What Does It Mean to Be Truly Human? | Jefferson Bethke

  • Опубликовано: 24 июл 2013
  • Discover God's better way for sex, dating, marriage, and love in our new book here: amzn.to/2tecrvz
    Checkout the book that inspired this video here. Great read personally or in a group for those looking to understand what true community looks like: ow.ly/njvNS
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    Hey all! I've been wanting to make a video on this topic for awhile now. I think it's deeply needed for my generation since we are sometimes the most non-transparent people on earth. We hide behind the mask of our shame, performance, guilt, etc in hopes to protect ourselves but we fail to see that also blocks our ability to experience true love & joy. One of the things that makes us truly human is to be in real, authentic, and honest community. So if you watch this and you feel like you don't have that, I encourage to seek out a local community, church, or gathering! Love y'all!
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    Email: jeffersonbethke@gmail.com
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    I'd love to come to your area! Speaking forms are here: ow.ly/c9oJL
    Get my audibook FREE here: www.jeffbethke.com/audible

Комментарии • 1 тыс.

  • @StevenDavisPhoto
    @StevenDavisPhoto 10 лет назад +32

    i totally agree with you. i do my best to be open and honest, but sometimes people who are so open and honest get ridiculed or judged, even by our christian brothers and sisters. i wish we could all be vulnerable without being judged. thats where the tension between our humanity and the holy spirit within us lies though.

    • @4evaLovinJesus
      @4evaLovinJesus 10 лет назад +1

      I'm in the same boat, I'm open and honest but I think its that people get jealous and scared that you can't do what you can? God knows our hearts, you're not admitting to anything that other people have not done or are not thinking!

    • @Jkila25
      @Jkila25 10 лет назад +1

      Same thing happened to Jesus my friend..

    • @trentostrom3001
      @trentostrom3001 5 лет назад +1

      Steven Davis I agree. I’ve been unincluded from bible studies because of my honesty, and my honesty isn’t all that bad

    • @EdrichHorn
      @EdrichHorn 5 лет назад

      Im glad to be judged

  • @JonBruce-BlueDev
    @JonBruce-BlueDev 8 лет назад +10

    This really woke me up. I have, for years, refused to let anyone know that I feel, that I have emotions, and that I can be hurt. I am realizing why I have had so many problems.

  • @PicturaSonus
    @PicturaSonus 8 лет назад +15

    Jeff, you are so gifted with words. I've been encouraged so greatly by watching your videos and listening to what you say. God bless.

  • @Lareed112
    @Lareed112 10 лет назад +1

    God has blessed you with the gracefulness to make people see things that stand blind to them on a daily basis. Your words are empowering, liberating, and breathtaking. I am a very closed off 18 year old due to the fact that i was born and suffer with mild cerebral palsy in my right side. Always concerned with looks of other eyes, I hide within books and behind walls. This video made me want to stop being so isolated, and to not any longer want to suffer from my aliments..but rather embrace them. God bless you are your life.

  • @klulouis
    @klulouis 10 лет назад +5

    Don't ever lose your saltiness or water down the Gospel, brother. Thanks for your vulnerability and boldness in Christ.

  • @madisonjobe6865
    @madisonjobe6865 8 лет назад +10

    Wow dude. This really touched me. Thank you for making this. Keep it up. Love you and your videos :) God bless

  • @avabaker5233
    @avabaker5233 6 лет назад +1

    Thank you for This! Really needed it right now. Isolation has been the story of my life for the past 4 to 5 years and sometimes it does feel like I am alone in the world completely, like no one else is awake or responsive. I have more conversations with myself in my mind than I talk with people anymore, my phone hasn't rang in over a month.

  • @gilbertfranco5525
    @gilbertfranco5525 10 лет назад +1

    I'm fully in comparison to this video every aspect of the words that you spoke of how people are so scared of being hurt that they put up a wall in order to guard themselves from the hurt & pain love can bring. I do exactly that I keep every thought that I have ever thought of or feeling & emotion bottled up deep in my heart. This video really opened me up due to the relativity of my own self being. For as long as I can remember, I've cared about nothing & never let my actual self be shown to anyone. As much as people attempted to be in my life, my heart, my soul. I respectfully refused & you my friend showed me there's another side of life that I've been missing. I've always believed in God & loved the word but was so scared of getting hurt that I never realized that love & all the ups & downs that come with it are just as important as anything. You opened up my heart to new ideas & a new journey I'm proudly excited about taking but this time I won't be taking it alone. Thank you Jeff.. your a good man. I'm positive that I'm not the only lost sheep that strayed from the herd that you helped fulfill the emptiness of not knowing if we're meant to be alone. You are a saviour for those who can't bring them selves to find the Lord. I know my words are no where near yours but I thought I would leave my own story of finding God & finally moving forward.
    "Never feeling pain never having any actual emotion towards anyone or myself My heart would have been believed to be made of stone, portrayed myself to be a king of a kingdom not realizing I'm alone in my throne, excepting only myself inside of these walls made of stone, is this the path that I follow or is it to stray me from home, if this is what it takes not to be broken then just let me be fragile so that this wall can be gone, cause honestly being guarded with selfish needs tends to always go wrong, but with God as my Sheppard I'll no longer be lost when I Rome, for I give you my heart & let your love be my own, I drop the wall guarding my soul & be reborn from the tomb, no I'm not comparing myself to Jesus but simply saying he didn't let me do it alone, the walls of my own personal insanity have left me making Jesus my home, he's never left a prayer Un-answered don't try to reach him by phone, you can't send a letter or an email nor a message through poem, don't pray for selfish needs just to benefit your own, he's here to help the sick & less fortunate to guide all of his children back home, so don't use him for greed he's no bank or a loan, but ask for forgiveness for what we have & haven't done wrong, & in return have hope & give faith he's been waiting for to long, the missing hardness that once surrounded my heart is proof that the word of the lord is to strong, so do you believe in his love for humanity enough to preach his glorious name in your songs, give yourself to the Lord your heart your soul & your all, he's a merciful God forgiven us repeatedly why would our faith be so small, that's why I chose him as my idol pray to his crucifix carefully placed on the wall, with rosary in my hands as they're placed in my fist that I bawl, head placed to my fist as I kneel in this hall, I must admit that yes it's a change but it's the best change of all, I've been saved from myself & now I run when then I would crawl, thank you Lord you picked me up when all I did was fall, so I ask to give my blessing to everyone all shapes & sizes no one's too big to small, the best gift to receive is being proud to give back to all "

  • @lmicky5361
    @lmicky5361 10 лет назад +12

    Being honest and opening up to someone i loved eventually back fired. Blinded by love and someone i trusted and thought was kind. He took all my weaknesses and experiences and used them against me. And in turn the realtionship became emotionally abusive. He knew what my weak points where. Knew how to manipulate me. Pressed the right buttons. Blamed me. thought he knew me more than myself or family. (he didnt). He gained power over me for me being honest. Be careful what u share. :'(

    • @marcusgabourel6923
      @marcusgabourel6923 10 лет назад +3

      I'm sorry you had to experience those things. They are quite painful and though I have experienced something quite similar with someone in my life that I love I do sympathize with you. Just hang in there some people hurt others unintentionally some deliberately do it to cause harm and more than a few just haven't found themselves but in the end what makes us gentle individuals strong is the ability to get up dust yourself off and try again and learn from it. Just don't make someone make you cold and emotionless. They already do a good job of it themselves.

    • @summerreed3688
      @summerreed3688 10 лет назад +7

      Dear Lara michelle,
      It truly breaks my heart to read about your experience with emotional abuse and opening up your heart to someone who seemed trustworthy. I am so sorry it happened. While I don't know the details of your relationship, please know you do not have to stay in that relationship. Honestly, I had a best friend who knew all my weaknesses, even my school crushes, then used them against me. I don't know why she did it, but God took me out of that harmful situation. My parents later switched me out of school, but for years, I let that experience scar my life and hinder my relationship with others. But you don't have to let the abuse continue. You said you love him, but it doesn't sound like he loves you back. God created us to give love and receive love from Him and from each other. You are worth so much more to Jesus, the Lover of our soul, who died on the cross to cleanse you from sin, rescue you from eternal punishment, and bring you back to the Father who is totally, and deeply in love with you. Keeping you in prayer sis,
      "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres." 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

    • @haileyvella6674
      @haileyvella6674 6 лет назад

      What I can tell you is this: people may reject us if we are up front, but God won't.

    • @MissBuggable
      @MissBuggable 6 лет назад +1

      L Micky hence why I'm afraid of being vulnerable because I have been emotionally abused before an I was too young to fully understand it and sadly it was first ever 'relationship'. I guess it fragmented my view and whilst I'm mature in probably alot of other areas romantic relationships sadly don't progress. We just have to maintain building God centred relationships that way he will intervene and direct us according to his plan and purposes for us.

  • @Gab-il6rn
    @Gab-il6rn 9 лет назад +9

    Wow. Absolutely blown away, amazing video!

  • @catlover12195
    @catlover12195 9 лет назад +1

    This really spoke to me, I've been hiding away in my room the past several days because my friends have been excluding me, but I know I need to be with people no matter how much I'd rather be alone right now

  • @Indiantrombone90
    @Indiantrombone90 11 лет назад

    You have single handedly opened my heart to the idea of spirituality. And you have no idea how freeing that is. Thank you Jeff. You are truly a guardian angel.

  • @puseletsomalike2377
    @puseletsomalike2377 8 лет назад +26

    To love is to be vulnerable..

  • @Kpower
    @Kpower 11 лет назад +3

    i'm not Christian i'm Muslim but i love this video. i'm shy and i do hind myself from other people. i get this video, i have to be myself to be loved and to love. and i have to be vulnerable to be myself. it's deep and it's meaningful. i will open up. it's going to be a long journey for me because i am shy but i'll get there in time with my own dedication and a little blessing from god :)

  • @MiZMoNiKa
    @MiZMoNiKa 10 лет назад

    Spoken word is just beautiful. There's something about it that no other art form creates. Thank you for your light, and thank you for sharing it with us.

  • @breonamb33
    @breonamb33 11 лет назад

    I wasn't going to watch this video at first but I'm EXTREMELY glad I did. It's exactly what I needed to hear, and I'm grateful you became vulnerable and shared it with us! Thank you!

  • @bellaroses91
    @bellaroses91 9 лет назад +6

    I'm blessed to have found you on RUclips. :) to have the word spoken to me so I can understand it.

  • @JeffersonBethkepage
    @JeffersonBethkepage  10 лет назад +12

    Hey guys! You can get my audiobook for free right now when u sign up for free trial at jeffbethke.com/audible

    • @kiara14able
      @kiara14able 10 лет назад +2

      Where can i find a hard copy ?!?!?

    • @peytontaylor184
      @peytontaylor184 9 лет назад

      I love you! God bless you:)

    • @shadowclawone1405
      @shadowclawone1405 9 лет назад

      Hey I whant to ask u something every 1 tells me animalz wil nog go to hevin and I sed why whould God make thes animald you can love I mean I have birds I raized crom the egg and I love them so what will hppen will I see them in hevin can you plz reply to me plz I dont know any more

    • @shadowclawone1405
      @shadowclawone1405 9 лет назад

      Sorry for my bad spelling

    • @peytontaylor184
      @peytontaylor184 9 лет назад

      ShadowClawOne I haven't read all of the Bible yet. But It says that God gave us authority over the animals here on earth. and I'm I your position... I don't think it's right if there's not a place for animals.. animals feel just like We do and love like We do. I believe animals have souls and have a place in Heaven. Plus in Revelation it states that Jesus had a White horse. I think that's right.. just pray that animals go to Heaven

  • @dianav812
    @dianav812 11 лет назад

    Thanking God for allowing you to be able to send these messages on RUclips to minister to others. Thank you and keep up the good work! Be blessed!

  • @Msephany1
    @Msephany1 11 лет назад

    Thank you Jeff, I believe you are a true example of how we should share the word until the whole world hears...... Be blessed

  • @ambrabambra5167
    @ambrabambra5167 8 лет назад +4

    Thank you. I needed this. Your videos are so inspiring.

  • @saudiman90
    @saudiman90 11 лет назад +3

    I am Muslim and I approve this message to all humans .Great Channel with Greater Message . Keep up the good work . Salam

  • @faviolasantamaria8355
    @faviolasantamaria8355 11 лет назад

    I love it. I love how open you are because I know I am not the only one who has fears and sometimes scared to express them. I am happy there are people who can understand how humans are.

  • @MrSUP3Rb
    @MrSUP3Rb 11 лет назад

    Its crazy because yesterday I studied the entire night on this topic and I was given the privilege to start church service today and this is what I shared with the congregation. Being connected to the church (other believers). We are not alone and we have something to offer to one another. I'm glad you posted this video, such a blessing.

  • @ljis5321
    @ljis5321 10 лет назад +3

    Wow!! Amen!!!

  • @rebeccalang1900
    @rebeccalang1900 10 лет назад +3

    Hi Jeff (and other you tubers!) I have a question about this. I'm a christian and I totally understand how important it is to be open with one another (as sins thrive in darkness and we need others to keep us accountable). Obviously that's the ideal- a transparent community. I DON'T disagree with you at all. But sometimes I have difficulty in my everyday life knowing how to apply this when also considering other verses in the bible about protecting ourselves and being selective in our choice of friends. (Proverbs 12:26)
    Proverbs 4:23 says "Above all else guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life."
    or GOD'S WORD® Translation goes like this:
    "Guard your heart more than anything else, because the source of your life flows from it."
    As I said, I don't disagree with you. I'm just curious as this has been an area I've always wondered about...
    How does the idea of "guarding our hearts" coalesce with being open and transparent with one another? There seems to be the ideal of complete honesty and openness but at the same time so much of Proverbs is about wisdom concerned with choosing our friends carefully (and I suppose what comes along with that is selectively choosing those people we reveal parts of ourselves to) and who we share the innermost parts of our "humanness" with. (or even Matthew 7:6). I know christians are meant to be supportive of each other but because of the broken state of our world there are christians that have hurt me by breaking my trust and using knowledge of my "weaknesses" as a method of having power over me. Whilst I have forgiven them, I imagine I should still apply my discernment and wisdom which is encouraged throughout the bible and choose to "guard my heart" by allowing my trust in them to build up slowly again- not just chucking my heart out there to be trampled again. (just as it said in Matt 7:6).
    I'm just not sure about the "balance", I suppose, of protecting our "wellspring of life" (our hearts) and being in total, open community.
    This is honestly just a query (not an attempt to discredit anything that you said!) and I'd appreciate anyone's feedback as it's been an area I've wrestled with for a while. Thanks heaps. And thanks heaps for your videos, Jeff, I always find them encouraging and challenging.

  • @FeathersHeather
    @FeathersHeather 11 лет назад

    I found your videos yesterday, but you have helped me so much. I was really struggling with a lot of things and your videos inspire me and make me so happy

  • @mollyEskam
    @mollyEskam 11 лет назад +1

    I've never watched your videos before this is my very first time. And oh my gosh! I'm in love with the way you speak and get your point across. I'm so happy I found your channel! Thank you for makeing these videos

  • @tshimundu
    @tshimundu 10 лет назад +4

    your doing a great job in the lords kingdom keep it up god has blessed yoou dont let any person tell u diffrent

  • @jadalove6749
    @jadalove6749 7 лет назад +6

    i have a problem with being insecure :( but God is god

  • @zabuzarx07
    @zabuzarx07 10 лет назад

    The way you opened this was perfect. You are a godsend.

  • @blitzen66
    @blitzen66 11 лет назад

    Very encouraging. Your honesty and realness always comes through man...Thanks for all you do.

  • @AthenaNKnight
    @AthenaNKnight 10 лет назад +5

    Introverts are just as healthy in the mind as extroverts.

    • @throwaway102
      @throwaway102 10 лет назад +1

      but this isn't about going out there and talking to everyone. I feel I am an introvert, I have only a couple friends that I enjoy talking to from time to time. But what makes them a friend is that I can trust them with a lot of stuff. This video isn't telling us to be social butterflies, it's telling us to be honest with people close to us, because though you may be happy in your room reading a book. After about a week I start getting lonely, but I can't talk to someone I can't trust.

    • @sheenaheuer8351
      @sheenaheuer8351 10 лет назад +2

      But is he truly only talking just about introverts and extroverts? I don't think so, what he is saying is, in order to have a healthy faith is to be open to community in the church and with others who are in Christ.

  • @GoodluckSNaton
    @GoodluckSNaton 10 лет назад +3

    I Love Jesus Christ.

  • @MissBuggable
    @MissBuggable 6 лет назад +1

    The Holy Spirit actually spoke this to my heart today.
    HE SAID - "You need to be vulnerable".
    Thing is I don't know how to be... hence why I'm single. Maybe this should be my prayer.

  • @madileneK
    @madileneK 11 лет назад

    In my opinion, this is your best video yet! I think we can all connect and relate to this idea in some way. Thanks for all your encouraging words, please keep the videos coming!

  • @baileyt5360
    @baileyt5360 11 лет назад

    I literally cried watching this particular one. Letting others see I am human has always been one of my greatest struggles, so this video kinda struck home with me.....

  • @amorepoet7
    @amorepoet7 11 лет назад

    Jefferson, brotha. This. Was. Amazing!! I have found the freedom that comes from confessing your struggles with sin to someone who can pray for (and with) you to help overcome your temptations and fights with the strongholds that seek to hold you in sin and this just takes that a step further! Love your videos brotha, keep up the good work for the glory of the King of kings! :)

  • @ninjataco88
    @ninjataco88 10 лет назад

    The church I attend has community groups all around the county every night of the week. Basically a few couples meet at someone's house and we discuss the sermon and just have community with one another. I really loved how this poem speaks the need of community to everyone.

    • @StevenDavisPhoto
      @StevenDavisPhoto 10 лет назад

      ***** thank you for seeing the good in the faith, even if u dont agree with its beliefs.

  • @MsMarmolade
    @MsMarmolade 11 лет назад

    You minister to me & everyone I share these videos with. Please never stop.

  • @2nica2
    @2nica2 11 лет назад

    Letting people in and being a part of things is something I struggle with so thank you for making this video and ill be sure to check out the book

  • @vella8650
    @vella8650 Год назад

    This is one of those spoken words I always go back to. It changes ones life.

  • @MrDxrfgthdfable
    @MrDxrfgthdfable 10 лет назад

    Doing a Jeff Bethke spree. do this about once a month to 2 a month. love it, great words and it reminds me of what it means to be christian and to live a Godly lifestyle... still waiting for the day where i can go and learn from this man.

  • @Aaron56133414
    @Aaron56133414 6 лет назад

    I’m going through a bad breakup/space moment with my girlfriend.
    After she broke up with me I finally realized that all along my kept in secrets about previous relationship that hurt me affected ours. I came clean, but by then she thought they were just excuses and try to win her back. To be honest, after watching your videos for the past hour and thinking about everything you and Alyssa have said, I believe my faith and my openness now has maybe ruined my future with her but also set me free so I never have to put anyone or HER through this ever again because now I feel free and weight on my shoulders is gone. You explain it better than I did to her but now I have the strength to fully proceed or take those steps in my life to build the “one” rather than “look for the one”. Thanks so much, man.

  • @LawNickAble
    @LawNickAble 11 лет назад

    You are sooo freakin' right. I feel smashed by the heaviness of your powerfull arguments.

  • @megansherraden1405
    @megansherraden1405 11 лет назад

    Thanks Jefferson Bethke you inspire me. You're an amazing person.You help me in many ways with my personal struggles. Thank you for doing this, you're amazing.

  • @tracii262
    @tracii262 10 лет назад

    This is such a good encouragement. Thank you. You comforted a soul today.

  • @juliadunn1272
    @juliadunn1272 11 лет назад

    Thank you so much! These videos are amazing! Can't wait for your book!

  • @goreliz23
    @goreliz23 10 лет назад

    The setting of this video is breathtaking. Love it

  • @TattysMind
    @TattysMind 11 лет назад

    This makes my heart smile and my soul fill up with hope. 'To love is to be vulnerable.' Amen!

  • @markmarkin8478
    @markmarkin8478 3 года назад

    First I want to Thank God for leading me to this channel! True blessing and encouragement! God bless this channel and God bless Jefferson Bethke and his family! Amen

  • @MissLauraLizzie
    @MissLauraLizzie 11 лет назад

    this video really struck a cord with me... i love my church but as a young person i feel that i dont always understand what the preachers or ministers are saying. You make it easier for me to understand things, and i have showed your videos to many at my church, thank you :) x

  • @ItsKina42
    @ItsKina42 11 лет назад

    Your videos are such an inspiration thank you! this is exactly what I needed because I tend to hide myself hoping to prevent myself from getting hurt by others is just something I've always done because rejection and loneliness is my biggest fear

  • @atzirain9746
    @atzirain9746 7 лет назад +1

    thank you!
    I hope one day i can open myself to the world, and does who say they love me

  • @partyro23
    @partyro23 11 лет назад

    Wow. That hit me really hard. I wasn't expecting this message to be so... Powerful. This was incredible, and I needed to hear it. Thank you for sharing this much-needed message with us all, and may God continue to bless you!

  • @tondog48
    @tondog48 11 лет назад

    I just want to thank you for what your doing. You truly do inspire. I know that when i see what you do it gets me fired up. I use a lot of your material when i teach the youth. You have an amazing way of talking about hot topics that they deal with. I pray that God will continue to pour out in your life. Thanks Jeff.

  • @TheOnlyRebeccaLHall
    @TheOnlyRebeccaLHall 4 года назад

    You are amazing... I cant believe how you translate ..I mean you genuinely ground it. I didn't grow up in a Church i could count one one hand while growing up. I have been always been one try try to go to other churchs and see how they "worked".
    It always confused me . i never had read the bible and this is the first time I've opened it . Im 26 . i have read threw Mark and now im in Luke. It captivates me .
    I appreciate Your knowledge . Your sermons. are the realist iv heard. Your. Amazing teacher and translator. You Ground it in a way The Levels at which one should hold .
    I Cant believe how beautiful and How Extraordinarily Powerful you are With translating the" Word" . ✨🙏🏽 May God Continue to Bless you .

  • @99AllanMac1
    @99AllanMac1 11 лет назад

    Completely love this Jeff! Thank once again of sharing you god given knowledge with us bud!!!

  • @SR3272
    @SR3272 10 лет назад

    He take s my beliefs and makes them make sense. He takes what I think and feel and puts the words together in a way others understand. Thank you.

  • @ItsTiera
    @ItsTiera 11 лет назад

    I not only LOVE Jeff's talent and gift from God, but you cant help but recognize the talent that this camera man has....and i'm guessing he's the one that edits these videos too....everything about this videos are sharp and so full of talent!

  • @pancakelover46
    @pancakelover46 11 лет назад

    You're so right. Thank you. I have had a feeling that I should stop covering up all my weakness and failures recently. But it seems like I am not brave enough to truly be open.

  • @ruthsantana5145
    @ruthsantana5145 11 лет назад

    Such a great video! I've started being more open (not the easiest) and my relationships with my family and friends have improved so much! Thanks for the video Jeff

  • @courtneycollins496
    @courtneycollins496 6 лет назад

    I just came across this video. Your creativity is amazing! I needed to hear this today. Thanks

  • @kearaallbee5644
    @kearaallbee5644 3 года назад

    Thankyou so much for showing the end clips. I just had my first attempt at recording one of my poems and I've always thought for some reason that you must have it all memorized and perfectly speak your poems and I honestly felt like you didn't even trip up once just one take and done. So I really mean the thankyou about showing your retake. Maybe one day you'll know my name and enjoy my poetry. Stay blessed and I love your poetry and how it gets to the point and speaks truths and God's beingness you represent Him well.

  • @andrewrider6167
    @andrewrider6167 11 лет назад

    This is definiately the most challenging so far... thank you!

  • @lolepopgirl
    @lolepopgirl 11 лет назад

    I really needed that!! Thank You Jefferson!

  • @3lizabethrose
    @3lizabethrose 11 лет назад

    Thanks Jeff! I just moved and haven't found local community yet but this video was a great encouragement to me! God bless!

  • @ebenezerekubanjr
    @ebenezerekubanjr 11 лет назад

    This particular video spoke to me directly. May God continue to bless you.

  • @MusicPoetryTherapy
    @MusicPoetryTherapy 11 лет назад

    Wooooow I literally starting tearing I always hide from the world cuz it's easier than being vulnerable but evn this week I haven't left my house unless its to the gym cuz I was afraid of failure but this video opened my heart man, god chose u to spread the love and positivity thanks soooo much Needed This :') god bless

  • @KevR24
    @KevR24 10 лет назад

    That was amazing. Best video I've ever watched in my life. Best. Honestly, never been so inspired. Thank U! You have a talent at these!

  • @JoeHicks
    @JoeHicks 9 лет назад +1

    Thanks so much for this video/spoken word Jeff. God really spoke to me through this video specifically!

  • @vampiresinger6
    @vampiresinger6 11 лет назад

    Every week you hit me with your words or should I say God's words and teach me something new and make me take a step back, look at myself, and say "am I on God's path" or "what do I need to do to become closer to Him". Thanks Jeff, you make thursday my day to look forward too always :)

  • @DeCyphetry
    @DeCyphetry 11 лет назад

    It's like every time I am struggling with an issue, he makes a video about that issue!! It's crazy but beneficial thank you god for helping me find him and his wise words

  • @shannonk2728
    @shannonk2728 10 лет назад +2

    Thank you Jeff, I really needed this :') I'm going to try and pursue this. God bless you and your lovely fam

  • @piscesk8boyer7
    @piscesk8boyer7 11 лет назад +1

    Wow, shivers down my back and tear in my eyes... You are blessed Jeff

  • @afrodizzysnack
    @afrodizzysnack 11 лет назад

    I look forward to your videos every week, you always have extremely encouraging and motivating words. Bless you! And the people you work with. Way to be used by God!!

  • @RacialRainbow
    @RacialRainbow 10 лет назад

    This made me cry you just ... I can't even explain what you just did for me! Thank yu!!

  • @hellosylvs
    @hellosylvs 11 лет назад

    Jeff, you have once again blown me away..... God bless you

  • @stopcrackingup
    @stopcrackingup 11 лет назад

    My favourite video of yours until now! Unbelievably inspiring.
    Please come to South Africa some time! God bless you x

  • @N2147B
    @N2147B 3 года назад +2

    Thank you, you don’t know how much I needed this. God answered my prayers. Always.

  • @SkyBeauty14
    @SkyBeauty14 11 лет назад

    I love and think it's crazy how every time he puts a video up, it relates to something in my life. God is an amazing God.

  • @xSuperdogx
    @xSuperdogx 11 лет назад

    Don't you just LOVE those videos where every line is one to remember & geared towards, your life?

  • @sunglass17
    @sunglass17 10 лет назад

    "To be truly human is to be truly known" these words penetrated my heart.

  • @leahbarajas7478
    @leahbarajas7478 7 лет назад +1

    This video has helped me so much in understanding the depths of what you're trying to communicate to all of us. I've honestly included some phrases and driven some inspiration from your videos to write some of my essays. This is such a beautiful word and if I'm being completely honest.. I refer back to this video to remind me that my lack of vulnerability is what keeps me away from finding true fulfillment in Christ as well as sacrificing the joy of being known by others. While it's hard for me to express personality at times, my hope is in Christ. Thank you for this spoken word and encouraging me to just let go!

  • @19MillerTime83
    @19MillerTime83 11 лет назад

    I'm not a Christian (Deist) but love your messages, keep it up. I'm encouraged by your views and hope you can enlighten other Christians. Thanks.

  • @MissUniqueJaz
    @MissUniqueJaz 11 лет назад

    :) If i didn't know any better I would swear you heard me praying this morning. RIGHT ON POINT! God bless you!

  • @johnfranklinwilliam
    @johnfranklinwilliam 10 лет назад

    this one is the best one u put up, keep up the good work!

  • @brijuarez2957
    @brijuarez2957 11 лет назад

    You never disappoint with your videos (: like always keep doing what you're doing, Jeff

  • @Celticsfan0801
    @Celticsfan0801 11 лет назад

    One of my favs! Great job!

  • @dickjohnson3312
    @dickjohnson3312 10 лет назад

    Jeff, you have truly found your gift.........great job!

  • @Chaseandben2
    @Chaseandben2 11 лет назад

    I always check to see if there's a new video because I get some kind of message from every single one of them. It's a gift that this young man has and it's great he shares it with the world.

  • @dolphinrose21
    @dolphinrose21 8 лет назад +2

    Hi Bro! You're videos are so honest and sincere and good use of words :-)

  • @destinyxloveyou15
    @destinyxloveyou15 11 лет назад

    Thank you for sharing this video! Its amazing ! really spoke to me!

  • @BrittanyCope
    @BrittanyCope 10 месяцев назад

    I keep coming back to this video. I can’t believe it’s been 11 years.

  • @mckayla2076
    @mckayla2076 9 лет назад +1

    I am so glad to see someone sharing the word of God.

  • @marywaldron6290
    @marywaldron6290 10 лет назад +2

    Thank you this help a lot, it was genuine and from the heart. God bless

  • @archdawest
    @archdawest 11 лет назад

    Powerful, just wished video like this was played on tv instead of pointless commercials. Keep the video comes. Love watching and thank you.

  • @PriEverythingChannel
    @PriEverythingChannel 11 лет назад

    Wow. I have been struggling with being transparent and vulnerable with others. My entire life I've lived with my guard up and now trying to take It down seems impossible. Your words trult spoke to me and made me open my eyes and made me realize I can't keep living with my guard so high up if I want not to feel alone, I have pushed my self from God because I have been hiding behind beneath this image I portray where everything is good.
    Thank you so much for your words ♥

    • @jamhard1253
      @jamhard1253 Год назад

      How's it been now after 9 years 😅😃

  • @ynfcast
    @ynfcast 11 лет назад

    i'm becoming extra guarded because my vulnerability and honesty is constantly rejected. this gave me hope. perfect timing.

  • @xaliceeeee
    @xaliceeeee 11 лет назад

    youre truly are amazing
    every time you post a video, at night I would reflect upon myself
    and today I am doing it again, thank you.
    God bless