To be honest.. I think it is kind of thrilling.. to be driving this tram... I would say that local schools... have a competition to support the best engineers. And then let them drive the tram in the earlier morning rides... at a decent speed.. to feel the genuine gravitational pull and force.. that you would experience and feel from such mechanical transport. That is why.. when I saw that specific old... tram... with all of the open windows as well.. and it relies on the g-force... THIS my friend.. is what basic motoring is all about. You also need to go at a speed that go against the drag in the opposite direction that the window creates by the wind... It's quite exiciting to sit in one of those ! lol...
Why would you think that ? lol.... It is a very scary thing to do ! lol.... You have to remember that, THAT engine... is the SAME engine.. as you would find in those old ships. And in those larger trains or even locomotives. This engine is just a little bit reduced for those bendy areas.... it has a very large capacity, so controlling the acceleration, and the speed of changes is what is important here. If the settings are not locked down... like what they stated.. B1.. P5.. or whatever... then you would have an old style speed gauge like in a car, you need to both check the car.. as well as check your surroundings, while you are driving. It's like driving an old style manual car. You are in control of every aspect of this.. and it isn't easy. Cos you need to have a very very focused brain to multi-task. It is one of the extremely stressful job !!! (I mean... you're talking to somebody that tried to learn driving with a manual.. way way way before automatics.. and way way way before.. licensing. You had to know the basic motor concept. The engine, and then accelerators etc etc.) The only way to explain the basic mechanics is to say... take a bike.. and ride a manual bike.. control the speed, control the elevation... control the turns... slow down when turning sharp corners etc... Add acceleration at the coming out of the bend location to give the boost. It's a kind of country driving.
Even though a lot of people have super fast cars in HK.. but they don't all know how to do acceleration and decelerations as well... cos they have never been taught the "manual driving" way ? So they have absolutely NO... control.. whatsoever... and has no "comprehension of how fast" they are going.... This is why you would always have those car crashes in HK. To be honest, HK is not good for fast sports car. This should be banned, imho... Cos those sports cars... if you come to Europe.. and see the mountains, then you would know why it was built... They are built for larger roads... cross countries... etc etc. Whereby the speed limits are around 150 mph.. and more... But UK is the same as HK. Top limits are around 70 mph.. It is hilly, it is up and down. Elevation all around, power push is needed once a while. Know how to turn corners, slow down quickly change gears, and reboost upwards. It's a very particular type of driving. This is why... if you noticed the roads in HK... it had to reduce a lot of these kind of turns.. to make easier driving, even though, cosmetically it kind of looks like an eyesore.. BUT.. it is safer driving... A mini is good for HK. lol...
Thank you MM for airing this episode on HK Tramways, which gives more insight on the operations of the company. Special mention to Karen’s happy disposition and presentation on this and Star Ferry episode as well. She has a great personality! ❤️❤️❤️
I think it isn't about appreciation or not... but the speed of development in HK is just too quick... and because of that, sometimes, "throwing out everything from before" is the norm. But it shouldn't be the norm. I think the tram's employees would go crazy, if they knew that in the UK, we still have kept some of the trams as well. The really well run ones were in Amsterdam. They kept their entire network going for a long time.. and only recently turned it from a manual overhead lines, into fully automatic without the overhead lines, but electrified the rail lines instead. In the UK... in the city that I resided... we had trams too until like 1980s.. and then the decision to modernise it or not was up for grabs. So then the local council changed it into an electrified railway line trams. I am sure that, the original "super trams" were made in HK... !! Lots of HK engineers came over to help procurement and installation. I think right now.. there is a talk about the city of Blackpool bringing theirs back into use. I think they maintained theirs. With energy prices going up so quickly...these low cost options, are bring back into trend. Old trains are also being brought back as well now during this lockdown. Don't assume that because there are electronics.. that you don't need to maintain the electronics as well. Which is the problem for the UK. Cos it is a lot easier to go mechanical... literal hydraulics, and pressures, than to find somebody to make electronic pieces to fit the kits... Their company should send them on a "holiday" sometimes to try the old steam trains, or the old trams for cultural understandings ! 🙂
Oh, in the last 8 years or so.. Cambridge also brought back a "guided bus"... which is similar to that of a tram like this, but it is based on some low reduced electric option, and it follows a straight line.... This is to avoid the trafficks on the roads. It's so popular. It also avoided the overcrowded train routes as well... So not everything needs to go sometimes. Adding new things, and expanded existing skills, sometimes should be the actual option instead. The Netherlands were like this as well... they kept their entire tram systems... and now, they also have different routes... and it also keeps overhead costs low too. BECAUSE it is an old business, they don't need excess cash to run them. (In fact, some of their extra spendings, are used for their own pension pots.. and their pension pots can also create new investments etc.... ) - I noticed that, they don't have those acid baths to clean the engine components... but still very impressive with their entire engineering dept. People forget engineerings really.... but many people still do this in the UK. At one point, you could buy components from car makers.. and make your own kit cars. (I think technically, you could still do that today.. if I am not wrong... )
今次可以試一次電車車長,真係要好多謝香港電車,仲有辛苦幫我安排好晒所有訪問嘅PR & 交通部嘅同事。
#MM #millmilk #香港電車
多謝Karen, 真係好有質素嘅一個訪問。 妳地嘅製作真係有營養。very good.
作為一個超級鐘意遊電車河既人 真係好多謝你地介紹
Mingor likes tram
謝謝您地嘅配合,香港地,香港情。 特別係您地有一班咁好嘅車長。祝您地事事順利,繼續為香港人服務。
Karen做主持訪問真心正 全程勁好笑容好有感染力
好似真係第一次見到有節目咁詳細介紹電車日常運作,多謝 mm 今次介紹呢個香港最具現代表性既交通工具👍👍
yes, Like Karen~! ;)
小時候日日企係電車後面個controller到,好想開! 終於見到你去開,感覺就好似自己終於開到一樣!童年回憶!
小時候日日企係電車後面個controller到,好想開! 終於見到你去開,感覺就好似自己終於開到一樣!童年回憶!
呢集真係好精采!!有曬電車嘅前世今生😍 karen主持得好之餘,攝影哥哥都拍得好靚!!
To be honest.. I think it is kind of thrilling.. to be driving this tram... I would say that local schools... have a competition to support the best engineers. And then let them drive the tram in the earlier morning rides... at a decent speed.. to feel the genuine gravitational pull and force.. that you would experience and feel from such mechanical transport. That is why.. when I saw that specific old... tram... with all of the open windows as well.. and it relies on the g-force... THIS my friend.. is what basic motoring is all about. You also need to go at a speed that go against the drag in the opposite direction that the window creates by the wind... It's quite exiciting to sit in one of those ! lol...
第一代駕駛交通 公共具 喺 樣
或者海洋公園應該有啲電車租比佢哋... 讓人感覺 “駕駛” 嘅 sensation.
喺英國... 我哋喺全國各地都有“有趣嘅遊樂施”去玩 ... 即使你是一名工程師. 你都可以感受到力量同運動力
駕車時食飯,兒家睇落好好笑有趣,但親身就 :(
呢次的編採帶到好温馨老香港的感覺,同時令我哋知道電車其實係與時並進,多謝Mill Milk。
今集真係超好睇 原來電車車箱都係made in hk 👍 所有師傅司機都好犀利
小弟在中環上班,對電車就是有種情意結,去灣仔或銅鑼灣都會選擇坐電車🥰⋯⋯4:30 澤師傅看起來有點像狄龍大哥⋯⋯😃😃👍👍,謝謝妳們🙏🙏!
日本將支持! 日本香港一家人🇯🇵🇭🇰
加油! 🗾🎌
Luby 得閒返嚟拍片呀!
有得揸電車好正呀! 多謝咁多位師傅介紹喺香港服務過百年嘅叮叮.
😎 電車算係香港標記之一啦!慢慢行走在港島街道上,好似跟呢個急速城市脫節,曾經有團體叫停電車,認為太慢影響路面!好彩都能保留下來,更有新投資公司接管!木車身及旋轉高低速控制是一種回憶吧!
勁, Karen笑容好, 好用心。 這樣的一集對住西環的我更有感覺。
Why would you think that ? lol.... It is a very scary thing to do ! lol.... You have to remember that, THAT engine... is the SAME engine.. as you would find in those old ships. And in those larger trains or even locomotives. This engine is just a little bit reduced for those bendy areas.... it has a very large capacity, so controlling the acceleration, and the speed of changes is what is important here. If the settings are not locked down... like what they stated.. B1.. P5.. or whatever... then you would have an old style speed gauge like in a car, you need to both check the car.. as well as check your surroundings, while you are driving. It's like driving an old style manual car. You are in control of every aspect of this.. and it isn't easy. Cos you need to have a very very focused brain to multi-task. It is one of the extremely stressful job !!! (I mean... you're talking to somebody that tried to learn driving with a manual.. way way way before automatics.. and way way way before.. licensing. You had to know the basic motor concept. The engine, and then accelerators etc etc.)
The only way to explain the basic mechanics is to say... take a bike.. and ride a manual bike.. control the speed, control the elevation... control the turns... slow down when turning sharp corners etc... Add acceleration at the coming out of the bend location to give the boost. It's a kind of country driving.
Even though a lot of people have super fast cars in HK.. but they don't all know how to do acceleration and decelerations as well... cos they have never been taught the "manual driving" way ? So they have absolutely NO... control.. whatsoever... and has no "comprehension of how fast" they are going.... This is why you would always have those car crashes in HK. To be honest, HK is not good for fast sports car. This should be banned, imho... Cos those sports cars... if you come to Europe.. and see the mountains, then you would know why it was built... They are built for larger roads... cross countries... etc etc. Whereby the speed limits are around 150 mph.. and more... But UK is the same as HK. Top limits are around 70 mph.. It is hilly, it is up and down. Elevation all around, power push is needed once a while. Know how to turn corners, slow down quickly change gears, and reboost upwards. It's a very particular type of driving. This is why... if you noticed the roads in HK... it had to reduce a lot of these kind of turns.. to make easier driving, even though, cosmetically it kind of looks like an eyesore.. BUT.. it is safer driving... A mini is good for HK. lol...
好正呀!!! 我都好想試揸呀😀😀
另外Karen 做主持好夾呀❤️
童年回憶返曬嚟,細個嗰陣時日日搭電車去返學, 每次上車都一定要踩下個叮叮 。特別鍾意坐嗰總用木同藤做嘅凳,通風又唔焗。最鍾意坐上層最前排嘅位置,非常懷。多謝MM,繼續支持你哋!
多謝 Karen & 團隊每一集都用心分享, 更深入了解每行的職業, 我家中的小肥仔自己搵到你地呢條片後, 就愛上左你地頻道, 佢話有冇機會拍到 KMB 的第一次體驗司機喎, 無論有與否都感謝你地的團隊的分享.... 期後你地的影片
澤師傳 30年時光記錄 滿足笑容 😊
Mm 團隊好野
Karen 我喜歡你嘅真誠介紹,你嘅笑容好友善,你做事好勤力好認真,多謝你!
17:25 Karen係咪俾左錢😂😂😂btw你地啲片真係好好睇🤩
多謝Karen! 我地好鐘意呢條片!
好精彩的影片,令我勾起了童年回憶&對電車的謎思,想講一句我真係好鐘意叮叮吖 !
即刻 鬆毛鬆翼
18:48 我真係好鐘意呢份工(MM)😂
Thank you MM for airing this episode on HK Tramways, which gives more insight on the operations of the company. Special mention to Karen’s happy disposition and presentation on this and Star Ferry episode as well. She has a great personality! ❤️❤️❤️
晚市無得出街食,返屋企睇住我哋嘅片送飯啦!1930 Live Chat見大家💛
@@realshing0731 🥳🥳🥳
希望《試一次》可以考慮加埋 點樣入行 人工 晉升 前景
我人生開始搵工既時候 都係好迷惘唔知點搵岩自己既工 例如電影道具個編咁 一d好冷門既工你唔會諗到
所以希望可以考慮加多小小資訊 幫下現時同未來需要搵工既人 尤其開始踏入職場既年輕人🙏
Karen 笑起上黎真係好靚👍同埋成日都笑 成條片睇起上黎好開心好舒服
好鍾意MM今集拍攝介紹電車!內容有趣又知多啲!👍🏻 感覺電車公司同職員們都好有人情味💙 每日返放工搭電車睇下風景好寫意又放鬆。
今集係好睇!Karen #MM 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
Karen's smiling like a little girl in a candy store the whole time lol. Can't wait for the inevitable mini bus episode
好好睇!多謝MM Karen
你地嘅題材 非常過癮
呢集好好睇,尤其對於我呢個勁掛住hk 嘅異鄉人,睇到呢d 好傳統hk feel嘅事物特別感觸
好正 每次一日系列都唔會失望
每年返香港都喜歡電車遊, 最便宜又非常優遊, 慢慢地行駛欣賞周圍的風光, 喜歡及多謝這個介紹百年電車歷史的製作👍令我們瞭解已經陪伴香港人一個世紀的交通工具, 繼續努力!
Mad respect, people tend to take things that should be appreicated the most for granted, especially in HK. Spread love and positivity always
I think it isn't about appreciation or not... but the speed of development in HK is just too quick... and because of that, sometimes, "throwing out everything from before" is the norm. But it shouldn't be the norm. I think the tram's employees would go crazy, if they knew that in the UK, we still have kept some of the trams as well. The really well run ones were in Amsterdam. They kept their entire network going for a long time.. and only recently turned it from a manual overhead lines, into fully automatic without the overhead lines, but electrified the rail lines instead. In the UK... in the city that I resided... we had trams too until like 1980s.. and then the decision to modernise it or not was up for grabs. So then the local council changed it into an electrified railway line trams. I am sure that, the original "super trams" were made in HK... !! Lots of HK engineers came over to help procurement and installation. I think right now.. there is a talk about the city of Blackpool bringing theirs back into use. I think they maintained theirs. With energy prices going up so quickly...these low cost options, are bring back into trend. Old trains are also being brought back as well now during this lockdown. Don't assume that because there are electronics.. that you don't need to maintain the electronics as well. Which is the problem for the UK. Cos it is a lot easier to go mechanical... literal hydraulics, and pressures, than to find somebody to make electronic pieces to fit the kits...
Their company should send them on a "holiday" sometimes to try the old steam trains, or the old trams for cultural understandings ! 🙂
Oh, in the last 8 years or so.. Cambridge also brought back a "guided bus"... which is similar to that of a tram like this, but it is based on some low reduced electric option, and it follows a straight line.... This is to avoid the trafficks on the roads. It's so popular. It also avoided the overcrowded train routes as well... So not everything needs to go sometimes. Adding new things, and expanded existing skills, sometimes should be the actual option instead. The Netherlands were like this as well... they kept their entire tram systems... and now, they also have different routes... and it also keeps overhead costs low too. BECAUSE it is an old business, they don't need excess cash to run them. (In fact, some of their extra spendings, are used for their own pension pots.. and their pension pots can also create new investments etc.... ) - I noticed that, they don't have those acid baths to clean the engine components... but still very impressive with their entire engineering dept. People forget engineerings really.... but many people still do this in the UK. At one point, you could buy components from car makers.. and make your own kit cars. (I think technically, you could still do that today.. if I am not wrong... )
Karen 呢集好好睇
我鐘意呢條片呀, 4點幾開始拍一定好辛苦
Karen 笑得好甜 同埋真係唔係個個有機會有機會揸到電車
特別睇到Controller個part, 終於可以解答到細細個既疑問, 因為細個既時候見車長係到舞下舞下好有趣。
同埋會回憶叔以前返part time收夜11點幾12點可以坐極速電車既體驗。
Karen 樣子甜美,笑面迎人,聲音亮麗清晣,十分討好!
真係好鍾意電車💛好鍾意佢慢慢地 好chill 唔使下下都咁急 可以休息吓💛同埋真係好平haha
Karen 都好開心咁
好中意呢条片 没想到电车背后有这么多故事 Karen加油 电车加油 MM加油!
Star ferry Clip and this clip 都好正😚thank you karen and mill MILK
你笑容好好,Very Good
好羨慕 Karen,我是港島人,小時好少機會有參觀電車公司的安排的。其實由小到大都想控制下干都拿,小時見車長們開車時轉轉轉,會覺好吸睛呀🤩🤩。
Karen嘅人生實在太豐富 一世做到人地好多世先做到嘅野。有人話演員可以過到好多其他人生, Karen比專業演員活得更多內容。原來你就係"千面人”
多謝Karen🥰我家老爺,2歲半,幾乎每日睇增加hit rate😂佢就快識背喇
很喜歡的一集, 謝謝你們! 以前中學在跑馬地, 每早上一定會坐電車返學的· 因車費平。一大早坐早班車,少人爭坐,坐上上層很爽的。那時坐的就是舊式電車.如今已變成古董!歲月不留人,懷念! 叮叮,,,叮叮...