How Important Is Young Earth Creationism to a Christian? | Creation Q&A: Campus Edition

  • Опубликовано: 16 окт 2024

Комментарии • 24

  • @mikeheiny4172
    @mikeheiny4172 2 года назад +5

    I hear your answer and thank you for it. The young / old Earth debate is a secondary issue. But the question asked by the video's title "How Important Is Young Earth Creationism to a Christian?" was totally sidestepped in my opinion. "Non-responsive to the question" is what a lawyer would probably state to this video. I believe the short answer is "an old Earth view" runs counter to the gospel because there was no death before the fall. You can spent a career unpacking this debate.

    • @TruthUnboundMinistries
      @TruthUnboundMinistries 2 года назад +1

      He actually answers it firstly and concisely and not sure how you missed it.. .. he says although not obviously necessary to be saved, believing in young earth creation does make a difference in one's total confidence in all the Bible, short and to the point, clear, concise, he nailed it.

    • @dagwould
      @dagwould Год назад

      I agree, the creation account has an even greater scope than this, as important at your observation is. I've had a stab at it in my comment above.

  • @Shabeck100
    @Shabeck100 2 года назад +2

    Amen. For a short answer this was great. A person's position on the age of the earth will not determine their ultimate destiny. That said, it is certainly a question related to the Gospel and the need for a Saviour in the first place. If death is not a consequence for sin, but just a natural occurance, then we don't need the good news of Jesus Christ.

  • @russellbrantner1374
    @russellbrantner1374 2 года назад +3

    Very good information !!!

  • @williamhoward2731
    @williamhoward2731 2 года назад +1

    I wish to thank you for sharing this Christian video with me .

  • @4n2earth22
    @4n2earth22 Год назад +1

    Bulls. Eye.
    Not sinking sand, this Rock I stand.

  • @PlaidRicky1611
    @PlaidRicky1611 2 года назад +3

    The Bible uses the word "repent" many times, in fact, God himself repents more than anyone else in scripture. Not one time, from cover to cover, will you find the phrase 'repent of your sins'...why? Because God knows that it's impossible. There isn't a single person on this entire planet, past or present that has fully repented of their sins. Realizing you are a hopeless sinner and BELIEVING that Jesus paid for those sins is the only requirement to salvation. Acts 16:30, 31.

    • @waxworse
      @waxworse Год назад

      I agree. I'm not sure why it's not broken down better by people who say that since they(meaning anyone) also say that we can't earn our salvation even though they're saying a variation of "repent of sins".

  • @dagwould
    @dagwould Год назад +1

    The reply takes the wrong approach. It works backwards to say that Genesis 1's direct meaning is only important to give one a rhetorical consistency in the theology of incarnation and atonement.
    It is, however, far more than this. The direct reading of the creation account: from Genesis 1 to 3:8, particularly the timing of the days and the congruent chronological information in the long genealogies, gives the basic structure of reality.
    In brief, the timing of Genesis 1 places its action in historical time, the historical time that delineates our being, is used by God to similarly delineate his action. God shows that he works directly and without intermediation to create. He shows the great intimacy between himself as creator, and we, his creatures in his image. like him. This shows that we have an intimate relationship as persons with our creator as he shows that he is active and present in our concrete world for real fellowship; and real fellowship based on this proximity.
    He is not remote, like a deist God, he is not impersonal like Aristotle's fake 'unmoved mover', he is not unrelatable, like Idealist 'forms' and the concrete material world is not a lesser world, and our embodied being is not a lesser being than some pagan spiritual conception. After all, this real concrete world is the one he called 'very good'.
    The creation shows God's domain: 'heaven' overlapping, as it were, with our domain, 'the world'. Tangibly, concretely, closely. There is no barrier of impersonal intermediaries between the God who speaks and is there and the creature who responds to him.
    A long age conception pushes God away in every way; it asks for 'principles' to stand between God's word and its resulting material creation. It de-historicizes Genesis and removes God from our line of history and from real contact with us. A mythologized god results.
    Christ, the creator (Col 1:16, 17) as the one by whom, through whom and for whom was the creation illuminates the whole creation account, and it's outplay in the story of redemption. It is a deeply personal act that long ages has to inherently oppose, and oppose the deep connection God has with his creation, always as creator, never creature shown in the creation, the incarnation, the atonement in preparation for its renewal in the new creation.

  • @dragocjenibiser5141
    @dragocjenibiser5141 Год назад +1


  • @IronMatt
    @IronMatt 2 года назад +4

    Exactly 💯

  • @redgrange3485
    @redgrange3485 2 года назад +1

    The Bible is not only common sense but logical this is what I use for the atheist who believes in only intellectualism based on logic

    • @gerardo811
      @gerardo811 Год назад

      can't really believe in anything these days. as far as salvation goes to free those who were bound to the bondage of death and from him who had the power of death.

  • @JessicaSunlight
    @JessicaSunlight Год назад

    You are not a sinner and you never were created as sinners. You have made decisions that are not enlightened but this is within the God's Law of Free Will. You can undone previous low choice with higher one, of course how can you make such a better choice if you unwilling to question your mental box...

    • @PeaceinJESUS24
      @PeaceinJESUS24 Год назад +1

      for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God... -Romans 3:23 🤗shared in love❤

    • @JessicaSunlight
      @JessicaSunlight 15 дней назад

      @@PeaceinJESUS24 That's a lie my beloved. Having faith in a lie will not get you to heaven. Indeed you either are following Living word of Jesus or you are reading books of mammon and part of antichrist church.
      To have love you must have love for truth, otherwise what's your love stands on? On lies of this world promoted by fallen angels?

  • @lesliewilliam3777
    @lesliewilliam3777 Год назад +1

    Brian basically encourages people to turn the details of creation into an optional extra matter (yes, yes, I heard his tacked on qualification). Not holding onto truth, no matter what the issue, transports you to a world of Gnosticism. Let me explain.
    A Marxist believes that there are intractable "spiritual" laws running the world. These are socio-economic principles which are unseen, unempirical but are, from the Marxist worldview, a true account of, and drive, reality.
    An atheist believes that material processes, unseen and unempirical, create life.
    A JW believes that his Watchtower higher ups are in mysterious contact with God and Jesus, a world that they themselves have no access to.
    A theistic evolutionist or long ager believes God, with inexplicable, unseen and unempirical actions or principles brought us to this present state. (Next time just ask one of these people exactly what God did and you'll get the "dunno" response.)
    As you can see, turn to the left or the right from truth and all you get is mystery, a synonym for Gnosticism. YEC sets you on a firm footing for the rest of the Bible and stands you firmly on an accurate understanding of how the world really is.

  • @SuperPhester
    @SuperPhester 2 года назад

    Mt 12-:-36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. If it is written in God's Word I believe it is a salvation issue.

    • @wesleyrodgers886
      @wesleyrodgers886 2 года назад +1

      Experimental science disagrees.

    • @kirkkw
      @kirkkw 2 года назад

      @@wesleyrodgers886 Disagrees with what? Not sure what is being responded to.

    • @Shabeck100
      @Shabeck100 2 года назад

      @@wesleyrodgers886 This is the fallacy of reification. Only people disagree not methods (in this case experimental science). Though I get what you were trying to say I think ;-)

  • @gerardo811
    @gerardo811 Год назад

    can't really believe in anything these days. as far as salvation goes to free those who were bound to the bondage of death and free from him who had the power of death.