Does An “Inactive Black Belt” Still Deserve The Rank Of A Black Belt?

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024

Комментарии • 36

  • @2123tfl
    @2123tfl Год назад +11

    Once a black belt, always a black belt. Its an achievement and a knowledge that can never be taken away.

  • @gunsandreviewsa
    @gunsandreviewsa Год назад +6

    I think if you did 4 plus years to 10 years in the art to get your black belt you will always a black belt you just have to get motivated to train again

  • @Jiiimbooh
    @Jiiimbooh Год назад +5

    I'm an "inactive" brown belt in judo, who kept my brown belt for years when I did train because I wasn't that interested in grading, and "active" green belt in karate (JKA).
    I tried in the past to come back to judo after at couple of years of being inactive. Of course you're going to be a bit "rusty", but it comes back to you quickly, even if it's been years. The main problem in my experience is if you're trying to come back when you haven't trained anything at all for a while. You will be tired already after the warm-up. If you have trained something (even if it's jogging or whatever) it will be easier to come back.
    If you have trained for years in the past, it will be misleading to wear a white belt when you come back. Already on your first day you will be pretty far ahead of the other white belts who are just starting out, and a few weeks later the difference will be ever greater as things come back to you.
    Of course, in sparring, other black belts (or whatever belt we're talking about) will be able to dominate you, at least in the beginning. But this could also be said about for example an older practitioner who gets tired quickly or is frail due to age.
    If you only trained for a semester and got your first belt, and then had a 10 year long break, I would suggest starting over from scratch again with the grading.

  • @sanaamubashir2205
    @sanaamubashir2205 Год назад +6

    As being someone who did rise up the ranks in a previous martial art as a teenager, coming back into it although made my journey a bit easier than others, never considered myself as a black belt due to the sheer length of time I have been out. My body remembered the movements ( muscle memory) my mind remembered the forms but somewhere in between the black belt spirit was lacking. Which coming back into training n immersing in the culture brought back the connect. Staying in training is essential for the black belt spirit to be alive.

  • @ninaf7444
    @ninaf7444 Год назад +4

    There are different scenarios, as already stated. One could step away for any number of reasons, for any amount of time. Starting over might be what is needed after returning, having the mindset and spirit to act with humility and relearn everything, shows what a black belt is.

  • @kellyboje5674
    @kellyboje5674 Год назад +5

    In my mind, there are many scenarios. Did you get your black belt at 12 and then step away, then flash forward to 25 and still say you are a black belt? My answer, no. But did you get your black belt and fall out for maybe a year or so, then come back to the art with humility to say, I haven't trained and lost my edge, but I want to earn that back to be able to say I am a black belt. My answer is yes, because you have the mindset of a black belt.

  • @blkwarriorspirit5528
    @blkwarriorspirit5528 Год назад +3

    A belt promotion is simply an appreciation and acknowledgement of ones effort and level in an art. However how that individual uses that acknowledgement normally depends on individual circumstances and 0:09 situations. A 80 yr old Ali was still Muhammad Ali.

  • @johnmorris7382
    @johnmorris7382 Год назад +3

    The concept of Black belt is largely mindset. As a blackbelt who is currently, physically unable to train my body, I must focus on training my mind. I may not be able to throw techniques or drill forms, but if my mindset is to apply the power of “yet”, I like to believe that I’m still a black belt.
    If I give up, and abandon training both the body and the mind, then I feel I’ve given up my right to proclaim that rank.

  • @michaeldelaney1058
    @michaeldelaney1058 11 месяцев назад +2

    Hey I just found your channel and I'm very impressed with your content and approach to discussion. This topic hits very close to home because I have not been training for two years, having stopped due to time and money constraints after my kids were born, which is understandable. I trained in my previous style for over a decade and reached 3rd degree black belt, but transferred to a school owned by my teacher's colleague when I moved towns, and my new teacher, while intelligent and overall excellent, had very high standards. He did not prioritize ranking and everyone trained together, but it was clear that when someone did earn a black belt they had some pretty exceptional skills, way above what I had seen at first degree level at my old school. So while my teacher allowed me to keep my third degree, it was a silent understanding that I would have to put in a ton of effort to earn it under his eyes. Now, I actually enjoyed an escape from worrying about rank and solely focusing on training, self defense, and personal betterment. But now that I have been out of the game for a while, I know that if I eventually go back I will be way out of practice and have a tremendous amount of catch-up to do. I would not say I have lost the rank of "black belt", but I sure don't think I could hop into class and operate at third degree level, whether in my newer teacher's opinion or even my teacher before that. It's funny, it took for me to leave my dojo for me to actually start thinking about rank again and what it actually means and what it takes to earn. You don't know what you have until you lose it.

  • @walterhough5263
    @walterhough5263 Год назад +2

    Absolutely agree with you. But I will say, in my case, I had to stop my training for an extended period of time.
    Ironically while I was in the hospital my Kyoshi called me, and long story short, while I was in the hospital I trained.
    It actually saved my life, I was weighing 96 lb. I'm almost to my competition weight, I think I weigh about 130, I need 20 more pounds to go.
    Anyway, they kept up with me and found out what I was doing, and how I was feeling,
    True martial arts spirit, I went to my home dojo and was awarded 5th Dan.. 🤔...
    I asked if this was it honorary or was it official. Kiyoshi looked at me and laughed, and said, if I asked again, he was going to put me back in the hospital, 😅🤣🤣🤣
    Of course it was official.
    To honor him, to this day I will not wear a belt of equal or higher rank than his. Thank you Kyoshi.
    Ouss!!! Rei...
    😢 Miss you sir... '97
    Domo arigato gozaimasu
    Ron Austin's
    Jaribu System of Martial Arts

  • @chrisofmelbourne87
    @chrisofmelbourne87 10 месяцев назад +1

    My Korean instructor, who was a 9th Dan and practiced for 69 years of his life, would always accept people who had been away for a long time Back into the club, and at the rank they earned. He would tell them what they needed to do, to fix or work on.
    He would also wait quite a while before suggesting they grade to 2nd dan etc. He wanted to see the minimum anount of classses they turned up to, plus make sure their stamina, technique, strength, etc were up to standard. This is a good thing because it doesnt diminish the years of hard work you put in, yet it also makes sure you get back to where you once were.

  • @TheSuperGringo
    @TheSuperGringo 4 месяца назад +2

    I'm a black belt who didn't train for six years. Situations changed, and I started training again. I'm putting myself through my own system all over again, from white to black.

  • @dktcs
    @dktcs Год назад +4

    At least in Jiu Jitsu, once a black belt, always a black belt.. nothing can take that away from you.

    • @hendrikmoons8218
      @hendrikmoons8218 11 месяцев назад +1

      Same in Judo.
      This mans explanation sounds more like 'you have to pay your monthly dues or else ...'.
      Also, if you get your drivers licence or a degree at school, you do not drive for 3 years or are not pursuing a career in that degree, you do not lose it.

    • @chbu7081
      @chbu7081 17 дней назад

      @@hendrikmoons8218 Most countries have people renew their drivers license every year.

    • @hendrikmoons8218
      @hendrikmoons8218 17 дней назад +1

      @@chbu7081 Most countries have people renew their drivers license every year.
      Not here in the West, EU/UK and USA. Unless the judge takes your drivers license it is like graduating from school or getting a PhD. It is for life.
      Over here in Belgium for instance, the only drivers license that needs to be renuwed is for industrial vehicles, like a forklift, every 5 years.
      And you wouldn't want the governement to have to renew your drivers licence avery year. It is already a gang of thieve and bureaucrates that by the whims of a bribed madmen decide wheter or not you get your nececery in life licence or you just have to pay more. It is almost as horible as having your anual car checkup after it is 4 years old (mandatory from there). These folk at autoinspectie are refered to as the car-maffia for a reason.
      So no, most countries do not have drivers renew their licence after every year... Only when the judge tells you so.

  • @diamond_zone
    @diamond_zone 14 дней назад

    I stopped training for several years in taekwondo as a lower colored belt and I restarted from ground zero back in 2018/2019 and I'm currently a red belt. I say it depends on the situation and how much you remember, for example someone stopped training for a year, or two due to medical reasons, but still trains mentally (saying the actions of poomsae, watching videos about sparring and forms of different kicks, etc.) will still be a black belt to me and they'll start at black belt when they come back, or someone stopped for 10 years due to lack of motivation and haven't trained a single day after leaving but decided to come back, I would say they are a black belt and they can keep their black belt that they've earned through the years, but they would have to start back at square 1 and work their way back up and regain their knowledge.

  • @margomccumber7335
    @margomccumber7335 Год назад +1

    Like I learned in class, there is always more to learn and develop in your training, no matter how high your rank. The black belts at my school inspire me everyday with their commitment and expertise.

  • @kyleconger2109
    @kyleconger2109 16 дней назад

    I was a first dan in Taekwondo at the age of 21. I tried to go back as a white belt 19 years later. Everyone insisted I put my black belt on. With that once a bb always a bb bs.
    I didn't last long. Everyone had high expectations of what I should be able to do because I'm a "black belt" meanwhile i physically can't do things they expect. I'm physically a white belt.
    Currently looking at other schools in different arts, I'll be keeping my martial arts background to myself when I find a new school.

  • @chbu7081
    @chbu7081 17 дней назад

    In the school I am in, if a black belt hasn't trained in many years (in the same school), and comes back, then they have the option of retaining their black belt and then getting back up to speed, or going back to white belt and starting over. A few took the second option.

  • @kimberlyheath9798
    @kimberlyheath9798 Год назад +4

    I think you have to be honest with yourself. Do you still have the knowledge after stepping away. Have you been training or did life step in and the muscle memory just isn't there . If you are true to yourself, then you always deserve your black belt.

  • @TheeGoatPig
    @TheeGoatPig Год назад +1

    I trained in Shaolin kung fu for a long time. I got within an inch of earning my black sash before being hit by a string of injuries, and then moving 1,000 miles away, and eventually training in another style for a year and a half. I haven't trained in anything for two years now as my 20 year anniversary at the first school approaches. I don't feel like I deserve my gray sash anymore. If I were to get my strength and stamina back, and could relearn some things like I had just before the pandemic, I would want that respect back, but not right now. I'm just a guy right now.

  • @zenshinacademy4096
    @zenshinacademy4096 Год назад +1

    My personal view and this comment are very different but for the sake of being devils advocate I can say with great assuredness that if someone gets their BB and then quits all the wanted was that belt. Weather that system, school or instructor considers them a bb or not they still will say they are, and they will have a piece of paper that says so. Weather it is from 1979 or 2009, they will not care. I have, unfortunately, came across too many who believe that the bb is the goal, instead of the beginning. The probation period will not alter the "I only want the belt" syndrome, they will just wait a few months longer until they quit. At present I have a yearly bb resert test that is required to maintain the rank within the school and system, however this too does not stop the I have a bb so I have it for life weather I train or not type. I have considered having an Expired date on all Black Belt Certificates. Having belts means having those type of people. If all they want is the belt then nothing will be done, just hope sometime during their training they learn that the belt means nothing, the skills, experience and knowledge is what should be sought. Not all, and I think not many ever truly comprehend that. I have been training since 1978, 43 years now, and I will never stop, I don't want to, nor do I need to. Belts never were my objective, and I would be just as happy wearing a white belt as a black one. If you find time, please come to my channel and nose about.

  • @RhonTaeKwonDo
    @RhonTaeKwonDo Год назад +2

    Great video and incite!!

  • @sramdeojohn4428
    @sramdeojohn4428 Год назад +1

    I does karate as a hobby hence I don't need a Blet. I consider myself a white belt until I can't no longer do karate.🥋✌️

  • @OZ_Blades
    @OZ_Blades 6 месяцев назад

    I recently signed up to train in Taekwondo again after not training for eight years and told my instructor to start me at a white belt because I believe that I don't deserve the right to show such a prestigious rank after being inactive for so long.

  • @Caramel1806
    @Caramel1806 3 месяца назад

    Let me start by saying that I really miss Tae Kwon Do. I took Tae Kwon Do classes when I was little. I started over in college and I worked hard. I got to my red belt, that includes the intermediate belts between each solid color belt. I finished college and had to move back home before I was able to study and test for my black belt. There aren't any schools near where I live. I have looked. I have wondered if I would have to start over once I find a school. I have been trying to get the study guides from the school I was going to, but I can't log in with the info that they gave me. I can get back to reviewing and practicing. So, if I'm doing that on my own for awhile before finding a school, would I still have to start over at white belt?

  • @wyldvigilante
    @wyldvigilante Год назад

    I think the emohasis on a black belt needs to to be replaced with an emphasis on skill. It's commom practice for mamy blackbelts to deliberately add wear and tear on the black belt because it makes them look more seasoned. Skill should be paramount not how you look.

  • @MaximilianoMendes
    @MaximilianoMendes Год назад

    Does a retired musician loses his copyrights? 😛

  • @masterkulinskismartialarts
    @masterkulinskismartialarts Год назад +1

    Black belts train! There’s nothing wrong with saying you earned your black belt. Or you were a black belt, but if you’re not consistently training, your mind and body than No. tools must be sharpened.

  • @therock67716
    @therock67716 Месяц назад


  • @hubster4477
    @hubster4477 Год назад +1

    If youre worried about what belt you are then you're in it for the wrong reason. If youre bragging, jon jones is a purple belt, khabib is a white belt. Have fun bragging to them.

  • @oscarhawke9348
    @oscarhawke9348 11 месяцев назад

    Simple. If you don't use it you lose it.