I have really been helped by this presentation on women ordination, we are to stand with the scripture at all times. On returning tithes and offerings, i am encouraged, problems will never end, but those who are faithful, their creator will never allow them to beg.
I've been told many negative things about Pastor Bohr, so I've decided not to listen to gossip but to start listening to how he handles these questions and answers. According to how he reads the Bible and SOP.
Amen. we must always follow "Thus saith the Lord", not what the world culture. Thank you Pastors for enlightening me about the issue of ordination of women as church elders. God bless.
As regards tithing, one thing that can help us remain faithful in our returning is to keep in perspective that The Lord God claims the tithe as His. So I tell myself, this is God's money and not mine, so I have no right to spend it. This practice has helped me. I was able to set that tithe aside as soon as I receive my pay and then kept myself from spending money that wasn't mine. I can testify that God has always come through for me. I have no debt whatsoever. Praise God!
It is important to pay God's small percentage of the blessings He gives us. Faith was always my greatest challenge as it pertained to returning tithes on a very small income but the trouble that tends to result in my not demonstrating the faith to return the tithe over paying a bill is God's merciful reminder that the devil wants us to slip up in every possible way so that he can have permission to wreck our lives. It's is best to bend over backwards, as it were, in order to be obedient.
Some of us didn't learn tithing till we came to the LORD in our late 20's... tho' I realize God doesn't expect "back tithe" in this situation, if we return on the gross, what does it hurt to pay a bit extra? We owe God everything & can never repay! Do we want to go home? It takes $ to keep the church operating. Can we put a price on the Great Salvation that's been provided?!!
The issue that Lucifer had with wanting not only the position of Jesus but also that of God is the same issue that underlies WO. I have wondered how God looks at those who want to occupy what He designed as roles for men. Would this be something that would impact salvation?
As a woman with a head elderess at our church...i can see why GOD said no. Our church is a mess...she is a major power broker who can't stand other women succeeding in our ministries.
Pastor Bhor and Pastor Maury, do you both believe that a woman or a wife could be more Spiritual, more converted, more wise when it comes to making decisions, or when it comes to teaching, or explaining, or leading out in edifying someone or others? Do you believe that GOD would leave such a Woman because she is a female, just to choose a male or man? Even if he still need to grow in Grace and a knowledge of the truth?
I'm neither of both pastors but I'd like to give an answer here. Yes, a wife can be more wise, more spiritual, "more converted" and more capable than her husband to lead out and to teach. However, no matter how sound our perception of things are, we cannot be wiser than God who has set a spiritual order for us to follow: an order that gives men a different function than that of women. That would be putting ourselves in the place of God and saying we know better how to handle our affairs than God does. God is perfect. He is all-knowing and the Only Wise God!
I am a Christian, and I agreed with the RCC (Catholics) that Women should not be the HEAD of the CHURCH of GOD in Christ Jesus or be ordained as Priestess... why?... It is not about yours, theirs, or even my interpretation of the Bible, but the "WILL OF GOD."... (Matt. 7:21), "He who does the WILL of My (Christ) Father (God) will enter the Kingdom of Heaven"... "Matt. 12:50), "He who does the WILL of MY (Christ) Father (God) is my Brother, Sister, and Mother." We (mankind) have no right, to QUESTION God, nor to Challenge God's WILL... Some will ask, is God a racist?... a male chauvinist?... why St. Paul said this and that regarding women?... ETC... God has His REASONS why: 1. God created Man (Adam) first before Woman (Eve) from the dust thru God's Image and Likeness... (Gen. 2:7) 2. God commanded Adam to Rule over God's Creation (Ruler of the World) and to name all God's creation, and whatever name Adam gave so shall be their names... (Gen. 2:19-20) 3. It was from Man's Body/flesh and Blood that Woman was created (formed)... (Gen. 2:21-24) 4. The Glory of Woman is Man, the Glory of Man is Christ, the Glory of Christ is God... (1 Corin. 11:7) 5. It was the Woman who was deceived by Satan (serpent) and the FIRST to fall short (sinned) in the Glory of God. (Gen. 3 / 1 Tim 2:14) 6. The WILL of God is that Man to be the HEAD of the Family/Household of Mankind... (Eph. 5:22-23 / 1 Corin 11:3 / 7. The WILL of God that His Only Begotten SON (Christ Jesus) be the HEAD/GROOM of God's CHURCH... (Eph. 1:22) 8. God promised and had chosen ABRAHAM (not Sarah) to be the Father of All Nations of the World... (Gen. 17:5) Other LOGICAL Reasons why: (supported by the Bible) 1. St. Paul said, "Women in Faith," should KEEP SILENT (keep quiet) in God's Church (1 Corin. 14:34 / 1 Tim. 2: 11-15)... logically if you ordain women, they have the right to speak out about any Church matters and decisions. 2. Christ had chosen 12 MALE Apostles (no female Apostles but women can do "discipleship," like Mary Magdalene, Prescilla, etc.)... logically speaking, Christ obeys the WILL of His Father. 3. If God allowed both Man (Husband) and Woman (Wife) to be the HEAD of the Family... logically, who will take the Surname of their Children?... it will be CHAOS to have 2 Captains on a SHIP. 4. God created the PHYSIOLOGICAL and BIOLOGICAL Structure of Man GREATER than Women (not mental/psychological structure, I.Q.)... Logically, Man's Physique, Skeletal and Muscular Systems are Greater than Women, which is why women do not compete with Male Transgender in Physical Sports (not mental sports like Chess/Quiz games, etc.)... therefore "Physical Strenght" to Head the Family and to Head God's Church is preferred by God... why?... Women are WEAKER VESSELS (1 Peter 3:7) 5. God knew, if Men are susceptible to temptation, Women are more susceptible to temptation because Satan often used Women as Satan's OLDEST TRICK, since the beginning of her downfall in the Garden of Eden, to get Men in Satan's favor/power... logical example PORNOGRAPHY, what is the ratio?... 1:100... 1 male to 100 female porno artists... As the old saying goes, "Man's downfall is due to his weakness to Woman"... supported Biblically... Story of Adam and Eve, Samson and Delilah, Esther and the Persian King, etc... Have you ever wondered, why Companies in the Merchandise Business (ex. food/clothing) preferred more SALESLADIES than SALESMEN in Shopping malls, Fine Dining/Bars (waitresses), Groceries/Department stores, etc.?... you do the logic. 6. Logically, there were no Priestesses (Female Priests) chosen by God to work/administer in God's TABERNACLE/SANCTUARY/ALTAR since Moses accepted the 10 commandments of God at Mt. Sinai even up to now, but women can be Prophetess/Judge like Miriam (sister of Aaron = 1st High Priest) the first Prophetess and Deborah the first female Judge of the Jews/Israel... 7. Finally, God wants "Women of Faith" to always WEAR their VIRTUE of "MODESTY and SUBMISSION" to their HUSBAND and to the HEAD (Christ) of God's Church... Amen... Conclusion: it is not about what the Bible says that matters most, but it is a MATTER of GOD'S WILL... not yours, not theirs, not mine... but GOD'S WILL be done... that is the main ISSUE here... if we LOVE God, no argument, and no debate, no compromise, just OBEY and FOLLOW God's WILL... Like Christ had said to His Father, "NOT MY WILL BUT YOURS BE DONE." Let us Follow Christ's Examples... Facts and Truth, Biblically speaking... Amen...
Interessante...: Se Deus não orienta em Sua Palavra a ordenação de mulher para o ministério pastoral, consequentemente não deveríamos insistir nessa questão, já que o apóstolo Paulo orientou acerca desse assunto. No passado, Israel insistiu em estabelecer um rei para si, tentando se igualar às outras nações em redor, quando Deus era o próprio Rei. Dessa escolha o povo de Deus colheu resultados não muito agradáveis, porque rejeitou as orientações claras contidas na Palavra. Grandes e boas orientações do pastor Bohr acerca do assunto em questão.
Interesting topic. Just one question: if the criteria for being a bishop and Elder is that they are to be male....can an argument be made that only married men can be Elders and Bishops (Pastors). If the case for Elders and Pastors to be made is taken from the Bible, then shouldn't the same be made for Elders and Pastors that they are to be married. Which means that unmarried men cannot be Elders and Pastors? Would like anyone to respond.
Beginning with the time when SDA conference has accepted EGW visions AND TEACHINGS she was practically demonstrated as being the greatest preacher of all existing times. Then seeing this practically demonstrated fact why you want to work now against your history as SDA ? Be happy to have women as officially preachers. Hopefully will be again any of our SDA women as best preacher like EGW was.
Go back and listen again! It's really not that hard to reason from A to B. You are turning it on its head and really didn't listen properly to what was said.
While I agree with Pastor Bohr on many issues and I appreciate his stance on women's ordination, but I am puzzled and greatly dismayed by his silence on our church's defense of "abortion rights". Surely the lives of unborn children are at least as important, I would say more, than the ordination of women as elders or pastors. Please speak up, pastor!
So far he has been a faithful witness. Others need to take their stand. I'm sure when the time warrants it he will also come down with a biblical response but so far church leadership has not been receptive.
Women are weak...satan gets to them easily. Jezebel was a priestess who influenced Ahab and brought Baal worship to Israel...be careful of a husband and wife partnership
The matter of the ordination of women in SDA churches is one of many reasons I think that the word "in" ("between the seas in the glorious holy mountain") in Daniel 11:45 is not an error in translation but that it is there to forewarn about the infiltration of the beast's doctrines within the SDA church which will only (is currently) result in division/apostasy, next ostracism of "fundamentalists" and lastly betrayal of the "fundamentalists".
Then how you will explain this verse about your difference between man and woman?. Gal 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
The order still stands. As Pastor Bohr explained its not about superiority. satan via ego is creating this issue, especially through women who feel inferior due to personal issues.
@@Joanne_uk Gen 18:12 Therefore Sarah laughed within herself, saying, After I am waxed old shall I have pleasure, MY LORD being old also? How many sda women are treating her husband like Sarah ?
So just ignore Deborah and Anna as well as Phillips daughters. If before the fall Eve was a companion, after she was placed with man as a protector. Which in that position, they have failed in major ways.
Ezekiel 9 will be fulfilled and then we will search for these channels of light which now are prepared by the Holy Ghost guiding them into all HolySPIRIT(John 6:63).
This is indeed God's remnant church, it is unfortunate that some of our leaders are not led by God to make certain decisions and I personally think this equality theory will lead to other openings in the church that is not only unnatural but sinful, but I hope the leaders will wise up and stick to thus saith the Lord comes what may. We are not called to fit in but to be separate.. it's time for each of us to examine ourselves as we are in the very end of time.
Seeing as this is the WILL OF GOD, for women not to serve in this compacity, as it is written, then why are those who are in opposition to the WORD OF GOD allowed to continue to serve in such capacities? WHY ARE THEY NOT being corrected and removed. Is it not a sin against GOD as it is written? Are people not being led astray? Is one still worshiping in SPIRIT and in TRUTH? Are we not the CHURCH? No people are not perfect, but the will of GOD is. And we are called to walk in obedience. Yet this clearly is an act of disobedience. So now we administering the devil and his demons to work within the body of CHRIST in spreading the gospel? Because this is clearly an evil influence. Not the leading and prompting of the HOLY SPIRIT. Rather people who are being used by the devil to corrupt the work given to us by GOD. And those working within the conference know this, and they are allowing them to openly sin against GOD. Paying some of them with the treasury used to spread the GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST. And its a lie. They tell and live. Coming clearly from the one who is known as father of lies. That can't be good. Not godly, OF GOD. 🥴
Can the church reconsider her decision and make a change based on Scripture? This is like Babylon standards. The purity of God's Words must be sustained in His church.
I believe now is not the time for us Christian’s to start wasting time in arguing about non essential things, but spent more times on the the Gospel of Jesus Christ. A woman can tell God’s message we have the wisdom of God, to reject what is not of God. Stick to the Gospel and not waste time in arguing about woman delivering the message of God’s salvation. That makes people stumble about Christian’s that we claim as knowledgeable about God’s don’t even agree in one thing which is “ salvation only on Jesus Christ”- warning satan is using you guys to question God wors
Let me just say first that when I was a younger person this man, Stephan Borh, was the figure of theological soundness in Colombia. I guess he is still. But I no longer think his hermeneutical methods are correct nor sound. He is what I will call, a biblical literalist but that literalism is not consistent in all his interpretations. Having said this, he says that the word of God is Clear, that the Bible is clear in this. He and many of us keep saying that culture should not tell us what to do but only the word of God. Just a heads up, we are part of culture and is impossible for to say that we can stay out of culture. The biblical readings that he is doing luck Sitz im leaben, context. He does not seem to read the text well and maybe that is the problem with text proofing and literalism. It fails all the time. Concerning the question, I wish he would say that he is unsure it that maybe he does have everything clear. Maybe then it will be better. I am saying all of this without stating my position position, becouse I don’t want to sound so arrogant and convinced about my positions. Borh has always portray himself as a very convinced and clear about his interpretations, maybe acknowledging that he does have everything so clear will be better. He and many of us need theological humility and responsibility.
The Bible is our guide and it doesn't matter if the church said it is ok, it is wrong according to the words of God..How can a man be the head of the home when his wife is the head of the church. We need to humble ourselves and take our roles seriously, no wonder our children are so ungodly and are leaving the church because we refuse to embrace our responsibility and are working 2 and 3 jobs so that our children can have all they want..while lacking in Christian virtues..because we have failed in our God given responsibility to trained them up right.
As faithful deciples of Paul you are teaching and quoting correctly. Fortunately the real teacher and messiah, Jesus, bestows His spirit on those He chooses without partiality. Better to be a faithful deciple of Jesus than anyone else. God's true church does not need man's approval for it's members, inspired teachers or prophets. The Holy Spirit of God can manifest leadership qualities in whomever God picks even if Paul would not approve.
You probably won’t get a reply. Pastor Bohr thinks that when Isaiah says, “the circle of the earth” automatically means a ball. However, Isaiah is the only Hebrew writer of the Bible that also uses the word ball - and it is a very different word than circle. Pastor doesn’t seem to understand that Satan controls all so-called science of this realm. He also doesn’t seem to understand that the earth can be both a plane and a circle. See Isaiah 22:18 for the word ball, and Isaiah 40:22 for circle. God really does have a wonderful sense of humor. The verse for circle is the chapter number for ball. See how he inter-collates things. He leaves us many clues in so many different ways. Water has certain properties in our realm. It always seeks its level and it is preposterous to think water could stick to the outside of a water ball rocket traveling over 2.4 million mph is four directions. Gravity is said to be a weak force. Have we no discernment what type of SUPER force would be needed to keep the amount of water in our realm conformed to the outside of a ball?
It's totally absurd to even begin to believe that the world is flat. All you have to do is look at the moon and sun and other planets to see realize our own earth is also a sphere. Anybody that has traveled by jet around the world can see that it's a giant ball!! Come on, let's have some common sense which doesn't seem to be very common anymore!
The church is God's representative on the earth. God is the head of the Church and He is a man...why then are women heads of the church? What happens in heaven must be done on the earth. They (leaders) have forsaken God therefore women rule over them.
As a woman this is how I see the order. God, Jesus & men being heads is not about superiority, it’s about love, trust and respect. If a husband loves & respects his wife and is trustworthy then she will automatically let him lead because she loves, trusts and respects him. I’m disappointed that the Annual Council has gone against it’s own standards and more importantly the Bible and submitted itself to the pressures of satans world.
Jeremiah 44:15-30 King James Version 15 Then all the men which knew that their wives had burned incense unto other gods, and all the women that stood by, a great multitude, even all the people that dwelt in the land of Egypt, in Pathros, answered Jeremiah, saying, 16 As for the word that thou hast spoken unto us in the name of the Lord, we will not hearken unto thee. 17 But we will certainly do whatsoever thing goeth forth out of our own mouth, to burn incense unto the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her, as we have done, we, and our fathers, our kings, and our princes, in the cities of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem: for then had we plenty of victuals, and were well, and saw no evil. 18 But since we left off to burn incense to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her, we have wanted all things, and have been consumed by the sword and by the famine. 19 And when we burned incense to the queen of heaven, and poured out drink offerings unto her, did we make her cakes to worship her, and pour out drink offerings unto her, without our men? 20 Then Jeremiah said unto all the people, to the men, and to the women, and to all the people which had given him that answer, saying, 21 The incense that ye burned in the cities of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem, ye, and your fathers, your kings, and your princes, and the people of the land, did not the Lord remember them, and came it not into his mind? 22 So that the Lord could no longer bear, because of the evil of your doings, and because of the abominations which ye have committed; therefore is your land a desolation, and an astonishment, and a curse, without an inhabitant, as at this day.
The first Woman Minister Ordained is Ellen G White by the General Conference, in the last ordination, she was obligated to leave and the send her to Australia, the Conference , the men , machismo admiration are afraid of the Woman Pastors because they are equally or better Pastors that many men. In the Seminaries the Women are great in Greek, Hebrew and the rest of the curriculum. I learn to live with this during my schooling time. The SDA Church is shorter in Pastors due to many political administrations situations, them let the women be a Pastor, Do not control God's Calling Women Pastoral Ministry. Stop this childless men bla bla bla. This bla bla is just RELIGIOUS Men fear control. Be smart and open minded. The first Woman Minister Ordained by the General Conference is Ellen G White. Amen
According to her son Willie, she was never ordained by men. She was given an ordination certificate with the word ordination crossed out so that she could get access to sustentation funds. Like superannuation. This has been explained and shown many times.
We do not need settle this to please people but we must please God !
I have really been helped by this presentation on women ordination, we are to stand with the scripture at all times. On returning tithes and offerings, i am encouraged, problems will never end, but those who are faithful, their creator will never allow them to beg.
I've been told many negative things about Pastor Bohr, so I've decided not to listen to gossip but to start listening to how he handles these questions and answers. According to how he reads the Bible and SOP.
And what are you finding out????
Amen! Always, always a blessing listening to Pastor Bohr. I've learned so much through him.
Amen. we must always follow "Thus saith the Lord", not what the world culture. Thank you Pastors for enlightening me about the issue of ordination of women as church elders. God bless.
I’ve never heard it explained like this before Stephen Bohr thanks for breaking it down so clear and simple
Its very intresring in the early 19 hundreds there were several women preachers even James white and some woman held evangelistic meeting togather
Well said pastor Bohr.
As regards tithing, one thing that can help us remain faithful in our returning is to keep in perspective that The Lord God claims the tithe as His. So I tell myself, this is God's money and not mine, so I have no right to spend it. This practice has helped me. I was able to set that tithe aside as soon as I receive my pay and then kept myself from spending money that wasn't mine. I can testify that God has always come through for me. I have no debt whatsoever. Praise God!
King Jesus is AWESOME!!!
Let's have a Back To The Bible Revival
Frédy Merci beaucoup Seigneur Jésus pour le témoignage de nos deux frères pasteurs
It is important to pay God's small percentage of the blessings He gives us. Faith was always my greatest challenge as it pertained to returning tithes on a very small income but the trouble that tends to result in my not demonstrating the faith to return the tithe over paying a bill is God's merciful reminder that the devil wants us to slip up in every possible way so that he can have permission to wreck our lives. It's is best to bend over backwards, as it were, in order to be obedient.
Please send me a link to order a copy of Reflections on San Antonio
May God help us🙏
Wonderful Praise the LORD for these two blessed Pastors you are in my prayers 🙏🙏
Some of us didn't learn tithing till we came to the LORD in our late 20's... tho' I realize God doesn't expect "back tithe" in this situation, if we return on the gross, what does it hurt to pay a bit extra? We owe God everything & can never repay! Do we want to go home? It takes $ to keep the church operating. Can we put a price on the Great Salvation that's been provided?!!
Women s ordination is not biblical
It is not from God but from men
From genesis to revelation never God call women to be ordained
Korah, Dathan, Abirum, and Uzza demonstrated that well-meaning disobedience is lethal.
8:18 - Titus 1:5-9
9:50 - 1 Timothy 3:1-7
12:29 - 1 Corinthians 11:3
Amen Or Bohr I have said this for many years and been cried down. Thank you for cementing my belief in the Word.
Well said Pastors
No No No No never God give right to ordain women
That is from men not from God
Thanks you pastor Bohr for standing in the trust. It is Bible alone must we test the doctrines of world last church.
The issue that Lucifer had with wanting not only the position of Jesus but also that of God is the same issue that underlies WO. I have wondered how God looks at those who want to occupy what He designed as roles for men. Would this be something that would impact salvation?
As a woman with a head elderess at our church...i can see why GOD said no. Our church is a mess...she is a major power broker who can't stand other women succeeding in our ministries.
Pastor Bhor and Pastor Maury, do you both believe that a woman or a wife could be more Spiritual, more converted, more wise when it comes to making decisions, or when it comes to teaching, or explaining, or leading out in edifying someone or others? Do you believe that GOD would leave such a Woman because she is a female, just to choose a male or man? Even if he still need to grow in Grace and a knowledge of the truth?
I'm neither of both pastors but I'd like to give an answer here.
Yes, a wife can be more wise, more spiritual, "more converted" and more capable than her husband to lead out and to teach. However, no matter how sound our perception of things are, we cannot be wiser than God who has set a spiritual order for us to follow: an order that gives men a different function than that of women. That would be putting ourselves in the place of God and saying we know better how to handle our affairs than God does. God is perfect. He is all-knowing and the Only Wise God!
@@Chidi-Ingraham amen!
I am a Christian, and I agreed with the RCC (Catholics) that Women should not be the HEAD of the CHURCH of GOD in Christ Jesus or be ordained as Priestess... why?... It is not about yours, theirs, or even my interpretation of the Bible, but the "WILL OF GOD."... (Matt. 7:21), "He who does the WILL of My (Christ) Father (God) will enter the Kingdom of Heaven"... "Matt. 12:50), "He who does the WILL of MY (Christ) Father (God) is my Brother, Sister, and Mother."
We (mankind) have no right, to QUESTION God, nor to Challenge God's WILL... Some will ask, is God a racist?... a male chauvinist?... why St. Paul said this and that regarding women?... ETC...
God has His REASONS why:
1. God created Man (Adam) first before Woman (Eve) from the dust thru God's Image and Likeness... (Gen. 2:7)
2. God commanded Adam to Rule over God's Creation (Ruler of the World) and to name all God's creation, and whatever name Adam gave so shall be their names... (Gen. 2:19-20)
3. It was from Man's Body/flesh and Blood that Woman was created (formed)... (Gen. 2:21-24)
4. The Glory of Woman is Man, the Glory of Man is Christ, the Glory of Christ is God... (1 Corin. 11:7)
5. It was the Woman who was deceived by Satan (serpent) and the FIRST to fall short (sinned) in the Glory of God. (Gen. 3 / 1 Tim 2:14)
6. The WILL of God is that Man to be the HEAD of the Family/Household of Mankind... (Eph. 5:22-23 / 1 Corin 11:3 /
7. The WILL of God that His Only Begotten SON (Christ Jesus) be the HEAD/GROOM of God's CHURCH... (Eph. 1:22)
8. God promised and had chosen ABRAHAM (not Sarah) to be the Father of All Nations of the World... (Gen. 17:5)
Other LOGICAL Reasons why: (supported by the Bible)
1. St. Paul said, "Women in Faith," should KEEP SILENT (keep quiet) in God's Church (1 Corin. 14:34 / 1 Tim. 2: 11-15)... logically if you ordain women, they have the right to speak out about any Church matters and decisions.
2. Christ had chosen 12 MALE Apostles (no female Apostles but women can do "discipleship," like Mary Magdalene, Prescilla, etc.)... logically speaking, Christ obeys the WILL of His Father.
3. If God allowed both Man (Husband) and Woman (Wife) to be the HEAD of the Family... logically, who will take the Surname of their Children?... it will be CHAOS to have 2 Captains on a SHIP.
4. God created the PHYSIOLOGICAL and BIOLOGICAL Structure of Man GREATER than Women (not mental/psychological structure, I.Q.)... Logically, Man's Physique, Skeletal and Muscular Systems are Greater than Women, which is why women do not compete with Male Transgender in Physical Sports (not mental sports like Chess/Quiz games, etc.)... therefore "Physical Strenght" to Head the Family and to Head God's Church is preferred by God... why?... Women are WEAKER VESSELS (1 Peter 3:7)
5. God knew, if Men are susceptible to temptation, Women are more susceptible to temptation because Satan often used Women as Satan's OLDEST TRICK, since the beginning of her downfall in the Garden of Eden, to get Men in Satan's favor/power... logical example PORNOGRAPHY, what is the ratio?... 1:100... 1 male to 100 female porno artists... As the old saying goes, "Man's downfall is due to his weakness to Woman"... supported Biblically... Story of Adam and Eve, Samson and Delilah, Esther and the Persian King, etc... Have you ever wondered, why Companies in the Merchandise Business (ex. food/clothing) preferred more SALESLADIES than SALESMEN in Shopping malls, Fine Dining/Bars (waitresses), Groceries/Department stores, etc.?... you do the logic.
6. Logically, there were no Priestesses (Female Priests) chosen by God to work/administer in God's TABERNACLE/SANCTUARY/ALTAR since Moses accepted the 10 commandments of God at Mt. Sinai even up to now, but women can be Prophetess/Judge like Miriam (sister of Aaron = 1st High Priest) the first Prophetess and Deborah the first female Judge of the Jews/Israel...
7. Finally, God wants "Women of Faith" to always WEAR their VIRTUE of "MODESTY and SUBMISSION" to their HUSBAND and to the HEAD (Christ) of God's Church... Amen...
Conclusion: it is not about what the Bible says that matters most, but it is a MATTER of GOD'S WILL... not yours, not theirs, not mine... but GOD'S WILL be done... that is the main ISSUE here... if we LOVE God, no argument, and no debate, no compromise, just OBEY and FOLLOW God's WILL... Like Christ had said to His Father, "NOT MY WILL BUT YOURS BE DONE." Let us Follow Christ's Examples... Facts and Truth, Biblically speaking... Amen...
Remember Joshua and Caleb story. Read Numbers chapter 13 and chapter 14.
Finally, listen to an interesting message called: "The Shaking" by E.G. White
God bless whatever be S.O.P. and Bible principle
Interessante...: Se Deus não orienta em Sua Palavra a ordenação de mulher para o ministério pastoral, consequentemente não deveríamos insistir nessa questão, já que o apóstolo Paulo orientou acerca desse assunto.
No passado, Israel insistiu em estabelecer um rei para si, tentando se igualar às outras nações em redor, quando Deus era o próprio Rei. Dessa escolha o povo de Deus colheu resultados não muito agradáveis, porque rejeitou as orientações claras contidas na Palavra.
Grandes e boas orientações do pastor Bohr acerca do assunto em questão.
Can I get a copy please
Hello there Lisa, what copy are you speaking of?
Reflection of San Antonio that Pr Bohr talks about
Interesting topic. Just one question: if the criteria for being a bishop and Elder is that they are to be male....can an argument be made that only married men can be Elders and Bishops (Pastors). If the case for Elders and Pastors to be made is taken from the Bible, then shouldn't the same be made for Elders and Pastors that they are to be married. Which means that unmarried men cannot be Elders and Pastors?
Would like anyone to respond.
Beginning with the time when SDA conference has accepted EGW visions AND TEACHINGS she was practically demonstrated as being the greatest preacher of all existing times.
Then seeing this practically demonstrated fact why you want to work now against your history as SDA ?
Be happy to have women as officially preachers.
Hopefully will be again any of our SDA women as best preacher like EGW was.
EGW was not and never was a preacher. She was a prophet. Please do your research.
My brother,having the spirit of prophecy as sister white did is different from being a pastor.....do your research please
Ordained women in sda church potrays the church as not following what the Bible teach but opinions of scholars ✔️
That's right brother. Well said! Very dangerous to follow cunningly devise fables so called scholar's opinion.
So what’s the answer ?
Women can not be pastors because it’s the same ordination as an elder??
I’m still confused …
Go back and listen again! It's really not that hard to reason from A to B. You are turning it on its head and really didn't listen properly to what was said.
What?? The church??who is the ch?? Is it an ?? Or is it jn2:19--21?? Wake up all of you learders now😢
Amen Pastor Bohr for that clearance from the Bible
does this mean one wife rather than many? (as this was not uncommon in that culture in those days) or does it mean only one wife ever?
It's not uncommon in our culture either. We have serial polygamy. 😊
While I agree with Pastor Bohr on many issues and I appreciate his stance on women's ordination, but I am puzzled and greatly dismayed by his silence on our church's defense of "abortion rights". Surely the lives of unborn children are at least as important, I would say more, than the ordination of women as elders or pastors. Please speak up, pastor!
So far he has been a faithful witness. Others need to take their stand. I'm sure when the time warrants it he will also come down with a biblical response but so far church leadership has not been receptive.
Matthew 18:15-20, Ezekiel 3:18, 2 Timothy 3, James 4:17 😢
How do you call an ordained Woman PRIESTESS,... mother?
Women are weak...satan gets to them easily. Jezebel was a priestess who influenced Ahab and brought Baal worship to Israel...be careful of a husband and wife partnership
The matter of the ordination of women in SDA churches is one of many reasons I think that the word "in" ("between the seas in the glorious holy mountain") in Daniel 11:45 is not an error in translation but that it is there to forewarn about the infiltration of the beast's doctrines within the SDA church which will only (is currently) result in division/apostasy, next ostracism of "fundamentalists" and lastly betrayal of the "fundamentalists".
Very true
My comment is how many Disciples did Jesus shoose
did god after calling two men who rejected the calling God then called a women to pastor his church?
she was called to ministry, not authority. the two were called to ministry also
They were called to prophetic ministry, not pastoral ministry
Live by the word and word alone not on human philosophy thankyou paster Bohr well said
Returning tithes to the General conference is an abomination
What happens when men don't want to serve the church as elders?
Then you have no elders
Then how you will explain this verse about your difference between man and woman?.
Gal 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
The order still stands. As Pastor Bohr explained its not about superiority. satan via ego is creating this issue, especially through women who feel inferior due to personal issues.
Gen 18:12 Therefore Sarah laughed within herself, saying, After I am waxed old shall I have pleasure, MY LORD being old also?
How many sda women are treating her husband like Sarah ?
I am not for women ordination because Christ in His ministry did not do so, however, women has many other roles to play in the church.
So just ignore Deborah and Anna as well as Phillips daughters.
If before the fall Eve was a companion, after she was placed with man as a protector.
Which in that position, they have failed in major ways.
Ezekiel 9 will be fulfilled and then we will search for these channels of light which now are prepared by the Holy Ghost guiding them into all HolySPIRIT(John 6:63).
Mankind is too corrupt so I think 🤔 the corrupt people should leave God out of their mouth 👄
This is indeed God's remnant church, it is unfortunate that some of our leaders are not led by God to make certain decisions and I personally think this equality theory will lead to other openings in the church that is not only unnatural but sinful, but I hope the leaders will wise up and stick to thus saith the Lord comes what may. We are not called to fit in but to be separate.. it's time for each of us to examine ourselves as we are in the very end of time.
Seeing as this is the WILL OF GOD, for women not to serve in this compacity, as it is written, then why are those who are in opposition to the WORD OF GOD allowed to continue to serve in such capacities? WHY ARE THEY NOT being corrected and removed. Is it not a sin against GOD as it is written? Are people not being led astray? Is one still worshiping in SPIRIT and in TRUTH? Are we not the CHURCH? No people are not perfect, but the will of GOD is. And we are called to walk in obedience. Yet this clearly is an act of disobedience. So now we administering the devil and his demons to work within the body of CHRIST in spreading the gospel? Because this is clearly an evil influence. Not the leading and prompting of the HOLY SPIRIT. Rather people who are being used by the devil to corrupt the work given to us by GOD. And those working within the conference know this, and they are allowing them to openly sin against GOD. Paying some of them with the treasury used to spread the GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST. And its a lie. They tell and live. Coming clearly from the one who is known as father of lies. That can't be good. Not godly, OF GOD. 🥴
Can the church reconsider her decision and make a change based on Scripture?
This is like Babylon standards. The purity of God's Words must be sustained in His church.
Bible is not condemned also !!
I believe now is not the time for us Christian’s to start wasting time in arguing about non essential things, but spent more times on the the Gospel of Jesus Christ. A woman can tell God’s message we have the wisdom of God, to reject what is not of God. Stick to the Gospel and not waste time in arguing about woman delivering the message of God’s salvation. That makes people stumble about Christian’s that we claim as knowledgeable about God’s don’t even agree in one thing which is “ salvation only on Jesus Christ”- warning satan is using you guys to question God wors
Let me just say first that when I was a younger person this man, Stephan Borh, was the figure of theological soundness in Colombia. I guess he is still. But I no longer think his hermeneutical methods are correct nor sound. He is what I will call, a biblical literalist but that literalism is not consistent in all his interpretations. Having said this, he says that the word of God is Clear, that the Bible is clear in this. He and many of us keep saying that culture should not tell us what to do but only the word of God. Just a heads up, we are part of culture and is impossible for to say that we can stay out of culture. The biblical readings that he is doing luck Sitz im leaben, context. He does not seem to read the text well and maybe that is the problem with text proofing and literalism. It fails all the time. Concerning the question, I wish he would say that he is unsure it that maybe he does have everything clear. Maybe then it will be better. I am saying all of this without stating my position position, becouse I don’t want to sound so arrogant and convinced about my positions. Borh has always portray himself as a very convinced and clear about his interpretations, maybe acknowledging that he does have everything so clear will be better. He and many of us need theological humility and responsibility.
The Bible is our guide and it doesn't matter if the church said it is ok, it is wrong according to the words of God..How can a man be the head of the home when his wife is the head of the church. We need to humble ourselves and take our roles seriously, no wonder our children are so ungodly and are leaving the church because we refuse to embrace our responsibility and are working 2 and 3 jobs so that our children can have all they want..while lacking in Christian virtues..because we have failed in our God given responsibility to trained them up right.
As faithful deciples of Paul you are teaching and quoting correctly. Fortunately the real teacher and messiah, Jesus, bestows His spirit on those He chooses without partiality. Better to be a faithful deciple of Jesus than anyone else.
God's true church does not need man's approval for it's members, inspired teachers or prophets. The Holy Spirit of God can manifest leadership qualities in whomever God picks even if Paul would not approve.
I would like to know your take on whether the earth is flat or not, my friend says NASA has been lying for decades
You probably won’t get a reply. Pastor Bohr thinks that when Isaiah says, “the circle of the earth” automatically means a ball. However, Isaiah is the only Hebrew writer of the Bible that also uses the word ball - and it is a very different word than circle. Pastor doesn’t seem to understand that Satan controls all so-called science of this realm. He also doesn’t seem to understand that the earth can be both a plane and a circle. See Isaiah 22:18 for the word ball, and Isaiah 40:22 for circle. God really does have a wonderful sense of humor. The verse for circle is the chapter number for ball. See how he inter-collates things. He leaves us many clues in so many different ways. Water has certain properties in our realm. It always seeks its level and it is preposterous to think water could stick to the outside of a water ball rocket traveling over 2.4 million mph is four directions. Gravity is said to be a weak force. Have we no discernment what type of SUPER force would be needed to keep the amount of water in our realm conformed to the outside of a ball?
It's totally absurd to even begin to believe that the world is flat. All you have to do is look at the moon and sun and other planets to see realize our own earth is also a sphere. Anybody that has traveled by jet around the world can see that it's a giant ball!! Come on, let's have some common sense which doesn't seem to be very common anymore!
The circle of the earth is spherical...just look at the other planets.
The church is God's representative on the earth. God is the head of the Church and He is a man...why then are women heads of the church? What happens in heaven must be done on the earth. They (leaders) have forsaken God therefore women rule over them.
As a woman this is how I see the order. God, Jesus & men being heads is not about superiority, it’s about love, trust and respect. If a husband loves & respects his wife and is trustworthy then she will automatically let him lead because she loves, trusts and respects him. I’m disappointed that the Annual Council has gone against it’s own standards and more importantly the Bible and submitted itself to the pressures of satans world.
Jeremiah 44:15-30
King James Version
15 Then all the men which knew that their wives had burned incense unto other gods, and all the women that stood by, a great multitude, even all the people that dwelt in the land of Egypt, in Pathros, answered Jeremiah, saying,
16 As for the word that thou hast spoken unto us in the name of the Lord, we will not hearken unto thee.
17 But we will certainly do whatsoever thing goeth forth out of our own mouth, to burn incense unto the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her, as we have done, we, and our fathers, our kings, and our princes, in the cities of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem: for then had we plenty of victuals, and were well, and saw no evil.
18 But since we left off to burn incense to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her, we have wanted all things, and have been consumed by the sword and by the famine.
19 And when we burned incense to the queen of heaven, and poured out drink offerings unto her, did we make her cakes to worship her, and pour out drink offerings unto her, without our men?
20 Then Jeremiah said unto all the people, to the men, and to the women, and to all the people which had given him that answer, saying,
21 The incense that ye burned in the cities of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem, ye, and your fathers, your kings, and your princes, and the people of the land, did not the Lord remember them, and came it not into his mind?
22 So that the Lord could no longer bear, because of the evil of your doings, and because of the abominations which ye have committed; therefore is your land a desolation, and an astonishment, and a curse, without an inhabitant, as at this day.
The first Woman Minister Ordained is Ellen G White by the General Conference, in the last ordination, she was obligated to leave and the send her to Australia, the Conference , the men , machismo admiration are afraid of the Woman Pastors because they are equally or better Pastors that many men. In the Seminaries the Women are great in Greek, Hebrew and the rest of the curriculum. I learn to live with this during my schooling time. The SDA Church is shorter in Pastors due to many political administrations situations, them let the women be a Pastor, Do not control God's Calling Women Pastoral Ministry. Stop this childless men bla bla bla. This bla bla is just RELIGIOUS Men fear control. Be smart and open minded. The first Woman Minister Ordained by the General Conference is Ellen G White. Amen
According to her son Willie, she was never ordained by men. She was given an ordination certificate with the word ordination crossed out so that she could get access to sustentation funds. Like superannuation. This has been explained and shown many times.