The Priceless Value of Love: A Darwinian Dilemma

  • Опубликовано: 31 дек 2024
  • Darwinism's failure to ground love. How much is a human worth? When I was a small child I asked my mother how much money I was worth? She, because of her love for me, answered that I was worth more than all the money in the world. Yet Darwinian materialism can't ground love. In her article "Darwin’s Robots: When Evolutionary Materialists Admit that Their Own Worldview Fails" Professor Nancy Pearcey states the situation as such for atheists "When I teach these concepts in the classroom, an example my students find especially poignant is Flesh and Machines by Rodney Brooks, professor emeritus at MIT. Brooks writes that a human being is nothing but a machine - a “big bag of skin full of biomolecules” interacting by the laws of physics and chemistry. In ordinary life, of course, it is difficult to actually see people that way. But, he says, “When I look at my children, I can, when I force myself, … see that they are machines.” Is that how he treats them, though? Of course not: “That is not how I treat them, I interact with them on an entirely different level. They have my unconditional love, the furthest one might be able to get from rational analysis.” Certainly if what counts as “rational” is a materialist worldview in which humans are machines, then loving your children is irrational. It has no basis". In fact the love she had for her child is what made Jennifer Fulwiler start to question her scientific atheism. In an interview she explained "after my first child was born. I looked down and thought, ‘What is this baby?’ And I thought, ‘Well, from a pure atheist materialist perspective, he is a collection of randomly evolved chemical reactions.’ And I realized if that’s true, [then] all the love that I feel for him, that it’s all nothing more than chemical reactions in our brains. And I looked down at him, and I realized: that’s not true. It’s not the truth., that’s what prompted me to start researching topics of spirituality." In short, under Darwinian atheism there is no love and thus there is simply no way to derive any true value or worth for a human being. As the late atheist Stephen Hawking bluntly put it, under scientific materialism, "The human race is just a chemical scum". In short, and to repeat, without love the atheist simply has no way to derive any true value, meaning, or worth for a human being. In short, under atheism love simply does not exist. Yet all sane people know love exists. We all experience it in our own personal lives. Yet, since love can't be grounded in materialism, this necessary entails that love must ultimately be grounded in God. Moreover, not any sort of God will do. It is only within the trinity of Christianity, where God exists as more than one person, that love can be properly grounded. As the video titled “The Ontological Argument for the Triune God”, points out, because of the characteristic of ‘maximally great love’, God must exist in more than one person, otherwise we are stuck with the logical contradiction of maximally great love being grounded in ones own self which is the very antithesis of maximally great love. To further establish that love is grounded in God, I will quote a Near Death Experiencer, “The only human emotion I could feel was pure, unrelenting, unconditional love. Take the unconditional love a mother has for a child and amplify it a thousand fold, then multiply exponentially. The result of your equation would be as a grain of sand is to all the beaches in the world. So, too, is the comparison between the love we experience on earth to what I felt during my experience."

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