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The Carrot vs the stick. A stick can beat someone down. But give them the carrot, give him something to loose and he will beat his fellows down for you.
In several fanfictions that I've read appeared a theory that the reason why Palpatine was being so harsh is because he wanted to create rebellion. The reason being that the various cruelties and eventual uprising would darken the force making the dark side and therefore those who use it like Palpatine more powerful. So basically Palpatine was just increasing his own power in the dark side in a roundabout way.
@@yeetyeet5079 To the detriment of the empire in the long run, like did he had to do that to become stronger? Pretty sure he had better options that don't requid him to weaken his empire.
I can see this working like this; Anakin storms the Temple with the 501st, warns Ahsoka about the inhibitor chips and have her save more clones (Because I love Jesse like I love Rex lol), save the Younglings and escort them to a safe area, and allowing the clones to kill the Jedi, storming to Mustafar and slaughtering the Separatists. Although Anakin would struggle with the dark side, he will still be the same man before since he didn't slaughter children. When Padmé and Obi-Wan comes towards him, Anakin would not choke her or fight Obi-Wan. Instead, Anakin would storm back to Coruscant and kill Palpatine, giving the powers to Padmé. Although Obi-Wan and Yoda would not be all too pleased with having an Empire, it would be better to have someone like Padmé who can at least control democracy, but since the Senate already believes the Jedi is evil, they will have to locate elsewhere besides Anakin and Ahsoka who marriage to Padmé will be well known and the other wouldn't be a Jedi anymore. He would kill a few like Tarkin and Halle Burtoni, but otherwise, this Vader's Empire would be much better with Padmé there, despite her not enjoying the thought of an Empire.
No, that’s like saying Nazi Germany was fine the problem was Adolf Hitler missing the point that the whole system is inherently evil and must be destroyed
I think a show from the Empire's perspective would actually be pretty cool. During the Old Republic era, much of the galaxy was lawless because sectors like the Outer Rim were outside Republic jurisdiction, which meant slavers, pirates and gangsters like the Hutts ruled supreme. And during the Clone Wars, much of the galaxy itself was plunged into unbridled chaos and suffering. Many sided with the Empire because they thought it was going to bring the era of justice and peace that many had waited their entire lives for. Most Imperials were unaware of the Emperor and Darth Vader being Sith Lords or of projects like the Death Star. Most were fighting because they wanted safety and order for their home worlds.
Mon Mothma and Bail Organa would either fail at building a rebellion or they would see that they wear wrong about the Empire and never start one. And there would be no attempt at bringing back the Jedi order.
What if Tarkin was killed in the Clone Wars and not in the Death Star, and a new doctrine not run by Tarkin but another Grand Moff like Thawn who uses his intellect to guide the Empire in not 20, but maybe 30 or 40 more years of proper rule.
@@matthiuskoenig3378 Simple you advise the emperor to take a slower approach on the death stars construction. His Xwing program is an interim stopgap, to the evenutal death star. While increasing productivity with a starkiller base built like the starforge as a shipyard. Then you'd profit from having an eternal nigh invincible empire.
They still could have researched the power systems that would have gone into the Death Star. They simply could have turned their focus into developing a new generation of renewable energy. This industrialisation in a free market would have allowed them to still develop the weapons technology in a much more efficient form to be used on capital ships instead of ridiculously oversized and overpowered battle stations. They also could have just not been an authoritarian regime because it wasn't necessary. Far too many people were far too grateful that the war had come to an end to really question the new order so to speak. They were basically evil for the sake of being evil for the sake of plot.
I really like that idea, instead of that 1000 planet thing that padma created. She and the other senators and varies other groups would see the writing on the wall and decided to slowly move men and martials in serect to the unknown region to set up training camps, ship yards and other stuff. Even have some Jedi fake their death to join them. Spend a decade creating an army and naval that could at least do hit and run attack and other guerilla warfare against the Empire.
Actually what this video describe is perfectly fit of what the empire evolved in the legends story line. They where bad but did get reformed after Ensor under Pellaeon and evolved into a more benighted government.
Well, I know its still likely that a more Pragmatic version of the Death Star could be built. Not intended as a frontline super weapon, but a military oriented mobile research station (super laser included). Otherwise, with the focus for the military, more Domestic goods could be developed. We know that seatbelts & airbags started with the military, right? There are even other important safety focused elements that we use today thanks to Wars & such, especially medical. Hence, you can imagine what a more Pragmatic version of the Death Star could be like & such…
TBH, a planetcracker has legitimate industrial applications. Turning lifeless worlds into asteroid fields, especially worlds with rare minerals locked in the core, could actually make the deathstar profitable for the empire. Even if it came out at a loss, the R&D that went into it wouldn't be wasted, not to mention you now have a symbol of how Imperial military research can be used to bring prosperity to impoverished regions. And scheduling "planetary demolition" of lifeless rocks near rebellious worlds would be a good show of force that doesn't inspire much outrage...
True, but I still prefer the R&D that went into the super-laser would still lead towards more mobile vessels equipped with super-lasers to one-shot pirate bases & such, Venser's Prodigy.
Palpatine's biggest error i say was losing all that good will and public support he had at the start of the Empire, he should have played along with it and went out of his way to be fair and still act like the could you say caring grandfather of the people of the former republic. He should have acted like Augustus you could say.
Palpatine should have been a more "benevolent Dictator" order some executions and leave the rest out of it, and throw the occasional corrupt government official to the dogs, "a man is more willing to forget the death of his father than his inheritance"
@@grandinquisitor8335 Exactly like i said he should have tried to be like Augustus, Marcus Aurelius or Claudius. Or insert name of respected ruler here.
Also, the empire could gain support among aliens by liberating them from slavery under the Hutts, Zygerrians, etc. The Republic wasn't doing anything about it, and this would show the galaxy that the Empire is a step in the right direction.
@@squarek123 Yep good ideas and also let's palpatine still have his wars and huge army. I really don't understand how he became so incompetent after becoming emperor. It's very out of character for him.
I think they also should have abandoned the Tarken doctrine. All Tarken's ideas of how to govern people resulted in more and more enemies, the galaxy wide fear he desired, made even a minor defeat for the Empire seem like a rallying cry. Had the Empire not destroyed Alderaan, and then lost the Death Star so soon after, the Empire would not have seen the surge in Rebellion loyalty that came about after the Battle of Yavin.
If you look at the way they treated the mining guild and I’ll add some businesses to exist unopposed maybe they could’ve nationalizing created social programs for its citizenry I mean we see references of the empire nationalizing industries and rebels when Ezra mentions about how a lot of the water treatment plants for nationalized by the empire and if you look at race sloanes Backstory were her family and her planet were saved by the empire from pirates it’s clearly possible that the empire would be able to just lightly allow some autonomy in their planets while still raining supreme with central power or direct rule from Palpatine
The problem with having only two Sith at the top of their empire, was they only had their subjects to focus on. From what I gathered in the Old Republic games, it seems the Sith ruled better with more Sith Lords. Yes, their infighting did cause problems, but at the same time, some Sith Lords were able to win the support of their people, and those Sith with their strong powerbases kept the more ruthless Sith in check. It created a strange kind of balance, that allowed Darth Vitiate's old Sith Empire viable for centuries.
4:20 This is actually what is happening right now in the US military. After numerous failed projects to replace existing systems, the Army has opted to take a new approach for procuring new weapons as they will be under great scrutiny from Congress and do not wish to repeat their previous blunders. So now the US will(likely) finally replace the nearly 60 year old M16 platform and also procure a new replace meant for the M2 Bradley.
@@matthiuskoenig3378 because the limit for such a vehicle is VOLUME in this case, not weight. The biggest problem with the US's light tank program is that it must fit within a C-130. Given that volume goes up far faster than weight...
In part it may be that the Empire was so much set for oppression because Palps did not trust his military either (I think this idea - mentioned in "Heirs to the Empire" - make very much sense) so he wanted one big weapon to be secure for any coup. He was aggressive because he always feared betrayal (a result of his Sith-ideology in which one is always betrayed by your young apprentice?) It may also be even more a legacy of his upbringing as a Sith. He had to hide for great parts of his life, always knowing that if he would be discovered that would mean to be hunted like a animal and slain. The legacy of the Sith are among other things a trans-planetary genocide by the Republic and Jedi, and during the time of the rule of two the Sith always were in huge danger. So i think maybe he was so crazy for power to overcome this insecurity and fears of his first decades... We see actually a version of your type of Empire in the Imperial Remnants after the reunification by Pellaeon and Daala - the racist policy was eased over the years and oppression was limited. When the Remnants made peace with the Republic they were NOT overthrown by their people, but could hold their position. This shows that a transformation of the Empire was possible and could work. Even before in Trawns campaign to destroy the Rebellion we got a much more rational view of the Empire. Thrawn could be ruthless if necessary, and he has no problem to keep lets say the Noghri in prolonged (secret) hostage situation or execute even on one occasion an imperial soldier for his failures (the failure to not learn out of his mistakes and trying to throw his commander under the bus instead). But the worlds he conquered are not plundered and their local government nor brutally punished for their treason to cooperate with the rebels. And that is in a situation where he needs ressources very bad. However as always he plays the long time game and to rebuild a new Empire he want to keep it together, not risking rebellion in his new colonies. Thrawn is a good example how a moderate Empire could look like. It would still be able to execute its enemies or even destroy a world on rare occasion (as Thrawn did during his time in the unknown regions) but most people I think would live a peacefull life under such an Empire, and its servants would benefit, not having to fear execution for minor failures or because they just annoy their commanders. Of course it would have either needed a Palps who is more rational on many things, or a coup by members of the inner circle (what would bring the risk of civil war). But yes, I guess it may have worked. I am also not sure, but it may be that the Empire could have found ways to hold on even longer. There WERE threats beyond the Vong both in canon and legends who had be defeated and with a good propaganda-machine that would justify the Empire further. A drive into the Unknown Regions would surely lead to conflict with some of the local hostile nations. And after a few decades the memory of people towards democracy would have been faded. I know, it seems hard to think that thousands years of democracy could be forgotten - but the Empire was very good in shaping the memory, I mean look how they shaped the memory about the Jedi. I think the Empire was also not per se a-democratic on ecery level. I mean I guess on the level of planets there were at least in some of them elections, and a wise Empire would have focussed the wishes for participation in that direction. Give the Senate some limited options (the end for the Senate was very late so the Empire also could have keep it), by spying for any real opposition would have give the Empire even more stability. If we look in detail the Empire did NOT controll all system by a iron fist. Quite a number of them - even such unreliable like Alderan - could manage a lot of their inner affairs by their own. Inside a set of core rules, of course, but is was not so that everything the people do would come form a imperial overlord. But let us be honest - we know why the Empire was so aggressive and so bad. Because it was a movie which should paint a very simple black and white picture. A more moderate picture was added later, but a lot of Star Wars is still influenced by this simple point of view, as unrealistic as it is.
We see a lot of EU Legends' Remnant factions actually learn from the Empire's mistakes, even if it's too little too late to retake the entire Galaxy. Incorporating aliens and even force sensitives in the military, recruiting both genders, Thrawn's diplomacy, respect of enemies that fought well, understanding of other cultures, and the ability to be more economically sound...these things turned Imperial Remnants into genuine threats for the good guys, because these new ideas enhanced what the Empire had. If the Empire had realized all these good ideas before they fell, or before they blew up Alderaan, they would have become so much more powerful. They would have had to work harder, and would have had to understand that losing a battle can help you win the war, but they would have been a more popular and successful regime.
@@matthiuskoenig3378 in Legends? No, that was the thing (along with nearhuman alien recruitment) that Daala introduced when she was reunifying what remained from the Empire
Strangely, I liked this one, even though I usually don't enjoy these kinds of "What if the Empire wasn't the Empire but still was the Empire" type of videos, due to they are kind of based on changing core values, and tenants of important characters making the calls. The Empire was really only there for Palpatine, and most of its problems can be pointed thus to being a result of Palpatine. I mean clearly Palpatine could have done a lot of things, seeing as he was pretty good at manipulation, and "worked" as a politician for ages, thus knowing what makes people support their rulers, and all that. But as the Empire only existed for him, and he couldn't really be bothered to pretend to be nice to anyone anymore, plus his amusement at people beating each other to a pulp for the sake of being in his good graces being a thing. As well due to his love of thrills and being in danger, I imagine he was secretly hoping there would be a fun little rebellion now and then that he could put down, so he could get to cackle at the destroyed planets burned to nothing but husks at his command, or blown to chunks using a super weapon or two. Which I believe is also one reason why he went to the Death star II construction site, as otherwise the choice really makes little logical sense, as he could have planted one of his many decoys there if baiting the rebellion in was the idea. Basically, why did the Empire fail? Palpatine.
To be honest, palpatine never really cared for long term prosperity or galactic domination, rather the empire was a front, a resource and means to an end i his End goal of knowledge ecumilation. You could say the other choice would yeald the same result. However palpatine was far to paranoid to give anyone a breathing space. He didn’t give any chances to those in his way. Far to impatient to wait for gradual relaxing control for long term resource access
Good lord could you imagine an empire where the tie defender is as common as the tie interceptor? 😂 rebellion gg gets slapped as well as any other threat.
Replace Emperor Palpatine as the head of government and place some limits within its own political and military structure. Chances are that the Military would’ve overthrown Palpatine the moment they thought that Palpatine would moved against them, similar to what happened to the Roman Republic and it’s legions and commanders they which no doubt caused smaller civil wars across the Galaxy. Sure in Palpatine mind he would’ve been always the head state in the Galactic Empire, but not everyone was loyal to him, not everyone was as ruthless as him, not everyone thought he was the right man for the job, and the mere fact that Palpatine thought he was immune to betrayals, schemes, plots, and finally jealousy was an outcry from the Dark Lord of the Sith.
if that happened the empire might go to the unknown regions to find better material and might use a better blueprint for the Death Star to prevent it from being as weak as the first (I’m limited to the Star Wars lore)
What if Han Solo was trained in the ways of the Force? George Lucas confirmed that Han is force sensitive, but just below the Jedi requirement. This is why he's such a great pilot and also why he outdraws Greedo. Perhaps when Alderaan is destroyed, Han senses it too, and obi wan tells Han that he too is force sensitive. He may not be willing to be a Jedi, but he could still become fairly force adept
Evil is terrible word Empire not evil they are a Force not to be wrecking with. Join Empire for protection, prosperous and peace or fight Empire and suffer consequence. Why you think my family and I enjoy what The Empire have provide
What if dooku didn't turn to the dark side and became a grey jedi instead of a Sith lord and the CIS were the good guys and acted more like the rebel alliance star wars:rethink kinda like this video for example m.ruclips.net/video/QQgqD4mQ1pI/видео.html and also maybe adding the cis exposing the republic by using clones as slaves and the jedi as war generals and kidnapping children when they were supposed to be keepers of the peace serving a corrupt government 🙂
@@mr.k418 dude the jedi do kidnap children and parents would never willingly give their own child up even if they are force sensitive they wouldn't allow or even want them be in indoctrinated into some ancient cult and so they too could be used as living cannon fodder for the republic
Devran Hasan the Jedi order had its problems, chief of them being they didn’t deal with the corruption in the Republic, but they didn’t kidnap kids. They were definitely a cult, though.
Devran Hasan the parents allowed the children to be taken by the order. It was their choice. In fact, in a galaxy of trillions, there are problem many impoverished families that would allow one of their own to be taken by the order to live a better life. And many aristocratic families may give their children because they view it as an honor.
While modeled after the sith empire, i do think the sith empire was ran just tad bit better than palpatines empire. From what i can tell from swtor gameplay the moths and sith ran it slightly better despite some infighting. Though personally i think what would a more modern sth empire be like in the age of the galactic empire. lol Love idea of sith empire and the galactic empire waging a galactic war against one another. I dont think the sith empire be stomped by galactic empire as hard as people say, if their anything lke swtor they most likely did their homework and took time to infiltrate and spy on the galaxy deacdes in advanced maybe a little more.
It could be both. The Supremacy has the manufacturing capacity for a droid army and the personnel facilities to raise and train a small elite clone force.
The main issue remains Palpatine and having an empire ruled by a single highly sociopathic sith. As others said, yeah this pretty much would fit the timeline version where Anakin killed Palpatine without being turned into Vader.
Also, even if the Yuuzhan Vong were canon, if they came to the Empire they'd likely gain a massive amount of support from the people after Alderaan. After all, the Empire is willing to mass-murder its own people, what more have you got to lose? And why would people stick with the Empire? What do they have to gain from fighting for the Empire? If they fight and lose, they die or are captured and enslaved. If they fight and win, they are sent to another battlefield to roll the dice once more. If they surrender, then they survive and they get a chance to take down the Empire.
...Because the Vong would slaughter anyone in their way, and wouldn't care if the people supported them, in top of the fact that the Empire would be the only entity capable of defending the galaxy's citizens?
@@rclipse1985 The Vong sent out infiltrators to destabilize the galaxy and gain intelligence. Thus they would know about the hatred for the Empire and use that to their advantage.
@@rclipse1985 Would the Vong start murdering everyone right off the bat? Or would they wait until the Empire was on the back-foot and unable to stop them?
@@howardlanus8467 I mean.. yes, to the former? That's essentially what they did when they showed up, it's just that the Empire wasn't a thing anymore. They're religious nuts who think all technology is essentially an abomination and who get off on sadomasochistic mutilation. They're not exactly the most reasonable beings in existence.
Remember, the jedi attempted to overthrow a legitametly elected government due to religious diffrences... They also abducted children into thier religion.
So, it basically an Empire ruled by that Sith guy, Darth Vectivus?......Well alright, I've been waiting for the right video to do a squeal comment story, so here it goes...... Doors open to an elevator open, *"ALRIGHT YOU WITHERED HUSK OF A FAILED GENETIC MATERIAL!"* "Ah.....Lord Darth Vec-" *"SHUT THE UNHOLY HELL UP YOU PITIFUL EXCUSE FOR A USED PAINT TUBE LOOKALIKE!* I'm here to tell you that if you really, really wanted to keep finical secrets from your close partners, maybe.....just maaaaybe that said partner shouldn't also be your finical overseer. SO! Apparently we've got some funds missing and large amounts of materials being sent to God knows where, which has a striking resemblance to the construction of the first Death Star, I'm I going to assume you're building another, though be far larger version, Death Star?" 'ha-ha-ha' "The Rebellion will-" "Okay, so that's a 'yes' just say 'yes' next time you left out in the sun dried out rotted anchovy. Hey, in part of 'materials' being moved around, I got word that your leather fetish Vader took his Death Squadron to.....some back ass world called 'Hoth.' Sent some probe droids, that's a good sign. Can't see how- OH WAIT! Apparently they were going to warp on top of the Rebellion, except the Admiral took the fleet out too early." "And paid dearly-" "Yeah, first off, we're still paying for the Death Star at Yavin, now a second one, so in-between where did you come up with the money and resources for a 'Super' star destroyer?" "From the will of the-" "The tax payer? Do you mean the 'pissed off beyond belief about Alderaan still' tax payer? Let me guess, a lot of that material for both the new Death Star and this Super Star Destroyer came for....the remains of Alderaan, right?" 'ha-ha-ha' "They will see the true power of-" "Finical crisis? I'm sure that's what you mean. Now with that out of the way, do you know as too 'why' Admiral.....Ozzy......Olzzi- Whatever, he's dead now, do you know why that got got forced chocked without a safety word from your 'after work hours' street walker?" "For dis-" "Okay so that's a 'no' just say 'no' next time. He was going to explain that the probe droid wasn't responding, as in, 'the Rebels know we are coming and possibility ready for us so lets jump out and assets the situation so we know what we are getting into'. That's why he jumped out, in other words.....he was doing his damn job. We know he was right as we lost a whole star destroyer that ventured too close as the crew didn't have enough information. Now, what would have happened 'if' Vader got his way and warped out right over the Rebel base?" "Destruction of-" "No.....that ion cannon that we didn't know was there, otherwise we wouldn't have an entire Star destroyer lost, would have targeted a very, very expensive piece of military hardware, and crew lost.....Hell, maybe one super star destroyer and one star destroyer. One Star Destroyer that has around fifty-thousand people, specialist in the field of ice worlds that from this report are dying in large numbers by some large native predator. So that's great, 'snow' troopers that can't handle a 'snow' environment. Then there are the multiple Tie line fighters, bombers, AT-AT and AT-ST walkers, hover bikes, shuttles, fuel, weapons, personnel weapons, scanners, life support, warp drive, shields, and all the other good things that now needs replacing and training and- OH WAIT! All of that is going to the 'new' Death Star, and lets now get to Lord Darth Burnt Match Heads latest failure, going into a very condensed asteroid field. He used those very expensive Tie Bombers.....I mean he could have used them at Hoth to save a whole lot of our people, but I guess 'whatever'....anyways Vader then went after Princess Leia and those two smugglers." "The Rebellion will their hero's-" "Again, he pursued those people and allowed the Rebel officers to escape. Yeah, we lost another flight wing, another Star Destroyer with supplies and valuable equipment and personnel, that could have been transferred and installed used on that Super star destroyer making it more 'super' and left the crew there to die, then killed the replacement Admiral, Needa I believe his name 'was' becuase he couldn't find the Falcon as it 'disappeared' and was trying to figure it out, but did apologize in person.....then Darth Goth Emo killed him.....believe it or not, a 'good' officer who again, was doing his job, got killed off becuase Darth Toddler was throwing a tantrum and wanted that ship 'now.' You do realize that people talk right? Remember when Grand Moff Geezer destroyed that whole world? Remember how 'you' put yourself on top of.....well, 'everything' and people blamed 'you' as you put yourself in a position to control everything? Remember how after it was destroyed I.S.B. was trying to find people who were, rightfully, having second thoughts about the Empire and then when the Death Star was destroyed many officers found their chance and went over to the Rebellion? And their command structure become more deadly becuase the new officer were good at their jobs, becuase 'we' trained them? Remember that? I do.....I remember and guess what's happening again.....of course you can't. Yeah, the Rebellion is about to be upgraded in command officers. I- OH LOOK! I just got a per-approved hiring for bounty hunter Boba Fett, becuase that won't be expensive or anything......some city called.....'lazily' Cloud City.....a Tibana gas operation.....wow, that won't cover our cost as the majority of the population fled.....can you guess who convinced them? No, you can't, it was again, Vader.....and Jabba the Hutt has Han Solo.....Leia is to be- Well, this is going to screw up, we lost another few Storm Troopers.....we've nearly lost a half of Death Squadron within a few days time your majesty, but I'm sure Vader will make it nearly all by the end of the month.....so, yeah the public will still preform the rule of two for me, and your Empire is slowly crumbling. Hope you made a will."
I think the reality was the Empire was styled after its leader, Palpatine. And the truth was, Palpatine didn't care about the Empire. Palpatine didn't long to become a leader of an imperial dictatorship for some 50 years or even a few hundred years only to have it crumble after. The Empire was merely meant to serve as a footnote on his road to achieving literal godhood through the force. Its one of the reasons I think he invested all of his time to create the Death Star which was to help him achieve that power. Also why he was trying so hard pressed to scour the universe for all the resources it could offer. Why bother ruling an empire that would only last a limited time when you could potentially rule the universe forever?
Step 1: Get rid of sidious Step 2: Embrace diversity. As in give opportunities to aliens as you would to the humans. Step 3: Don’t silence discontent with violence or force to those that disagree with you. Embrace some type of diplomacy. Boom. You got yourself a decent government. The fact the empire had the means to make itself better but didn’t and chose to go the route of a brutal dictatorship was its own undoing.
@Nana Akwesi Atta Mensah Wouldn't doubt he was losing his marbles as he got older. Years of being doped up on the dark side didn't exactly do wonders for his health.
So what you're saying is UN-LI-MI-TED.... POOOOOWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!! is not the soundest philosophy to use as a cornerstone for stable, effective governance?
The Empire like this probably would have had a Resistance, but that resistance would have had little to no major human presence, with it being almost solely motivated by Anti-alien sentiment in the Empire.
What scares me the most about this idea, is the fact that you mention that most imperial citizens wouldn't even mind imperial reign, if they just lightened up a tiny bit. Still a police state, still a "think what we want you to, or die" style government, but people look the other way... Why does that scare me? Because of how possible it is to happen in real life. To anyone's country. People who disagree are seen as "rabblerousers" and "trouble makers." And get arrested. Just for disagreeing. I cannot help but wonder, if this might not be the direction my country is headed.... And i don't like it. It terrifies me. But i don't know what to do about it. Nor do i know if there is anything i can do to change the direction it's headed in. I just hope i don't end up in front of a firing line one day, all for having a different viewpoint. And all the while, the average citizen looks away. They turn their heads, and ignore the clear chaos in front of them. They call it normal. They call people who disagree abnormal. Trash, filth, disregarded. That is what the future might hold. And that, sir, is truly terrifying.
Instead of spending the money on the military budget all the time, Palpatine should use that money to support science like how the medieval Muslim rulers did. With that money, he can fund the scholars who're interesting in the studies related to the Jedi and Sith alike to search for ancient Sith and jedi artifacts, publishing histories of both the Jedi and the Sith, constructing the Sith temples there and there all over the galaxy, create a massive library on Coruscant where all ancient artifacts and ancient books related to the Force will be stored. As for the military, making the Stormtroopers more of the Janissaries would be better because having humanoid aliens with the ability to speak Basic is quite good for the military. With the money being spent on the scholars and scientists to make new innovations and discovering new things, and having the humanoid aliens with the ability to speak Basic within the military ranks, the Empire could last for like hundreds of years like the Ottoman Empire and the Chinese dynasties such as the Tang dynasty in our world. Onem ore thing, here's my Star Wars Rethink: What if Darth Maul survived the dual on Naboo with Obiwan and become the Separatists' leader?
the Janissaries were disbanded for a reason, the way they were set up made it too easy for them to get control on politics. the storm troopers were fine the way they were. (also kidnapping children to brainwash into soldiers does not make your subjects like you). the lonest lasting forms of goverment in a single empire would be chinese dinasties and roman/byztantine empires. the ottomans look like a blip in history in comparison. those should be the primary base for succesful empires (aswell as how they fell) especially eastern rome (and certian chinese dynasties), some sort of 'mandate of the force' (like the chinese mandate of heaven) and an attempt to homogenize the population in language, religion and culture to atleast some extent.
@@matthiuskoenig3378 I like the idea of Mandate of the Force. It sounds very good. And not all parents are seeing their children being taken by the Ottoman's officials as a bad thing. When they heard that their sons have become admirals, commanders or the best of all, the Grand Vizier, they would feel so proud of their sons. And the reasons that the Sultan disbanded the Janissaries are because they have become too much "civilianized" and began to put their noses into politics. The reason the Janissaries are better in my thought is because their loyalty is to nobody but the Sultan. But of course, the whole "civilianization" ruined that, resulting in them being disbanded.
What do u guys think was the most interesting era. Pre Clone Wars (Pre 22BBY Clone Wars (22BBY-19BBY) Early Rebellion(19bby-0bby) Galactic Civil War (0Aby5Aby) New Republic(5ABY-34AbY First Order Reisitance(34ABY-35ABY)
Short answer, power for power's sake is everything the Sith were about. Long answer: In theory the ever increasing suffering would increase the power of the dark side and this could become a feedback loop for achieving unlimited power to a Sith like Palpatine. The ever increasing military power is just a nice bonus. This was the legends reason. Beating the Vong easily was just another bonus.
Correct as usual director. These beasts of the rebellion only know peace as not having to live in the empire. They couldn’t care less what happens after
Ironically the Empire suffered from being both overconfident and insecure. It was so confident that it's military couldn't be broken up at weak points, and it was so insecure that it needed more power and could never relax it's grip and start easing it's subjects into obeying by more diplomatic and economic means. That's where it failed to see reason. The fear that people couldn't eventually be reasoned with, and the overconfidence in it's military might to be the one size fits all solution to every problem. As evil as successful empires have been, they at least realized wisdom would help them keep control where brutality and cunning wouldn't. They had to improve living conditions and culture. They had to boost the economy. They had to embrace multiculturalism to a degree. They had to build roads and pay lip service to the conquered peoples' gods and traditions. Of course, I think of the Romans and Persians on this one.
I mean the empire we have is technically the good empire, with the rebels being evil. This question is pretty much what if the empire was super obviously good
Cathal Swanton Actually most of the slavery was from species that did openly rebel against the Empire, it wasn’t just spontaneous ‘you will be a slave today’
The empire supports order and peace while the rebellion blows up 2 death stars filled with millions of people on board. The rebels have no clear goal besides the destruction of the galactic empire, the same empire that is in charge of running the entire galaxy. The rebels are so unorganized that they summon the help of smugglers and put thim in positions of power. Emperor palpatine has unified the galaxy in peace while the jedi want to start a galactic war over their ancient religion, in addition the remaining jedi have no jobs, they live in caves and convert anyone with even the smallest force sensitivity to join their cult. As far as I'm concerned the empire is better than the chaotic and dangerously unpredictable rebellion.
Cathal Swanton you poor delusional being. Yes the empire did put down alien species but these fears were prevelant before the empire started pushing it. Yes slavery was around but in terms of scale much less than the republic as they could choose who was enslaved. As well against what you believe the empire brought prosperity, security, and innovation to the galaxy. Those terrorists on the other hand were much worse overall
@@CS-nq9sq You r 100% right. Idk why this is so hard to understand. Look at what happened to Geonosis the Empire d=wiped out every living thing to keep a secret superweapon they palnned to use to terrorize the galaxy secret.
@@wet_weather_imp They spoke up because their rights were being taken away. They acted like all aliens were Sepertist so they treated them as less important. Also even if they were wrong that doesn't justify the enslavement of the entire species. Look at what happened to he wookies.
Disaster at DeepSpace Besh never happens - Star Wars Rethink Operation Knightfall fails - Star Wars Rethink Yoda kills Dooku on Geonosis - Star Wars Rethink
For anyone whe says the Empire was good: You're wrong. It wasn't just Palapintine. THeir goal was to rule with fear and terror. Governors and other leaders gave their own horrible orders and their people followed it. Now if someone else in charge that would be better but the governors gave many of their horrible orders on their own without being told what to do by the Emperor
@@wet_weather_imp Tarkin couldve not blown up Alderaannoone forced him to. All the Leaders willingly obeyed operation cinder attacking their own worlds. Most of the governors were interested in self power and blieved the Empire was their opportunity to get it. They followed orders they new were wrong. Palapintine was the worst part but not the only horrible person. Tarking I love as a villian but I would never want to meet him. Can we at least agree the rebels were the good guys?
Darth Trooper see you say anyone who believes the empire was good is wrong and yet you willingly support a terrorist group willing to slaughter countless people in order to rid themselves of the empire along with crippling the economy and causing total destruction in the galaxy. You support the people who can’t even protect those they claim to fight for.
@@duescaymania2940 I will agree that the New Republic was an ineffective government but the Alliance truggled too protect everyone becuase the barely had the resouces to protect themselves until they provided the galaxy with hope after Endor. THen they were fighting the Empire saving everyone from Operation Cinder like they did on Naboo. Not everyone who supported the Empire was wrong as many were unaware of its true nature. But by that I mean the citizens not the soldiers carrying out Palipantines orders with no question. Yes there r several exceptions like Iden and Del who finally realized they were on the wrong side on Vardos and wouldn't support what the Empire was doing as well as the many who defected after Alderaan. The Empire also didnt value their soldiers seeing them as expendable. This is a good discussion btw.
For me, the Empire could function exactly the same and be successful but only if it wasn’t Xenophobic because the majority of the Rebel Alliance was made up of Alien species that were subjugated under the Empire for simply being, Alien
the majority of the galaxy was human, and the majority of important worlds were human. they could work successfully without the aliens. even the rebels are mostly human.
Sounds like your pro empire since most of the vids you make is always about the empire not the old republic or the old old republic or something like that
@@wet_weather_imp the empire brought peace, stability and security to the galaxy EU and Disney cannon. The Republic are cartoonishly incompetent in the Disney cannon, no one wanted to pitch in against a ruthless successor empire faction.
The real reason why the Empire was evil (or more precise, anti-social towards it diverse citizens) was because of Palpetine. He was a blood thirsty, pro-human being that sought out others like him to form the basis of the Empire. What you also have to remember was that Palpetine was ruthless, corrupt and evil, the epitome of evil. He form his Empire to reflect his vision while he sought to explore the deeper secrets of the darkside of the Force. This was why he commissioned the Death Star and was furious when it was destroyed. This meant that he had to turn his attention to the "mundane" activities of running his empire and to get personally involved with dealing with the Rebellion. Also, Palpetine, through the Force, was manipulating many being using a form of Battle Meditation. He used it at Endor but when he died, his control was broken and many of his troops were disoriented. This was the window the Rebels took and won. Had Palpetine heeded Admiral Thrawn's advice (and Vader's for that matter), the Empire could have been organized differently being able to patrol more of the galaxy and keep insurrections down. Also, if he continued to maintain the clone program, the stormtroopers would be more loyal and tougher than the standard human recruits. Oh well, the Empire had a good run...LOL
Hope you guys enjoy this rethink! Let me know what you think below, Oh and whilst your here don't forget to sub for regular updates ;D
Lore Guy Can you increase the volume?I couldn't hear much...
I agree that the empire did make some unwise and questionable decisions, but it was all for the sake of the galaxy.
Next rethink what if Palpatine was assassinated during the Clone Wars? How would that change things
Next Rethink: What if Thrawn's Tie Defender Elite program was mass produced?
@@petermills3814 Perfect
This is basically if Anakin kills Palpatine and take his place with Padmé but remains in the light. Lol
If Padme support her husband she would be Queen of The Empire and mother of New Sith Order.
She'll be Queen Vader
*Empress Padme*
The Carrot vs the stick. A stick can beat someone down. But give them the carrot, give him something to loose and he will beat his fellows down for you.
@@GODCONVOYPRIME Does correcting typos on the internet make you feel smart?
I think it might be a compulsion.
In a example like you have a compulsive need to do one thing. Like bounce your leg over and over
In several fanfictions that I've read appeared a theory that the reason why Palpatine was being so harsh is because he wanted to create rebellion. The reason being that the various cruelties and eventual uprising would darken the force making the dark side and therefore those who use it like Palpatine more powerful. So basically Palpatine was just increasing his own power in the dark side in a roundabout way.
I read it was because of the yuzan vong
That sound counterproductive to be honest.
@@S3rp3nte well hardship gives strength
@@yeetyeet5079 To the detriment of the empire in the long run, like did he had to do that to become stronger? Pretty sure he had better options that don't requid him to weaken his empire.
All you have to do is not have Palpatine or his followers rule the Empire and you got yourself a decent regime.
I can see this working like this;
Anakin storms the Temple with the 501st, warns Ahsoka about the inhibitor chips and have her save more clones (Because I love Jesse like I love Rex lol), save the Younglings and escort them to a safe area, and allowing the clones to kill the Jedi, storming to Mustafar and slaughtering the Separatists. Although Anakin would struggle with the dark side, he will still be the same man before since he didn't slaughter children. When Padmé and Obi-Wan comes towards him, Anakin would not choke her or fight Obi-Wan. Instead, Anakin would storm back to Coruscant and kill Palpatine, giving the powers to Padmé. Although Obi-Wan and Yoda would not be all too pleased with having an Empire, it would be better to have someone like Padmé who can at least control democracy, but since the Senate already believes the Jedi is evil, they will have to locate elsewhere besides Anakin and Ahsoka who marriage to Padmé will be well known and the other wouldn't be a Jedi anymore. He would kill a few like Tarkin and Halle Burtoni, but otherwise, this Vader's Empire would be much better with Padmé there, despite her not enjoying the thought of an Empire.
WHat r u defining as followers. Like the ones that knew he was Sith?
Darth Trooper Basically everyone who was fanatically loyal to Palpatine.
That is why the Empire under the command of Pellaeon and the Fel dynasty lasted longer.
No, that’s like saying Nazi Germany was fine the problem was Adolf Hitler missing the point that the whole system is inherently evil and must be destroyed
I think a show from the Empire's perspective would actually be pretty cool. During the Old Republic era, much of the galaxy was lawless because sectors like the Outer Rim were outside Republic jurisdiction, which meant slavers, pirates and gangsters like the Hutts ruled supreme. And during the Clone Wars, much of the galaxy itself was plunged into unbridled chaos and suffering. Many sided with the Empire because they thought it was going to bring the era of justice and peace that many had waited their entire lives for. Most Imperials were unaware of the Emperor and Darth Vader being Sith Lords or of projects like the Death Star. Most were fighting because they wanted safety and order for their home worlds.
I suppose now the Deedra Meero parts of Andor are kind of like that
One must be willing to study the Empire in all its aspects
Mon Mothma and Bail Organa would either fail at building a rebellion or they would see that they wear wrong about the Empire and never start one. And there would be no attempt at bringing back the Jedi order.
What if Tarkin was killed in the Clone Wars and not in the Death Star, and a new doctrine not run by Tarkin but another Grand Moff like Thawn who uses his intellect to guide the Empire in not 20, but maybe 30 or 40 more years of proper rule.
you still have to get palps on board. he wanted the death star to be built since atleast episode II
@@matthiuskoenig3378 Simple you advise the emperor to take a slower approach on the death stars construction. His Xwing program is an interim stopgap, to the evenutal death star. While increasing productivity with a starkiller base built like the starforge as a shipyard. Then you'd profit from having an eternal nigh invincible empire.
They still could have researched the power systems that would have gone into the Death Star. They simply could have turned their focus into developing a new generation of renewable energy. This industrialisation in a free market would have allowed them to still develop the weapons technology in a much more efficient form to be used on capital ships instead of ridiculously oversized and overpowered battle stations. They also could have just not been an authoritarian regime because it wasn't necessary. Far too many people were far too grateful that the war had come to an end to really question the new order so to speak. They were basically evil for the sake of being evil for the sake of plot.
The Rebellion sets up in the unknown regions: Star Wars Rethink
I really like that idea, instead of that 1000 planet thing that padma created. She and the other senators and varies other groups would see the writing on the wall and decided to slowly move men and martials in serect to the unknown region to set up training camps, ship yards and other stuff. Even have some Jedi fake their death to join them.
Spend a decade creating an army and naval that could at least do hit and run attack and other guerilla warfare against the Empire.
Marian Franklin So a Rebel First Order? Nice!
That's a good one!
What are you talking about? The Empire is already good. Do I detect rebellious thoughts?
Actually what this video describe is perfectly fit of what the empire evolved in the legends story line. They where bad but did get reformed after Ensor under Pellaeon and evolved into a more benighted government.
Well, I know its still likely that a more Pragmatic version of the Death Star could be built. Not intended as a frontline super weapon, but a military oriented mobile research station (super laser included). Otherwise, with the focus for the military, more Domestic goods could be developed. We know that seatbelts & airbags started with the military, right? There are even other important safety focused elements that we use today thanks to Wars & such, especially medical. Hence, you can imagine what a more Pragmatic version of the Death Star could be like & such…
TBH, a planetcracker has legitimate industrial applications. Turning lifeless worlds into asteroid fields, especially worlds with rare minerals locked in the core, could actually make the deathstar profitable for the empire. Even if it came out at a loss, the R&D that went into it wouldn't be wasted, not to mention you now have a symbol of how Imperial military research can be used to bring prosperity to impoverished regions. And scheduling "planetary demolition" of lifeless rocks near rebellious worlds would be a good show of force that doesn't inspire much outrage...
True, but I still prefer the R&D that went into the super-laser would still lead towards more mobile vessels equipped with super-lasers to one-shot pirate bases & such, Venser's Prodigy.
@@maledwarfwarrior yeah, and it could double as a mobile shipyard too, harvesting debris and making ships from the materials
Palpatine's biggest error i say was losing all that good will and public support he had at the start of the Empire, he should have played along with it and went out of his way to be fair and still act like the could you say caring grandfather of the people of the former republic. He should have acted like Augustus you could say.
Palpatine should have been a more "benevolent Dictator" order some executions and leave the rest out of it, and throw the occasional corrupt government official to the dogs,
"a man is more willing to forget the death of his father than his inheritance"
@@grandinquisitor8335 Exactly like i said he should have tried to be like Augustus, Marcus Aurelius or Claudius. Or insert name of respected ruler here.
Also, the empire could gain support among aliens by liberating them from slavery under the Hutts, Zygerrians, etc. The Republic wasn't doing anything about it, and this would show the galaxy that the Empire is a step in the right direction.
@@squarek123 Yep good ideas and also let's palpatine still have his wars and huge army. I really don't understand how he became so incompetent after becoming emperor. It's very out of character for him.
If Dooku had survived. To become emperor.
I think they also should have abandoned the Tarken doctrine. All Tarken's ideas of how to govern people resulted in more and more enemies, the galaxy wide fear he desired, made even a minor defeat for the Empire seem like a rallying cry. Had the Empire not destroyed Alderaan, and then lost the Death Star so soon after, the Empire would not have seen the surge in Rebellion loyalty that came about after the Battle of Yavin.
If you look at the way they treated the mining guild and I’ll add some businesses to exist unopposed maybe they could’ve nationalizing created social programs for its citizenry I mean we see references of the empire nationalizing industries and rebels when Ezra mentions about how a lot of the water treatment plants for nationalized by the empire and if you look at race sloanes Backstory were her family and her planet were saved by the empire from pirates it’s clearly possible that the empire would be able to just lightly allow some autonomy in their planets while still raining supreme with central power or direct rule from Palpatine
The problem with having only two Sith at the top of their empire, was they only had their subjects to focus on. From what I gathered in the Old Republic games, it seems the Sith ruled better with more Sith Lords. Yes, their infighting did cause problems, but at the same time, some Sith Lords were able to win the support of their people, and those Sith with their strong powerbases kept the more ruthless Sith in check. It created a strange kind of balance, that allowed Darth Vitiate's old Sith Empire viable for centuries.
4:20 This is actually what is happening right now in the US military. After numerous failed projects to replace existing systems, the Army has opted to take a new approach for procuring new weapons as they will be under great scrutiny from Congress and do not wish to repeat their previous blunders. So now the US will(likely) finally replace the nearly 60 year old M16 platform and also procure a new replace meant for the M2 Bradley.
don't forget the light tank might actually get into production, something that has needed replacement since the 60s, but continues to fail.
@@matthiuskoenig3378 because the limit for such a vehicle is VOLUME in this case, not weight. The biggest problem with the US's light tank program is that it must fit within a C-130. Given that volume goes up far faster than weight...
In part it may be that the Empire was so much set for oppression because Palps did not trust his military either (I think this idea - mentioned in "Heirs to the Empire" - make very much sense) so he wanted one big weapon to be secure for any coup. He was aggressive because he always feared betrayal (a result of his Sith-ideology in which one is always betrayed by your young apprentice?)
It may also be even more a legacy of his upbringing as a Sith. He had to hide for great parts of his life, always knowing that if he would be discovered that would mean to be hunted like a animal and slain. The legacy of the Sith are among other things a trans-planetary genocide by the Republic and Jedi, and during the time of the rule of two the Sith always were in huge danger. So i think maybe he was so crazy for power to overcome this insecurity and fears of his first decades...
We see actually a version of your type of Empire in the Imperial Remnants after the reunification by Pellaeon and Daala - the racist policy was eased over the years and oppression was limited. When the Remnants made peace with the Republic they were NOT overthrown by their people, but could hold their position. This shows that a transformation of the Empire was possible and could work.
Even before in Trawns campaign to destroy the Rebellion we got a much more rational view of the Empire. Thrawn could be ruthless if necessary, and he has no problem to keep lets say the Noghri in prolonged (secret) hostage situation or execute even on one occasion an imperial soldier for his failures (the failure to not learn out of his mistakes and trying to throw his commander under the bus instead). But the worlds he conquered are not plundered and their local government nor brutally punished for their treason to cooperate with the rebels. And that is in a situation where he needs ressources very bad. However as always he plays the long time game and to rebuild a new Empire he want to keep it together, not risking rebellion in his new colonies. Thrawn is a good example how a moderate Empire could look like. It would still be able to execute its enemies or even destroy a world on rare occasion (as Thrawn did during his time in the unknown regions) but most people I think would live a peacefull life under such an Empire, and its servants would benefit, not having to fear execution for minor failures or because they just annoy their commanders.
Of course it would have either needed a Palps who is more rational on many things, or a coup by members of the inner circle (what would bring the risk of civil war). But yes, I guess it may have worked. I am also not sure, but it may be that the Empire could have found ways to hold on even longer. There WERE threats beyond the Vong both in canon and legends who had be defeated and with a good propaganda-machine that would justify the Empire further. A drive into the Unknown Regions would surely lead to conflict with some of the local hostile nations. And after a few decades the memory of people towards democracy would have been faded. I know, it seems hard to think that thousands years of democracy could be forgotten - but the Empire was very good in shaping the memory, I mean look how they shaped the memory about the Jedi.
I think the Empire was also not per se a-democratic on ecery level. I mean I guess on the level of planets there were at least in some of them elections, and a wise Empire would have focussed the wishes for participation in that direction. Give the Senate some limited options (the end for the Senate was very late so the Empire also could have keep it), by spying for any real opposition would have give the Empire even more stability. If we look in detail the Empire did NOT controll all system by a iron fist. Quite a number of them - even such unreliable like Alderan - could manage a lot of their inner affairs by their own. Inside a set of core rules, of course, but is was not so that everything the people do would come form a imperial overlord.
But let us be honest - we know why the Empire was so aggressive and so bad. Because it was a movie which should paint a very simple black and white picture. A more moderate picture was added later, but a lot of Star Wars is still influenced by this simple point of view, as unrealistic as it is.
We see a lot of EU Legends' Remnant factions actually learn from the Empire's mistakes, even if it's too little too late to retake the entire Galaxy.
Incorporating aliens and even force sensitives in the military, recruiting both genders, Thrawn's diplomacy, respect of enemies that fought well, understanding of other cultures, and the ability to be more economically sound...these things turned Imperial Remnants into genuine threats for the good guys, because these new ideas enhanced what the Empire had. If the Empire had realized all these good ideas before they fell, or before they blew up Alderaan, they would have become so much more powerful.
They would have had to work harder, and would have had to understand that losing a battle can help you win the war, but they would have been a more popular and successful regime.
the empire already recuited both genders though
@@matthiuskoenig3378 in Legends? No, that was the thing (along with nearhuman alien recruitment) that Daala introduced when she was reunifying what remained from the Empire
I think thats silly in a galaxy with aliens to exclude the woman.@Jfk2Mr
Sith Empire invades the Galactic Empire: Star Wars Rethink
Because of the Yuuzhan Vong is what I believe was the reason for the Military growth.
Kinda sounds like the Fel empire from legends
Strangely, I liked this one, even though I usually don't enjoy these kinds of "What if the Empire wasn't the Empire but still was the Empire" type of videos, due to they are kind of based on changing core values, and tenants of important characters making the calls. The Empire was really only there for Palpatine, and most of its problems can be pointed thus to being a result of Palpatine.
I mean clearly Palpatine could have done a lot of things, seeing as he was pretty good at manipulation, and "worked" as a politician for ages, thus knowing what makes people support their rulers, and all that. But as the Empire only existed for him, and he couldn't really be bothered to pretend to be nice to anyone anymore, plus his amusement at people beating each other to a pulp for the sake of being in his good graces being a thing. As well due to his love of thrills and being in danger, I imagine he was secretly hoping there would be a fun little rebellion now and then that he could put down, so he could get to cackle at the destroyed planets burned to nothing but husks at his command, or blown to chunks using a super weapon or two.
Which I believe is also one reason why he went to the Death star II construction site, as otherwise the choice really makes little logical sense, as he could have planted one of his many decoys there if baiting the rebellion in was the idea. Basically, why did the Empire fail? Palpatine.
To be honest, palpatine never really cared for long term prosperity or galactic domination, rather the empire was a front, a resource and means to an end i his End goal of knowledge ecumilation. You could say the other choice would yeald the same result. However palpatine was far to paranoid to give anyone a breathing space. He didn’t give any chances to those in his way. Far to impatient to wait for gradual relaxing control for long term resource access
Good lord could you imagine an empire where the tie defender is as common as the tie interceptor? 😂 rebellion gg gets slapped as well as any other threat.
The Empire only lasted a little more than 20 years, because Canon writers are idiots. In Legends it existed in some form at least 136 years ABY.
The big thing is the sith influence and it fell into the same issues of infighting and constantly showing of force
What if Savage was spared by Palpatine?
Replace Emperor Palpatine as the head of government and place some limits within its own political and military structure. Chances are that the Military would’ve overthrown Palpatine the moment they thought that Palpatine would moved against them, similar to what happened to the Roman Republic and it’s legions and commanders they which no doubt caused smaller civil wars across the Galaxy. Sure in Palpatine mind he would’ve been always the head state in the Galactic Empire, but not everyone was loyal to him, not everyone was as ruthless as him, not everyone thought he was the right man for the job, and the mere fact that Palpatine thought he was immune to betrayals, schemes, plots, and finally jealousy was an outcry from the Dark Lord of the Sith.
What if the first Death Star was destroyed under construction?
if that happened the empire might go to the unknown regions to find better material and might use a better blueprint for the Death Star to prevent it from being as weak as the first (I’m limited to the Star Wars lore)
Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create soft men, soft men create hard times.
What if Han Solo was trained in the ways of the Force? George Lucas confirmed that Han is force sensitive, but just below the Jedi requirement. This is why he's such a great pilot and also why he outdraws Greedo. Perhaps when Alderaan is destroyed, Han senses it too, and obi wan tells Han that he too is force sensitive. He may not be willing to be a Jedi, but he could still become fairly force adept
Interesting discussion.
The Virgin Galactic Empire vs The Chad Imperium of Man.
Evil is terrible word Empire not evil they are a Force not to be wrecking with.
Join Empire for protection, prosperous and peace or fight Empire and suffer consequence.
Why you think my family and I enjoy what The Empire have provide
Well put commander. Tis a pleasure to meet you again. How is your family vineyard doing? (Correct me If I have my facts mixed up)
Good as always.
Commander Bell always nice to hear. I am currently between missions would it be possible to swing by and grab a bottle or two of your famous wine?
Please do. I hope I see you there.
I to in between Missons I don't come home that often. Enjoy the wine
Commander Bell thank you kindly sir. I hope to see you as well
The Empire needed to keep order the army and fleets need money the other things we not neede.
Lore you are massively overlooking the issue with xenophobia, you can’t enslave entire planets and species without issue.
imagine an imperial unit of wookiee stormtroopers
rebels would have no chance
You should make a video on what if Darth maul and savage oppress defeated darth sidious on Mandolare make a great rethink?
The empire was a force of stability and peace
Good points!
What if dooku didn't turn to the dark side and became a grey jedi instead of a Sith lord and the CIS were the good guys and acted more like the rebel alliance star wars:rethink kinda like this video for example m.ruclips.net/video/QQgqD4mQ1pI/видео.html and also maybe adding the cis exposing the republic by using clones as slaves and the jedi as war generals and kidnapping children when they were supposed to be keepers of the peace serving a corrupt government 🙂
Devran Hasan they didn’t kidnap children. The parents willingly gave them up. How the hell did this belief become so widespread?
@@mr.k418 dude the jedi do kidnap children and parents would never willingly give their own child up even if they are force sensitive they wouldn't allow or even want them be in indoctrinated into some ancient cult and so they too could be used as living cannon fodder for the republic
Devran Hasan the Jedi order had its problems, chief of them being they didn’t deal with the corruption in the Republic, but they didn’t kidnap kids. They were definitely a cult, though.
@@mr.k418 then how did the jedi indoctrinate them into their order?
Devran Hasan the parents allowed the children to be taken by the order. It was their choice. In fact, in a galaxy of trillions, there are problem many impoverished families that would allow one of their own to be taken by the order to live a better life. And many aristocratic families may give their children because they view it as an honor.
What if the yuzovong war happens early ?
While modeled after the sith empire, i do think the sith empire was ran just tad bit better than palpatines empire. From what i can tell from swtor gameplay the moths and sith ran it slightly better despite some infighting. Though personally i think what would a more modern sth empire be like in the age of the galactic empire. lol Love idea of sith empire and the galactic empire waging a galactic war against one another. I dont think the sith empire be stomped by galactic empire as hard as people say, if their anything lke swtor they most likely did their homework and took time to infiltrate and spy on the galaxy deacdes in advanced maybe a little more.
What if theFirst Order used droids? The Supremacy seems perfectly suited to droid swarming.
Another Major Rethink: What if the First Order used clones? = As an elite special forces' unit.
It could be both. The Supremacy has the manufacturing capacity for a droid army and the personnel facilities to raise and train a small elite clone force.
This is what the Galactic Empire should have been.
honestly it would last as long as palpitine was alive
What if tarkin joined the rebel alliance
The main issue remains Palpatine and having an empire ruled by a single highly sociopathic sith. As others said, yeah this pretty much would fit the timeline version where Anakin killed Palpatine without being turned into Vader.
Palpatine Wanted Unlimited power, Not Unlimited Efficiency
@@grandinquisitor8335 Yep and part of that power did require misery and suffering of others.
what if the rakata regained there technology when Darth Revan and malak came
Also, even if the Yuuzhan Vong were canon, if they came to the Empire they'd likely gain a massive amount of support from the people after Alderaan. After all, the Empire is willing to mass-murder its own people, what more have you got to lose? And why would people stick with the Empire? What do they have to gain from fighting for the Empire? If they fight and lose, they die or are captured and enslaved. If they fight and win, they are sent to another battlefield to roll the dice once more. If they surrender, then they survive and they get a chance to take down the Empire.
...Because the Vong would slaughter anyone in their way, and wouldn't care if the people supported them, in top of the fact that the Empire would be the only entity capable of defending the galaxy's citizens?
@@rclipse1985 The Vong sent out infiltrators to destabilize the galaxy and gain intelligence. Thus they would know about the hatred for the Empire and use that to their advantage.
@@howardlanus8467 Of course. But propaganda to sway people to your side will only work for so long when you're murdering anything that you see.
@@rclipse1985 Would the Vong start murdering everyone right off the bat? Or would they wait until the Empire was on the back-foot and unable to stop them?
@@howardlanus8467 I mean.. yes, to the former? That's essentially what they did when they showed up, it's just that the Empire wasn't a thing anymore. They're religious nuts who think all technology is essentially an abomination and who get off on sadomasochistic mutilation. They're not exactly the most reasonable beings in existence.
Looks good
God bless the empire!
Remember, the jedi attempted to overthrow a legitametly elected government due to religious diffrences...
They also abducted children into thier religion.
So, it basically an Empire ruled by that Sith guy, Darth Vectivus?......Well alright, I've been waiting for the right video to do a squeal comment story, so here it goes......
"Ah.....Lord Darth Vec-"
*"SHUT THE UNHOLY HELL UP YOU PITIFUL EXCUSE FOR A USED PAINT TUBE LOOKALIKE!* I'm here to tell you that if you really, really wanted to keep finical secrets from your close partners, maybe.....just maaaaybe that said partner shouldn't also be your finical overseer. SO! Apparently we've got some funds missing and large amounts of materials being sent to God knows where, which has a striking resemblance to the construction of the first Death Star, I'm I going to assume you're building another, though be far larger version, Death Star?"
'ha-ha-ha' "The Rebellion will-"
"Okay, so that's a 'yes' just say 'yes' next time you left out in the sun dried out rotted anchovy. Hey, in part of 'materials' being moved around, I got word that your leather fetish Vader took his Death Squadron to.....some back ass world called 'Hoth.' Sent some probe droids, that's a good sign. Can't see how- OH WAIT! Apparently they were going to warp on top of the Rebellion, except the Admiral took the fleet out too early."
"And paid dearly-"
"Yeah, first off, we're still paying for the Death Star at Yavin, now a second one, so in-between where did you come up with the money and resources for a 'Super' star destroyer?"
"From the will of the-"
"The tax payer? Do you mean the 'pissed off beyond belief about Alderaan still' tax payer? Let me guess, a lot of that material for both the new Death Star and this Super Star Destroyer came for....the remains of Alderaan, right?"
'ha-ha-ha' "They will see the true power of-"
"Finical crisis? I'm sure that's what you mean. Now with that out of the way, do you know as too 'why' Admiral.....Ozzy......Olzzi- Whatever, he's dead now, do you know why that got got forced chocked without a safety word from your 'after work hours' street walker?"
"For dis-"
"Okay so that's a 'no' just say 'no' next time. He was going to explain that the probe droid wasn't responding, as in, 'the Rebels know we are coming and possibility ready for us so lets jump out and assets the situation so we know what we are getting into'. That's why he jumped out, in other words.....he was doing his damn job. We know he was right as we lost a whole star destroyer that ventured too close as the crew didn't have enough information. Now, what would have happened 'if' Vader got his way and warped out right over the Rebel base?"
"Destruction of-"
"No.....that ion cannon that we didn't know was there, otherwise we wouldn't have an entire Star destroyer lost, would have targeted a very, very expensive piece of military hardware, and crew lost.....Hell, maybe one super star destroyer and one star destroyer. One Star Destroyer that has around fifty-thousand people, specialist in the field of ice worlds that from this report are dying in large numbers by some large native predator. So that's great, 'snow' troopers that can't handle a 'snow' environment. Then there are the multiple Tie line fighters, bombers, AT-AT and AT-ST walkers, hover bikes, shuttles, fuel, weapons, personnel weapons, scanners, life support, warp drive, shields, and all the other good things that now needs replacing and training and- OH WAIT! All of that is going to the 'new' Death Star, and lets now get to Lord Darth Burnt Match Heads latest failure, going into a very condensed asteroid field. He used those very expensive Tie Bombers.....I mean he could have used them at Hoth to save a whole lot of our people, but I guess 'whatever'....anyways Vader then went after Princess Leia and those two smugglers."
"The Rebellion will their hero's-"
"Again, he pursued those people and allowed the Rebel officers to escape. Yeah, we lost another flight wing, another Star Destroyer with supplies and valuable equipment and personnel, that could have been transferred and installed used on that Super star destroyer making it more 'super' and left the crew there to die, then killed the replacement Admiral, Needa I believe his name 'was' becuase he couldn't find the Falcon as it 'disappeared' and was trying to figure it out, but did apologize in person.....then Darth Goth Emo killed him.....believe it or not, a 'good' officer who again, was doing his job, got killed off becuase Darth Toddler was throwing a tantrum and wanted that ship 'now.' You do realize that people talk right? Remember when Grand Moff Geezer destroyed that whole world? Remember how 'you' put yourself on top of.....well, 'everything' and people blamed 'you' as you put yourself in a position to control everything? Remember how after it was destroyed I.S.B. was trying to find people who were, rightfully, having second thoughts about the Empire and then when the Death Star was destroyed many officers found their chance and went over to the Rebellion? And their command structure become more deadly becuase the new officer were good at their jobs, becuase 'we' trained them? Remember that? I do.....I remember and guess what's happening again.....of course you can't. Yeah, the Rebellion is about to be upgraded in command officers. I- OH LOOK! I just got a per-approved hiring for bounty hunter Boba Fett, becuase that won't be expensive or anything......some city called.....'lazily' Cloud City.....a Tibana gas operation.....wow, that won't cover our cost as the majority of the population fled.....can you guess who convinced them? No, you can't, it was again, Vader.....and Jabba the Hutt has Han Solo.....Leia is to be- Well, this is going to screw up, we lost another few Storm Troopers.....we've nearly lost a half of Death Squadron within a few days time your majesty, but I'm sure Vader will make it nearly all by the end of the month.....so, yeah the public will still preform the rule of two for me, and your Empire is slowly crumbling. Hope you made a will."
I think the reality was the Empire was styled after its leader, Palpatine. And the truth was, Palpatine didn't care about the Empire. Palpatine didn't long to become a leader of an imperial dictatorship for some 50 years or even a few hundred years only to have it crumble after. The Empire was merely meant to serve as a footnote on his road to achieving literal godhood through the force. Its one of the reasons I think he invested all of his time to create the Death Star which was to help him achieve that power. Also why he was trying so hard pressed to scour the universe for all the resources it could offer. Why bother ruling an empire that would only last a limited time when you could potentially rule the universe forever?
Step 1: Get rid of sidious
Step 2: Embrace diversity. As in give opportunities to aliens as you would to the humans.
Step 3: Don’t silence discontent with violence or force to those that disagree with you. Embrace some type of diplomacy.
Boom. You got yourself a decent government. The fact the empire had the means to make itself better but didn’t and chose to go the route of a brutal dictatorship was its own undoing.
@Nana Akwesi Atta Mensah Then go back in time and warned George Lucas of his Star Wars concept.
@Nana Akwesi Atta Mensah Even "smart" people can still be morons in other ways. Especially when you're a greedy bastard for power.
@Nana Akwesi Atta Mensah Wouldn't doubt he was losing his marbles as he got older. Years of being doped up on the dark side didn't exactly do wonders for his health.
6:25 isn't a good example. Considering that's basically America and we aren't happy 😂
So what you're saying is UN-LI-MI-TED.... POOOOOWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!! is not the soundest philosophy to use as a cornerstone for stable, effective governance?
A good Empire means less infighting.
The Empire like this probably would have had a Resistance, but that resistance would have had little to no major human presence, with it being almost solely motivated by Anti-alien sentiment in the Empire.
What if I Emperor Palpatine was a Jedi master during the original trilogy
Can you do a what if vader joined the jedi on night fall
put thrawn in charge and this happens
What scares me the most about this idea, is the fact that you mention that most imperial citizens wouldn't even mind imperial reign, if they just lightened up a tiny bit.
Still a police state, still a "think what we want you to, or die" style government, but people look the other way...
Why does that scare me?
Because of how possible it is to happen in real life. To anyone's country.
People who disagree are seen as "rabblerousers" and "trouble makers." And get arrested. Just for disagreeing.
I cannot help but wonder, if this might not be the direction my country is headed....
And i don't like it. It terrifies me.
But i don't know what to do about it.
Nor do i know if there is anything i can do to change the direction it's headed in.
I just hope i don't end up in front of a firing line one day, all for having a different viewpoint.
And all the while, the average citizen looks away.
They turn their heads, and ignore the clear chaos in front of them.
They call it normal.
They call people who disagree abnormal. Trash, filth, disregarded.
That is what the future might hold.
And that, sir, is truly terrifying.
Imagine if the galatic empire is more evil.
It's like modern day China. The people put up with the government because the country is developing
please make your videos louder love the vid tho
A Good Empire, you can't be serious?
Instead of spending the money on the military budget all the time, Palpatine should use that money to support science like how the medieval Muslim rulers did. With that money, he can fund the scholars who're interesting in the studies related to the Jedi and Sith alike to search for ancient Sith and jedi artifacts, publishing histories of both the Jedi and the Sith, constructing the Sith temples there and there all over the galaxy, create a massive library on Coruscant where all ancient artifacts and ancient books related to the Force will be stored. As for the military, making the Stormtroopers more of the Janissaries would be better because having humanoid aliens with the ability to speak Basic is quite good for the military. With the money being spent on the scholars and scientists to make new innovations and discovering new things, and having the humanoid aliens with the ability to speak Basic within the military ranks, the Empire could last for like hundreds of years like the Ottoman Empire and the Chinese dynasties such as the Tang dynasty in our world.
Onem ore thing, here's my Star Wars Rethink: What if Darth Maul survived the dual on Naboo with Obiwan and become the Separatists' leader?
the Janissaries were disbanded for a reason, the way they were set up made it too easy for them to get control on politics. the storm troopers were fine the way they were. (also kidnapping children to brainwash into soldiers does not make your subjects like you).
the lonest lasting forms of goverment in a single empire would be chinese dinasties and roman/byztantine empires. the ottomans look like a blip in history in comparison. those should be the primary base for succesful empires (aswell as how they fell)
especially eastern rome (and certian chinese dynasties), some sort of 'mandate of the force' (like the chinese mandate of heaven) and an attempt to homogenize the population in language, religion and culture to atleast some extent.
@@matthiuskoenig3378 I like the idea of Mandate of the Force. It sounds very good. And not all parents are seeing their children being taken by the Ottoman's officials as a bad thing. When they heard that their sons have become admirals, commanders or the best of all, the Grand Vizier, they would feel so proud of their sons.
And the reasons that the Sultan disbanded the Janissaries are because they have become too much "civilianized" and began to put their noses into politics. The reason the Janissaries are better in my thought is because their loyalty is to nobody but the Sultan. But of course, the whole "civilianization" ruined that, resulting in them being disbanded.
But empire already not so evil, like rebel scum.
What do u guys think was the most interesting era.
Pre Clone Wars (Pre 22BBY
Clone Wars (22BBY-19BBY)
Early Rebellion(19bby-0bby)
Galactic Civil War (0Aby5Aby)
New Republic(5ABY-34AbY
First Order Reisitance(34ABY-35ABY)
Clone Wars/Early Rebellion
The Galactic Empire was called evil because the movies are Rebel Alliance propaganda
I thought they were always good...
Templar S they were, don’t you worry. I’ll be here to support you if these rebels berate you for having the right belief
the empire is not that bad
At best I give the empire 100 years of reigne before it falls apart, it would last as long as the British empire.
Britain lost the empire due to going bankrupt in two world wars.
@@RomanHistoryFan476AD yeah they don't have a galactic amount of resources and near limitless money and wealth
@@Jeffthecreepyastafan yeah that is a big weakness.
Short answer, power for power's sake is everything the Sith were about.
Long answer:
In theory the ever increasing suffering would increase the power of the dark side and this could become a feedback loop for achieving unlimited power to a Sith like Palpatine. The ever increasing military power is just a nice bonus. This was the legends reason. Beating the Vong easily was just another bonus.
The empire is not evil, the empire supports peace and prosperity for the galaxy.
Correct as usual director. These beasts of the rebellion only know peace as not having to live in the empire. They couldn’t care less what happens after
Lies: What is the cost of lies? = Chernobyl.
Palpatine did nothing wrong.
Ironically the Empire suffered from being both overconfident and insecure. It was so confident that it's military couldn't be broken up at weak points, and it was so insecure that it needed more power and could never relax it's grip and start easing it's subjects into obeying by more diplomatic and economic means. That's where it failed to see reason.
The fear that people couldn't eventually be reasoned with, and the overconfidence in it's military might to be the one size fits all solution to every problem.
As evil as successful empires have been, they at least realized wisdom would help them keep control where brutality and cunning wouldn't. They had to improve living conditions and culture. They had to boost the economy. They had to embrace multiculturalism to a degree. They had to build roads and pay lip service to the conquered peoples' gods and traditions. Of course, I think of the Romans and Persians on this one.
It isn't really economical to have a Sith lord as the supreme commander.
I mean the empire we have is technically the good empire, with the rebels being evil. This question is pretty much what if the empire was super obviously good
Cathal Swanton Actually most of the slavery was from species that did openly rebel against the Empire, it wasn’t just spontaneous ‘you will be a slave today’
The empire supports order and peace while the rebellion blows up 2 death stars filled with millions of people on board. The rebels have no clear goal besides the destruction of the galactic empire, the same empire that is in charge of running the entire galaxy. The rebels are so unorganized that they summon the help of smugglers and put thim in positions of power. Emperor palpatine has unified the galaxy in peace while the jedi want to start a galactic war over their ancient religion, in addition the remaining jedi have no jobs, they live in caves and convert anyone with even the smallest force sensitivity to join their cult. As far as I'm concerned the empire is better than the chaotic and dangerously unpredictable rebellion.
Cathal Swanton you poor delusional being. Yes the empire did put down alien species but these fears were prevelant before the empire started pushing it. Yes slavery was around but in terms of scale much less than the republic as they could choose who was enslaved. As well against what you believe the empire brought prosperity, security, and innovation to the galaxy. Those terrorists on the other hand were much worse overall
@@CS-nq9sq You r 100% right. Idk why this is so hard to understand. Look at what happened to Geonosis the Empire d=wiped out every living thing to keep a secret superweapon they palnned to use to terrorize the galaxy secret.
@@wet_weather_imp They spoke up because their rights were being taken away. They acted like all aliens were Sepertist so they treated them as less important. Also even if they were wrong that doesn't justify the enslavement of the entire species. Look at what happened to he wookies.
Disaster at DeepSpace Besh never happens - Star Wars Rethink
Operation Knightfall fails - Star Wars Rethink
Yoda kills Dooku on Geonosis - Star Wars Rethink
For anyone whe says the Empire was good: You're wrong. It wasn't just Palapintine. THeir goal was to rule with fear and terror. Governors and other leaders gave their own horrible orders and their people followed it. Now if someone else in charge that would be better but the governors gave many of their horrible orders on their own without being told what to do by the Emperor
Yet they were put in that position by Palpatine, so yeah, it was still just Palpatine
@@wet_weather_imp Tarkin couldve not blown up Alderaannoone forced him to. All the Leaders willingly obeyed operation cinder attacking their own worlds. Most of the governors were interested in self power and blieved the Empire was their opportunity to get it. They followed orders they new were wrong. Palapintine was the worst part but not the only horrible person. Tarking I love as a villian but I would never want to meet him. Can we at least agree the rebels were the good guys?
Darth Trooper see you say anyone who believes the empire was good is wrong and yet you willingly support a terrorist group willing to slaughter countless people in order to rid themselves of the empire along with crippling the economy and causing total destruction in the galaxy. You support the people who can’t even protect those they claim to fight for.
Hey Papatine done a good job. It's people below him mess things up
@@duescaymania2940 I will agree that the New Republic was an ineffective government but the Alliance truggled too protect everyone becuase the barely had the resouces to protect themselves until they provided the galaxy with hope after Endor. THen they were fighting the Empire saving everyone from Operation Cinder like they did on Naboo. Not everyone who supported the Empire was wrong as many were unaware of its true nature. But by that I mean the citizens not the soldiers carrying out Palipantines orders with no question. Yes there r several exceptions like Iden and Del who finally realized they were on the wrong side on Vardos and wouldn't support what the Empire was doing as well as the many who defected after Alderaan. The Empire also didnt value their soldiers seeing them as expendable. This is a good discussion btw.
For me, the Empire could function exactly the same and be successful but only if it wasn’t Xenophobic because the majority of the Rebel Alliance was made up of Alien species that were subjugated under the Empire for simply being, Alien
the majority of the galaxy was human, and the majority of important worlds were human. they could work successfully without the aliens. even the rebels are mostly human.
Lord Solar Matthius That’s quite true actually
Sounds like your pro empire since most of the vids you make is always about the empire not the old republic or the old old republic or something like that
The Republic were and are vastly corrupt. Plus they are kinda boring, like a worse roman Republic.
Pacbandit13 yeah I know just would be cool for content change that’s all just my opinion though
Oh he is not pro Empire, he is very anti Empire, hence all the videos saying how bad it supposedly is
@@wet_weather_imp the empire brought peace, stability and security to the galaxy EU and Disney cannon. The Republic are cartoonishly incompetent in the Disney cannon, no one wanted to pitch in against a ruthless successor empire faction.
The real reason why the Empire was evil (or more precise, anti-social towards it diverse citizens) was because of Palpetine. He was a blood thirsty, pro-human being that sought out others like him to form the basis of the Empire. What you also have to remember was that Palpetine was ruthless, corrupt and evil, the epitome of evil. He form his Empire to reflect his vision while he sought to explore the deeper secrets of the darkside of the Force. This was why he commissioned the Death Star and was furious when it was destroyed. This meant that he had to turn his attention to the "mundane" activities of running his empire and to get personally involved with dealing with the Rebellion. Also, Palpetine, through the Force, was manipulating many being using a form of Battle Meditation. He used it at Endor but when he died, his control was broken and many of his troops were disoriented. This was the window the Rebels took and won. Had Palpetine heeded Admiral Thrawn's advice (and Vader's for that matter), the Empire could have been organized differently being able to patrol more of the galaxy and keep insurrections down. Also, if he continued to maintain the clone program, the stormtroopers would be more loyal and tougher than the standard human recruits. Oh well, the Empire had a good run...LOL