Who Was the Worst Houseguest You Ever Had Over?

  • Опубликовано: 22 сен 2024
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    Who Was the Worst Houseguest You Ever Had Over?
    #Reddit #AskReddit

Комментарии • 94

  • @Puhding.
    @Puhding. 2 года назад +82

    A woman living in our village would have people visit her on New Year's day, and she would always make pickles with ham wrapped around it. My dad wanted to wish her a happy new year one year and saw that she SUCKLED THE PICKLE JUICE OFF OF THE PICKLES and then wrapped them in ham to serve them for her guests...........

    • @alanpascal7631
      @alanpascal7631 2 года назад +16


    • @Andrea-nom
      @Andrea-nom 2 года назад +18

      Wholly molely that's kind of evil

    • @ARedMagicMarker
      @ARedMagicMarker 2 года назад +23

      This is why I'm skeptical about non-sealed food gifts, or food from acquaintances if I never saw their kitchen before, or didn't watch them make the food. Bleh.

    • @troubleinthevalley5884
      @troubleinthevalley5884 2 года назад +4

      Oh no!!!!

    • @kristinehansen.
      @kristinehansen. 2 года назад

      She deserves to go to jail

  • @lee02jepson
    @lee02jepson 2 года назад +16

    I live in a 1 bedroom apartment down town. B/c of its location I have had friends try to make it into a party apartment. But I am pretty blunt about what I will not put up with. Example; I was having a dinner party, invited 6 people, one of which called 1/2 hr before he was to be there, asking if he could bring some'one'. I said sure, I have enough food for one more. He showed up with 11 people from the bar he had been in that he had just meet that evening. They arrived with nothing, I was not friendly to him or them. I showed him a plate of food + said this is for you + your new friends to eat. He said 'aren't you going to cook more?" I said 'NO, I told you I have enough for ONE more person'. Then they, at different times, needed to go to the washroom, I of course went down to my apartment WITH these strangers, cuz they might think of stealing something. The ex-friend had the nerve to tell me I was embarrassing him as they were adults + didn't need to be walked down, just give them the key to the apartment. Thats when I tore various strips off him + told him to gather his new friends + leave, if they all didn't leave the building in 5 minutes I was calling the cops.
    We had a stern conversation about it a day later. Thought he got it. 6 months later he did a repeat of the above, only this time he didn't even call to ask if he could bring people. They didn't even get in the apartment, just told him + them all to leave my building now or the cops would be called. 3 months later, again 6 people coming to my dinner party, he being one of them, called to ask if he could bring someone I said 'NO! He could stay at the bar he was at".
    He is an ex-friend for another major f#&k up but this was the sort of shit he would pull that I was not going to deal with. One ex-friend actually told me "I'm a guest, I get to do whatever I want'. I said "No you don't, if you do something to damage my place on purpose, for fun, your out for good. Your friendship is not worth me putting up with bad behavior. I expect guest to respect my home, just like I would theirs". I will call someones ass out on shit like this, I don't care if its in front of the rest of the guests.

  • @PaladinGear15
    @PaladinGear15 2 года назад +27

    I've got a story of being a houseguest to a horrible host.
    I used to go to an old friend's house very frequently, he'd often demand I bought us both take out because he was like 30 and living with his dad who didn't cook, so he'd order, I'd pay, but one day he really went too far, he'd order two whole extra large pizzas, one for me and one for him, too much but fine, that's fair I guess, but then he'd also order a half pound burger, a box of chicken strips, some popcorn chicken, chips (AKA french fries), and some ice cream... all for himself, on my bill, and he'd give me dirty looks if I ate too much of my own pizza because he wanted half of that too. No wonder he was approaching 500 pounds last I saw him. What really killed me though, was after I got home, I got a bunch of messages from him calling me selfish for not cleaning up my trash (I cleaned up my own box) he said I should have cleaned it all up for him because "you paid for it, so it's all your trash" since he stuffed anything he couldn't eat at that moment into the fridge in his room. After that I told him not only was I not gonna visit him anymore, I'm never seeing him again, and I haven't since.

    • @CanImakeamilliondollars
      @CanImakeamilliondollars 2 года назад

      Boy he was a gluttonous asshole

    • @TharzZzDunN
      @TharzZzDunN 2 года назад +4

      Confused about how bamboozled you were in the first place.
      This is a leech, not a person.

  • @keatonscreations
    @keatonscreations 2 года назад +5

    Just recently housed a teen in need. I’ve known her for years and vouched for her to move in with my family (my son and I currently live with my senior parents). I let her have the guest room because she was abused and never had a safe place, so I didn’t invade her space. I did notice it was messy one day and asked her to tidy up. She did, I thought we were good.
    I had given her very basic rules and she didn’t follow any of them. She had brought alcohol and vapes and weed into my home (mind you, she’s 17 and left it all around and I have a young son). I told her if she did it again, she couldn’t stay here.
    After months of her refusing to follow the rules, lying to me about where she was going with my car and everything, and refusing to work, and trashing my car repeatedly despite asking and telling her she had to keep it clean… I had had it. The last few days she was here I went into her room and she had trashed my guest room with trash and rotting food, smeared food all over the mattress, left chicken bones all over the floor, didn’t wash her laundry for two months and left smelly, mildewy clothes all over the carpet. Left bowls of food rotting and had inches of mold on them. Found alcohol, dozens of more vapes and evidence of her smoking weed IN the house. She hadn’t cleaned her fish bowl and it was green, the fish was dead, bloated and smelled as you would expect rotting fish to smell. She kept telling me her fish was alive. I told her she had to go. She messaged her mom and told her, who messaged me and told me that this teen had STOLEN MY CAR AND DRIVEN IT TO A DIFFERENT STATE, was doing witchcraft in my home on tiktok (this girl was one of my students from church youth group, so she knew we don’t play with that here), had filmed the outside of my house claiming it was hers and started fights with people online who then knew where we lived. Turns out she had lied about being abused, lied about having health issues, lied about being mistreated in her home, and lied about every single thing, story and even she had told me for the last 3 years.
    When I saw the room was trashed and knew she had lying to me that weekend about where she was taking my car, I had told her she had till Monday to move out.
    When I found out she had stolen my car and taken it to another state when she claimed to be at a friends house, and she had lied about her brother being in a psych ward when I told her my son was suicidal and I had to take him to the hospital (she had turned it around to put the attention on her) I busted in the guest room and told her to clean up the disgusting room and rotting fish, and she had an hour to get the F*** out of my house.
    Her parents immediately enrolled her in a behavioral health program because she clearly had massive issues and was a pathological liar. I heard she’s doing much better and I wish her the best. but it was very upsetting to have opened my home and my family and my life up to a girl that claimed she was abused and unsafe… only to find out it was all lies and she completely screwed me and my family over and took advantage of me beyond belief. :(

  • @LynKora
    @LynKora 2 года назад +7

    My Uncle and his Wife. They came to stay at my Parents house for a week or so. They borrowed my Parents car to go to Walmart several times a day. The only one in our area was on the other side of our large town. They treated my Parents like trash while expecting them to provide everything. They think my Parents are rich and we don't know why.
    The last straw for me was that my Uncle snuck into my disabled Mother's room and started rifling through her prescriptions. He had the audacity to complain that she didn't have anything strong. She can't handle strong medicine.
    They are just lucky I was living in another state at the time. They're forbidden from staying at all of my immediate Family's houses. They can rent a car and stay at a hotel.

  • @cynthiasimpson931
    @cynthiasimpson931 2 года назад +41

    I invited my sis, (now-ex) BIL, and their kids to dinner. After dinner ex-BIL told me that I owed them gas money for coming to my house, so I made him rake my lawn to get it. (He was outside raking and cussing, and Sis had absolutely no issue with it. As I said, he's now her ex.) So, when they wanted to leave I had them follow me to the local gas station where I filled their car up and also filled up my car, and paid for it with a credit card. Ex-BIL says to me, "Why didn't you just give me money? Don't you trust me?" My response was, "Quite frankly, no." Haven't seen him in over 25 years, and don't miss him at all.

    • @alanpascal7631
      @alanpascal7631 2 года назад +4


    • @jackgibsxxx0750
      @jackgibsxxx0750 2 года назад +7

      I would have waited until he finished the yard then told him he ate the gas for dinner.

  • @ARedMagicMarker
    @ARedMagicMarker 2 года назад +5

    The chicken, sides, and OJ guy. Holy crap. :x

  • @ComaLies225
    @ComaLies225 2 года назад +17

    My aunt. She stayed with me for over 2 and a half years and ended up on a prescription drug bender where she nearly set my apartment on fire several times

  • @datedjr1
    @datedjr1 2 года назад +6

    Crazy how many stories in this thread would have included me punching someone in the mouth

  • @princessmarlena1359
    @princessmarlena1359 2 года назад +9

    My former roommate (call her Tammy) had her (now ex) boyfriend (call him Dan) over in our apartment. The two of them got into a fight, Dan slept on the couch because he was too drunk to drive home.
    Dan got drunk and urinated in the living room closet, kicked in Tammy’s bedroom door, and stole all of her valuables while she and I were at work. Her stolen spare car key was used to steal her car (Dan struck again) a week later and was found wrecked and abandoned in the next city over from us.
    This creep had also tried to kick down my door, but I had replaced it with a solid core interior door, deck screws, and a heavy duty lock, so all he did was scuff it with kick marks. Dan did drink my last beer and smashed the bottle in the kitchen.

  • @freakda96
    @freakda96 2 года назад +11

    I had a distant cousin and his fiancee coming over for what was supposed to be just one day (they lived in another state and had to come to the Capital to check some documents at the Canadian embassy). My dad offered them my bedrroom since it was the only one big enough to accomodate both of them. Good for me , just one night.Their flight got overselled and they ended up staying three days. Since, they didn't bring enough clothes for three days, they decided to not shower at all during their stay. They smelled like a literal corpse. Besides, my dad always offered them to take them to the embassy but always was "too busy" and the one that got trapped with their reeking asses was me. When they finally left, my bedroom smelled like a pigpen and my sheets and pillow were covered in this greasy brown juice. I ended up having to wash the entire mattress.

    • @TharzZzDunN
      @TharzZzDunN 2 года назад

      Tell your dad, he's an idiot. That's what hotels are for.

  • @marclytle644
    @marclytle644 2 года назад +35

    Back in high school, a "friend" of mine got kicked out of his house. Don't remember why. He did all sorts of things, Sneak out of the hosue through his window. He could use the front dfoor, no one would care. He stole money and other things from me. Stole prescription drugs. Just was a moron. Final day was, I had bought a pizza before i went to work. That was my supper, I did not have any other money so that is what I was gonna eat. My parents were not going to be home until late. I left a note inside the box saying, This is my supper do not eat! I came home and the pizza was gone, box till in the fridge. With a note on the bottom saying thanks it was delicious. I was furious. I had to wait for my parents to come home around 10pm that night. They were pissed, I said he leaves, done with this guy. Left the empty box on his bed for him. My mom went out to get me something to eat, burger and fries. He left, and when he left he not only took a bunch of stuff from me, but also left all the windows unlocked so he could come back in while we were gone and steal more stuff. We changed the locks so he could not get back in.
    Christopher, I hope you got testicle cancer and they fell off.

  • @nightshadekelly
    @nightshadekelly 2 года назад +6

    Very expensive plumbing job had to be done. Brothers best friend stayed at our house for a week and wasn't brushing his teeth. We gave him a toothbrush. A couple weeks later the plumbing is all messed up and the plumber finds his toothbrush jammed in the pipes catching hair and everything else clogging them

  • @kayq3231
    @kayq3231 2 года назад +4

    Insisted on sleeping in my bed because she didn't like my cats but would come home around midnight/1 am at a time when I had to wake up at 4 am to go to work, only wanted to spend time with our mutual friend, asked me if I would leave my family's Christmas dinner early so she could spend more time with said friend. Managed to pencil me in when a different friend couldn't drive her to the store but had to be home by 2 pm. She then stormed out in a fit of rage when she saw me at the mutual friend's apartment when I needed a short break from her. Haven't seen or spoken to her since and don't care to.

  • @tjjohnson1675
    @tjjohnson1675 2 года назад +4

    Back when my aunt dropped her kids off I would lock my door to my room anytime I left or was asleep
    The reason was 1 I kept a lot of my vapes stuff 2 I had a ps4 console and I didn’t want anyone touching it without my approval
    But they didn’t care it was annoying they would
    Walk into
    My room try to lock each other out or just bother me whenever I’m trying to relax from work
    Come to find out when I went to work with my father and I locked my door they tried picking my lock with a steak knife and BBQ fork I found from seeing my door knob scratched up
    And people think I’m anti social I’m not I just want to have space to detox from work

  • @Ai-kyu
    @Ai-kyu 2 года назад +2

    I don't care about eating in my vehicle, but smoking is a big nono. I personally cannot handle the smell of cigarette smoke, and that shit sticks to EVERYTHING. It took ages for it to lift last time it happened. 🤢

  • @quintonjones5111
    @quintonjones5111 2 года назад +2

    I understand that people say violence is not the answer but a lot of these people would have just gotten beat up and kicked out.

  • @WayWardWonderer
    @WayWardWonderer 2 года назад +4

    I have two aunts who love to bring their dogs everywhere without asking in advance and their dogs are very, VERY poorly behaved and barely trained! They bark, they jump, they climb all over people, they snap and growl at little kids, they eat people food and are super fat, and they proceed to walk around on ridiculously long leashes that get tangled around furniture and people over and over again.
    No one likes the dogs. No one wants to see their dogs while attending a family reunion, baby shower or even WEDDINGS. They insist on bringing their dogs everywhere even though no one pays them any attention beyond tripping over them or trying to get them to stop barking for two seconds.
    Here's the thing. The entire family are animal lovers! We love them all! Dogs, cats, horses, birds, hamsters, etc. But we do not like THOSE particular dogs. If animal lovers can't stand your dog, then your dog was poorly trained and you need to be ashamed of yourself for failing basic animal care!

  • @BigBadGato
    @BigBadGato 2 года назад +2

    I have actually experienced a house guest moving my furniture around. I just moved it right back well they glared at me.

  • @bkr323
    @bkr323 2 года назад +4

    Growing up, both my parents smoked like chimneys (mom died of esophageal cancer, and dad of congestive heart failure), and I reeked of cigarette smoke wherever I went. Every time I would stay at a friend's house (who didn't smoke), i was told that I made their house smell like a bowling alley. so.....yeah. fun.

    • @oswaldjackson7015
      @oswaldjackson7015 2 года назад +1

      How are your lungs?

    • @WayWardWonderer
      @WayWardWonderer 2 года назад

      My best friend's mom smoked so much that I couldn't stay the night at her house. My hair would smell like an ash tray just from walking into the house to meet up with my friend and then leave five minutes later to go and see a movie or something. :/

  • @BoostedDeere
    @BoostedDeere 2 года назад +4

    This was while I was younger living at home with my parents.
    My dad went on a business trip to Japan and brought me home a remote control car. I told my friend my dad had brought this home. I had not even played with it. It was spring time and it rains a lot then. So he asked if he could come play with my new r/c car on Saturday. I said sure. So his mom drops him off. We get it out and go down the basement. I should of known it was gonna be bad when he rips the controller out of my hand. I was upset but I let it go. Then he ran it into the wall. I’m not talking accidentally. He accelerated it into the wall on purpose. Totally destroyed the r/c car basically I never got to play with. So I’m very upset. He never says “I’m sorry, or can I pay you for it.” I said “are you going pay for it?” He said talk to my mom. So he tells his mom that yes he destroyed my r/c car. At that time I was expecting her to give me cash and apologize. However I knew Joe and his family was very very poor. I’m talking almost homeless poor. She said well I don’t have the money to pay you. Shrugged her shoulders.
    Never talked to her or him again.

  • @Khaleesi_Of_Kittens
    @Khaleesi_Of_Kittens 2 года назад +3

    The next time MIL says, "do you want me to pay for that?" Say, "oh yeah, that would be awesome! Thanks a lot for helping out with the (fill in the blank) this time." She'll never ask again! 😬

  • @DollyNipples
    @DollyNipples 2 года назад +1

    In my old neighborhood, back when I was maybe in Junior High or High School, one of the kids who lived on the other side of a fence in our subdivision was friends with my sister, and she and her brother would come over frequently to play in the pool or on one of our computers. We had an Apple IIe, a Coleco ADAM, and a PC.
    One day, the brother decided for some reason to attempt a low-level format on the PC's hard drive - without my dad's permission or knowledge. And the PC belonged to my dad!
    So the hard drive started having problems and I don't know if my dad was able to fix it, but after that problem was solved, he told me and my sister that we were not to allow her friend's brother to even touch the PC.
    Sometime later, the brother came over and asked if he could copy a game I had. I told him I would copy it for him, but he kept insisting on using the computer himself. I took my dad's instructions on not letting the brother touch the computer very seriously - so seriously that I grabbed his arm and dug my nails in. The brother then went home crying like a pansy.
    I made the copy for him and went over to his house where he was watering the garden. I tried to hand him the floppy disc (it was the 90s) but he just turned the hose on it, ruining the disc.

  • @rionthemagnificent2971
    @rionthemagnificent2971 2 года назад +4

    my landlord.. lol Every inspection, she seems in a bad mood.

  • @DeadHouseMouse
    @DeadHouseMouse 2 года назад +2

    Second comment bc I just remembered our ex-renter
    TW: Animal death
    She was supposed to stay for around three months, and ended up staying for roughly three years. She was fine enough, but had this annoying little crap of a kid who was spoiled as hell and an awful influence on my brother. The worst thing he ever did was put fish flakes in our frog tank. These were little aquatic frogs that ate these special pellets and were so fragile they came with a bamboo stick so the tank could clean naturally. They stuffed so many in there it took my mom about an hour to clean it all out. The frogs died a few days later from the stress of it all. As far as I remember he was never really allowed back in the house again.
    I’m sure there was more drama behind the scenes but the final straw was trying to get her to move out. My Grandma used to live on the same property as my dad’s half-sister, but eventually she needed to leave because my “uncle” is a piece of shit. They were supposed to be getting a divorce (that never ended up happening), and he went nuts and started doing threatening shit. So my parents gave the ex-renter a three month warning that she needed to move out so we could move my grandma in. I think we ended up just straight up having to evict her and she hasn’t spoken to us since. I hear the kid is still just as bad and he’s got to be a teenager now, which is concerning to say the least.
    TL;DR: Renter was supposed to stay for three months, ended up having to be evicted after roughly three years bc my Grandma needed to get out of her old place. Her jerk of a kid ended up almost poisoning our pet frogs, which died from the stress of having their tank cleaned.

  • @caradanellemcclintock8178
    @caradanellemcclintock8178 2 года назад +1

    we have family who get annoyed at us for eating and giving our kids snacks in our own family car that we bought ourselves just because they have a rule about eating and trash in their car. the same family members will inspect our car for dirt every time we visit or they visit us and complain we don't was it enough it gets washed once a week but its a white car so dust shows up very easily. its gotten to the point where my husband gets paranoid every time we have to visit them and spring cleans the car right before we leave.
    also had a different family member who we had to send a letter to to set some boundaries because they would rock up at various family members house unannounced three or four times a month each eat a bunch of our food and just leave without contributing at all and at the time we where living on the bread line so it was devastating to the groceries every month.

  • @AngrySeagullBoi
    @AngrySeagullBoi 2 года назад +1

    Had a “friend” over. She didn’t tell me that she had lice and she had been cuddling me and had been close to my family members. So after I found out by seeing eggs in her hair I went ballistic. I don’t like people who are not honest about what they have hidden
    I had very bad lice as a kid from extreme itching and pain, so I had lil bit of ptsd from that😅

  • @Buttito72
    @Buttito72 2 года назад +21

    Ik this has nothing to do with the vid, but hope yall brits doing okay out there with the news, my prayers go out to all of you!

    • @ItzRobyn87
      @ItzRobyn87 2 года назад +1

      Thank you so much! 💓🙏🏽🕊 God bless you, protect you and your family. Amen. 🙏🏽

    • @Nicolette.Turner
      @Nicolette.Turner 2 года назад +1

      Thank you for your prayers. It’s a weird and sad time.

    • @patski4
      @patski4 2 года назад

      That’s really sweet, dude! God bless!

  • @fireflymiesumae
    @fireflymiesumae 2 года назад +1

    House guests busted the guest room door then left in the middle of the night secretly

  • @AdiG1
    @AdiG1 Год назад +1

    When my friend and I were renting our first home together, we snuck in a third for additional rent money. This was a terrible idea because the third was lazy beyond belief. Too bone-idle to look for a job and when she actually made the smallest effort, all she got was a 0-hour contract and did the bare minimum of days. She wasn't earning enough to be considered a renter so we had to kick her out. To this day, she still owes me about £3,000 but because she wasn't contractually obligated, I doubt I'll see it

  • @crystalmerchant2688
    @crystalmerchant2688 2 года назад +3

    If my Remington died like that and somebody watched him die their ass is getting it even though this dog gets on my nerves and I love him to death but if somebody was to kill him their ass is gone no questions asked

    • @deszalt4492
      @deszalt4492 2 года назад +1

      Same with my cat. Even with 7 people in this house now, my cat still has his space and if they harm him, we fightin.

  • @crystalmerchant2688
    @crystalmerchant2688 2 года назад +2

    I don't want to think about other foods but I will never tell anybody how to cook it cuz I'm always having to cook it

  • @AnnabelNightwish
    @AnnabelNightwish 2 года назад +2

    I had an online boyfriend when I was young and after two years of dating we finally got our families together to meet up (he was from NY and I'm from MA so it was a good 4-5 hour trip to get here). He came down along with his mom, sister, and his niece. Everything was fine up until my mom found several pills from her prescriptions missing... Nobody was confronted, nothing went down, but my mom now hides her medication anytime we have guests over.

  • @melissacooper8724
    @melissacooper8724 Год назад

    Poor Buster!😭

  • @CharlieMartini6
    @CharlieMartini6 2 года назад +1

    I used to be the bad house guest sometimes

  • @mariasworkshop3548
    @mariasworkshop3548 Год назад

    I've now come to realize that this is very light compered to the absolute bullshit that is in this thread/comment section, but here goes.
    Sometime in 2019 I think, my (at the time) best friend came over to stay at our house for a few weeks, they are from Germany so this is a rare occasion.
    I was very excited to have them over and I agreed to share my bed with them.
    Now context time, we are four people (five, counting my friend) in a two room apartment, so my 'bedroom' is the bottom bunk of the bed in our living room.
    For the first two weeks it was pretty okay, but a couple more weeks later they were still here.
    They're flights kept getting delayed and it was obvious they didn't really want to go home.
    In short it kinda sucked, since they practically invaded my (very limited) personal space, for almost TWO WHOLE MONTHS, when they were supposed to be here two weeks!
    Safe to say I was very happy when they finally left (not to their face of course, since this friend was the shy introvert who doesn't say what they're actually thinking type).
    Afterwards the friendship kinda died out and we barely talk anymore.
    So TL DR I learned a valuable lesson about setting boundaries!

  • @oldmanfromoc7684
    @oldmanfromoc7684 2 года назад +1

    I do not have house guest for those very reasons, My girlfriend came once for a week she left after 2 days, i'm to clean!

  • @kirakaffee9976
    @kirakaffee9976 2 года назад +8

    ecofriendliest channel ever.
    100% recycling rate.

  • @deszalt4492
    @deszalt4492 2 года назад +2

    7:35 is exactly what I'm fearing rn. In this same situation as we speak. Until then, everything is working out ok.
    Edit: And it begins. They want the den and my mate is NOT happy, lol.

  • @crystalmerchant2688
    @crystalmerchant2688 2 года назад +1

    I would be sick

  • @jessicaconner1242
    @jessicaconner1242 2 года назад +1

    My stepson nuff said

  • @jingerjar1365
    @jingerjar1365 2 года назад +1

    Dear God I have two house guests and thank God nothing like that

  • @sheisaMachine
    @sheisaMachine 2 года назад +1

    I would fight some of these people.

  • @ellingtonlilly
    @ellingtonlilly 2 года назад +1

    I stole games from my friends once before I moved from that town but in all fairness, I only stole the games they had stolen from me. Many friends had stolen my games so I only got 2 or 3 back, instead of the 7+ that were probably taken from me.

  • @ArcanineEspeon
    @ArcanineEspeon Год назад

    I'm 12 minutes through and getting too angry. Not watching this anymore.

  • @bax2603
    @bax2603 2 года назад

    My aunt and her bf who wanted a place to stay for two weeks in 2013 so they can look for another apartment.....2022 still here refuses to leave ,everything under the sun we've tried but I think the universe did it for a reason because I have a crazier aunt who will do anything to throw us out our family home but she wouldn't cross the first crazy aunt .

  • @DeadHouseMouse
    @DeadHouseMouse 2 года назад

    I don’t feel like such at bad person for still living at home now

  • @yoced1468
    @yoced1468 Год назад

    This was a bad one to listen too while eating

  • @OuryLN
    @OuryLN 2 года назад

    Drunk overnight guests tend to pee.

    • @TharzZzDunN
      @TharzZzDunN 2 года назад

      Thats what the compost heap is for, they can stay warm in there.

  • @trialpaladin2584
    @trialpaladin2584 2 года назад

    Kinda cheating, but I let a down-on-her-luck ex stay with me. She did nothing around the apartment, never worked, broke my stuff and smoked up any money she made selling herself. Final straw was when she had a full blown tantrum bc I messed up her subway sandwich.

  • @JackieWM420
    @JackieWM420 2 года назад

    @ 3:40 It's NOT normal.

  • @gerrymichaud3851
    @gerrymichaud3851 2 года назад

    A 1000 dollar gaming PC, what a amateur. I built mine for 6000

  • @crystalmerchant2688
    @crystalmerchant2688 2 года назад

    Same here

  • @shypeoplearehawt8155
    @shypeoplearehawt8155 2 года назад

    Is there some sort of official Reddit page out there linked to a Reddit-like RUclips channel? where they pick comments from there. To Upload them to youtube for others to see a video? Cuz if so anyone have a link?

  • @oswaldjackson7015
    @oswaldjackson7015 2 года назад

    The comments are better than the reddit video

  • @ostlandr
    @ostlandr 2 года назад

    So many cases of "No good deed ever goes unpunished." My Lady Wife and I have been through this twice, once with her (now former) BFF and her kids, then later with BFF's son (my Lady Wifes' godson) and his nightmare of a girlfriend. Moral of the story: If somebody is homeless, there is usually a darn good reason.

  • @crystalmerchant2688
    @crystalmerchant2688 2 года назад

    Please tell me you kicked them out

  • @anitahendricks
    @anitahendricks 2 года назад


  • @illiterate.ink.
    @illiterate.ink. 2 года назад

    yo momma

  • @imtired1412
    @imtired1412 2 года назад

    🥳Merhaba amacım sizleri dinime degil Irkıma yöneltmektir. Kanalımda Aboneye karşılık yorumlara' da yanıt vardır. Videolarımın çoğu Ülke gezintisidir. Hepinize teşekkürler ve saygılar🌹