Signs of Ketosis - My Health Journey

  • Опубликовано: 5 июн 2024
  • Hi Everyone,
    Today I wanted to go through some of the ways you can tell that you’re in nutritional ketosis. What does nutritional ketosis mean, it means you’re burning fat instead of carbohydrates as your primary source of energy for your body.
    This is an uncommon state for most people, especially on an American diet. It is possible to have low levels of ketosis without specifically trying, but nutritional ketosis means that your ketone levels are at a certain level consistently, which I will go into in a second.
    I’m going to begin by discussing the three measurable ways of tracking ketosis, then I’ll go through some of the feeling of change you might experience, and I’ll indicate if I am noticing any of these.
    Let’s start with Blood Ketone Levels: The most accurate way to measure ketosis, and it is the one I follow daily as part of my medical monitoring. You prick your finger and measure the blood content with a little electronic device, in almost the same way that you measure insulin levels. Nutritional ketosis is generally defined as having blood ketone levels between 0.5 to 3.0 millimoles per liter. I’ve been measuring mine for over about two weeks and I reached consistent ketosis over the last four days. My readings have been around 1 millimole.
    The second way is Breath Ketones: A breath ketone meter measures the amount of acetone in your breath. Acetone is a by-product of ketosis. This method is less accurate than blood measurements but can still provide a general indication of ketosis. I’ve seen devices on the market for this. It must be nice not to have to prick your fingers, but I prefer accuracy anyway.
    The third is using Urine Ketone Strips: These are dipped into a urine sample to measure the presence and concentration of ketones, specifically acetoacetate. It's a simple and inexpensive method, though it becomes less reliable as your body becomes more adapted to ketosis. I did this the first time I tried keto and frankly, I never want to do it again.
    Now let’s go over the experiential signs of ketosis.
    The first and most sought after is Weight Loss: While not a direct measure of ketosis, consistent and sustained weight loss can be an indirect sign that your body is in a state of ketosis, particularly if you are following a ketogenic diet. I have been losing weight pretty consistently over the past few days so that’s good.
    Next is Increased Energy and Focus: Many people report having more energy and a clearer focus once they are in ketosis, due to the constant supply of ketones as a fuel source for the brain. I’m not there yet. I don’t feel particularly different brain-wise. Note that you can also get the opposite feeling, which is short-term fatigue, especially at the beginning. I still haven’t noticed a difference.
    Another sign is Suppressed Appetite: Ketosis often leads to a reduction in hunger and overall appetite, which can be a result of the body using fat as its primary energy source. I have had this off and on, but since I also take Ozempic, which has a similar effect, it’s hard to know how much credit to give ketosis.
    Next we go to Increased Thirst and Dry Mouth: As your body enters ketosis, they say you may notice an increases in thirst and your mouth can get dry easier. This is a result of changes in electrolyte balance. I have worked hard not to get an imbalance, drinking sodium through broth, and taking magnesium pills. Still, I think I am a little thirstier than I used to be,
    A weird sign is Fruity Breath or a Metallic Taste in your Mouth: The presence of increased acetone in your body can cause your breath to have either fruity odor or for you to experience a a more metallic taste. I didn’t notice it until I read this, so it may be psychosomatic, but I do feel like there is a it of a metallic taste in my mouth.
    Another one is Reduced Cravings for Sugars and Carbohydrates: As the body adapts to burning fat for fuel, cravings for sugary and high-carbohydrate foods typically decrease. I have not been having strong cravings. I do miss my carbs, especially bananas, but it hasn’t been a strong feeling.
    Changes in Digestion: Some people experience changes in their digestive system, including constipation or, less commonly, diarrhea, as their bodies adapt to a ketogenic diet. I’ve had some constipation, so yeah, there’s that.
    This comes coupled with Less Frequent Urination: After the initial phase where the body sheds excess water and electrolytes, some people notice a decrease in the frequency of urination as the body adapts to ketosis.
    A big one, and one of my major goals, is Improved Insulin Sensitivity: Over time, maintaining a state of ketosis can help improve insulin sensitivity, which is beneficial for blood sugar management and can be particularly important for individuals with type 2 diabetes. My numbers have been improving since I started the diet. This is great but it is still early so I don’t want to get too obsessed with immediate results.

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