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  • @Medicae131
    @Medicae131 2 года назад +14

    The Siege of Vraks is one of THE big war stories in 40k lore, and it is Huge, there's so much lore and so many factions involved; Imperial Guard, space marines, demons, titans, nukes, poison gas, etc. I must recommend the video "Vraks Chapter 1" by a channel simply called Vraks for another fan account of the siege.

    • @GMineo
      @GMineo 2 года назад +1

      Sounds like a great idea! I feel like we only scratched the surface of it, but it was really cool to dive into and learn about!

  • @wepntech
    @wepntech 2 года назад +8

    Oh alpha legion... they where run by 2 primarchs, alpharius and another one. dunno which is which. "I am Spartacus--- I mean Alpharius"

    • @Aenarion28
      @Aenarion28 2 года назад

      Omegon was the other I believe. His name was a play on Omega

    • @cheeseninja1115
      @cheeseninja1115 2 года назад

      its Alpharious and Omegon, the first and last letters Alpha and omega

  • @djrock1337
    @djrock1337 2 года назад +6

    The imperium also wasn’t taking the siege too seriously until the Alpha Legion showed up.

    • @GMineo
      @GMineo 2 года назад +2

      alpha legion go BRRRR😂

  • @requiemlul3140
    @requiemlul3140 2 года назад +6

    This battle was actually personal for the Death Korps because of their history.
    In 433.M40 the Aristocrat council ruling Krieg also decided to secede from the Imperium. When the Imperium refused to send in reinforcements to the loyalists left on Krieg, their leader, Colonel Jürten, used a whole bunch of nukes he found under the city he controlled to blast Kriegs atmosphere and kill everyone. However, both sides had survivors, and they fought for 500 years until the loyalists won. Kilometer wide trenches spanning the whole planet, artillery cannons the size of skyscrapers. The Imperium had no uses for what had become the Death World called Krieg, but they still asked for the tithe of regiments when they reestablished contact. Instead of (don’t quote me on this I’m not sure about these numbers) one regiment, Krieg gave them 20, and they asked to be sent to the worst warzones possible.
    The Bersekerkers stem from the Legion of the World eaters.
    The Alpha Legion Are *awesome.*
    Here’s a cool fact: Primarch Alpharius actually had a twin called Omegon, and they were both the leaders of the Alpha Legion. Now, Alpharius is dead, but we don’t know what happened to Omegon.
    And another: The twins were the shortest primarchs, but their sons were th largest Astartes…ö.can your see where this is going?
    The Alpha Legion had a large part of them tattoo the same tattoo as Alpharius/Omegon on their heads and the exact same spot and size, modify their bone structure and skin tone *exactly* and do pretty much everything else possible to make them look *exactly* like their Primarch, and the Primarch would intentionally try to act like a regular marine. And those guys all introduced themselves as Alpharius.
    Yep, it’s big brain time.
    Also, before/at the start of the HH they were given a vision by an alien race. In one Horus won and ruled the Imperium for a century, but he was so evil everyone died and the chaos gods ended up starving to death.
    In the second they saw what is happening now. So they decided everyone dying would be better.
    Here’s the kicker: it’s a popular theory that they agreed that one would follow the path to the first and the other the path of the second, and there are both loyalist and traitor Alpha legionnaires out there, and you can never know wich is wich.
    Yeah, these guys are hardcore.

    • @GMineo
      @GMineo 2 года назад +1

      The alpha legion goes HARD! I think we are going to have to learn about them a little more because they are awesome! And it makes sense why the krieg are so battle hardened then. We are going to look into more information on Vraks because it seems like there is a lot to learn from this! Thank you for the information! ♥

    • @nicoaicher7864
      @nicoaicher7864 2 года назад

      I also really like the alpha legion. Hydra dominatus all day but sometimes they try so fucking hard to make it complicated. In older Lore alpharius was the last one to be found. But know alpharius is the first primarch to be found. And omegon is the last one to be found. But now comes the brain fuck part. Sometimes alpharius poses as omegon and alpharius is omegon but then they switch and sometimes a legionarie took the place the of the primarch. Brain fuck time

  • @andreanecchi5930
    @andreanecchi5930 2 года назад +3

    you should look at something about the Carcharodons, and their chapter master tyberos the red wake, the largest space marine alive

    • @GMineo
      @GMineo 2 года назад +1

      Anything larger than normal we are interested in! 😂

  • @Rawmel
    @Rawmel 2 года назад +4

    To put it into perspective, the Siege of Vraks lasted 17 whole years and resulted in absolute millions of deaths. Around 14 million died on the loyalist side alone, with millions of losses on the enemy side as well. Hundreds of loyal and chaos space marines as well as dozens of titans died on vraks.

    • @GMineo
      @GMineo 2 года назад

      Geez we didn't really understand how many lives were lost in this, but also we don't really understand how big the imperium is either😂

    • @Rawmel
      @Rawmel 2 года назад

      @@GMineo The imperium is dozens if not hundreds of trillions big. So big that they can afford to spend a couple million lives on the regular to win a battle.

    • @alphashocker7458
      @alphashocker7458 2 года назад +1

      @@GMineo Yep. To the Imperium at large, losing over ten million people to make bad men or aliens or daemons go away is a lot like changing your oil. It’s an annoying chore, but you just gotta do it.
      Plus, planets full of humans get destroyed ALL THE TIME in 40k. The Imperium racks up a body count like it’s going out of style.

    • @GMineo
      @GMineo 2 года назад +1

      that's a good way of putting it! we're all part of the cog ig lol

  • @hoch3662
    @hoch3662 2 года назад +2

    I love the alpha legion even though I am a chaos player. My favorite tale from them is when they did a attack on Terra (Earth) and lost. It is spectated that they where doing it so they could show the Imperium the weak spots in their defenses to prepare them for Horus' main assault.

    • @GMineo
      @GMineo 2 года назад

      that's really cool! We might not know much about the Alpha legion BUT we definitely know we like them!

  • @Sk1pp3rR1p
    @Sk1pp3rR1p 2 года назад +1

    Lovely video as always, and the Siege of Vraks is a good pick of an animation.
    I see you also got your questions answered by your buddy, so what I can instead do is give some recommendations.
    If you want really 9/10 quality Source Filmmaker animations, check out the ones made by "Sodaz". They've been reuploaded, with conscent, by a person called "SmokeTinyTom".
    Most of Sodaz's animations are somewhere between 2 - 6 minutes, but the quality is very crisp and smooth.

    • @GMineo
      @GMineo 2 года назад

      We love your recommendations Skipper! we've been trying to look into Sodaz but because we couldn't find it directly we put it on hold, BUT we definitely want to take a look at that one too!

  • @angelorzuna1938
    @angelorzuna1938 2 года назад

    I wonder what ever happened to the attack on Titan reactions lmao

  • @nullakjg767
    @nullakjg767 2 года назад

    What happened to the other guy? Does he have his own channel?

  • @palasta
    @palasta 2 года назад

    Not horses...
    "Their most singular aspect is the nature of the Death Riders' mounts -- the legendary Krieg Steed -- that is a highly adaptable form of the original Terran horse. This animal is now the product of extreme genetic engineering; tailored for strength, endurance and aggression, with numerous additional bio-sculpted organs that allow them to survive on the most polluted and toxic battlefields unscathed. Vat-grown on Krieg under the auspices of the Magi Biologis of the Adeptus Mechanicus, the animals are further augmented with sub-dermal organic armour, osmotic lungs, and a fully integrated drug injection system rigged with a potent mixture of stimulants, pain-blockers and other palliatives. The end result is that the Krieg Steed is capable of incredible levels of endurance and environmental tolerance. The Krieg Steed is also a weapon in its own right with its chemically enhanced aggression centres triggered at the rider's command, and virtually impossible to incapacitate short of massive bodily trauma."

    • @GMineo
      @GMineo 2 года назад

      DAMN and we thought they were just riding into battle on a silly horse 😂

  • @wepntech
    @wepntech 2 года назад

    I like how they are able to guess some shit despite knowing nothing.

    • @GMineo
      @GMineo 2 года назад

      With doing this as often as we do we start to learn how to BS every once in a while LMAO

  • @nicoaicher7864
    @nicoaicher7864 2 года назад

    Just want to mention how fucking cool the warhound scout titans are. Those are the smallest god engines fielded by the legios of the collegia titanica. They are crewed by two moderati and one princeps. The Princeps is the one that connects fully with the Maschine spirit of a titan. With the warhound they are a lot more ferral than other Maschines of the collegia. Titans are so Warhammer its fucking amazing. The smallest titan that is used as a scout is 17 meters tall. They „hide“ between rubel and ruins and they power up in near minutes other than the larger ones that need hours or days to start the reactor. They are often equipped with anti personal weapons. They use heavy flamers,lasers etc or my Favorit the Vulcan Mega bolter. You know what damage a bolter round does. Know you turn it into a gatling gun with 300 rounds per second. And the bolter bolts created on impact a three meter crater in concrete or metal. With a burst they can flipp a land raider of the Astartes. The titan crews call it the laughter of the devil or the mist maker.

    • @GMineo
      @GMineo 2 года назад +1

      We've never heard of this! We DEFINITELY want to look into titans more but there is already so much to learn!

    • @nicoaicher7864
      @nicoaicher7864 2 года назад

      @@GMineo Titans are my Favorit thing in Warhammer 40k. They are just so metal and over the top that they are peek 40k. They have weapons strong enough to level entire city blocks or kill rows of enemies. With their step they crush lesser enemies and with their warhorns they strike fear in the heart of the enemy. Each titan a relic of rhe dark age of technology. Some of them 10.000 + years old. They each have names that are spoken in legends and they are the wrath of the omnnisisah made manifest. They are called God- engines for a reason. They are so fucking awesome. I could talk all day about them but I stop now

  • @angelobrewster6293
    @angelobrewster6293 2 года назад

    I wouldn't call the the Death Korps of krieg brave because in order to be brave you have to have fear and the Death Korps are trained to have no fear and will follow any order given to them they will charge at a horde of Orks or even demons and Chaos space marines without hesitation.
    Yes they Imperium use calvary mostly in the Imperial guard the Death Korps have their own specialist calvary called the Death Rider those horses are not normal they may look like horses but are actually a genetically engineered creature that resemble horses its faster and can takes shots from a space marine bolter round and keep going.
    Plus their gasmask hide how young they actually are most Death Korps of krieg imperial guardsmen are teenagers practically kids boys and girls and even if they do take off their mask all your see is a emotionless face with cold dead eyes staring at you willing to die for his Emperor.

    • @GMineo
      @GMineo 2 года назад

      Damn the death korps of krieg are kinda badass. They should keep their masks off to intimidate the enemy 😂

    • @angelobrewster6293
      @angelobrewster6293 2 года назад

      @@GMineoNo just beat their enemies to death with a shovel/entrenching tool

  • @betathoughtexperiment
    @betathoughtexperiment 2 года назад

    Your expert is doing a great job. I have one core correction. An armory world is not a world that makes a lot of weapons. That is a forge world, also those are run by the mech faction. An armory world stores all that created equipment. Vraks was the armory of certain equipment for about 20% of the imperium. Losing that world means billions don't get equipment. This affects hundreds of wars. That is why the planet was so important and so protected and hard to retake. It was a big enough deal for chaos to join in so much carnage.

    • @GMineo
      @GMineo 2 года назад +1

      He's doing a great job :) It makes a lot of sense why Vraks was so important then, and we just thought it was for materials!

    • @betathoughtexperiment
      @betathoughtexperiment 2 года назад

      @@GMineo It's also why the rebels were so well equipped. 1 trillion laz guns just lying around with another 50 billion rocket launchers etc.

    • @GMineo
      @GMineo 2 года назад +1

      No wonder so many people died at Vraks then! It seems like the imperium outnumbered the rebels but weren't able to take it with ease like we thought

  • @aizatijat1138
    @aizatijat1138 2 года назад


    • @GMineo
      @GMineo 2 года назад


  • @wepntech
    @wepntech 2 года назад

    Oh you guys will love some of the stuff on the de corpse of krieg. For example.--those "horses" krieg steads, have more in common with grizzly bears then normal horses.

    • @GMineo
      @GMineo 2 года назад

      yoo that's crazy! We def have to learn more about vraks and the krieg!!

  • @brandonharrison1974
    @brandonharrison1974 2 года назад

    I love the QnA at the end

    • @GMineo
      @GMineo 2 года назад

      Thanks Brandon! We love getting our questions answered directly!!

  • @andreiemmanuelsabio8674
    @andreiemmanuelsabio8674 2 года назад

    The death korps of Kreig are actually inspired by WW1 German infantry. You can tell by their rough riders (calvary), which is also the lancers in WW1. And the red chaos marines are the world eaters, the green one are the alpha legion and the titan is called a warhound class titan (scouts). Also the reason why they use horses, cause I'm the end of the spear near the tip. Their is a grenade that is attached to it, and in impact it will explode. Also the tank is called a leman Russ, named after the 5th primarch.

    • @GMineo
      @GMineo 2 года назад +1

      The Krieg are so cool! We have been looking into them a lot since we watched it!

    • @huehue3687
      @huehue3687 2 года назад +2

      Not specifically German. They are an amalgamation of the major powers of the western front. Germany, Britain and France. You're right in that they are very much WW1 inspired, not WW2. Also I'd say the Imperial Guard and a lot of combat in 40K is very much inspired by WW1. In the case of Vraks, the trenches, barbed wire, heavy artillery and mass charges is quintessential WW1 on the western front, so I'm not sure why the guys were saying it reminded them of WW2.

    • @nutrient.-.7275
      @nutrient.-.7275 2 года назад +1

      I read that they are inspired by French army actually based of the uniform and they inspired off a battle where the French let the Germans invade the city and then the French bombed the city and after went in and killed the rest. This is similar to what they did to there home planet.

  • @AustinFoss00
    @AustinFoss00 2 года назад

    So just to show some love to these 2 groups. Vraks was a huge war that involved many groups. The traitors had normal foot soldiers, Chaos Marines, literal Demons, etc. And the Imperium had sent Kriegsmen, Gray Knights (Demon killing Space Marines), Titans, etc. But in the beginning of that video you notice that female sitting in a dungeon. She's a Sister of Battle (Adepta Sororitas) that was part of the Sister of Battle group on Vraks before the war. The Sisters are uncorruptible and obviously did not side with the crazy traitors. Another group who didn't side with the traitors was the planet's Adeptus Arbites, which are basically the special police on all Imperium worlds. Both of these groups fought back against the traitors before even the Kriegsmen got there but sadly were mostly killed off, with a surviving Sister of Battle obviously being kept prisoner in that dungeon in the video

    • @GMineo
      @GMineo 2 года назад

      Thank you for the extra info! I think that's the only part we were still a little confused on as to who the woman was but that makes a lot of sense. We haven't heard of the adeptus arbites but we'll have to look into them