Today it's the main tanks who get the 'git gud guide' treatment. This is actually a very hard role to learn properly but have no fear, Freedo brings the heat in a guide that you'll be able to use as a resource to continually draw reference from whenever you need it. Hope you enjoy!
Could we send in a game where we won but we got hard carried? Nothing makes me feel worse after a Comp game than knowing I couldn't do much top help my team.
Can you do a video explaining why Tanks get gold damage/kills so often? My friend gets salty and complains about the DPS while tanking after he gets gold damage. I do it as well and I know why I do but can't explain it nor can I explain why he shouldn't hold it against the DPS.
Tip to make your videos better: at the end of long videos like this, you should end it by briefly restating all the main points you made ( use lucio, get value out of bubble, don’t charge in and die, etc.) so that we don’t forget what you said. I’ll end the video, and next time I play ranked I can’t remember what the video said, and it’d help if I could fast forward to the end and see a summarized list of the main points rather than watching the whole thing again. Thanks guys keep up the good work👌.
Personal Rein tips that helped me out 1. Earthshatter is expendable just use it, even just shattering like two people isn't that bad 2. Give your barrier some breaks, putting it up for even a millisecond will reset the recharge timer, don't keep flashing it for no reason 3.charge, although not useless, is something that should be used very conservatively 4. Don't firestrike genjis 5. Be on comms and tell your team when your pushing or pulling back 6.dont let your barrier break
@JeremyCuddles well true but Reinhardt gets so many shatters compared to most heroes he can really just throw them around and not have to worry about getting a 4 or 5 man one
So long as Dva isn't eating your firestrikes, earthshatter is one of the fastest charging ultimate in the game. I have no problem with shattering 2-3 people because most likely you will kill them, and if not you get it up again so quickly its not a huge loss.
Step 1 : Be a tank Step 2 : go in and take a sh*tload of damage (which healers can't sustain for a long period) Step 3 : Get rekt Step 4 : Blame it on healers
I was the Rein on blizzard world, I feel like that was one of my more important matches as far as learning the game. Also my first exposure to GOATS was in that match. Looking back at it, my shield management was atrocious.
Yes really bad shield managing. Not commiting. Not charging ever I think and missing every fire strike if I had 2 guess your sens is too high or too low. Always try and only fire strike enemy rein. Its hard 2 miss him and most of the time you hit more people behind him. Dont shoot it unless you know what you're hitting. Hope you keep on improving!
hey thats how we continue growing as players. gotta take an impartial look at our play or have others who are informed help us learn. mad respect for putting your gameplay out there and allowing the community to learn things too. good luck grinding
The first step in fixing an issue is realizing that there is even an issue in the first place! Really good of you to recognize your faults, most people either never see theirs or ignore them!
I mean, give me a three second heads-up before you yolo charge and I'm cool with it. Especially as Lucio, I'll fly right in with you and hope the team follows in with speed and-- okay you already charged in with three teammates still coming back from spawn. Yay...
I totally agree I can imagine that it is difficult to come up with original inventive ideas but it's more down to blizzard wanting to subvert expectations when they could just focus on making a new hero with a cool kit Take home for example There was no need to make him a hamster absolutely no need the game would have just a much playability and meta I'd the had made him a baby gorilla in the mech But no they decided that they will make him a hamster for no reason other than "Hahaha hamster ball do you get it jeff, do you get it" Like they seem to spend way to much time on expectation subversion and it ends up having an impact of n game experience
"Always charge as soon as it's off cool down to ensure that you get as many kills as possible, after all the job of Reinhardt is to protect the team and obviously the team would be a lot safer if the enemy team is eliminated. Too easy"
Bad teammates are way too real, there are too many games that are unwinnable and everyone who plays this game can attest to that, including YO guys. What is a myth is that it's these bad teammates is what's holding you back.
this. all they do is slow you down. if you're good enough you will rise eventually, even if its just inch by inch. but its exactly this fact that makes it such a frustrating crawl at times
@@DexterNewton32 Finally someone who understands that you're the only variable in a game that has an exactly 50% chance to be a win or loss assuming blizzard isn't against you specifically
Youroverwatch: Bad Teammates are a Myth, you can always raise your mechanical skill regardless of context Youroverwatch: Here's how to improve your main tank play so that you can climb at any rank: Have a lucio on your team ; )
The fact that your'e basically offering free coaching to anyone who wants it is unbelievably generous of you. I applaud your effort and look forward to sending you some of my terrible gameplay.
I love how he assumes that when you play Rein there will be a Zarya, that both healers are healing instead of one trying to do damage on the opposite side of the map, and that there are enough people in voice chat to hear you say "my shield is recharging."
You guys should have done this earlier, this is miles above what you guys normally make. Extremely informative without pointing out the obvious or taking too long on points in the video.
Seriously. Fantastic content. I’m consistently amazed at your ability to keep up meaningful and entertaining content all this time. Been a long time subscriber and I seriously SERIOUSLY love this channel. Way to go.
Great video and really great points. I like the stark contrast you showed (on purpose or not) between the first rein and the last rein. The first rein was too passive at the choke and they ended up never setting foot past hanamura doors. The last rein would charge deep into the enemy backline at the start of every team fight and leave his whole team behind. Great stuff
To be fair, the Rein on Hanamura that pins at 24:43 was a victim of Overwatchs wonky geometry. He pins the enemy Zen through TWO doorways, sliding around the walls like he's covered in hot butter. Might not have been a good pin to begin with, but I can't even count how many times one of my pins that looked good at first ended up backfiring cause of the game's weird ass geometry.
Yea, when I originally did that charge I called the pin on trans because we were going for grav dragon, but when Zarya held it, it made my play very bad, pretty much same thing heppened with the other charge later on.
JeremyCuddles i think he wanted to use the pin to agressively reposition himdelf but than failed to bump against a wall early enough. instead he pinnes the zen and rides throug the whole map accidentaly
I just had a game where a rienheardt tried to tank a nano boosted opposing rein, fire from the road hog and the rest of the dps he dies and proceeded to say “the healers weren’t good enough” so many tanks make the mistake of thinking that their heals can stop the damage from the whole enemy team, pleas don’t do this
Informative video, folks. Thanks for doing it. I don't play Rein if I can help it but I do play and enjoy the dive tanks and Orisa every once in a while. Shield placement and management is so critical for both Rein and Orisa as well as communication with your team. I still have a lot to improve upon.
*Read this and I’ll explain;* _Okay if you main tank or off-tank YOU need to understand you can’t play the same at diamond as you would in masters or in gold as you would in plat. You need to adapt a little bit as team coordination is different as so is everything else._ _These lowers SR games you won’t get the healing you’d like, you probably don’t know when to peel or when to push. There is a catch, take control; if you are rein as for zarya bubble and try to enable her by enabling yourself. These low ranks you need to use bubble for charge and typically not for saving people. You also can’t be as aggressive due to healing but remember; they have around the same healing as you... and the same damage._ _Higher sr is more healing and more damage. In lower SR you must get your team to try and work with you and you must shot call. Because having your team try and work it matters a lot. Now teams don’t exactly work at all in anything under high gold. You should just be able to play dps in these ranks a climb super easily through just time and practice on fragging._ _Its really hard to try and give advice in low ranks as they are so chaotic, but my best advice is to tell your teammates to say hold bubble for YOU and call when you need it. Also, as I stated the easiest way to climb low ranks is just dps and frag out and carry games up to where you want._ _Once you hit around mid plat you’ll get games where people play together (as stated you’ll get games, not every game) and you can start playing for space and picks. Also, if you have a numbers advantage please please please don’t be a wuss and play as a team and work to finish and secure the fight. If you get picks and just wait your literally throwing your advantage away._ _Just because you get picks doesn’t mean you can’t lose._
I always See You Comment and I Must Say you're Knowable abt Lower Ranks especially this Which is Very True it Seems You Played alot at Lower Sr But Your Top 500 Do You Smurf alot? or Did You Have to Grind the Hard Grind to Understand Lower Sr Mentality?
Rikku yako *Here let me add on;* _I also have a good amount of time on console, nowhere near my pc time but I’ve experienced that... Blizzard doesn’t care about console at all and I feel bad for those who still play on it. On console the lowest I was, was high plat and the amount of leavers and throwers was extensive. It was harder to actually climb on console then on pc... plus on pc I can just play widow and get pocketed and completely carry games._
Sadly this isnt true. One smurf equals many. As a support main smurfing isnt even noticable, but when a widow from my elo gets into a smurf game with my friends it's over. And that's 4 outa ten games on average. They will have more dmg then you. Or more healing. Or something. A fair game is rare very rare. Hence the coin flip.
FeedMeSalt _I totally agree, it’s always a coin flip but YOU are the only constant. That’s why when I did smurf I wasn’t on tank or off-tank. I can absolutely carry games with zarya but widow is just easier. It’s the reason why I did that, not all roles are the same but it’s like a full circle. Tanks create space and opportunity and enable the dps, and the supports; support and enable the tanks and the dps; and through picks the dps enable the entire team. At least that the idea, when I was down in plat boosting my friend (I’ve never been lower, and my friend that was gold was high gold.) I ofc was that widow that you’d see, but like 4 in 10 games? Like I guess I’m confused about your elo; as are you the one smurfing to play with your friends, and someone who is also smurfing from your elo absolutely decimates your team. That’s at least what I’m understanding; which if it’s what your saying I agree completely. A masters widow can even destroy a team in diamond._
As an Orisa main, this video has been very helpful! I always (or at least I believe I do) use my shields to their best of their ability along with fortify at the right time but I always forget that Halt! exists. I personally don't think I use it enough and when I do it doesn't feel effective.
Not sure if you mentioned this, but as a tank player (especially winston) always keep track of enemy tank ult charges. It helps you decide when it's good or not to be in a situation. For winston players, MEMORIZE THE COOLDOWN TIMES! You will love that hero way more.
Somewhat unrelated, but it's quite baffling what many players think on how Rein should be played: I had a Zarya last night that said he's keeping his bubble for me but I'm not charging in. After a small discussion I'm eventually like 'I'm not charging into their full team, r u crazy!?' and then I finally got some bubbles. I also had a wiseguy dps player that laughed at me and called me hard stuck Gold while arguing that Winston is not a main tank. lol Great video, btw!
Like usual your videos are amazing guys thank you for this guide! I share this one with a few players are called itself "main tank" but they make mistakes so easy in defend or dive comps
Tanks are the most difficult to play in OW. DPS? Just stay alive in a place where you can kill things, and get multikills with your ult. Healer? Just stay alive in a place where you can heal your allies, and don't use two defensive ults at the same time. Tank? Make sure to stay with your team (no matter where the fuck they go), coordinate with your team (no matter how much they flame), make sure your team stays alive while staying alive yourself, save your healers, fight the enemy tanks, stay in front, charge your ult and use it wisely.
I'm A tank main and you are greatly simplifying other roles to make tanks seem like the hardest role like you could easily apply "go with the team no matter where the fuck they go coordinate with your team no matter how much they flame, make sure your team stays alive while keeping yourself alive, and charge your ult and use it wisely" all to the healer role
And every dps doesn't just "get multi kills with ults" sym for example can win a fight for her team with a good shield and Ashe can get value with a bob who gets no kills as long as it creates space and takes focus off your team there is many more examples ,also dps has to protect healers too
Doing better retreating is something I think I needed to hear for a while. Often I'd find myself jumping back into a choke but my bubbles aren't back and my health isn't quite full. Also, my team has cooldowns and health as well, so even if I'm back to full it doesn't mean they will be. I'll probably win more fights now.
As a main tank player I either see Rein’s play to aggro or too passive. A quicktip to get past a choke is shield hop. Throw shield jump and push forward/repeat while communicating with your team. Don’t keep your shield up for too long and let it get melted in the choke with spam. As monkey your priority targets are low health enenies and supports then squishies. Plan ahead when your diving in and where your gonna dive out while making sure your in your supports line of sight; also, communicate with your or Hamster on who you are diving so they can back you up. Orisa is mostly played like a passive tank but you can play agro with her you just have to make sure your other tank is near you or can peel for you if you get focused on. Also, shiekd CD management is a must so throw/use your shields wisely. Mainly just throw shield to protect yourself or near the middle of a team fight to have it act like a Symm ult.
Hector, yeah I hear ya. Playing main tank can be a lot of fun and a nightmare at the same time. Since Rein and Winston are the main tanks that are used the most often it just comes down to having your team follow up on what your doing. If you have an Ana on your team have her nanoboost you and call for it when your ready. A nanoboosted Rein or Winston is a good way to be agro and blitz the enemy team. What I usually do is communicate with my other tank and main support. Those two are the most important if your the main tank. If the DPS or off healer aren’t communicating then it’s not the end of the world. On Hybrid maps and 1st point assault maps on attack a Lucio speedboast as the off healer is a super asset to have when your the main tank. So, at the start of the match you can atleast try and ask if the off healer can go Lucio for the reason I mentioned.
As a Rein main I struggle on deducing when it’s good to use my shield to push forward with my team or hold the line. However those moments when we do commit are legendary and our coordination usually gets us a wipe. This is why I love Rein, he takes a good bit of setup and teamwork, but when it’s time to go in he absolutely bodies everything. As of present day I’m a Reinhardt/Sigma main with an occasional Roadhog.
Really useful. It's so hard to know when to start brawling with Rein and this helps. Also, my Winston primal rages are garbage and I'm now going to go off and play some customs to practice. Thanks!
Great video, could have been titled When to abandon/give into the "we need a shield excuse". Watching them rein zarya into sym,torb,mei,etc on horizon was hard to watch, very useful tips though
I get that rein might be a stretch but Winston and dva play really similarly. as dva you dive target to get a kill and get back to support the heal. same for Winston. mobilitywise they are the same the only difference lies in the way a bubble and dmatrix are used.I think playing dva is more forgiving than playing Winston, but dva is a more intricate roll imo so transitioning should not be to difficult if you were to practice for a couple of hours
From xperience in lower rank I can say that in lower rank rien is like moira I mean like how moira runs out of juice in the middle by constantly healing, like that rien presses M2 till that rectangle breaks and hopefully they wish have won the fight by then Also Lucio is super under-rated in lower elo 4 some reason
A lot of people want to complain about how “broken” Brigette is because wah wah wah I get stunned blah blah blah. But in reality Lucio is what makes Rein/Zarya so deadly. Lucio is truly the most “OP” underrated support right now. Same goes for Hammond who is the most “OP” underrated tank right now. Just you wait. Hammond will be called “OP” soon and especially when Sombra gets a nerf.
I agree lucio and hammond are criminally underrated. Their kits are really unique and there aren't a ton of people that have mastered them as opposed to a character like tracer.
Out of curiosity I thought about submitting some games as well but I had 2 questions. Can we send in games of games where we win as well? Are we able to send in games from our streams? I wondered about the first question since usually Freedo says to send in games we lose but I think we can still learn from victories as well since you could still make some silly mistakes in games you win or what you might have done that assisted in facilitating a successful push. The second question is more so due to also being a content creator so just about all games I'd have recorded would have a layout of some kind.
Basic advice: Rein? you need a Lucio Winston? Use bubble after jump Orisa? Keep running and throwing down shields until the other team gets sick of chasing you and you can shoot them all in the back Now, the answer you really have give me is how do I stop my team from acting like a bunch of cats and doing their own thing? How do I actually get them to follow me and a plan rather than just trying to frag and getting pwned?
Hey Frito, thanks for the videos, but could you add a segment of correct engagements by the tanks so we can see correct actions to go for instead of just negative actions?
This is a relatively new series, our Advanced Guide series is all positively minded and many feel seeing higher ranked games doing things right has limited applicability to their games. Obviously there's no way to do _everything_ with limited time, but I may look to do more Advanced Guides in the future as well. -F
I think my primary issue is the fact that I used to be a support main. The idea that I shouldn't be taking damage and I should be seen as little as possible to avoid being hit, is ingrained in my gameplay. Even when I DPS, I try to take as little damage as possible. I know that tanks are meant to soak damage, and yet there's a part of me that doesn't WANT to take damage because I'm afraid of dying and losing the team fight.
Incredible information in this video. If I were you I would segment the game clips a bit more explicitly. Maybe a quick intro to the clip what’s happening then give the info you give. It was just a bit hard to follow the first time watching. The seamlessness is Hollywood level but for an instructional video I would appreciate more segmented info, just my 2 cents
Great vid, and also an example of the principle of labour competition: someone will always do the work for less. Flood of self-help career counselors for aspiring gamers hitting the market to follow.
Don’t just charge in and die as Rein Don’t put your shield in a stupid spot as Orisa Don’t grav if zenyatta hasn’t used trans as Zarya Don’t play Winston into a bastion Don’t miss all your hooks as Hog Don’t just feed as Hammond And Don’t... actually there’s not a lot you can do wrong with Dva...
Personally, I don't believe it's a requirement to have a high sensitivity on main tank with a few conditions... 1) You have a large enough mouse pad 2) You are comfortable with your sensitivity that you know if you turn 'blank' that it will put your screen in 'blank' direction, so basically good control with it. I run Winston and Reinhardt at 4.10 sensitivity with 900 DPI, and it works pretty well for me. Most main tank players use something drastically higher, but it's personal preference. I also think that there's such a thing as running a sensitivity too high on main tank. For example, players who may freeze up or panic end up trying to jump in one direction but fly in another because of how little movement it may take for them to move where they want to go. If you have low fps, having a sensitivity very high would make it even harder to track targets than having a sensitivity too low. That being said, the clip at 10:01 contains weak ties to the claim that his "sensitivity was too low" and that "he couldn't track the Lucio perfectly because of that." To begin with, the player's tracking, in general, was already bad, and it consisted of weird flick movements. Looking closely at 10:31, the player does end up turning, but it seemed like he didn't know how much to turn in the first place, and he didn't properly predict where the Lucio would end up after jumping and turning. While it is very possible that the player could have performed better in that instance with a higher sensitivity, I don't feel that the clip really illustrated the claim as strongly as it should have.
Freedo I have a couple points I disagree on and I would love to be proved wrong or hear your thoughts. While high sens on main tanks is good for reaction purposes, I don’t agree that it helps with tracking. In my mind that is more of a distance-to-180 familiarity thing. I also don’t like suggesting an earlier fight for the rein on blizzard world, since that enables flankers, enemy high ground, and makes your retreat path an unnecessary bottleneck. Thoughts?
The terms "high" or "low" are incredible subjective so don't let that fool you into misunderstanding. React to things on screen faster = better gameplay. Simple. If you can't 180 fast enough to IMMEDIATELY start doing damage again, problem. So yes, you can advise ppl to "swing arm faster!" but why? No need to stay precise with Winston when speed will do. Zarya a bit of a different case but still remains largely the same, heroes in OW have bursts of fast movement, you need the speed to keep up 1:1 as much as possible. Rein Zarya is all about stealing away what you can. If he charges his Zarya aka actually commits, he's probably fine and escapes. This is all case by case basis - -honestly, mm reins stand still on point and never make a play, this is standard BAD, useless, irrelevant ranked tank playstyle that's used to not having any teamwork = bad practice. Only "feels" like it works in ranked bc often less mistakes wins in OW, but it doesn't make you better necessarily. -F
At 11:12 he says not to chase the Mercy. I remember LowKeyNerd saying something like, "Eff this, man. Every game is chase the Mercy." I feel the same way: Gotta kill her first. I'm surprised to hear this advice of not chasing her. Legit: Sometimes my callouts are entirely "Healer at Location X" and "Healer at Location Y." (I've also had people say, "Just tell me where Mercy is.")
Followed this guide to the best of my ability in gold competitive, got accused of using hacks then smurfing in another game… on the positive side of things I’m in platinum now.
Over Ambitious thanks. Yeah I usually do that and halt to dance around the shield until we’re both low then finish him off and harden until heals but then I’ve foolishly used all my cool downs
Over Ambitious very true. In big battles though I’m usually the swing factor with just how easily I can choose which characters they need to lose first while protecting vital players on ours.
Im a great tank and a great healer One phrase that makes me hurl is "git Gud" sputtered by egoticlstical elitists who make gaming bad. The most quick way to get your ass blocked from my team. The best gamers are ones confident enough to not alienate and degrade other players. Keep it positive and supportive, THAT makes a great game experience
2nd clip, winston needs to use headset, or lower the input volume so the mic doesn't catch your gameplay sound or use push to talk... super annoying to the rest of the team -.-
Thank you for the video. I bought my very first second account from the Black Friday sale and decided it will be my main tank account; I’m a support main but looking to diversify. Already I’m playing about a tier below my main account (still in quick play but basing it off my teammates/opponents SR). What’s a good sens for tanks? I’m 800 DPI and 4.8 sens on Zen/Moira
sens is all preference. I play my dps and support on 800dpi and 2 in game sens and for rein Winston I put sens on 4. you don't need to massively change your sense. as Winston it is important that you can do quick 180 and 360. if possible the best way is to have a button that changed your dpi for quick movement and one for tracking
Now try being a healer but your heals mean nothing, because you main tank charges the enemy and takes in so much damage that your heals can't sustain them, then getting blamed for their shit play
You know, in 500 hours, I don't think I've ever seen anyone pull off the halt-hook combo. I didn't even realize it was why people say Orisa and Roadhog synergize for a long time, I thought it was just because he can hook from behind the shield.
In the last horizon clip, I bet the whole team was hating on the sym for the 'throw pick' when she was the only character that could have helped them win. Just tele on point and brawl.
Today it's the main tanks who get the 'git gud guide' treatment. This is actually a very hard role to learn properly but have no fear, Freedo brings the heat in a guide that you'll be able to use as a resource to continually draw reference from whenever you need it. Hope you enjoy!
Your Overwatch Can you do off tanks next
Could we send in a game where we won but we got hard carried? Nothing makes me feel worse after a Comp game than knowing I couldn't do much top help my team.
You guys' "We're ALL trash at Overwatch" is extremely flawed and false on many points.
Can you do a video explaining why Tanks get gold damage/kills so often? My friend gets salty and complains about the DPS while tanking after he gets gold damage. I do it as well and I know why I do but can't explain it nor can I explain why he shouldn't hold it against the DPS.
Do you accept console gameplay ?
The entire Lego movie was the advertisement before this RUclips video. I decided to watch the whole thing haha
Lol free movie
Bs, but sure buddy
@@niixical nah i got it 2 Times aswell
Nixical that was actually a thing, you could watch the entire lego movie as ads
Tip to make your videos better: at the end of long videos like this, you should end it by briefly restating all the main points you made ( use lucio, get value out of bubble, don’t charge in and die, etc.) so that we don’t forget what you said. I’ll end the video, and next time I play ranked I can’t remember what the video said, and it’d help if I could fast forward to the end and see a summarized list of the main points rather than watching the whole thing again. Thanks guys keep up the good work👌.
Personal Rein tips that helped me out
1. Earthshatter is expendable just use it, even just shattering like two people isn't that bad
2. Give your barrier some breaks, putting it up for even a millisecond will reset the recharge timer, don't keep flashing it for no reason
3.charge, although not useless, is something that should be used very conservatively
4. Don't firestrike genjis
5. Be on comms and tell your team when your pushing or pulling back
6.dont let your barrier break
@JeremyCuddles well true but Reinhardt gets so many shatters compared to most heroes he can really just throw them around and not have to worry about getting a 4 or 5 man one
So long as Dva isn't eating your firestrikes, earthshatter is one of the fastest charging ultimate in the game. I have no problem with shattering 2-3 people because most likely you will kill them, and if not you get it up again so quickly its not a huge loss.
My issue is, when I play with my friends and the such, I constantly get yelled at for putting my shield down. Even if it's about to be broken.
@@kingpaucho Then tell them not to tell you how to play your role and to use cover when you say you're putting it down lol
Step 1 : Be a tank
Step 2 : go in and take a sh*tload of damage (which healers can't sustain for a long period)
Step 3 : Get rekt
Step 4 : Blame it on healers
Step 5: do it again
@@lordescanor8232 step 6 and again
Step 5: The other 99% of the time die because of blind supports.
I was the Rein on blizzard world, I feel like that was one of my more important matches as far as learning the game. Also my first exposure to GOATS was in that match. Looking back at it, my shield management was atrocious.
Yes really bad shield managing. Not commiting. Not charging ever I think and missing every fire strike if I had 2 guess your sens is too high or too low. Always try and only fire strike enemy rein. Its hard 2 miss him and most of the time you hit more people behind him. Dont shoot it unless you know what you're hitting. Hope you keep on improving!
hey thats how we continue growing as players. gotta take an impartial look at our play or have others who are informed help us learn. mad respect for putting your gameplay out there and allowing the community to learn things too. good luck grinding
The first step in fixing an issue is realizing that there is even an issue in the first place! Really good of you to recognize your faults, most people either never see theirs or ignore them!
no u
no u
I just yolo charge in with rein proceed to die and then blame my team especially the healers 🙃
you joke about it...
@@OfficialThunderChicken I'm quick to point fingers playboi
I mean, give me a three second heads-up before you yolo charge and I'm cool with it. Especially as Lucio, I'll fly right in with you and hope the team follows in with speed and-- okay you already charged in with three teammates still coming back from spawn. Yay...
You should also scream LEEEEROOOOYYYYY
As a rein main, whenever I play support, it irritates me whenever the rein on my team does this
Main tanking requires the most amount of game sense and positioning
11:38 that accidental reaper kill lol
Lmao LOL so badass turns a shitty jump into a slapdown
Straight up just sat on him
See this is the problem: we have 13 dps and only 3 main tanks...
That's because there are a lot of ways to deal damage but there are a limited number of ways to block damage and make space
and 0 healers
Lee McDonald Paladins has some good ideas of tanks :)
I totally agree I can imagine that it is difficult to come up with original inventive ideas but it's more down to blizzard wanting to subvert expectations when they could just focus on making a new hero with a cool kit
Take home for example
There was no need to make him a hamster absolutely no need the game would have just a much playability and meta I'd the had made him a baby gorilla in the mech
But no they decided that they will make him a hamster for no reason other than
"Hahaha hamster ball do you get it jeff, do you get it"
Like they seem to spend way to much time on expectation subversion and it ends up having an impact of n game experience
But hopefully sigma can change things
There is only one main tank and his name is mccree
tracer is better
I tank as Hanzo
@@GiovanniSmith What about Widowmaker
@@ninoski4043 I'm already widowmaker..
Zen is obviously OP main tank in season 14 right now
Why my youtube recommendations gotta keep bullying me
IKR, everytime its like "you're bad at this, you're bad at that, how to do this, 10 things you do wrong!"
Call the cops on youtube because of this.
"Always charge as soon as it's off cool down to ensure that you get as many kills as possible, after all the job of Reinhardt is to protect the team and obviously the team would be a lot safer if the enemy team is eliminated. Too easy"
Youroverwatch: Bad Teammates are a Myth
Youroverwatch: 3:10 Oh look, it's a Mythological Pharah
Bad teammates are way too real, there are too many games that are unwinnable and everyone who plays this game can attest to that, including YO guys. What is a myth is that it's these bad teammates is what's holding you back.
this. all they do is slow you down. if you're good enough you will rise eventually, even if its just inch by inch. but its exactly this fact that makes it such a frustrating crawl at times
But paying attention to the bad teammates is useless, that's the point.
You should still focus on what YOU can do better, can't control them.
@@DexterNewton32 Finally someone who understands that you're the only variable in a game that has an exactly 50% chance to be a win or loss assuming blizzard isn't against you specifically
Youroverwatch: Bad Teammates are a Myth, you can always raise your mechanical skill regardless of context
Youroverwatch: Here's how to improve your main tank play so that you can climb at any rank: Have a lucio on your team ; )
Why you're bad at main tank: Because you don't have a Lucio.
That basically what he said the whole video
It's true tho. Rein zarya without a lucio is a soft throw
Horizon Rein here! Thanks for using my clip, and thanks for the critiques! They certainly helped!
The fact that your'e basically offering free coaching to anyone who wants it is unbelievably generous of you. I applaud your effort and look forward to sending you some of my terrible gameplay.
I love how he assumes that when you play Rein there will be a Zarya, that both healers are healing instead of one trying to do damage on the opposite side of the map, and that there are enough people in voice chat to hear you say "my shield is recharging."
You guys should have done this earlier, this is miles above what you guys normally make. Extremely informative without pointing out the obvious or taking too long on points in the video.
That gold Winston must be the worst Winston I've ever seen. I mean, staying inside your safety bubble is like, instinctive to all human beings, right?
Shield management? Positioning?
Fuck that, I'm a member of the W Squad
Seriously. Fantastic content. I’m consistently amazed at your ability to keep up meaningful and entertaining content all this time. Been a long time subscriber and I seriously SERIOUSLY love this channel. Way to go.
As a rein main this video is amazing, I needed this
g_lacier persona!
@@Prestiginii ayyy
What rank are you
@@eliseoandrade162 2216
@@glacier_officialwhat's your specs and what's your sens? What fps and ping do you usually get.
Great video and really great points. I like the stark contrast you showed (on purpose or not) between the first rein and the last rein. The first rein was too passive at the choke and they ended up never setting foot past hanamura doors. The last rein would charge deep into the enemy backline at the start of every team fight and leave his whole team behind. Great stuff
To be fair, the Rein on Hanamura that pins at 24:43 was a victim of Overwatchs wonky geometry. He pins the enemy Zen through TWO doorways, sliding around the walls like he's covered in hot butter. Might not have been a good pin to begin with, but I can't even count how many times one of my pins that looked good at first ended up backfiring cause of the game's weird ass geometry.
True rein is new Tony hawk
pinning the Zen to prevent him from saving the team or himself with trans?🤔
I pretty much never pin anymore, except as a travel tool. It gets you killed the majority of the time lol
Yea, when I originally did that charge I called the pin on trans because we were going for grav dragon, but when Zarya held it, it made my play very bad, pretty much same thing heppened with the other charge later on.
JeremyCuddles i think he wanted to use the pin to agressively reposition himdelf but than failed to bump against a wall early enough. instead he pinnes the zen and rides throug the whole map accidentaly
These videos are really, really good. Thank you for putting put this information into the community.
19:06 "Well, it's time to rank up today."
That killed. 😂
The Rein Player at 23:00 on horizon is a classic example of UNBIND CHARGE
I just had a game where a rienheardt tried to tank a nano boosted opposing rein, fire from the road hog and the rest of the dps he dies and proceeded to say “the healers weren’t good enough” so many tanks make the mistake of thinking that their heals can stop the damage from the whole enemy team, pleas don’t do this
dude really good stuff putting text in the bottom left to signal the exact timing to do things.
I think thats really going to have some impact.
Main tank requires big braine
Or a brig main ??🤔🤔🤔
@@rajsagar6877 that comment STUNNED ME
Sam Zheng 5Head
@The SturdyTubers big brain brig main = pog no aim no brain winston main = resident sleeper
Informative video, folks. Thanks for doing it. I don't play Rein if I can help it but I do play and enjoy the dive tanks and Orisa every once in a while. Shield placement and management is so critical for both Rein and Orisa as well as communication with your team. I still have a lot to improve upon.
*Read this and I’ll explain;*
_Okay if you main tank or off-tank YOU need to understand you can’t play the same at diamond as you would in masters or in gold as you would in plat. You need to adapt a little bit as team coordination is different as so is everything else._
_These lowers SR games you won’t get the healing you’d like, you probably don’t know when to peel or when to push. There is a catch, take control; if you are rein as for zarya bubble and try to enable her by enabling yourself. These low ranks you need to use bubble for charge and typically not for saving people. You also can’t be as aggressive due to healing but remember; they have around the same healing as you... and the same damage._
_Higher sr is more healing and more damage. In lower SR you must get your team to try and work with you and you must shot call. Because having your team try and work it matters a lot. Now teams don’t exactly work at all in anything under high gold. You should just be able to play dps in these ranks a climb super easily through just time and practice on fragging._
_Its really hard to try and give advice in low ranks as they are so chaotic, but my best advice is to tell your teammates to say hold bubble for YOU and call when you need it. Also, as I stated the easiest way to climb low ranks is just dps and frag out and carry games up to where you want._
_Once you hit around mid plat you’ll get games where people play together (as stated you’ll get games, not every game) and you can start playing for space and picks. Also, if you have a numbers advantage please please please don’t be a wuss and play as a team and work to finish and secure the fight. If you get picks and just wait your literally throwing your advantage away._
_Just because you get picks doesn’t mean you can’t lose._
I always See You Comment and I Must Say you're Knowable abt Lower Ranks especially this Which is Very True it Seems You Played alot at Lower Sr But Your Top 500 Do You Smurf alot? or Did You Have to Grind the Hard Grind to Understand Lower Sr Mentality?
Rikku yako *No, I have friends who are at lower ranks. Plus I am at fault for boosting a friend up to gm from gold. It wasn’t a planned thing though.*
Rikku yako *Here let me add on;*
_I also have a good amount of time on console, nowhere near my pc time but I’ve experienced that... Blizzard doesn’t care about console at all and I feel bad for those who still play on it. On console the lowest I was, was high plat and the amount of leavers and throwers was extensive. It was harder to actually climb on console then on pc... plus on pc I can just play widow and get pocketed and completely carry games._
Sadly this isnt true.
One smurf equals many.
As a support main smurfing isnt even noticable, but when a widow from my elo gets into a smurf game with my friends it's over.
And that's 4 outa ten games on average.
They will have more dmg then you.
Or more healing.
Or something.
A fair game is rare very rare.
Hence the coin flip.
FeedMeSalt _I totally agree, it’s always a coin flip but YOU are the only constant. That’s why when I did smurf I wasn’t on tank or off-tank. I can absolutely carry games with zarya but widow is just easier. It’s the reason why I did that, not all roles are the same but it’s like a full circle. Tanks create space and opportunity and enable the dps, and the supports; support and enable the tanks and the dps; and through picks the dps enable the entire team. At least that the idea, when I was down in plat boosting my friend (I’ve never been lower, and my friend that was gold was high gold.) I ofc was that widow that you’d see, but like 4 in 10 games? Like I guess I’m confused about your elo; as are you the one smurfing to play with your friends, and someone who is also smurfing from your elo absolutely decimates your team. That’s at least what I’m understanding; which if it’s what your saying I agree completely. A masters widow can even destroy a team in diamond._
Great video!
So happy to see vod reviews coming to the channel!
As an Orisa main, this video has been very helpful! I always (or at least I believe I do) use my shields to their best of their ability along with fortify at the right time but I always forget that Halt! exists. I personally don't think I use it enough and when I do it doesn't feel effective.
Call the cops Freedo and Eddy killed Liam and Weagal
Not sure if you mentioned this, but as a tank player (especially winston) always keep track of enemy tank ult charges. It helps you decide when it's good or not to be in a situation. For winston players, MEMORIZE THE COOLDOWN TIMES! You will love that hero way more.
Somewhat unrelated, but it's quite baffling what many players think on how Rein should be played: I had a Zarya last night that said he's keeping his bubble for me but I'm not charging in. After a small discussion I'm eventually like 'I'm not charging into their full team, r u crazy!?' and then I finally got some bubbles. I also had a wiseguy dps player that laughed at me and called me hard stuck Gold while arguing that Winston is not a main tank. lol
Great video, btw!
Bad cuz mad
Mad cuz bad
Just don’t get stunned 4head
my winston after watching this video actually imroved exponentially- thank you
Thanks for lowering my self esteem even further!
gotta face the truth at some point if it helps you improve in the long run
I already have none so now I don’t give a flick
Like usual your videos are amazing guys thank you for this guide! I share this one with a few players are called itself "main tank" but they make mistakes so easy in defend or dive comps
Tanks are the most difficult to play in OW.
DPS? Just stay alive in a place where you can kill things, and get multikills with your ult.
Healer? Just stay alive in a place where you can heal your allies, and don't use two defensive ults at the same time.
Tank? Make sure to stay with your team (no matter where the fuck they go), coordinate with your team (no matter how much they flame), make sure your team stays alive while staying alive yourself, save your healers, fight the enemy tanks, stay in front, charge your ult and use it wisely.
I'm A tank main and you are greatly simplifying other roles to make tanks seem like the hardest role
like you could easily apply "go with the team no matter where the fuck they go coordinate with your team no matter how much they flame, make sure your team stays alive while keeping yourself alive, and charge your ult and use it wisely" all to the healer role
And every dps doesn't just "get multi kills with ults" sym for example can win a fight for her team with a good shield and Ashe can get value with a bob who gets no kills as long as it creates space and takes focus off your team there is many more examples ,also dps has to protect healers too
Doing better retreating is something I think I needed to hear for a while. Often I'd find myself jumping back into a choke but my bubbles aren't back and my health isn't quite full.
Also, my team has cooldowns and health as well, so even if I'm back to full it doesn't mean they will be. I'll probably win more fights now.
I may rag on this channel a bit, but your coaching videos are awesome.
Seriously, make more of these.
As a main tank player I either see Rein’s play to aggro or too passive. A quicktip to get past a choke is shield hop. Throw shield jump and push forward/repeat while communicating with your team. Don’t keep your shield up for too long and let it get melted in the choke with spam. As monkey your priority targets are low health enenies and supports then squishies. Plan ahead when your diving in and where your gonna dive out while making sure your in your supports line of sight; also, communicate with your or Hamster on who you are diving so they can back you up. Orisa is mostly played like a passive tank but you can play agro with her you just have to make sure your other tank is near you or can peel for you if you get focused on. Also, shiekd CD management is a must so throw/use your shields wisely. Mainly just throw shield to protect yourself or near the middle of a team fight to have it act like a Symm ult.
Hector, yeah I hear ya. Playing main tank can be a lot of fun and a nightmare at the same time. Since Rein and Winston are the main tanks that are used the most often it just comes down to having your team follow up on what your doing. If you have an Ana on your team have her nanoboost you and call for it when your ready. A nanoboosted Rein or Winston is a good way to be agro and blitz the enemy team. What I usually do is communicate with my other tank and main support. Those two are the most important if your the main tank. If the DPS or off healer aren’t communicating then it’s not the end of the world. On Hybrid maps and 1st point assault maps on attack a Lucio speedboast as the off healer is a super asset to have when your the main tank. So, at the start of the match you can atleast try and ask if the off healer can go Lucio for the reason I mentioned.
I don’t play tank often but this video gave me some new knowledge that will come in handy
Your Overwatch: "Reinhardt Winston and Orisa are the most common main tanks in the game"
Meanwhile, my team: "Mei is a main tank"
As a Rein main I struggle on deducing when it’s good to use my shield to push forward with my team or hold the line. However those moments when we do commit are legendary and our coordination usually gets us a wipe. This is why I love Rein, he takes a good bit of setup and teamwork, but when it’s time to go in he absolutely bodies everything. As of present day I’m a Reinhardt/Sigma main with an occasional Roadhog.
Absolute great video, climbed 200 SR using these tips
Really useful. It's so hard to know when to start brawling with Rein and this helps. Also, my Winston primal rages are garbage and I'm now going to go off and play some customs to practice. Thanks!
Great video, could have been titled When to abandon/give into the "we need a shield excuse". Watching them rein zarya into sym,torb,mei,etc on horizon was hard to watch, very useful tips though
We need more heals fam, lucio you should go mercy 😂😂😂
27:00 that ana sleep darts tho amazong how she always gets the enemy rein
That was so good. Thank you explaining all those thought processes.
I'm a 24-7 off tank, thats why I am bad at main tank. I can't play like Reinhart/Winston using DVA and my teammates don't understand that.
I get that rein might be a stretch but Winston and dva play really similarly. as dva you dive target to get a kill and get back to support the heal. same for Winston. mobilitywise they are the same the only difference lies in the way a bubble and dmatrix are used.I think playing dva is more forgiving than playing Winston, but dva is a more intricate roll imo so transitioning should not be to difficult if you were to practice for a couple of hours
From xperience in lower rank I can say that in lower rank rien is like moira I mean like how moira runs out of juice in the middle by constantly healing, like that rien presses M2 till that rectangle breaks and hopefully they wish have won the fight by then
Also Lucio is super under-rated in lower elo 4 some reason
A lot of people want to complain about how “broken” Brigette is because wah wah wah I get stunned blah blah blah. But in reality Lucio is what makes Rein/Zarya so deadly. Lucio is truly the most “OP” underrated support right now. Same goes for Hammond who is the most “OP” underrated tank right now.
Just you wait. Hammond will be called “OP” soon and especially when Sombra gets a nerf.
I agree lucio and hammond are criminally underrated. Their kits are really unique and there aren't a ton of people that have mastered them as opposed to a character like tracer.
The Reinhardt you reviewed at the beginning needs to take some risks. He held on to that shatter way too long and had lots of opportunities to use it.
This is actually a really good guide, well done.
Out of curiosity I thought about submitting some games as well but I had 2 questions.
Can we send in games of games where we win as well?
Are we able to send in games from our streams?
I wondered about the first question since usually Freedo says to send in games we lose but I think we can still learn from victories as well since you could still make some silly mistakes in games you win or what you might have done that assisted in facilitating a successful push.
The second question is more so due to also being a content creator so just about all games I'd have recorded would have a layout of some kind.
love these videos! Do more rein gameplay!
Basic advice: Rein? you need a Lucio
Winston? Use bubble after jump
Orisa? Keep running and throwing down shields until the other team gets sick of chasing you and you can shoot them all in the back
Now, the answer you really have give me is how do I stop my team from acting like a bunch of cats and doing their own thing? How do I actually get them to follow me and a plan rather than just trying to frag and getting pwned?
Use LFG, make sure they have mics, and have pub profiles so you know what they play.
The plat winston has 9000 iq just look at how beautifly he kills the reaper
Those Rein charges speak to me on a spiritual level...
Hey Frito, thanks for the videos, but could you add a segment of correct engagements by the tanks so we can see correct actions to go for instead of just negative actions?
This is a relatively new series, our Advanced Guide series is all positively minded and many feel seeing higher ranked games doing things right has limited applicability to their games. Obviously there's no way to do _everything_ with limited time, but I may look to do more Advanced Guides in the future as well. -F
I think my primary issue is the fact that I used to be a support main. The idea that I shouldn't be taking damage and I should be seen as little as possible to avoid being hit, is ingrained in my gameplay. Even when I DPS, I try to take as little damage as possible. I know that tanks are meant to soak damage, and yet there's a part of me that doesn't WANT to take damage because I'm afraid of dying and losing the team fight.
Incredible information in this video. If I were you I would segment the game clips a bit more explicitly. Maybe a quick intro to the clip what’s happening then give the info you give. It was just a bit hard to follow the first time watching. The seamlessness is Hollywood level but for an instructional video I would appreciate more segmented info, just my 2 cents
Great vid, and also an example of the principle of labour competition: someone will always do the work for less. Flood of self-help career counselors for aspiring gamers hitting the market to follow.
YourOverwatch these days:
"Why won't y'all play Lucio?"
I think a lot of people don’t understand the point is to get to the objective, and use your abilities accordingly to take it / push payload.
Reins need to learn to short distance charge more often
LiUnDe IRKIL they help against reaper
Best video in a long time!
Don’t just charge in and die as Rein
Don’t put your shield in a stupid spot as Orisa
Don’t grav if zenyatta hasn’t used trans as Zarya
Don’t play Winston into a bastion
Don’t miss all your hooks as Hog
Don’t just feed as Hammond
Don’t... actually there’s not a lot you can do wrong with Dva...
Dont DM chip damage?
Don’t feed the enemy zarya grav?
“Well, time to rank up today.” 😆
Personally, I don't believe it's a requirement to have a high sensitivity on main tank with a few conditions...
1) You have a large enough mouse pad
2) You are comfortable with your sensitivity that you know if you turn 'blank' that it will put your screen in 'blank' direction, so basically good control with it.
I run Winston and Reinhardt at 4.10 sensitivity with 900 DPI, and it works pretty well for me. Most main tank players use something drastically higher, but it's personal preference. I also think that there's such a thing as running a sensitivity too high on main tank. For example, players who may freeze up or panic end up trying to jump in one direction but fly in another because of how little movement it may take for them to move where they want to go. If you have low fps, having a sensitivity very high would make it even harder to track targets than having a sensitivity too low. That being said, the clip at 10:01 contains weak ties to the claim that his "sensitivity was too low" and that "he couldn't track the Lucio perfectly because of that." To begin with, the player's tracking, in general, was already bad, and it consisted of weird flick movements. Looking closely at 10:31, the player does end up turning, but it seemed like he didn't know how much to turn in the first place, and he didn't properly predict where the Lucio would end up after jumping and turning. While it is very possible that the player could have performed better in that instance with a higher sensitivity, I don't feel that the clip really illustrated the claim as strongly as it should have.
Could you do a map by map every fight spot analysis?
Freedo I have a couple points I disagree on and I would love to be proved wrong or hear your thoughts. While high sens on main tanks is good for reaction purposes, I don’t agree that it helps with tracking. In my mind that is more of a distance-to-180 familiarity thing. I also don’t like suggesting an earlier fight for the rein on blizzard world, since that enables flankers, enemy high ground, and makes your retreat path an unnecessary bottleneck. Thoughts?
The terms "high" or "low" are incredible subjective so don't let that fool you into misunderstanding.
React to things on screen faster = better gameplay. Simple. If you can't 180 fast enough to IMMEDIATELY start doing damage again, problem. So yes, you can advise ppl to "swing arm faster!" but why? No need to stay precise with Winston when speed will do. Zarya a bit of a different case but still remains largely the same, heroes in OW have bursts of fast movement, you need the speed to keep up 1:1 as much as possible.
Rein Zarya is all about stealing away what you can. If he charges his Zarya aka actually commits, he's probably fine and escapes. This is all case by case basis - -honestly, mm reins stand still on point and never make a play, this is standard BAD, useless, irrelevant ranked tank playstyle that's used to not having any teamwork = bad practice. Only "feels" like it works in ranked bc often less mistakes wins in OW, but it doesn't make you better necessarily. -F
Great breakdown!
At 11:12 he says not to chase the Mercy. I remember LowKeyNerd saying something like, "Eff this, man. Every game is chase the Mercy." I feel the same way: Gotta kill her first. I'm surprised to hear this advice of not chasing her. Legit: Sometimes my callouts are entirely "Healer at Location X" and "Healer at Location Y." (I've also had people say, "Just tell me where Mercy is.")
Great advice! as a Reinhardt main i appreciate it a lot :D
So for Winston: raise your sensitivity and track perfectly? It is way harder to never loose tracking when on high sensitivity...
72% win percentage this season on Winston FeelsGoodMan
I have a torb one trick account in diamond with a 77% win rate I'm going to be a top 500 torb one trick
I'm up to 83% winrate on this new Roadhog
@@not677 gl with that, most torbs at GM level have 50-60% max and that's the really good ones
@@jacoblaramore4346 i know I excpect my win rate to drop as I go up
Followed this guide to the best of my ability in gold competitive, got accused of using hacks then smurfing in another game… on the positive side of things I’m in platinum now.
Can you do off tanks next, I main them and think I’m doing well but still unable to win any games at my rank
I like to think I’m a decent Orisa but then every time I get confident a reaper blasts me in the face lmao
Over Ambitious thanks. Yeah I usually do that and halt to dance around the shield until we’re both low then finish him off and harden until heals but then I’ve foolishly used all my cool downs
Over Ambitious very true. In big battles though I’m usually the swing factor with just how easily I can choose which characters they need to lose first while protecting vital players on ours.
Muma or Oge never blocked a Fusions shatter with Winston bubble while pressuring the back line.
Im a great tank and a great healer
One phrase that makes me hurl is "git Gud" sputtered by egoticlstical elitists who make gaming bad. The most quick way to get your ass blocked from my team. The best gamers are ones confident enough to not alienate and degrade other players. Keep it positive and supportive, THAT makes a great game experience
Thank you, YourOverwatch for I am naturally garbage at tanks.
Really helpful, thanks for this!
The thumbnail tho 😂😂😂
Great vid freedo
2nd clip, winston needs to use headset, or lower the input volume so the mic doesn't catch your gameplay sound or use push to talk... super annoying to the rest of the team -.-
Thank you for the video. I bought my very first second account from the Black Friday sale and decided it will be my main tank account; I’m a support main but looking to diversify. Already I’m playing about a tier below my main account (still in quick play but basing it off my teammates/opponents SR). What’s a good sens for tanks? I’m 800 DPI and 4.8 sens on Zen/Moira
sens is all preference. I play my dps and support on 800dpi and 2 in game sens and for rein Winston I put sens on 4. you don't need to massively change your sense. as Winston it is important that you can do quick 180 and 360. if possible the best way is to have a button that changed your dpi for quick movement and one for tracking
The clip at 14:00. Are these green triple shots Lucio or Genji?
looks like Lucio to me
Nah, healers are definitely the problem here
About time someone spoke the truth!
A normal Person maybe it’s because they’re too busy attacking or defending
TrueDue this is why I mostly main the healers because people don’t know how to look around and freaking HEAL
A normal Person or don’t play mercedes
Now do all this without getting any heals
just play hog zarya 4head
Now try being a healer but your heals mean nothing, because you main tank charges the enemy and takes in so much damage that your heals can't sustain them, then getting blamed for their shit play
I love these thumbnails only more and more
You know, in 500 hours, I don't think I've ever seen anyone pull off the halt-hook combo.
I didn't even realize it was why people say Orisa and Roadhog synergize for a long time, I thought it was just because he can hook from behind the shield.
In the last horizon clip, I bet the whole team was hating on the sym for the 'throw pick' when she was the only character that could have helped them win. Just tele on point and brawl.