting lies.
Nick and Rachel there is a man from Wales his name is Justin Abraham he says that he has daily communications with Enoch he trained by John Paul Jackson in this particular area this his specialty
Nick and Rachel ... During the time of Prophet Mohammed, the Christian emperor of Abbysinia accepted Islam and Prophet Mohammed as a true messenger of God, and successor to Jesus.
YES, lies that Enoch was not to be in the Bible. Took much hard to swallow truth in Enoch!
it's not in the Bible because the Bible do not mention ''the book'' of Enoch; the Bible talk about Enoch but don't talk about the book...but the Bible mention about the book of Jasher, and the book of Jasher talk more about Enoch. ...just believe the scriptures, guys
I just heard about Enoch and the lost prophecies today, how come i was never taught about them and Enoch?
Maybe because your catholic church doesn't want you to know the truth? Whose that person on your profile pic?
Because youve been LIED TO.
@Tinisha Sutphin false. Jesus was brown.
I have a book of Enoch with a concordance to the rest of the Bible!
200 years ago, not a single Bible in the whole world had just 66 books in it!
True story
200 , TRY 800 YEARS AGO, before the "Holy Roman Catholic Church" started re-writing the bible.
@@a.stevens3550 Garden of Eden was when Satan began corrupting the word of god. Never stopped. He kicked up a gear with the Catholic counterfeit church though. How many millions of Christians did they torture slowly until death? I was raised in that not so holy "church". Seemed nice at the time and most people are duped. Every good lie has a good dose of truth.
There is an unmentioned epidemic ravaging the human genepool. The disease is I.C.A.S. & the symtoms are wearing a VERY tight belt & the severely infected people refuse to think for themselves, believe whatever crap they hear that moment, most are democrats that like Squirrilly Cliton & that other fascist bitch Pignosy. It's no wonder to me that mass shootings are on the rise, the healthy people are fighting to keep their second amendment rights to protect themselves & the infected are trying to cull the human herd shooting at anyone. They should be shooting themselves.
Smart money is on getting a CCW permit & pocket full of ammo.
It is possible that the original texts and early translations were destroyed or hidden. This explains why we only have gap in time between the texts.
i've heard people recommend the book of enoch many times but i never took an interest until recently. i've read a portion and listened to some audio book and i can tell people that i recognize what i'm learning.
recognition of information is confirmation.
one part in particular mentions a place that is very hot but also cold. i _know_ that place, but it's too distant in my mind for me to grasp in order to examine it up close.
the other part that i recognized is the prison for angels. i strongly recognize it, but again, it's too distant in my mind for me to grasp in order to examine it up close.
the secular word for life's total body of information is *akashic record.*
the Ethiopian church has the book of enoch and is it true that the oldest translated scriputure is found with the Ethiopian church
so God wanted 66 book in the Bible? these books including the Apocrypha where not taken out until the Catholic Church wanted to give this edited Bible to the United States! what proof do Yo have that says God didn't want this book in the text??
the 66 books are man made...there were no chapter and verse demarcations in the originals.MAN did this to make it EASIER to study and to reference. there were only the septuagint and the new testaments
St Jerome, the man that translated the vulgate, insisted that the apocryphal books are not to be recognised as canon, by the way the vulgate is the latin translation that the catholic church used for over a thousand years, but the Church still took the apocryphas as canon, it's only later, after the reformation, (in the 19th century) that the apocryphal books were removed, for a good reason too, the hebrews never had those books as canon neither.
I'm not saying you can't read them, you can read them, for information, but don't see it as canon and don't found a doctrine on them.
In other hand the ethiopic church (coptic christinity) had the book of enoch, and even more apocrypha, they recognise it as canon.
The fact that it isn't is the most compelling proof. You seriously think God would allow man to mess with His Word? By the way, do you have proof that He does want that book to be in The Bible?😊
Phan Van What does the Word say? It says to seek and you shall find. You realise that the Scripture is meant to be used for studying. If you think your English version is the exact copy, it’s not. All we have today are copies and it’s not perfect. We need to trust in the Most High and the Spirit will lead us in all truth as we read. That is how we will know truth. There are more than 11 books that were purposely excluded. If you count all the books, it adds up to about 80.
Oh so true!
The word Nephilim appears Twice in the Bible depending on the translation first in Genesis 6:4 and then Numbers 13:33.
The word Nephilim is a Hebrew word, when translated in English it means Giant.
Strong's Concordance for Nephilim is H5303 and is derived from the word Nephal is H5307.
Nephilim definition is "giants," name of two peoples, one before the flood and one after the flood.
Looking at Numbers
Numbers 13: 31-33 “ But the men who had gone up with him said, “We are not able to go up against the people, for they are stronger than we.” 32 And they gave the children of Israel a bad report of the land which they had spied out, saying, “The land through which we have gone as spies is a land that devours its inhabitants, and all the people whom we saw in it are men of great stature. 33 There we saw the giants (the descendants of Anak came from the giants); and we were like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight.”
What these spies did is found verse 32. These spies gave Israel a “bad” report. The word “bad” can also be translated as “evil” in other translations. The point is the word “bad”. The word bad means poor in quality, not correct, incorrect, faulty, mischievous, poor, ect. The word "evil" means morally wrong or bad,immoral, wicked, harm, mischief, cause harm.
Basicly the spies LIED about the report they gave, meaning that they lied about Anak’s decencendants being Giants (Nephilim) and that they ( the spies) looked like grasshoppers. It is a false report!!!! There is no giants or nephilim like some are lead to believe.
What did God do with the spies that gave this bad report or false report, it is found in Numbers 14:36 and 37. Numbers 14:36,37 “ Now the men whom Moses sent to spy out the land, who returned and made all the congregation complain against him by bringing a bad report of the land, 37 those very men who brought the evil report about the land, died by the plague before the LORD.”
The “bad” or “evil” report meaning false, the LORD struck them down with a plague. The spies Lied about the report. There were NO GIANTS. Satan's seed of Lying was in these spies. Notice in verse 36 "bad report" and in verse 37 "evil report" is used so this wickedness and malicious of the spies is really emphasized.
Even using Numbers 14:6-9 Caleb and Joshua were among those that spied on the land. They gave a good report saying the land flowed with milk and honey. Caleb and Joshua said NOTHING about Giants (Nephilim). God spared Caleb and Joshua, they were not struck down by a plaque. What come down to is the Truth that Caleb and Joshua reported verses the Lies the spies reported. Just a note this land is referred to as the Promised Land.
Most people do not realize or take notice to Numbers 14. Interesting when most people use Numbers 13:33 for this angel view for the Giants (Nephilim) and looked like grasshoppers are falling into a trap of EVIL and a LIE by the bad report of the spies. Most people do not take notice to the rest of the scripture.
How the spies used the word giant in verse 33 would be bullies or tyrants, but the bad report or to say the lie they told about these Giants (Nephilim) NEVER existed. With that said the bullies or tyrants NEVER existed.
Looking at the Genesis account of the Giants/Nephilim
Genesis 6:1 & 2 "1 Now it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, 2 that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose.
Genesis 6:2 and Genesis 6:4 refers to what was listed in Genesis 5 as the "sons of God". The "sons of God" presented God with burnt offerings and are the Patriarchs. Noah and Job would be "sons of God".
The daughters of men mentioned in those verses are just the woman of the day.
Genesis 6:3 & 4
3 And the Lord said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.” 4 There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.
In verse 4 the English word Giants is used and in Hebrew it would be Nephilim. It is plural, not singular. Since the word Giants or Nephilim in Numbers 13:33 does not exist because of the bad/false report of the spies or to say the Lie. The word Giants or Nephilim has to be used a different way.
In verse 3 God said about man that his days shall be 120 years. Years is a theme in Genesis 5 the previous chapter. Years is emphasized over and over in Genesis 5 and is mentioned again in Genesis 6:3. In Genesis 6:4 the word Giants or Nephilim is used. The word Giant or Nephilim is primarily referring to YEARS. God NEVER mentions height in the Genesis 6:3.
Basically the Giants or Nephilim is referring to YEARS that man lived, it is about people who lived a long life span or to say a giant life span. A person's physical stature may have been different if people lived that long.
What a lot of people have done is remove what God says about years in verse 3 and ignore the giant life spans mentioned in Genesis chapter 5. Man has replaced Years and Giant life spans with height.
The offspring produced is that some are Godly, like the offspring mentioned in Genesis 5 a Godly line and some produced were ungodly and wicked.
The ungodly offspring (giants/nephilim) were the tyrant and bullies that were the faithless toward Gods and probably never presented God with burnt offerings. They never recognized God. These wicked and ungodly offspring are not listed in Genesis 5 and they are not Patriarchs.
Marriage is an institution between a man and a women, the offspring are human. What the offspring are, is just people who lived a Giant life span as well. The "sons of God" and the daughters of men, that their offspring lived a long life or to say a Giant life>>>>>NEPHILIM!!!
God may have created Adam taller and with a different physical stature than what man has today.
Goliath was 9"9" 1 Samuel 17:4 "And a champion went out from the camp of the Philistines, named Goliath, from Gath, whose height was six cubits and a span. We should not make any person taller than Goliath, scripture does not mention anyone taller than Goliath.
Human Genetics/DNA have been breaking down ever since Adam. Adam was directly created by God from the earth. Genesis 2:7 “And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.
Adam’s genetic structure would have been far superior to man kind of today. That could also explain larger bone fragments, skulls and size of a skeleton that are found.
Interesting that Adam all the way to Noah lived long life spans. Living that long of a life span could have given the people of that day (before the flood) a larger physical body. Adam lived 930 years (Gen 5:5). Noah lived 950 years (Gen 9:29).
Another point is after the flood, the flood changed the earth. More solar radiation could have effected people as well. Giant life spans existed after the flood, Noah and his sons were alive after the flood. but life spans kept shrinking after the flood.
Sin may have corrupted the DNA/genetics as well. Man’s sin could have gotten so wicked that God decided to shorten the life span of man.
Interesting. Why would you think the word "giant" relates to age/time rather than physical appearance?
@@livewireredb.9953 Context, Context, Context
@@Dexter.001 Okay. I think it means exactly what is says. "Men of reknowned" from my interpretation would be Adam and the decendents of Adam. In the beginning everything was bigger and better. I think it's more simple than people are making it out to be. The perversion would come from the idea of prostitution or slavery amongst early man as sin was beginning to ravish the lands. As time passed man got shorter,weaker and had a shorter lifespan. Man and giants are the same "kind".
Once again Dr. Brown had wrong information. Jesus Himself referred to what was ONLY in the book of Enoch and no where else in scripture in Mark 12:25 and Matthew 22:30 and in BOTH accounts Jesus referred to it as "SCRIPTURE". Dr. Brown also FALSELY claims there is no correlation between the pictographs of early Hebrew and any meaning to be deciphered such as the POWERFUL first verses of the bible talking about God's Son. He is 0 for 2 on the 2 subjects I've watched his commentary on. Beware.
What?? I just looked up the scriputres you quoted and they have no mention of Enoch in them....
@@OrnelaReavesOfficial the words were mentioned as "scripture" and the ONLY place they appear is the Book of Enoch and NOWHERE else in the Old Testament.
The Book of Enoch is actually a Jewish book of Fables, meaning what is in the Book of Enoch is not true. These writings are NOT missing texts. To many contradictions when compared to the Bible.
Using the Book of Enoch chapter 7 (sec II) verses 10-14.
10. Then they took wives, each choosing for himself; whom they began to approach, and with whom they cohabited; teaching them sorcery, incantations, and the dividing of roots and trees.
11. And the women conceiving brought forth giants,
12. Whose stature was each three hundred cubits. These devoured all which the labour of men produced; until it became impossible to feed them;
13. When they turned themselves against men, in order to devour them;
14. And began to injure birds, beasts, reptiles, and fishes, to eat their flesh one after another, and to drink their blood.
Verses 10 & 11 in Enoch sounds like Genesis 6:1-4. NOTICE in Book of Enoch 7 verse 12 it is written “Whose stature was each three hundred cubits.”
300 cubits (3,000 ells) when converted into feet is 450 feet. This so called offspring is 450 feet in stature. REALLY?!?!?!
So where did this 300 cubits (450 feet) come from? It just so happens this exact measurement is found in Genesis 6:15.
Genesis 6:15 “ And this is how you shall make it: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, its width fifty cubits, and its height thirty cubits.”
Interesting that the LENGTH of Noah’s Ark is 300 cubits or to say 450 feet long.
What the Fable book of Enoch does is take the Length of the Ark and apply it to the stature of this offspring. Offspring that are 450 feet in stature. Why believe such nonsense.
Enoch chapter 1 verse 3b and 4The Holy Great One will come forth from His dwelling,
4 And the eternal God will tread upon the earth, (even) on Mount Sinai,
[And appear from His camp]
And appear in the strength of His might from the heaven of heavens.
In Enoch chapter 1 verse 3b and 4 is a prophecy that the great holy one will appear on Mount Siniai. Scripture tells that Jesus will appear on the Mt. of Olives. This is a contradiction.
Jesus ascended to heaven from the Mount of Olives, on the east side of Jerusalem, and Jesus is coming again to the same place and location (Mt. of Olives). [Acts 1:9-12 and Zechariah 14:4-5]
Jesus Ascends to Heaven
Acts 1:9-12 Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. 10 And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, 11 who also said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.”
The Upper Room Prayer Meeting
12 Then they returned to Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet, which is near Jerusalem, a Sabbath day’s journey.
>>>>> mount called Olivet is the Mount of Olives.
Zechariah 14:4-5
And in that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives,
Which faces Jerusalem on the east.
And the Mount of Olives shall be split in two,
From east to west,
Making a very large valley;
Half of the mountain shall move toward the north
And half of it toward the south.
5 Then you shall flee through My mountain valley,
For the mountain valley shall reach to Azal.
Yes, you shall flee
As you fled from the earthquake
In the days of Uzziah king of Judah.
Thus the LORD my God will come,
And all the saints with You.
Zechariah is a prophet of the Old Testament. What Zechariah is talking about is the SECOND COMING of Jesus.
Enoch Chapter 9 "And then Michael, Uriel, Raphael, and Gabriel looked down from heaven and saw much blood being 2 shed upon the earth, and all lawlessness being wrought upon the earth. And they said one to another: 'The earth made without inhabitant cries the voice of their cryingst up to the gates of heaven. 3 And now to you, the holy ones of heaven, the souls of men make their suit, saying, "Bring our cause 4 before the Most High."
Verses 3 and 4 in chapter 9 of the book of Enoch tells that men are sending prayers, requests and petitions to these angels (Michael, Uriel, Raphael, and Gabriel) in Heaven. This is clearly angel worship and Idolatry. This is no different than what the Roman Catholic Church does with Mary, so many send prayers, requests and petitions to Mary, and then Mary is to take these prayers to God.
As Christians our prayers, requests, and petitions are to go directly to God. Verses we are not to worship angels are Revelation 22:8-11, Matthew 6:9, Luke 11:2, Ephesians 1:13-14, John 17:1-26 (This is the ACTUAL Lord's prayer He prayers for Himself, His disciples and Believers). Even the model prayer (Mt. 6:9, Luke 11:2) when Jesus taught us to pray, He says "Our Father in Heaven, Hallowed be Your Name." Christians are to pray to God, not angels. Prayer is a form of worship.
Clearly Another contradiction.
Another contradiction, the book of Enoch does not include the marriage element like Genesis 6 does apply the marriage. Book of Enoch mentions that these angels lusted. Where is the marriage element in Enoch?
In the Bible the book of Titus Paul writes: Titus 1:13-15 “This testimony is true. Therefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith, 14 not giving heed to Jewish fables and commandments of men who turn from the truth. 15 To the pure all things are pure, but to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure; but even their mind and conscience are defiled.”
This is EXACTLY what has happened to so many, because they take the Fable book of Enoch to be true. A lot of peoples minds (conscience) are defiled.
Or the roman Catholic church removed it.
Yes that's why I don't know what to believe and I am very curious
What about the books Luther removed?
How did you know that God don't want the book of Enoch to be part of the Bible?
You're claim that it should not be scripture is an assertion fallacy. Early Church did quote it as scripture, considered it scripture, at least the Book of the Watchers. Other parts were added such as Book 2, 3, and Letters, and last I checked, Dr Brown is not the arbiter of what is and what is not Canon. Trent did not establish for the entire Church. There are also specific prophecies in the Book of the Watchers that the Early Church held as trustworthy such as Chiliasm, the belief the Lord would return 6000, years from Adam, and that the Fallen Angels who bred with the daughters of Adam would have final judgement at 7000 years from Adam.
Aaron Haskins I feel like the book of the watchers is inspired but the rest of 1 Enoch are in my mind definitely later additions.
Will you share, how you know this? Do you have a early church document you can point to?
This is far from the truth. The bible make references to many books such as Book of Jasher, Book of Kings. When man select or choose to ignore some books, do you call that inspired by God? It is Paul who said all scriptures are God breathed to teach, rebuke, instruct and correct...
Say something please.
The Canon, divine stamp, is a stamp of Roman Catholicism.
Not if you’re KJV only
The Roman Catholic church tried to destroy the KJV from seeing the light of day
I was confused and waver before my faith was restored. I heard a song about Allah. Mermaid 🧜♀️. I was being in to a trap because the guy singing Allah was tricking my to joining Islam and asked should I convert to islam everyone say yes io me. My faith in Jesus Christ had been restored.
@@Dazzwidd they still are that's why they have so many false translations out there from their evil codex series
Actually the Catholics didn't finalize their Canon until about 1500's give or take
However the Canon of scripture came about a long long long long time ago before that and is of divine origin
What is Dr. Brown's opinion on the late Michael Heiser's teachings, which make many references to the Book of Enoch (as well as Genesis 6 and Psalm 82)?
was God behind the Council of Nicea?!!! the canon didn't exist until the Council of Nicea! Just individual scrolls. Don't think the people that decided what was included were inspired by God.
So you’re saying that the God of the universe couldn’t control what information He wanted to give us???
@Niko Bellic right or wrong in your beliefs, I can judge your fruits and calling a brother a dumbass is not a righteous fruit.
Yaaas however the council of nicea was established to determine something else unrelated to what books would be canonized.
Remember, try not to take the da vinci code too serious!
@Niko Bellic True... but Christ insulted people who were in wrongdoing and refused to repent... that is not the same as insulting someone who is sharing a good point of view without any ill will...
Should the gospel of Judas, Peter, Mary, Thomas be in the canon? Well no. They came hundreds of years after Jesus and teach things that Jesus didn’t teach. The council of Nicea were lead by the church leaders (who knew the most about the gospel.) and was watched over by Constantine (a pagan with no interest in adding anything into the Bible.) are church founders are the people who preserved the gospel and gave us insight to what the early church believe. It’s good to question authority but Enoch claims to be the messiah! How can you be Christian and yet say Enoch should be canon? If Enoch is canon than he would be the Christ and not Jesus.
WOW..., What divine stamp?
It's dangerous to mistake our wishes for God's will.
To those who would claim plagiarism in order to reject proposed prophets should realize that John clearly used phrasing from Enoch 1 when writing Revelation. "And I saw," "And I saw an angel falling from heaven.....".
John saw the Revelation the Messiah which Enoch saw "hidden in secret" until His revealing.
The" and I saw" is clearly borrowed. John was real person with real literary influencing. We can uphold the validity of God's word without denying what can be deducted from scholarly observation.
After all, like Dr Mike Heiser says, "I know this is going to sound crazy but.....the writers of the Bible were people."
The Book of Enoch has always been included in the Ethiopian canon as Scripture. The Ethiopian Scripture is the oldest and most complete Biblical text that exists in Christendom. Some of the earliest Monasteries in Christendom are in Ethiopia. Dr. Brown must know this as he alludes to the language of Ge'ez, the ancient language of Ethiopia and that of the High Priest Scribes. The Ethiopian text includes the Book of Enoch as well as the apocrypha (apocrypha texts interspersed in the "old" and "new" testaments), Book of Jubilees, etc. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church also claim that they have, protect and keep the Ark of the Covenant. Also the final Emperor of Ethiopia, Halie Selassie, was a blood descendant of King David and the Queen of Sheba who continued a two thousand year tradition of Kings descended from this union on the throne (except during the Zagwe Dynasties). He was crowned King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah. He was also recognized as such by the world. The relationship of Ethiopia to the Judeo-Christian paradigm cannot continue as a footnote in Christendom.
The Hebrew Bible was canonized long before the Ethiopian canon came to exist. Get your facts straight before coming here and commenting.
Nope, not true. The Hebrew "canonization" did not exist until the Christ denying Jews of the first century decided to do away with the most sacred book about His Person and work, like they thought to do away with His person by having Him crucified....didn't work.
Rome followed those Christ denying Jews in the 4th century, but the Ethiopians did not.
There was the Church in Ethiopia before Rome decided to make itself the authority over the minds of men and of what they were to believe and who they were to follow.
The Ethiopians didn't follow Rome.
So your god failed to preserve his cannon? That's messed up. Your god sounds a lot like Allah!
Matthew Mccoy first of all Hali Selassie is not his real name because he is not divine or trinity he is just a man. Christ is the king of king lord of lords the lion of juda alpha and omega the first and the last!!!
The Ethiopian king name was Rastafaria or Rasimokonen
Matthew Mccoy
As an ethiopian orthodox Christian I agree with you bar one point. His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Sellassie I was not a blood descendant from The Queen of Sheba and King Solomon, nevertheless he was the 225th "Great Grand son of King Solomon" not by blood we are talking kingship ONLY. Ethiopian ancient kings were not chosen by being the eldest or being the son. Its almost a system of rights of passage or showing the ability to rule which he did whilst being the governor of Harar province.This can be seen when Ras Tafari become Prince regent under Emperess Zauditu and not Lij Iyasu who was the Grand child of Emperor Menelik . Ras Tafari not being a blood relative didn't stop his accent to the Royal throne of Dawit, He was not the Grand child of Emperor Menelik but was a member of the inner court nevertheless was given the mandate to rule before being crowmed King...its a small point I am making.
The book of Enoch however, I've had for a while and only recently I've been able to put all the pieces togather. The bible makes more sense now than ever before my biblical understanding has developed with the content of the book of Enoch playing centre stage. Initally i found it not an easy book to read. And I only read it in small portions at a time.Most scholars say it was written in the intertestemental/second temple period. These scholars don't include Ethiopian scholarship.
Book of Enoch ok to read? No, I disagree with that. If it's not, God-lnspired, Scripture, Why fill your head with that garbage? I, Only, want to read or Hear, From God's Living-Word.(2Tim 3:16-17)(NKJV)
1945 - WW2 ends with Germany (GOMER) & the NAZI's
- Ashkenazi Jews. Ashkenaz was Gomers son. Gomer was Japheth's son
1947 - Dead Sea Scrolls found - Book of Enoch
1948 - Israel becomes a nation again after 2000 years
1949 - Billy Graham starts his ministry in 1949 in LA (City of Angels)
This all cannot be a "coincidence" I don't think.
Reading the book of Enoch puts me to Jesus even more!
Thank you! That was a question my Husband had. It's Important to read to know what the days of Noah were like. Jesus said in Mathew 24 that as 5he days of Noah were, so would it be when he returns. I asked the Lord, what were the days of Noah like? If I am to be know, at least the time frame of your return.... then what were those days like? I believe he led me to the Book of Enoch. Reading it also helped me understand why he commanded the Children of Israel to kill all the people and the animals, when he sent them into certain battles. God Bless you!
please understand this ethiopia orthodox church is the corner stone of true chrstianty never been poisoned or updeated but other protestant and chatlic churvh does pls try to learn about ethiopian orthodox church you will be surprised more
2:31 what are you trying to say?
So only one particular line is inspired; but not the other part of the book? And one last question why the follower of Jesus 1:48-1:51?
The farther say you must seek out his word, and when I heard this verse I thought back to when I was a kid and we played hide go seek. And it wasn’t easy to find the other kids .i say that because God’s word isn’t always easy to find and isn’t just in the holy bible because they have trying to destroy gods word for centuries but if you continue to seek you shall find , knock and the door 🚪 shall be opened.🙏🏾
Except the Orthodox Christian specially Coptic, Ethiopian & Eritrean Orthodox churches are still teaches the original Christianity believes. Moreover, the original Book of Enoch existed in Ethiopian written by Ge'ez language with its own scriptures or fonts. And still now it is in our Holy Bible. There exists a chapter for the book of Enoch.
It was one of the first books God wanted me to read after I became born again
really? Amazing
Kara Lewis so did you read it ? Tells us something about it ? Please I’m very interested
You can buy the book of Enoch & The book of Jubilee ( little Genesis) in any book store.there are many more books left out of cannon as well.
Good reasons to they contradict alot of key principles
.... excpecially topics on how we are saved
What found in the Book of Enoch is esoteric specifically? Does anybody here know what exactly brother Dr. Brown is referencing? I know about the angel Phanuel who is said to be "set over the repentance unto hope of those who inherit eternal life". But is that the heftiest argument against the Book of Enoch's authenticity?
I've read most of the book of Enoch, I don't find anything that can be labeled as esoteric, in fact, most of the book o Enoch resemble many of the book or revelation, it goes very well hand to hand with Scriptures, it also describes the trip of Enoch when God took him.
The Book of Jude in the NT contains scripture derived from The Assumption/Ascension of Moses (v. 9-10) & the Book of Enoch (v. 14-15). It would be one thing if Jude had only included v. 14-15, but the Assumption/Ascension of Moses & the Book of Enoch were both Jewish Apocalyptic literature widely read before, during & even after Jude's passing among Jewish Christians, along with Paul's letters, etc. There was no unification then, for even in Rome, c. 160 ACE, the Muratorian Fragment shows that the Apocalypse of Peter, along with Paul's letters and other NT books, were read in Rome.
esoteric is higher knowledge, knowledge of divinity.
the akashic record is esoteric.
Phanuel/Penuel is the "Angel of His Presence/Face", in the Hebrew Torah. He wrestled with Jacob and gave Jacob the Name of the New Creation Man, "Israel", [Isaiah 49; Hosea 12:3-5; Revellation 3:12], as the sign of the adoption into that Nature/Spirit and Name, by the Spirit rebirth and by the flesh rebirth, that was to come.
The example of Saul and the witch is a one-off in the Bible. Saul had turned from God, and with Samuel dead, he now had no guidance in his leadership. The witch was already frightened because she knew Saul had issued a
decree that all mediums be put to death. God was the one who brought forth Samuel and used him to tell Saul that he and his sons would be dead by the next day. And of course they were dead by the next day.
DR BROWN I look at it in the sense of by ENOCH speaking in the one person,i Saw the Angels told me,as he is speaking in first person, not what was Said. Just a perspective, what do you think about this?
I agree that it was not universally accepted scripture. However, it was considered scripture by more than a few of the early church fathers. Regardless, one thing is a fact: It was on the bookshelf of the apostles - literally. Perhaps it should be on our bookshelves too. Still better than Joel Osteen.
I found myself enjoying your presentation and agree with you. All things are of God. A careful reading in Apostle Peter’s epistle shows that he, as the head of the church, set in motion what writings would be the handed down to the church of God following his death.
2 Peter 1:12-21 ESV
[12] Therefore I intend always to remind you of these qualities, though you know them and are established in the truth that you have. [13] I think it right, as long as I am in this body, to stir you up by way of reminder, [14] since I know that the putting off of my body will be soon, as our Lord Jesus Christ made clear to me. [15] And I will make every effort so that after my departure you may be able at any time to recall these things. [16] For we did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty. [17] For when he received honor and glory from God the Father, and the voice was borne to him by the Majestic Glory, "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased," [18] we ourselves heard this very voice borne from heaven, for we were with him on the holy mountain. [19] And we have the prophetic word more fully confirmed, to which you will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts, [20] knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone's own interpretation. [21] For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.
The present cannon includes all the scriptures necessary to mature a man of God.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 KJVS
[16] All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: [17] That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
I might also at this time point out that Apostle Peter endorsed Apostle Paul’s letters.
2 Peter 3:15-18 KJVS
[15] And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you; [16] As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction. [17] Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness. [18] But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.
There are numerous heresies in the Christian world that mislead and confuse many, Eph 4:14, due to a lack of understanding the role grace plays in salvation.
Sorry to say but Peter is not the head of the church, Jesus Christ is.
The book of Enoch claims to be a word from God. I'm undecided on the matter, but Dr Brown sounds very biased on this one.
Dr. Brown great videos, I am doing a research project on the 12 deciples and would like to ask u if you have any books or websites you would recommend to help me with information?
Why is this guy going out of his way to say that Enoch wasn't intended to be part of the Bible when it's fact that the book of Enoch is for the last generations and the elites of our pasts are doing the same thing they always do to keep what they feel is not good for us but what they really mean is it doesn't fit them..I'm reading the book of Enoch it's scares me to bits but I Wil say this if ever one wanted to get right with God this book will help you because the alternative is something we can't imagine until one read this book.I can't say enough on how important this book is to our spiritual growth. ..
In another video, you said that we don’t have the original book of Yashar and the one that exists today is a fake. So since we don’t have the original book of Enoch, is the one that exists today also a fake?
The earth is a plane stationary and beautiful..great video thank you
One of the greatest truths as it leads to higher truth and God. Much like the Flat Earth is a foundation for us, it also becomes a foundation for all truth.
@max marrero Exactly. We don't suffer eternally. God is fair, and isn't cruel. If we - Flawed Human Beings - understand that Eternal Hellfire is cruel. Then it only makes sense that him - Who made us in his image - would also understand that is a cruel and unjust punishment.
Once I truly began to understand this, my trust and confidence in God skyrocketed. We will get through this, hope to see you all in the next life.
@@SgtTeddybear66 Are there any other non-canon books that were cut from the bible worth reading?
@@grahammccoll1681 I'm not a bible expert. But the Book of Enoch is pretty interesting to read.
graham McColl you should look up the CEPHER it has all the original names and books, it’s basically what the Bible should look like. Or you can buy the books separately even though it ends up costing more.