I know the Lord MUST have Godly men and women somewhere but honestly,, this is the only man I have ever heard who had a spirit so pure before the Lord...I don't exalt anyone above Christ,, we are never to put anyone above Christ but I am so thankful that God had given us David Wilkerson-- He allowed the Holy Spirit to have His way always.... My soul and spirit felt "safe" when I listened to him even if he preached and taught on sin,, or needing to get right with God.... He is missed terribly by so many--- There was nothing fake about this man and God used him mightily---
+Patti Hanlon The Lord DOES have Godly men and women. One day I cried out to Him over the lack of love for Him that I saw in people, and He said, "I have seven thousand more just like you". "Alive today, Lord?" I asked, "Or spread out throughout time?" Yet from what I have seen and heard from various postings on this video and others, that yes there are hungry hearts that love Jesus and our Father and the Holy Holy Spirit. Lately I've been greatly blessed by the teachings of Brother Neville Johnson. You might enjoy what he shares from his experiences with the Lord. Stay strong in the power of His might. Blessings from Canada.
My testimony-i am a mother of an incredible 13 son, yet apparently ive gotten annoying to him i dont take an second with him for granite nemore i only speak about important things like God, brush teeth, do right. U know annoying stuff lol it became a fight every morning to wake him up for school until i found David Wilkerson's sermons i play it in the background while praising the lord and just letting the Holy Spirit do His thing & Praise God every morning is now a blessing to both of us its amazing the Power & Love of God! Thank U Jesus for U & for Pastor Wilkerson!
Glory to You Father🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 Oh thank You JESUS 🙌🏼🙌🏼 thank you so much for sharing that beautiful miracle! I pray many many more blessings miracles upon you and your family and May The Holy speaks like a wild fire 🔥 wherever you should go in Jesus name amen 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
A few short years ago I prayed to the LORD to give me double of whatever he has. A few days later I found 2 Kings 2:9, "DOUBLE PORTION." My life hasn't been the same since. Separation, sacrifice, healing, increase, wholeness, anointing. TO GOD ALWAYS THE GLORY!
Amen woke up listening to this. Again. Miss ya loads. Of. Love for the. Years you. Lived to. Hear and say. What. The Holy Spirit. Bright. Forth. Now and forever your messages. Live. Because He. Lived. Big in you. RIP.
I’ve been praying for this in my own heart & life. This is a message I needed to hear…. even if it is 10 yrs.ago. It IS SO very relevant today, this hour, this minute. I pray Lord let it be so in my life ; help me to seek you & pray more; draw me closer to you God & shut myself in with You. You are the One I need most. You are the one I love more than anything or anyone. Give me more of You & show me more of Yourself. Amen
I haven't heard of this holy man of God. But I wish he is still here. I have been listening to his messages I have been blessed. He was a mighty man of prayer and Faith. We need more like him I believe God is raising men and women of God in these last days with the fire of the Holy Ghost. Praise God. 🙋🏽
Sadly June he past away, if you google time square church New York City, or simply tsc nyc you will find sermons from Dave going back yrs, have a look at my favourite called Anguish, Cheers and God bless.
How I miss the days passed. When a man of God stood before the people and spoke truth with sinsarity of heart and conviction. Teaching the good news of the gospel. Thank you lord for the men of God you have sent. Help our unbelief & forgive us of our ignorance.
The mercy of God is not us to feel bad with this message, but to be motivated to move forward and what God is showing our generation today!! We can be the examples that we were looking for! 😊
The Lord started having me to listen to David Wilkerson's sermons a few years ago and I have not stopped. I have grown spiritually through God Almighty and this man's sermons. It's so sad that there aren't many who preacher a true word filled with the wisdom and understanding of God and His Word like this man does. I'm so thankful that through technology I am able to receive these messages, although he has now been passed away for several years and I live many miles away from Time Square Church. Thank you God!
Lord Jesus, I cannot straighten the lost generation, but you can. Let your will be done. Jesus, give me the double portion of the anointing of the Holy Spirit. I will preach your gospel to the lost souls. Amen!
Shelly Allen Tozer and Watchman Nee are both great teachers. If you like solid teaching and deep, life changing teaching. Look for Breaking the Silence by Fred Saleh! I promise, you would love it.
Hi ma Good morning. I hope my comment didn't sound as a form of privacy invasion your comment tells of a wonderful woman with a beautiful heart which led me to comment I don't normally write in the comment section but I think you deserve this complement. If you don’t mind can we be friends? Thanks God bless you….🌺🌺🌺
This is really good wow I need a Double portion and anointing maybe even quadruple portion 😭 cause this atmosphere is thick I need more Jesus help me . It’s getting worse and worse so many scoffers and mockers still in this day yes we need a revival I’m sick of this evilness !!!! Preach pastor David Wilkerson 🙏🏾 🔥
It was very good to hear this message today. The Lord has been working through me and I got more insight and understanding to my calling. God is awakening His sons and daughters and it is time for us to step up and take our authority that He has given us and start speaking His love, mercy and words. I have no paper license, I have the license given to me by my Lord and Savior. Arise and walk as His son or daughter with the anointing He has given you!
When God sends and anoints you he will literally speak to you by his word, by the true ministry of God or a true spiritual dream as he did to Joseph and many of the prophets of old and he will call you by name.
Rest in Peace Servant of God. He was merciful to take you to his side before the nation you loved dissolved into total chaos and lawlessness. We whom remain, must needs save whomever we can. Then in that final day, we shall together with you hear these words from the Master "well done, my good and faithful servant"
I don’t know what date this was recorded , but we are even further along the road and closer to that Judgement than ever before .......Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand ..🙏🏻
This message is needed more than ever as 2020 ends & 2021 around the corner. May the Holy Spirit move through his people mightily in these last days i pray. All glory to GOD alone!!
Jeremiah 33:11 . Their condition was worse than ours , yet the Lord said He would forgive and pardon and then restore the nation. Why? For His glory to be revealed in the earth in order to receive praise among the nations .
Jeremiah 33:11 . Their condition was worse than ours , yet the Lord said He would forgive and pardon and then restore the nation. Why? For His glory to be revealed in the earth in order to receive praise among the nations .
We’re shut in now 5/22/2020. Were in an judgement now that is giving us time to avoid hell. We all have the time now at home to get out houses in order. The church is also experiencing a time to adjust ourselves properly in Christ. Repent where necessary and fulfill the the calling of God on our lives. Whatever that is, may we all do it to His glory and as one body.
What a powerful message. But who are the ones to hear? Who are the ones to act upon the conviction of the Holy Spirit? How many truly want to know our Father that is in our hearts? Just the few. How many that attended this man's services, still abide by the word, still hungering, and thirsting for the face of God? We live in such a wicked, cruel world. Let it not overtake you.
God's word is true. He came to earth in the body of Jesus Christ to bring salvation to all who call on God in Christ's name. It doesn't change God's plans if your athiest, agnostic, follow budda, or Ali. God tells us who we are and should trust. It is not for us to tell him who he is and follow us. Thanks be to our God.
Your warning comes too, too late. I have given Jesus the last 40 years of my life. I find only peace, love & joy..... in good times & bad. I have buried loved ones, suffered great pains & hurt. Jesus has been my peace & joy through all these things!
The Lord rejoices in the death of the righteous... why? Because at last we are united with Him. But he finds no pleasure in the death of the wicked. My daughter died - I am so grateful to God for His salvation and the Life He has given us :)
yes amen mighty man of God God is exalted through pastor David. in on my own obsersvation some church leaders is exalting the pastors above God by giving all the glory and honor and praises to their pastors.
Thank you David Wilkerson for This TIMELY teaching then AND NOW ! BLESS you a 100 FOLD according to your FAITH motivated BY LOVE all FOR THE GLORY OF OUR FATHER GOD who CANNOT LIE HE is Faithful to OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST THE LIVING WORD (THE HOLY BIBLE)!
I. Believe that this prophet David Wilkerson was right when he said that America will be judged for turning from God Mark Taylor is not right about Trump being the modern day King Cyrus because America certainly isn’t repentant at all and every day worse then the day before
I ask for the mantal of Eliyahoo to be used for YHVH KINGDOM i ask to be choosen bye God to restore the hearts of the fathers to the children and the children to the fathers and all to Jesus of Nazerth amen
The thing he is talking about 44mins in is happening today. God is dealing with the hearts of some young men to stand up against these new age churchs. One has told the Lord in prayer "I will do it." but not until the Lord makes it evidently clear to him that is what he wants and that God will have that young mans back. Just like pastor David said this young man is seeking that double spirit and anointing in his life.
Elisha carried a spirit of expectation . He knew he was trained well , yet he still suffered a spiritual hunger , a yearning to get a sense of completion of training? God also knew of his hunger , then used Elijah as the vehicle to deliver the final touch of his learning , in receiving the double - portion of the Anointing which was on Elijah the departing prophet ! For he said : " Where is the Lord God (of Elijah) !"
Father, I come before You in the Name of Your Precious Son Jesus. You know Corina's exact need and I ask that You Fill her with Your Holy Ghost Power that she may stand against the spiritual wickness on this earth. Give her wisdom and understanding as she seeks Your Face, studying Your Word, and give her discernment as to where she should go, do and say!! Give her peace and touch her heart with the Fire of Your Love! Amen!
@@HeKeepsMeSinging Amen, I agree with this prayer, and I too lift Corina before You today our wonderful Heavenly Father, that she will know Your love, comfort, strength and peace, and that she will know just how much You love her as your precious daughter. ❤️ Bless both of these beautiful ladies, in Jesus's precious name.
The KING never mentioned anything about growing, but being faithful and enduring where you are planted... "those that (endure) to the end shall be saved", not those that grow till the end shall be saved.. The SPIRIT can't move you if you don't know and study scripture. It's that simple.
I love the message he is the only preacher I've heard not use this verse for bondage as the message that you need a covering and you can't do anything for God without a covering ( A MAN) over your life, sad thing this old testament bondage
Chris Brooks Chris Today I was reading in the word. The apostle paul went to the desert for the Holy Spirit to teach him for 3 yrs before he contacted Peter.
Exacly the Holy Spirit taught him and thats all we need now I understand there is order in orders but if God has a specific mission in our lives to fulfil what man can stop us from moving on with that mission. Bt on the flip side if you have a mentor and God has made it to be so then it must be, but so many churches say to their congregation that they need a covering to speak to God on their behalf or to receive a blessing from God or permission to preach, that could work for the preachin if God didnt call you to actualy preach but if he chose ypu to do so no one can stop Gods hand in your life.
Chris Brooks I know exactly what you mean and I am thinking that I know the particular "group" or "groups" you're speaking of as I have been in their congregations but don't agree with them on this particular "man-made doctrine." It seems as though these groups are always trying to impose their own brand of theology upon others. If anybody needs a covering, it's them, all those who subscribe to this way of thinking. I pray you will continue to follow God's will and not the will of those who're leading you into their own personal ways of thinking.
I went to a revival 20 yrs or so ago..i went to the alter after everyone was about gone..how do you want us to pray for. You i was asked.i said i want a double portion of gods anointing they backed up n said we dont think we can pray for you.they stepped away to ask the pastor he said pray for him...i started going to a church few urs back not realizing where i was" in the enemies camp perhaps"?..not reckonizing any of them..but remembered what i asked for..when from behind the pulpit i heard.."some people are so selfish n greety that gods anointing isnt even enuff.they come to the alter asking for a double portion"...i new then although i didnt reckonize them they did me...or he who is in me ..i am no example. Of a christian or anyone fit to be pasturing...but when hear n see a donkey talk youll remember it..iam long haired tattooed n look like to some folks i dont know who god is..i come from n old menonite german amish baptist blood line not raised in it. 2 generations removed...i am no prophet...but do know what elijah looked like..i saw a picture of him hand skectched in detail..when i saw this picture i knew the pastor that told me what elijah had looked like n how he dressed was right exactly..when um being accussed n judged i tell folks.."the devil dont portray himself to look like me..he presents himself to look like you.. An honest clean Cut. Nice person...then i know i cant change things..so i say..my god is jehova jusus is my king no weapons formed against me shall prosper like mrk srk n abednego he stands in the fire with me...call opon youre god build youre alter ..my alter was finished being built when jesus died on the cross...i guess these silent wars are our cross to bear ...will you pray for me.? Theirs probly a sermon in this... pastor david is one of my favorite n i listen to him now alot..i grew up not far from nyc on the island i identify..now i live on a mntn in tennessee...god bless..
I've found that most organizations who hold "revivals" fail to really do anything. Revival is birthed in years of consistent prayer. It takes a team, not just one sole individual in most cases. When it actually happens it's totally unexpected. God isn't some pet to come at the call of a revival. God doesn't come when human ego or organizational pride are on the line. God comes when he can take people by surprise, like a thief in the night. And that is why nobody is gonna be ready for his return outside the very most fervent saints. It is true that "the holiness trekkers" in the 1930's with Leonard Ravenhill did pull carts and set up tents all over Great Brittan and walk thousands of miles. It is also true that they only went where the spirit of God told them to go. They went where people had been fervently praying for a move of the spirit. And almost every time -- Ravenhill and his guys took a town by complete surprise
I know the Lord MUST have Godly men and women somewhere but honestly,, this is the only man I have ever heard who had a spirit so pure before the Lord...I don't exalt anyone above Christ,, we are never to put anyone above Christ but I am so thankful that God had given us David Wilkerson-- He allowed the Holy Spirit to have His way always.... My soul and spirit felt "safe" when I listened to him even if he preached and taught on sin,, or needing to get right with God.... He is missed terribly by so many--- There was nothing fake about this man and God used him mightily---
+Patti Hanlon The Lord DOES have Godly men and women. One day I cried out to Him over the lack of love for Him that I saw in people, and He said, "I have seven thousand more just like you". "Alive today, Lord?" I asked, "Or spread out throughout time?" Yet from what I have seen and heard from various postings on this video and others, that yes there are hungry hearts that love Jesus and our Father and the Holy Holy Spirit. Lately I've been greatly blessed by the teachings of Brother Neville Johnson. You might enjoy what he shares from his experiences with the Lord. Stay strong in the power of His might. Blessings from Canada.
+Patti Hanlon Thanksfully there are others, one example is Pastor Paul Washer. He has a powerful repentance ministry.
+Patti Hanlon watch Marcus Rogers he is very nice as well
Thanks...got rid of tv years ago but finding some things online-- :)
I was baptized on April 27 2014. three years to the day of his leaving earth. I pray for the annointing of Elijah and David Wilkerson.
My testimony-i am a mother of an incredible 13 son, yet apparently ive gotten annoying to him i dont take an second with him for granite nemore i only speak about important things like God, brush teeth, do right. U know annoying stuff lol it became a fight every morning to wake him up for school until i found David Wilkerson's sermons i play it in the background while praising the lord and just letting the Holy Spirit do His thing & Praise God every morning is now a blessing to both of us its amazing the Power & Love of God! Thank U Jesus for U & for Pastor Wilkerson!
Thank you Jesus for your wonderful teaching through your pastor 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
Great story.
I can totally relate to this. God bless.
Glory to You Father🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 Oh thank You JESUS 🙌🏼🙌🏼 thank you so much for sharing that beautiful miracle! I pray many many more blessings miracles upon you and your family and May The Holy speaks like a wild fire 🔥 wherever you should go in Jesus name amen 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
Thanking God for technology, that we can still appreciate good sermons and true sermons such as this.
A few short years ago I prayed to the LORD to give me double of whatever he has. A few days later I found 2 Kings 2:9, "DOUBLE PORTION." My life hasn't been the same since. Separation, sacrifice, healing, increase, wholeness, anointing. TO GOD ALWAYS THE GLORY!
Amen! That's so awesome! Praise God!
im there , yes, Amen!!
I am so happy right now...our God is Awesome!
Omg Amen and God won’t stop blessing you it’s permanent everlasting God is so good I wish more people would just get to know him 🙏🏾♥️
Amen woke up listening to this. Again. Miss ya loads. Of. Love for the. Years you. Lived to. Hear and say. What. The Holy Spirit. Bright. Forth. Now and forever your messages. Live. Because He. Lived. Big in you. RIP.
I want a double portion of God's blessings in Jesus name
Me too
Every generation has what it takes only if they walk seriously with GOD ✝. He Is The Only Way ✝.
I’ve been praying for this in my own heart & life. This is a message I needed to hear…. even if it is 10 yrs.ago. It IS SO very relevant today, this hour, this minute. I pray Lord let it be so in my life ; help me to seek you & pray more; draw me closer to you God & shut myself in with You. You are the One I need most. You are the one I love more than anything or anyone. Give me more of You & show me more of Yourself. Amen
I’m grateful to God for men of God, led by the Holy Spirtit. Praise His Holy name!
I haven't heard of this holy man of God. But I wish he is still here. I have been listening to his messages I have been blessed. He was a mighty man of prayer and Faith. We need more like him I believe God is raising men and women of God in these last days with the fire of the Holy Ghost. Praise God. 🙋🏽
Amen!! Yes, we are being raised up from Glory to Glory!
Sadly June he past away, if you google time square church New York City, or simply tsc nyc you will find sermons from Dave going back yrs, have a look at my favourite called Anguish, Cheers and God bless.
Paul Washer is our generations man Of God. Listen to his sermon called "a special prophetic word 2021"
Yes. To continue to hunger and thirst for the Lord and the touch of the HOLY SPIRIT until I'm taken away by the Holy Spirit
Hallelujah! I'm so hungry and thirsty for the Lord! I want double portion also, in Jesus Christ name, Amen!
How I miss the days passed. When a man of God stood before the people and spoke truth with sinsarity of heart and conviction. Teaching the good news of the gospel. Thank you lord for the men of God you have sent. Help our unbelief & forgive us of our ignorance.
God is not trying to repeat what He did yesterday, 😮
He wants us to do what our generation was created for!
The mercy of God is not us to feel bad with this message, but to be motivated to move forward and what God is showing our generation today!!
We can be the examples that we were looking for! 😊
One of God"s Generals
Thank you Pastor David Wilkerson you are greatly missed always blessing our hearts.
The Lord started having me to listen to David Wilkerson's sermons a few years ago and I have not stopped. I have grown spiritually through God Almighty and this man's sermons. It's so sad that there aren't many who preacher a true word filled with the wisdom and understanding of God and His Word like this man does. I'm so thankful that through technology I am able to receive these messages, although he has now been passed away for several years and I live many miles away from Time Square Church. Thank you God!
Lord Jesus, I cannot straighten the lost generation, but you can. Let your will be done. Jesus, give me the double portion of the anointing of the Holy Spirit. I will preach your gospel to the lost souls. Amen!
This is the only Pastor I listen to. True man of God
Shelly Allen id recommend the late Art Katz also. A good sermon is Arts one on the 911 tragedy.
Shelly Allen Tozer and Watchman Nee are both great teachers. If you like solid teaching and deep, life changing teaching. Look for Breaking the Silence by Fred Saleh! I promise, you would love it.
Hi ma Good morning. I hope my comment didn't sound as a form of privacy invasion your comment tells of a wonderful woman with a beautiful heart which led me to comment I don't normally write in the comment section but I think you deserve this complement. If you don’t mind can we be friends? Thanks God bless you….🌺🌺🌺
This is really good wow I need a Double portion and anointing maybe even quadruple portion 😭 cause this atmosphere is thick I need more Jesus help me . It’s getting worse and worse so many scoffers and mockers still in this day yes we need a revival I’m sick of this evilness !!!! Preach pastor David Wilkerson 🙏🏾 🔥
Salt us. Lord. Salt our lives. And homes.
It was very good to hear this message today. The Lord has been working through me and I got more insight and understanding to my calling. God is awakening His sons and daughters and it is time for us to step up and take our authority that He has given us and start speaking His love, mercy and words. I have no paper license, I have the license given to me by my Lord and Savior. Arise and walk as His son or daughter with the anointing He has given you!
Rachel Velasquez Amen
When God sends and anoints you he will literally speak to you by his word, by the true ministry of God or a true spiritual dream as he did to Joseph and many of the prophets of old and he will call you by name.
Yes LORD help me God through your holy spirit I'm not going out until you annoit me to do YOUR will🎉
Amen I believe this is how Jacob wrestled with the Angel of the Lord
I praise God for his servant brother David. He is a pure vessel . Lead by God and has such Holy Ghost insight. The greatest man of God.
I remember this beautiful word from Heaven like it were yesterday! How I miss my Pastor. It's never been the same since his departure to Glory ♡♡♡
Rest in Peace Servant of God. He was merciful to take you to his side before the nation you loved dissolved into total chaos and lawlessness. We whom remain, must needs save whomever we can. Then in that final day, we shall together with you hear these words from the Master "well done, my good and faithful servant"
My pastor💖. Forever loved and respected💜. Thank you Pastor Wilkerson for your obedience to the Holy Ghost💞. Christ be glorified💕.
It are things in us Duck by the Lord
I don’t know what date this was recorded , but we are even further along the road and closer to that Judgement than ever before .......Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand ..🙏🏻
He mentioned Y2K in a couple of month's so i believe it was 1999 when this msg was preached.....about 21 yrs ago. Wow
This man of God was true so passionate anointed from on high in Jesus name
Praise the Lord for his Messengers of God as Mr. Wilkerson.👍😇
This message is needed more than ever as 2020 ends & 2021 around the corner. May the Holy Spirit move through his people mightily in these last days i pray. All glory to GOD alone!!
Praise God for this sermon in 2021
Gods anointing is all over this message and I receive it in Jesus name hallelujah
I just came across this ministry last night ! What a humble but power man of God
Jesus is good
Food for my soul
you are to obsest with beauty you need to look in your heart .do not worry abuot the outside
Yes,Yes!!! A double portion!
The Former and Latter Rain...
Come Holy Spirit, pour Out your Spirit upon all flesh.
Hallelujah 💗🙏💗
Jeremiah 33:11 . Their condition was worse than ours , yet the Lord said He would forgive and pardon and then restore the nation. Why? For His glory to be revealed in the earth in order to receive praise among the nations .
Jeremiah 33:11 . Their condition was worse than ours , yet the Lord said He would forgive and pardon and then restore the nation. Why? For His glory to be revealed in the earth in order to receive praise among the nations .
I ask for the word of God to be written on my heart put on my lips Isaiah 58 psalm 41 and Isaiah 12
Wow i love how a lot of the choir came forth when they did the altar call. God bless
We’re shut in now 5/22/2020. Were in an judgement now that is giving us time to avoid hell. We all have the time now at home to get out houses in order. The church is also experiencing a time to adjust ourselves properly in Christ. Repent where necessary and fulfill the the calling of God on our lives. Whatever that is, may we all do it to His glory and as one body.
What a powerful message. But who are the ones to hear? Who are the ones to act upon the conviction of the Holy Spirit? How many truly want to know our Father that is in our hearts? Just the few.
How many that attended this man's services, still abide by the word, still hungering, and thirsting for the face of God?
We live in such a wicked, cruel world. Let it not overtake you.
Have your way father God even now pour out your Spirit on us like never before
Thank you my brother from new Zealand islands
Thank God for lending him to us to explain the word that we can understand and grow in the Spirit. Praises be the name of the Lord.
Wow you would think that Pastor Wilkerson is seeing what we see today!
We need the Refiner's Fire!
Prophetic Warrior bring it Lord.
Count the cost, Ask Him in truth..then prepare yourself...You could very well loose everything..family and friends...everything. blessings in Christ
@@donnatrueblood6226 True indeed, Brethren, Sister In MASHIACH [CHRIST]. YAH BLESS
Glory to God
A Man after God's own Heart...
Thank YOU LORD JESUS 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
How much more pertinent is this message today even more so when this was first preached in 2013. May the LORD have mercy on us. Come Lord Jesus come.
It was hard to blink this sermon was so good.
Listening in 2021🙌🏼🔥
Awesome sermon - God is moving!
Such a great word!
Tawana Outerbridge JESUS JESUS JESUS
God's word is true. He came to earth in the body of Jesus Christ to bring salvation to all who call on God in Christ's name.
It doesn't change God's plans if your athiest, agnostic, follow budda, or Ali. God tells us who we are and should trust. It is not for us to tell him who he is and follow us.
Thanks be to our God.
I remember asking for a. Double portion. This is. Good. Preaching. Here. Am I. Sanctify. Us. We need a fill. Up.
This is for right now !!! Thank you Lord 💕
Thank you Jesus for this message!
Thank you pastor for clear and deep teachings
amen! praise God for great message
Save All Children 🙏
Thank u lord. For all you do. Have done. Will do. Its. You. You. You. !
Your warning comes too, too late.
I have given Jesus the last 40 years of my life. I find only peace, love & joy..... in good times & bad. I have buried loved ones, suffered great pains & hurt. Jesus has been my peace & joy through all these things!
The Lord rejoices in the death of the righteous... why? Because at last we are united with Him. But he finds no pleasure in the death of the wicked. My daughter died - I am so grateful to God for His salvation and the Life He has given us :)
Good preaching!
a power message from Pastor David Wilkerson at Times Square Church💝
We Love not the world we love the people of the world.... powerful word I thank God for the anointing that is upon your life pastor.....
Amen! Yes Indeed. This was quite refreshing. God Bless You!
Pastor David Reminds me of The Prophet Jeremy in the Old Testament! I have always thought of him as my spiritual father and mentor🙏🏾
yes amen mighty man of God God is exalted through pastor David.
in on my own obsersvation some church leaders is exalting the pastors above God by giving all the glory and honor and praises to their pastors.
Amen..Praise the Lord...powerful message
Rejoice rejoicing and. Praising. Our. King. !
Thanks to God for this precious messages.
may Jesus continue his good in me so i may be complete in HIm thank you Father for loving me in the way you do...
Thank you David Wilkerson for This TIMELY teaching then AND NOW ! BLESS you a 100 FOLD according to your FAITH motivated BY LOVE all FOR THE GLORY OF OUR FATHER GOD who CANNOT LIE HE is Faithful to OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST THE LIVING WORD (THE HOLY BIBLE)!
Glenn Bigelow he is In Glory 🙌🏼
Amen! We can thank him when we get to Glory Land, of course after we Glorify, Worship and Thank Jesus, our Lord!!
Only 84 now 85 comments? Love the basket of good figs I can look upon? Love you
a prophet of God is 100% correct. this man's heart after God when God gave prophecy even in 2016 has been 100% correct to this day fact praise God
I. Believe that this prophet David Wilkerson was right when he said that America will be judged for turning from God
Mark Taylor is not right about Trump being the modern day King Cyrus because America certainly isn’t repentant at all and every day worse then the day before
I ask for the mantal of Eliyahoo to be used for YHVH KINGDOM i ask to be choosen bye God to restore the hearts of the fathers to the children and the children to the fathers and all to Jesus of Nazerth amen
Thank you LORD. I MATH...Wow...God is truly amazing. My name "I MATH" Speak LORD your servant is Listening. He led me here. 😓
Great message
Thank You Jesus Amen
This was so good!!
What a blessing to hear the Lord speaking throughout these men.
Amazing message
The thing he is talking about 44mins in is happening today. God is dealing with the hearts of some young men to stand up against these new age churchs. One has told the Lord in prayer "I will do it." but not until the Lord makes it evidently clear to him that is what he wants and that God will have that young mans back. Just like pastor David said this young man is seeking that double spirit and anointing in his life.
Jacob Meier I believe this. Our Heavenly Father has chosen many to prepare to speak up at HIS appointed time!! We are a remnant, Brother.
Elisha carried a spirit of expectation . He knew he was trained well , yet he still suffered a spiritual hunger , a yearning to get a sense of completion of training? God also knew of his hunger , then used Elijah as the vehicle to deliver the final touch of his learning , in receiving the double - portion of the Anointing which was on Elijah the departing prophet ! For he said : " Where is the Lord God (of Elijah) !"
Thank u revival not in following a move or method or a teaching. Nothing but HIS word & his spirit not by Knollage or anything but by HIS spirit
Amen!! I needed to hear this today...Right Now!!
Amen Brother in Christ Jesus. Rest in Peace. 🌈💜😇🙏😍
Wow Nice message. I Blessed.
Please pray for me
Father, I come before You in the Name of Your Precious Son Jesus. You know Corina's exact need and I ask that You Fill her with Your Holy Ghost Power that she may stand against the spiritual wickness on this earth. Give her wisdom and understanding as she seeks Your Face, studying Your Word, and give her discernment as to where she should go, do and say!! Give her peace and touch her heart with the Fire of Your Love! Amen!
@@HeKeepsMeSinging Amen, I agree with this prayer, and I too lift Corina before You today our wonderful Heavenly Father, that she will know Your love, comfort, strength and peace, and that she will know just how much You love her as your precious daughter. ❤️
Bless both of these beautiful ladies, in Jesus's precious name.
We are here..
Teach what we should be doing yes
Amen amen amen
The KING never mentioned anything about growing, but being faithful and enduring where you are planted... "those that (endure) to the end shall be saved", not those that grow till the end shall be saved.. The SPIRIT can't move you if you don't know and study scripture. It's that simple.
I love the message he is the only preacher I've heard not use this verse for bondage as the message that you need a covering and you can't do anything for God without a covering ( A MAN) over your life, sad thing this old testament bondage
Chris Brooks Chris Today I was reading in the word. The apostle paul went to the desert for the Holy Spirit to teach him for 3 yrs before he contacted Peter.
Exacly the Holy Spirit taught him and thats all we need now I understand there is order in orders but if God has a specific mission in our lives to fulfil what man can stop us from moving on with that mission. Bt on the flip side if you have a mentor and God has made it to be so then it must be, but so many churches say to their congregation that they need a covering to speak to God on their behalf or to receive a blessing from God or permission to preach, that could work for the preachin if God didnt call you to actualy preach but if he chose ypu to do so no one can stop Gods hand in your life.
Chris Brooks I know exactly what you mean and I am thinking that I know the particular "group" or "groups" you're speaking of as I have been in their congregations but don't agree with them on this particular "man-made doctrine." It seems as though these groups are always trying to impose their own brand of theology upon others. If anybody needs a covering, it's them, all those who subscribe to this way of thinking. I pray you will continue to follow God's will and not the will of those who're leading you into their own personal ways of thinking.
Chris Brooks i agree i love his teachings ...so sound.
Thank you Jesus, Amen.
I went to a revival 20 yrs or so ago..i went to the alter after everyone was about gone..how do you want us to pray for. You i was asked.i said i want a double portion of gods anointing they backed up n said we dont think we can pray for you.they stepped away to ask the pastor he said pray for him...i started going to a church few urs back not realizing where i was" in the enemies camp perhaps"?..not reckonizing any of them..but remembered what i asked for..when from behind the pulpit i heard.."some people are so selfish n greety that gods anointing isnt even enuff.they come to the alter asking for a double portion"...i new then although i didnt reckonize them they did me...or he who is in me ..i am no example. Of a christian or anyone fit to be pasturing...but when hear n see a donkey talk youll remember it..iam long haired tattooed n look like to some folks i dont know who god is..i come from n old menonite german amish baptist blood line not raised in it. 2 generations removed...i am no prophet...but do know what elijah looked like..i saw a picture of him hand skectched in detail..when i saw this picture i knew the pastor that told me what elijah had looked like n how he dressed was right exactly..when um being accussed n judged i tell folks.."the devil dont portray himself to look like me..he presents himself to look like you.. An honest clean Cut. Nice person...then i know i cant change things..so i say..my god is jehova jusus is my king no weapons formed against me shall prosper like mrk srk n abednego he stands in the fire with me...call opon youre god build youre alter ..my alter was finished being built when jesus died on the cross...i guess these silent wars are our cross to bear ...will you pray for me.? Theirs probly a sermon in this... pastor david is one of my favorite n i listen to him now alot..i grew up not far from nyc on the island i identify..now i live on a mntn in tennessee...god bless..
I've found that most organizations who hold "revivals" fail to really do anything. Revival is birthed in years of consistent prayer. It takes a team, not just one sole individual in most cases. When it actually happens it's totally unexpected. God isn't some pet to come at the call of a revival. God doesn't come when human ego or organizational pride are on the line. God comes when he can take people by surprise, like a thief in the night. And that is why nobody is gonna be ready for his return outside the very most fervent saints.
It is true that "the holiness trekkers" in the 1930's with Leonard Ravenhill did pull carts and set up tents all over Great Brittan and walk thousands of miles. It is also true that they only went where the spirit of God told them to go. They went where people had been fervently praying for a move of the spirit. And almost every time -- Ravenhill and his guys took a town by complete surprise