Friday Fish Facts I gave my batta peas but he still hasn’t healed I have waited a week and he hasn’t healed and he barely moves I know he’s alive because I can see him breathing and also when he gets really scared he moves what do I do
i’m gonna try this update: it worked after 3 days, glad i noticed my fish was sick before it was too late, always make sure to check on them to see if they’re doing okay!
When is it too late because my fish has for at least three months and I haven’t given him anything I barely realize that he was sick and he’s been like this for three months is it too late
@@justarandomcatlover No, of course not, if your betta still has the disease, he'll still live, just with a few modifications, but only if the disease is permanent.
Just wanted to mention for those newbies out there that if you place your betta in a small container like this due to swim bladder, it should be heated, or the room should be heated so that the water temp is at least 78 degrees F. I just treated my betta and added a small heater to keep the temp at 80 degrees F.
@@akaiidoresu3565 it's more of an isolation/medical kind if thing. And this betta shared its space with other fish, which complicated it, I think it was isolated just so the betta wouldn't eat anything/ so he could track its bowel movements. I think it's alright to keep your betta in its tank if you change its water, so you can keep track of the waste production/ keep ammonia levels healthy while it is healing.
I lost my Betta to this illness. I am just starting in the hobby again as you know and I screwed up. I tried a salt solution for awhile, but I think it was too little too late. Now that I know the symptoms if there is a next time I will hopefully catch it. Thanks Ron.
My fish was on the bottom so i thought it was malnourished so i fed him 4 pellets (3 recommended) and just learned about this and i feel guilty an im gonna try everything i can
thank you for mentioning it took 8 days for him to start feeling better. i'm dealing with this now and was very concerned that its taking so long.the container is a great idea too. i turned my girls whole tank into a hospital tank but i cant tell if she poops because theres gravel. new plan of action tomorrow...
Thanks man, When i saw it at the bottom of its tank i thought it was dead until i did some research and apparently it had swim bladder desease. You teached me how to treat it in just 1 minute, other peoples videos are like 12 minutes lol, Thank you brodie.
@@-_-91 I totally understand! I had a goldfish that I watched die with my own eyes and I cried so much!!! It just shows you have a huge heart for the smallest of animals ♥️♥️♥️
Thank you very much I thinked it’s very terrible, but isn’t. I searched long time for video, but other peoples just a lot of talking and I nothing learn. I see you really want help us. Good luck in life!!!
I’m trying this now. Keeping my fingers crossed. I don’t want anything to happen. Day one in a small bowl. Just saw him yesterday on bottom. This morning he didn’t move when I came to tank. So glad I found this video.
Thanks for this video! My betta is experiencing these symptoms. Today is day three, and I’m going to give him 1/4 of a peeled, boiled pea. I’m excited to see my little guy back on track, he’s already looking a bit better!
Thank you so much! I will try this. I came back from a 2 week trip to my little laying on his side or hiding behind the filter. Over feeding makes sense. I hope this works ❤️
Thank you for posting this video I am going to do it right now because my fish is not moving but I know he's still alive. This makes me so sad but I'm so glad I could actually watch a good video. Thank you
I hope this works for my betta fish. She has belonged to one of my family members and she’s been sitting in a disgusting 6 gallon tank for the last year or 2 with no filter, has only been fed once a day, and never had her water changed before. I decided to step in because it’s an injustice to the poor animal. Her fins are frayed, her bladder is severely bloated, and she has trouble swimming. Just yesterday I put her in a brand new fish tank with a carbon filter, fresh water, and live plants but I noticed that just like in her previous tank, she’s just been in the corners of the fish tank and hasn’t swam to the bottom so that’s when I looked into her problem and saw your video, and now she’s in a small Tupperware set up in the exact way that helped your betta fish:) I’ll update you in a couple days, thank you for this video🙏🏽❤️
Friday Fish Facts So, it’s been a week. I’ve been feeding her tiny portions of peas. Sometimes she eats them, but other times she doesn’t. I’ve even tried lowering the water volume so that she won’t have to fight to actually swim to the peas if they sank to the bottom. Furthermore, I’ve hand fed her a couple times, but she’d only bite the pea and consume a very tiny portion of it. Good news, though; Another one of her initial problems was that her fins were terribly frayed, so it’s good to know that the BettaFix has been working because her fins look 10x better and have grown significantly. Just now, I moved her back into the larger aquarium so that I could observe her activities better. She still hangs out at the top of the tank because she still floats a bit and has trouble swimming downwards. The bloated section of her bladder/stomach has majorly decreased, though. I figure that maybe if she feels the warmth of her tank with fresh plants and clean water that perhaps, she’ll heal up better. I’ll leave her in there for maybe a short time and if I see no signs of progress, I’ll move her back into her smaller incubator and continue with her pea-treatment. I’ve read online that some cases of Swim Bladder Disease may not be curable in some fish because the damage had already been done. This is a very tough situation that I’m in. I wish that this little fish was treated better and that I would’ve caught the situation much earlier on; but at this point, I’m just going to try to give her the best chance at happiness possible, even if it means euthanasia. That’s my complete last resort though, I won’t give up on her:) Thank you for your support, I’ll update you soon.
My poor Uri! 🥺 I’ve been out of town for a couple of months so I had my family take care of my beta and I think they fed him too much. I’m new to having beta fish but I could tell something was wrong. I’m going to get a heater tomorrow and transfer him into a smaller bowl ASAP. Thanks for this video! I’ll come with an update 😁
Thank for for also saying how long it took for your fish to feel better. I’m only on day 3 but I was feeling much worse about it before I heard the timeline
Thank you so much! Finally a video where you learn something and it actually helps .my female betta was practically Belly Up I put her in the container like yours waited the three days did the pea thing didn't see her eat in the pea but she is now swimming 95% normal she does go from top to bottom going to the bottom is a little bit of effort if you can please let me know when you think it would be best to put her back in the tank? Thanks again
Between days 4 when you fed the pea to day 8, what did you do? Continue feeding him a quarter of a pea a day? Did you keep him in the small container for 8 days?
I kept him in the small container the whole time (heated room). After 4 days I tried giving him a pea, day 5-7 did no feeding of any sort, day 8 pea again
Relatively new betta care giver here. Question - in hindsight, would you feed the betta the pea sooner? Add a heater to keep the bowl at least 80 degree F? other? Thanks for the video. I have one betta in a planted 10 gallon and hoping I never have to deal with any illnesses, so have been educating myself from you kind aquarists on YT. Will check out your epsom salt vid as well. I have heard it from experienced fish keepers that a betta's stomach is not the size of their eye ball. I searched for an image of a betta online and it looks like their stomach is larger than their eye, but I can't really tell.
You can try it. Bettas aren't "in love" with peas, so not feeding them for a few days will increase your chances of getting them to eat. If you have tankmates in with your betta, you'll want to remove the betta so he/she doesn't eat the other food. Thanks for watching!
My betta had bloat, floating at the top for the last 3 days, I took him out. Changed 25% of the water 💧 (1.5 gallon tank) add warm water, water conditioner, water purifier, and 1 tablespoon of sea salt, within 48 hours he dramatically improved. Special diet- Day one: lettuce chopped finely
I just bought a white male betta, really beautiful. He looked fine at the pet store but when I got his new home ready and put him in I noticed a few minutes later he kept sticking his head out at the top. I was concerned if he didn't have that much oxygen or something but I looked at some things at it was said it could be the bladder disease. I went to go today and came back and noticed he's still doing it and glad he's still alive and maybe, hopefully this video will help.
Great video mate. I'd suggest just to start feeding peas strait away cause going to work like a laxative as well as a little bit of salt. no need to boil if frozen just let it defrost on a paper towel and remove skin. Glad it worked out well mate great tips. Have a good day mate.
Sir, I bought the prettiest betta I’ve ever seen (black and yellow) and after three days he’s doing this mess. I was sure he’d be dead by morning but now I’m confident that he has a chance. I’m heading to the grocery store in the morning to save my baby. Thanks for the Information
@@deb4deb No he didn’t, but it was because I had poor water quality and a small tank. I’ll do better next time. I think this video is still helpful for others
I'm pretty sure my part of Goliath has swim bladder disease. I spotted it today, I also had just changed his tank and put them in a new one so it could be shocked but I'm almost positive it's swim bladder. I'm going to try the things in this video and hopefully it works I would hate to lose such a beautiful creature.
Just got our little guy from the pet store yesterday and noticed hes floating a bit and is fighting to stay under. We're gonna treat him for a few days in our half full 2.5 gal tank
Hi, question. What if my beta fish poops after 2 days but it’s like 2 small white pellets? Should I still wait another day to feed her or do something else ? @FridayFishFacts
Thank you! my buddy is having the issue and I will do exactly this. I have dried blood worms as a treat, should I be softening them up before I give them to him?
Yeah definitely. Is ok my dried blood worms for 5-10 minutes and only give them to my guy once or twice a week. They love them but they can be filled with air since they are dried which can also cause SBD. I use a toothpick to push them against the side of the container and get the air out. You will see the air bubbles rise. It’s definitely better to do this but takes a little more time. Worth it though!
Mt Betta will not eat anything that has fell to the bottom. The defrosted pea will not float. I defrosted,, separated and the pressed the pea. After it had dried I was able to break into pieces that will float. So far, he has consumed a piece two days in a row. Thanks for the video.
Thanks for the tips! How did you maintain the water temperature while in the bowl? I just noticed today our guy has this and am currently trying to fix him up in a smaller bowl. My biggest worry is the temperature drop.
My betta fish, Link, has a bloated stomach and he doesnt want to move alot, he keeps staying near the filter. I think he has swim bladder disease, but I want to make sure before I start treating it. My betta lives in a big tank alone and I wanted to try the 3 day fasting and Epsom salt. I don't have a heater to change the temperature because I live in a very hot place so I can't change the temperature to 80°F. My questions are: 1. Should I move him even though he lives alone? 2. Should I even do the Epsom salt or just try the peas and fasting?
Do we need to move our betta to a cup for 'treatment' if they live alone in the tank? If so, I assume we have to maintain proper temp and not sure how best to do that with a small container.
Thanks for the video but my beta I just got is swimming completely normal and then here and there goes to the bottom of the tank and lays on his side. Does that sound like swim bladder to you or? I was thinking maybe he’s fatigued from swimming around in a 10 gallon after being in a cup for who knows how long
Do I add anything to the water once their in the bowl by themselves? I saw some bottle next to your bowl I’m not sure if that’s just conditioner or something that can help treat it but I put my baby in a half gallon bowl to help her stay away from food for 3 days
I finally realized what was going on with my Betta after two days and came across your video just now. Immediately started preparing a container as quickly as I could to put her in and suddenly watched her die on the spot. She was trying to swim up to the top for one final breath, sunk to the bottom, spit out some food and stopped moving. Ugh I feel awful. I could’ve saved her or at least made her final hours/days better with this method. My other betta tried lifting her up and keeping her going but it was too late. I suck. Now am sad 😭
Do you only use the pea if there's constipation? I've been dealing with Swim Bladder in my very heavily-finned boy, Bruce, since November. I've run the gamut of treatments, except the pea. I've fasted, (3 days) done Epsom Salt baths and he still has it. He looks fantastic, his poop is brown and normal and he has a great appetite. He's very alert and likes to watch me when I'm in the kitchen. I've read that S.B. can be a permanent situation. I have a bag of frozen, plain peas but from what I am understanding, that's only if the Betta isn't pooping. He gets Daphnia, Bug Bites and frozen, thawed Blood Worms. His parameters are normal and his tank stays at 78-80 degrees. No signs of parasites and no tankmates. He has the type of S.B. that keeps him at the top. I've moved him from a 3.5g to a 2.5g and he has 2 leaf hammocks that are very near the surface, as well as a floaty log.
My girl got sick, didn’t know the stomach the size of the eye, gives a idea of what amount to feed them. My female has been inside a small hospital tank, boiled up some almond leaves and put that inside with her once it cooled and some stuff for ick and bacterial infection. Been a week and she’s swimming around happy. Now I’m feeding her every 3 days smaller amounts now and she should be better again in another week or so. I wanna try the frozen pea idea but I only have canned peas. Idk if that’s the same or if there’s a reason everyone says for frozen peas
I'm glad I googled the subject because I just discovered my Beta doing this behavior and I didn't know what to do and I'm really tired of losing fish out of my ignorance. I wanted to know though where did you get that ball of blood worms because I've never seen anything like that before.
Thats an interesting take, i just started working at petsmart and they told me to feed them extra to get rid of the disease, in a way like when a human gets sick, you eat a lot to get better right? That was my managers idea and it worked so I’m confused.
@@autumnfoster9727 Same but I got mine yesterday and shes just falling to the bottom I bought her bloodworms but she refused them she also refused pellets what do I do? I don’t know if it is swim bladder or she is dying :(
@@FridayFishFacts mine isn’t eating the peas either. He hasn’t eaten in about 6 days. I’ve offered black worms and everything. I have the tank warm and I haven’t seen a single poop in about a week
Please get back with me as soon as possible! I’m trying to help my betta fish out, so for the 50% water change is it how it sounds just take half of the old out and put some new in?
I just realized that my beloved beta Sushi has this. We are trying what you did. He was perfectly fine yesterday but today he was swimming funny and lying on his side for hours at a time. I really hope this works because he is special to me and was my first ever fish. He looks just like Black Widow so maybe that is good luck. Im trying to imagine him before he got the disease and im pretending that nothing bad is happening to him. We cleaned his tank today and he seems like he is not ready to die. We are going to get a ten or fifteen gallon tank and but in a divider so Sushi does not kill my guppies and get him a snail to be his friend hopefully. We are also going to get a swordtail fish and put it in with my guppies. We are also going to get 2 more snails (along with the snail for Sushi's side) and 5 blue velvet shrimp. We used to have catfish but Sushi murdered them. It was my dad's idea to put Sushi in a 1 gallon tank but he liked having more space so thats why we are getting a bigger tank. If you have any other tips for my fish or the fish that I am getting then that would be great. Also I have a snail named George and we named him after George Washington because we got him and 2 others that died on Presidents day. Thank you if you read this!
Hope everything is ok with Sushi! Often bettas eat shrimp so you might have to watch out for that. Swordtails have a reputation as being the most aggressive livebearer so you might want to watch out for that too
Update: I followed the steps and my betta fish is finally cured!!! He can finally swim down. He gets bloated fast so I have to fast him for another few days.
I like how you say he got swim bladder disease from overeating, then you show him cured at the end eating a pile of blood worms that could feed a colony x D
Hey there! I have a question for you. I hope someone can shed some light. So my betta has SBD. Same as seen here. He’s on the top and has trouble swimming down, swims sightless on his side. I think it’s due to over feeding but he doesn’t appear swollen. This is his 2nd day of not being fed. He’s the only one in his tank and the water parameters are perfect so I’ve been leaving him in his tank. I gave him a Epsom salt 15 minute bath yesterday and today before returning him to his tank. He pooped both times in his bath and when I put back he seems to swim normally and look much better for about an hour and a half, then the SBd symptoms seem to reappear? Any suggestions? I’m going to start the pea ideas after day 3 of fasting him. Someone please help if you have advice. Love this guy and just want to see him get and STAY better. Thanks!
Hi, I have male beta fish who we think has this swim bladder he's always on top just like yours and swim side ways he alsways on one place on top and barely swim at all he was like that since last 1 to 3 weeks and am just wondering how much pea should I feed on the third day? We don't have heater and am from Philippines we use air conditioning during late afternoon because this is a tropical country. Thank you.
So is there a minimum of three days before feeding anything besides the pea? My boys been very hidden lately doesn't seem to be swimming around much... When he does eat he aggressively grabs it from the surface and usually goes back into hiding right after fins have started to become transparent my back gave out on me so it was hard to do anything but lay in bed for a few weeks so maybe it might be water conditions? Did a complete change last night what do you suggest?
Thanks! I’m trying this, my beta is definitely on the bottom a lot. What’s a good amt to feed them? I have pellets and they’re instructions say to give 3-4 pellets in the morning and 3-4 at night
I read that you should always soak the pellets in a few drops of tank water before you feed them because pellets are to hard and cause constipation. Also I would only do 2 pellets in morning and 2 at night.
My betta is responsive to taps, has a log he hides in (probably to keep him from floating up) Will leave him in the tank for 3 days and try this pea idea. (Does he have to be in a smaller container?) If it helps I just got him yesterday lol, brand new to betta. Thanks in advance
@@FridayFishFacts ok also i jsut checked out the symptoms online turns out that more than half of my gloifsh had this disease( i had 16 glofish) and tahts why now i have only 3 left with 1 having the disease(very severe for this one)
Awesome video! My little Boo is on the bottom, and he was fighting to swim, so I put him in little bowl with tank water yesterday. Should I wait 3 full days of zero food before I try the peas? Thanks again!
My betta has been on its side breathing heavy at the bottom of tank after a water change yesterday. I put him in small tank and added betta fix because his fins seemed stuck together and broken. He continues to stay on his side and I have been fasting him since yesterday. Not sure what to do next. My son is so sad. I may have shocked him with the water change even though I waited about 2 hours before I placed him back into his tank. So now just in smaller hospital tank. Any advice?
My betta hasn’t pooped at all and it’s been over three days. At three days I tried the pea thing and he didn’t eat at all. Then I got freaked that he might starve after the fourth day and he didn’t eat the pea again so I gave pellets and he didn’t eat that either. I’ve only seen him interested once while trying to feed him and he couldn’t catch up with the pea and gave up right away. I’ve given an Epsom salt bath once and am keeping him in a shallow hospital tank because he floats. I have some things for him to hide in in it too.
Bettas are carnivores. But a pea will not be dangerous to them. This is a list of foods I feed my Bettas:видео.html
is taking the poop out and moving him to another tank necessary?
lit-lego it he’s by himself, you can leave him in the tank
@@FridayFishFacts thanks! this'll help me and my betta a ton!
Friday Fish Facts I gave my batta peas but he still hasn’t healed I have waited a week and he hasn’t healed and he barely moves I know he’s alive because I can see him breathing and also when he gets really scared he moves what do I do
Friday Fish Facts You healed my fish. Thank you so much ❤️
Lol I’m glad you liked it! I hope it works for you
How much epsonme salt
Hey quick question my betta has this disease and nothing has cured it yet. I do need some more info if you can help me out ?😢
i’m gonna try this
update: it worked after 3 days, glad i noticed my fish was sick before it was too late, always make sure to check on them to see if they’re doing okay!
I hope it works for you 😀
Friday Fish Facts thank you so much it did!
When is it too late because my fish has for at least three months and I haven’t given him anything I barely realize that he was sick and he’s been like this for three months is it too late
@@justarandomcatlover No, of course not, if your betta still has the disease, he'll still live, just with a few modifications, but only if the disease is permanent.
@Yucan Li update?
Just wanted to mention for those newbies out there that if you place your betta in a small container like this due to swim bladder, it should be heated, or the room should be heated so that the water temp is at least 78 degrees F. I just treated my betta and added a small heater to keep the temp at 80 degrees F.
No sh*t Sherlock 😭😭😭😭
@@diegovallines7738 It’s not no sh*t sherlock. i didn’t know this and it is helpful.
@@diegovallines7738 -- You're a d!ck! This is how we teach and learn. Be nice or just shut up...
I'm a newbies so my betta is an only child do I have to move it to another container or is it fine i just keep her in her tank?
@@akaiidoresu3565 it's more of an isolation/medical kind if thing. And this betta shared its space with other fish, which complicated it, I think it was isolated just so the betta wouldn't eat anything/ so he could track its bowel movements. I think it's alright to keep your betta in its tank if you change its water, so you can keep track of the waste production/ keep ammonia levels healthy while it is healing.
Thanks so much for making this video! You saved my daughter's betta fish and she's so happy now! Can't thank you enough.
That’s good to hear! You’re welcome
I lost my Betta to this illness. I am just starting in the hobby again as you know and I screwed up. I tried a salt solution for awhile, but I think it was too little too late. Now that I know the symptoms if there is a next time I will hopefully catch it. Thanks Ron.
at least you'll learn your mistake
By experience it, but it's kinda sad to see a Betta died I can get emotional about them.
My fish was on the bottom so i thought it was malnourished so i fed him 4 pellets (3 recommended) and just learned about this and i feel guilty an im gonna try everything i can
man that was stressful. I thought you lost the guy! glad to see him recovered. Many thanks for the "How To" video 👍
He made it! lol
thank you for mentioning it took 8 days for him to start feeling better. i'm dealing with this now and was very concerned that its taking so long.the container is a great idea too. i turned my girls whole tank into a hospital tank but i cant tell if she poops because theres gravel. new plan of action tomorrow...
Thanks man, When i saw it at the bottom of its tank i thought it was dead until i did some research and apparently it had swim bladder desease. You teached me how to treat it in just 1 minute, other peoples videos are like 12 minutes lol, Thank you brodie.
Great information on treating swim bladder! Glad to see your Betta is happy and healthy again! 😀
MyHecticLifePets black widow is my sons, so he is super happy
mines died today and i cant stop crying. even tho he was tiny i got really attached to it
Oh no!!! I’m so sorry for your loss
Its.. a fish.
Noor Saleh like i said, i got really attached to it. it helped when i would get anxious
@@-_-91 I totally understand! I had a goldfish that I watched die with my own eyes and I cried so much!!! It just shows you have a huge heart for the smallest of animals ♥️♥️♥️
@@noorsaleh5307 and you are a fat pig that no one cares about
Thank God he's OK, my betta is going through this now, thanks for the tips. I'm so happy to see your friend is better ❤️
Thank you very much I thinked it’s very terrible, but isn’t. I searched long time for video, but other peoples just a lot of talking and I nothing learn. I see you really want help us. Good luck in life!!!
I’m trying this now. Keeping my fingers crossed. I don’t want anything to happen. Day one in a small bowl. Just saw him yesterday on bottom. This morning he didn’t move when I came to tank. So glad I found this video.
Is it ok to float him in the bowl in tank to stay warm? Or will that stress him. He seem more active since being in the bowl but no poop.
As a beginner betta owner, i was scared and panicked.😬 Thank you for this video!! My betta is back to himself after one day. 😃
Thanks for the video! nice info that I will apply if one of my fish ever get swim bladder disease.
Golden Fish Tank right on!
Thanks for this video! My betta is experiencing these symptoms. Today is day three, and I’m going to give him 1/4 of a peeled, boiled pea. I’m excited to see my little guy back on track, he’s already looking a bit better!
So you didn’t give him any food in the 3 days in that container? only the pea on the fourth day?
@@dawsongodfrey you're not meant to, you fast them so their digestion clears up.
Cool! I've heard about using peas; glad to see it actually works. :)
Thank you so much! I will try this. I came back from a 2 week trip to my little laying on his side or hiding behind the filter. Over feeding makes sense. I hope this works ❤️
Thank you for posting this video I am going to do it right now because my fish is not moving but I know he's still alive. This makes me so sad but I'm so glad I could actually watch a good video. Thank you
I hope this works for my betta fish. She has belonged to one of my family members and she’s been sitting in a disgusting 6 gallon tank for the last year or 2 with no filter, has only been fed once a day, and never had her water changed before. I decided to step in because it’s an injustice to the poor animal. Her fins are frayed, her bladder is severely bloated, and she has trouble swimming. Just yesterday I put her in a brand new fish tank with a carbon filter, fresh water, and live plants but I noticed that just like in her previous tank, she’s just been in the corners of the fish tank and hasn’t swam to the bottom so that’s when I looked into her problem and saw your video, and now she’s in a small Tupperware set up in the exact way that helped your betta fish:) I’ll update you in a couple days, thank you for this video🙏🏽❤️
Good for you for taking over!!! Yes, please keep me updated! 😁
Friday Fish Facts So, it’s been a week. I’ve been feeding her tiny portions of peas. Sometimes she eats them, but other times she doesn’t. I’ve even tried lowering the water volume so that she won’t have to fight to actually swim to the peas if they sank to the bottom. Furthermore, I’ve hand fed her a couple times, but she’d only bite the pea and consume a very tiny portion of it. Good news, though; Another one of her initial problems was that her fins were terribly frayed, so it’s good to know that the BettaFix has been working because her fins look 10x better and have grown significantly. Just now, I moved her back into the larger aquarium so that I could observe her activities better. She still hangs out at the top of the tank because she still floats a bit and has trouble swimming downwards. The bloated section of her bladder/stomach has majorly decreased, though. I figure that maybe if she feels the warmth of her tank with fresh plants and clean water that perhaps, she’ll heal up better. I’ll leave her in there for maybe a short time and if I see no signs of progress, I’ll move her back into her smaller incubator and continue with her pea-treatment. I’ve read online that some cases of Swim Bladder Disease may not be curable in some fish because the damage had already been done. This is a very tough situation that I’m in. I wish that this little fish was treated better and that I would’ve caught the situation much earlier on; but at this point, I’m just going to try to give her the best chance at happiness possible, even if it means euthanasia. That’s my complete last resort though, I won’t give up on her:)
Thank you for your support, I’ll update you soon.
Oh my gosh thank you I searched this up because my betta is swimming sis ways so I will try this. Thank you
Thank you! Started Chance(his name) on his diet this morning. As soon as i saw him at the top i came right to youtube.
Good luck!
Your video literally saved my fish thank you so much really ✨❤️
Nice!! Simple and straight forward. Well Done!
NYGOLD thanks Donald!
My poor Uri! 🥺 I’ve been out of town for a couple of months so I had my family take care of my beta and I think they fed him too much. I’m new to having beta fish but I could tell something was wrong. I’m going to get a heater tomorrow and transfer him into a smaller bowl ASAP. Thanks for this video! I’ll come with an update 😁
Thanks from India 🇮🇳 🙏🏼.. good information
You’re welcome!
Glad he pulled through, good tips Ron
thanks Ryan. I'm glad I didn't have to do the epsom salt bath. It can be shocking to them
That's how you get it done. Nice work bud💪🤜🤛💯👍
Thanks Rob!
Just started this treatment for my female Koi Betta tonight, fingers crossed. thanks for the advice!
Awesome! Hopefully it works for you
My daughters betta is showing signs of swim bladder problems. Thank you for posting this video. Starting today. Wish me luck.
Good luck!!!
Thank for for also saying how long it took for your fish to feel better. I’m only on day 3 but I was feeling much worse about it before I heard the timeline
Awesome video! subbed! :D
Thank you!
Thank you so much! Finally a video where you learn something and it actually helps .my female betta was practically Belly Up I put her in the container like yours waited the three days did the pea thing didn't see her eat in the pea but she is now swimming 95% normal she does go from top to bottom going to the bottom is a little bit of effort if you can please let me know when you think it would be best to put her back in the tank? Thanks again
That’s awesome! Sounds like she is ready to me
Thnak you! I was super concerned cause I saw her swimming on her side and sturuggling to stay on her side.
Just found this, and I gotta say it is a super helpful video thank you!!
Well, I am so happy to hear that
Between days 4 when you fed the pea to day 8, what did you do? Continue feeding him a quarter of a pea a day? Did you keep him in the small container for 8 days?
I kept him in the small container the whole time (heated room). After 4 days I tried giving him a pea, day 5-7 did no feeding of any sort, day 8 pea again
@@FridayFishFacts okay thank you! My fish is suffering from overfeeding so I am trying this method thank you for the tips!
Thanks for the video. I'm trying it tomorrow when I get off work
Thanks! I’ve had a nursery for a while, I didn’t know about the peas. Lol
Relatively new betta care giver here. Question - in hindsight, would you feed the betta the pea sooner? Add a heater to keep the bowl at least 80 degree F? other? Thanks for the video. I have one betta in a planted 10 gallon and hoping I never have to deal with any illnesses, so have been educating myself from you kind aquarists on YT. Will check out your epsom salt vid as well. I have heard it from experienced fish keepers that a betta's stomach is not the size of their eye ball. I searched for an image of a betta online and it looks like their stomach is larger than their eye, but I can't really tell.
You can try it. Bettas aren't "in love" with peas, so not feeding them for a few days will increase your chances of getting them to eat. If you have tankmates in with your betta, you'll want to remove the betta so he/she doesn't eat the other food. Thanks for watching!
This was the only method that worked. Thanks
Happy to help!
My betta had bloat, floating at the top for the last 3 days, I took him out. Changed 25% of the water 💧 (1.5 gallon tank) add warm water, water conditioner, water purifier, and 1 tablespoon of sea salt, within 48 hours he dramatically improved.
Special diet-
Day one: lettuce chopped finely
Right on!
I just bought a white male betta, really beautiful. He looked fine at the pet store but when I got his new home ready and put him in I noticed a few minutes later he kept sticking his head out at the top. I was concerned if he didn't have that much oxygen or something but I looked at some things at it was said it could be the bladder disease. I went to go today and came back and noticed he's still doing it and glad he's still alive and maybe, hopefully this video will help.
Great video mate. I'd suggest just to start feeding peas strait away cause going to work like a laxative as well as a little bit of salt. no need to boil if frozen just let it defrost on a paper towel and remove skin. Glad it worked out well mate great tips. Have a good day mate.
might have to try that next time
Sir, I bought the prettiest betta I’ve ever seen (black and yellow) and after three days he’s doing this mess. I was sure he’d be dead by morning but now I’m confident that he has a chance. I’m heading to the grocery store in the morning to save my baby. Thanks for the Information
Good luck! Be sure to test your water as well
Hi did your fish get better? I hope he's ok.
@@deb4deb No he didn’t, but it was because I had poor water quality and a small tank. I’ll do better next time. I think this video is still helpful for others
@@kisakye92 Oh I'm sorry to hear that. RIP to your little guy.
Yeah bro ! Super informative video. Boiled peas works like a magic.👍😀
Protim Aquatics thanks man 😁
By the way, thank you. This video was awesome and really helpful!
I'm pretty sure my part of Goliath has swim bladder disease. I spotted it today, I also had just changed his tank and put them in a new one so it could be shocked but I'm almost positive it's swim bladder. I'm going to try the things in this video and hopefully it works I would hate to lose such a beautiful creature.
Just got our little guy from the pet store yesterday and noticed hes floating a bit and is fighting to stay under. We're gonna treat him for a few days in our half full 2.5 gal tank
Hi, question. What if my beta fish poops after 2 days but it’s like 2 small white pellets? Should I still wait another day to feed her or do something else ? @FridayFishFacts
Very well done and very informative
Joe Munoz thanks Joe!
thx so much i almsot cryed about my fish
Thank you! my buddy is having the issue and I will do exactly this. I have dried blood worms as a treat, should I be softening them up before I give them to him?
I know some people that do soak betta food before. I never have but I’m sure there is no harm in it
Yeah definitely. Is ok my dried blood worms for 5-10 minutes and only give them to my guy once or twice a week.
They love them but they can be filled with air since they are dried which can also cause SBD. I use a toothpick to push them against the side of the container and get the air out. You will see the air bubbles rise. It’s definitely better to do this but takes a little more time. Worth it though!
Mt Betta will not eat anything that has fell to the bottom. The defrosted pea will not float. I defrosted,, separated and the pressed the pea. After it had dried I was able to break into pieces that will float. So far, he has consumed a piece two days in a row. Thanks for the video.
+Carol Anzalone I hope he is doing better soon
I'm glad the Betta is doing better.
Thanks for the tips! How did you maintain the water temperature while in the bowl? I just noticed today our guy has this and am currently trying to fix him up in a smaller bowl. My biggest worry is the temperature drop.
+Jessica Toomey no problem! I put a space heater in my sons room to keep the temp stable
Update: it took 8 days but but female betta is back in my community tank. Thank you so very much
Great news!
Hi do I not feed him for 2 days in this conditions?
Nice, glad it worked!! Great info Ron!! =)
Messenger 22 thank u!
My betta fish, Link, has a bloated stomach and he doesnt want to move alot, he keeps staying near the filter. I think he has swim bladder disease, but I want to make sure before I start treating it. My betta lives in a big tank alone and I wanted to try the 3 day fasting and Epsom salt. I don't have a heater to change the temperature because I live in a very hot place so I can't change the temperature to 80°F. My questions are:
1. Should I move him even though he lives alone?
2. Should I even do the Epsom salt or just try the peas and fasting?
Do we need to move our betta to a cup for 'treatment' if they live alone in the tank? If so, I assume we have to maintain proper temp and not sure how best to do that with a small container.
Thanks for the video but my beta I just got is swimming completely normal and then here and there goes to the bottom of the tank and lays on his side. Does that sound like swim bladder to you or? I was thinking maybe he’s fatigued from swimming around in a 10 gallon after being in a cup for who knows how long
Awesome video. Glad he is better! He has some awesome looking fins!
Do I add anything to the water once their in the bowl by themselves? I saw some bottle next to your bowl I’m not sure if that’s just conditioner or something that can help treat it but I put my baby in a half gallon bowl to help her stay away from food for 3 days
I finally realized what was going on with my Betta after two days and came across your video just now. Immediately started preparing a container as quickly as I could to put her in and suddenly watched her die on the spot. She was trying to swim up to the top for one final breath, sunk to the bottom, spit out some food and stopped moving. Ugh I feel awful. I could’ve saved her or at least made her final hours/days better with this method. My other betta tried lifting her up and keeping her going but it was too late.
I suck. Now am sad 😭
I am sorry 😢
Do you have to only give him the outer layer of the peas or can we just use the whole thing but cut it small?
Do you only use the pea if there's constipation? I've been dealing with Swim Bladder in my very heavily-finned boy, Bruce, since November. I've run the gamut of treatments, except the pea. I've fasted, (3 days) done Epsom Salt baths and he still has it. He looks fantastic, his poop is brown and normal and he has a great appetite. He's very alert and likes to watch me when I'm in the kitchen. I've read that S.B. can be a permanent situation. I have a bag of frozen, plain peas but from what I am understanding, that's only if the Betta isn't pooping. He gets Daphnia, Bug Bites and frozen, thawed Blood Worms. His parameters are normal and his tank stays at 78-80 degrees. No signs of parasites and no tankmates. He has the type of S.B. that keeps him at the top. I've moved him from a 3.5g to a 2.5g and he has 2 leaf hammocks that are very near the surface, as well as a floaty log.
Wow you’re doing a lot. That’s awesome that you care so much, Bruce is lucky. Yes, a pea helps with constipation
Bruce has it all; he's living in style in his 24th floor loft. Has butler, house keeper and conscierge.
Can you use betta fix or melafix to help with swim bladder if it’s not caused by over feeding?
Melafix is used for bacteria infections. Swim bladder disease is very rarely caused by a bacteria infection
When should you do this? When they start, or a few days after, when completely sure they have swim bladder disease?
A couple days after. It’s not gonna hurt them to fast them. But make sure it’s not your water quality
Good info nice video thanks Ron. 😉👍
My girl got sick, didn’t know the stomach the size of the eye, gives a idea of what amount to feed them. My female has been inside a small hospital tank, boiled up some almond leaves and put that inside with her once it cooled and some stuff for ick and bacterial infection. Been a week and she’s swimming around happy. Now I’m feeding her every 3 days smaller amounts now and she should be better again in another week or so. I wanna try the frozen pea idea but I only have canned peas. Idk if that’s the same or if there’s a reason everyone says for frozen peas
I'm glad I googled the subject because I just discovered my Beta doing this behavior and I didn't know what to do and I'm really tired of losing fish out of my ignorance. I wanted to know though where did you get that ball of blood worms because I've never seen anything like that before.
You should be able to get frozen blood worm cubes from your local fish store, even Petsmart
Thats an interesting take, i just started working at petsmart and they told me to feed them extra to get rid of the disease, in a way like when a human gets sick, you eat a lot to get better right? That was my managers idea and it worked so I’m confused.
king Kire a swollen stomach pushes on the swim bladder causing it to malfunction
What you feed him over the 8 days? More peas or normal pellet work?
How do you keep the water temperature the same in the fish bowl. Did you use a heat or change the water every, say, 3-4 hours?
Whenever my betta lays on the top on his side I get so scared he is dead
Does he have trouble getting to the bottom of the tank?
Friday Fish Facts mine does the same and yes he has trouble getting to the bottom
I know right, I just got my betta today and I think it had swim bladder disease before I got it, I really hope he'll survive.
@@autumnfoster9727 Same but I got mine yesterday and shes just falling to the bottom I bought her bloodworms but she refused them she also refused pellets what do I do? I don’t know if it is swim bladder or she is dying :(
What if my betta isn’t eating the peas
They won’t unless they’re really hungry. Try fasting up to 6 days
@@FridayFishFacts mine isn’t eating the peas either. He hasn’t eaten in about 6 days. I’ve offered black worms and everything. I have the tank warm and I haven’t seen a single poop in about a week
@@shannonl6341 Did your fish recover?
@@flowers9001 no :( he ended up passing
Is there concern w temp of the hospital tank water? My fish tank has a heater and I also read increasing water temp can help digestion.
Yes, I had a space heater in the room
Please get back with me as soon as possible!
I’m trying to help my betta fish out, so for the 50% water change is it how it sounds just take half of the old out and put some new in?
So I wait 3 days feed him a bit of a boiled pea and if he doesn't nibble do I wait again 3 days?
Yes, that’s correct
Great job and excellent tips my friend.
HillbillySelectReviews thanks man
Hi i had a question if you can help me .
I did the fasting twice but he still has swim bladder problem . Should i do it a third time?
I just realized that my beloved beta Sushi has this. We are trying what you did. He was perfectly fine yesterday but today he was swimming funny and lying on his side for hours at a time. I really hope this works because he is special to me and was my first ever fish. He looks just like Black Widow so maybe that is good luck. Im trying to imagine him before he got the disease and im pretending that nothing bad is happening to him. We cleaned his tank today and he seems like he is not ready to die. We are going to get a ten or fifteen gallon tank and but in a divider so Sushi does not kill my guppies and get him a snail to be his friend hopefully. We are also going to get a swordtail fish and put it in with my guppies. We are also going to get 2 more snails (along with the snail for Sushi's side) and 5 blue velvet shrimp. We used to have catfish but Sushi murdered them. It was my dad's idea to put Sushi in a 1 gallon tank but he liked having more space so thats why we are getting a bigger tank. If you have any other tips for my fish or the fish that I am getting then that would be great. Also I have a snail named George and we named him after George Washington because we got him and 2 others that died on Presidents day. Thank you if you read this!
Hope everything is ok with Sushi! Often bettas eat shrimp so you might have to watch out for that. Swordtails have a reputation as being the most aggressive livebearer so you might want to watch out for that too
Update: I followed the steps and my betta fish is finally cured!!! He can finally swim down. He gets bloated fast so I have to fast him for another few days.
I’m so happy to hear that
Can I ask how many day did it take you totally? Thank you ❤
I like how you say he got swim bladder disease from overeating, then you show him cured at the end eating a pile of blood worms that could feed a colony x D
How would you do the Epsom salt bath?
Woo I'm glad you was able to save him, I'm sure he is much appreciated 👍🐠
I hope so lol
Did you feed him a pea just once, or once a day for a few days?
He waited three days and then gave the fish 1/4 of a pea, and then continued that cycle over again if necessary
@@honeymilk4398, thank you. My fish is healed now and doing really well!
@@krisy359 that's good! Mine just got sbd today, so I'm trying to save him
@@honeymilk4398, good luck I hope he gets better!
Hey there! I have a question for you. I hope someone can shed some light.
So my betta has SBD. Same as seen here. He’s on the top and has trouble swimming down, swims sightless on his side.
I think it’s due to over feeding but he doesn’t appear swollen. This is his 2nd day of not being fed.
He’s the only one in his tank and the water parameters are perfect so I’ve been leaving him in his tank.
I gave him a Epsom salt 15 minute bath yesterday and today before returning him to his tank. He pooped both times in his bath and when I put back he seems to swim normally and look much better for about an hour and a half, then the SBd symptoms seem to reappear?
Any suggestions? I’m going to start the pea ideas after day 3 of fasting him. Someone please help if you have advice. Love this guy and just want to see him get and STAY better. Thanks!
I moved mine because the tank is too deep and I wanted him to be able to swim to the top
Hi, I have male beta fish who we think has this swim bladder he's always on top just like yours and swim side ways he alsways on one place on top and barely swim at all he was like that since last 1 to 3 weeks and am just wondering how much pea should I feed on the third day? We don't have heater and am from Philippines we use air conditioning during late afternoon because this is a tropical country. Thank you.
this comment may be in vain, but did you change the water out in those 3 days? or leave as is in that container?
Good information 👍👍👍
So is there a minimum of three days before feeding anything besides the pea? My boys been very hidden lately doesn't seem to be swimming around much... When he does eat he aggressively grabs it from the surface and usually goes back into hiding right after fins have started to become transparent my back gave out on me so it was hard to do anything but lay in bed for a few weeks so maybe it might be water conditions? Did a complete change last night what do you suggest?
I would say it’s water conditions. I’d start by checking that
Thanks! I’m trying this, my beta is definitely on the bottom a lot. What’s a good amt to feed them? I have pellets and they’re instructions say to give 3-4 pellets in the morning and 3-4 at night
That’s a lot for one day, I’d cut that in half
I read that you should always soak the pellets in a few drops of tank water before you feed them because pellets are to hard and cause constipation. Also I would only do 2 pellets in morning and 2 at night.
Is that frog in same tank as ur betta? What kind is it?
My betta is responsive to taps, has a log he hides in (probably to keep him from floating up)
Will leave him in the tank for 3 days and try this pea idea. (Does he have to be in a smaller container?)
If it helps I just got him yesterday lol, brand new to betta. Thanks in advance
my zebra danio glofish(maybe more had them) has this disease i saw the symptoms will this cure it?
I would try fasting them for sure. I have found it to be common with glofish
@@FridayFishFacts ok also i jsut checked out the symptoms online turns out that more than half of my gloifsh had this disease( i had 16 glofish) and tahts why now i have only 3 left with 1 having the disease(very severe for this one)
Awesome video! My little Boo is on the bottom, and he was fighting to swim, so I put him in little bowl with tank water yesterday. Should I wait 3 full days of zero food before I try the peas? Thanks again!
Thanks very much. Wait the 3 full days, try the pea. If it doesn’t work, wait another 3 and try again. A week with no food is no problem
My betta has been on its side breathing heavy at the bottom of tank after a water change yesterday. I put him in small tank and added betta fix because his fins seemed stuck together and broken. He continues to stay on his side and I have been fasting him since yesterday. Not sure what to do next. My son is so sad. I may have shocked him with the water change even though I waited about 2 hours before I placed him back into his tank. So now just in smaller hospital tank. Any advice?
I would test your water. Do his gills look dark?
My betta hasn’t pooped at all and it’s been over three days. At three days I tried the pea thing and he didn’t eat at all. Then I got freaked that he might starve after the fourth day and he didn’t eat the pea again so I gave pellets and he didn’t eat that either. I’ve only seen him interested once while trying to feed him and he couldn’t catch up with the pea and gave up right away. I’ve given an Epsom salt bath once and am keeping him in a shallow hospital tank because he floats. I have some things for him to hide in in it too.