We are about 5 hours away from it and made the trip last year during the summer. It is worth it, I also highly recommend taking a day for the Ark and a day for the Creation Museum
How did the land locked animals get to the ark? Also with maybe half the animals being carnivores, the other half being vegetarian or omnivores, how were they fed? What animals perished to feed the carnivores? Where did they keep all the fruits and veggies for the others? Inquiring minds want to know!
God is our provider & gave enough wisdom to Noah to carry food for each species according to their need, it wasn't built in a day, took almost 75 years, why? To tc of the needs, fodder & meat for every living being aboard for a year, they couldn't go to the store to get more supplies 😅😅
According to the biblical measurements it was smaller than the Titanic. No way it holds all the animals it claimed to hold. Plus how did it get animals from Australia and New Zealand? That story has so many holes a fishing net is more reliable.
Were there Red Hills Salamanders on the Ark? It only occurs in a mudstone formation in 5 counties in Alabama. How did they get there? Did Noah drop only marsupials off in Australia? Why?
As a child of 6-7 years the Sunday 'school teacher' labelled me a trouble maker and told Mama I was disruptive in 'class' for asking, "WHERE did Noah get the gophers?", and asking for clarification as to WHO saw Jonah walk into the fish's mouth among msny other questions that we were commanded to believe, even tho' we KNEW they were lies, or we'd be "...cast into a pit of fire!".
@@jerrycallender7604 1. Gophers, may have existed in Noah’s time. They may have been in close proximity and so not hard to find. 2. If you read the book of Jonah then you will learn that Jonah jumped into the sea and was swallowed by a great fish so Jonah did not walk into the fishes mouth, he was in the sea and got swallowed by the great fish. His fellow shipmates witnessed Jonah jumping into the sea.
How big was the earth in Noah’s time? In Genesis 10 the Bible references a man by the name of peleg. The name peleg means division and the Bible says that during his time the earth was divided. Now this could refer to what science now calls continental drift which is what resulted in the various continents that exist today. At one point earth one big continent (pangea). The Bible doesnt state what caused the earth to be divided but if the animals that got off the Ark post the flood and were later affected by continental drift, its possible thats how they ended up in different continents and may then have adapted and evolved in their new environment. While science thinks this happened hundreds of millions of years ago. Adam was created as an adult on the 6th day of creation. So Adam would be 1 day old but already an adult. The earth was formed on the first day but it had age built in. This is possibly where the dispute about the earth age comes from?
@@shauncampbell4371 WOW! "..may have existed.." "...may have been.." "..saw 'Jonah' jumped into the sea.." You're really eat up with the whole 'Noah' and 'Jonah' myths.
Same place as he got the timber. He just made it up and people believed it. This is the biggest load of crap and people who are brainwashed simply believe it. We know that they also had to take food for the animals. How did every meat eater survive on a few breeding pairs of animals etc. The flaws, the inconsistencies are so great not including the waves and the buckling of the arc would have been torn in half even with the flexibility of timber. The brainwashed makes things up to suit their narrative rather than think about the simplest of things, like the nails etc. Wait, they used dove joins instead etc. Too bad that the rest of the world lets the Bible down because no one else speaks about a flood.
@@Heimrik01 well that just shoots down every talking point. I mean 5 people building a huge craft for the very first time, all with very limited tools etc. not including cutting the timber, preparing the timber making intricate cuts etc. That stuff takes years and years to learn but a few people did it in record time and to precision. One of us is telling porkies, I think it's you.
I heard someone say that Noah had friends and other family members that probably helped but just didnt believe enough to enter the ark with them.@SuperGravey
I heard someone say that Noah had friends and other family members that probably helped but just didnt believe enough to enter the ark with them.@SuperGravey
Granted this is a rough estimate. To produce the amount of board feet used for the Ark, you would have to cut down at least 11,123 trees (more if you allowed for waste) and you would need a forest 55 acres in dimension to do so.
Then these trees have to be timber... With their tools at the time, its will at least one day for each three cut.. And Noah had no clue to build a ship in first place..
@@janhansen554 I've posted this before but it bears repeating. The first sawmill (capable of making smooth planking and millwork) didn't come about until the 3rd Century CE. Noah and his crew would have to have figured out a way of getting smooth planking, by hand, after cutting the trees down. They also would have to have the tools available so the planking for the side of the ship could be bent carefully. FYI - one of the AiG videos had Noah's crew using a construction crane; which was not invented till the 14th Century CE.
being made of so much wood, which is a bulky building material and requires a lot of physical support over 15% of its capacity would taken buy the wood structure and not in one lump but spread through out the stucture!
@@shauncampbell4371 ANYone possessed with ANY intelligence knows WHAT grows in the area and it doesn't take a genius to understand the 'flood' never happened. The PROOF that the 'flood' never happened are the UNINTERRUPTED Egyptian, Asian, Australian, and 'American' civilizations.
Okay, get that ark onto the water somewhere, load it up with animals and food, find 8 volutnteers to look after the animals, then seal it up completely except for one twenty inch window, and leave it alone for a year. Then you will have something else besides speculation as to whether it would actually work, or not.
Thank God for his grace through Jesus Christ his Son who died to save us from our sins. 😊 Well done Tim Chaffey for the great work that God has given you to do. Be courageous and rejoice in the Lord, don't worry about people and what they say. You have done ur job and its the time to REPENT and believe before it's too late. God bless
Would love to see these people really try to fit all the “kinds” of animals in this space, even on dry land. Then keep them for 40 days and nights (or one year), feed them etc. etc. It would be animal abuse but still… would be very interesting!
So what you are saying is you don't believe in God. Believers just believe that God can do anything. So to doubt bible on anything is not to really believe in God
Wooden ships similar in size have sailed the seas in the recorded past, this is not historically disputed. Dig further in to the weeds of this topic and be enriched by what's really there. Keep an open mind.
Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch. -Genesis 6:14 The ark was sealed inside and outside to prevent leaking. Hope that addresses your skepticism about ita seaworthiness.
@@shauncampbell4371 No, it does not, the ark has been debunked many times. Look for the following video: "How BIG Would NOAH'S ARK Actually Need To Be?!". If you still believe in it after that, well, I will start believing in unicorns.
The ark by dimension would have been around 450 feet long, 45 feet high with 3 levels, and around 75 feet wide. At those dimensions, the ark would have to have been nearly 100 times that to be able to do what the bible says it did. Just 2 elephants alone would require around 300,000 pounds of food for a years' time plus cleaning up after them every day after they pee and poop. Don't forget how much fresh water they would need for a year. Now add to that all the other animals in the world on that ark and the amount of food, water, and latrine requirements they would all need. The ark had one small window at the top so where were they putting all the animal waste for at least 150 days afloat before landing? Oh yeah, then they would also have to have seeds from every kind of land vegetation as after 150 days under water that would all be dead too. Much like most everything in Revelation is symbolic, I believe the ark story is symbolic too, and not literal.
People always think the animals were all adult size. Would it not make more sense for baby animals as they would take up less space and eat less food ?
@@truereligion2468 That's exactly what I believe. Why not have baby animals elephan's, Giraffe's, Rhino's, Hippo's, Bear's, Moose's, Buffalo's, etc. Plus why not have them sleeping thus slowing their metabolic rates and thus their need for food and water.
The problem is that to the present day, it has not been shown conclusive proof on where *_Noah's Ark exactly landed._* The kingdom of Urartu's mountains extended from *_Eastern Turkey, Armenia to Northwestern Iran,_* but, according to *_Genesis 8:4-5,_* once the *_Ark_* had landed, it was necessary *_75 days for the tops of the mountains were seen,_* this means that the landing site was *_higher_* or *_the highest_* in the Ararat region, so, the point is, *_which were the tallest mountains within the territory of _*Urartu (Ararat)?_* If we determine the extension of Urartu delimiting *_Turkey, Armenia and Iran_* within the boundaries of *_Urartu's territory_* and we set apart its *_highest mountains,_* then, we will be given the answer about *_where Noah's Ark could have landed._* _Which were the tallest mountains within the boundaries of Urartu? The answer to this question is the key to pinpoint the __*_Mountain of Noah's Ark._*
Jesus referencing Noah and the Ark would indicate it was literal more than symbolic. But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. -Matthew 24:37
@@shauncampbell4371 If it was literal and 2 of every animal on Earth was on it, I wouldn't want to be on it. Jesus referencing it doesn't make it literal. It makes a point that people today are paying no more attention to the signs now than they did back in those days, and that he was familiar with the scriptures and nothing more.
Noah's Ark had exact dimensions of modern 134m container ship (134x22m).Something what people discovered 4500 years later trough experiments that this are perfect dimensions for ship of that size.
Except a modern container ship is made of steel and the keel is made of steel.They are held together with welds and rivets. A wooden ship could not possibly stay is tact in bad weather with a wooden keel that long. It would simply break in half.
@@RomanZeNine How long did the sloths take to swim and crawl to Noah's ark (allegedly in the Middle East) all the way from Australia? How big must the ship be in order to house a pair of every single animal species on earth, of which there are over 7 million, excluding all the ones that have been made extinct in the past 2000 years, their free roam space (animals in capacity require minimum space to roam and run or they literally die), all of their food and drinking water for at least several months, as that was how long the global flood was? How is such an incomprehensibly gigantic ship made entire of wood possible in the law of physics? And how did Noah's family of 8 can even build such a mind bogglingly enormous ship within their lifetimes? How did any marine life survived the global flood? The enormous volume of rain water to flood the whole world would infinitely dilute the salinity of the oceans, which means any saltwater species would completely die off. Drastic rise of sea level means sunlight would no longer penetrate a lot of the ocean floor, killing algae and all underwater plant life. Without them, the entire marine life foodchain will utterly collapse. So after the flood was over, did all the animals just disembark and peacefully walk back towards where they originally came from? Kangaroos to Australia, Pandas to China, etc. And how did they ensure that the hungry carnivores wouldn't just kill and eat the final pair of any herbivores just as they disembark the ark? And if they were released in phases, what did the carnivores eat as they walk back home, a trek that will take literally for years? Where did all the rain water to flood the entire world come from? And where did the flood water recede to? How would a single pair of each animal species have enough genetic diversity and material to propagate an entire species to a healthy population? The excessive inbreeding will quickly kill off all descendants within a few generations. This problem also applies to Noah, which was the only surviving human family left on earth, which only numbered 8 people? You need a minimum of 50 individuals to ensure no inbreeding to repopulate a species with no lethal genetic defects. www.britannica.com/science/minimum-viable-population#ref1215147 God is allegedly omnipotent with infinite absolute power in this universe, but planning such a convoluted method of using mind magic to persuade every pair of animal species on earth to walk towards Noah, and then killing off 99.99% of all life forms on earth in such a brutal, excessive manner is the best reset method he could come up with, really? He couldn't just snap his fingers to magically wipe out 99.99% of all life forms on earth without causing pain and suffering? I can assure you, drowning is not a pleasant way to die.
I've N E V E R believed the 'Ark' EVER existed and NO ancient culture was 'wiped out in the 'flood'! As to the flood, if it hasn't evaporated from the surface it cannot fall from the sky, which I learned as a 4th Grader!
Read your Bible. Don’t believe what science says just because it’s “logical”. I’ll tell you something logical: I’d much rather believe in the god who created the entire universe and everything in it than just some kid who went to school
You are free to believe in which fairie tales strike your fancy. I'll tell YOU 'something logical'; ONLY in the minds of the indoctrinated have ANY gods EVER existed.
@@Angus-Johnson-8334 Why don't you read some books on Egyptian history and find out how the Egyptians totally missed the flood memo. In particular, look up pharoah Unas.
@@JB-yb4wn120 years it took Noah to build the Ark. The people in Noah’s time had never seen rain so they didnt believe Noah’s message, until the rain came and they died while Noah and his family survived! Dont make the same mistake!
The largest wooden ship ever built, the Wyoming, was smaller than the Ark's alleged size and the Wyoming was too big to stay afloat without constantly pumping water out and she still sank with all hands.
You have rebuilt the ark. Now you can do the scientific test: Take eight volunteers, the appropiate number of animals of all kinds and all the food you need, lock them up in the ark and prove that it is possible. That is creation science!
@@blueshattrick But my response is… a good one? When dealing with something outside of nature all responses must be…. Natural? 😂 I don’t you get this much
@@--..-...-..-.--....old mate set up the largest scam in history. Bleeding money from the desperate and afraid. All while claiming tax exempt status. Guy was the greatest conman in history.
@@--..-...-..-.--.... not at all, Abraham was blessed with wealth, as was Job. Solomon also presided over the wealthiest time in Israeli history during the days when the Temple was first built
It sure can be replicated and why the materials were not available? In Europe a man created one ark that floats, but this kind of boat is not made for sail. And how about the ark encounter museum?
@@jerrycallender-qm7zr you right.... Besides no one in our time has lived till even 150 years right 😪. But let me ask you this... Were you there when the ark was created 👀... If you were then by all means boast in what you saying if it's true. Remains of the ark have already been discovered, that means there's historical proof. What proof do you have that the ark didn't exist 👀?
Aristotle would have laughed in your face if you told him that man could fly to the moon, walk around there and come back, right? Open mind: good. Closed mind: not. Every area of science is mysterious and confusing until you become educated on the subject. Are you afraid it may be true? If not, do your own research on creation science and then decide. There are thousands of natural question evolution can not answer. Including how did life begin? But you still believe it, right? That's called faith. Evolution is in essence a religion, and meets the necessary parameter.
Why not put say 200 aimas in your ark. Then see how impossible it would be for one family to keep that many animals alive and well. They need food and water. You need a way of containment for all the manure, hauling it off the ship. There as to be controls for humdity and toxic gasses.
Aristotle would have laughed in your face if you told him that man could fly to the moon, walk around there and come back, right? Open mind: good. Closed mind: not. Every area of science is mysterious and confusing until you become educated on the subject. Are you afraid it may be true? If not, do your own research on creation science and then decide.
I used to think Noah’s ark was just a bedtime story from the Bible. By the way the Bible is real but now I know how big the arch actually was. Like this comment if you’re Christian🚢🚢🚢🚢
I do believe that Noah built an ark. But i believe it was much bigger than this. The measurement of a cubit depends on how tall the individual measuring + building the object is..... With this being said, there is a lot of evidence to support that not only giants existed back then, but that people could have been taller generally speaking also.
Listen everyone,The Bible is real and the Ark is real. But if you have a problem with that, just don’t say anything disrespectful about the Bible or any religion for that matter. You don’t have to believe in religion,but you should at least respect it.
@@JosephGlasbrenner You keep claiming the ark exists but give no evidence at all. Like I said, it’s a metaphor. That doesn’t exclude the existence of God.
Weird they use metal braces and bolts to build this thing. Let’s not forget the insurance claim that Ham had to submit for water damage due to rain. 😂😂
Keep researching and learning. Every area of science is mysterious and confusing until you become educated on the subject. Aristotle would have laughed in your face if you told him that man could fly to the moon, walk around there and come back, right?
Keep researching. Every area of science is mysterious and confusing until you become educated on the subject. Aristotle would have laughed in your face if you told him that man could fly to the moon, walk around there and come back, right?
Aristotle would have laughed in your face if you told him that man could fly to the moon, walk around there and come back, right? Open mind: good. Closed mind: not. Every area of science is mysterious and confusing until you become educated on the subject. Do more research if you are a genuine seeker.
#BIGGOD I have seen this posted a few times on this page. But we are, or some of us are, missing the most important question of all: Why couldn't G-d have created a boat for Noah and his family? You are talking about a supreme being who created everything in the entire universe, in six days to boot. An ARK for animals would be too big a task?
The Ark would have been about 450 feet long and made entirely of wood. Ask a marine engineer about that. It would break in half in bad weather. To supply the food for all the creatures on the Ark it would require hundreds of more Arks. The story is clearly fiction.
2 Corinthians 9:8 And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything; you may have an abundance for every good deed;
Interesting that you said 120,000 sheep. There was 120,000 people In Ninevah in Jonah’s day Jonah Ch 4. Ninevah is a type of Heaven and so is the Ark. Everyone in each instance is Saved.
😂 please he needed to put millions of animals on that ship how was that possible!?? Furthermore how did he actually feed all of them on a daily basis and how did he get their manure out and how did he actually keep this ship afloat😂
You conveniently ignored the fact that no construction technique known at that time would permit the construction of such a large vessel. Even if you could build such a large ship it could not withstand wave action on the open ocean. Look at what happened to the largest wooden ship that was built - what happened to it? Even som modern ships have split in half. Finally, you ignored the fact that there was not enough space to store food and your claim that it could hold all the creatures needed is false.
I believe that some of yall who doubt noah and his family ability to build the arc run on the idea that primative people during this time frame were dumb. Pre flood men use bronze and metallurgy to make tools and weapons. They were also experts in craftsmenship and possessed tools that took thousands of years to recreate after the flood. They were not as primative as yall have been lead to believe.
I don’t believe it because there’s no evidence it happened. One cubic window to ventilate thousands of animals waste and gases. Also, 8 people cleaned every stall on that boat and removing it through that same opening. You seriously and truly have to be ignorant to believe this, and I don’t use the word ignorant as an insult, but it’s literal definition. We won’t even get into the discussion of how that wooden boat would have broken apart on the first set waves of any considerable size. Dinosaurs on the boat really??? 😂😂😂
Not if the waste was dumped out the window or safely composted. Aristotle would laugh in your face if you told him man went to the moon and back. Do more research on the Ark and then decide.
@@pamelag7553 I have and not sure you understand the decomposing waste creates methane and then you die. So a single “cubic” window is about 2 feet by 2 feet, and if this fantasy boat were true, everything would die. The modern livestock ship has between 7-15 circulation fans about 8 feet in diameter, every stall area has ductwork to pull the air from the area. Let’s not forget the absurd notion that every animal on the planet somehow made from a desert mountain to places like the Americas and Australia, and 7-8 billion people came from 8. You seriously have to be intentionally ignorant or mentally deficient to believe this nonsense.
With God anything is possible you just have little faith brother your putting human limitations on something that couldn’t be done without the hand of God
And yea, Zeus upon his mountain top decided the pineapple under the sea needed a companion, and verily sent a friendly sponge and his dim-witted friend to live therein." - Square Pants, 1:69
Aristotle would have laughed in your face if you told him that man could fly to the moon, walk around there and come back, right? Open mind: good. Closed mind: not. Every area of science is mysterious and confusing until you become educated on the subject. Are you afraid it's really true? If not, do your own research on creation science and then decide.
@@pamelag7553 Whatever you say, thumper. 🤣 There is ZERO factual evidence of any arc (let alone one large enough to hold two of every SPECIES 🤣 ) and there is ZERO factual evidence for a world-wide flood. "do your own research on creation science and then decide." Been there, done that. My conclusion is all we (you) have is a book that makes a claim and a bunch of shysters begging for money every Sunday. I have a book that shows pictures of pretty pixies living under my bed. Should I believe it's true without FACTUAL EVIDENCE? And you have no clue what Aristotle would have said unless you ask him. He probably would have laughed considering he was against organized religion, which is where your " the arc was real" nonsense comes from. 🤣
Genesis 7:20 Fifteen cubits upward did the waters Prevail; and the mountains were covered. What's the tallest mountain 🏔️?????? Mont Everest Now! I'm not weary of correction, especially if you have proof from the txt that doesn't contradict the bible. But my calculator tells me miles not feet or inches .........THINK ABOUT IT it's God and his heirs. Noah was 600 years old ......if you don't believe in earthly things how will you believe in heavenly things........for example #ETERNITY I hope this gives YOU CLARITY.
It was 'no big', because it didn't really happen. It's known as a 'made up story'. I realise life is very confusing for you, but trying to find answers to life's questions in the bible is pretty stupid really 🤷♂
But Aristotle would have laughed in your face if you told him that man could fly to the moon, walk around there and come back, right? Every area of science is mysterious and confusing until you become educated on the subject. Do your own research on creation science and then decide. Open mind: good. Closed mind: not. John 3:16 is wisdom and selfless love. "You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free" "I AM the way the truth and the life." John 8:31-32, John 14:6. Don't be afraid to seek Jesus. All the world's religions hold him as a prophet and a holy man. Are they all stupid? What if he was more? Are you sure? Only the religious hypocrites hated Jesus, but the sincere seekers were always welcomed by him.
@@pamelag7553 I was force fed the bible by crazy grown ups from the day I was born until I was abandoned by my parents at the age of 11 (on religious grounds) I've read it from cover to cover at least twice and I've studied all the extras that come with it and learnt the hard way not to make mistakes whilst doing so. It's definitely not a good read and now that I'm an adult with some knowledge of psychology I can tell you for certain that those very same grown ups were all 'a little bit strange' to put it mildly 🤷♂
Ron Wyatt claims that he found the skeleton of Noah's wife ? Who was 17 plus ft . Old people shrink in height before they die ? The body of a 17 plus ft giant was found in Iraq before the war on U TUBE ? Documentary ? Therefore the cubit measure would have been much longer ? The thickness of the floors or decking would also have to be considered ? You would have to have standing room ? ?
But Aristotle would have laughed in your face if you told him that man could fly to the moon, walk around there and come back, right? Every area of science is mysterious and confusing until you become educated on the subject. Do your own research on creation science and then decide. Open mind: good. Closed mind: not.
People making comments about food and the work involved. Animals tend to sleep more when it’s dark. How many birds fly around at night? This was a mini hibernation for some I believe.
was the rotation of the earth paused? that would have catastrophic consequences. also the height of the water would have to be so high in order to cover the tallest mountains that nothing could survive because there would be no oxygen. also not every animal hibernates, and hummingbirds would probably die first, all of the 366 species.
510 feet long X 85 feet wide X 51 feet tall = 450 SEMIS??? I DON'T THINK SO!!! 😋 SEE.... 510 FEET means ONLY 10 semis end to end, if they're 50 feet!!! NOW the width of a SEMI is 8.5 feet and Height is 13.5 feet SO... An 85 feet wide ARK divided by 8.5 = 10 rows of 10 semis =100 SEMIS per FLOOR And finally 51 feet tall divided by 13,5 feet tall semis = 3.7 floors of TRUCKS!!! SO ONLY 3 FLOORS CAN BE USED, NOT EVEN ACCOUNTING FOR THE WOOD NEEDED TO SUPPORT THEM!!!! THAT'S 300 SEMIS at BEST....NOT 450!!!! That's NOT acoounting for the THICKNESS of the WOOD... Which would've had to be IMPRESSIVE to withold 100 SEMIS per FLOOR! IMAGINE 3 FLOORS of 'EM!!! Still, that's an impressive size!!! 😁
If you calculate using usable space that could be between 3,000 - 3,800 cubic feet per trailer. Divide that by a guesstimate of 1,880,000 cubic feet of space in the boat which equals 626 or 494 trailers. That's not taking into account the deck of the boat is usable space.
@David Gardner Have you watched any of the other videos about the ark? The videos detail most of what you asked. All it takes on your part is an open mind.
@@jiml4987 , I’ve watched numerous creationist videos by Kent Hovind, Ken Ham, Kurt Wise, Andrew Snelling, Jason Lisle, Georgia Purdom, Steven Austin, Danny Faulkner, and others. Every one of them gives misleading, missing, or incomplete information and even outright lies. All of them despite their degrees start with the Bible and work backwards trying to make the evidence fit their belief. Science doesn’t work that way. It compiles evidence and then forms a hypothesis, peer reviewed, and then a theory when the evidence is overwhelming. Kurt Wise said that all the evidence in the universe wouldn’t change his mind on the biblical creation. Those who are well versed in the various scientific fields can see the creationist claims are false. Now have you watched the videos of Gutsick Gibbon, Professor Dave, Viced Rhino, Paulogia, and Geo Girl? AronRa has an 8 part series disproving the flood myth by archaeology, mythology, zoology, paleontology, geology, dendrochronology, anthropology, and meteorology all on RUclips. Have you watched any of these? I’ll bet not because creationists are determined to remain willfully ignorant.
Yeah, unless you are the Creator of All things and know the reason and Are the answers to everything. But, you wouldn't understand any of that because you have not taken privilege to get to know Him.
@@markb3786 - Faith is the opposite of science, yet it's also one common element that you will always hear valued in religion. It's the number one most common excuse for holding peculiar superstitious beliefs in spite of the evidence against them, their violations of sense, and their foundation in wishful thinking and rhetorical vapor. It puts ignorance on a pedestal.
Did your teacher tell ypu that? Tell your teacher Sir Isaac Newton proved God against Rene Descartes. Until today that's what all the scientific talk about the God particle is all about. If the true God were to show himself, the power and brilliance of his appearance would melt the skin off your face.
Funny how the device you used to make this comment was designed and built by humans and intelligent minds. Your house was built. Your consciousness and body are proof a God exists, assuming there is none because of no proof isn’t really scientific.
Keep researching. Every area of science is mysterious and confusing until you become educated on the subject. Aristotle would have laughed in your face if you told him that man could fly to the moon, walk around there and come back, right? Open mind: good. Closed mind: not.
@@RomanZeNine Not a fairy tale but simply the way people naturally act who aren't exposed to the religious indoctrination regardless of the religion. If you look at aboriginal people from around the world that were not conditioned by one of the main religions they are highly intelligent and morally sound. It is when the missionaries start showing up or modern culture encroaches into their territory that they become corrupted. I haven't followed any religion closely for 20 + years. Even Buddhism that I used to practice I did so without following any of the beliefs and I am happier and more present as a result. Because it is all about beliefs that people get tied into a particular religion. So much of Christianity is based on the Bible and what people BELIEVE about the Bible. I learned intuitively and from experience that unless I have a direct experience with something OR I have good evidence to believe in it then I let it go or pay less attention to it. There is very little about the Bible that can be backed up with evidence as it is mostly a book of parables. Thus it doesn't speak to me. I get more out of fairy tales. Religion is based on faith not evidence while science is based on evidence. Science doesn't try to force religious people to believe the science UNLESS those religious people try to force their ideas on others with such nonsense as creation science which is an oxymoron if ever there was one cuz there is no science in creation science unless it fits their narrative. What's interesting to me is how much the indifference of atheists affects Christians. Christians seem to be too attached to what others believe instead of letting people be.
How do people still believe this? Not only could you not fit every species in here as a mating pair, where does the food go for all the animals? Where do you store the water, since they are surrounded by salt water. There had to be enough food and water for 100 days while the water receded. No wooded boat could stand up with all that weight to the stress caused by the troughs between waves. It's a very entertaining story but the Old testament writers stole the story from the Sumerians.
Keep researching. Every area of science is mysterious and confusing until you become educated on the subject. Aristotle would have laughed in your face if you told him that man could fly to the moon, walk around there and come back, right? Open mind: good. Closed mind: not.
First of all and once again it's 2 of every KIND, Not SPECIES, also in China they tested ships hulls and found that the ark dimensions were perfect for what it had to do...God was also involved so I'm pretty sure he would have been perfectly capable of keeping it afloat...Do people ever look into things before they just write a comment that makes them sound so uneducated...Do some research and you will learn the answers to every question you asked...God Bless.
They still believe this nonsense cuz religion is mind control. The generations of brainwashing WITHOUT INVESTIGATION is the reason folk foolishly BELIEVE in this mess, not KNOW, only believe. And beliefs are things one accepts without proof or evidence.
You clearly haven't done much research in this area. And Aristotle would have laughed in your face if you told him that man could fly to the moon, walk around there and come back, right? Every area of science is mysterious and confusing until you become educated on the subject. Do your own research on creation science and then decide. Open mind: good. Closed mind: not.
@@pamelag7553 , I have done my research. The story is based on nothing but myth with zero evidence. You are obviously not educated in science that disproves the flood in many ways.
People believe in the Great Pyramids because they can see them and explore them if they were to climb Mount Ararat they could also Explorer Noah's Ark. Must be a coincidence that there's a huge wooden ship up there on the top of a mountain encased in ice right where the Bible said it landed.
@@chadbaxter9457 We don't believe the pyramids are there, we know for a fact that the pyramids are there. Why, because they are physical objects we can see and touch. Whereas Noah's Ark is just a myth. Why, because no Ark has ever been found and if a worldwide flood had occurred just 6000 years ago we would have plenty of evidence for such an event, and there is zero. As for Noah, how the hell did he get to and survive the trip to Antarctica, an unknown continent to collect the Emperor penguins.
Maybe this is mythology in the same way the Egyptians built the Pyramids to get everyone to the Afterlife following the pharoahs. History may have the same view of this Ark... Celebrating a God of Love and Forgiveness is more real for me. Damnation of all of God's Creations seems like a big failure on his part. More of a man made concept. No Aussie Aboriginals or unique kangaroos, koalas or platypus made it to the Middle East and back...
But Aristotle would have laughed in your face if you told him that man could fly to the moon, walk around there and come back, right? Every area of science is mysterious and confusing until you become educated on the subject. Do further research on creation science and then decide.
@@pamelag7553 Biblical Creation so called Science is very selective about the Facts. Noah's Ark and the flood and a 6,000 year old earth and Universe are daft unscientific assertions...
But Aristotle would have laughed in your face if you told him that man could fly to the moon, walk around there and come back, right? Every area of science is mysterious and confusing until you become educated on the subject. Do your own research on creation science and then decide. Open mind: good. Closed mind: not.
@@pamelag7553 one man and his family couldn’t build a boat big enough to hold all the worlds species, along with food….. and the flood story was plagiarised from earlier civilisations So when you have anything that is relevant to the real world I’ll think about it.
Every area of science is mysterious and confusing until you become educated on the subject. Aristotle would have laughed in your face if you told him that man could fly to the moon, walk around there and come back, right? Open mind: good. Closed mind: not. Keep learning.
@@pamelag7553 You're absolutely right. We're confused until we become educated. Which is why your second sentence made no logical sense. Of course Aristotle would laugh. He'd have no concept of what we'd know and accomplish 2400 years after his death. But do you know what's easy? Looking back. Which is why we can laugh at people who believe the Noah story actually happened.
You won't need a big boat if you are just storing DNA. People tend to underestimate our ancestors and think they are Neanderthals and build wooden boats. The boat or ark could just as well be a mobile space station. The problem with "Holy" texts is they are written by people in between two different technological ages. No different if I went to live with an Amazon tribe and during one dark night I pull out my cell phone and scream "Let there be light". And there was light. The tribe chief exclaimed "My God... how did you do that?" I could have jabbed him in the ribs and pull out some cells and clone him a wife, but I am no scientist so I told him to bring me a jug of water. I said "watch and learn", and drop in a yeast tablet and a pound of sugar and some berries. Three weeks later the whole village was in ecstasy "He turned the water into wine! He turned water into wine in front of our very eyes". That is assuming this tribe did not know about wine making. So there that's what I think really happens. Caution: Read with an open mind. I have not told you about the artificial insemination of a virgin yet.
@@markb3786 It's not evolution but plain ole diminished genetics doing this. Some love to say that evolution is survival of the fittest; that things get better over time, but in reality, it is just the opposite. It is more of a self-destructive development since... when it mutates it cannot duplicate itself precisely thus it becomes worse and eventually dies out. It's all the result of a sin problem that is infused in humanity when Adam ate of the fruit and passed that degeneration mode down through the ages. What happens when you duplicate a document via scanner or fax machine, then you make a copy of that copy then another copy of that copy up to ten times? As a whole, you will see fragmentation and streaks on the paper. That's how humanity from the original, i.e. Adam & Eve, is becoming in a nutshell.
@@davidgardner863 You're reference view and thinking is connected to terms of what today's trees and everything else is like, instead of how and what it was before the great deluge. It would *not* have required 65,000 trees to built the ark when the size of them out shined the largest Redwoods seen in northern California today. Who knows how many would have been required to guild the ark, but it would not have been as many as you said.
@@itzcaseykc , Have you ever seen a giant redwood? And you think he chopped down something even bigger with a hand axe? How would he even move it? No, trees were not bigger then, people weren’t bigger, they didn’t live longer, they weren’t smarter, they weren’t stronger. These are figments of the creationist imagination. The ark was impossible in every way then and even now and so was a worldwide flood. A nice children’s story and may have served a purpose but to believe it really happened is silly.
But Aristotle would have laughed in your face if you told him that man could fly to the moon, walk around there and come back, right? Every area of science is mysterious and confusing until you become educated on the subject. Do your own research on creation science and then decide. Open mind: good. Closed mind: not.
They're not even taking reality into account. It's just a story in the bible, not intended to be taken literally. Forget about average height, does anyone believe that humans actually lived for 500-600 years? Taking comfort or moral messages from bible tales is fine, but people shouldn't try to justify the logistics because they are simply not concordant with reality.
Uhhh this isn't some evolution lie. People were/are the same sizes they are today. Prove me wrong. ( And don't give me the "Three stages of man" lie please) Just saying
@@oreally8605 Reality and creationism just don't go together, do they? It's simple really - if you believe in magic spells, fine. If you accept reality, don't pretend the flood myth was meant to be taken literally.
@@cbdwarfer9492 It wasn't meant as a metaphor, it was a bunch of uneducated liars spreading stories via word of mouth, and finally when it all got written down centuries later, it was a twisted mockery of the original stories. Then people translated it and mis-translated it 9 times, then edited it, added stuff in, took stuff out and what we have today is so laughably removed from the original that _why are we even talking about it?_
Concerning the tv commercial that touts the Bible as a history book. As a science advocate, I take strong issue with the nonscience the Ark Adventure peddles to families and students. Their parody of the scientific method does real harm, bleeding inexorably into education and public policy. The wholehearted embrace of "alternative facts" and the rejection of plain evidence are making our society more and more polarized. Concerning their commercial, the Bible is NOT a history book as they claim. Historians must rely on physical evidence and accounts judged probable given known natural laws. Therefore, biblical accounts involving overt miracles-while possibly true from a religious perspective-do not meet the high bar required to qualify as historically reliable. Deceptive or not? In contrast to theology, history as an academic discipline deals with people, events, and evidence that can be empirically analyzed. Historians focus on discovering facts, uncovering primary sources, and verifying claims through critical analysis. Unlike matters of faith, historical claims can be corroborated by tangible proofs like archaeological findings, written records from the time period, corroborating accounts, etc. Historians rely on evidence, not faith. Legitimate historiography requires examining all texts and sources according to uniform benchmarks of reliability and accuracy. Biblical writings cannot withstand the same scrutiny and corroboration applied to non-religious historical documents and often rely on supernatural explanations. Hence, the Bible fails to meet conventional standards for impartial, evidence-based history. Baaaaaaahhhhhh...
We live about 8 hours away from KY, but a visit to the Arc is on our vacation list. Can't wait!👍
We are about 5 hours away from it and made the trip last year during the summer. It is worth it, I also highly recommend taking a day for the Ark and a day for the Creation Museum
Can't wait to see dinosaurs on the same cruise ship with humans? Your delusion is epic.
@@jerrycallender7604 you are delusional to think materialism can provide a basis for a standard of morality or intelligibility
@@RomanZeNine I have NO idea what it is you're attempting to say. Do you?
@@jerrycallender7604 That is because most people(especially atheists) aren't well read and lack even a basic grasp on epistemology.
How did the land locked animals get to the ark? Also with maybe half the animals being carnivores, the other half being vegetarian or omnivores, how were they fed? What animals perished to feed the carnivores? Where did they keep all the fruits and veggies for the others? Inquiring minds want to know!
and the countless species that we havent even discovered yet! and the bacteria and viruses and *parasites*!
DNA. That's all that were stored.
@@1coolwhy would God want to keep all bacteria, viruses and all species inside the ark? Do you know what animals went inside the ark?
God is our provider & gave enough wisdom to Noah to carry food for each species according to their need, it wasn't built in a day, took almost 75 years, why? To tc of the needs, fodder & meat for every living being aboard for a year, they couldn't go to the store to get more supplies 😅😅
@@DanielA-yt8nq Why would God (an alien), wants to keep anything at all.
He can made anything right? So it is a contradiction.
According to the biblical measurements it was smaller than the Titanic. No way it holds all the animals it claimed to hold. Plus how did it get animals from Australia and New Zealand? That story has so many holes a fishing net is more reliable.
Were there Red Hills Salamanders on the Ark? It only occurs in a mudstone formation in 5 counties in Alabama. How did they get there? Did Noah drop only marsupials off in Australia? Why?
As a child of 6-7 years the Sunday 'school teacher' labelled me a trouble maker and told Mama I was disruptive in 'class' for asking,
"WHERE did Noah get the gophers?", and asking for clarification as to WHO saw Jonah walk into the fish's mouth among msny other
questions that we were commanded to believe, even tho' we KNEW they were lies, or we'd be "...cast into a pit of fire!".
@@jerrycallender7604why would gophers be a problem? Also, I think Jonah would have been there when he was inside the whale.
1. Gophers, may have existed in Noah’s time. They may have been in close proximity and so not hard to find.
2. If you read the book of Jonah then you will learn that Jonah jumped into the sea and was swallowed by a great fish so Jonah did not walk into the fishes mouth, he was in the sea and got swallowed by the great fish. His fellow shipmates witnessed Jonah jumping into the sea.
How big was the earth in Noah’s time? In Genesis 10 the Bible references a man by the name of peleg. The name peleg means division and the Bible says that during his time the earth was divided. Now this could refer to what science now calls continental drift which is what resulted in the various continents that exist today. At one point earth one big continent (pangea). The Bible doesnt state what caused the earth to be divided but if the animals that got off the Ark post the flood and were later affected by continental drift, its possible thats how they ended up in different continents and may then have adapted and evolved in their new environment.
While science thinks this happened hundreds of millions of years ago. Adam was created as an adult on the 6th day of creation. So Adam would be 1 day old but already an adult. The earth was formed on the first day but it had age built in. This is possibly where the dispute about the earth age comes from?
@@shauncampbell4371 WOW! "..may have existed.." "...may have been.." "..saw 'Jonah' jumped into the sea.." You're really eat up with the whole 'Noah' and 'Jonah' myths.
And Noah could literally construct that all on his own? Did he used nails? Where did he get so many nails?
Same place as he got the timber. He just made it up and people believed it.
This is the biggest load of crap and people who are brainwashed simply believe it.
We know that they also had to take food for the animals. How did every meat eater survive on a few breeding pairs of animals etc.
The flaws, the inconsistencies are so great not including the waves and the buckling of the arc would have been torn in half even with the flexibility of timber.
The brainwashed makes things up to suit their narrative rather than think about the simplest of things, like the nails etc. Wait, they used dove joins instead etc.
Too bad that the rest of the world lets the Bible down because no one else speaks about a flood.
He was not alone, he had 3 sons to help him, so they were 4 personns building it, plus the wives gave a hand certainly.
@@Heimrik01 well that just shoots down every talking point.
I mean 5 people building a huge craft for the very first time, all with very limited tools etc. not including cutting the timber, preparing the timber making intricate cuts etc.
That stuff takes years and years to learn but a few people did it in record time and to precision.
One of us is telling porkies, I think it's you.
I heard someone say that Noah had friends and other family members that probably helped but just didnt believe enough to enter the ark with them.@SuperGravey
I heard someone say that Noah had friends and other family members that probably helped but just didnt believe enough to enter the ark with them.@SuperGravey
Granted this is a rough estimate. To produce the amount of board feet used for the Ark, you would have to cut down at least 11,123 trees (more if you allowed for waste) and you would need a forest 55 acres in dimension to do so.
thanks for your comment.
Then these trees have to be timber... With their tools at the time, its will at least one day for each three cut..
And Noah had no clue to build a ship in first place..
@@janhansen554 I've posted this before but it bears repeating. The first sawmill (capable of making smooth planking and millwork) didn't come about until the 3rd Century CE. Noah and his crew would have to have figured out a way of getting smooth planking, by hand, after cutting the trees down. They also would have to have the tools available so the planking for the side of the ship could be bent carefully. FYI - one of the AiG videos had Noah's crew using a construction crane; which was not invented till the 14th Century CE.
@@kennethswenson6214 Thanks for your answer. I didnt know u have written this before, sorry. Nice info u gave me.
Not true whatsoever. Orthodox Septuagint timeline the preflood world since Tubal-Cain had brass and iron. @@kennethswenson6214
being made of so much wood, which is a bulky building material and requires a lot of physical support over 15% of its capacity would taken buy the wood structure and not in one lump but spread through out the stucture!
...and the amount of wood required did NOT exist.
@@jerrycallender7604 sounds like you were alive during that time? You have no idea wherher it wasnt available, you are grasping at straws now!
@@shauncampbell4371 ANYone possessed with ANY intelligence knows WHAT grows in the area and it doesn't take a genius to understand the 'flood' never happened. The PROOF that the 'flood' never happened are the UNINTERRUPTED Egyptian, Asian, Australian, and 'American' civilizations.
@@shauncampbell4371, If it was available you have the problem of transportation. Where did he get the cranes and trucks?
There were NO materials in the region to build the 'Ark'.
Okay, get that ark onto the water somewhere, load it up with animals and food, find 8 volutnteers to look after the animals, then seal it up completely except for one twenty inch window, and leave it alone for a year. Then you will have something else besides speculation as to whether it would actually work, or not.
Thank God for his grace through Jesus Christ his Son who died to save us from our sins. 😊
Well done Tim Chaffey for the great work that God has given you to do. Be courageous and rejoice in the Lord, don't worry about people and what they say. You have done ur job and its the time to REPENT and believe before it's too late.
God bless
Would love to see these people really try to fit all the “kinds” of animals in this space, even on dry land. Then keep them for 40 days and nights (or one year), feed them etc. etc.
It would be animal abuse but still… would be very interesting!
A wooden boat of this size is not seaworthy. It wood have an enormous amount of bending and flexing in ocean waves and leak like a sieve.
So what you are saying is you don't believe in God. Believers just believe that God can do anything. So to doubt bible on anything is not to really believe in God
Wooden ships similar in size have sailed the seas in the recorded past, this is not historically disputed. Dig further in to the weeds of this topic and be enriched by what's really there. Keep an open mind.
Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch. -Genesis 6:14
The ark was sealed inside and outside to prevent leaking. Hope that addresses your skepticism about ita seaworthiness.
@@shauncampbell4371 No, it does not, the ark has been debunked many times. Look for the following video: "How BIG Would NOAH'S ARK Actually Need To Be?!".
If you still believe in it after that, well, I will start believing in unicorns.
@@badouplus1304 believe in unicorns if you want. I choose to believe God’s word over your skepticism.
The ark by dimension would have been around 450 feet long, 45 feet high with 3 levels, and around 75 feet wide. At those dimensions, the ark would have to have been nearly 100 times that to be able to do what the bible says it did. Just 2 elephants alone would require around 300,000 pounds of food for a years' time plus cleaning up after them every day after they pee and poop. Don't forget how much fresh water they would need for a year. Now add to that all the other animals in the world on that ark and the amount of food, water, and latrine requirements they would all need. The ark had one small window at the top so where were they putting all the animal waste for at least 150 days afloat before landing? Oh yeah, then they would also have to have seeds from every kind of land vegetation as after 150 days under water that would all be dead too. Much like most everything in Revelation is symbolic, I believe the ark story is symbolic too, and not literal.
People always think the animals were all adult size. Would it not make more sense for baby animals as they would take up less space and eat less food ?
That's exactly what I believe. Why not have baby animals elephan's, Giraffe's, Rhino's, Hippo's, Bear's, Moose's, Buffalo's, etc.
Plus why not have them sleeping thus slowing their metabolic rates and thus their need for food and water.
The problem is that to the present day, it has not been shown conclusive proof on where *_Noah's Ark exactly landed._* The kingdom of Urartu's mountains extended from *_Eastern Turkey, Armenia to Northwestern Iran,_* but, according to *_Genesis 8:4-5,_* once the *_Ark_* had landed, it was necessary *_75 days for the tops of the mountains were seen,_* this means that the landing site was *_higher_* or *_the highest_* in the Ararat region, so, the point is, *_which were the tallest mountains within the territory of _*Urartu (Ararat)?_* If we determine the extension of Urartu delimiting *_Turkey, Armenia and Iran_* within the boundaries of *_Urartu's territory_* and we set apart its *_highest mountains,_* then, we will be given the answer about *_where Noah's Ark could have landed._* _Which were the tallest mountains within the boundaries of Urartu? The answer to this question is the key to pinpoint the __*_Mountain of Noah's Ark._*
Jesus referencing Noah and the Ark would indicate it was literal more than symbolic.
But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. -Matthew 24:37
@@shauncampbell4371 If it was literal and 2 of every animal on Earth was on it, I wouldn't want to be on it. Jesus referencing it doesn't make it literal. It makes a point that people today are paying no more attention to the signs now than they did back in those days, and that he was familiar with the scriptures and nothing more.
Noah's Ark had exact dimensions of modern 134m container ship (134x22m).Something what people discovered 4500 years later trough experiments that this are perfect dimensions for ship of that size.
Except a modern container ship is made of steel and the keel is made of steel.They are held together with welds and rivets. A wooden ship could not possibly stay is tact in bad weather with a wooden keel that long. It would simply break in half.
Modern container ships are made of modular steel sections.
@@paullanoue5228 The wood was probably really good back then. Unlike today with all of the pollution and chemicals in the air.
Those dimensions work for a powered ship, not an unpowered barge that can’t turn into the wind.
@@davidgardner863 nor could have been built.
You're right, I don't believe it!
Romans 1:28-32
@@RomanZeNine How long did the sloths take to swim and crawl to Noah's ark (allegedly in the Middle East) all the way from Australia?
How big must the ship be in order to house a pair of every single animal species on earth, of which there are over 7 million, excluding all the ones that have been made extinct in the past 2000 years, their free roam space (animals in capacity require minimum space to roam and run or they literally die), all of their food and drinking water for at least several months, as that was how long the global flood was?
How is such an incomprehensibly gigantic ship made entire of wood possible in the law of physics? And how did Noah's family of 8 can even build such a mind bogglingly enormous ship within their lifetimes?
How did any marine life survived the global flood? The enormous volume of rain water to flood the whole world would infinitely dilute the salinity of the oceans, which means any saltwater species would completely die off. Drastic rise of sea level means sunlight would no longer penetrate a lot of the ocean floor, killing algae and all underwater plant life. Without them, the entire marine life foodchain will utterly collapse.
So after the flood was over, did all the animals just disembark and peacefully walk back towards where they originally came from? Kangaroos to Australia, Pandas to China, etc. And how did they ensure that the hungry carnivores wouldn't just kill and eat the final pair of any herbivores just as they disembark the ark? And if they were released in phases, what did the carnivores eat as they walk back home, a trek that will take literally for years?
Where did all the rain water to flood the entire world come from? And where did the flood water recede to?
How would a single pair of each animal species have enough genetic diversity and material to propagate an entire species to a healthy population? The excessive inbreeding will quickly kill off all descendants within a few generations. This problem also applies to Noah, which was the only surviving human family left on earth, which only numbered 8 people? You need a minimum of 50 individuals to ensure no inbreeding to repopulate a species with no lethal genetic defects.
God is allegedly omnipotent with infinite absolute power in this universe, but planning such a convoluted method of using mind magic to persuade every pair of animal species on earth to walk towards Noah, and then killing off 99.99% of all life forms on earth in such a brutal, excessive manner is the best reset method he could come up with, really? He couldn't just snap his fingers to magically wipe out 99.99% of all life forms on earth without causing pain and suffering? I can assure you, drowning is not a pleasant way to die.
I've N E V E R believed the 'Ark' EVER existed and NO ancient culture was 'wiped out in the 'flood'!
As to the flood, if it hasn't evaporated from the surface it cannot fall from the sky, which I learned as a 4th Grader!
Read your Bible. Don’t believe what science says just because it’s “logical”. I’ll tell you something logical: I’d much rather believe in the god who created the entire universe and everything in it than just some kid who went to school
You are free to believe in which fairie tales strike your fancy. I'll tell YOU 'something logical'; ONLY in the minds of the indoctrinated have ANY gods EVER existed.
@@Yuki76470, What does God creating the universe have to do with an Old Testament metaphor?
@@davidgardner863 ...considering NO gods have EVER existed other than in the minds of the indoctrinated.
Your going off 4thgrade knowledge!?!?!?!..
That's a pretty big ship to build way back then
Which is why it was never built. It is just a story.
@@JB-yb4wnno it isn’t just a story. Jesus is King.
Why don't you read some books on Egyptian history and find out how the Egyptians totally missed the flood memo. In particular, look up pharoah Unas.
@@JB-yb4wn120 years it took Noah to build the Ark.
The people in Noah’s time had never seen rain so they didnt believe Noah’s message, until the rain came and they died while Noah and his family survived!
Dont make the same mistake!
100% real. The humans were new and strong back then! Sin hasn't corrupted us as much. It wasn't wverywhere in the air like it is now. @JB-yb4wn
The largest wooden ship ever built, the Wyoming, was smaller than the Ark's alleged size and the Wyoming was too big to stay afloat without constantly pumping water out and she still sank with all hands.
Just consider the needs of all animals for the duration of the flood.
Sorry, chaps, but the Ark just doesn't hold water.
That's true, but with all those animals in there, it surely held a lot of urine and feces.
Not your elbow, a giants elbows
You have rebuilt the ark. Now you can do the scientific test: Take eight volunteers, the appropiate number of animals of all kinds and all the food you need, lock them up in the ark and prove that it is possible. That is creation science!
No, because unless God makes a covenant with you and your family, and specifically guides and watches the ark, it won’t be the same
@@PoppinPsinceAD33 i fell off a skyscraper once, and survived! it was because i felt funny. you cant though, because it just wont be the same!
@@PoppinPsinceAD33 Ah yes, the "oh well, it's just MAGIC!" defense. Insightful
But my response is… a good one? When dealing with something outside of nature all responses must be…. Natural? 😂 I don’t you get this much
@@1cool if you had the being that spoke physical space into existence protecting you then who knows???
Would an overturned semi-trailer be a rough miniature model in those dimensions?
In the original story , written way before Noah the arc was a bit bigger if I remember well
🙏🏼💖 May our Father richly bless your endeavors.🕊️
No such thing as god
I thought Jesus was against the rich?
@@--..-...-..-.--....old mate set up the largest scam in history. Bleeding money from the desperate and afraid. All while claiming tax exempt status. Guy was the greatest conman in history.
@@--..-...-..-.--.... not at all, Abraham was blessed with wealth, as was Job. Solomon also presided over the wealthiest time in Israeli history during the days when the Temple was first built
@@yaitstac7267 you are wrong
A 783-year old dude built a boat with materials that were NOT available and could NOT be replicated today.
It sure can be replicated and why the materials were not available? In Europe a man created one ark that floats, but this kind of boat is not made for sail. And how about the ark encounter museum?
You're certainly full of asinine questions the answers to which ANY second-grader would know.@@DanielA-yt8nq
@@DanielA-yt8nq No, you're ignorant of what you're claiming. The materials were NOT available nor could a man of 783 years replicate the 'ark' today.
@@jerrycallender-qm7zr you right.... Besides no one in our time has lived till even 150 years right 😪. But let me ask you this... Were you there when the ark was created 👀... If you were then by all means boast in what you saying if it's true. Remains of the ark have already been discovered, that means there's historical proof. What proof do you have that the ark didn't exist 👀?
A783-year old Dude built a boat with materials that were not available and could not be built today.@@rogue3373
he could fit the number of animals he needed to...really
humans are doomed if they can't get past believing in utter nonsense
Aristotle would have laughed in your face if you told him that man could fly to the moon, walk around there and come back, right? Open mind: good. Closed mind: not. Every area of science is mysterious and confusing until you become educated on the subject. Are you afraid it may be true? If not, do your own research on creation science and then decide. There are thousands of natural question evolution can not answer. Including how did life begin? But you still believe it, right? That's called faith. Evolution is in essence a religion, and meets the necessary parameter.
Why not put say 200 aimas in your ark. Then see how impossible it would be for one family to keep that many animals alive and well. They need food and water. You need a way of containment for all the manure, hauling it off the ship. There as to be controls for humdity and toxic gasses.
Aristotle would have laughed in your face if you told him that man could fly to the moon, walk around there and come back, right? Open mind: good. Closed mind: not. Every area of science is mysterious and confusing until you become educated on the subject. Are you afraid it may be true? If not, do your own research on creation science and then decide.
@@pamelag7553 "creation science is not real science
I used to think Noah’s ark was just a bedtime story from the Bible. By the way the Bible is real but now I know how big the arch actually was. Like this comment if you’re Christian🚢🚢🚢🚢
And I used to think Noah’s ark was a bedtime story and now I know it was.
I do believe that Noah built an ark.
But i believe it was much bigger than this.
The measurement of a cubit depends on how tall the individual measuring + building the object is.....
With this being said, there is a lot of evidence to support that not only giants existed back then, but that people could have been taller generally speaking also.
I heard someone say it worked out better to use young animals. Smaller and eat less.
I heard that before to that it was all young animals cause of room
God can do anything and make anything happen
@@lindaschipansky4429 If he can do anything and make anything happen why then was noah required at all
@@waynethomas3638 Not sure what you mean
@@lindaschipansky4429, He means the story is a myth.
@davidgardner863 OH ok. That's fine. Everyone has a choice to believe or not believe. I choose to believe
Listen everyone,The Bible is real and the Ark is real. But if you have a problem with that, just don’t say anything disrespectful about the Bible or any religion for that matter. You don’t have to believe in religion,but you should at least respect it.
Why can’t you believe the story is a metaphor?
@@JosephGlasbrenner , I didn’t say that. I said it’s a metaphor like a fable, the way people were taught in ancient times.
@@JosephGlasbrenner , That’s just your belief. There is no evidence the biblical ark does or ever did exist but there is plenty of evidence it didn’t.
@@JosephGlasbrenner You keep claiming the ark exists but give no evidence at all. Like I said, it’s a metaphor. That doesn’t exclude the existence of God.
@@JosephGlasbrenner Yes it is! If God has a problem he can take it up with me
Goatherder’s guide to the galaxy
The story of Noah's Ark belongs on a shelf right next to Mother Goose. Both are interesting stories for children and both are fiction.
Hi! Welcome to the gift $hop!
"You won't believe how big Noah's ark was"
You're right, I won't, because it wasn't real.
What an amazing structure you all have made in the truth of the bible. Great stuff, wish i could visit.
me too.
Weird they use metal braces and bolts to build this thing. Let’s not forget the insurance claim that Ham had to submit for water damage due to rain. 😂😂
It’s a boat shaped building. Nothing more.
the "Wonder of the Seas" is twice as long as noahs ark
It isn't made of wood though
@@michaelmarron8441 yes because it would snap in half if it was
Still can't figure out that the population of the world, was to enter, it's still small
Only 8 people survived Noah's flood , plus animals in the bible account of Genesis ?
Keep researching and learning. Every area of science is mysterious and confusing until you become educated on the subject. Aristotle would have laughed in your face if you told him that man could fly to the moon, walk around there and come back, right?
The population of the world? only 11 humans ended up on the ark before the door was closed
@@pamelag7553, No research has shown that anything in Genesis actually happened.
It says that the arc exactness measurement but it can't say how old Mary was unreal
I wish to thank you for sharing this awesome Historical video with me .
@@purefoldnz3070,Hysterical video.
@@davidgardner863if y’all ain’t happy or
Interested in the story then u could jus switch to a different video and focc off
@@heklis7959, I’m interested in cult beliefs and what drives to believe in them.
I never knew a large intestine could hold so much crap...
romans 1:18
Still not enough space 🤦
Keep researching. Every area of science is mysterious and confusing until you become educated on the subject. Aristotle would have laughed in your face if you told him that man could fly to the moon, walk around there and come back, right?
If they were saving DNA instead of live animals, they wouldn't need a ship ark in the bible means wooden box as in ark of the covenant .
To begin with, it was an arc not a boat.
Show it's scale next to actual ships...not apartment buildings not space shuttles....ships
Love your old jokes
And by the way there was never an ARK
Aristotle would have laughed in your face if you told him that man could fly to the moon, walk around there and come back, right? Open mind: good. Closed mind: not. Every area of science is mysterious and confusing until you become educated on the subject. Do more research if you are a genuine seeker.
How do you know? You weren’t there
#BIGGOD I have seen this posted a few times on this page. But we are, or some of us are, missing the most important question of all: Why couldn't G-d have created a boat for Noah and his family? You are talking about a supreme being who created everything in the entire universe, in six days to boot. An ARK for animals would be too big a task?
The Ark would have been about 450 feet long and made entirely of wood. Ask a marine engineer about that. It would break in half in bad weather. To supply the food for all the creatures on the Ark it would require hundreds of more Arks. The story is clearly fiction.
How is it fiction.The ark is still around today. Plus with God’s power, nothing is impossible.
2 Corinthians 9:8
And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything; you may have an abundance for every good deed;
@@JosephGlasbrenner, The ark is still around today? Where is it besides in people’s imagination?
@@davidgardner863 The ark was found in Mount Ararat in Turkey
@@JosephGlasbrenner , Says who? Ron Wyatt? Even AIG doesn’t claim that. Not one of Wyatt’s dozens of “discoveries” has ever stood up to scrutiny.
That is one boat load of wood!!🤪
Interesting that you said 120,000 sheep. There was 120,000 people In Ninevah in Jonah’s day Jonah Ch 4.
Ninevah is a type of Heaven and so is the Ark. Everyone in each instance is Saved.
If you can make anything why would you need to store or keep anything? Something is not quite right here.
😂 please he needed to put millions of animals on that ship how was that possible!?? Furthermore how did he actually feed all of them on a daily basis and how did he get their manure out and how did he actually keep this ship afloat😂
You conveniently ignored the fact that no construction technique known at that time would permit the construction of such a large vessel. Even if you could build such a large ship it could not withstand wave action on the open ocean. Look at what happened to the largest wooden ship that was built - what happened to it? Even som modern ships have split in half. Finally, you ignored the fact that there was not enough space to store food and your claim that it could hold all the creatures needed is false.
I believe that some of yall who doubt noah and his family ability to build the arc run on the idea that primative people during this time frame were dumb. Pre flood men use bronze and metallurgy to make tools and weapons. They were also experts in craftsmenship and possessed tools that took thousands of years to recreate after the flood. They were not as primative as yall have been lead to believe.
You mean they actually had chainsaws?
Plus it was gilded in gold
Yes, I think it was more like a golden submarine, but not at all like the one the Beatles had.
The title is accurate, I don't believe it lol. Much like Lord of the Rings, it's a good story. Nothing more.
The bible of the Jews, including the myth of 'Noah', is Histories best-selling work of fiction.
Just feeding, watering, and cleaning up after 1,000,000 species of animals a day is a truly remarkable task. 😂
I don’t believe it because there’s no evidence it happened. One cubic window to ventilate thousands of animals waste and gases. Also, 8 people cleaned every stall on that boat and removing it through that same opening. You seriously and truly have to be ignorant to believe this, and I don’t use the word ignorant as an insult, but it’s literal definition. We won’t even get into the discussion of how that wooden boat would have broken apart on the first set waves of any considerable size. Dinosaurs on the boat really??? 😂😂😂
Not if the waste was dumped out the window or safely composted. Aristotle would laugh in your face if you told him man went to the moon and back. Do more research on the Ark and then decide.
@@pamelag7553 I have and not sure you understand the decomposing waste creates methane and then you die. So a single “cubic” window is about 2 feet by 2 feet, and if this fantasy boat were true, everything would die. The modern livestock ship has between 7-15 circulation fans about 8 feet in diameter, every stall area has ductwork to pull the air from the area. Let’s not forget the absurd notion that every animal on the planet somehow made from a desert mountain to places like the Americas and Australia, and 7-8 billion people came from 8. You seriously have to be intentionally ignorant or mentally deficient to believe this nonsense.
Who said there wasn’t a ridge vent? How do you know that ventilation wasn’t happening in other ways.
@@seanhiggity Methane and CO2 sink. They don’t float up to a vent. Everything would be dead in a couple of days except maybe tardigrades.
With God anything is possible you just have little faith brother your putting human limitations on something that couldn’t be done without the hand of God
and spongebob lives in a pineapple
And yea, Zeus upon his mountain top decided the pineapple under the sea needed a companion, and verily sent a friendly sponge and his dim-witted friend to live therein." - Square Pants, 1:69
and you can account for intelligibility and morality in naturalistic atheism 🤤
God states that this generation is one of non-believers, and non-believers are foolish. Now re-read the original comment ❤
Because it didn't exist is why I don't believe how big it was. 🤣
Aristotle would have laughed in your face if you told him that man could fly to the moon, walk around there and come back, right? Open mind: good. Closed mind: not. Every area of science is mysterious and confusing until you become educated on the subject. Are you afraid it's really true? If not, do your own research on creation science and then decide.
@@pamelag7553 Whatever you say, thumper. 🤣
There is ZERO factual evidence of any arc (let alone one large enough to hold two of every SPECIES 🤣 ) and there is ZERO factual evidence for a world-wide flood.
"do your own research on creation science and then decide."
Been there, done that. My conclusion is
all we (you) have is a book that makes a claim and a bunch of shysters begging for money every Sunday.
I have a book that shows pictures of pretty pixies living under my bed. Should I believe it's true without FACTUAL EVIDENCE?
And you have no clue what Aristotle would have said unless you ask him. He probably would have laughed considering he was against organized religion, which is where your " the arc was real" nonsense comes from. 🤣
Genesis 7:20 Fifteen cubits upward did the waters Prevail; and the mountains were covered.
What's the tallest mountain 🏔️?????? Mont Everest
Now! I'm not weary of correction, especially if you have proof from the txt that doesn't contradict the bible. But my calculator tells me miles not feet or inches .........THINK ABOUT IT it's God and his heirs.
Noah was 600 years old ......if you don't believe in earthly things how will you believe in heavenly things........for example #ETERNITY I hope this gives YOU CLARITY.
Noah's ark 515 ft
It was 'no big', because it didn't really happen.
It's known as a 'made up story'.
I realise life is very confusing for you, but trying to find answers to life's questions in the bible is pretty stupid really 🤷♂
But Aristotle would have laughed in your face if you told him that man could fly to the moon, walk around there and come back, right? Every area of science is mysterious and confusing until you become educated on the subject. Do your own research on creation science and then decide. Open mind: good. Closed mind: not. John 3:16 is wisdom and selfless love. "You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free" "I AM the way the truth and the life." John 8:31-32, John 14:6. Don't be afraid to seek Jesus. All the world's religions hold him as a prophet and a holy man. Are they all stupid? What if he was more? Are you sure? Only the religious hypocrites hated Jesus, but the sincere seekers were always welcomed by him.
@@pamelag7553 I was force fed the bible by crazy grown ups from the day I was born until I was abandoned by my parents at the age of 11 (on religious grounds)
I've read it from cover to cover at least twice and I've studied all the extras that come with it and learnt the hard way not to make mistakes whilst doing so.
It's definitely not a good read and now that I'm an adult with some knowledge of psychology I can tell you for certain that those very same grown ups were all 'a little bit strange' to put it mildly 🤷♂
IF u think this nonsence is true, then try to study facts. U need a ship 1000 times bigger than largest containership we use to day.
Ron Wyatt claims that he found the skeleton of Noah's wife ? Who was 17 plus ft . Old people shrink in height before they die ? The body of a 17 plus ft giant was found in Iraq before the war on U TUBE ? Documentary ? Therefore the cubit measure would have been much longer ? The thickness of the floors or decking would also have to be considered ? You would have to have standing room ? ?
Ron Wyatt claims a lot and has nothing of proof.
Amazing creation. Thank you for rebuilding Gods Boat.
For all those wondering, the answer is pokeballs
That is a lot of wood 🪵
No I know that there was no Ark, and that's a fact just like that there was no Flood.
Actually, we don't believe ANYTHING about it.
But Aristotle would have laughed in your face if you told him that man could fly to the moon, walk around there and come back, right? Every area of science is mysterious and confusing until you become educated on the subject. Do your own research on creation science and then decide. Open mind: good. Closed mind: not.
@@pamelag7553, You sure love this stupid comparison.
People making comments about food and the work involved. Animals tend to sleep more when it’s dark. How many birds fly around at night? This was a mini hibernation for some I believe.
was the rotation of the earth paused? that would have catastrophic consequences. also the height of the water would have to be so high in order to cover the tallest mountains that nothing could survive because there would be no oxygen. also not every animal hibernates, and hummingbirds would probably die first, all of the 366 species.
The people at the ark encounter scam stopped having live animals because they didn't have enough people to look after them !!! 😅😅😅
What about nocturnal animals? Here we go again with the one size fits all theory.
510 feet long X 85 feet wide X 51 feet tall =
450 SEMIS??? I DON'T THINK SO!!! 😋
510 FEET means ONLY 10 semis end to end, if they're 50 feet!!!
NOW the width of a SEMI is 8.5 feet and Height is 13.5 feet
An 85 feet wide ARK divided by 8.5 = 10 rows of 10 semis =100 SEMIS per FLOOR
And finally 51 feet tall divided by 13,5 feet tall semis = 3.7 floors of TRUCKS!!!
THAT'S 300 SEMIS at BEST....NOT 450!!!!
That's NOT acoounting for the THICKNESS of the WOOD...
Which would've had to be IMPRESSIVE to withold 100 SEMIS per FLOOR!
Still, that's an impressive size!!! 😁
If you calculate using usable space that could be between 3,000 - 3,800 cubic feet per trailer. Divide that by a guesstimate of 1,880,000 cubic feet of space in the boat which equals 626 or 494 trailers.
That's not taking into account the deck of the boat is usable space.
@@jiml4987, How about the thousands of tons of food and millions of gallons of fresh water, corridors, and storage for numerous other supplies?
@David Gardner Have you watched any of the other videos about the ark? The videos detail most of what you asked. All it takes on your part is an open mind.
@@jiml4987 , I’ve watched numerous creationist videos by Kent Hovind, Ken Ham, Kurt Wise, Andrew Snelling, Jason Lisle, Georgia Purdom, Steven Austin, Danny Faulkner, and others. Every one of them gives misleading, missing, or incomplete information and even outright lies. All of them despite their degrees start with the Bible and work backwards trying to make the evidence fit their belief. Science doesn’t work that way. It compiles evidence and then forms a hypothesis, peer reviewed, and then a theory when the evidence is overwhelming. Kurt Wise said that all the evidence in the universe wouldn’t change his mind on the biblical creation. Those who are well versed in the various scientific fields can see the creationist claims are false. Now have you watched the videos of Gutsick Gibbon, Professor Dave, Viced Rhino, Paulogia, and Geo Girl? AronRa has an 8 part series disproving the flood myth by archaeology, mythology, zoology, paleontology, geology, dendrochronology, anthropology, and meteorology all on RUclips. Have you watched any of these? I’ll bet not because creationists are determined to remain willfully ignorant.
What a cruel heartless story. Killing all those animals and other poor creatures that did nothing wrong.
They're not suffering right now are they?
Yeah, unless you are the Creator of All things and know the reason and Are the answers to everything. But, you wouldn't understand any of that because you have not taken privilege to get to know Him.
@@gkespinoza777 It's amazing what that promise of eternal life does to people's brains.
@@ophirdog No, it's amazing what the promise of eternal life with the Creator does to the heart. ❤ Peace
@@gkespinoza777 Without the promise of eternal life I doubt there would be much worshipping going on.
Notice how nobody has proof god is real. Y’all gotta wake up
Faith does not require proof
@@markb3786 - Faith is the opposite of science, yet it's also one common element that you will always hear valued in religion. It's the number one most common excuse for holding peculiar superstitious beliefs in spite of the evidence against them, their violations of sense, and their foundation in wishful thinking and rhetorical vapor. It puts ignorance on a pedestal.
Did your teacher tell ypu that? Tell your teacher Sir Isaac Newton proved God against Rene Descartes. Until today that's what all the scientific talk about the God particle is all about. If the true God were to show himself, the power and brilliance of his appearance would melt the skin off your face.
Funny how the device you used to make this comment was designed and built by humans and intelligent minds. Your house was built. Your consciousness and body are proof a God exists, assuming there is none because of no proof isn’t really scientific.
The ark has been found !
Whoever reads this may God bless you and your family .may you be blessed with his mercy , peace and love . Amen
If they were bigger people then it would be much bigger
i went to the ark encounter couple years back. i couldnt help but notice most of the props looked European than middle eastern/ African.
Noah and his family definitely didn’t have to look middle eastern , black, or white. Just have genetic diversity.
The title is correct when it says "You won't believe how big Noah's Ark really was" because I don't believe in such silly fairy tales!! 😅😂
The human race is meant to be getting smarter, not so for young Earth creationists.
Keep researching. Every area of science is mysterious and confusing until you become educated on the subject. Aristotle would have laughed in your face if you told him that man could fly to the moon, walk around there and come back, right? Open mind: good. Closed mind: not.
@@pamelag7553 Problem is that if you open your mind too much your brain falls out.
yet, you believe that naturalistic atheism can account for intelligibility and morality - that is the most unbelievable fairy tale ever
@@RomanZeNine Not a fairy tale but simply the way people naturally act who aren't exposed to the religious indoctrination regardless of the religion. If you look at aboriginal people from around the world that were not conditioned by one of the main religions they are highly intelligent and morally sound. It is when the missionaries start showing up or modern culture encroaches into their territory that they become corrupted.
I haven't followed any religion closely for 20 + years. Even Buddhism that I used to practice I did so without following any of the beliefs and I am happier and more present as a result.
Because it is all about beliefs that people get tied into a particular religion. So much of Christianity is based on the Bible and what people BELIEVE about the Bible. I learned intuitively and from experience that unless I have a direct experience with something OR I have good evidence to believe in it then I let it go or pay less attention to it.
There is very little about the Bible that can be backed up with evidence as it is mostly a book of parables. Thus it doesn't speak to me. I get more out of fairy tales.
Religion is based on faith not evidence while science is based on evidence. Science doesn't try to force religious people to believe the science UNLESS those religious people try to force their ideas on others with such nonsense as creation science which is an oxymoron if ever there was one cuz there is no science in creation science unless it fits their narrative.
What's interesting to me is how much the indifference of atheists affects Christians. Christians seem to be too attached to what others believe instead of letting people be.
How do people still believe this? Not only could you not fit every species in here as a mating pair, where does the food go for all the animals? Where do you store the water, since they are surrounded by salt water. There had to be enough food and water for 100 days while the water receded. No wooded boat could stand up with all that weight to the stress caused by the troughs between waves. It's a very entertaining story but the Old testament writers stole the story from the Sumerians.
Keep researching. Every area of science is mysterious and confusing until you become educated on the subject. Aristotle would have laughed in your face if you told him that man could fly to the moon, walk around there and come back, right? Open mind: good. Closed mind: not.
First of all and once again it's 2 of every KIND, Not SPECIES, also in China they tested ships hulls and found that the ark dimensions were perfect for what it had to do...God was also involved so I'm pretty sure he would have been perfectly capable of keeping it afloat...Do people ever look into things before they just write a comment that makes them sound so uneducated...Do some research and you will learn the answers to every question you asked...God Bless.
They still believe this nonsense cuz religion is mind control. The generations of brainwashing WITHOUT INVESTIGATION is the reason folk foolishly BELIEVE in this mess, not KNOW, only believe. And beliefs are things one accepts without proof or evidence.
oh so you were there ?
It wasn’t nearly big enough. Try 200 arks.
admiral Noah
You clearly haven't done much research in this area. And Aristotle would have laughed in your face if you told him that man could fly to the moon, walk around there and come back, right? Every area of science is mysterious and confusing until you become educated on the subject. Do your own research on creation science and then decide. Open mind: good. Closed mind: not.
@@pamelag7553 , I have done my research. The story is based on nothing but myth with zero evidence. You are obviously not educated in science that disproves the flood in many ways.
@@pamelag7553,How can you keep an open mind about something so far from reality?
Noah's Ark is a cute story, totally unrealistic but a cute story.
Coping mouse
People believe in the Great Pyramids because they can see them and explore them if they were to climb Mount Ararat they could also Explorer Noah's Ark. Must be a coincidence that there's a huge wooden ship up there on the top of a mountain encased in ice right where the Bible said it landed.
@@chadbaxter9457 We don't believe the pyramids are there, we know for a fact that the pyramids are there. Why, because they are physical objects we can see and touch. Whereas Noah's Ark is just a myth. Why, because no Ark has ever been found and if a worldwide flood had occurred just 6000 years ago we would have plenty of evidence for such an event, and there is zero. As for Noah, how the hell did he get to and survive the trip to Antarctica, an unknown continent to collect the Emperor penguins.
Not just cute but real story
@@milanmahbubani5723 Well, I guess if kids can have Santa Claus why can't adults have Noah's Ark.
Maybe this is mythology in the same way the Egyptians built the Pyramids to get everyone to the Afterlife following the pharoahs. History may have the same view of this Ark...
Celebrating a God of Love and Forgiveness is more real for me.
Damnation of all of God's Creations seems like a big failure on his part. More of a man made concept.
No Aussie Aboriginals or unique kangaroos, koalas or platypus made it to the Middle East and back...
But Aristotle would have laughed in your face if you told him that man could fly to the moon, walk around there and come back, right? Every area of science is mysterious and confusing until you become educated on the subject. Do further research on creation science and then decide.
@@pamelag7553 Biblical Creation so called Science is very selective about the Facts. Noah's Ark and the flood and a 6,000 year old earth and Universe are daft unscientific assertions...
It’s sad that grown people believe in fairy tales
But Aristotle would have laughed in your face if you told him that man could fly to the moon, walk around there and come back, right? Every area of science is mysterious and confusing until you become educated on the subject. Do your own research on creation science and then decide. Open mind: good. Closed mind: not.
@@pamelag7553 one man and his family couldn’t build a boat big enough to hold all the worlds species, along with food….. and the flood story was plagiarised from earlier civilisations
So when you have anything that is relevant to the real world I’ll think about it.
Excuse me. FAIRY TALES!? There is proof that the Bible is real
@@JosephGlasbrenner sure there is , it’s a real book of make believe
@@xenusceptic the real life Ark is buried in Ararat,Turkey.Also how do you know that it’s make believe?
I think people is taller
Why did you built a boat? The bible describes it as a cube.
Can charge more for admission if it looks cool, and it was really hard to fundraise if it was a boring cube.
A grown man actually believes this nonsense?
The ark has been found !
@@Heimrik01 No, that was debunked by geologists many times over
A cubit was just a reference of measure
Time length was being measured
Once you correlate a Cubit to lengths of time
Everything looks different
Aww, cute. You actually believe this.
Every area of science is mysterious and confusing until you become educated on the subject. Aristotle would have laughed in your face if you told him that man could fly to the moon, walk around there and come back, right? Open mind: good. Closed mind: not. Keep learning.
@@pamelag7553 You're absolutely right. We're confused until we become educated. Which is why your second sentence made no logical sense. Of course Aristotle would laugh. He'd have no concept of what we'd know and accomplish 2400 years after his death. But do you know what's easy? Looking back. Which is why we can laugh at people who believe the Noah story actually happened.
@@owmyhands, She uses the same comment over and over as if she thinks it’s the answer to everyone else’s comment.
@@davidgardner863 because she doesn't have the ability to think or reason.
@@owmyhands aww. It is so cute that people like you keep having something against the Ark
You won't need a big boat if you are just storing DNA. People tend to underestimate our ancestors and think they are Neanderthals and build wooden boats. The boat or ark could just as well be a mobile space station. The problem with "Holy" texts is they are written by people in between two different technological ages.
No different if I went to live with an Amazon tribe and during one dark night I pull out my cell phone and scream "Let there be light". And there was light. The tribe chief exclaimed "My God... how did you do that?"
I could have jabbed him in the ribs and pull out some cells and clone him a wife, but I am no scientist so I told him to bring me a jug of water. I said "watch and learn", and drop in a yeast tablet and a pound of sugar and some berries. Three weeks later the whole village was in ecstasy "He turned the water into wine! He turned water into wine in front of our very eyes". That is assuming this tribe did not know about wine making.
So there that's what I think really happens.
Caution: Read with an open mind. I have not told you about the artificial insemination of a virgin yet.
Noah and his family were larger in size than what we are, therefore to think the cubit was according to our framework of measuring is incorrect.
So evolution has reduced our body sizes significantly in about 3000 years?
@@markb3786 It's not evolution but plain ole diminished genetics doing this.
Some love to say that evolution is survival of the fittest; that things get better over time, but in reality, it is just the opposite. It is more of a self-destructive development since... when it mutates it cannot duplicate itself precisely thus it becomes worse and eventually dies out. It's all the result of a sin problem that is infused in humanity when Adam ate of the fruit and passed that degeneration mode down through the ages.
What happens when you duplicate a document via scanner or fax machine, then you make a copy of that copy then another copy of that copy up to ten times? As a whole, you will see fragmentation and streaks on the paper. That's how humanity from the original, i.e. Adam & Eve, is becoming in a nutshell.
You mean he actually had to chop down more than 65,000 trees with his bronze axe?
You're reference view and thinking is connected to terms of what today's trees and everything else is like, instead of how and what it was before the great deluge. It would *not* have required 65,000 trees to built the ark when the size of them out shined the largest Redwoods seen in northern California today. Who knows how many would have been required to guild the ark, but it would not have been as many as you said.
@@itzcaseykc , Have you ever seen a giant redwood? And you think he chopped down something even bigger with a hand axe? How would he even move it? No, trees were not bigger then, people weren’t bigger, they didn’t live longer, they weren’t smarter, they weren’t stronger. These are figments of the creationist imagination. The ark was impossible in every way then and even now and so was a worldwide flood. A nice children’s story and may have served a purpose but to believe it really happened is silly.
You mean 'really wasn't'. 😜
Nope ❤
Go visit the reproduction in Kentucky and see for yourself.
You mean the reproduction in Kentucky that got water damage and leaked? You know, the one made with modern tools, cranes, bulldozers, welders, etc?
But Aristotle would have laughed in your face if you told him that man could fly to the moon, walk around there and come back, right? Every area of science is mysterious and confusing until you become educated on the subject. Do your own research on creation science and then decide. Open mind: good. Closed mind: not.
You're not taking the heights of the average human being during those times into account.
What was the average height of humans back then?
They're not even taking reality into account. It's just a story in the bible, not intended to be taken literally. Forget about average height, does anyone believe that humans actually lived for 500-600 years? Taking comfort or moral messages from bible tales is fine, but people shouldn't try to justify the logistics because they are simply not concordant with reality.
Uhhh this isn't some evolution lie. People were/are the same sizes they are today. Prove me wrong. ( And don't give me the "Three stages of man" lie please) Just saying
@@oreally8605 Reality and creationism just don't go together, do they? It's simple really - if you believe in magic spells, fine. If you accept reality, don't pretend the flood myth was meant to be taken literally.
@@cbdwarfer9492 It wasn't meant as a metaphor, it was a bunch of uneducated liars spreading stories via word of mouth, and finally when it all got written down centuries later, it was a twisted mockery of the original stories. Then people translated it and mis-translated it 9 times, then edited it, added stuff in, took stuff out and what we have today is so laughably removed from the original that _why are we even talking about it?_
Concerning the tv commercial that touts the Bible as a history book.
As a science advocate, I take strong issue with the nonscience the Ark Adventure peddles to families and students. Their parody of the scientific method does real harm, bleeding inexorably into education and public policy. The wholehearted embrace of "alternative facts" and the rejection of plain evidence are making our society more and more polarized.
Concerning their commercial, the Bible is NOT a history book as they claim. Historians must rely on physical evidence and accounts judged probable given known natural laws. Therefore, biblical accounts involving overt miracles-while possibly true from a religious perspective-do not meet the high bar required to qualify as historically reliable. Deceptive or not?
In contrast to theology, history as an academic discipline deals with people, events, and evidence that can be empirically analyzed. Historians focus on discovering facts, uncovering primary sources, and verifying claims through critical analysis. Unlike matters of faith, historical claims can be corroborated by tangible proofs like archaeological findings, written records from the time period, corroborating accounts, etc. Historians rely on evidence, not faith.
Legitimate historiography requires examining all texts and sources according to uniform benchmarks of reliability and accuracy. Biblical writings cannot withstand the same scrutiny and corroboration applied to non-religious historical documents and often rely on supernatural explanations.
Hence, the Bible fails to meet conventional standards for impartial, evidence-based history.
Good job.