My Trip to Cult Country

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024
  • Episode # 91 of the Testing the Spirits Podcast
    -Also listen on Spotify

Комментарии • 27

  • @Pastor_Grant
    @Pastor_Grant  2 месяца назад +5

    Just to add clarification, I am in no way condemning all Pentecostals / charismatics. The FULL GOSPEL crowd is problematic and I believe is adding to the gospel but not all charismatics hold to that position, nor do they claim direct revelation from God. I recognize there are people who are saved and love the Lord believing the sign gifts continue so please don't assume too much, there are also many people in the Reformed camp who I have warned against including David Platt, Ligon Duncan, John Piper, Mark Dever etc.

    • @your_name_here2158
      @your_name_here2158 2 месяца назад

      Pastor Grant, I did not know you were not in favor of John Piper's teachings.
      I'm glad to hear it.
      When I was younger I was recommended him by church workers where I used to attend.
      It confused me like no other trying to believe in meticulous divine determinism while also living a life where it is clear I am making choices.
      Piper's most dangerous doctrine in my opinion is "the secret will of God" as it makes God into a two-faced god who says one thing and does another. Jesus warns against this when He says:
      "Let your yes be yes and your no be no" it is hardly consistent to believe The Father does not follow this simple rule.
      But I am curious, what would your disagreements with him be?

    • @Pastor_Grant
      @Pastor_Grant  2 месяца назад +1

      @@your_name_here2158 I believe Piper is woke, he sounds like a Hyper Calvinist and his Christian Hedonism doctrine is bizarre if not flat our false. He also fellowships with false teachers.

    • @rosieadcock7610
      @rosieadcock7610 2 месяца назад +1

      I have also come to the conclusion that John Piper is not what I thought he was.... His association with Rick Warren and affirming the NAR speaks volumes...!

    • @Pastor_Grant
      @Pastor_Grant  2 месяца назад +1

      @@rosieadcock7610 agree %100

  • @marlanolson7584
    @marlanolson7584 2 месяца назад +6

    What we have is people crying out for signs and wonders. However, the Creator of all we can and cannot see said to the Pharisees and Saducees, some more sadder than others, " A wicked and adulterous generation seek after signs and wonders." Here we see it reflected in these Wolves in wolves clothing. Blessings to you Brother Grant.

    • @danoberholtzer4024
      @danoberholtzer4024 2 месяца назад

      they are being primed to accept the anti-christ and his prophet. they will get alot of signs and wonders from those two.

  • @gailwatson4927
    @gailwatson4927 2 месяца назад +3

    Thank you Pastor Grant

  • @tommystacker3286
    @tommystacker3286 2 месяца назад +3

    Amen- thank you for the video

  • @godschild6234
    @godschild6234 2 месяца назад

    Thank you so much Pastor Grant! I have been so blessed by your teachings! I live about 30 minutes away from your Church, and I have been praying that God would make it possible for me to someday visit your Church...

    • @Pastor_Grant
      @Pastor_Grant  2 месяца назад +1

      Thank you, hope you can make it out sometime.

  • @toolegittoquit_001
    @toolegittoquit_001 2 месяца назад +4

    Kathryn Krick's LA's goat pen is called 'Five-Fold Church' 😬

  • @vcwmalmg
    @vcwmalmg 2 месяца назад +2

    Amen! That needed to be said. Well done.

  • @LebronJamesG.Ronquillo
    @LebronJamesG.Ronquillo 2 месяца назад +1

    Thank you pastor Michael. From Philippines

  • @Sgomes-is4or
    @Sgomes-is4or 2 месяца назад +1

    Always wanted to go out there for silver dollar city and the beautiful mountains. I thought at first you were going to say utah lol the cults are everywhere! Praying for more discernment from people down there.

  • @strapper_d
    @strapper_d 2 месяца назад +1

    Sounds like the Exclusive brethren. One man saying he hears directly from God

    • @Pastor_Grant
      @Pastor_Grant  2 месяца назад +1

      Many charismatic churches have this model of leadership, the visionary hears directly from God (supposedly) therefore he cannot be questioned. Many lie and claim this, I consider this spiritual abuse at best and a cult at worse, it includes this guy, also Steven Furtick, James MacDonald, Mark Driscoll etc.

  • @your_name_here2158
    @your_name_here2158 2 месяца назад

    Havent watched it yet, but my initial thought was:
    Ah, where you going then, Effreta, PA? XD

  • @nancybenson1951
    @nancybenson1951 2 месяца назад +3

    Dear Pastor Grant,
    With all respect and care to you I write these comments.
    I am charismatic. I have never added a word to scripture nor do I find it necessary to interpret it in a “new” way. The Holy Spirit is our teacher; scripture is what the Holy Spirit uses to teach us. But are you saying that people that believe the gifts of the Spirit are for today are a cult? I am saved by God’s grace, by faith in His Son Jesus, just like you. When I read in Corinthians about the cessation of the gifts of the Spirit, I read the gifts will cease when Jesus returns. Believe me I am sick of the Bakkers, the Swaggerts, the Copelands and the Hinns, Lindell, and Morris as I should be. Their ministries should have ended and never revived.
    Please don’t condemn every charismatic that walks the face of the earth. You may very well be “kicking against the goads.”

    • @Pastor_Grant
      @Pastor_Grant  2 месяца назад +3

      Hello, sorry, I thought I have made this clear in other videos, not all charismatics are the same, the simple belief that the gifts continue I think it perfectly reasonable and I don't take issue with that, however what I am referring to are people who claim direct revelation from God, these people are false prophets and its the loving thing to do to warn them and others, the Bible tells us to warn and expose false prophets. I'll try and clarify this going forward and will even make a post and pin it to this video. Also keep in mind I often rebuke Evangelicals, I never condemn a whole group since I am considered Evangelical, so people should not assume if I speak about against people from a movement that does not mean I am condemning the movement, Lindell says he gets revelation and not all charismatics agree with him, nor are all charismatics FULL GOSPEL, hope that helps.

    • @nancybenson1951
      @nancybenson1951 2 месяца назад +1

      @@Pastor_Grant Yes, it helps. Thank you.

  • @jonahdav9589
    @jonahdav9589 2 месяца назад +1

    same thing Sam Storms does but gets cover because too many people do not understand that there are also false prophets that are Calvinists too.

  • @tomobrien5795
    @tomobrien5795 2 месяца назад

    Hi Pastor Grant, you’re very strong (as are all cessationists) that Christians don’t/can’t hear audibly from God. You say you want to stick to the words of scripture, but then how do you explain Isaiah 28:23 which states: ‘Give ye ear, and hear my voice; hearken and hear my speech’? Also Jesus said in John 10:37: ‘My sheep HEAR MY VOICE, and I know them, and they follow me’. Isn’t it rather arrogant to confine God to speaking ONLY within the pages of scripture? I’m not talking about wacky drivel that comes out of the likes of the Benny Hinns, but based on the clear teaching of just the scriptures quoted above, I don’t believe you can summarily dismiss those who claim to hear the audible voice of God. I believe God spoke in Genesis, and is still speaking, otherwise why would Jesus repeatedly say to the 7 churches of Revelation: ‘He who has ears, LET HIM HEAR’??

    • @Pastor_Grant
      @Pastor_Grant  2 месяца назад +1

      @@tomobrien5795 I didn't say people can't hear from God but these Charismatics have been proven false with their fake prophecies, Isaiah is saying listen to God's voice as in the message he was preaching and hearing Jesus' voice in the context of John 10 earlier in the chapter that refers to simply believing/following Christ. The "let him hear" statement is Revelation is a call to heed that message, with all due respect you are taking these verses out of context.