My brother reacts to our hidden family story

  • Опубликовано: 17 окт 2024
  • #italy #findingyourroots #ancestrydna #italians #creole #familyhistory #genealogy
    My brother, Luke, sat down to talk with me about what he remembers about our family, and talk about the hidden parts of our family tree.
    🟢Grab your own Ancestry DNA test now*! :
    Come join me on a new docu-series that explores identity, racial tensions in the South during the 20th century, and the unique experiences of those who historically called Louisiana home.
    My name is Danielle Romero, and all my life, I have romanticized Louisiana.
    Growing up in New York, it represented a place where I could step back the sepia-toned life of my great grandmother, Lola Perot, who died before I was born.
    Now, it was time to go back to Louisiana--although I had no idea what the truth would be or what questions to ask---who was Lola really? Who were we?
    *Amazon links are affiliate links. If buy something through these links, we may earn affiliate commission. Thank you for supporting this project!

Комментарии • 315

  • @nytn
    @nytn  9 месяцев назад +12

    Did you see Luke's Zoom interview with me? Watch it here:видео.html
    ▶My Italian american experience playlist:
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    • @ReshonBryant
      @ReshonBryant 9 месяцев назад

    • @gkeith64
      @gkeith64 9 месяцев назад

      YaHU'aH the 4|For power WORDs = tetYHUHgrammarten, in the shortest definition is; SOVEREIGN ETERNAL SUPREME IMMORTAL POTENTATE, and via sonic implosion creates light 🔯, the Star TetYHUHhedron 🔯, YaHs sigNATURE aka sign in nature.. his glory the lilly 🌷
      Note sigNATURE of YaH🔯👆
      In Geometry 🔯⚛️
      2 Esdras 5:24
      “And of all lands of the whole world thou hast chosen thee one pit: and of all the flowers thereof, one Lillie🔯.”
      MatithYahu 6:28-29 Gift of YaHU'aH🔯
      28 And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:
      29 And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
      As in the many flowers of the field, the Lilly, Iris, tulip and mulberry, peppers, and many more. All display, Father's Great sigNATURE🔯, in flower form.
      Psalms 91:4
      He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: YaHU'aHs🔯TRUTH shall be thy shield and buckler. As King David did, {rather ∆au∆}, placed YaHs sign, on his shield🔯, buckler🔯, & breastplate🔯
      Ayob 38:2 words with knowledge
      As with all beautiful words spoKIN, even eternity, TRUTH, Harmony, Love, and Joy, so each Mandelbrot forms🔯around this sigNATURE🔯 cymatic tone. And no matter how many times, each word is written or spoken, the cymatic image of each, tho unique, still remain in the same form🔯. See Dr. Emoto Masuro & Prof. Luc Montagnier.
      Ayob 38:22
      “Hast thou entered into the treasures of the SNOW ❄️? or hast thou seen the treasures of the hail❄️? As the tears, (RAIN}, of the heavenly hosts fall, through the cold & snowflakes ❄️ are formed, in accordance to their praises, HalleluYah 🔯💜 Yashayahu 55:10-11
      Genesis 2:7
      And YaHU'aH AllahAYnu formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life🔯......YaH🔯 SPEAKS; EL yoU Cee, EL oM into MoLeCule's, & formation of seMaN! WE Swim to the womb, as Atoms ⚛️ form as 2 SowEL's collide, into DNA 🧬 , by which all cells are made & multiply! Having united, 2 married in2, 1 new sowel, for the making of a zygote, new NaMes, in human form. And the cymatic heartbeat of a FetUS🔯639 hertz, another sown Eloheim, 2 be born, as 1, a marriage & unbreakable bond!
      Marriage = baby🍼! YeremiYahu 1:5
      As in the Ancient Covenant Elders Yahu∆ah, which are called by YaH🔯's Great name. Yahu∆ah = YaHU'aHs🔯,🔺 ∆oor, of IMMORTALITY. The π🔯mi∆!
      Sonic implosion creates the star tetYAHedron🔯 when speaKING: YaHUaHs Great NAME.
      In all the above, what do we see? Fathers sigNATURE🔯 is how everything is KINnected 💜, tested, known & proven!
      Go Look, know & see!
      Romans 1:
      18 For the wrath of YaHU'aH🔯⚛️ is revealed from heaven against all unYaHliness and unrighteousness of men, WHO HOLD THE TRUTH IN UNRIGHTEOUSNESS;
      19 Because that which may be known of YaHUaH is manifest in them, {Molecules & Atoms⚛️}; for YaHUaH🔯 hath shewed it unto them.
      20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power⚛️ and YaHhead🔯; so that they are without excuse:
      21 Because that, when they knew YaHU'aH, they glorified him not as AllahAYnu, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
      22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
      23 And changed the GLORY 🔯 of the uncorruptible YaHU'aH🔯 into an image made like to corruptible man (J.C.✝️), and to birds, ( 🦅,eagle) and four footed beasts, ( 🐂bull), and creeping things, ( 🐍snake- don't tread on me).

    • @gkeith64
      @gkeith64 9 месяцев назад

      2 Timothy 2:15
      15 Study to shew thyself approved unto YaHU'aH, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth
      Entire planet is in a state of Babylon..
      What's 🍼Babylon 🧷 known for 🤔
      Changing NAMES to withhold the TRUTH in unrighteousness, Nebuchadnezzar got his🐴🪘 for! Ie., AzarYahu = YaHU'aH Helps vs Abednego = worshipper of Nurgal 😳, or worse YahuaShua = YaHU'aH Delivers, vs Iesus and later after 1800AD, Jesus🤔2 Anti-Messiyah....whoa 🤯
      The earth is ENSLAVED by Azâzêl's 👿 Gregori Watchers 👽 Gregorian calendar...... The deception has been.. beLIEve not, September October November December are not the 9th, 10th, 11th & 12th months..... Sep = 7, Oct = 8, Nov = 9, & Dec = 10
      1 King∆om
      2 sons/Nations
      Father YaHU'aH has chosen the
      2nd Son
      1st born AbraYam 2nd born
      Y'shmael Y'saac 2
      Esau💔 Ya'acob 2
      Aaron Moshe' 2
      2nd°Ephraim💔 Yahu∆ah 4
      Y'srael North🕎 🔯Yahu∆ah South
      YeremiYahu 3:7 2Edras 2:10
      Divorced❄️💔 ☀️Yarushalom
      Caucasian Asian American African
      | Black
      Arab........... Algonquin_🐴🪘Negro🌳⛓️
      |_______ Palestine......| Colored
      Psalms 83:3-8, Rev.12:13 YermiYh 25:8-9
      Azâzêl's🐲 👿🐖Luke 21:10-12, Deut:28
      / \ /
      Y'srael🤢1 |---------^---🐴🪘Yahu∆ah⛓️2
      EsAU Asian Khem-----|
      Ephraim< Hosea 4:17..Amooray💔🤬
      Greek Babylonian |
      Rome🏫🌳📃Herodian |
      Idumeans ----| Sephardim💔😭Spain
      Roman Judeans --------| ^ |
      Cretin-Christians🌳🚀🔥Jew ? ?
      Egyptian Indian•Bharat
      Read 1 Kings 12:11, YashaYahu 5:8-30 & YeremiYahu 17th, Psalms 83, YeremiYahu 25:1-9, Deuteronomy 28,1st Enoch - Chptr 92:9-10, Luke 21:20-24, Amos 8:11 Lamentations, YeremiYahu 7th chptr, Ezra 9-10, YeremiYahu 31:27, Ezekiel 36:19-24, 3 Nephi 20:,Acts 7:6-7, Acts 17:26 YashaYahu 34:6-10, ZacharYahu 14:3, Joel 3, Amos 3:13-15🦉🗝️🔯🐝 🔯Obed♾️YaHU
      Joel 2:32 And it shall come to pass, that WHOSOEVER🤔 shall CALL on the NAME of YaHU'aH shall be DELIVERED: for in mount TsYahn and in Yarushalem shall be DELIVERANCE, as YaHU'aH hath said, and in the REMNANT whom YaHU'aH shall call
      PROVERBS 22:12 The eyes of YaHU'aH preserve KNOWLEDGE, and he OVERTHROWETH the WORDS of the TRANSGRESSORS.
      Enoch 104:7-8
      104:7 Now will I point out a mystery: Many sinners shall turn and transgress against the word of uprightness. {YHWH🔯 is the word of uprightness}
      104:8 They shall speak evil things; they shall utter falsehood; execute great undertakings; (142) and compose books in their OWN WORDS. But when they shall write all my words correctly in their own languages.... TRUTH will be KNOWN
      Yahu'shua 23:7-8
      “That ye come not among these Y'sraelite nations, these that remain among you; neither make mention of the NAME of their gods, nor cause to swear by them, neither serve them, nor bow yourselves unto them:” 8 But cleave unto YaHU'aH your AllahAYnu, as ye have done unto this day.
      1 false apostle & 2 Anti-Messiyahs
      Paul ☝️ Iesus & Jesus ☝️
      Fall of Yarushalem &
      YahuDah 2 Tribulations
      3 Enslavements
      700 yr period under Babylon
      Worshipping NAMES, not YaH🔯
      YeremiYahu 25th & 29th chptrs
      🔯Ancients Yahu∆im Yahu∆ah Yasharal👑Yahu'shua ∆ & 12 elect of Yahu∆ah
      Pope Constantine XI, {101} Dragasase Palaiologos 1436-1453 TsYahn Gate East YeremiYahu 25:8-10 70 = 700yrs
      F Acts 28:1-28, 29:, & 13:1*
      A 1330AD /👇YOUNGER Gentiles👺
      M 1400AD /Greek, Ioudeans Israelites
      I 1436AD / Rev 2:9, 1Mac 1:11👆🙄
      N Rev 12:7 / Roman Constantine✝️
      E /i1436AD Catholic Christian,
      YeremiYahu 25:8-9
      \ 🔥Papal Bulls Dum diversus👑Isabel
      \ Revelation 6:8 -4th part~America
      \ 7 Headed~ 7 nations of Europe
      \of /1519Renaisance Mac 3:48👈
      6 YHWH🔮76Isa11:15 j1779AD,Christian
      6 WORDS \Luke 21:24 Jew,Islam,Vedic,
      3 w-o/YaH \ Brahman, Buddhist, etc..
      yr In them \ Jer 16:19, 1Cor10:20
      Year 1500
      7 hd beast - 1.Italy 2.France 3.Germany 4.Belgium 5.Portugal 6.Britain 7.Spain
      I &J Horns👺that Scattered Yahu∆ah
      420 month,of yrs 1436-1798pA 1834 inqE-2026 Iesus Christos
      KJV 1611 IeSus aka Iesus Christos
      Times,Time 1/2 t.
      Pluto marker 🔮1776*-2026
      1798 Bible reduced to 66 📚Jesuit
      Jesus replaced Iesus, Pope arrested.
      Revelation 11:12, Daniel 12:7, Baruch 4:19🛸 * Scattered, 7 steam rvr. Trail of tears
      Pluto marker 🔮 returned 2022.. 246 yr cycle...
      Next 🗝️ date 8 April 2024 eclipse 🌒 Makanda Illinois ❌🔯, Return of YaHU'aH's RuAnkh Yah'Qodesh 🕊️ 💜🔯, Father's whirlwind 🛸
      ZacharYahu 14:3 & Joel 3........ Is when we at now.....8 APRIL 🌒 Awaiting the TRUE RuAnkh Yah'Qodesh🔻..keys of Enoch...
      We now know Yahudea-America is Asareth.. which is the land of the Asareth Ya'dibrot 🟦🟦 & MaYa'T 🟩🟩🟩 5 smooth stones = 52> 7

  • @japeri171
    @japeri171 9 месяцев назад +27

    Chatting with your brother is very relaxed It's always good to learn stories about our relatives in a light-hearted way.

    • @nytn
      @nytn  9 месяцев назад +1

      So true!

    • @ReshonBryant
      @ReshonBryant 9 месяцев назад

      Brings to mind how my Hispanic cousin and I can look alike especially if our hair is cut down to a Caesar and we're clean shaven. It's generally then that you can see our Middle Eastern genetics we share while being POC. Otherwise we don't look much alike even though we share a common biological ancestor.

  • @rhondajohnson8310
    @rhondajohnson8310 9 месяцев назад +35

    Love love love this interview! You guys are awesome for giving your audience this conversation. More families should do this for real

    • @nytn
      @nytn  9 месяцев назад +1

      I agree!!

  • @reportedstolen3603
    @reportedstolen3603 9 месяцев назад +36

    Have you considered asking if your brother would take a genealogy test so you could see what Y-DNA haplogroups your father contributed to the family?

  • @desmawalker556
    @desmawalker556 9 месяцев назад +57

    Luke should try going to a Black Barber shop... Trust me, it's a whole experience that he would totally love. 😀

    • @nytn
      @nytn  9 месяцев назад +19

      I told him! I had my hair braided when I was in the Dominican Republic and they were the best braids I’ve ever had. 🙏🏼

    • @ReshonBryant
      @ReshonBryant 9 месяцев назад +2


    • @findingbeautyinthepain8965
      @findingbeautyinthepain8965 9 месяцев назад +17

      I came here to say this! You know that saying, “Once you go black, you never go back?” That’s how I am with my hair! Growing up, my mom had NO IDEA what to do with my hair. She either brushed it into a giant fizzy ball or made lots of weird buns and pony tails all over my head. 🤦🏻‍♀😂 When I was about 14, my friends and I were going to a fancy party in NYC. My mom dropped me off at my friends house, in one of the typical, “I have no idea what I’m doing,” hairstyles. My friend’s mom was just finishing her hair, which she worked on for hours, and it looked fabulous! As soon as her mom saw me, she said “Laaaaawd Jesus, we’re gonna be late!” My friend and I complained and moaned. She said, “I can’t be letting this child out like this! No ma’am!” Long story somewhat short, she showed me how to actually care for textured hair!! 🙌🏼😍 She taught me that you don’t run a brush from root to tip on textured hair, the importance of hair and scalp oil, how to use a bore bristle brush to smooth AND clean my hair, that my hair needs to be in a braid to sleep, and how to style it. Most importantly, she told me to ONLY go to black hair dressers from now on! I still get lazy and forget to braid and oil sometimes, but my hair has never been a frizzy, matted, rat’s nest since that day! 🥰❤

    • @nytn
      @nytn  9 месяцев назад +10

      I actually cried tears laughing at this story. I just started getting oil for mine. It's relaxed with keratin right now but Im thinking about trying to go natural again. Im a little scared because I always always feel like my hair is a ratty puffball. My mom would comb it with a very fine toothed comb and it was brutal...I wonder if a Black salon would roll their eyes at me going in. Im going to think about it!@@findingbeautyinthepain8965

    • @findingbeautyinthepain8965
      @findingbeautyinthepain8965 9 месяцев назад +11

      @@nytn Hahaha my friend’s mom was such an angel! I was super nervous to go to a black salon at first. I definitely didn’t want to
      invade anyone’s safe space or change their dynamic. Luckily, I started talking to a lady when I was getting my nails done, and she mentioned she worked at the hair salon next door. I noticed it was owned and run by black women and I had only seen black clients. I remember asking, “Would it be okay if someone like me booked an appointment with you?” She was so sweet and said, “Of course it would be! We take all kinds!” She also explained that white salons can almost never do black hair, but black salons can usually do every type of hair. And then I had my loud Italian mom, yelling from 5 chairs down, “See, I told you it would be fine! My daughter was saying you only take black clients, but I told her that’s not true!” Thanks mom, for telling the ENTIRE nail salon, what I told you in private. 🤦🏻‍♀🤣

  • @alexbee3736
    @alexbee3736 9 месяцев назад +7

    I enjoyed how genuinely caring you guys are

  • @thebitterprojector
    @thebitterprojector 9 месяцев назад +11

    In reference to the Egyptian thing - My family - who as far as we know are Basotho back to the Boer war and back to the migration from the congo before then. (Basotho people are a southern african ethnic group that have their own country, Lesotho, but also are spread across South Africa.) When we did 23andme every person got different results and we did them separately before telling them we have family members to compare to. Everyone got different results and there were results ranging from Tanzanian to Eritrean to Mozambiquean. There was a small percentage of Sotho but both of my grandparents are Sotho, my grandmother's last name is one of the oldest existing Sotho last names. So it was insane that the percentage of Basotho we all got was so low. I don't think that 23andme's genetic database has enough source DNA from the continent for accurate readings of African descent outside of western Africa. It's weird and something I think they should actively work to fix if it's still believed we all originated from the continent. But they work by matching to current genetic markers and it's likely that when our common ancestors from the congo nearly a millennia ago were like, this river is cray cray - we gotta get out of here - they all went separate ways and became some of the east africans that came up like Tanzanians and Mozambiqueans, but Eritreans existed in the times of Moses and Jesus so how we share genetic markers with them confuses me. So 23and me was a bust for my family. I think the Egyptian thing could boil down to a lack of data and like you said, it's the Mediterranean and it's all the same place kinda.

    • @inyenyenzi
      @inyenyenzi 9 месяцев назад

      Basotho are an admixture of the Proto-Bantu(BaTonga)+Nilotic-Kushite+Bantu+San(Nguni)+Shona(KiKongo-Ngolo-Niger)+San. We've the Linguistics Data that shows how people formed, the language shows Sotho came after Nguni and Pedi, the Pedi group went back east to Mozambique were there was another conquest of the Bantu+San+KiKongo-Ngolo-Nkore which created your admixture. The Nkore(Mutapas) were in Uganda before they headed south and overran Great Zimbabwe. During this time, there was the Nilotic-Kushite push southwards from Sudan/Ethiopia. The BaTonga and BaHima+Old WaTutsi+Subiya are the Proto-Bantu whose Kingdoms spanned Mozambique/Southern African(BaTonga) and Great Lakes+South-East Africa+Tanzania+Congo+Somalia(BaHima+WaTutsi+Mulenge+Subiya before they became Kushites)

    • @StarDreamMemories
      @StarDreamMemories Месяц назад

      👍 I've only begun looking into results for "native Americans" it's truly unbelievable. I almost believe much of this information is being censored atm, but this will change with more ppl putting their genes in the pool. I heard somewhere that "Inuits" or native Alaskans have European ancestry which truly throws history off😂.
      Also I found it extremely interesting that domesticated animals especially horses(found at archaeological sites) are showing dna from European lines.
      Such truths seem to get swept under the rug when they do NOT correlate with what we believe is "history".
      Then there was the stolen young girls (red haired were favored) from European that'll throw a wrench in the dna too.

  • @Jenjen-qc5eq
    @Jenjen-qc5eq 9 месяцев назад +38

    We Blacks have an uncanny ability of instinctively knowing if someone has Black ancestry even if it is five generations ago, I wonder why that is?...😊☕

    • @ReshonBryant
      @ReshonBryant 9 месяцев назад +7

      Bro looks like he could be the result of a biracial parent and a fully white parent. So, about 25% Black based on appearance. Slightly darker than big Sis. Plus, the wavy/curly hair is another indicator.

    • @Garaystone
      @Garaystone 9 месяцев назад +1

      @@ReshonBryant both of them you can see it more in the brother,

    • @ReshonBryant
      @ReshonBryant 9 месяцев назад +1

      @@Garaystone not really. This isn't about validation my guy. It's about optics. There's a recently uploaded image of Danielle in which she looks more Black but this isn't one of them. There's a very distinct difference between her and her brother this episode.

    • @ReshonBryant
      @ReshonBryant 9 месяцев назад

      @@Garaystone you should look up a rapper named Logic. A great example of what I mean by optics. Biracial yet looks white. Dr. John is another. A creole that looks white and sounds Black as we say.

    • @Garaystone
      @Garaystone 9 месяцев назад

      We especially women have that gene that makes children of all colors, I have two great grands, not brothers or sister just first cousin who look like theses two, Black Puerto Rican mix. with Guamatemala and Salvadoran, Indigenous Honduras, they look like brother sister,

  • @joecutro7318
    @joecutro7318 9 месяцев назад +10

    Good to hear you and Luke. Between Freihofer's, Latham, Loudonville and Troy, I had several flashbacks. 😅 My uncle would come from Brooklyn to Troy for July 4th, pop the trunk of his Fleetwood and it would be full of fireworks. 😅 1963 Fleetwood's had big trunks. Good times. 👍🏼 Hope you enjoyed you time together.
    The video ended abruptly. Was that a YT cancel? 🤔

    • @nytn
      @nytn  9 месяцев назад +9

      Yes the flashbacks from back home!!
      Um, something is definitely going on. This video is being hidden and a few others just popped up as flagged. I have no idea!

  • @1missbridget
    @1missbridget 9 месяцев назад +196

    It's odd to me that you all didn't realize you had any Black ancestry because when I first stumbled upon your channel, on the first video, I automatically assumed you were mixed-raced Black. After I heard you talking about your family, I was thinking, "How could she not know?" lol

    • @nytn
      @nytn  9 месяцев назад +70

      I cant tell you how many times I have had that experience just out in the world. It's amazing how much we can misunderstand about ourselves

    • @robertwalker8453
      @robertwalker8453 9 месяцев назад +103

      Curious, by chance, did those who questioned your ethnicity in the past were black? There is a curious thing. Blacks tend to be more astute at identifying those of mixed ethnicity even if someone is 1/8 or 1/16. In fact in the South in the times of Jim Crow it was often black people who "dropped the dime" on those who were "passing." That is why when people choose to "pass" they would often avoid black people, because they didn't want to chance being discovered. It is the richness of the ethnic diversity that helps to make you the radiant person you are. As always, it has been a joy to follow you on your journey of discovery.

    • @1missbridget
      @1missbridget 9 месяцев назад +60

      @@robertwalker8453 Funny that I recently had a conversation about how we usually can "recognize our own kind" lol

    • @beaujac311
      @beaujac311 9 месяцев назад +49

      1missbridget:. I thought the same until she said that her father is southern Italian. I can see how she would think that her "ethnic" look could have just come from there.

    • @lollolowski8956
      @lollolowski8956 9 месяцев назад +12

      Have you done haplogroup testing for example on FTDNA ? You can get mothers line and fathersline haplogroups giving you a migration paths from Africa to europe and other places.

  • @xennialsavants8226
    @xennialsavants8226 9 месяцев назад +2

    Very fascinating channel. My Mom side has a very confusing ancestry as well (from Mississippi & Louisiana) my grandmother was very hesitant to talk about it and of course her way of explaining didnt make sense to me as a kid and didnt always have the full context. But apparently we have a lot of family members who could "pass" and some completely separated from the family. Its so crazy to realize the difficulties that brought us hear

  • @e.urbach7780
    @e.urbach7780 9 месяцев назад +27

    I think Italian-Americans need to talk about the regional and cultural differences between us, depending on where we settled outside of Italy, and where we came from within Italy. Your brother's confusion over gold jewelry and the chili pepper/horn pendant is one example; that's a common cultural thing within Italian-Americans who settled in New York and New Jersey, but not necessarily outside the Northeast of the U.S. My Italian immigrant relatives settled in the Midwest (Nebraska and Minnesota), and the West Coast (California and Oregon), and we never grew up wearing gold chains or Italian horn jewelry, either. The girls also didn't get our ears pierced as infants so that we could wear gold studs or tiny gold ring earrings, like I see in Italian-American babies from New York and New Jersey!
    The Feast of the Seven Fishes was also not a thing in Italian-American families in the West and Midwest; there has been a lot of discussion about that online this month, with lots of Italians (born and raised in Italy) claiming that it's just one more reason why Italian-Americans have no right to claim Italian ancestry and culture, and other more recent Italian immigrants saying that they ate the Feast of the Seven Fishes back in the town where they were born in Italy ... In my family, our immigrant ancestors were too poor to afford seven different kinds of fish, and the ingredients to make that many separate dishes, plus all the cookies, etc., even for Christmas! The first time I heard about it, I was like, "what Italian immigrant was that rich?" Maybe the more recent immigrants who came after the 1950s, but not the ones who came earlier ...

    • @lucianomezzetta4332
      @lucianomezzetta4332 9 месяцев назад +3

      I grew up in San Francisco. Hardly anything New York or New Jersey Italians do or like is what I do or like.

    • @JohnnyLodge2
      @JohnnyLodge2 9 месяцев назад +2

      Yeah. It was always weird to me that both north and south of Italy has secessionist parties and claim the other aren't real italian but somehow there is 1 culture when contrasting them from italians abroad.
      But NY/NJ culture is guido culture, not Italian American culture

    • @findingbeautyinthepain8965
      @findingbeautyinthepain8965 9 месяцев назад +2

      Thank you for bringing this up! Not only do Italian Americans need to understand how different regions of Italian Americans have different customs, but Italian Americans NEED to understand most of these customs derived here in America, not in Italy. To be honest, Italians Americans in the Northeast get on my nerves lol. They think EVERYTHING they do is authentic to Italy, and that’s not remotely true. They say words wrong and claim it’s the correct Italian pronunciation. 🤔 They will also say they have an Italian accent. No, that’s a New York accent, it’s not remotely Italian. 🤦🏻‍♀ There are some videos and books out there that explain where these customs, accents, and words come from and why. There are very understandable reasons behind them, but it all has to do with the ways Italian immigrants (people actually born in Italy) assimilated with other cultures in New York. It has nothing to do with anything that happened in Italy lol. 😅 The gold thing, personally, drives me crazy, but I hate anything that is flashy and tries to show how much money someone has. I also can’t stand Italian Americans saying baby girls NEED gold earrings or someone might think she’s a boy. (Hispanics do this too, so I get it from all sides lol.) My response is, “Oh no! Someone might think my infant is a boy for five seconds! How will my infant, who can’t understand language, ever get over it!?” 😂😂 Thank you for bringing up this topic! We, Italian Americans, really need to talk about it more.

    • @Jae-b1s
      @Jae-b1s 9 месяцев назад

      ​@@lucianomezzetta4332I'm just curious as to why that is? Why aren't the customs of the New York/New Jersey Italians held by those out West? Were they abandoned due to discrimination?

    • @scaringclaring5240
      @scaringclaring5240 9 месяцев назад +2

      Nah you probably shouldn't focus on "the regional and cultural differences". It will only divide by accentuating superiority-inferiority based on blood purity. Your description of the style and. behavior differences does not prove cultural or regional differences. The cause of that can also be (and likely is) the milieu culture the new immigrants settled in. If the host population is not intolerant per say but insular and not particularly welcoming, the new immigrants are either gonna ghettoize or assimilate to the point of dropping all ancestral traditions. You see this in Canada, too. Italians of Quebec are much more like the NY/NJ Italians and those in the rest of Canada (i,e, English-speaking/British settled-ruled Canada) are hardly in touch with their ancestry and culture.

  • @XHobbiesPrime
    @XHobbiesPrime 9 месяцев назад +21

    This family is so hilarious and the story is very American.

  • @johnnyearp52
    @johnnyearp52 9 месяцев назад +5

    Enjoyable interview! Thanks for sharing.

    • @nytn
      @nytn  9 месяцев назад +1

      I missed seeing my brothers! During covid NY was so shut down, we didnt get to visit for a long time.

  • @andreawallace4843
    @andreawallace4843 9 месяцев назад +10

    LOL it’s great that your dad learned how to make an Italian sauce from a Polish woman. My Mexican mother learned how to make tortillas while we were stationed in Germany.

    • @patriciamitchell9365
      @patriciamitchell9365 4 месяца назад +2

      My Black grandmother learned how to make sausage from a Polish man.

  • @meliw4142
    @meliw4142 9 месяцев назад +1

    This interview was great! Everyone's admixture tells a story, but its the experience's that adds spice.

  • @stephanienwadieiiamhybasia
    @stephanienwadieiiamhybasia 9 месяцев назад +41

    Your family was not “screwed “ because they were black, back in the day.
    They had simply “separate lives “ which were filled with mixed moments of joy and sadness, as humans did in their time.

    • @nytn
      @nytn  9 месяцев назад +15

      you are so right

    • @findingbeautyinthepain8965
      @findingbeautyinthepain8965 9 месяцев назад +4

      That’s a great point! ❤ I think everyone’s lives are filled with both, joy and sadness. But I can definitely see someone thinking, “If I out myself and lose all these rights, I’ll be screwed. I’m better off just brushing off the comments about my color and phenotypes so I can keep this privilege.”

    • @Ice-c-o8q
      @Ice-c-o8q 9 месяцев назад +5

      I'm Black and I had a wonderful childhood. I grew up in the Midwest and my father was able to provide for us in such a way that white people were envious. My father bought me a Mercedes when I was in college because he was proud of me. I've never seen myself as anything other than privileged.

    • @Jae-b1s
      @Jae-b1s 9 месяцев назад

      And that's the stereotype/narrative that's in this country that Blacks are lazy, on welfare and uneducated. Glad you beat the odds!

  • @SuperMommav
    @SuperMommav 9 месяцев назад +14

    I feel like for the most part blk Americans don’t have “ wiry” hair. I think that’s more a Mediterranean trait.

  • @stephanienwadieiiamhybasia
    @stephanienwadieiiamhybasia 9 месяцев назад +16

    Your family is funny. Don’t worry, you are not alone.
    Some Creole mothers lie about things for unknown reasons.
    Thank God for DNA testing.
    Only because of testing, I know and met a member of my biological father’s family.( as an older woman).

  • @alireid5874
    @alireid5874 8 месяцев назад +1

    Love the sibling dynamics and especially the youngest sibling "I had no idea what was going on" comments 😂 My younger brother is exactly the same ❤

    • @nytn
      @nytn  8 месяцев назад +1

      So true! Although I think he exaggerates it just so he can not pay attention LOL

  • @Ice-c-o8q
    @Ice-c-o8q 9 месяцев назад +2

    I think it's so amazing that you look so much like your grandma Lola in her wedding pic. And your cousin Alicia does too.

  • @SunyattaAmen
    @SunyattaAmen 2 месяца назад +2

    Thanks for this interview and your channel. I always knew you were Black right away looking at you. We always know our own-- even if our own doesn’t know themslves. ❤ As an aside, I have an entire side of my family who decided to "pass" in my grandmother's generation. It's wild. As recently as 2015, one of my aunts wanted to meet another aunt for lunch but said it would have to be away from her workplace in NYC because her co-workers didn't know she was Black. Keep in mind, Aunt #2 is also very light-skinned but I guess Aunt #1 wanted to make sure her cover wasn’t blown 😂

  • @clairecooke6268
    @clairecooke6268 9 месяцев назад +5

    Love love love all your family convos 👌😁

    • @nytn
      @nytn  9 месяцев назад

      I am so glad! I always love laughing with my brothers. Theyre so funny 😂

  • @Myraisins1
    @Myraisins1 9 месяцев назад +3

    Great interview!

  • @vm1776
    @vm1776 9 месяцев назад +3

    Italian horn - I can relate to your brother's comments. My grandmother was the youngest child, her parents were Italian immigrants and her mother never learned English but as the youngest she had older siblings translating so my grandmother never learned Italian. My grandmother married into a PA Dutch family and other than making lasagna and a couple other dishes at holidays there was no trace of Italian roots in my family. A family arguement between my grandmother and her niece seperated our family from my cousins in that line and I met my cousins when I was high school age. So in the last year my cousin posted on facebook about wearing the Italian horn and I asked her about it. I knew it was a stereotypical thing for Italians at the Jersey shore to wear, but I had no idea that it had meaning. So at 48, I learned about it. I don't think my cousin has any idea of how many Italian traditions I've learned about through her. Her ancestry is 100% Italian, mine is 25%, and she grew up in the Catholic Church which my grandmother had to leave when she married a Protestant.

    • @carolinezervan6301
      @carolinezervan6301 4 месяца назад

      My great grandmother left the Catholic church to marry my great grandfather who also was some Protestant denomination. They had nine kids. She taught some of her younger kids the rosary though. Oddly enough some of my relatives have married up with Catholics. Lol

  • @bunnybrown809
    @bunnybrown809 8 месяцев назад +5

    One of the funniest things while going to a salon not familiar with ppl whom have southern European roots,was a woman whom prewax ,kept wiping my eyebrows down with makeup remover, she slowly realizes I had no make up on my eyebrows, she then begins gently waxing my eyebrows. I had to stop her and coach her to use force to remove my course hair,she was freaked out! LoL After the wax and hair layering she said she needed to rest. That salon shunned me after that,thank God my daughter learned to wax our eyebrows and cut our hair!

    • @nytn
      @nytn  8 месяцев назад +2

      I had nice eyebrows until my last pregnancy. It's so sad! Love those dark brows

    • @bunnybrown809
      @bunnybrown809 8 месяцев назад

      @@nytn Your eyebrows look good! I know my daughter lost some hair due to PCOS,she started taking those biotin vitamins and that helped her out alot!

    • @nytn
      @nytn  8 месяцев назад +2

      I also color them in a bit now! Oh the irony

  • @AJ-ks9ef
    @AJ-ks9ef 9 месяцев назад +2

    It's so interesting how different family members remember different things. I talk to my brother all the time and I'm like, you don't remember that? And he is only 18 months older. His brain just apparently routinely deletes unused info.
    But this was a hilarious interview. The popping of the trunk on the red Caddy, the Polish grandmother teaching how to make Italian sauce and your brother talking about the barber: "Am I gonna see you again? Uh-ehahh..." 😂

    • @dplj4428
      @dplj4428 9 месяцев назад

      I dont feel so bad now. I was embarased that i remembered differently.

  • @dldove22
    @dldove22 9 месяцев назад +3

    I lived in the Capital Region for thirty years. It's an unusual and fun experience to hear people talking about places I know. I read about your research in the Times Union and hoped I'd learn more. I learned in my early thirties that all my grandparents were Native American and European and told their kids nothing. I'm still researching.

    • @nytn
      @nytn  9 месяцев назад +1

      I miss my bagels!

    • @LeaksRepairswhenurplumbe-bn6xk
      @LeaksRepairswhenurplumbe-bn6xk 9 месяцев назад

      The reason no one said anything.... here's an example
      My grandmother was Cherokee and my grandpa and his brothers used to load up the whole family with guns in the truck to take my grandmother to the store, she was clearly Indian and was considered second class, available for shaming and abuse in public with no one to help, racism! My grandparents told Thier kids they were cowboys not Indians. They were told in so many ways that they were white...... When my mom had my brother he come out with thick wild hair jet black,his skin was literally red dark red mom thought she had the wrong baby given to her, my grandmother told her " don't you know your Indian....... My grandmother was Cherokee and grandpa was Irish...... Of ten kids 6 were black headed and 4 red hair..... My great grandmother raised my grandmother on the banks of the Tennessee River, considered a pioneer of lookout valley

  • @catmejia6109
    @catmejia6109 9 месяцев назад +3

    Love the story about your husband spotting your mom’s Mexican face lol that’s like me in your comments hahaha sorry ….i guess when you know you know 😂 great convos with your brothers

  • @DC-cv9ch
    @DC-cv9ch 9 месяцев назад +4

    Im from New Orleans. You look just like my childhood friend. They grew up on the Bayou and were of a tribe that is not recognized. I can't think of the name but it has like most native Americans been mixed with African American, French, Spanish and others for prob several generations now.

  • @creoleladisallthatjazznblu6952
    @creoleladisallthatjazznblu6952 7 месяцев назад +6

    Learning that Irish and Italians weren’t always considered part of the White race in America is funny. I first learned that on this channel.

  • @rhondalight70
    @rhondalight70 9 месяцев назад +4

    My hubby is from upstate NY originally, Freihoffer's cookies are the BOMB!

    • @nytn
      @nytn  9 месяцев назад

      YES. Im lost down here in Nashville

    • @rhondalight70
      @rhondalight70 9 месяцев назад

      @@nytn hubby drives a truck and still has family there, so he brings them home every once in a while. Sooo good!

  • @courtneywitherspoon8584
    @courtneywitherspoon8584 9 месяцев назад +2

    As the youngest sibling....YES. There is so much that we are told and the family thinks we know but NO ONE EVER TELLS US STUFF! 😂 We just go along to get along lol.
    Also I lived near Albany and the Freihofers outlet was near our church. 😂best place! Lolol

  • @purplepanther2771
    @purplepanther2771 9 месяцев назад +7

    The sauce came from a Polish lady. It's like how one of my favorite recipes from my mom turned out to one of my *dad's* recipes, which rocked my world.

    • @reportedstolen3603
      @reportedstolen3603 9 месяцев назад +2

      These are the type of family secrets that will bring the fam together 😂

    • @nytn
      @nytn  9 месяцев назад +2

      His reaction was so priceless

    • @purplepanther2771
      @purplepanther2771 9 месяцев назад

      @@nytn I watched it from start to finish, and the time went fast. I felt like I was eavesdropping, though.

    • @purplepanther2771
      @purplepanther2771 9 месяцев назад

      @@reportedstolen3603 Yep. I would have been less shocked if I would have learned that I was adopted.

    • @nytn
      @nytn  9 месяцев назад +2

      this is hilarious@@purplepanther2771

  • @LifeBetweenTheDash
    @LifeBetweenTheDash 9 месяцев назад +2

    What is with parents that don't change? The cake with the raisins too funny. Dad we don't like raisins and that simple thing takes so long to change 🤣😁🤣 Same in my family.

    • @nytn
      @nytn  9 месяцев назад


  • @paulasuniverse5029
    @paulasuniverse5029 9 месяцев назад +10

    His comments about his father’s ethnic pride (“best genes”) 🧬 are so authentic.

  • @tiredoftrolls2629
    @tiredoftrolls2629 9 месяцев назад +3

    My family, though mixed with German, thought of ourselves as Lebanese. Our German -American grandma cooked Lebanese food, but there is something missed without an ethnic mom or grandma.

  • @NathanielBookerIII
    @NathanielBookerIII 8 месяцев назад +5

    As a Black man, in the first part, it was frustrating to listen to you guys. I've been Black all my life. Black people like myself can be extremely sensitive in regards to race. We don't get a pass. There is no question or doubt. I've skimmed through your show on many occasions. It's like a glass ceiling. Even the interview with your whole family was ambiguous. It seemed like everyone talked around the subject never saying straight out that you guys had Black ancestry. Not how a proud Black man would like to hear. You'd have to understand the culture in its entirety. However, you guys finally touched some bases towards to end. This was a relief and garners respect.
    Perhaps one day I will let you know what took 30 years to figure out about race.
    Oh, that Egyptian part was cringe. Ancient Egyptians were closer to Black African. They had many interactions with many different peoples. Persians, Greeks, Roman's, Arabs, Turks, and others. You and your brother could pass for any one of them. Point is, Egyptian is not a race, it is just a nationality. No more than saying we are American.
    The talking around is like tip toe. It doesn't sound forthright and strong.

    • @nytn
      @nytn  8 месяцев назад +1

      We actually did an interview where we talked more in depth about it over zoom, I didnt wanna redo the whole interview again, but I appreciate your perspective on this.

    • @cps525i7
      @cps525i7 2 месяца назад

      ​@@nytnNo need to redo the whole interview. However, it's like you are afraid to actually say it out loud.

    • @nytn
      @nytn  2 месяца назад +2

      @@cps525i7 No, I mean we did a previous interview about the black side of the ancestry. This video was about the italian side.

  • @jackjack-bw8ks
    @jackjack-bw8ks 9 месяцев назад +2

    This is crazy how similar folks are. My grandmother never talks about past you are often afraid to even ask. Hang around long enough she gives bits and pieces. Like i just found out my family came from the Bahamas. When i was younger i remember my great grandmother going over and i bought it up to my grandmother and she told me thats where we are from but she doesnt really know them as much as my great grandmother.

  • @randykinard2614
    @randykinard2614 6 месяцев назад +4

    Your grandfather got really dark because he's from Sicily he's a sicilian and to give you a little insight on Sicilians the Moors Out of Africa conquered Sicily in 670 ad and intermingled with the Sicilians that's how come Sicilians are so dark because they have a large percentage of African DNA and you look at the proximity from Sicily to Africa and it's only a little over a hundred miles

  • @hotbreakers94569
    @hotbreakers94569 9 месяцев назад

    Refreshing. Reminds me of family talks in the past

  • @stephanienwadieiiamhybasia
    @stephanienwadieiiamhybasia 9 месяцев назад +2

    Very interesting talk. What happened at the end? It just went blank.😮

  • @BrianDarrisaw-d2d
    @BrianDarrisaw-d2d 9 месяцев назад +9

    I am an African American. From the south and have lived in New York. If I met u I would assume that u were Italian. lol. Black people jokingly would call Italian black europeans. Today it’s really not a big deal to be mixed race. Back in the day mixed people would consider themselves white but for the most mixed millennials claim their black ancestry now. But remember you are 100 per cent a person. I don’t consider ur family’s hair as coarse. Coarse to me is 4c hair

    • @nytn
      @nytn  9 месяцев назад +4

      I’m paying so much money on salon relaxing I can’t even tell you what my real hair is at this point 😅

    • @mzzodiacc
      @mzzodiacc 3 месяца назад +1

      "nappy" eitha..🙄🙄
      Didn't enjoy That
      bn mentioned..😒

    • @PeteLonard
      @PeteLonard 11 дней назад

      I am Italian no other race . many American people care about back in the past. Now is all that matters every government has their countries destroyed now.

  • @creoleladisallthatjazznblu6952
    @creoleladisallthatjazznblu6952 7 месяцев назад +1

    So funny that she’s a little Creole and a lot of Irish and Italian. I’m Creole on both sides of my family. Black, Spanish, French, Native American. My mom’s bio dad was half white though. So, I’m 30% Irish. I’m also 9% Italian.

  • @simshill295
    @simshill295 9 месяцев назад +3

    We know our own…whether 1/8 -3/4..whether they acknowledge or not

  • @stephanienwadieiiamhybasia
    @stephanienwadieiiamhybasia 9 месяцев назад +13

    I bet your melanin would protect you from burning and wrinkling.

    • @nytn
      @nytn  9 месяцев назад +3

      Thats what my dad says. He laughs about my SPF lol

  • @RG91977
    @RG91977 2 месяца назад

    My father was the white Italian and blue eyes man. My mother always told me she was Portuguese, Mexican heritage. Two of my brother are super dark skinned, four we have cinnamon skin myself I have hazel eyes. Four came out white like our dad. But we couldn’t understand why the super dark skin and course hair. 23 and came available to find out that we have 8% black. My mom father was half black half Mexican . Something that my mom was afraid to reveal. She also never, never talked about the past . Thanks to 23 and me we find that we have middle eastern blood as well through my dad side 8%. It has been so interesting finding all this information. Now a lots of things are making sense.

  • @cynhanrahan4012
    @cynhanrahan4012 6 месяцев назад

    re tans: My family is mostly irish, I dna tested viking, french, irish, and ad mix east and south asian, and several south american mixes. The whole family is so fair skinned they are nearly see through. I tan. I tan dark. When I was little my cousin said I looked mexican (we lived in east Texas). My hair streaks pale blond in the sun. So I must have got all the darker skin genes, but my hair is very curly and dark, except the sun streaks.

    @MISTERALSTON 9 месяцев назад +2

    @NYTN you remind me so much of my sister both visually and personality's a good thing by the way. Both of us have the same parents, but she took after my mom's maternal side who are very light-skinned "Black American" people. By the way from my research white and black are just statuses not skin color.

    • @nytn
      @nytn  9 месяцев назад +1

      That's awesome! I agree. These are statuses and not anything real

    • @Ice-c-o8q
      @Ice-c-o8q 9 месяцев назад

      True, it's really a haves vs have nots world. And the haves use skin color to keep the have nots fighting with each other so that they can continue to reign supreme.

  • @Ama94947
    @Ama94947 9 месяцев назад +7

    You are from a family with very good genes though, you are all so handsome lol 🙂

    • @nytn
      @nytn  9 месяцев назад +2

      You are so kind

  • @StarDreamMemories
    @StarDreamMemories Месяц назад

    OMG! 😂🤣 my Polish grandmother made her own tomato sauce!
    My grandmother on my dad's side wasn't Italian.....

  • @remlemac
    @remlemac 9 месяцев назад +5

    Hi Danielle, because you are 15% Egyptian (whatever that might be in light of the diversity) doesn't make your dad 30%. DNA is weird and you don't get half from each parent, my Mom is 19% English and so am I, my Dad was 19 percent Scottish and so am I . So, DNA is weird. Love your channel.

    • @nytn
      @nytn  9 месяцев назад +4

      You are so right! After I filmed this, I was like....math is off LOL

  • @DC-cv9ch
    @DC-cv9ch 9 месяцев назад +1

    The name of the Tribe is Atakapa-Ishak/Chawqsha located on Grand Bayou, La.

    • @nytn
      @nytn  9 месяцев назад +1

      Im cousins with some of those folks! That's wild

  • @EverAfterMinty
    @EverAfterMinty 9 месяцев назад +5

    I let out a yes! at the end of the video with your thoughts. "White" really doesn't mean a thing for me anymore either, it's really a social category more than anything. Despite that, the implications of the concept have had serious effects on people (especially those mainly with origins from the global south). This whole concept of all "Caucasians" aren't white is insane in itself. The system collapses in on itself. You can see fully "white" Latinos experiencing discrimination or being singled out for their looks, even when "white" people are experiencing war and are demonized for their origin, I can see why people wouldn't want to identify with the concept of white cause of their experiences. (even the whitest Latinos have a little Native American input btw, I always assumed my mother was white but it seems like she may be Castiza (1/4 Native America 3/4 other, a rarity in Cuba to be honest but makes sense with our East Cuban roots) or at least 1/8, my Aunt definitely shows native features or hell, she may not have gotten any of it at all and it could be some other gene allowing for that, I even found out my mom's part Syrian and we had a black great grandmother) I used to be the type to laugh at "white" Italians who would specify their Italians instead of white, but you know knowing the history, I now sympathize more with it than ever. Still they benefit from the system now. When you have South Asian or MENA heritage as well, it's even more confusing, people who are racially Caucasian but clearly aren't viewed as such and are racialized. I'm almost always read as vaguely "Middle Eastern". I'm just torn with the concept of race as a whole, it's clear the people who are "white" are the ones who historically have caused oppression and benefited the most, but even that in itself isn't entirely true, look at some other atrocities around the world. The only thing stopping me from identifying with white, is the shared affinity I have with people who clearly aren't white, I feel really close to those groups, and they feel an affinity with me. I feel like I would have to throw away my heritage to assimilate into whiteness, but I admit, I have the ability to peace out when things get too hard compared to them. Always love sitting and watching your videos, they bring such interesting perspectives.

  • @BoBo-ti6jh
    @BoBo-ti6jh 4 месяца назад +2

    Good looking brother.

  • @allywolf9182
    @allywolf9182 9 месяцев назад

    Your brother looks exactly. Like the Ward family from the town of Appalachia Virginia!! I only know the ones who live in Richmond Va...but he looks like Kenny and Charlie used too. And yes they carry both English royalty and Mul blood. Poke around in that family. I think some cousins still own the family home in Appalachia and have a BnB there. Family cemetery is there too. They might have some answers..i don't know 🤷‍♀️

  • @marthamurphy7940
    @marthamurphy7940 9 месяцев назад

    If you haven't read Bliss Broyard's book about her father, Anatole Broyard, you should look it up. Anatole Broyard was a well-known literary critic who was (secretly) Creole. The book is titled "One Drop: My Father's Hidden Life--A Story of Race and Family Secrets." Look at his photo on Wikipedia. I think there's a resemblance between him and your grandmother.

  • @JaneAtwellRobinson1825NY
    @JaneAtwellRobinson1825NY 9 месяцев назад +2

    Oh I LOVEEE Freihofer's!! I toured their factory as a little kid, I'm wanting to say it was in upstate NY somewherrrreee. Every child got an entire box of chocolate chip cookies when they got on the bus to go back to school. NO OLD LADY HAIR if you get it direct from the factory FYI ewww lol 😝

    • @nytn
      @nytn  9 месяцев назад +1

      I knew you would love that!!

    • @janegregware3595
      @janegregware3595 8 месяцев назад +1

      I grew up in West Albany and remember going to the Freihofer factory too. I also remember the Freddie Freihofer children’s program on TV.

  • @jo-annejohnson4320
    @jo-annejohnson4320 9 месяцев назад +1

    How do you or others of Italian descent feel about Buffy St Marie?

  • @joecutro7318
    @joecutro7318 9 месяцев назад

    Yes, I noticed it was not in my feed for being one of your subs as well. 🤔

  • @BlackCoffee-m5c
    @BlackCoffee-m5c 9 месяцев назад +3

    you need to study Robert Sepehr the world looked like a very different place than it does now so having Iranian or Egyptian does not mean you are not Caucasian

  • @jirehguy
    @jirehguy 9 месяцев назад +2

    Your brother talking bout your grandfather talking about his roman empire genes sounds like he my have drank of the musolini kool aid 😂

    • @nytn
      @nytn  9 месяцев назад +1

      It was our dad, if thats better 😅

  • @massiahgrom
    @massiahgrom 9 месяцев назад

    Im irish 100 on moms side . Sge was tawny skinned , green eyes , chestnut hair. Dad irish german black hair , blue eyes , and fair skin . Im blonde green eyed , fair , but tan . More than one black friend thought my mom was black . Black irish .

  • @valeriareed7234
    @valeriareed7234 8 месяцев назад

    I was in my forties before I learned that my mother, her siblings and her mother and father were listed on a census as mulattoes…my sister and brother were often asked if they were Italian and they would stated that they were Black Americans…..I was very light of complexion and very pale…..I didn’t tan until I was about 19……..then I would burn after being in the sun too much… brother would often tease me by saying that I would fade into the background if I didn’t wear makeup…..Always, my mother would make it clear that she was Black Americans but you could see that there was mixture in her and her siblings…..

  • @tylerdurden7142
    @tylerdurden7142 8 месяцев назад

    LOL at the "I don't go outside anymore because of wrinkles".... I'm in the same boat... you become hyper-aware of the tiny sliver of wrinkles coming around the eyes in and don't want to speed up the process. Might look into botox to give myself another 10 years of wrinkle-free skin.

    • @SkyeID
      @SkyeID 2 месяца назад

      I'm 47, and seeing a gray hair here and there on my head makes me nervous. Like I don't wanna be gray and want to dye my hair black if the grayness gets abundant.

  • @cbubeck8490
    @cbubeck8490 Месяц назад

    I'm white with really curly hair. I go to a white barber, they fuck it up. I go to a black barber, they fuck it up. I go to a Latin barber, they fuck it up and then put gel in it. I went to a Syrian lady growing up but it's taken me a while to find someone else who could cut AND style my hair. It's this little Vietnamese guy who barely speaks English, I show him a picture and he does it perfectly every time.

  • @mmhmmmyearight7183
    @mmhmmmyearight7183 9 месяцев назад +1

    Im not Italian but we look like we could be related lol im from eastern Europe

  • @asturiasceltic3183
    @asturiasceltic3183 3 месяца назад

    Ohhhh, I was going to say he looked like Super Mario but I didn't want to offend anyone.

  • @catlady6165
    @catlady6165 6 месяцев назад +1

    As an AA I find it odd that ppl raised in America can’t tell they have Black features. I knew before she mentioned that her hair was straighten. You see the edges , it’s our hair AA when we straighten it. Her facial profile, omg . Have she not seen a light skin tone blk person with straighten hair. . Her grandmother is obviously AA . I have questions ???. I don’t understand wht ppl when their families are from the south they are shocked when they have African DNA. When the wht masters were raping tblk slaves did wht ppl think only AA were now mixed with European DNA. Passing is not uncommon the one drop rule was to do away with passing, It didn’t . Anyway I have questions for wht ppl who find out their African DNA. Yet clearly they have AA features. Yet are so shocked .

  • @BAYBAY_316
    @BAYBAY_316 7 месяцев назад

    My DNA test showed I was

  • @Lovingperson21
    @Lovingperson21 2 месяца назад

    Your brother sounds like Jesse Williams

  • @tiredoftrolls2629
    @tiredoftrolls2629 9 месяцев назад

    Are you still showing up as part Druze?

    • @nytn
      @nytn  9 месяцев назад +2

      Yes! Depending on the test…

  • @LeaksRepairswhenurplumbe-bn6xk
    @LeaksRepairswhenurplumbe-bn6xk 9 месяцев назад

    Dude she said Egypt and it all made sense the mustache the nose the tan .......oh boy your very Egyptian

  • @Flhxx
    @Flhxx 5 месяцев назад

    I read that Italians have some Iranian in their ancestry besides having Northern African in them something to do with the moors warriors occupying Sicily and other parts of Europe!

  • @Kytt-ko8bf
    @Kytt-ko8bf 9 месяцев назад

    I thought I was watching Gloria Govan,they look so similar.Lousiana and the word they cant say in the 1840s' and that word through out US history

  • @genehammond7239
    @genehammond7239 9 месяцев назад +1


  • @clbailey9586
    @clbailey9586 7 месяцев назад

    I can't find a person that can do my hair 😅😅

  • @jackjack-bw8ks
    @jackjack-bw8ks 9 месяцев назад +4

    You go to black barber you will never go anywhere else

  • @rettawhinnery
    @rettawhinnery 9 месяцев назад +1

    The way people look is called their phenome, which does not equate to genome.
    My mother was mostly German and English. She had black hair (white when I was born) and blue eyes.
    She was tall, had high cheekbones and was very tan, even leathery.
    My dad was mostly Irish and English, had black hair and very interesting eyes, brown with gold flecks in the center and a blue ring around the edge, and had pasty white skin.
    I got my dad's pasty white skin.
    When I was in college, someone in my car pool asked me if my mother was Native American, because of the way she looked.
    They didn't think that I was Native American, right? But they thought my mother was?
    Go figure.

    • @Jae-b1s
      @Jae-b1s 9 месяцев назад

      Wow that's interesting and something maybe you should explore.

  • @lisafiore7081
    @lisafiore7081 2 месяца назад

    I don't know why your bro found it odd that many Italians in the South have the statue of Virgin Mary in their fields? If anything, I think it is great! We need to keep of Catholic faith strong! Why should we be ashamed of our faith?

    • @Ondolite
      @Ondolite Месяц назад

      @@lisafiore7081 Csn yoo name one person who has asked yoo to be ashamed of your faith??

    • @Ondolite
      @Ondolite Месяц назад

      @@lisafiore7081 America once deemed catholics as evil and Italians as black.
      Yoo need the romantic, sugar coat and feel fear of reality.

  • @coumscot
    @coumscot 8 месяцев назад +1

    Is your Mom’s lack of memory a trauma response or just a lie?

    • @N_ReYeS
      @N_ReYeS 8 месяцев назад

      Lie imo ,they've always known..

  • @erikazella5225
    @erikazella5225 9 месяцев назад

    That’s the best … stories 😂

  • @jerometurner8759
    @jerometurner8759 9 месяцев назад +2

    Egyptian blood ay? Greeks were everywhere including Italy and Egypt. Could that possibly be Greek blood?

    • @nytn
      @nytn  9 месяцев назад

      That would make a lot of sense. I had a lot of the islands in that area show up as well

  • @shawnahall7246
    @shawnahall7246 9 месяцев назад

    I have the hair

  • @smscraig
    @smscraig 3 месяца назад

    Oh my gosh! I’m not the only one who gets their hair ruined if they go to a white hairdresser?

  • @muddyhotdog4103
    @muddyhotdog4103 9 месяцев назад +4

    Does his dad not realize that Italy had the worse covid19 mortality rates in all of Europe? So much for those super genes lol (I'm part Italian myself, so no hate jk)

    • @nytn
      @nytn  9 месяцев назад +2

      LOL I dont think this is something that can be explained

  • @beckyshell4649
    @beckyshell4649 9 месяцев назад

    It is funny how just accept families stories as fact.

  • @Garaystone
    @Garaystone 9 месяцев назад +1

    They all look mixed to me,

  • @jerometurner8759
    @jerometurner8759 9 месяцев назад

    Will you interview any first cousins? Italian vs Non-Italian?

    • @nytn
      @nytn  9 месяцев назад +3

      Yes! ETA: The video is coming out tomorrow I think

  • @Mncrr
    @Mncrr 3 месяца назад

    You’re part eggplant- Dennis hopper in true romance.

  • @creoleladisallthatjazznblu6952
    @creoleladisallthatjazznblu6952 7 месяцев назад

    Not funny as in the discrimination they experienced. Funny as in shocking to find out.

  • @ReshonBryant
    @ReshonBryant 9 месяцев назад


  • @Astro_Magnus
    @Astro_Magnus 9 месяцев назад +2

    Friendly reminder, Romans were not the same thing as Italians

    • @nytn
      @nytn  9 месяцев назад +3

      Don’t tell our dad 😅♥️

    • @Astro_Magnus
      @Astro_Magnus 9 месяцев назад

      @@nytn Rome was uch bigger than Italy is what i'm saying, much much bigger

    • @hwgray
      @hwgray 9 месяцев назад +3

      @@Astro_Magnus NONSENSE! Rome began as a small town IN ITALY. The Roman EMPIRE was much bigger than Italy and ITALY was/is much bigger than Rome. Have you never seen a map?

    • @Astro_Magnus
      @Astro_Magnus 9 месяцев назад

      @@hwgray it's just a terrible take, Romans lived in Spain, Palestine, and Greece did Italians ever live there? Ignoramus, dismissed

  • @jamesgoodman8289
    @jamesgoodman8289 9 месяцев назад +2

    A red Cadillac he had to be a brother for sure 😂😂 that was a black man 😅 just joking yall

    • @nytn
      @nytn  9 месяцев назад +1

      LOL! I actually laughed pretty loud at this

    • @jamesgoodman8289
      @jamesgoodman8289 9 месяцев назад

      @@nytn glad I could make yall laugh keep up the good work very educational

  • @luedog8385
    @luedog8385 2 месяца назад

    fun facts Tomatoes were invented by the Mayans or mesoamerica so the Italian identity is heavily reliant on mesoamerica

  • @Cnichal
    @Cnichal 9 месяцев назад

    7:52 I wonder if your mother has mild aphantasia?

    • @nytn
      @nytn  9 месяцев назад

      I just had to look that up!

  • @xoPRECISEox
    @xoPRECISEox 9 месяцев назад +2

    Nice to see both brother's wearing a white man's baseball hat and not that flat brimmed nonsense. ☺

    • @halfnorfolk5310
      @halfnorfolk5310 9 месяцев назад +1

      A “white man’s baseball hat”? Where are you from and how old are you? So Archie Bunker, what “ethnicity” is a “flat brimmed” hat? 😂. SMDH.