The Heyday of the Hungarian Hussars

  • Опубликовано: 22 сен 2024
  • What does the expression "huszár/hussar" mean?
    Who were the most famous hussars?
    Which countries have adopted those light cavalry units to their army?
    If you watch this video, you will get the answers! ;)
    #hussar #militaryhistory #hungarianhistory #cavalry #honvedseg

Комментарии • 11

  • @eriklindstrom4910
    @eriklindstrom4910 Год назад +7

    According to Webster's the word hussar stems from the Hungarian huszár, which in turn originates from the Serbian хусар (Husar, or гусар, Gusar) meaning pirate, from the Medieval Latin cursarius (cf. the English word corsair).[19] A variant of this theory is offered by Byzantinist scholars, who argue the term originated in Roman military practice, and the cursarii (singular cursarius).[20] Through Byzantine Army operations in the Balkans in the 10th and 11th centuries when Chosarioi/Chonsarioi were recruited with especially Serbs,[21] the word was subsequently reintroduced to Western European military practice after its original usage had been lost with the collapse of Rome in the west.[22]
    The hussars reportedly originated in bands of mostly Serbian warriors [23] crossing into Kingdom of Hungary after the Ottoman invasion of medieval Serbian state at the end of the 14th century. The Governor of Hungary, Hunyadi János - John Hunyadi, created mounted units inspired by his enemy the Ottoman Turks. His son, Hunyadi Mátyás Matthias Corvinus, later king of Hungary, is unanimously accepted as the creator of these troops. Initially they fought in small bands, but were reorganised into larger, trained, formations during the reign of King Matthias Corvinus.[24][25] Initially the first units of Polish hussars in the Kingdom of Poland were formed in 1500, which consisted of Serbian mercenaries.[26]

    • @ildikoszolnoki1997
      @ildikoszolnoki1997 Год назад

      Az arab huszán= ló, HÚSÁR, ( hús-ár) ösz. fn. Az ennivaló , különösen mészárosok, hentesek által kivágott hús ára. Dél szláv húsz=dvadeset, húszár= husarski (szerb) húszár=husar (horvát), rabló=razbojnik (horvát és szerb), szlovén ropar = rabló, megy a paraszt vakitás rendesen.
      HUSZÁR , ( húsz - år) fn . tt. huszár-t , tb. -ok, harm . szr.- a v. -ja.
      Származik ezen szó Zsigmond királyunk korából, s eredetileg jelentett oly lovas vitézt , kit az 1435- diki országgyülés ólta jobbágyok minden húsz , telektől részént a vármegyék, biró urak zászlói alá adni.
      Köz értelemben : könnyü magyar lovas katona.
      HUSZAD, (húsz- ad) fn . tt. huszad - ot, harm. szr. - a v. -ja . Húsz hasonló részekre felosztott egész-
      ből egy rész , vagyis oly rész , mely bizonyos egész- ben húszszor találtatik. . Jelenthet továbbá húszból
      álló személyzetet, (mint pl: század, ezered ) és huszár-t .
      A magyar nyelvből a többi európai nyelvekbe is átment; a honnan a török is máskép : madsar atlissi
      (Magyar lovas-) nak nevezi.
      Talán a Cuc. és Fogarasi szótárát kéne lapozgatni, és nem az MTA hazugságait tolni az arcunkba!!!!

    • @ildikoszolnoki1997
      @ildikoszolnoki1997 Год назад +2

      The Arabic huszan = horse, HÚSÁR, (meat-price) common. fn. The price of food, especially meat cut by butchers and butchers. South Slavic husz=dvadeset, huszár=husarski (Serbian) huszár=husar (Croatian), robber=razbojnik (Croatian and Serbian), Slovenian ropar = robber,
      HUSSAR, (twenty-year) fn. etc. hussar, tb. - ok, three. sr.- the v. yes.
      This word originates from the time of our King Sigismund, and it originally meant a knight on horseback, whom the national assembly of 1435 ordered to give a part of every twenty plots of serfs under the banners of the counties and lords of the county.
      Common sense: light Hungarian cavalry soldier.
      TWENTY, (twenty- ad) fn . etc. twenty - ot, three sr. - the v. -yeah. A whole divided into twenty similar parts
      a part of, that is, a part that is found twenty times in a certain whole.
      It can also mean a staff of twenty, (such as: szazad, ezered) and hussars.
      It passed from the Hungarian language to other European languages, from where Turkish is also a different image: madsar atlissi
      (Hungarian rider-).
      Maybe the Cuc. and you should turn the pages of Fogarasi's

    • @zvata2017
      @zvata2017 8 месяцев назад

      the word hussar stems from the Hungarian huszár which means twenty cost. One hussar is equal to 20 other soldiers. Also, that's how much the nobles had to pay. And the first hussars appeared in the black army. Most of them were Hungarian and they were also called knights. It was heavy cavalry and was modeled after the Turkish cavalry. Against the Sipahis. Later it was transformed into light cavalry and spread among all nations. But their clothes, weapons and techniques all come from the Hungarians. What was hussar clothing for others was everyday clothing for Hungarians. AND they mostly used old Hungarian cavalry tactics. But the Hungarians called them Kuruc. The Kuruc were Hungarian freedom fighters, but they sometimes trained Croats and Serbs as well. It was then that the hussars spread the most, only the Hungarians called them Kuruc in a unified way. The problem is that, since they are always called Kurucs, it is difficult to determine who they are from. Hungarian Kurucs also went to the Russians after the Rákóczi War of Independence.
      Anyway, the Hungarians have always used cavalry, either light cavalry or heavy cavalry and Székely light cavalry.

  • @burakdamgaci
    @burakdamgaci Год назад +4

    Hi, book name and his autor's name inside the video?

    • @akosabelovsky783
      @akosabelovsky783 Год назад +2

      Jeney Mihály Lajos - The Partisan, or the Art of Making War in Detachment

    • @burakdamgaci
      @burakdamgaci Год назад +1

      @@akosabelovsky783 thank you.

  • @juz3r1
    @juz3r1 3 месяца назад

    The word really comes from the word 'húsz' (twenty), '-ár' (price), but it is true that King Matthias had already created such light cavalry in the case of Fekete-Sereg. The reason was the Serbs. Because of the advance of the Turks, several Serbian light cavalry troops broke the Hungary's south and raided. The Hungarian heavy cavalry could do nothing against them. Therefore, light cavalry had to be used in the Black Army. However, it should be known that the Fekete-Sereg was a mercenary army, in which the Hungarians were fewer in number. The majority of the cavalry were Serbs and Croats. And the majority of the infantry was Czech!

  • @robertwalcz
    @robertwalcz 2 года назад +8

    Húsz Ár. Price of 20.

    • @ThurmsAlexander
      @ThurmsAlexander Год назад +2

      sok lesz már a heroin kedves turán-vallású konteós barátom!

    • @ildikoszolnoki1997
      @ildikoszolnoki1997 Год назад +1

      @@ThurmsAlexander Az arab huszán= ló, HÚSÁR, ( hús-ár) ösz. fn. Az ennivaló , különösen mészárosok, hentesek által kivágott hús ára. Dél szláv húsz=dvadeset, húszár= husarski (szerb) húszár=husar (horvát), rabló=razbojnik (horvát és szerb), szlovén ropar = rabló, megy a paraszt vakitás rendesen.
      HUSZÁR , ( húsz - år) fn . tt. huszár-t , tb. -ok, harm . szr.- a v. -ja.
      Származik ezen szó Zsigmond királyunk korából, s eredetileg jelentett oly lovas vitézt , kit az 1435- diki országgyülés ólta jobbágyok minden húsz , telektől részént a vármegyék, biró urak zászlói alá adni.
      Köz értelemben : könnyü magyar lovas katona.
      HUSZAD, (húsz- ad) fn . tt. huszad - ot, harm. szr. - a v. -ja . Húsz hasonló részekre felosztott egész-
      ből egy rész , vagyis oly rész , mely bizonyos egész- ben húszszor találtatik. . Jelenthet továbbá húszból
      álló személyzetet, (mint pl: század, ezered ) és huszár-t .
      A magyar nyelvből a többi európai nyelvekbe is átment; a honnan a török is máskép : madsar atlissi
      (Magyar lovas-) nak nevezi.
      Talán a Cuc. és Fogarasi szótárát kéne lapozgatni, és nem az MTA hazugságait tolni az arcunkba!!!!