My fiancée has requested a dowry of half ownership of the $2.6 million CDN home (3500 sq. ft.) that I live in in Canada. How is it that my future wife can possess half of a $2.6 million CDN home through marriage???
bullshit my parents pressured me everyday. Until i got depression. it destroyed me. I finally told them to piss off about it. I tried. The world is way too fucked up.
@ncascadehiker: People in the West know nothing because their knowledge is based around Anglo Saxon misinformation and propaganda. A little context. After the Sino-Soviet split in 1957-1960 due to Khrushchev's anti-Stalin politics, China's economy stagnated and the Americans wanting to further isolate the USSR, engages with China in 1971/1972 (Nixon/Kissinger visit). This meeting would result in China entering the Global economy in 1978. However, there were many conditions regarding China's "opening up" and one was for China to adopt a "one child policy" (as per Club of Rome). Club of Rome is a precursor to WEF (Malthusian organisation heel bent on getting rid of useless eaters). While some Chinese experts disagreed with the "one child policy", China decided to agree to the Wests demands because to modernize a country the size of China, engaging the World economy was necessary. This has proven to be true; China is the #1 economy by GDP (ppp) since 2016. Around this time, China also eliminates the one-child policy and now promotes couples having many children. All the news of China having a population crisis is over-blown. The West and America have the same problem and it's worse in the West because Western countries have a smaller base population to begin with vs China.
back than No way China could afford their population. Without 1 child policy they wouldn't b where they at today. something has to gave & that goes for every success.
The state will never replace husbands but they sure have tried to, these days women marry mens' resources more than the man himself, with the state as guarantor
- agree but that should not stop the Chinese government from making marriage and subsequent procreation compulsory for all ablebodied and mentally stable Chinese men and women.
I say let the women marry the state dude. Men should support each other more, brotherhood between men is what built societies and helped everyone get over difficult situations. Feminism and liberalism won't stop and will only get worse. It pisses me off that there are some men who do a lot for women and yet feminists ignore the good deeds of these men and continue to bash every man based on the demerits of the incompetent men. If men supported each other more than we would do just fine. After all marriage's primary function is company and upbringing of next generation. Men should support each other and forget about the next generation. The state can replace us with AI or robots or some other shit if they need workforce.
Yeah exactly, marriage is a concept built to preserve the lineage of a race and so that men and women can have company. If people are materialistic and do not want a permanent company it is upto them. They can stay single and when they get old they don't need kids to look after them. After all why should they have kids to take care them? They wasted energy, time and resources to serve the state and corporations for most of their lives. They should force the state and corporations to take care of them till they die after retirement. This is the reason American Republicans are pushing birth programmes and cutting welfare programmes for the elderly. They want people to have kids who will SERVE THE STATE AND NOT THEIR FAMILIES. Yet they expect the families to take care of you after retirement even though you served the economy and state all throughout your life.
I’m a woman and o have to weigh in on this. This isn’t the case. When men had power and women had no careers many of the men abused their power, treated women horridly. Fast word hundreds of year. The daughters who grew up in those Homes learnt. Money equals power, money equals options and choices. What happens in all cases when someone has power… they abuse it. As long as we live in this bodies and on this earth, people with power will mostly abuse it. Whenever anyone tries to equal the playing field, or institution, it doesn’t help. We are all flawed and our default mode is selfish. I am married, 4 years now to a western man. i love my husband and I submit to him. Only because he is submitted to Jesus Christ so i know he won’t abuse his powers. I was previously married to a man who wasn’t submitted to Christ and it was war and hell for me. Not because I didn’t want to be a good wife, but because we both came from a culture where men had all the powers and wanted to keep the double standard. They can cheat but you can’t. Etc. As a young girl, on holidays in London with a boyfriend who left me stranded in the cold because we had an argument in the store. I experienced REAL helplessness and understood what women go through in the few hours I sat smsing and begging him to come back because my luggage was in his apartment and he had to drop me at the airport in the morning. Right there and then, I vowed I will never EVER let a man have power over me or control my finances and life direction. The state of the world now is due to the actions of men in the past 6000 years. Just look at the Muslim nations where men still have the power. So women are I the wrong now. Agree… but for only the last 70 years….
@ It's not a problem. If a woman can be independent from a man, she doesn't need him to survive. The man's leverage of providing shelter, food, and safety is made obsolete. That's why marriage is easily broken through simple fights and boredom.
Most people seemingly can't have kids (hyprgamy, too risky, no money etc.) and the other ones that does, end up raising problematic ones (feminsm, dvorce, daddy issues etc.). The future is bleak if this generation is what's supposed to carry a much bigger generation of elders on their back. And yet... That's only the tip of the iceberg of our problems... Honestly, i hate fear mongering and others have been wrong in the past about it but... All leads to a massive societal collapse in our lifetimes. There's just too many problems stacking up.
I am not paying for your welfare, get lost. Feeed kids yourself oh why dont you be cuckold? i fucking hate government. no i am nto cuckold. i aint helping kids. all schools should be private as well.
@@noseltda4685 Not ALL....don't see Chem-trails in Russia. You don't see chem-trails everywhere in China. My guess is some Provinces have Mayors which are brainwashed by the West and others not so. I would say in general, Chinese are very easily brainwashed. The channel owner is also brainwashed so don't take everything he says as gospel.....
China, Japan, Canada, USA, South Korea, Western Europe. Every developed country sounds cooked rn, everyone's having problems finding someone o date and staying together. Everything getting too expensive and birth rates growing low seems to be a common issue worldwide, the future seems truly optimistic. I wonder if South America, Africa, Southeast Asia are going through these issues as well. But it could be worse, at least we don't live in Russia or North Korea tho..
It's kinda worse in poor countries. Birthrate is low among the working professionals while the poor keeps popping up kids. Not to mention the brain drain where the middle-class just immigrate elsewhere. The result is lots of poor desperate people that are easily exploited by corrupt oligarchs.
@SWAGクソMF Russia certainly isn't any worse off than the West is. I know in Canada's case at least we'll be a lot more fucked due to the population replacement with Indians of all people along with a cardboard box of a house costing a million bux minimum while in Russia you could get the same shitbox apartment for a package of bubblegum.
My opinion as an American - in ye olden days, a lot of people who didn't understand or like the opposite sex ended up monks, nuns, etc. So, instead of trying to make everyone marry, we need to figure out how to ensure that the 50% are having as many kids as they can. Also a lot of your history is off. History is cyclical. War and disease made it so that some generations were smaller than the previous. Debauchery was common in certain eras in Rome and other areas - again it's cyclical. Everyone is having a panic over this but generally, i think the normalcy bias is too strong. This will not go on forever.
Modern chn cities are so clean. No social destructive behavior. On my drive on I5 in ca, there isn't one restaurant, gas station where glass/mirrors are not ruined by gang graffiti. Most don't have mirrors in wash rooms.
There will be a huge population drop, not only in Western countries, but worldwide. Maybe African and Muslim countries will still see a small growth in their population numbers. But all this nonsense about overpopulation will soon be obsolete. It will be a total different society in 10-20 years from now. 😢
dude im 34 as a lone wolf im not angry not ragefull i just dont care people dont change people dont care why would be angry this point find your hobby find your peace 2017 after i understand love marriage crap not for me i never look back after that i read more i learn more i become more peacefull no drama in my life you cant control others only you can control your own actions you not responsible others if women keep doing bad things they will face their actions not me stay peace guys enjoy your freedom
True love is not dead just rare. I still believe in it though. It's hard to come across good people but they're out there. For many people marriage isn't that serious, sacred union it used to be, people treat it like dating, even dating has become unserious nowadays. When dating today, you have to analyze the other person well and choose wisely. I've been saying for awhile, not all new technology is useful or good. Some old school ways aren't bad especially for growing developing babies and kids. If a man pays for every single little and big thing you want, is he really your man though? Sounds like a father to his little girl 🙃
Your stats compared Asian women in the west with other women in the west, but the comparison should be women in the west vs women outside of the west. The western environment allows and encourages the behavior we associate with the west. Not saying Asia is paradise or the women are perfect, but the environment for marriage and keeping your stuff if it fails is better.
@eddiejohnson4434 China is very westernized today along with Japan and South Korea and this is the Asia he knows and is talking about. It would be different if you went and got a wife somewhere like Cambodia for instance which is still very underdeveloped and not very westernized at all yet so it would be like getting a Chinese wife from the 1950's practically. No way she'd divorce you if you were an average westerner but yeah that's not the case for most Asian women of the developed nations.
Enjoyed your video, unfortunately it's the same thing here in the US but the different twist. Either way the planners be planning. I used to think it was just evil people where people that became evil, I've weaved in and out of different concepts of God trying to figure out who he is and how he relates to people. The deeper I dug the worst it got. At this point I think this is a creation issue. Piss poor creation, the creation mimics the Creator. I just wonder if when I pass away someday if it will be just as s***** on whatever other side might exist. The f***** up thing is that none of this had to be this way
My sisters brother n law control alted after his wife divorced him and she thought it was for another reason so i asked my sister what kind of person was his ex wife my sister said she was a b just like her mom.
A national dowry is needed to replace most welfare. Any male under 30 years old who is a first time biological father receives a one time lump sum with no conditions.
There are a lot of men that aren't tall or handsome that are able to go on dates and get married. Look at Jack Ma, Bill Gates, Joe Pesci, Danny Devito, and may others. Those men are all successful. My friend is a engineer, he is about 5'6", and he wears thick glasses. He looks like a typical nerd, and he was able to get married and have a family. I am just a average looking Chinese man from Zhejiang, I am just 5'8" tall, and I am a computer programmer. I am not married, but I do go on dates.
Mofo, you chose a bunch of high status men, I'd you account for high status, then any man can get married but being a 1 in 10,000 or more who is considered high status enough to be attractive is much harder than being the 1 in 10 attractive enough male to get married. Not sure if you are trolling or what
And he is 100% sure the kids are his? Look at how Jeff Bezoz, one of the richest man in the world, got completely clowned by his own wife lusting over Leonardo DiCaprio in front of him. Women are all the same. If you aren't Chad, your money is just cope. She's not yours, it's only your turn.
Topic to be continued, Lunar New Year contents and more travel vlogs will be coming soon!
My fiancée has requested a dowry of half ownership of the $2.6 million CDN home (3500 sq. ft.) that I live in in Canada. How is it that my future wife can possess half of a $2.6 million CDN home through marriage???
We are 2 weeks behind China 😂.
Tell to kick rocks, "Jane Doe"
bullshit my parents pressured me everyday. Until i got depression. it destroyed me. I finally told them to piss off about it. I tried. The world is way too fucked up.
how does CCP make sure 140m lonely men don't turn the anger towards the CCP?
By making war with another country...
I guess the “One Child” policy was unnecessary. Government intervention in social matters seems guaranteed to fail.
even at 2 kids, the population would naturally drop.
@ncascadehiker: People in the West know nothing because their knowledge is based around Anglo Saxon misinformation and propaganda. A little context. After the Sino-Soviet split in 1957-1960 due to Khrushchev's anti-Stalin politics, China's economy stagnated and the Americans wanting to further isolate the USSR, engages with China in 1971/1972 (Nixon/Kissinger visit). This meeting would result in China entering the Global economy in 1978. However, there were many conditions regarding China's "opening up" and one was for China to adopt a "one child policy" (as per Club of Rome). Club of Rome is a precursor to WEF (Malthusian organisation heel bent on getting rid of useless eaters). While some Chinese experts disagreed with the "one child policy", China decided to agree to the Wests demands because to modernize a country the size of China, engaging the World economy was necessary. This has proven to be true; China is the #1 economy by GDP (ppp) since 2016. Around this time, China also eliminates the one-child policy and now promotes couples having many children. All the news of China having a population crisis is over-blown. The West and America have the same problem and it's worse in the West because Western countries have a smaller base population to begin with vs China.
back than No way China could afford their population. Without 1 child policy they wouldn't b where they at today. something has to gave & that goes for every success.
THATS UNTRUE. China's industrialization was already droping the birthrate.@@notchit3542
The state will never replace husbands but they sure have tried to, these days women marry mens' resources more than the man himself, with the state as guarantor
women married mens' resources much more in the past, which is another large reason why marriage is going down today
- agree but that should not stop the Chinese government from making marriage and subsequent procreation compulsory for all ablebodied and mentally stable Chinese men and women.
I say let the women marry the state dude. Men should support each other more, brotherhood between men is what built societies and helped everyone get over difficult situations. Feminism and liberalism won't stop and will only get worse. It pisses me off that there are some men who do a lot for women and yet feminists ignore the good deeds of these men and continue to bash every man based on the demerits of the incompetent men. If men supported each other more than we would do just fine. After all marriage's primary function is company and upbringing of next generation. Men should support each other and forget about the next generation.
The state can replace us with AI or robots or some other shit if they need workforce.
@wakilahmedd33 Amen brother, females will only see how much they need males when males realize how little they need females
I got SENT my own way
*Got ran out of town, I know the feeling*
Divorce worldwide is common because of money problems, high expectations from women, and women having a career that she can take care of herself.
Yeah exactly, marriage is a concept built to preserve the lineage of a race and so that men and women can have company. If people are materialistic and do not want a permanent company it is upto them. They can stay single and when they get old they don't need kids to look after them. After all why should they have kids to take care them? They wasted energy, time and resources to serve the state and corporations for most of their lives. They should force the state and corporations to take care of them till they die after retirement.
This is the reason American Republicans are pushing birth programmes and cutting welfare programmes for the elderly.
They want people to have kids who will SERVE THE STATE AND NOT THEIR FAMILIES. Yet they expect the families to take care of you after retirement even though you served the economy and state all throughout your life.
I’m a woman and o have to weigh in on this. This isn’t the case. When men had power and women had no careers many of the men abused their power, treated women horridly. Fast word hundreds of year. The daughters who grew up in those Homes learnt. Money equals power, money equals options and choices. What happens in all cases when someone has power… they abuse it. As long as we live in this bodies and on this earth, people with power will mostly abuse it. Whenever anyone tries to equal the playing field, or institution, it doesn’t help. We are all flawed and our default mode is selfish. I am married, 4 years now to a western man. i love my husband and I submit to him. Only because he is submitted to Jesus Christ so i know he won’t abuse his powers. I was previously married to a man who wasn’t submitted to Christ and it was war and hell for me. Not because I didn’t want to be a good wife, but because we both came from a culture where men had all the powers and wanted to keep the double standard. They can cheat but you can’t. Etc. As a young girl, on holidays in London with a boyfriend who left me stranded in the cold because we had an argument in the store. I experienced REAL helplessness and understood what women go through in the few hours I sat smsing and begging him to come back because my luggage was in his apartment and he had to drop me at the airport in the morning. Right there and then, I vowed I will never EVER let a man have power over me or control my finances and life direction. The state of the world now is due to the actions of men in the past 6000 years. Just look at the Muslim nations where men still have the power. So women are I the wrong now. Agree… but for only the last 70 years….
Then why women are begging for marriage in china marriage market😂
@ It's not a problem. If a woman can be independent from a man, she doesn't need him to survive. The man's leverage of providing shelter, food, and safety is made obsolete. That's why marriage is easily broken through simple fights and boredom.
Yeah and that tells you that people are chosing badly, incompatible couples dont last in today's world @@JojiBranedge-d2b
Most people seemingly can't have kids (hyprgamy, too risky, no money etc.) and the other ones that does, end up raising problematic ones (feminsm, dvorce, daddy issues etc.). The future is bleak if this generation is what's supposed to carry a much bigger generation of elders on their back. And yet... That's only the tip of the iceberg of our problems...
Honestly, i hate fear mongering and others have been wrong in the past about it but... All leads to a massive societal collapse in our lifetimes. There's just too many problems stacking up.
thank goodness for the increased 40%
I am not paying for your welfare, get lost. Feeed kids yourself oh why dont you be cuckold? i fucking hate government. no i am nto cuckold. i aint helping kids. all schools should be private as well.
The answer to sprinkle sprinkle is drizzle drizzle.
Nice chemtrails in the sky.
Shows they are all into it.
even in china lol they have it everywhere aluminum to dumb you down
looks like the chemtrailing is a world-wide operation
@@noseltda4685 Not ALL....don't see Chem-trails in Russia. You don't see chem-trails everywhere in China. My guess is some Provinces have Mayors which are brainwashed by the West and others not so. I would say in general, Chinese are very easily brainwashed. The channel owner is also brainwashed so don't take everything he says as gospel.....
looking for this comment
The game was rigged from the start
As I got wealthier, I realized there are very few w-m-n that have value today. I am much better off staying single and renting as needed.
My dude how many black guys are In China 😂
China, Japan, Canada, USA, South Korea, Western Europe.
Every developed country sounds cooked rn, everyone's having problems finding someone o date and staying together. Everything getting too expensive and birth rates growing low seems to be a common issue worldwide, the future seems truly optimistic.
I wonder if South America, Africa, Southeast Asia are going through these issues as well. But it could be worse, at least we don't live in Russia or North Korea tho..
It's kinda worse in poor countries. Birthrate is low among the working professionals while the poor keeps popping up kids. Not to mention the brain drain where the middle-class just immigrate elsewhere. The result is lots of poor desperate people that are easily exploited by corrupt oligarchs.
Alk of this is socially engineered
Russia certainly isn't any worse off than the West is.
I know in Canada's case at least we'll be a lot more fucked due to the population replacement with Indians of all people along with a cardboard box of a house costing a million bux minimum while in Russia you could get the same shitbox apartment for a package of bubblegum.
@@dwargonedragon794 so true.... and I can confirm that as I live in a developing country.
The African population is increasing, but not too fast. In more developed African countries the population is growing slower than usual.
Beautiful sky looks like art
Looks like a grid. Wonder what they're spraying up there.
@@sherlockholmez8764 some metals to dumb us
So it's not just the West. Does the Russian sky look this like this too?
chemtrail art that is
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who spotted the chemtrail
Beautiful chemtrails behind you.
CH, you are the best!
Tell us about the Chinese women refusing the paternity tests!
My opinion as an American - in ye olden days, a lot of people who didn't understand or like the opposite sex ended up monks, nuns, etc. So, instead of trying to make everyone marry, we need to figure out how to ensure that the 50% are having as many kids as they can.
Also a lot of your history is off. History is cyclical. War and disease made it so that some generations were smaller than the previous. Debauchery was common in certain eras in Rome and other areas - again it's cyclical.
Everyone is having a panic over this but generally, i think the normalcy bias is too strong. This will not go on forever.
You are hilarious 😂 cheers
This is a horribly horribly bleak situation, there has to be a solution. The Bible has it Proverbs 3:5-6.
The solution is most likely Chinese men having relationships with people from other countries or using AI girlfriends.
@@thebostonministry8099 not yet but I think we’re there in the next 5-10 years.
The bible never condemned slavery
The condensation trails is trigger for conspiracy theorists lol. love your vlogs man.
What are your thoughts on Chinese womenwho choose to date and marry Westerners?
Hahaha “cheat on me with 2 black guys” 🤣🤣 i like ur channel
Good video.
What a beautiful city
Modern chn cities are so clean. No social destructive behavior. On my drive on I5 in ca, there isn't one restaurant, gas station where glass/mirrors are not ruined by gang graffiti. Most don't have mirrors in wash rooms.
As your marriage progress the probability of divorce goes up steeply. Not 50/50 at all.
Marriage is not worth it.
Women divorce because their hubby is fat and ugly and she knows she can get better.
There will be a huge population drop, not only in Western countries, but worldwide. Maybe African and Muslim countries will still see a small growth in their population numbers. But all this nonsense about overpopulation will soon be obsolete. It will be a total different society in 10-20 years from now. 😢
What is the title At the end of your video?
dude im 34 as a lone wolf im not angry not ragefull i just dont care people dont change people dont care why would be angry this point find your hobby find your peace
2017 after i understand love marriage crap not for me i never look back after that i read more i learn more i become more peacefull no drama in my life
you cant control others only you can control your own actions you not responsible others if women keep doing bad things they will face their actions not me
stay peace guys enjoy your freedom
They celebrate divorce on tv
Why is the alpaca in such a small cage?
Tourist attraction
True love is not dead just rare. I still believe in it though. It's hard to come across good people but they're out there.
For many people marriage isn't that serious, sacred union it used to be, people treat it like dating, even dating has become unserious nowadays.
When dating today, you have to analyze the other person well and choose wisely.
I've been saying for awhile, not all new technology is useful or good. Some old school ways aren't bad especially for growing developing babies and kids.
If a man pays for every single little and big thing you want, is he really your man though? Sounds like a father to his little girl 🙃
What are all the white streaks in the sky?
Plane ✈️ flyby
dont sell your liver...
11:00 I didn't expect this kind of Ending but i'm fine with it.
我觉得这个没有未来。没有孩子,没有chance of political reform.
So they will probably import and marry Eastern European women instead if not for Monk mode.
Some dude tried, and many of them got divorced, consumer attitude are different, they have to cut the tie or go bankrupt.
More likely South East Asian
Your stats compared Asian women in the west with other women in the west, but the comparison should be women in the west vs women outside of the west. The western environment allows and encourages the behavior we associate with the west.
Not saying Asia is paradise or the women are perfect, but the environment for marriage and keeping your stuff if it fails is better.
China is very westernized today along with Japan and South Korea and this is the Asia he knows and is talking about.
It would be different if you went and got a wife somewhere like Cambodia for instance which is still very underdeveloped and not very westernized at all yet so it would be like getting a Chinese wife from the 1950's practically.
No way she'd divorce you if you were an average westerner but yeah that's not the case for most Asian women of the developed nations.
When the environment changes, the women changed with it.
Enjoyed your video, unfortunately it's the same thing here in the US but the different twist. Either way the planners be planning. I used to think it was just evil people where people that became evil, I've weaved in and out of different concepts of God trying to figure out who he is and how he relates to people. The deeper I dug the worst it got. At this point I think this is a creation issue. Piss poor creation, the creation mimics the Creator. I just wonder if when I pass away someday if it will be just as s***** on whatever other side might exist. The f***** up thing is that none of this had to be this way
The BBC strikes again!
My sisters brother n law control alted after his wife divorced him and she thought it was for another reason so i asked my sister what kind of person was his ex wife my sister said she was a b just like her mom.
Whats the age for left over men?
There’s no limit
haha, they have given up on their sons
Man, im sure you are watching Rehab Room or some other Blackpill creators, lol. Is there any analogs to BP and such channels, as RR in China?
How old are you David?
I the is 30
@ToeKnife166 I guess he is 33
A national dowry is needed to replace most welfare. Any male under 30 years old who is a first time biological father receives a one time lump sum with no conditions.
Just bc you don't get married, doesn't mean you can't have a healthy relationship.
Do you like the single life?
Female: YES
What a depressing video! But true ! Feminism has destroyed the East and the West family structure. Along with p,o,r,n that destroyed young men.
Why porn?
@ @ research p,o.rn destroys young men desire to be with woman, because they beat their ox too much and live in fantasy.
@Anton43218it made men creepy with weird opinion regarding women. Women do not like men with a creepy aura.
There are a lot of men that aren't tall or handsome that are able to go on dates and get married. Look at Jack Ma, Bill Gates, Joe Pesci, Danny Devito, and may others. Those men are all successful.
My friend is a engineer, he is about 5'6", and he wears thick glasses. He looks like a typical nerd, and he was able to get married and have a family.
I am just a average looking Chinese man from Zhejiang, I am just 5'8" tall, and I am a computer programmer. I am not married, but I do go on dates.
Mofo, you chose a bunch of high status men, I'd you account for high status, then any man can get married but being a 1 in 10,000 or more who is considered high status enough to be attractive is much harder than being the 1 in 10 attractive enough male to get married.
Not sure if you are trolling or what
Yeah, money makes the difference not looks, atleast for men, in women looks are important
And he is 100% sure the kids are his? Look at how Jeff Bezoz, one of the richest man in the world, got completely clowned by his own wife lusting over Leonardo DiCaprio in front of him.
Women are all the same. If you aren't Chad, your money is just cope.
She's not yours, it's only your turn.
Well that is a terribly bleak viewpoint. If y’all just learn compassion, you might find some solace.
bro never face your camera opposite to the sun, basic setting
Плеазе тшяд
yo you have chemtrails in china too
11:00 based honorary aryan???
Well you kinda biased. You knowledge of history is somewhat limited.
He teaches history.