Periphery - Remain Indoors: The Making of Select Difficulty
- Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024
- Periphery's documentary, Remain Indoors: The Making of Select Difficulty. Get the album Periphery III: Select Difficulty now on Sumerian Records:
Directed and Edited by Jeff Holcomb
Filmed by Jeff Holcomb and Josefa Torres
Music by Periphery and Jake Bowen
Store: store.periphery...
Facebook: / peripheryband
Instagram: / periphery
Twitter: / peripheryband
Thank you for the overwhelming response on the documentary, guys! Big thanks to Jeff for doing such an incredible job.
great video
jeff is the beast!! sick video!!
Mark, I beg, please, upload Juggernaut and PIII to Spotify!
And Periphery too!
They are on Spotify.
I will *never* get tired of Nolly playing Absolomb
Am I the only one that comes back to this over and over for no reason?
I do the same with the Parkway Drive documentaries
And i thought I'm the only one who watches this for no reason 🤣
Same here. I always fast forward to the part where they're rehearsing in Matt's basement.
Nope. You're not alone.
12:53 "sound like they've been played by a human."
plays a clip from Nolly...
Trying to not sound robotic, yet his tracks sound very midi like xd
"is that Spencer?"
"oh no it's a coffee machine"
"ah well, no difference"
Ahahaha, I had that EXACT thought
Roy Khau It did sound like screaming XD. It almost disturbed me when I realized it was the coffee machine.
Spencer won't be able to sing for the rest of this tour, so our friend Coffee Machine will be the substitute!
Hahaha same reaction mate!
who needs a vocalist when the coffee machine can do the job? all it needs is electricity HAH
This was an amazing documentary! I am beyond envious of Misha's home studio room, life goals!
Andrew Baena Eyyy the Djentleman himself
Dads money is nice right?
@@FanaticDrummer He might have started that way but by the second album, that's their own income from extensive touring and album sales. Add in the sponsorships from different brands. Everyone has to start somewhere.
@@guitarrerist698 Even the first album he worked his ass off for. For a while early on Misha lived at his parent's place but still paid rent and worked full time to fund everything.
about his parents money, somewhere i watched a interview with misha, he cleaerly said he got a large sum of money from his barmistva, as he is jewish, and i heard those celebrations are quite large. doesnt matter either way, would you wish periphery never existed? hahaha fuck it im just jealous!!
I'm 58 now and LOVE seeing a younger generation still so passionate about METAL.
I kind of just skimmed through this at different parts but I didn't hear any Metal. I heard jazz with electric guitar, but no Metal...hmnnnn
@@jeffreylieberman1668 regardless of what genre you want to label it, it's artistry.
@@jeffreylieberman1668 theres metal in this for sure
@@devendasmusic Cringe on what?
@@jeffreylieberman1668 he's calling you a gatekeeper, dotard
Periphery IV: A New Hope
Periphery IV: The Road Chip
Periphery IV: Batman & Robin
Periphery IV: The Legend Reborn
Periphery IV: Ascendant
Periphery IV: Mocking Jay part 2
Periphery IV: Thor
Periphery IV: iQuit iCarly
its real name is somehow even more stupid.
Periphery IV: Definitely Not Metalcore
Periphery IV: Shrek's New Groove
Periphery IV: Electric Boogaloo
Periphery IV: Big Boy Buns
The title is more relevant now.
Hirk Wahmmet I like the bass part
was washing dishes, player on random, song came on, rushed into youtube for the 2020 puns part II: electric boogaloo
dammit I came here to drop that comment I'm too late xD
Fucking Periphery always being ahead of their time.
Spiritual omen
i don't think anyone really noticed how fucking incredible that transition was at 37:29, but i'm gonna give mad props to Jeff for it here
Reverie oh wow that was pretty slick.
Reverie So much work went into making that transition unnoticeable. Nice one Jeff!
YES! That’s some Edgar Wright style shit right there.
ladies and gents, that is what we call a zero cut. well done Jeff!!! didnt see that coming, as a zero cut is meant to be haha.
Yeah man that took a little work to mask stuff out but those cuts are sick.
27:20 Periphery fans HAVE to understand this and stop commenting "P1 was better" "go back to your roots" "make music that we want"
Nothing is more fucking annoying than a whiny fan base who can't evolve with the band they claim to love. I will always be a Peripheral for the rest of my life, simply because of their strong musicianship, professionalism, and knowledge of the industry, gear, and theory. I mean, how many other bands offer long-ass meet and greets, clinics, masterclasses, live Q&A's, lighting and sound lessons, a week long music camp dedicated to teaching and building relationships, online tutorials and sample libraries, as well as downloadable stems from some albums?
THAT is what makes this band so great. The music is just one part.
As a musician I can understand both sides of thinking, I totally get why the guys of Periphery don't want to write P I (Or II) two times over, even if that really is the best album that the band has written so far in the end it just feels like copying what you're already done, and leaves no space to upping your game.
On the other side of things, I totally get too when a band releases a new album and it just plain sucks, it doesn't have the power or emotion/feel that the previous album had (see BMTH's That's the Spirit or Periphery's Juggernaut Alpha/Omega), it doesn't have the emotional impact that the previous album had and you get frustrated, it's really hard just to accept that one of your favourite bands just wanted to "top their game" and "evolve" even though their newest album just sucks and leaves you unsatisfied.
That is the point where "we just wanted to top our game to the next level" isn't going to cut it.
It's not even about topping their game, it's about writing music they're happy with. I consider that to be a musician's job, and I can't understand people who begrudge musicians for expressing themselves creatively, seeing as that's what they did to create the music that impacted them so much in the first place.
We never try to top our game, we just want to have fun!
If they made p1 5 times id understand but every record is vastly different so i feel like with each record they're going to gain and lose listeners... idk that's just my opinion tho.
+Vihaleipä Sorry to disappoint you buddy but all of that is subjective. Have a good day!
I love you guys so much.
Aw thanks yo, excited to see some PIII covers soon hopefully!
Marigold is happening currently! Ahhhhhhhh
+Lauren Babic No offense to Spencer (he is amazing
I love you
I love Swedish fish, idk how I fukin got here smh
Rare sighting @ 35:56 - A BMW driver that actually uses his turn signal. Holy shit!
The BMW manual tells you not to use them, but I'm a rebel!
Haha I thought the same when I saw this
You must not have seen anyone driving an SUV ever
And heres me thinking it was only a plague in the UK!
12:52 "But also sound like they were played like a human". He says this because he is of course, not human.
me: *watches Spencer get a headache*
Spencer: *drinks even more red wine*
me: *gets a headache*
Hey, I know the feeling of getting a headache from Vocals lol I guess that’s one way to get rid of it
@@xXxThelegend27xXx red wine makes a headache worse lol
@@GrittyTones alcohol in general, but ive heard sopncei boi is doing much better now
Misha referring to Jake as "Jakey"
All of Misha's ad spots:
29:27 (solar system and mutual one)
33:31 (I have a kid in me)
52:38 (the epiphany and the little dog)
Mark as a Starbucks employee:
Discussion of sequel names:
30:52 (part one: the first one)
49:10 (part two: the sequel sequel)
Mark eating alone
33:52 (trigger warning, v sad)
Mark struggles to hit the cue:
50:15 (we've all been there)
Special guest appearance by Anup Sastry and Alex Rüdinger
34:45 (Anus Pastry and the Rüdinger Escape Plan)
jalen roark I
Doing the lord's work
Not all heroes wear a cape
I wanna share a seat with mark oml he's so sad
jalen roark Thanks for this comment. The Misha ads are hilarious.
25:20 'ohh, I got a headache after that..'*chugs from wine bottle*
Intro track on Bullet for my Valentine's Venom album.
He spoke in an interview about how he was really drowning his problems in his vices during the recording process. It's very noticeable in this video.
I look for this comment
Which interview is that?
I'd like to read it too.
Cinematography is top notch, good shit Jeff!
Blown away. Good job Jeff!
unbelievable Jeff
Thank you guys!
how do you add the "director" tag in the video description above "category " ? i have two other channels and i would like to put my name as a director on my other channel. plz haaalp.
In-fucking-deed it is!
Not only do they record the guitars, drums and vocals at very separate locations, but Misha uses Cubase, Spencer uses ProTools and Nolly uses Logic... and it all comes together seamlessly. I think it's awesome!
It's also pretty cool how they all know how to use it all.
@p h except none of them record directly in wav. So stems have to be exported and imported in every daw.
@@decaftundra but.. aren't the stems in wav?
@@jerbear97 not until they are bounced. Which can be time consuming. It can also be tricky because they use a lot of midi and getting the exacts settings to get the exact same sound across different platforms can be tough and time consuming…so I guess they bounce the instrument to audio. Long short story short, when you they are in in writing mode, I suspect it was a massive pain.
"Remain Indoors" is ahead of its time... by 4 years.
Our Sonic Unrest Tour starts on Thursday! Check for tickets and VIP upgrades.
if i take pizza can i get free vip tickets?
Indianapolis or Evansville Indiana soon please!
Im on the first date:)
you guys really need to come to vegas indont think youve come throughbsince 09
+Cortical C137 yes. tons! lol
I could watch Holcomb play all day, it seems so chill and fluid when he plays.
29:13 When I first heard that I was like : "Wow, sounds like a Carl Sagan's Cosmos episode" and then Misha: "The Solar System has nine planets". LOL
I love how hard Jake laughs when Misha says that 😂
31:57 Mark imitating what Nick Jonas would have played for a guitar solo for Flatline lol
What I love about Periphery's music is that they can get really deep and hard core in some parts of their album and then really bright and melodic in others. Very diverse.
I'm so glad that it shows that even though Matt Halpern is a really talented drummer, he still has to jump the same hurdles any other drummer would. inspirational.
only 5 min spencer drinking alone in a dark room... thats one of your best cds, but spencer deserves more , he is brilliant on that record. all of you are
Maybe Spencer's more of a private guy than the others. I don't know though
I think he's kinda annoying anyways.
Darien Lux how?
Darien Lux haha how is he annoying? he's like the most respectful, calm and down to earth person
At 27:20 when Misha talks about creating music not for the fans, but for their own happiness, and the pleasure he gets when a part "comes together and WOW", i was totally thinking about Misha's Marigold arpeggio outro. Magical moment.
31:28 Periphery 3: *WHAT ARE YOU DOIN IN MY SWAMP*
Misha perpetually looks like he has just woken up from a 3 day long nap
MrCharisma yes.
he probably has a sick dab rig he puffs on in 3 day long intervals xD
The bruh is woke, yo.
Is this an insult or a complement ?
@@NeilDjents both
There's nothing cooler than seeing how much fun you guys are having. Album rocks. End of story. Tour will kick ass. End of story. Now bring it over to Europe...End of story!
Hopefully soon :D
I need my fix
yeah they always stay in America
43:47 Totally thought that was Jens Kidman screaming before I saw Nolly making coffee
Haha, I thought they played Shed
yo legit
Definitely thought they were playing I
First time you see the vocalist hes got a bottle of wine in his hand in some dark lit room, eatin a fkn burger during an interview...fkn vocalists man
He was in multiple shots before that I thought just chillin? I could be wrong
this comment had me dying hahahaha I read it before it got to the scene and when It finally did... hahhaha
Jeff has such an incredible eye. This wouldn't have been the same without all those sick b-roll shots.
This documentary is incredible. I come back to watch it whenever I feel like I'm running out of inspiration
I love the fact that these guys are so open about money and the issue of little to no pay in the metal scene. I really respect them for doing it for the love of music. These guys deserve all the success they have!
How do I get one of those blurry cymbals?
Looks like a prototype of the Byzance Symmetry Ride with a smaller bell
yeah, could be an unreleased cymbal
Wait a few months until it is officially released for public purchase ;)
No one even mentioned the blurry Vik guitar lol
30:10 cracked me up so much loll. Jake seems like the teddy bear that never gets mad at anyone XD
sexy350Zowner except when he plays online games lmao
Periphery III: Shrek 2 will always be my favourite part of this documentary.
I love how Mark comes in and gives out mandatory hugs to everyone. I can see him doing that every time he enters a room. These guys seem so chill.
This video made me love Periphery so much more. I love how passionate these guys are about their music and how personal it is for them. I know it's like that for any band, but to see the journey and hear how they're dealing with the process; how important it is that they're expressing themselves with their writing rather than trying to please other people, I love it.
New Periphery fan here.
They censored out the logo on the Vik guitar. Nicely done boys. Nicely done.
Propane and Propane Accessories.
Misha Mansoor Clean burning, American propane I tell you what. The world's finest gas.
I see you everywhere... Even on my brothers channel.. My brothers channel is ryansiew1
edison_1234 No shit? Tell him he plays a mean guitar and is a source of extreme jealousy for me. He rips hard.
+Hank Hill ok I'll tell him
Love rewatching this documentary, especially the part abroad with Nollace and GromMatt cheesing up the drums
I can watch this every hour of the day and feel 800% inspired and motivate to write. This is pure gold!!
I love that you guys openly speak about the less sexy side of the musician lifestyle. "If we were in it for the money we would be a bunch of idiots". I also love that you guys pretty much engineered and recorded the album yourselves. That's a very cool thing. Thank you for the inside look into your world.
I just love the way they get along with each other. The comfort between em is beautiful
who else loves nollys basses??
Joshua Edward Weaver i know, i want to get a dingwall so bad
Joshua Edward Weaver I have one, it’s as good as you’d imagine
i love how you can hear jeff chuckling in almost all the funny clips, it's wholesome af
Watching this made me appreciate each member much more than I already did. Wonderful work, gentlemen.
43:48 jesus, Spencer's screams sound sick!
oh wait
Please can the next one be called Periphery IV: Christmas Vacation
Periphery IV: The Solar System Has Nine Planets
Periphery V: Summer Camp
Periphery IV: Dicks out for Harambe
Periphery VII: Here Come Dat Djent
Watched this over and over and over, never gets boring at all. I just love watching the process of a bunch of fun, creative, passionate people creating top notch stuffs.
I rewatch this video every single month, can't wait for the new Periphery album release!
Periphery as a band is as pro as a good metal band can get. I hope you guys make music for years to come so that my kids too can enjoy your sounds and learn from your music.
I almost cried at the end because you guys are fucking amazing and this album is pure and utter joy.
Poor Spencer. Everyone's living together, working on music and being best buds- He's alone in a shit-hole vocal recording room, drinking himself into early cirrhosis.
He visits them, or he used to anyway. Bethesda isn't too far of a drive from D.C.
+MrMuffinTastic i thought he lived in san diego
Probably helped with those angry vocals.
John Arnold He was born and lived in San Diego. It says in the video he's in Maryland recording. Either due to closeness to the band, his girlfriend, his job, or all of the above. Can't say though.
+MrMuffinTastic rodger
19:38 did Matt really turn a hoodie into a V-neck? Only Halpern would do something like that.
1:25. There is both an Xbox One, and a PS4. Periphery goes both ways.
'sup man :D love the vids you make. the drum tracks alone are good to jam along to.
i don’t understand how you could say a single bad thing about periphery. they are some of the most talented, genuine dudes that have ever played metal. i understand their music may not be for everyone but you can’t say they don’t put everything they have into every piece of music.
I face the bad thing is a killer song from Juggernaut omega xD
33:01 Volumes - Edge of The Earth takes a bow and makes a swift exit.
Why is nobody talking about spencer just drinking wine straight out the bottle and eating a cheeseburger during his vocal sessions 💀💀💀 im fucking dead its so funny just to watch
Ikr, badass really
that coffee grinder has a sick scream
I thought that too. Someone needs to sample that.
You never see Nolly and Michael from Vsauce in the same room together....think about it.
These guys all look like they'd be so fun to hang out with. The pranks they play on each other, the way they tease each other.
One of my favorite things Misha does is when he composes little tunes and provides a commentary. The solar system riff, the "Mutual One" jingle, the inspirational speech - his musical sense of humor just really hits me in my funny bone!
Perfect time to watch Remain Indoors as i remain indoors
22:50: You can hear Bon Iver - Holocene in the background! As if there weren't enough reasons to love these guys!
32:00 Kmac would be proud
Songs Played in Track Order:
The Price Is Wrong: 15:41, 19:21, 19:54, 24:46, 34:45
Motormouth: 15:13, 21:50, 22:28, 39:32, 40:05
Marigold: 9:55, 16:02, 33:02
The Way The News Goes...: 11:33, 13:58
Remain Indoors: 13:25, 15:30, 42:49, 48:00
Habitual Line-Stepper: 35:12
Flatline: 31:57
Absolomb: 1:52, 3:19, 5:47, 7:36, 16:28, 29:13, 40:34, 41:18, 42:07
Prayer Position: 12:56, 14:21, 18:12, 26:18, 27:00, 50:15
Lune: 13:53
The Event (from Juggernaut: Alpha): 5:33
Omega (from Juggernaut: Omega): 9:33
Nice, thank you!
they just forgot Catch Fire 😢
Fascinating to watch. Watching artist work is always a joy
14:22 what song is that? god damn, ball busting riff.
That's from Prayer Position
misha replied and no one noticed lmao
I noticed.
This is one of the coolest things I've seen. Thanks for releasing this on YT guys!
One of the greatest albums ever!!
Jake writes the happiest sounding riffs
Matt and his V-necks lol. he even ripped his hoodie to make it a V-neck
What a great documentary. Just had the best hour of the day. Thank you for this beautiful gift guys!
definitely thought that coffee grinder at 43:47 was a scream lol
Man these guys bring punching in to a new level. Recording everything 5 seconds at a time.
Thank god they added absolomb. One of my favorites
29:25 Has to be the funniest part of this documentary
lol, that or the inspirational speech at 33:26
52:40 - 53:00 funniest part, hands down
seriously, when misha and mark are watching mark eat. I friggin daid lol
also zamkowicz that part just about killed me
What was the solar system bit about, was that from a commercial
I'm flying all the way from Ohio to see you guys in March. You're the only band I listen to regularly that I haven't seen. This must change. P3 was a masterpiece in my opinion and I'm very excited for P4. This is such a great documentary.
Amazing. So bummed it had to end.
Love love seeing the recording process and seeing the work that goes into making a record.
I Love seeing Nolly playing Guitar, this Album is writing and productions wise a Masterpiece, still my favorite Album
Really, fucking props to Jeff. This shit was amazing.
You guys should do some "day in the life of periphery" type guys are fun to watch. Top notch album!
I agree. Very genuine, wise, and fucking hilarious. Their philosophy on music is really respectable.
This is the 10th time I've seen this ( prob more .. ) and I still laugh at the same jokes , get emotional at the same times , and just admire them at all times ... can't wait for P4 to come out and I'm really hoping that they do something like this again
Well how do you like it man?
I love how this doc popped up while watching Coronavirus videos. Periphery knows to Remain Indoors.
I've seen this 3-4 times now and I never get tired....
I just got in to Periphery over the past couple of weeks after discovering them on the metalcore reddit page. I believe it was a post for Lune, which I listened to and REALLY fucking loved, and then I saw the bass playthrough that Nolly did for Prayer Position. I couldn't believe my ears and my eyes watching that, everything about it was just amazing. Checked out a few more songs on RUclips and I was absolutely sold. It's a god damn shame a group like this isn't more widely known outside of their fanbase and metalcore in general.
surprised not to see any "remain indoors" comments as of late march 2020
I love this band so fucking much. So much hate on Spencer though? I hate to say it but he's the main reason I listen to Periphery....but I do like their instrumentals
Same here, im a guitarist myself and i love everything musically about periphery (Yes including the bass, Nolly knows how to make a groove) but i mostly listen to Periphery because of his vocals.
Thank you for saying that. People seem to hate on Spencer because they're stuck back in the days of Periphery 1 when the music was so hectic and complicated and was actually originally written without vocals in mind. People need to grow up and realize that this is the direction Periphery wants to go in and they can either enjoy it or stop listening to them.
Daniel Champion
I don't hate his vocals, but I don't like them either. To me he's not really emotional convincing.
kalkwiese if you ask me there's not much emotion but he's a great performer. I actually enjoy periphery instrumentally more than with the vocals.
Ronald Mick
That may be true. :) I dont listen to Periphery for emotions tbh. I listen to them when I want to listen to something over the top. They're really fun, but I am not always in that mood.
I think it's really cool to see the humanity behind the band. As a new relatively fan, I'm learning more and more about this band. Seeing this documentary reminded me why I like their music. It's neat to see I'm not alone in messing up while recording music. They struggle sometimes too, as they are also human. Very cool video. Thoroughly enjoyed. I'm pinning Periphery as my favorite band.
That part about a 3rd through when they were in matts house is definitely my favourite part, because even all three guitarists and nolly are all involved in matts playing and equipment, it's so nice to see a band that all members are involved in all things
That bass tone is soooo T H I C C
"Sorry, but was that you playing guitar or were you taking a shit in my ear? Couldn't tell. Let's try again, Hack Holcomb."
these guys are hilarious lol
Playing in this band is basically like being a mathematician
One of the best bands of our time. Something truley great to behold.
I love PERIPHERY !!! Saludos desde Argentina ! Vuelvan !!!!!