The Most Ridiculous Complaints Sent to HR

  • Опубликовано: 22 сен 2024

Комментарии • 99

  • @amybarthel479
    @amybarthel479 2 года назад +61

    HR here. Employee had court ordered child support payments. He would call us and complain, telling us we can't take that out of his check. The court changed the ordered. We tell him we can't do anything until we get new orders from the county/court. Rinse and repeat every couple of weeks. I just wanted to tell him to pay his damn child support.

    • @granziii12
      @granziii12 2 года назад

      (Sorry for the book. Nobody is under ANY obligation to read all this)
      I think you might have talked to my friend lol. He means well but he's UNBELIEVABLY gullible and doesn't understand sooo many details about legality. Plus there's so many different moving pieces in his life too. I've been pulling his ass outta the fire for EIGHT... YEARS! I love him to death but he's gunna be the death of me.
      But yeah, he's a genuinely good guy. Always thinking of others, puts himself last and CONSTANTLY gets used by others. He loves his daughter with all his heart and soul but after fighting for years to get custody of her from the sick, twisted, vial creature that is his ex wife, she's brainwashed his little girl to be destined to be such gutter trash like her mother. The amount of therapy, care and special education that girl would need to correct these behaviors is a chunk of change the higher upper class folks would do a double take at. He's been couch surfing longer than I've known him.
      He's a convicted fellon too. He took the blame cuz he wasn't gunna let a pregnant teenager ruin her life over something dumb, but the officers didn't like his family so he got it way worse, which I kinda get. His family is a bizarre combination of Duck Dynasty and Jackass but less entertaining and more violent and use blackmailing, narcotics and crimes that get my blood boiling involving children. He's the exception.
      I had to tell him the only way anyone in this situation is going to have the possibility of getting out to live a happy life is for him to sign off on his parental rights, go down to FL and get his dying father to write him in his will and leave him everything and that should be enough to pay off everything he owes and still have enough to afford to relocate again to a specific location in NC, get some half decent housing, furnish it and be safe for at least 2 years where I told him to learn every trade he can so he can work a few jobs, save up and start his own company so he has a passive income so he can FINALLY live the rest of his life working his dream job, a food truck.

    • @oz_jones
      @oz_jones 2 года назад +1

      And technically, *you* arent taking it out of his check, the courts/government is.
      Poor kid(s).

    • @crhenningride
      @crhenningride 2 года назад +3

      I worked with a guy who, when the child support caught up with him, quit his job so he wouldn't have to pay. This was something he did regularly...get a job and then quit when they found him. Moved to different states, too. He'll get a big surprise when he retires and they take it out of his Social Security. They can and will take up to half of his monthly benefit.

  • @skyelindsey687
    @skyelindsey687 2 года назад +21

    I remember an AITA post where a guy bought a $50k guitar off of his wife’s coworker for $4k. The coworker complained to HR that OP wouldn’t give it back for $4k so that he could in turn sell it for $50k. HR told him it wasn’t their problem. The wife had to go to HR twice because the coworker kept harassing her & OP in and out of work & HR fired the dude. This all would’ve been avoided if the coworker had done proper research on the guitar instead of just googling telecaster guitar

  • @Waltham1892
    @Waltham1892 2 года назад +22

    I work for my agency's Office of Internal Affairs (not what we call it). An employee complained that another employee said "just shoot me now!" which she interpreted as workplace violence.
    I though to myself, "we said that all the time in the Army."
    I talk to the complained of employee and low and behold, he's a veteran. Not only is he a veteran, he and I served in the same Brigade of the same Division, though several years apart.
    He asked me if he was looking at trouble for the beef against him, I told him "Bro, I completely got this. You are good."

  • @jsmith1291
    @jsmith1291 2 года назад +46

    Regarding the idiot complaining about the HR person sneezing and "making too much noise," couldn't the management have just told her to stop with the frivolous complaints? I can't imagine entertaining this nonsense by even pretending it's something that I need to discuss with the employee. People are going to sneeze from time to time, so either deal with it or get a job where you don't have to deal with people at all.

    • @Jose04537
      @Jose04537 2 года назад

      Because of the pandemic sneezing is a big deal. Some workplaces tell you you to stop because is a work hazard now.

    • @jennyhaslayer1396
      @jennyhaslayer1396 2 года назад +4

      Because she didn't walk into hr saying "omg op sneezed"! Lmao. She obviously just said he was being loud to try and get him fired eventually.

  • @purelysmetalnightcore
    @purelysmetalnightcore 2 года назад +28

    My mom has worked in HR for over 30 years. Her worst job was when she worked for DHL. A lot of the employees came from 3rd world countries and spoke limited English and had terrible hygiene. She had to have entire classes/lectures with multiple employees and do her best to explain that they all smelled like shit and needed to flush the toilets and not use so much toilet paper. She caught an employee attempting to steal peoples' prescription deliveries (pills) and that's multiple felonies right there. An employee tried to say she was fired unfairly due to racism and my mom had to show up to court with the camera footage showing the employee coming up behind someone she had beef with and punching her in the head.
    My mom didn't have to deal with this next one but at her job before DHL someone broke into the warehouse where he worked and crushed himself to death in the baler and left a suicide note at home. His family tried to sue the company for being unsafe. Not only did the guy break in, but he was trained on how to use the baler, and it's a multi-step process to turn it on. It was not possible for it to be a freak accident or incompetence. He knew what he was doing. I know his family must have been hurting immensely but to blame the place where he chose to die is ridiculous.

    • @mothergoose9383
      @mothergoose9383 2 года назад

      It's American citizens who are the biggest problems I've seen in more than 40 years of employment across multiple industries. Often it is the well off, white upper levels of management who I've seen stealing and abusing their positions. Older white American women don't usually shower enough and just drown themselves in foul perfumelike a teen boy with Axe spray. Once they have their hair "done," they won't wash it. They wait weeks until they go back to the salon. Disgusting.

  • @rolandhansen812
    @rolandhansen812 2 года назад +9

    Not HR but I worked doing payroll. Had a new employee in the warehouse, had only been there a few weeks. Got a court order to withhold child support. The first paycheck he got with the child support taken out, he went to lunch and never came back. His boss was pissed. Not at the employee but at me for withholding court ordered support. My boss gave me shit saying I should have warned him before taking the child support out of his check. Why? So he can quit sooner so as no money would go to his ex? What don't these people get about "COURT ORDER"? I am legally R E Q U I R E D to take the money out of his check and send it to the court.

    • @mothergoose9383
      @mothergoose9383 2 года назад +1

      Maybe he should have kept it in his pants.

    • @rolandhansen812
      @rolandhansen812 2 года назад +4

      @@mothergoose9383 Yes. Heaven forbid a man has to actually support his children. I has often wished my ex-wife had been married to him instead of me.

  • @Unknown17
    @Unknown17 2 года назад +6

    Here's how deceitful and underhanded HR can be in the U.S.. A company was hiring for a job that required a lot of traveling, so they would "somehow" always end up hiring unmarried people without children, because these people objected less to traveling. But HR is not allowed to ask if you are married or have kids. So what did they do? When you came in for an interview, the HR rep had fake pictures of their own "spouse" and "kids" on the desk, facing the applicant. These were so obvious that the person being interviewed would end up voluntarily talking about their own (real) spouse and kids. Then they were eliminated from consideration. I have been in the work force for 47 years and have to say that HR departments are mostly manned by the most wicked people you can find anywhere.

  • @ulfrthered
    @ulfrthered 2 года назад +24

    Got called into my Office Manager's office to discuss a recent accusation a fellow employee had made.
    She told the OM I called her a "butthead"
    I confirmed that I did indeed call said employee a butthead.
    She gave me a look and sighed and told me to act like I'd been yelled at and to read the room better

  • @Redelmopaint
    @Redelmopaint 2 года назад +11

    I got one.
    My coworker complained to HR that i was being inappropriate and unprofessional to her. HR looked through our emails and couldn’t find anything.
    “She said ‘Hey (her name)’ as a greeting.”

    @iPLAYtheSTATION 2 года назад +7

    The last story is a very similar representation of what went on at my previous retail job. People would constantly complain about not getting enough hours, then they would constantly call off on scheduled days to work.

    • @erickpoorbaugh6728
      @erickpoorbaugh6728 2 года назад

      It sounds like they want the *pay* of working 35 hours while only doing the *work* for 15 hours.

  • @robertlevine2827
    @robertlevine2827 2 года назад +60

    At my previous job, someone complained to HR that my shoes were too loud on the floor.

    • @nikowearingachefhat7388
      @nikowearingachefhat7388 2 года назад +10

      Did you have the boots from spongebob that squeak when taking steps?

    • @robertlevine2827
      @robertlevine2827 2 года назад

      @@nikowearingachefhat7388 Lol. No, just plain old shoes.

    • @DuchessofEarlGrey
      @DuchessofEarlGrey 2 года назад +4

      @@robertlevine2827 Wooden crocks count as "plain old shoes," sir.

    • @swiftestodin30
      @swiftestodin30 2 года назад


    • @swiftestodin30
      @swiftestodin30 2 года назад

      @@nikowearingachefhat7388 😂😂😂

  • @ostlandr
    @ostlandr 2 года назад +8

    Lost what I thought was a good friend when we were both up for the same promotion. BANG! Out of the blue I was sexually harassing her. Total BS, but the HR lady HATED men. Needless to say, I got a write up and my ex-friend got the promotion. Never spoke to her again unless it directly involved work. She tried to start up a conversation a couple of times, but I just ignored her. She had the nerve to look hurt that I was no longer her friend.

    • @oz_jones
      @oz_jones 2 года назад

      People are weird

    • @loribernardisunwell9663
      @loribernardisunwell9663 Год назад

      @@oz_jones weird?! Thats not weird behavior, thats borderline psychopathic! She was willing to potentially ruin someones life and reputation just to make sure she got what she wanted and then thought that she should/would be forgiven. This is mentally ill, borderline psychopathic behavior. Saying its weird is nearly an insult.
      If there was justice in this world the HR person would have done their job, found no evidence and pressed charges on her for making false accusations. She should have been charged with a crime instead of promoted.

  • @brettlarch8050
    @brettlarch8050 2 года назад +17

    This guy is literally complaining about being required to take paid days off? How much of a workaholic can someone be?

    • @parisgreen4600
      @parisgreen4600 2 года назад +3

      LOL maybe he's embezzling - "I'm skimming all this money, but I can never take a day off as long as I live!"

    • @tonyblake7569
      @tonyblake7569 2 года назад +5

      Could be paranoid. Like he thinks their plan is to have him take time off, he'll be behind in work because the time off, and they'll fire him for being behind in work saying he shouldn't have taken it off if he knew he'd fall behind.

    • @KnakuanaRka
      @KnakuanaRka 2 года назад +8

      I heard a likely explanation is that the guy was doing something shady/illegal, and didn’t want someone else looking over his work and discovering the fraud.

    • @bananapee86
      @bananapee86 2 года назад

      @@tonyblake7569 Licky on da pee

    • @TJDious
      @TJDious 2 года назад

      Sounds like Hank Hill.

  • @jennyhaslayer1396
    @jennyhaslayer1396 2 года назад +6

    My mom bought kittens from this lady, that's why they were Facebook friends, said lady posted about a job, I reached out and got it, she was one of the managers. I shut down because I couldn't figure out how to do something and I said I couldn't do it so that was that (I was 18) manager WHO WASNT EVEN THERE proceeds to message my mom on Facebook trying to get me in trouble. I told our boss boss and he yelled at her lol.

  • @stadot1427
    @stadot1427 2 года назад +23

    One of these reminded me of a friend of mine. She was working retail and got reprimanded for misgendering someone. The only problem was, they couldn't tell her who made the complaint, so...yeah, she was pretty frustrated with that one.

  • @0INFERNO1
    @0INFERNO1 2 года назад +6

    Talk to people and get reported, refuse to speak to people and get reported. Damned if you do......

  • @Xerdar36
    @Xerdar36 2 года назад +14

    Crap rolled in cinnamon… 😂

  • @princessmarlena1359
    @princessmarlena1359 2 года назад +6

    Someone complained to HR because I didn’t make enough eye contact, nor did I smile enough. 🙄

    • @zibix4562
      @zibix4562 2 года назад +5

      you should start staring at them more with a big big smile. dont blink when they can see it

    • @princessmarlena1359
      @princessmarlena1359 2 года назад

      @@zibix4562 🤣

    • @Elyseon
      @Elyseon 2 года назад +4

      Probably the same people who spend half the day gossiping and talking shit about coworkers and their private lives.

    • @princessmarlena1359
      @princessmarlena1359 2 года назад

      @@Elyseon oh yeah!

    • @erickpoorbaugh6728
      @erickpoorbaugh6728 2 года назад +1

      I saw one of these where some overgrown kindergartner complained to HR that her coworkers didn’t invite her when they went out to eat together, and as a result, they were no longer allowed to eat together on their own time.

  • @dianecheney4141
    @dianecheney4141 2 года назад +1

    I worked in tech and I took a job at a new company after the very large electronic company in our area downsized. Anyway, after 30 days the supervisor did a critique. He gave me mine but it was very weird. He told me that he wanted me to take more initiative on training new machines. But I was using machines that most people were not. So I asked him to give examples. I wasn’t going to argue with him. After the meeting I was talking to another employee who had also just had this critique. Went through what he told her and it was exactly what he told me. So I contacted HR to complain that he was giving everyone the same critique and that wasn’t fair. He was even submitting the same reports over and over again. No one had noticed before. The rest of my time at that company was colorful

  • @vwgirl
    @vwgirl 2 года назад +1

    Worked at a job where I had to do hand written work orders. I had a system in my office. Pending orders (written up and waiting for a go ahead to process), send orders waiting for delivery, and orders waiting for payment. Receptionist lost track of something came into my office and ransacked my office tossing paperwork everywhere. I was pissed and yelled at her. She went to HR that I was mean to her. When I went to the meeting with my direct boss her and the boss boss they told her she was wrong and say out of everyone's offices. So instead of taking her reprimand she doubled down by saying I must be having an affair with my boss since they were saying she was wrong. She was a piece of work.

  • @HappilyHomicidalHooligan
    @HappilyHomicidalHooligan 2 года назад +3

    The Bus Driver that was rubbing his GF's feet while he was driving was lucky all OP did was call his Company...
    OP could also have sent that photo/video to the State DOT and that would have gotten him in SERIOUS trouble and probably Charged with Distracted Driving, Dangerous Operation of a Motor Vehicle and/or Reckless Endangerment...those latter 2 Charges can easily get your Commercial License Suspended if not outright revoked...
    He might even have been Charged with Criminal Negligence...which could net him Prison Time...

  • @DarkRelm22
    @DarkRelm22 2 года назад +13

    an extra 10 days aND a raise??? can I have his job??

  • @corsaircarl9582
    @corsaircarl9582 2 года назад +7

    About the porn one.
    Can’t they just look at it at home? On their phone? How is it that impossible?

    • @tonyblake7569
      @tonyblake7569 2 года назад +5

      You'd think. I kinda knew a guy years ago, both went to the same cafe. One day he was complaining about being banned from a store because he was caught masterbating, not sure if he had it out or hand in pants. Told him he's lucky he wasn't arrested. It was bass pro shop, basically has hunting and camping stuff so not sure what made him lose control and not wait until he got home.

    • @corsaircarl9582
      @corsaircarl9582 2 года назад +5

      @@tonyblake7569 Just dunno how it just crosses someone's mind. Like do they not know they could get caught?

    • @rolandhansen812
      @rolandhansen812 2 года назад +1

      Doesn't want his wife to see him getting his jollies with porn - since he hasn't touched her in months

    • @rolandhansen812
      @rolandhansen812 2 года назад +4

      @@tonyblake7569 Ooooh! Fishing lures and camouflage waders, That's SO hot.

    • @ostlandr
      @ostlandr 2 года назад +1

      Had one guy finagle things so he got to work later than everybody else. Someting like 10-6 instead of 8-4. One night the elderly, very Catholic cleaning lady came around to empty his wastebasket, and sure enough, he had p**n on his work computer and was 'en flagrante'. FIRED.

  • @askreddit3021
    @askreddit3021 2 года назад +2

    I've worked in several where they install those auto air fresheners. Beforehand it smells like shit. After the fact it smells like shit rolled in cinnamon.

  • @Jopsyduck
    @Jopsyduck 2 года назад +6

    9:21 that's the more SFW version of how the biblical Joseph got thrown in prison.

  • @lorisewsstuff1607
    @lorisewsstuff1607 2 года назад

    My husband and I used to work in the same building on different shifts. HR hired a relative of her's that couldn't keep a job due to anxiety. She was placed in the same office I worked in. She was having panic attacks several times a week, so she didn't get much done, but we couldn't complain because of HR. We carried on as usual and did most of her work for her. I clocked out at 5pm the same as she did. My husband would walk me to the door and say good night. He was called into HR about a s*xual harassment complaint. It was one complaint but accused him of stalking all the women that clocked out at 5. He explained that he walked out with me and usually didn't speak to any of the other women. HR confirmed that was true by asking my female coworkers if they felt threatened. Guess who was the only one? She then went on to say she was so terrified that she had thrown up while walking to her car. Suddenly there was a rule against fraternization and my husband and I could only wave to each other from a distance. She complained she was still scared because he was waving at her. HR didn't believe that but she was caught between a rock and a hard place because she promised her aunt that that she make sure her cousin kept her job. Then the woman started complaining about any man that spoke, made eye contact, or just got closer than she wanted. About that time an opening came available at sister company that had a tiny office. We did most of the work but 1 person was needed there for filing and whatnot. HR sent her there. She only had to see her new boss once or twice a day. She only had to speak to people on the phone. She could use the executive entrance. She had her own bathroom. It was the perfect job for someone that hated people. She stayed there several years until the company went under.

  • @Deemememe
    @Deemememe 2 года назад +1

    Once at an old job, a coworker put in a complaint about me because… I didn’t say hello to her 😂😂😩😩😩😩😩 ooooh I laughed so hard!!

  • @Thoroughly_Wet
    @Thoroughly_Wet 2 года назад +2

    That first one. At my job machine operators are also sanitation so we're all responsible for keeping stuff clean, even bathrooms. Well I believe clean what you dirty, so if I leave a mark it's clean before I leave the stall because I'm not gonna make someone clean my mess since we're all responsible. Anyways there's this one guy who always manages to cover the rear in tar spots that never cleans up after himself.

  • @gregorshepherd3561
    @gregorshepherd3561 2 года назад +3

    Stingray turtle story had me in stitches for a good few minutes.

    • @HappilyHomicidalHooligan
      @HappilyHomicidalHooligan 2 года назад

      If I were OP, I'd have looked at the HR person and said I'm making a Formal Complaint against her for snooping through MY Personal Property.
      Why exactly was she reading my notebook in the first place?

  • @theresaderse-nosacek5236
    @theresaderse-nosacek5236 2 года назад +1

    At my sister's last job most of her complaints to HR were about HR. Everything clicked one day when the HR was posting about their new event surprise massage day along with some very concerned looking people at their desk getting a massage. The HR department was in India for the entire company.

  • @somethingsomething404
    @somethingsomething404 2 года назад +1

    Hr canned me for disclosing the fact that I was no longer worried about being let go over nothing, company had decided my “infraction” was meaningless and didn’t even result in a write up. But because I mentioned that the process ended with a good result, I was then fired for discussing the meeting -.- they underpaid and I had a long commute though so I was just okay “okay..”

    • @somethingsomething404
      @somethingsomething404 2 года назад

      But, it was for the best. I landed a better paying job closer to home with better benefits in the same industry.

  • @ZillasCoop
    @ZillasCoop 2 года назад +2

    im all for saving money by not having extra copiers.... but if i have to walk a half a block away to get the printer and my stuff was taken by someone else ( sometimes found in the trash) ..then go back and hit print again... its not saving any money

  • @dianecheney4141
    @dianecheney4141 2 года назад

    My ex sister in law worked at a company that was in the same industry as me. Her company had a Halloween party where the employees were encouraged to dress up. Sil dressed as a bag person and one young man was acting very nervous around her, so he became a target. She chased him around and tried to grab him and give him hugs and kisses. He explained to her that he had been assaulted by a bag person in his past and she was giving him serious anxiety. She thought that was hilarious. She got fired the next work day and was deeply offended by the fact that in her head she was just trying help him get over a phobia

  • @maloydonedidit2903
    @maloydonedidit2903 2 года назад +1

    Worked with a guy who went to HR because co-workers were speeding on the interstate road near our shop.

  • @marywray6046
    @marywray6046 2 года назад +2

    But you truly can't be totally sure he didn't communicate with telepathy

    • @oz_jones
      @oz_jones 2 года назад

      Yes, yes we can.

  • @villafanmart
    @villafanmart 2 месяца назад

    i have one for this, had a job where i was sat down and told that i was upsetting people with how i am.....i was also told by the same manager that he cant make staff like me if they dont want to...but i had to change to stop upsetting people. but its ok for me to be upset by people.

  • @firefly127
    @firefly127 2 года назад +2

    Had someone go to the saying I was passive aggressive and ignoring them because they kept yelling the wrong name at me and I corrected them with my actual name which they apparently didn’t like as much as what they thought my name was so when they continued to use the wrong one and I continued not to answer because it wasn’t my name they reported me🤦🏻🙄🙄🙄 the names weren’t similar btw imagine if ur name was mike and someone kept calling u Leo because they like it more and think it suits u😑

  • @WayWardWonderer
    @WayWardWonderer 2 года назад +1

    People are friggin' weird! WTF?

  • @gloveofants
    @gloveofants 2 года назад

    Someone complained they couldn't read the analog clocks even though we all used computers. My friend in tech had to go around and count the analog clocks to replace

  • @kyzore1172
    @kyzore1172 2 года назад +5

    My boss had a complaint made against him for mis-gendering someone else. The person he "mis-gendered" is apparently trans female with a full grown beard.

  • @davidmistoffelees8459
    @davidmistoffelees8459 2 года назад

    3:02 - Oh hello! My name is [name]; nice to meet you!

  • @marywray6046
    @marywray6046 2 года назад +2

    It would be nice if you worried as much about your bad personality as you do your so called status, i have a home printer, would that give me the right to act like i better bc i have a pieace of equipment that doesn't elavate anything but your egos, and so that makes you look pathetic, if all you got going is a company printer, you need to get out more

  • @johnosland1870
    @johnosland1870 2 года назад

    Dam it this is the same video

  • @bananapee86
    @bananapee86 2 года назад


  • @stinkyxyla716
    @stinkyxyla716 2 года назад +2

    I really wish people on reddit didn't constantly use stigmas to portray people woth mental illness. Like, I know there is accurate information out there and I'm sure these people have been told so as well. It's bit hard to educate yourself and not live ignorantly/arrogantly.
    I also wish people would take stories off of reddit that include such stigmas and post them on other platforms. These stories are great, I just wish that people could relax and just stop being so mean. That one guy was someones....higher up? An HR rep? And talking about a worker like that? Terrible. That's awful.

    • @leanykakicsi6152
      @leanykakicsi6152 2 года назад

      Which story are you talking about?

    • @erickpoorbaugh6728
      @erickpoorbaugh6728 2 года назад

      Probably the one with the schizophrenic who thought he was being harassed telepathically. That’s the only one I can remember that involved a mental illness.

  • @amandac6289
    @amandac6289 2 года назад


  • @johnosland1870
    @johnosland1870 2 года назад

    Re upload come on

  • @nft_screenshoter5735
    @nft_screenshoter5735 2 года назад +1


  • @patrikniklasson4059
    @patrikniklasson4059 2 года назад
