with all the torture, hardship and hell Michael Vick unleashed to these dogs, I'm glad his career didn't blossom. He could have been a legend in the NFL but I guess he did not know that karma would catch up to him.
He admitted to spending more time learning about and studying his fighting dogs than the falcons playbook, that’s why he was never as good as he could have and should have been while he was there. He would go back to virgina almost every weekend that he was able to, it’s pretty crazy, to me, that you would jeopardize such an incredibly promising and lucrative football career to spend so much time on this. Weird. But i do understand that southern culture can be like that. There are police, firefighters, judges, hell there was a phd cancer researcher who was involved in a dog fighting ring.
Thank you, thank you Best Friends for believing in these loving compassionate creatures who were taught and tortured to fight by HUMANs (Vick and his heartless cronies). What Vick did to these dogs will never be forgotten and Vick should never be forgiven! They truly are Vicktory Dog's!!!!
Thank you Dog Town for providing happiness to these poor dogs, something they have never known. This breed is not violent, it fights to please the human who takes care of it, how sad. This is morally wrong and Mike Vick and his kind need to be put away.
I have always believed that pit bulls are no more aggressive then a lab, I did research and found you are more likely to be bitten by a lab then a pit. But it's easier to believe that pits are the meanest dogs because of how they look. Pit bulls fight no so much to please as to survive! If they dont fight they are drowned, beaten, shot, stabbed, I've even seen one with its head crushed with a brick, the brick laying beside a pit who was beaten, stabbed, shot and the imprint of the brick was deep in this poor dead dogs skull. It was caved in. It's like they could kill this poor dog enough! So they fight so they dont face their masters and be killed and tortured by the one human that is suppose to protect and love this poor animal! It's our fault as humans that pit bulls are what they are today! Funny thing is I've never heard of a pit turning on its abuser or owner!
I met several of these dogs volunteering at Best Friends and they continue to have my support to this day. Lucas (Vick's Champion) and I went for a lovely hike in the hills. I felt he never should have been allowed to play football again and was disappointed in what happened.
yes theyre working dogs but i live with them easily if you train and give.em loyalty. they can protect you. theyre i telligent and ha ve a good memory. i feel very.happy living with 2 of them but they do amd must have a good walk every day. dont insult the old pitbull with foibles and rubbish. a good and loyal dog. couldnt wish for better. well focused
Michael Vick is a despicable human being! On the other hand the people who work at this ranch do amazing work to rehab these poor animals. To give them a second chance. I have so much respect for them. :D
I'll never forgive Vick for what he did. I don't care if everyone deserves a second chance!" He didn't give those executed dogs a second chance! He didn't even let them have a first chance. He doesn't deserve to be playing football or be a free 'man' (
The amazing thing about animals is their ability to recover from horrendous abuse and to move on, to forgive humans for what was done to them and to trust again. I compare them to human inmates who always have a justification for why they committed their crimes and why they will not, cannot change. I have adopted 5 Dobermans, each of which had been abused, the last had been beaten blind, tortured by having his testicles grabbed and twisted, placed in a circle of vicious dogs so he'd fight (and he had the fever hairs to prove it). And he was the sweetest dog! He LOVED people - something I have difficulty with... One of my two horses had been so badly abused as a foal and colt that he came off the trailer from Pennsylvania on his hind legs and struck out with his front hooves all the way down the aisle to his stall. Yes. He came around too and would have loved to try to sit in your lap. Given an animal any day of the week, humans keep you distance.
I don't know why people don't get this...a dog that's been bred for dog fighting has been bred to be people friendly. You just have to change the reward base...reward non-aggression towards other animals instead of aggression towards other animals. Dogs that are aggressive towards people in the realm of dog fighting, from its very beginnings were culled. People's ignorance, on both sides is the true tragedy for this breed. They have the greatest potential to be 'the dog' in every aspect of 'dog'
I own a pit and the people that do this horrible thing to them should be locked up for life. No parole. Pits are good dogs and very loving. I challenge people to go to a dog park and put your fear aside. You will find all kinds of dogs there, all living as dogs should. All playful and happy. This includes Pits.
Animal rights advocates have applauded the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) decision to upgrade animal cruelty crimes, putting them in the same category as murders. Going forward, anyone caught abusing animals will risk being charged with a Class A felony. That’s the same grouping of felonies for violent crimes, including homicides and assaults. Previously, animal cruelty was in an “other” crimes category, making them less important for law enforcement and prosecutors. The changes are expected to result in more convictions for those harming animals, such as those involved in dog fighting rings.
While I remember Kevin Jean, were Michael Vicks payments to the humane society voluntary or part of his sentence. I think you will find it was part of his sentence which shows he has no remorse for what he did and will probably reoffend given half a chance. Again none of this has to do with race colour or creed, it is just a sad human being who has abused his position as a human and had nothing better to do with his time than to inflict pain on innocent animals. DOGS ARE NOT DANGEROUS, IT IS THE PEOPLE WHO OWN THEM THAT ARE DANGEROUS
I agree Darell, we are at the top of the evolution ladder but that makes us more responsible for some of the other species living on this planet. Yes we breed dogs for our own pleasure but that doesn't give us the god given right to act like barbaric animals. That's what makes the difference between us and those animals beheading humans in the name of religion. We know its wrong, same as smashing a dogs head against a tree because it is to injured to fight. It all comes down to MORALS the thing that seperates us from the other animals on this planet
when i took in my dog i had no idea this is what he went through i cry every time i see this then i look at him today see the scars and It like he's a new dog in his old body. Dont ever say they should be put down i now own 4 pit-bull Including cherry from this video
My question has always been how do these people know there won't be a trigger that just sets them off? I want them to be able to be rehabilitated but I just don't know how they can be safely placed with a family without that uncertainty.
Melanie, thanks for your comments and thoughts. I understand your concerns. But one cannot negotiate rationally with sociopaths. They only understand one thing...pain in return. Vick and his thug buddies, and those like them, haven't a clue whom they're dealing with. I don't want to sound like some every-day, holster-sniffing vigilante, but we will take due justice against the morons who are abusing the best of the dog breeds. Enough is enough. Our overworked police forces and animal control folks are great people, but they are overwhelmed and underfunded. They can't always do what needs to be done. Sometimes one has to do what can't be done by our civil servants. That's all I have to say for now. People who are torturing, fighting and killing innocent animals should take heed and be looking over their shoulders. We know who they are.
An animal rescue who believes these dogs cannot be saved is not an animal rescue, but a bunch of hypocrites! And I hope they will read this comment, so that they realize it!!!
Its almost getting closer to veterans day. Id still accept your thanks even though you hate the fact that people like me defends your current freedom and your rights.
What he did as the mastermind (allegedly) and money guy is this operation was sickening. His boys though were even worse bcuz they would do anything to please their meal-ticket.
" Michael Vick: 'I Wouldn't Change Anything' ", watch that video by the Wall Street Journal. His fan base tells him he's redeemed. Sounds like a whopping 23 months rehabilitated the heck outta him...yes, that was sarcasm.
Those people who forgives Michael What if ur mother or father abuses u hangs u and then just throws u around like ur just a lifeless object sad right SAD RIGHT And then ur here just saying Let's go Michael yay It's just dogs Well no! They deserve respect So u sickos better have some sense into u
A real pitbull will always be a pitbull. That means it will always have great potential to instinctively hunt and harm other animals, but not necessarily harm humans. And it doesn't even matter whether it's ever been put to fight either. It will never be the dog's fault. You cannot blame a dog for being true to its nature. Pitbulls should never be owned by ignorant or irresponsible people, period!
Why would you automatically call them damaged . the past pos owner was and is damaged not these dogs . no dog is damaged ever maybe hurt, scared, betrayed, murdered but never damaged dogs and it makes me so mad when someone says this crap . and no not all of us thought they'd be put down some of us know that the dogs can and do become the dogs they were always meant to be
there is no value or use in showing those clips of dogs fighting. people understand that dogs are badly hurt and die in dog fights. no need to show repeated clips of that .... it's for attention and you are using the clips for attention.
Honestly, they do not need to throw any more garbage towards Vick. He served his time, and now contributes to the humane society. But these idiots are acting like Vick is still a murderous dogfighter, and working against the humane society.
Kaycee Green See? You are one of those people who is still living in 2007. Does he dogfight anymore? No. He does quite the opposite now. Did I not tell you that he contributes to the humane society now? If you live in the past, there is no way you can accomplish anything in life. In fact, Michael Vick enjoys working with the humane society. He understands now, that what he did was wrong. But then again, he should only listen to the kind-hearted people, who forgave him for something he did only ONE TIME, and has been a great person ever since.
Sonicfan640 he doesnt fight anymore cause cops can go on his property at any point. Im not stuck in any time frame.. its proven that those who abuse animals have mental defect. And it can lead to abuse of others. Hes shown that the only thi g he cared about was how long his sentence was. No remorse for the dogs. And hes never expressed sincere remore for any dogs that were abused tortured killed bred or neglected. I think he puts a front up. People that have that extensive of an animal fighting history ( cause hes said he grew up w it) dont change. I dont care what you or anyone else says... if he cared at all he wouldnt have done it and he wouldnt have paid for it all to happen. Your " he did it one time" wasnt just a simple set up... there were over 70 dogs, mutiple buildings, hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of effort to maintain this fighting ring and animals... he didnt stumble upon it. He perpetuated and tried to deny it. Hes guilty. And deserves to be stripped of his football creds and should be in jail.
Vick NEVER took responsibility for his actions nor fully apologized for what he did to these innocent creatures. As long as there is breath in my body, I will NEVER stop sharing what he did. He is not sorry for his actions. He is sorry he got caught!
forgive others as we would want them to forgive ourselves. And how is it racism if he wants to help that so called "8.7%" a new beginning and try to improve their way of living. And what do you think God does on a regular basis? Those who go to heaven have committed many sins but the good deeds out weight the sins. When they make it in heaven he says that he'll forgive and forget all the wrong they've commited.
Thank you Dog Town for rescuing the babies!! 🐶
with all the torture, hardship and hell Michael Vick unleashed to these dogs, I'm glad his career didn't blossom. He could have been a legend in the NFL but I guess he did not know that karma would catch up to him.
He admitted to spending more time learning about and studying his fighting dogs than the falcons playbook, that’s why he was never as good as he could have and should have been while he was there. He would go back to virgina almost every weekend that he was able to, it’s pretty crazy, to me, that you would jeopardize such an incredibly promising and lucrative football career to spend so much time on this. Weird. But i do understand that southern culture can be like that. There are police, firefighters, judges, hell there was a phd cancer researcher who was involved in a dog fighting ring.
@rob landa he still was a legend
Thank you, thank you Best Friends for believing in these loving compassionate creatures who were taught and tortured to fight by HUMANs (Vick and his heartless cronies). What Vick did to these dogs will never be forgotten and Vick should never be forgiven! They truly are Vicktory Dog's!!!!
Thank you Dog Town for providing happiness to these poor dogs, something they have never known. This breed is not violent, it fights to please the human who takes care of it, how sad. This is morally wrong and Mike Vick and his kind need to be put away.
I have always believed that pit bulls are no more aggressive then a lab, I did research and found you are more likely to be bitten by a lab then a pit. But it's easier to believe that pits are the meanest dogs because of how they look. Pit bulls fight no so much to please as to survive! If they dont fight they are drowned, beaten, shot, stabbed, I've even seen one with its head crushed with a brick, the brick laying beside a pit who was beaten, stabbed, shot and the imprint of the brick was deep in this poor dead dogs skull. It was caved in. It's like they could kill this poor dog enough! So they fight so they dont face their masters and be killed and tortured by the one human that is suppose to protect and love this poor animal! It's our fault as humans that pit bulls are what they are today! Funny thing is I've never heard of a pit turning on its abuser or owner!
I met several of these dogs volunteering at Best Friends and they continue to have my support to this day. Lucas (Vick's Champion) and I went for a lovely hike in the hills. I felt he never should have been allowed to play football again and was disappointed in what happened.
Pit Bulls are big loving babies. Just give them a chance and they will love you forever! 🐶💖
They are working dogs not no fuckin house pet
yes theyre working dogs but i live with them easily if you train and give.em loyalty. they can protect you. theyre i telligent and ha ve a good memory. i feel very.happy living with 2 of them but they do amd must have a good walk every day. dont insult the old pitbull with foibles and rubbish. a good and loyal dog. couldnt wish for better. well focused
Michael Vick is a despicable human being! On the other hand the people who work at this ranch do amazing work to rehab these poor animals. To give them a second chance. I have so much respect for them. :D
I'll never forgive Vick for what he did. I don't care if everyone deserves a second chance!" He didn't give those executed dogs a second chance! He didn't even let them have a first chance. He doesn't deserve to be playing football or be a free 'man' (
ur an amazing person.. cherry was my favorite, he is a beautiful dog...
The amazing thing about animals is their ability to recover from horrendous abuse and to move on, to forgive humans for what was done to them and to trust again. I compare them to human inmates who always have a justification for why they committed their crimes and why they will not, cannot change. I have adopted 5 Dobermans, each of which had been abused, the last had been beaten blind, tortured by having his testicles grabbed and twisted, placed in a circle of vicious dogs so he'd fight (and he had the fever hairs to prove it). And he was the sweetest dog! He LOVED people - something I have difficulty with... One of my two horses had been so badly abused as a foal and colt that he came off the trailer from Pennsylvania on his hind legs and struck out with his front hooves all the way down the aisle to his stall.
Yes. He came around too and would have loved to try to sit in your lap. Given an animal any day of the week, humans keep you distance.
it's because of cases like this that pitbulls get a bad wrap. they're actually used to be called nursery dogs because of their caring natures
+Ashley Morales they only get bad wraps cos of their lyrical content they need to be more like snoop dog
I don't know why people don't get this...a dog that's been bred for dog fighting has been bred to be people friendly. You just have to change the reward base...reward non-aggression towards other animals instead of aggression towards other animals. Dogs that are aggressive towards people in the realm of dog fighting, from its very beginnings were culled. People's ignorance, on both sides is the true tragedy for this breed. They have the greatest potential to be 'the dog' in every aspect of 'dog'
I own a pit and the people that do this horrible thing to them should be locked up for life. No parole. Pits are good dogs and very loving. I challenge people to go to a dog park and put your fear aside. You will find all kinds of dogs there, all living as dogs should. All playful and happy. This includes Pits.
I wonder if Michael Vick ever watched this documentary.
Thank u !! I love our pitbull , hes amazing! Sweet ! Thank you !!!!
Mike Vic needs to be matched against all those poor dogs. Let them feast!!!!
Animal rights advocates have applauded the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) decision to upgrade animal cruelty crimes, putting them in the same category as murders.
Going forward, anyone caught abusing animals will risk being charged with a Class A felony. That’s the same grouping of felonies for violent crimes, including homicides and assaults. Previously, animal cruelty was in an “other” crimes category, making them less important for law enforcement and prosecutors.
The changes are expected to result in more convictions for those harming animals, such as those involved in dog fighting rings.
And four yrs later we are still waiting for this to happen
While I remember Kevin Jean, were Michael Vicks payments to the humane society voluntary or part of his sentence. I think you will find it was part of his sentence which shows he has no remorse for what he did and will probably reoffend given half a chance. Again none of this has to do with race colour or creed, it is just a sad human being who has abused his position as a human and had nothing better to do with his time than to inflict pain on innocent animals. DOGS ARE NOT DANGEROUS, IT IS THE PEOPLE WHO OWN THEM THAT ARE DANGEROUS
I agree Darell, we are at the top of the evolution ladder but that makes us more responsible for some of the other species living on this planet. Yes we breed dogs for our own pleasure but that doesn't give us the god given right to act like barbaric animals. That's what makes the difference between us and those animals beheading humans in the name of religion. We know its wrong, same as smashing a dogs head against a tree because it is to injured to fight. It all comes down to MORALS the thing that seperates us from the other animals on this planet
Mate I hope you and I meet one day. Simple.
Darell Jameson you are a fucking moron who needs to be treated the same way the dogs were you mindless piece of shit!
im with ya on that ....dogs are great ....i hope vic loses everything he has....
when i took in my dog i had no idea this is what he went through i cry every time i see this then i look at him today see the scars and It like he's a new dog in his old body. Dont ever say they should be put down i now own 4 pit-bull Including cherry from this video
Most of the dogs went to loving homes. Sadly not many rescues give fighting dogs a chance.
My question has always been how do these people know there won't be a trigger that just sets them off? I want them to be able to be rehabilitated but I just don't know how they can be safely placed with a family without that uncertainty.
+Letlamb IKNOWRIGHT!!!!
Someone replied back and threatened that Vick would "f" me up. LOL!!
I love dogtown!
this man is sick how terribly cruel for a person to do this to beautiful animals.
They should have locked Vick in a cage and fed to those dogs
Melanie, thanks for your comments and thoughts. I understand your concerns. But one cannot negotiate rationally with sociopaths. They only understand one thing...pain in return. Vick and his thug buddies, and those like them, haven't a clue whom they're dealing with. I don't want to sound like some every-day, holster-sniffing vigilante, but we will take due justice against the morons who are abusing the best of the dog breeds. Enough is enough. Our overworked police forces and animal control folks are great people, but they are overwhelmed and underfunded. They can't always do what needs to be done. Sometimes one has to do what can't be done by our civil servants. That's all I have to say for now. People who are torturing, fighting and killing innocent animals should take heed and be looking over their shoulders. We know who they are.
An animal rescue who believes these dogs cannot be saved is not an animal rescue, but a bunch of hypocrites! And I hope they will read this comment, so that they realize it!!!
I so agree this behavior has no excuse . The worst thing is that he showed zero remorse for what he did he shoud be shamed of himself
Its almost getting closer to veterans day. Id still accept your thanks even though you hate the fact that people like me defends your current freedom and your rights.
What he did as the mastermind (allegedly) and money guy is this operation was sickening. His boys though were even worse bcuz they would do anything to please their meal-ticket.
You are so right!
How do you feel now that the POS has a new dog?
A leopard does not change his spots only his prey. Never judge a person by their words but by their actions.
you must write save the pitbulls
this is the best dogfight ever
Or is he
You know what's funny? Vick was an average QB at best. He was a scatter shot. He made big plays, but he gave up twice as many. I hope he's changed.
I have a pit bull and it has nothing wrong with it
Wait he isn't in jail
he deserves to be banned from this world...he says hes sorry but no....that doesnt make up for the evil he brought on all those poor poor dogs...
" Michael Vick: 'I Wouldn't Change Anything' ", watch that video by the Wall Street Journal. His fan base tells him he's redeemed. Sounds like a whopping 23 months rehabilitated the heck outta him...yes, that was sarcasm.
Those people who forgives Michael
What if ur mother or father abuses u hangs u and then just throws u around like ur just a lifeless object sad right SAD RIGHT
And then ur here just saying
Let's go Michael yay
It's just dogs
Well no!
They deserve respect
So u sickos better have some sense into u
vick was never a player
That's very sick to do. I hope he changed
Yeaaaa ...you got it right !
A real pitbull will always be a pitbull. That means it will always have great potential to instinctively hunt and harm other animals, but not necessarily harm humans. And it doesn't even matter whether it's ever been put to fight either. It will never be the dog's fault. You cannot blame a dog for being true to its nature. Pitbulls should never be owned by ignorant or irresponsible people, period!
I love the copy and paste feature to.
Why would you automatically call them damaged . the past pos owner was and is damaged not these dogs . no dog is damaged ever maybe hurt, scared, betrayed, murdered but never damaged dogs and it makes me so mad when someone says this crap . and no not all of us thought they'd be put down some of us know that the dogs can and do become the dogs they were always meant to be
there is no value or use in showing those clips of dogs fighting. people understand that dogs are badly hurt and die in dog fights. no need to show repeated clips of that .... it's for attention and you are using the clips for attention.
Mike and Vic is an innocent man
in correction, he served 18 months of a 23 month sentence.
I dont think vick should be killed but he should go to prison for a while tho
lets go vick
Cesar Millan can rehabilitate them!
beware the beast of man
Sick m************
I love dogfighting :)
See dog run. See dog fight. See dog die. See dog pay me.
He doesn't know anything but had 55 dogs hidden on his property.
Cesar millan all day son!!!
micheal vick for president! #legalisedogfighting
youre a fucking troll! go away!!!:(
i have dogfight videos on my channel
Since when have the lives of dogs become more important than of man themseleves
since dogs dont do stupid things like this bastard did!
Dog fighting is fun and exciting.
Dog fighting is cool.
WillowTM F... YOU MA.... F.....
Fuck ill just go google it
I know that he's son of a bitches!!!!
Honestly, they do not need to throw any more garbage towards Vick. He served his time, and now contributes to the humane society. But these idiots are acting like Vick is still a murderous dogfighter, and working against the humane society.
Kaycee Green See? You are one of those people who is still living in 2007. Does he dogfight anymore? No. He does quite the opposite now. Did I not tell you that he contributes to the humane society now? If you live in the past, there is no way you can accomplish anything in life. In fact, Michael Vick enjoys working with the humane society. He understands now, that what he did was wrong. But then again, he should only listen to the kind-hearted people, who forgave him for something he did only ONE TIME, and has been a great person ever since.
Sonicfan640 You don't just become miraculously "rehabilitated" from being a sociopath.
CSMcKeithan1 Yeah, you actually can.
Sonicfan640 he doesnt fight anymore cause cops can go on his property at any point. Im not stuck in any time frame.. its proven that those who abuse animals have mental defect. And it can lead to abuse of others. Hes shown that the only thi g he cared about was how long his sentence was. No remorse for the dogs. And hes never expressed sincere remore for any dogs that were abused tortured killed bred or neglected. I think he puts a front up. People that have that extensive of an animal fighting history ( cause hes said he grew up w it) dont change. I dont care what you or anyone else says... if he cared at all he wouldnt have done it and he wouldnt have paid for it all to happen. Your " he did it one time" wasnt just a simple set up... there were over 70 dogs, mutiple buildings, hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of effort to maintain this fighting ring and animals... he didnt stumble upon it. He perpetuated and tried to deny it. Hes guilty. And deserves to be stripped of his football creds and should be in jail.
Vick NEVER took responsibility for his actions nor fully apologized for what he did to these innocent creatures. As long as there is breath in my body, I will NEVER stop sharing what he did. He is not sorry for his actions. He is sorry he got caught!
Michael Vick is a piece of shit!
forgive others as we would want them to forgive ourselves. And how is it racism if he wants to help that so called "8.7%" a new beginning and try to improve their way of living. And what do you think God does on a regular basis? Those who go to heaven have committed many sins but the good deeds out weight the sins. When they make it in heaven he says that he'll forgive and forget all the wrong they've commited.
He is a bad person