Nuosu (Yi) (Lesson b2) ꆈꌠ, ꆈꌠꉙ 諾蘇 (彜語) Babelstone Lesson 02

  • Опубликовано: 21 окт 2024
  • Nuosu Speaker: ꋓꃱꆼꏦꇂꃴꁦꋠꐍꌺꂷ
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    Nuosu is a variety of Yi, a kind of Sino-Tibetan language. This is the beginning of a journey to explore this little-known language.
    This is a recording and adaptation of a lesson freely available at www.babelstone...

Комментарии • 8

  • @sushirole4234
    @sushirole4234 3 месяца назад +2

    Please continue to teach Nuosu. I find it so interesting! Keep up the good work!

    • @ThePharmaDharma
      @ThePharmaDharma  3 месяца назад

      Thanks for the encouragement! I have been on a bit of a hiatus recently, but I will be back soon.

  • @ThePharmaDharma
    @ThePharmaDharma  4 месяца назад

    Story Text:
    shep yuop: ngop ip nyip xix mu ?
    Commune Member : What are we doing today ?

    dop zha: mu ddu li sat ap hxit ?
    Team Leader : There are many things to be done. Has everyone arrived yet ?

    shep yuop: co la ap sat sy.
    Commune Member : Not everyone has arrived yet.

    shep yuop: ax nyi ggurx pa su li la ox, ix nyi gge ax di gox xi ap la sy.
    Commune Member : Most have arrived, but there are still a few to come.

    dop zha: hnip mop ssat mop gox la w ?
    Team Leader : Have the women arrived yet ?

    shep yuop: hnip mop ssat mop nyi la ox.
    Commune Member : The women have also arrived.

    shep yuop: co xi la sat ox, ne bbop hxip !
    Commune Member : Everyone has arrived now, please continue!

    dop zha: cyp gge li mux mo bbo; cyp gge li mu zyt bbo; cyp gge li xy byp bbo; cyp gge li hxa bit zy bbo; cyp gge li yiep yot zy bbo.
    Team Leader : Some of you go to plow the fields; some of you go to dig the ground; some of you go to carry fertilizer; some of you go to plant vegetables; and some of you go to plant potatoes.

    shep yuop: yie, ap my ngop kax ddi nyi mu ddu jjo ox, nyop bbop bbo ssox mo
    Commune Member : Let's go ! Now that everyone has a job to do, we should set off to work.

  • @ThePharmaDharma
    @ThePharmaDharma  4 месяца назад

    Grammar Notes:
    1. ꃅꅍ (mu ddu) : ꅍ (ddu) (a nominalizer) can be appended to many verbs to make nouns that represent the object of the associated verb's action. For example :
    ꃅ (mu) [ mū ] "to do" : ꃅꅍ (mu ddu) [ mūdū ] "that which is to be done", i.e. "affair, matter, task, job".
    ꋠ (zze) [ d͡zɯ̄ ] "to eat" : ꋠꅍ (zze ddu) [ d͡zɯ̄dū ] "that which is eaten", i.e. "food".
    ꈚ (ggat) [ ɡa̋ ] "to wear" : ꈚꅍ (ggat ddu) [ ɡa̋dū ] "that which is worn", i.e. "clothing".
    According to Gerner 2013:
    ꅍ (duu) [dū] is a nominalizer
    The particle ddu nominalizes transitive verb phrases as headless relative clauses.
    Nominalization: In linguistics, nominalization is the use of a word that is not a noun as a noun, or as the head of a noun phrase.
    2. ꌐꀋꉆ (sat ap hxit) [ sa̋âhi̋ ] :
    Literally: "cannot be exhausted"
    Figuratively: "very many" or “numerous”.
    3. ꇁꌐꀕ (la sat w) [ lāsa̋sa̋ ] : The final syllable is duplicated to form the interrogative.
    ꀕ (w) : This is the Syllable Iteration Symbol (represented by "w" in the Yi phonetic alphabet), and is used to indicate that the preceding syllable is repeated. Thus in this sentence ꋬꂺꀕ (zzyr muox w) [d͡zz̠̩̄ mɔ̠́ mɔ̠̄] stands for ꋬꂺꂻ (zzyr muox muo) [d͡zz̠̩̄ mɔ̠́ mɔ̠̄]. The iteration symbol is often found after adjectives or verbs, where reduplication of the final syllable indicates the interrogative :
    ꃪ (vat) [va̠̋] "OK" and ꃪꀕ (vat w for vat vat) [va̠̋ va̠̋] "OK ?"
    ꁧ (bbo) "go" and ꁦꀕ (bboxw for bbox bbo) "shall we go ?"
    ꋬꂻ (zzyr muo) "fine and well" and ꋬꂺꀕ (zzyr muoxw for zzyr muox muo) [d͡zz̠̩̄ mɔ̠́ mɔ̠̄]. "Are you fine and well ?"
    Notice that if the syllable to be repeated is in the Mid Level tone (no final "p", "t" or "x"), then this syllable is mutated to the Secondary High tone (final "x"), whereas the repeated syllable (the second one) remains unmutated.
    4. ꇫ (gox) [ kǒ ] : When two syllables in the Mid Level tone (unmarked tone) follow one another, the first syllable may mutate to a Secondary High tone (the sandhi tone, marked by final "x" in romanization), depending on the context.
    ꇬꑟ (go xi) [ kōɕī ] goes to ꇫꑟ (gox xi) [ kǒɕī ].
    ꃅꂿ (mu mo) [ mūmō ] goes to ꃄꂿ (mux mo) [ mǔmō ].
    For more information, look at the Nuosu Tone Sandhi guide, which will be posted as a separate video.
    5. ꇬ (go) : ꇬ (go) acts as a locative pronoun, standing for the place under discussion. The actual place that ꇬ (go) stands for depends on context. In this case, it means "here".
    It has many meanings, like him, her, it, or they. It is a resumptive pronoun, referring to something previously mentioned or known. It can also refer to “when”, as in “the time when something happened”. Or, it can refer to at, in, or on, as in something’s location in space.
    6. ꁨꉉ (bbop hxip) [bô̝ hê̝]: ꁨ (bbop) means "please". It cannot be used in isolation. It must always be prefixed to a verb.
    ꁨꉉ (bbop hxip) : "please speak".
    ꁨꇁ (bbop la) : "please come in".
    ꁨꋠꇁ (bbop zze la) : "please come and eat".
    7. ꑸꑽꊪ (yiep yot zy) [ʑɛ̠̂ ʑő̝ t͡sz̩̄]: Note the word order in this and the preceding verb-noun phrases. In Yi, the object of a verb always precedes its verb, so, for example :
    ꋙꋠ (zzax zze) [d͡zá̠ d͡zɤ̝̄]: "eat [zze] rice [zzax]".
    ꑸꑽꊪ (yiep yot zy) [ʑɛ̠̂ ʑő̝ t͡sz̩̄]: "plant [zy] potatoes [yiep yot]".
    ꉐꀖꊪ (hxa bit zy) [hā̠ pe̝̋ t͡sz̩̄]: "plant [zy] vegetables [hxa bit]".
    ꃄꂿ (mux mo) [mv̩́ʷ mō̝]: "plough [mo] the ground [mux]".
    ꃅꊨ (mu zyt) [mv̩̄ʷ t͡sz̩̋]: "dig (zyt) the ground [mu]".
    ꑭꀵ (xy byp) [ɕz̩̄ pẑ̩]: "carry (byp) fertilizer [xy]".
    8. ꑷ (yie) [ʑɛ̠̄]: See Lesson 1 Note 7.
    → 7. ꑷ (yie) [ʑɛ̠̄]: This word has the meaning of "to walk", but is only used when the subject of the verb is in the plural. That is to say, it can be used for two more people, but not for a solitary person.
    9. ꁧꌶ (bbo ssox) [bō̝ zó̝]: ꌶ (ssox) [zó̝] "must" is an auxiliary verb. In Yi, auxiliary verbs always follow the main verb, so, for example :
    ꁧꌶ (bbo ssox) [bō̝ zó̝]: "must (ssox) go [bbo]".
    ꇁꄡꑟ (la tat xi) [lā̠ tʰa̠̋ ɕē̝]: "should (tat xi) [tʰa̠̋ ɕē̝] come [la]".

  • @ThePharmaDharma
    @ThePharmaDharma  4 месяца назад

    Expanded dictionary definitions for new words:
    New Vocabulary
    ꑍ nyip : two 二,两 二,兩
    1. num.二;两two
    2. cl. 天;日day; daytime
    3. n. 奶汁 liquid milk (from any mammal)
    4. v. 咽;吞 to swallow
    5. v. 消失 to disappear; to fade away; to subside
    6. adv. 数量相等;(不)一样多(一般用于否定式)equal in number; as many as [usually in the negative: ‘not so many as’]
    7. v. 坐(使动)to cause to sit (ex: Sit the baby here.)
    8. adv.(上下)晃动 to sway up and down (ex: of a bridge, of a rope)
    ꑘꁨ nyop bbop : to work (manually) 劳动;干农活 勞動;幹農活
    ꎹꑼ shep yuop : commune member [Chinese shèyuán 社员]
    ꄐꍈ dop zha : team leader [Chinese duìzhăng 队长]
    ꉪ ngop :
    1. Pronoun: we, us 我们 我們
    2. Verb: 想;思考 to think; to consider; to remember
    ꀃꑍ ip nyip : today 今天
    ꑞ xix : what?, Which? 什么;哪
    ꃅ mu : to do, to make
    1. v 做 to do; to make
    2. grammatical particle 地(副词化词)[adverbializing suffix; follows a clause, noun phrase or adjective, turning it into a modifier of the following verb]
    3. v 编 to weave (ex:, a basket, using bamboo or straw)
    4. v 成活 to survive; to live on (of animals)
    5. v 驯化 to tame; to train; to teach an animal
    6. adv 都;全部 all [follows a noun phrase]
    7. n 马 horse (any kind)
    ꃅꅍ mu ddu : task, job
    ꆹ li : [topic marker, indicates that there are two contrasting ideas]
    -(Gerner 2013)
    1. v.(向上)去ascend; go upward
    2. v.告发inform against; accuse; tell on; tattle
    3. n.颈 neck
    4. 庹 span, length of two outstretched arms,
    5. 量;度 to measure
    6. grammatical particle.(主题标记)[topic marker, follows the subject noun phrase in a two argument clause with a verb of existence or attribution]
    7. N.子宫 uterus; womb
    ꌐ sat : to finish, to end, to complete
    1. V. 线索;a clue, a hint
    2. V. 瞄准;指 to aim; to point toward
    3. N. 记号;标记;迹象 a mark; a symbol; a sign
    4. Auxiliary -完 to finish; to complete
    5. Adv 全部 all; wholly; completely
    6. V. 锁口 to hem, to sew up an edge
    ꌐꀋꉆ sat ap hxit : very many 很多
    ꀋ ap : not [negative particle]
    1. Adverb 不;没有no; not
    2. Exclamation 啊(表示关心的语气)[give less abrupt effect, expressing concern for]
    ꉆ hxit : to be able to, can
    1. Number 八 eight
    2. Aux. 能够;能;可以 able to; can [expressing possibility or permission]
    (Synonym: ꇮ get aux.会can; able; know how to [expressing ability or possibility])
    3. N.野兽 wild animals
    4. N.胃 the stomach
    5. V.站;站立 stand; stand up
    ꊿ co : a person, people 人
    ꌦ sy : still, yet
    1. Adv.又;再 again
    2. Adv. 还 still; yet
    3. N. 血 blood
    4. V. 死 to die; to perish
    5. V. 熄灭 to extinguish, to smother (a fire)
    6. V. 抓(住不放)to catch (and refuse to release)
    7. V. 拱 to root up, (of pigs) to use the snout to dig up food
    8. V. 穿(针)to thread (a needle)
    ꀉꑌ ax nyi : many
    (Antonym: ꀁꑌ ix nyi few, little)
    ꀉꑌꈮꁁ ax nyi ggurx pa : over a half
    ꈮꁁ ggurx pa : half
    ꌠ su : [Nominalization particle]
    -(Gerner 2013)
    ꀐ ox : [Dynamic perfect particle, particle indicating completion of verbal action]
    -(Gerner 2013)
    1. ta.了[dynamic perfect, indicating the action took place in the near past or is continuing to the present]
    2. ta.了[change of state, indicating a change of situation or state whether actual or envisioned]
    ꀁꑌ ix nyi : few 少
    (Antonym: ꀉꑌ ax nyi : many)
    ꀁꑌꑍꇯ ix nyi nyip gex : a small quantity 少量
    ꑍꇯ nyip gex : a little 一些;一点
    ꀉꄂ ax di : only, just
    1. Adv. 只;仅仅 only; barely; merely; just
    2. Adv. 单独 alone; by oneself
    ꅫꃀꌱꃀ hnip mop ssat mop : 妇女(尊称)matron, woman who has had children
    ꀋꃋꌺ - ap my sse, 女人 woman; any female person
    ꃆꅿ - mup ni, 1. N. 妻子 a wife, 2. N. 女人(贬) wench; woman (derogatory)
    ꌋꅪ - si hni, N. 妇女(尊称)woman; girl (honorific, respectful)
    ꑟ xi : to arrive
    1. N. 线 thread
    2. V. 到 to arrive; to reach a destination
    3. Attribute: 希望的口气 [在动词后面] to hope to (do something) [follows a verb]
    ꇬ go : [locative pronoun]
    1. Pron. 他;它;她(们)(作宾语)him; her; it, they [resumptive pronoun, referring to something previously mentioned or known]
    2. Pron. (加在上、里、中等之后构成方位词)at; in; on [locates something in space]
    3. Pron. (加在时间、空间词之后构成时间、空间名词)when [locates something in time]
    4. V. 开头;开始 to begin to do something
    5. V. 烤(多指烤火;湿物烤干等);晒(指晒太阳)to warm up by a fire (or in the sun); to dry by a fire
    6. V. 劝阻(指行动未发生前)to dissuade, to advise someone not to do something
    7. Cl. 句(话);个(名字)an utterance; a sentence
    ꁨ bbop : please
    1. v . 拥有;具有;占有 to have; to possess (ex: property or wealth)
    (Synonym: ꐥ jjo 有 to have)
    2. Grammatical particle. 吧;(不管…)还是…anyway…; in spite of contrary conditions…
    3. V.(日光)照射;发光;发亮 to shine (of fire or sunlight)
    4. V.(天阴)亮开 to become brighter (of the sky); to brighten
    5. Cl. 间(房间)a room (in a house)
    6. V. 邀请 to invite
    ꉉ hxip : v. 讲;说 to speak; to say; to inform
    ꋍꈨ cyp gge : some, a few 一些
    ꃄꂿ mux mo : to plow (soil) 犁 (动词)
    ꃄ = soil, 泥土 (Note tone sandhi, 变调: ꃅ mu → ꃅ mux)
    ꂿ = to plow 犁 (动词)
    ꃅꊨ mu zyt : to dig 挖
    ꃅ = soil 泥土
    ꊨ = to dig 挖
    ꑭꀵ xy byp : to carry fertilizer
    ꑭ = 肥料 manure
    ꀵ = 背 to carry (on one's back)
    ꉐꀖ hxa bit
    1. n.蔬菜(泛指除萝卜的带叶的菜)leafy green vegetables (other than radish or turnip tops)
    2. N.白菜cabbage
    Notes: ꉐꀖꃱꀖ hxa bit vop bit ha = 蔬菜 vegetables
    ꊪ zy : to plant 种 種
    1. V. 栽;点播;插;载 to sow seeds; to plant; to transplant, to put seeds into the ground one by one (of potatoes, corn, rice, green vegetables)
    2. V. 差使;派 to send someone to do something; to dispatch
    3. V. 接;接受 to accept; to receive (something offered)
    4. V. 骑(使动)to cause to ride by straddling, (as opposed to sitting with knees together)
    5. 至 as far as; reaching to
    6. V. 对证 to confront
    ꑸꑽ yiep yot : potato 洋芋 yángyù (土豆;马铃薯)
    ꈀꄸꑌ kax ddi nyi : everyone 大家
    ꀋꃋ ap my : now 现在 現在
    1. n.女儿daughter
    2. adv.现在now; at present
    ꐥ jjo : to have
    1. V. 有;活;存在 to be alive; to exist; to be in, at, or on; there is/are (of animate things)
    2. V. 拥有 to have; to own; to possess
    3. V. 负责;由…负责 to bear responsibility (for something)

    ꌶ ssox : must
    必须;必要;(需)要;应该 must, to have to, should, to need to

  • @ThePharmaDharma
    @ThePharmaDharma  4 месяца назад

    NOTE: ❗
    ꌐꀋꉆ sat ap hxit : very many 很多
    Due to the following information:
    2. ꌐꀋꉆ (sat ap hxit) [ sa̋âhi̋ ] :
    Literally: "cannot be exhausted"
    Figuratively: "very many" or “numerous”.
    👉Perhaps, a better translation of ꌐꀋꉆ would be "countless", "无数(的)", "無數(的)"

  • @spectator352
    @spectator352 4 месяца назад

    There was one part that wasn't read in story 1, "ꊿꇁꌐꀕꀐ?" was skipped over.