Dear Dr. Curtis, I just began my Master's in Mental Health Counseling. I am a newly Substance Use Disorder Counselor. I am STRUGGLING w/ everything. Receiving feedback, keeping a session going w/ quantitative content, writing DAP notes, etc. I love how challenging it is, and I feel privileged to be able to work with this particular population. Anyway, I really found this video valuable. I subscribed to you channel. I hope you're able to continue your channel. Thank you for you're help. Sincerely, Cheyanne.
I liked how relaxed the counselor was in the session, eventhough he interrupted he still recovered with doing a good job of summarizing and listening (hearing) the client, which made her want to open up more. Response of feelings was great with reacting right away, because she agreed, helping her to open up even more. Head nods were good, he appeared concerned and was pretty on point with letting the client know how she felt. He summarized well and she agreed once again, not sure if it were rehearsed but good job. He attending, demonstrated SOLER, summarized, response to feelings, clarified, not sure if I seen immediacy and broke down her feelings really well:)
Hey. It's common during role-play for our issues to emerge, which is why it's so important for counselors to get their own help to insure that "our" issues don't get in the way of helping others. Sharing this with your supervisor is important as well.
Dear Dr. Curtis,
I just began my Master's in Mental Health Counseling. I am a newly Substance Use Disorder Counselor. I am STRUGGLING w/ everything. Receiving feedback, keeping a session going w/ quantitative content, writing DAP notes, etc. I love how challenging it is, and I feel privileged to be able to work with this particular population. Anyway, I really found this video valuable. I subscribed to you channel. I hope you're able to continue your channel. Thank you for you're help.
I liked how relaxed the counselor was in the session, eventhough he interrupted he still recovered with doing a good job of summarizing and listening (hearing) the client, which made her want to open up more. Response of feelings was great with reacting right away, because she agreed, helping her to open up even more. Head nods were good, he appeared concerned and was pretty on point with letting the client know how she felt. He summarized well and she agreed once again, not sure if it were rehearsed but good job. He attending, demonstrated SOLER, summarized, response to feelings, clarified, not sure if I seen immediacy and broke down her feelings really well:)
Hey. It's common during role-play for our issues to emerge, which is why it's so important for counselors to get their own help to insure that "our" issues don't get in the way of helping others. Sharing this with your supervisor is important as well.
identifying a pattern has helped me understand how to be a better counselor.
Cool video - thank you. Lot of content in just a short time.
So nice
Go Catamounts