YO! This build is INSANE! I put one together and even without all the perks it's unkillable! I am using finisher though for a bit of extra damage. But dang, SO good! I can finally farm for the rest of my crafting armor I need! Thanks!!
i'm not sure how much you use blooddrinker but if you slot thrust damage on it you can mitigate almost all the damage loss from the ring rather than running keen awareness. once all the maths done the reduction ends up being around -12%, and you gain +10 for thrust damage in this setup.
I got Havoc very easily. I even got 2 copies before I realized I had one. Then I got a Rapier with Keen, Leeching Flurry and Lifestealing 700GS, and it was very cheap on the Trading Post. Now I am working on the armor set. Thanks for the video!
Ok just have to give you BIG thanks for this. I went ahead and spent the cabbage - and wow. Been playing only a few hours with this build, it is crazy fun. To test it, I went to the Brimstone acid pools - a place I always hated, in the past I had to have acid buffs, angry earth gear/bane pots etc. I had NONE of that. Also, I had only 175 dex just for a test (I have 4 hotkeys setup for gathering, so mining, herb, skinning etc and I want those maxd to 350 main skill) zero buffs and I was able to take down a big lizard dude and a skinny acid guy (sorry forgot their creature names) together in a fight and I ended with 100% health. Crazy. I'm using Finisher and Blooddrinker only, both just looted so no extra perks yet haven't done the quest items (although I did put lifestealing on Finisher, wouldn't let me put leeching flurry on it). You have slash and thrust covered - would be cool to have a smite build to accompany this for a little extra damage against lost and ancient. Thanks!
Charles could you share you're weapon loadouts, as I don't think the original poster follows his channel. I would and several other greatly appreciate it.
Meh, flurry rapier and perf and cyclone spear. Everything else has minor impact imho experiment and have fun. Pve remember. I can survive running pvp dailies and capping forts but this is pve build so imho focus on fun factor over perfect build! I would do all con/magnify armor though, Im experimenting flail (odo great for lifestealing) build with this changing atts only. Oh and great for ecr runs, so nice main set for dailies imho.
@@xmlviking see below. I don't even have finisher completed quests just basics - you could use non artifact though but leeching flurry is key. Btw, I actually prefer to use this build Instead of 300 dex and 300 con, I go 50 str, 310 dex, 50 focus (really bumps heals AND you get 5% refreshing for free) and 200 con. I kill faster, soloing bosses really fun. Knockbacks suck (sacrificing grit) but really it is overkill to have 300 con just not needed with this build. True amazing farming build.
Is there anyway you could make an updated video of this build? I also really want to try to make a paladin build in new world but I’m struggling. I’m using flail and lifestaff. If you have any suggestions for good builds with that combo or just a paladin build in general please let me know
When I come back to newworld I plan on using a build like this I love ls builds and I plan on using hammer bc its just my fav weapon. I like hammer builds hopefully I can pull something cool like this off. Before trenching recovery was nerded my lifesteal trenching recover was op I miss that
Thank You Yommi. I haven't got all of the armor and other pieces you recommend, but I was able to cobble together some of it, beginning with Havoc, and I can verify the early performance is looking really good. I spent most of my 18,000 gold leveling up my weapon crafting so I can make rune glasses, and the armor although not quite right has grit ward and some good health perks. I'm very optimistic and wanted to say thanks. This will make it much easier to get other items as time goes on.
holy moly! 18k gold...that is going to be hard to come by now considering how dead the servers are and the bot armada with it's "scorched earth policies" on all the major areas now.
Can we get a weapon loadout with points? Thank you ! I'm just trying this out leveling. And using those six skill you have on you're toolbar and hoping I'm taking the correct perks on the sides which help this build lol
Hey, was wondering if you could post the actual build for this, you showed the gear and the attributes but you didn't show the weapon mastery setup for this.
Once they buffed blocking on consecutive block, defiance stance GS actually works really well again FYI. Same armor in this video but use TR and LS Greatsword. Consider taking any secondary that buffs lifestealing (rupture VG, smite flail, trapper musket) or a weakening weapon. (Flail does both) Many ways to solo content in this game, just pick your posion!
This is obviously really good. Though, I've been doing this, but with Medium SnS and Spear. Stacking the weakens with Enfeebling Skewer on the Spear, and Fortifying Shield Rush on the shield. Solo farmed Pugnatious Peruru with it. Also running Pearls in all my pieces. Really don't need to be giga tanky if the enemies are super weakened. :P
If you have trouble finding people to play with then transfer to a more populated server, me and my friends recently had to transfer to Nysa (one of the most popular EU servers). I know it sucks to pay for the server transfer, but it really made the game fun again for my friends and i. I'm hoping we will get Cross-Server expeditions by the time we get to maybe season 5, since they "promised" us it for this current season. It's so unfair how Outpost Rush already is Cross-Server, but they haven't made the expeditions yet... -_-
Wondering if you could get away with using medium instead of heavy, cuz -15% + another -25% really makes it so you easily take forever to kill anything
That’s the problem I was having because I wasn’t able to play as much as others my pvp gear was always behind everyone else and could never find teams to run dungeons to upgrade it and daily umbrals was too slow for me :( shame
@@Rocket_LollyUmbrals are gone now. Loot you find is just a gear score. You can however upgrade most named items with dark matter and other stuff to get max 700GS
You can solo Toymaker easily with this build, you can solo him with pretty much any build that has some life steal. Dodge his big aoe (when he whirls his staff above his head), kill the adds with any aoe (they're one shot with every ability) and dodge the explosion. Really not a hard encounter solo, takes some practice to learn his attacks but that's about it.
Farming deepriver in eternal the big bear with 2 big trees...... mob is a pain.. gonna try with this. Thanks! edit: got me riptide rapier with built in lifesteal.. would it work if i add leeching flurry?
I wonder if Fortifying Perforate is bugged. I have it on my leggings but it says 'Perk stacks: 0/1' I noticed that during play I am not getting any notifications of fortify when I use perforate.
the youtuber ' krotha ' made a youtube shorts on a really good lifesteal solo build also, both of these are really good ideas however ive actually used Krothas to farm some stuff in Myrk solo and it was amazing, especially in grouped mobs with leeching cyclone. i look forward to checking out this updated version though, always interested in new ways of doing stuff solo since i dont have anyone to call for help & greatsword is nearly useless these days lol and yes i hate being the guy that "promos" someone else under your video so my apologies' for that. just thought maybe others would look options :)
can you take on the scorpion boss and Vanash on your own with that build? I play on a mostly dead server in south america, and can almost never find people to farm some of the artifacts with
i have bow and spear bleed build with jav sec wep rapier ore hatchet ore even gs been soling things from day one in the open world just did midgate their dmg like the human idole on ship fire dmg after dlc i use darkv with opals normal jev after anch nerf think blood drinker is the only artifact i havent got yeat but comming from games like day one wow vanilla not nerfed classic ore priv, rift, swtor other mmo whier in my opinion makes new world the number one ez mode inc mmo/rpg out their so long they let us cc the world bosses we are gonna be able to solo things like this and only rune classes i made in wep is for just wep never bother with shrinking heals ore letching in gear you don´t need it with so much dmg midagtions/dodge/block but good vid for casuals i rember when i made my first alt and run in mines with ss/hatchet and explained for people that that lvl 1 do the same stam dmg on elits like lvl 60 they wheirr like wtf man with ss you could block one hit fro musket back then and you had defy death on hatchet so only range was hard running around their back then and this is what hurting new world pve the most the majirity of the players do pve new and returning and they make is super easy with no skill all the way back to brim they give away gear for free and after dlc it´s jsut a joke people if not active in pvp get bored fast only this 8-16 and play few hour on weekend is left and now its gonna be like last year low pop to summer.
im coming back baby!. been watchin here and there and the expansion looks lit. i just gotta get around being devalued each update and we be alright. ill catch you in game brotha. much love tell falco i said whats up.
I know how you play and honestly dont think you would like it too much. I'd say pass on it but I know there's nothing else out there right now so coming back for a few months aint a bad idea
Hear me out but...forti perf on spear instead armour and then cyclone on armour instead. u a tanky boi af. plus it counters rend. antiheal can fak u over a lot. if u use the perk tree node that gives cooldown hitting an ability on dodge u can cycle through abilities and sustain anything. I mean literally anything :D
Damage output is too low for M3 Expeditions as a DPS and not tanky enough to... well, tank them. (The reliance of attacking things to be tanky is a big minus, also you need the gem slots on the gear for resistances) PvP, I don't know, probably not enough mobility or something.
Not sure where you got your info, but this build has been around a LONG TIME. Might want to do some research and give some credit to those who actually put this together. Might be suprised where it may bring you to...
I'm in server Valhalla and the game is far from dying or at least my server.😂 I hope the game doesn't die like many people are wishing for no reason. Yeah they made so many dumb choices like 2 years ago nerfing the exp on everything including weapon and trade skills i remember i spent over 1 mil to get weapon smith to 200 The azoth stupidity wich cost a rib to fast travel back in the day the more you weight the more it cost that was sooo dumb The companies could raise the taxes to a level sometimes you couldn't pay the house keep nor buy anything from the trading post😢 the resources could take forever to spawn and people camping them made them worse You could not get into any M10 without having a stupid dumb asian gold seller selling shards for gold so they could sell gold IRL It was a nightmare Id say they have done a great job and its far from dying❤
My setup more different. I use spear/bow. Medium load. No cyclone. Just sweep and stabs. Pretty good for more damage. But not suitable against multiple tough enemies.
“Rapidly declining player base” OTHER GAMES are releasing rapidly. People try them out, sure, yet player base has been like 10-15k Higher CONSISTENTLY since the dlc. Thumbs down for this video. You should honestly edit that part out man. Smh
I'm not a fan of builds like this either, they shouldn't be possible in an MMO. But on the upper hand, I have to admit it's pretty cool you can reach and surpass the power level of even the hardest world bosses in the game. Making you effectively "the chosen one" every other MMO try's to narrate constantly and fails, because you can not get as powerful as some "bad guys". I made myself a build like this on accident when I came back to the game a couple weeks ago and leveled a fresh char on a new server. I just went 300 con, 275 str and 25 focus with a Flail. You're not as save as in your build, but you really don't need any specific gear perks. The main stats and Flail passives/actives are more than enough to survive (almost) anything.
Bro. Like why tf are you answering other ppl and fucking ignoring everyone asking about how to spec the tree? Alot of new players and even seasoned might miss a node or soec wrong and not be able to solo this shit. Multiple ppl have asked.
this just shows u how bad ags is at balancing, turns out ppl dont like it when u nerf there 300k+ gear into the ground every other week. just randomly changing the meta and whats good in the game and whats not 24 7. these guys are so bad at there job its amazing. ruined this game they did
The killed the game when they made the massive upgrade from lv60 to 65 , completely pay to win. If you dont get the dlc youre stuck with 625 gear that gives you 31 attributes while competing with players who have 38 attributes on each piece. In total 70 attributes more than you. Just not do able and not fun at all.
Oh, so there was the Cleric Paladin build.. s&s - life staff, rely on you're base stats, no, too good. Then the buggy hatchet - life staff, too much power too much heal, nerfed with armor nerf. Comes Trenchant Recovery, new weapon, must try great sword ... goes the nerf. Now it's only the all round spear of all things, but only with the right runes and stuff. Seriously don't know why it's ok to have a CC high dps weapon that can now have heal the same way that others did with less CC less dps less dmg reduction.
YO! This build is INSANE! I put one together and even without all the perks it's unkillable! I am using finisher though for a bit of extra damage. But dang, SO good! I can finally farm for the rest of my crafting armor I need! Thanks!!
The irony in a solo build that requires an artifact that you need to get a group for....
i'm not sure how much you use blooddrinker but if you slot thrust damage on it you can mitigate almost all the damage loss from the ring rather than running keen awareness. once all the maths done the reduction ends up being around -12%, and you gain +10 for thrust damage in this setup.
I got Havoc very easily. I even got 2 copies before I realized I had one. Then I got a Rapier with Keen, Leeching Flurry and Lifestealing 700GS, and it was very cheap on the Trading Post. Now I am working on the armor set. Thanks for the video!
Thanks for going over all the details of the build.
Your spear and rapier builds would be helpful to see in this video.
Ok just have to give you BIG thanks for this. I went ahead and spent the cabbage - and wow. Been playing only a few hours with this build, it is crazy fun. To test it, I went to the Brimstone acid pools - a place I always hated, in the past I had to have acid buffs, angry earth gear/bane pots etc. I had NONE of that. Also, I had only 175 dex just for a test (I have 4 hotkeys setup for gathering, so mining, herb, skinning etc and I want those maxd to 350 main skill) zero buffs and I was able to take down a big lizard dude and a skinny acid guy (sorry forgot their creature names) together in a fight and I ended with 100% health. Crazy. I'm using Finisher and Blooddrinker only, both just looted so no extra perks yet haven't done the quest items (although I did put lifestealing on Finisher, wouldn't let me put leeching flurry on it). You have slash and thrust covered - would be cool to have a smite build to accompany this for a little extra damage against lost and ancient. Thanks!
Charles could you share you're weapon loadouts, as I don't think the original poster follows his channel. I would and several other greatly appreciate it.
Meh, flurry rapier and perf and cyclone spear. Everything else has minor impact imho experiment and have fun. Pve remember. I can survive running pvp dailies and capping forts but this is pve build so imho focus on fun factor over perfect build! I would do all con/magnify armor though, Im experimenting flail (odo great for lifestealing) build with this changing atts only. Oh and great for ecr runs, so nice main set for dailies imho.
@@xmlviking see below. I don't even have finisher completed quests just basics - you could use non artifact though but leeching flurry is key. Btw, I actually prefer to use this build Instead of 300 dex and 300 con, I go 50 str, 310 dex, 50 focus (really bumps heals AND you get 5% refreshing for free) and 200 con. I kill faster, soloing bosses really fun. Knockbacks suck (sacrificing grit) but really it is overkill to have 300 con just not needed with this build. True amazing farming build.
Is there anyway you could make an updated video of this build? I also really want to try to make a paladin build in new world but I’m struggling. I’m using flail and lifestaff. If you have any suggestions for good builds with that combo or just a paladin build in general please let me know
cool video, thanks!
but is it possible to see weapon builds? especially the spear
Came here to ask for this. Amazing to me that he didn't include it.
@@kruhl28 yeah shows a vid how great it is yet dont actually show the build so kinda waste of time.
You left out weapon pt assignments. A few other comments are asking for them as well.
Thanks! For sure will try to get a setup like this. I also play iron man*, so farming niche bosses is required.
I'd like to see how this does in an M3 expedition
Such an epic sound track.
When I come back to newworld I plan on using a build like this I love ls builds and I plan on using hammer bc its just my fav weapon. I like hammer builds hopefully I can pull something cool like this off. Before trenching recovery was nerded my lifesteal trenching recover was op I miss that
Can you show your weapon loadouts?
do you use a new build? light attack doesnt give grit and i tried it with heavy attacks but its useless now
Which is the best way to skill the spear and the rapier for this build ?
Thank You Yommi. I haven't got all of the armor and other pieces you recommend, but I was able to cobble together some of it, beginning with Havoc, and I can verify the early performance is looking really good. I spent most of my 18,000 gold leveling up my weapon crafting so I can make rune glasses, and the armor although not quite right has grit ward and some good health perks. I'm very optimistic and wanted to say thanks. This will make it much easier to get other items as time goes on.
holy moly! 18k gold...that is going to be hard to come by now considering how dead the servers are and the bot armada with it's "scorched earth policies" on all the major areas now.
i found an earring that drops in ennead called lifeloop that would work for this. i wish i would have seen it before i rolled a few but so it goes
This still good as of now? My work schedule has me online during dead times, and this would make running around solo so fun.
Can we get a weapon loadout with points? Thank you ! I'm just trying this out leveling. And using those six skill you have on you're toolbar and hoping I'm taking the correct perks on the sides which help this build lol
Hey, was wondering if you could post the actual build for this, you showed the gear and the attributes but you didn't show the weapon mastery setup for this.
This guy doesn't give a fuck about his viewers. Ppl been asking him for this all through his comments.
He's a douche
Thank you for the video, If you cannot find any of these in the auction house. How can I attain them?
How do you think this would do with the Lifetaker VG artifact as well
Could you add in description which weapon mastery you choose?
Once they buffed blocking on consecutive block, defiance stance GS actually works really well again FYI. Same armor in this video but use TR and LS Greatsword. Consider taking any secondary that buffs lifestealing (rupture VG, smite flail, trapper musket) or a weakening weapon. (Flail does both) Many ways to solo content in this game, just pick your posion!
This is obviously really good. Though, I've been doing this, but with Medium SnS and Spear. Stacking the weakens with Enfeebling Skewer on the Spear, and Fortifying Shield Rush on the shield. Solo farmed Pugnatious Peruru with it. Also running Pearls in all my pieces. Really don't need to be giga tanky if the enemies are super weakened. :P
sturdy useles no on the spear
This build doesn’t work now with no grit on light hits? Can it work with only heavies?
Yes you should be able to swap to heavy attacks, just change lifesteal on spear to trenchant recovery.
Extremely jealous of your gear. Love this.
If you have trouble finding people to play with then transfer to a more populated server, me and my friends recently had to transfer to Nysa (one of the most popular EU servers).
I know it sucks to pay for the server transfer, but it really made the game fun again for my friends and i.
I'm hoping we will get Cross-Server expeditions by the time we get to maybe season 5, since they "promised" us it for this current season.
It's so unfair how Outpost Rush already is Cross-Server, but they haven't made the expeditions yet... -_-
Great video mate…love your content mate
You don't show the build paths you took for spear / rapier :[
Wondering if you could get away with using medium instead of heavy, cuz -15% + another -25% really makes it so you easily take forever to kill anything
Thank you in advance. I am just starting to watch, but I think I will like it. :)
Should you not use medium or even light armor to increase self heal?
A lot of work and movement to try not to die, just grab the hammer and hatchet with the same ring artifact, you don't need anything else.
Great game shame it’s gone down this way. Stopped playing about 3-4 months ago but still remaining hopeful for a come back
don't bother only pvp'ers stay
The game is super boring for PVE
That’s the problem I was having because I wasn’t able to play as much as others my pvp gear was always behind everyone else and could never find teams to run dungeons to upgrade it and daily umbrals was too slow for me :( shame
@@Rocket_LollyUmbrals are gone now. Loot you find is just a gear score. You can however upgrade most named items with dark matter and other stuff to get max 700GS
ok i commented before you played GOD lol jesus that was crazy.
so could you solo Toy Maker with this build or is that a little to much? great info and video man as always.
You can solo Toymaker easily with this build, you can solo him with pretty much any build that has some life steal.
Dodge his big aoe (when he whirls his staff above his head), kill the adds with any aoe (they're one shot with every ability) and dodge the explosion.
Really not a hard encounter solo, takes some practice to learn his attacks but that's about it.
Farming deepriver in eternal the big bear with 2 big trees...... mob is a pain.. gonna try with this. Thanks!
edit: got me riptide rapier with built in lifesteal.. would it work if i add leeching flurry?
Could you show your weapon masteries, please?
I wonder if Fortifying Perforate is bugged. I have it on my leggings but it says 'Perk stacks: 0/1' I noticed that during play I am not getting any notifications of fortify when I use perforate.
Hi, can I use the refreshing perk instead of the conditioning? thanks for share!
the youtuber ' krotha ' made a youtube shorts on a really good lifesteal solo build also, both of these are really good ideas however ive actually used Krothas to farm some stuff in Myrk solo and it was amazing, especially in grouped mobs with leeching cyclone. i look forward to checking out this updated version though, always interested in new ways of doing stuff solo since i dont have anyone to call for help & greatsword is nearly useless these days lol and yes i hate being the guy that "promos" someone else under your video so my apologies' for that. just thought maybe others would look options :)
I don’t mind it at all thanks for the comment
I think I know what it is, but that build is more than a year old and the creator never updated it, or am I wrong?
bruv where's the weapon mastery?
How do I get money on new world ?
How is it like in pvp?
i built a similar set and man its awesome! glob farms are fun. ill pull 40 mobs and kill em all. thanks
What’s the skill tree like?
so can this build work in group content as well ?
can you take on the scorpion boss and Vanash on your own with that build?
I play on a mostly dead server in south america, and can almost never find people to farm some of the artifacts with
Should be just fine
I did do it. If a boss can stagger you can easily defeat it with this build
i have bow and spear bleed build with jav sec wep rapier ore hatchet ore even gs been soling things from day one in the open world just did midgate their dmg like the human idole on ship fire dmg after dlc i use darkv with opals normal jev after anch nerf think blood drinker is the only artifact i havent got yeat but comming from games like day one wow vanilla not nerfed classic ore priv, rift, swtor other mmo whier in my opinion makes new world the number one ez mode inc mmo/rpg out their so long they let us cc the world bosses we are gonna be able to solo things like this and only rune classes i made in wep is for just wep never bother with shrinking heals ore letching in gear you don´t need it with so much dmg midagtions/dodge/block but good vid for casuals i rember when i made my first alt and run in mines with ss/hatchet and explained for people that that lvl 1 do the same stam dmg on elits like lvl 60 they wheirr like wtf man with ss you could block one hit fro musket back then and you had defy death on hatchet so only range was hard running around their back then and this is what hurting new world pve the most the majirity of the players do pve new and returning and they make is super easy with no skill all the way back to brim they give away gear for free and after dlc it´s jsut a joke people if not active in pvp get bored fast only this 8-16 and play few hour on weekend is left and now its gonna be like last year low pop to summer.
Is there any way to make a similar build to this without having the new content?
Brace under fall spear is better it has Refreshing move and cyclone just put lifestealing :)
refreshing move isnt really needed because spear has a lot of built in CD, sturdy is better imo after heavy dodge nerf. but both are good
hey bro, what's the weapon build?
can view u weapon mastery?
Amazing build ! Can u maybe add the Skill Trees somewhere?
im coming back baby!. been watchin here and there and the expansion looks lit. i just gotta get around being devalued each update and we be alright. ill catch you in game brotha. much love tell falco i said whats up.
I know how you play and honestly dont think you would like it too much. I'd say pass on it but I know there's nothing else out there right now so coming back for a few months aint a bad idea
thats impressive, curious if you had trophies or not
Medium combat trophies ya
did you try at pvp?
Is that 373 opr crates? If you need me to send grass let me know
Savanni Pride Lioness - possible drops - 969. Mk.
with a 4:30 spawn timer. Mk.
good soup
Hear me out but...forti perf on spear instead armour and then cyclone on armour instead. u a tanky boi af. plus it counters rend. antiheal can fak u over a lot. if u use the perk tree node that gives cooldown hitting an ability on dodge u can cycle through abilities and sustain anything. I mean literally anything :D
kinda useless and he doenst even reply when peple ask about wep mastery lol
Why not use this is PVP or Expeditions?
Damage output is too low for M3 Expeditions as a DPS and not tanky enough to... well, tank them. (The reliance of attacking things to be tanky is a big minus, also you need the gem slots on the gear for resistances)
PvP, I don't know, probably not enough mobility or something.
Not sure where you got your info, but this build has been around a LONG TIME. Might want to do some research and give some credit to those who actually put this together. Might be suprised where it may bring you to...
what server are you playing where you can't find groups lmao
I'm in server Valhalla and the game is far from dying or at least my server.😂 I hope the game doesn't die like many people are wishing for no reason.
Yeah they made so many dumb choices like 2 years ago nerfing the exp on everything including weapon and trade skills i remember i spent over 1 mil to get weapon smith to 200
The azoth stupidity wich cost a rib to fast travel back in the day the more you weight the more it cost that was sooo dumb
The companies could raise the taxes to a level sometimes you couldn't pay the house keep nor buy anything from the trading post😢
the resources could take forever to spawn and people camping them made them worse
You could not get into any M10 without having a stupid dumb asian gold seller selling shards for gold so they could sell gold IRL
It was a nightmare
Id say they have done a great job and its far from dying❤
The armor from new dungeon with ele and enchanted is way better.
No wonder you have to do it yourself. This game died a long time ago :D
My setup more different. I use spear/bow. Medium load. No cyclone. Just sweep and stabs. Pretty good for more damage. But not suitable against multiple tough enemies.
“Rapidly declining player base”
OTHER GAMES are releasing rapidly. People try them out, sure, yet player base has been like 10-15k Higher CONSISTENTLY since the dlc.
Thumbs down for this video.
You should honestly edit that part out man. Smh
I'm not a fan of builds like this either, they shouldn't be possible in an MMO.
But on the upper hand, I have to admit it's pretty cool you can reach and surpass the power level of even the hardest world bosses in the game.
Making you effectively "the chosen one" every other MMO try's to narrate constantly and fails, because you can not get as powerful as some "bad guys".
I made myself a build like this on accident when I came back to the game a couple weeks ago and leveled a fresh char on a new server.
I just went 300 con, 275 str and 25 focus with a Flail. You're not as save as in your build, but you really don't need any specific gear perks. The main stats and Flail passives/actives are more than enough to survive (almost) anything.
Bro. Like why tf are you answering other ppl and fucking ignoring everyone asking about how to spec the tree? Alot of new players and even seasoned might miss a node or soec wrong and not be able to solo this shit.
Multiple ppl have asked.
You can see what abilities I’m using.. take those and whatever passives you want, using my exact trees are not going to make or break this build man
this just shows u how bad ags is at balancing, turns out ppl dont like it when u nerf there 300k+ gear into the ground every other week. just randomly changing the meta and whats good in the game and whats not 24 7. these guys are so bad at there job its amazing. ruined this game they did
I thought i'll check out the game today. 4000 on steam 😅 This game is beyond dead lol
yes it has sadly passed away
this is uesless 300 str skill is changed. remove this vid dude.
The killed the game when they made the massive upgrade from lv60 to 65 , completely pay to win.
If you dont get the dlc youre stuck with 625 gear that gives you 31 attributes while competing with players who have 38 attributes on each piece. In total 70 attributes more than you. Just not do able and not fun at all.
How is that p2w? It’s an expansion. Every MMOs have that. Guess this is your first mmo.
News flash PvP gear is scaled :0
there's no build for god mode the only way is skill..
Very bad spear, you can have something better very cheap on market
Oh, so there was the Cleric Paladin build.. s&s - life staff, rely on you're base stats, no, too good.
Then the buggy hatchet - life staff, too much power too much heal, nerfed with armor nerf.
Comes Trenchant Recovery, new weapon, must try great sword ... goes the nerf.
Now it's only the all round spear of all things, but only with the right runes and stuff. Seriously don't know why it's ok to have a CC high dps weapon that can now have heal the same way that others did with less CC less dps less dmg reduction.
Could you add in description which weapon mastery you choose?