Ruby Theliongirl it would be like when Rin draws mermaids for a month, but instead of mermaids you would draw pirates for a month! It would be in the month of August but you would call it “Arrgust” because of the sounds pirates make!
“Glitter and Pirates” I never thought I would even think about that, but I guess there’s a first for everything. I hope you all are doing well. Please stay safe.
I feel like the most annoying thing is when you do a sketch and you love it and don't want to mess it up, but you've already committed to doing a finished illustration and you add lineart and it just turns out not at all how you wanted it too.
“Do not swallow, put in your eyes, or apply to your lips” Rin: “I wasn’t thinking of doing that....” Me: Starts gettin concerned for what she might do.
@@drawingwiffwaffles ur just awesome it helps me a lot but if u hadn't make video on how to create ur own character then plz make video on that means whenever u draw u draw on ur own how to do that plz tell
DrawingWiffWaffles: Nothing in life is truly permanent. That unused metallic gold pencil in my fabercastell colour pencil set: Well, allow us to introduce ourselves.
I really love how down to earth you are. You're also very positive and try to find a way to find the good in everything, and you're making this quarantine much more enjoyable. I really like your videos and I hope you continue making art for all to enjoy in the future. Love you, stay safe, drink water, get plenty of sleep, and keep it up. I'm proud of you!
Rin: Everyone in favor say I Rin: Pauses filming and goes and time travels to the future and goes to her subscribers and listens to hear if they say I Rin: Goes back to filming and makes her exact estimate
I would just like to say I’ve been watching your channel since I was 8, and you’ve inspired me so much. You brought me out of an art funk and I’m so grateful! 💜
I think it would be really cool to sort of do a miniseries like you did with the Christmas princesses, but instead of food they're based on spring flowers.
Thank goodness I have your videos. Your calming voice and funny comments cheer me up when I feel anxious. During this time I feel like you are my friend. Even though I have been locked out to the rest of the world you feel like a friend reaching out to me. Thank you, Rin!
Marathoning ALL the videos that I can find. You're videos bring me total comfort. I can't draw (especially people) to save my life but I thoroughly enjoy watching you brainstorm with all of your different boxes, and just being you. ❤
Well Rin, Always a joy to watch you work and develop your ideas! So much imagination! Good on you girl! Thanks for bringing us along your fantastic Art journey!
Me: Please let there be a new vid soon! Rin: Posts Me: My day is now fulfilled. Thank you so much for bringing us new videos even in these tough times!💜💜💜💜💜
Just wanted to say thank you so much for continuing to make videos for us because we really really love and appreciate them especially when you’re going through a rough patch Rin and anytime you need a break we’re all here to support you still 💜
I don't use gel pens, becoos I'm broke. So I just stole one of my dads fountain pens and bought myself so em 3-5 dollar white ink bottle TvT. Haha, it works fine tho
Yay!! A new video and a new box, absolutely loved the video. You always make me feel happy even during everything that is going on, thank you very much 😊🙏
@@AnxietyRiddenKay-Lee Ummm... well... your parents might not have a membership, and that's the most expensive part. You have to get a membership to shop there. BTW Happy birthday and my birthday is also coming up soon! :)
Fabre Castell is one of my favorite pens to use for outlining! They dry quickly and they don’t smudge. I use them with my water paints and they’re amazing
😊😊😊😊Hi Rin I just wanna say I love your videos .Every time I turn on RUclips I immediately search your channel up and see if you have uploaded anything new. When you start drawing I pull out my sketchbook and draw along with you. Thank you soo much for inspiring me to draw characters and practice every day 😊😊😊😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
Your videos are so fun to watch while I’m drawing, especially in this quarantine. Thank you Rin, for making these amazing videos, stay healthy and safe everyone!
I gotta be honest, I love everything about you and your art. You have an amazing personality and you sound very passionate when you draw, I just love that? Not to mention you’re funny? 😭 i just adore everything you do, it motivated me to draw, especially during an artblock. To watch your videos makes me feel super inspired! Thank you for being you and sharing your amazing work 😭💜
I bet Scrawlr box really loves you because you are so creative in what you do with each box! And it shows the endless possibilities of what you can do with these boxes. And I bet they are very impressed with your creativity too! I know I am! I never would have thought of some of the ideas you come up with!
I love that you just go for things lol. I've been trying to take on that attitude in my own life, it's a lot more fun than agonizing over every little thing.
Rin: Here it is! Rin: Rin: I kinda wonder if there should be more right here. Rin: I think so. Rin: Rin: I love it. Rin: Rin: Oh-- that was supposed to be black! Rin: Okay, I think I'm going to call it for this one! Rin: Rin: *Picks up pen and keeps going* (it was actually just a signature xd)
Waffles, I absolutely love your channel! The way you talk, draw and how much effort you put in your videos really inspired me to do my channel, I hope your channel grows as much as you deserve for it to grow
I honestly think this is some of your best work! The details are absolutely gorgeous and I love it! I think you made some decisions that I wouldn’t have but maybe that’s just me. This is a beautiful piece and I think you should be proud.
We need updates on how many weeks (or months) you still find bits of this glitter randomly. 😎 This was a neat concept. I like the sketches too. Maybe revisit the character on a ship so you can use color, or use blue glitter. Or have her seeking the treasure with a map and go through a silver glitter cave that leads to this one.
Hey, I know there is a very low chance of you seeing this but I want to tell you something. You are a huge part of my artistic choices, you give me confidence in my art and you have given me a whole new prospective on how I view my own art. Before watched your videos , if I made a mistake I would just start all over but ow, I try to improve it before I just give up. You have taught me that there is ALWAYS room for improvement, if something does't look good, don't stress, just practice and you will improve eventually. If we knew how to do everything perfectly, life would be extremely boring. Sorry for the long comment, I just felt that you should know that you are amazing. I know that a lot of people give you hate but they don't know how awesome you are. Keep influencing and improving, love always, Abby.
Absolutely no one: Rin*gets glitter on her skin*: I'm turning into a vampire! P.s. if you didn't make a wish on that eyelash I'm very disappointed in you.
'nothing in life is truly permanent, but maybe this comes close' me after supergluing my fingers together when i was 7
I was sad...but nothing in life is truly permanent...😂
ha same i superglued my fingers when i was 7 together cos i was tryna glue my mood ring back together XD
Hi I always watch u ur AMAZING I wish i was u❤❤❤❤😍
Emily S at least you had a reason, meanwhile I was just bored 😂
"Not anything in life is truly permanent"
Well that got deep rather quickly
Like being able to leave the house. "F" to pay respects.
@@drawingwiffwaffles F
@@drawingwiffwaffles F
@@drawingwiffwaffles F
No one:
Rin : gets gold glitter on her “Becoming a vampire”
I think it was a twillight reference
Bunny Lover yesss the glittery vampires
yup. It is a twilight reference.
Need to come up with a way to draw the pirate life for a whole month. Like “Arrrrrgust”!
this. this needs to be a theme I'd be participating in
I really don’t get it
Ruby Theliongirl it would be like when Rin draws mermaids for a month, but instead of mermaids you would draw pirates for a month! It would be in the month of August but you would call it “Arrgust” because of the sounds pirates make!
I'd love to see that too. Peefect way to kill some time
“Glitter and Pirates”
I never thought I would even think about that, but I guess there’s a first for everything.
I hope you all are doing well. Please stay safe.
Thanks for looking out for me. 💜
You’re welcome, Rin.
I feel like the most annoying thing is when you do a sketch and you love it and don't want to mess it up, but you've already committed to doing a finished illustration and you add lineart and it just turns out not at all how you wanted it too.
I fully agree with this Dealt with this countless times in life. You spoke my thoughts
this is why I’m afraid of lineart lmao
This is literally the reason I wanna move to digital art :/
I'm doing an a3 pokémon collage at the moment and don't want to add line art because I always ruin it 😂
And thats why I scan and print my sketches
“Do not swallow, put in your eyes, or apply to your lips”
Rin: “I wasn’t thinking of doing that....”
Me: Starts gettin concerned for what she might do.
Beginning of the video: "aww, I'm so nervous.."
Later on in the video: "WE NEED MORE GLITTER!!"
how time changes a person, lol
@@drawingwiffwaffles correction, glitter*
Izuku Midoriya Hi midorya
@@drawingwiffwaffles ur just awesome it helps me a lot but if u hadn't make video on how to create ur own character then plz make video on that means whenever u draw u draw on ur own how to do that plz tell
Me: sees chocolate then wonders where it went
Waffles: sees chocolate and sets it aside for later
Conclusion: Waffles is the god of self-control
I agree, and she also refrains from screeching really loud out of excitement because she gets new art supplies, or am I the only that does that?
@Benjamin Travis
You are NOT the only art-screamer.
@@benjamintravis6181 not just you! I do-
@@kay-uo5ph that’s comforting
Rin with every art supply: makes a line for a swatch and writes the name
Rin with a white gel pen: starts decorating the box 😂
oh i know how these work babbbbbyyyyyyy
I was thinking because the white one is a favorite
So it gets pecial treatment and gets to draw doodles
The box, and her skin. xD
DrawingWiffWaffles: Nothing in life is truly permanent.
That unused metallic gold pencil in my fabercastell colour pencil set: Well, allow us to introduce ourselves.
Marminsky and then you have the white and black pencils that are gone in about two weeks
Me : Pirates are old !!
It’s simple. I see the notif and I click as fast as humanely possible
Omg lol
I really love how down to earth you are. You're also very positive and try to find a way to find the good in everything, and you're making this quarantine much more enjoyable. I really like your videos and I hope you continue making art for all to enjoy in the future.
Love you, stay safe, drink water, get plenty of sleep, and keep it up. I'm proud of you!
Drawing wiff waffles: Thingy majigger
Dr Suess: You Stole Mah Word
oh no! i'm a plagiarist! XP
watch out for the copyright police!
Rin: Everyone in favor say I
Rin: Pauses filming and goes and time travels to the future and goes to her subscribers and listens to hear if they say I
Rin: Goes back to filming and makes her exact estimate
thats how I'm so accurate XP
Its usually written Aye
letharja I agree and it was my mistake thanks for telling me 😊
Nothing says waffles like glitter and pirates 😂
XD the perfect combination!
“A jacket but she’s cut off the sleeves to show her poofy sleeves” ...... u mean a VEST. 😂😂❤️
I would just like to say I’ve been watching your channel since I was 8, and you’ve inspired me so much. You brought me out of an art funk and I’m so grateful! 💜
XoXoTrenni she is so amazing. She is basically a superhero!
I think it would be really cool to sort of do a miniseries like you did with the Christmas princesses, but instead of food they're based on spring flowers.
Waffles: "nothing in life is really permanent"
Me: That went from 0 to 100 real fast.. 😂
just like Corona.
DrawingWiffWaffles it’s corona time
@@drawingwiffwaffles oof. I felt that one in my immunocompromised core. 🙃
@@mahimahi-zf4uh YESSSS
Hannah Mamae xD
Thank goodness I have your videos. Your calming voice and funny comments cheer me up when I feel anxious. During this time I feel like you are my friend. Even though I have been locked out to the rest of the world you feel like a friend reaching out to me. Thank you, Rin!
She is one of those youtubers who you binge watch in a single sitting!
"All in favor say I........that was about half." does the thing. An absolute mood.
This is definitely my favorite inking you've done! I love the line variation, the detail in the coat, and no rush. It looks amazing
‘Nothing in life is truly permanent’
like how I love this channel
"Something just so exciting about drawing with white" FINALLY someone who agrees 👏
Marathoning ALL the videos that I can find. You're videos bring me total comfort. I can't draw (especially people) to save my life but I thoroughly enjoy watching you brainstorm with all of your different boxes, and just being you. ❤
My mom won't let me bring glitter into the house anymore 😂😂😂😂
red_lips _crystal _skies I felt that 😂
@@suzannereeves199 .....we are denied the glittery goodness
she's not completely unreasonable lol
@@drawingwiffwaffles true lol
I love that pirate lady! She's so fancy yet rebellious, just a great design and it works very well with the gold glitter
Thanks so much!
Me:"I'M IN. I AM IN!!! Savvy?" 🤣😍🦄
Well Rin, Always a joy to watch you work and develop your ideas! So much imagination! Good on you girl! Thanks for bringing us along your fantastic Art journey!
“Glitter and pirates” GOD DAMNIT IM IN
with being stuck at home I watch you every day . You inspire me. thank you
I know right! Her art is so amazing! She inspired me to create my own art channel, where I draw lots of animals!
Me: Please let there be a new vid soon!
Rin: Posts
Me: My day is now fulfilled.
Thank you so much for bringing us new videos even in these tough times!💜💜💜💜💜
glad to bring you a new video! 💜💜💜
@@drawingwiffwaffles Oh thank you so much for replying! It means a lot to me!
Yes! It brightens my day 😊
Everytime you open a new art box, I'm absolutely perplexed at how you don't eat the candy right away! I wouldn't be able to stop myself!
Glitter: Craft Herpes
Pirates: my favorite historical figures second only to those involved in the space race
This video is my spirit animal
Space Kitsune
Omg please tell me you think jfk is hot AF. Half of my friends call him daddy and the other half calls us necrophiles lmao.
Alfred Freedom Jones this comment is wild
Ticci toasty lmao all of my friends are a little wild
let's just appreciate that rin makes really long videos for us to enjoy.
Rin u are the only thing getting me through this quarantine. Stay safe xx
"It's tiny, give me a break."
Rin 2020
now I want a kitkat bar XP
@@drawingwiffwaffles XD
@@drawingwiffwaffles lol it took me a minute
I’m so sorry if ur 13 or younger I’m sorry...
That’s what she said
@@pftghostly8137 For what? This is confusing
Just wanted to say thank you so much for continuing to make videos for us because we really really love and appreciate them especially when you’re going through a rough patch Rin and anytime you need a break we’re all here to support you still 💜
Literally posted this while I’m watching pirates of the carribean this is perfect lol
WHAT?! i can't interrupt the greatest movie ever made! (unless its one of the sequels, then its okay)
DrawingWiffWaffles haha so true! You are the best youtuber ever. You need more subs than pewdiepie not gonna lie
I really like drawing along with her. With everything happening it’s hard to see the light but I really look up to and appreciate Rin. Thank you
“Nothing in life is truly permanent” my love for Rin is 😭☺️❤️😂
Rin: what are they called?
Me: Twists? Dreadlocks? Coils?
Rin: Hair ringlets
I wheezed way more than I should have 😂
Ellise Wedge Hiiiiii! How’s things?
Ellise Wedge no you’re creepy
My brain immediately went to my jolly sailor bold
I remember using glitter in arts and crafts in like 3rd grade and getting it in my hair and then still finding traces of it months after.
23:55 the little “this is a good idea” was just so adorable haha you sounded so exited
It’s a simple task you see the notification and click faster than the speed of light
Oh my god how many times i’ve seen this comment. Say something original.
Maria Aguirre agreed
I loved this video! You're an amazing artist. Thank you for sharing your talent with us!❤🧡💙💜💛💚
rin: we have a white signo uniball gel pen, one of my personal favorites.
jelly roll: am i a joke to you?
I don't use gel pens, becoos I'm broke. So I just stole one of my dads fountain pens and bought myself so em 3-5 dollar white ink bottle TvT.
Haha, it works fine tho
@ jelly roll, yes, yes you are 😆
@@thewafflepig1944 bahaha this made me laugh
Some people are just so immensely talented. This is beautiful. ❤
Me: Clicks onto video
My mind: huh there is one dislike that means even the hater has the notifications on!
Yes haha!!! Funny
Lol even the hater needs to watch the vid
¿Marie's Films? So true
Or they are stocking her 😮
Sorry guys that went down real fast 😅
@Charleone Ramos Now THAT's creepy, ha, ha.
Yay!! A new video and a new box, absolutely loved the video. You always make me feel happy even during everything that is going on, thank you very much 😊🙏
“Gold like Mac n cheese” 26:35 haha 😂 I’m dead... and this is just one reason why I love rin 💜💜
I really liked the box it's so versatile to any artist and one of favourite pieces you've created too.
Waffles: Kinda like the sheets you see separating the products at Costco...
I don't see any products... xD
Emily Gao is it bad that i haven’t ever been to costco and i’m 12 in 9 days
@@AnxietyRiddenKay-Lee Ummm... well... your parents might not have a membership, and that's the most expensive part. You have to get a membership to shop there. BTW Happy birthday and my birthday is also coming up soon! :)
Emily Gao thanks and happy birthday to you
Small World i’ve been to costco like so many times i can’t even count lmao it’s pretty fun there’s SAMPLES 😂
Fabre Castell is one of my favorite pens to use for outlining! They dry quickly and they don’t smudge. I use them with my water paints and they’re amazing
Rin: "ooo yeah"
Me, trying to stop myself: ".....das ist gut, ooooo ja---"
10:57: "looks too... Henry the 8th"
Called it
I was really hoping someone would comment about Six. You just made my day 😊
this picture is STUNNING 😍 OMG. i just love the brown, black, white & gold. i would put it on my wall lol!
Glitter: "Do not apply to lips."
Me: Well, darn.
😊😊😊😊Hi Rin I just wanna say I love your videos .Every time I turn on RUclips I immediately search your channel up and see if you have uploaded anything new. When you start drawing I pull out my sketchbook and draw along with you. Thank you soo much for inspiring me to draw characters and practice every day 😊😊😊😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
same John Haken
Me: *See's big brimmed hat* "Oh Barbossa!"
Rin: "I'll draw a big hat, just like Barbossa".
Your videos are so fun to watch while I’m drawing, especially in this quarantine.
Thank you Rin, for making these amazing videos, stay healthy and safe everyone!
To the 1% of people who read this
Have a nice day!
thank you! i will! Hope you have a better one!
Thank you! iwill! Hope you have a better one!
Thx Emily Gao
@Emily Gao Thank you! Stay safe yall :>
thank you so much stay safe
It’s nice to see that ScrawlerBox is making more eco friendly choices! 💚
Everyone’s talking about how she said ‘nothing in life is truly permanent’ but I’m just here wondering what dark black is
I gotta be honest, I love everything about you and your art. You have an amazing personality and you sound very passionate when you draw, I just love that? Not to mention you’re funny? 😭 i just adore everything you do, it motivated me to draw, especially during an artblock. To watch your videos makes me feel super inspired! Thank you for being you and sharing your amazing work 😭💜
Rin: I'm very exited because I just got my hands on the February scrawler box
Me: What time period are you living in?
I bet Scrawlr box really loves you because you are so creative in what you do with each box! And it shows the endless possibilities of what you can do with these boxes. And I bet they are very impressed with your creativity too! I know I am! I never would have thought of some of the ideas you come up with!
"Nothing in life is truly permanent"
inspirational quot by Rin
not sure I'd call that inspirational haha
I love that you just go for things lol. I've been trying to take on that attitude in my own life, it's a lot more fun than agonizing over every little thing.
it looks like they're trying to be more eco friendly with their packaging and I'm love
Rin has always been such a huge inspiration for my art! Best artist!!!
Rin: Here it is!
Rin: I kinda wonder if there should be more right here.
Rin: I think so.
Rin: I love it.
Rin: Oh-- that was supposed to be black!
Rin: Okay, I think I'm going to call it for this one!
Rin: *Picks up pen and keeps going*
(it was actually just a signature xd)
I love this illustration so much, it might be one of my favorites of you. It's super pretty and so cohesive!!
Quarantine law comes out:
Other people : ughh
Rin: nice very niceeee (in like a teensy piratey way)
Waffles, I absolutely love your channel! The way you talk, draw and how much effort you put in your videos really inspired me to do my channel, I hope your channel grows as much as you deserve for it to grow
I'm so early! Why can't I think of something to say?!
Can we just talk about how awesome that piece of art she did is??? Like, that BACKGROUND and how it fits in with the rest of the piece like howww
*”But apparently it’s not for your lips”* -Rin 2020
nope, apparently not XP
DrawingWiffWaffles haha
I honestly think this is some of your best work! The details are absolutely gorgeous and I love it! I think you made some decisions that I wouldn’t have but maybe that’s just me. This is a beautiful piece and I think you should be proud.
I love your dark Humor ...
"Not anything in life is truly permanent "
This was my favorite art piece you have ever made!!
"Do not apply to lips."
Waffle: well...i wasnt thinking about it...........(unsaid) till you said something. Now i wanna 😂😂
this is one of my favorite pieces I've seen you create!!
“I’m becoming a vampire”
~Rin 2020
We need updates on how many weeks (or months) you still find bits of this glitter randomly. 😎 This was a neat concept. I like the sketches too. Maybe revisit the character on a ship so you can use color, or use blue glitter. Or have her seeking the treasure with a map and go through a silver glitter cave that leads to this one.
Me when I saw the title:
Glitter and pirates...interesting
we'll see XP
I am in love with this illustration it’s so cool! I’m not usually a fan of the pirate theme but this is just awesome
i wish my art was as fluid and expressive as yours 🥺
stick with it. if you focus on enjoying the process, improvement will come naturally. 💜
@@drawingwiffwaffles awww ty that is very helpful :)
Is it just me or is her voice so relaxing!
Rin is the best medicine when we’re forced to stay inside because of an epidemic 😊
I love watching you draw!! I'm always looking foward to when you upload
She seemed to be having so much fun with this that I started having fun too and now I'm all warm and energized in bed yey
This looks absolutely GORGEOUS! 💖💖💖Also, good luck getting that glitter off of your desk.😄
"Not giving that up"
She insists, as if any of us would ever ask her to
Hey, I know there is a very low chance of you seeing this but I want to tell you something. You are a huge part of my artistic choices, you give me confidence in my art and you have given me a whole new prospective on how I view my own art. Before watched your videos , if I made a mistake I would just start all over but ow, I try to improve it before I just give up. You have taught me that there is ALWAYS room for improvement, if something does't look good, don't stress, just practice and you will improve eventually. If we knew how to do everything perfectly, life would be extremely boring. Sorry for the long comment, I just felt that you should know that you are amazing. I know that a lot of people give you hate but they don't know how awesome you are. Keep influencing and improving, love always, Abby.
Absolutely no one:
Rin*gets glitter on her skin*: I'm turning into a vampire!
P.s. if you didn't make a wish on that eyelash I'm very disappointed in you.
So, I applied for the box all because of you, and I’m looking forward to unboxing the March box with you!
Rin: everyone in favor, say aye
You're one of the artists that inspire me to draw thank you so much for this 💗