Keith & Kristyn Getty - The Lord Is My Salvation (Live)


Комментарии • 223

  • @jdsheleg8332
    @jdsheleg8332 3 года назад +236

    No razzle dazzle, laser beams, dancers, etc .... just simple music and lyrics, praising the name of the Lord. So refreshing!

    • @inlonging
      @inlonging 3 года назад +14

      Kind of. The expensive sound equipment and lighting is more than simple music and lyrics. This is a beautiful song but let’s not pretend it isn’t a performance here. Beautiful performance 💞

    • @arthurp19
      @arthurp19 3 года назад +11

      @@inlonging agree with you but I think they’re comparing it to today’s contemporary music that sometimes seem to be more of a concert than simple worship.

    • @inlonging
      @inlonging 3 года назад +5

      @@arthurp19 Guess it's all relative. This would be the most dazzling my church has ever looked were we to replicate lol.

    • @Youngsax00
      @Youngsax00 2 года назад +3

      @@inlonging The set up is fairly simple until you factor in The cost of The vocal mics alone which is around 3000 to 5000 dollars not to mention The lighting setup. The performance was on points though.

    • @ronreynolds8961
      @ronreynolds8961 2 года назад +5

      The Getty's are a complete blessing for those of us who are tired of the 7-11 songs. So powerful and meaningful.

  • @eugeniomorais7041
    @eugeniomorais7041 2 года назад +17

    Not a concert but just a congregation singing praises Scripture centered. How beautifull!

  • @julieallen640
    @julieallen640 3 года назад +21

    Iv been a christian along time.But im just now after many years of being saved understand this blessed assurance we have in Christ.He will never leave us nor forsake us!Its an amazing truth .The Lord is my salvation!This song sings it all!Thank you.

  • @PinoyFamilyinCalifornia
    @PinoyFamilyinCalifornia 4 года назад +68

    I will never get tired of singing this. Thank you Jesus for dying on the cross to save a wretched sinner like me. To God be all the glory!

  • @aleinaong4278
    @aleinaong4278 3 года назад +32

    Well....who would've thought that in 4 years we'd be suffering from a pandemic. God is always in control, put your faith in Him.

  • @imeldaguanez1693
    @imeldaguanez1693 6 месяцев назад +12

    The Lord is my salvation indeed!

  • @gracenmercy579
    @gracenmercy579 5 лет назад +127

    Lyrics is biblical sound So solid, this type of songs are So rare its today churches. Biblical sound songs are missing in today churches. So focus on Christ and not man after all it's God's glory to Him all the glory goes too.+

    • @josephauld6565
      @josephauld6565 4 года назад +3


    • @dennishagans6339
      @dennishagans6339 3 года назад +5

      ya, the younger generation wants rock & roll, smoke machines, laser lights and they call that worship, I call it blasphemy. and it is a stench in the nostrils of God.

    • @fryer6541
      @fryer6541 3 года назад +5

      @@dennishagans6339 I would agree to disagree to this... I am 14 and I like Hillsong and Elevation worship alot, but I agree we do not need lights and stuff like that, but on the other hand look at Psalm's 1:50 1-6. God does not prohibite Electric guitars drums etc... What I am trying to say is I get where you are coming from but you are wrong, when you say "and they call that worship, I call it blasphemy. and it is a stench in the nostrils of God."

    • @dennishagans6339
      @dennishagans6339 3 года назад +1

      We are in the last hours of the last days when deception is supposed to be so bad that if it were possible
      Mat 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
      I wonder if there will be drums and electric guitars in Heaven? there is not but one instrument mentioned in Revelation, the Harp as the only musical instrument John saw while there.видео.html
      if I was the pastor he would never play the drums again.
      I was a rock & roller for 50+ years I know what makes me want to headbang and make my body move to the beat of Led Zeppelin or Pink Floyd, I know over 1,000 rock anthems by heart to the very next note.
      that music is of the devil and I refuse to have it in my Worship of a Very Righteous, Holy, Just, and Pure God.
      I refuse to mix the world with the Gospel in any way, shape, or form.
      I may be 62, but I still know what kind of music made me want to jam out and rock on, many of the Rock & Roll legends are still around and a bit older than I am, like Sir Paul McCartney, and Robert Plant
      one of my things was to play my music LOUD and PROUD so that everyone knew I was a Rocker!
      But when I got saved, I gave all of that up completely and I do not want even the slightest tiniest bit of that in my Worship of the Lord.
      I know exactly what music can do as far as the beat and rhythm in making my body want to move, and I am not having any of that devilish stuff that my flesh loves in my worship of God.
      2Co 6:14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
      2Co 6:15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?
      2Co 6:16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
      2Co 6:17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,
      2Co 6:18 And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.

    • @fryer6541
      @fryer6541 3 года назад +1

      @@dennishagans6339 This is what I have noticed, with all these Hill song and Elevation songs it is to catchy! I know that sounds totally ridiculous but it is! I think me and you are on the same page, you I get what you are saying now and I agree because I think there are alot of people who listen to Hill song, Elevation stuff like that, and they are "looking" and "searching" for Christ but when they hear these songs I think alot of people get confused, Even Me!!! we sometimes listen to the beat of the song and that gets us off track and now we don't look at praising God in those songs, but we look at the "musical" side of it and that is what's wrong about those songs but I will never change about worshiping God with electric guitars and drums and stuff like that, that will never change because people worship God in many different ways my way is the music and the words. But I dont want you to get confused with that because I like alot of hyms better than these "rock" songs I worship God through music weather it is contemerary or it is traditional, but I will say this, I dispise anyone who makes christan rap songs so I do not listen/like those. But my point here is that I think we read each other wrong when we read yours and mine comments. But I will say this and I am not trying to argue with you or anything, but people do have opions so... my opinion and my point is when you say "blashomine" (I dont know how to spell that) but when you say it here is the fact, it is not blashomine some things about it are like the lights and stuff like that but the ultimate gole for any of these worship groups are to praise God weather it is with a simple accustic song or a song with a panio or a song with every electric guitar ever it is still praising God, and yes I know that I am only 14 but I read I study the bible for many years now and I know well enough that the word of God is true every single word and That Psalms verse is true. We all look at things differently. But one last thing that is why I love this comment section and I love this song, it is so biblical to any other modern day song and it praises God! So that is what I have to say and I hope you find some of it to be true one day. it is not deception though I can tell you that I am not being deceived. But I have to ask what kind of denomination is your church/what do you believe?

  • @tabeakalimeris1230
    @tabeakalimeris1230 4 года назад +122

    The grace of God has reached for me
    And pulled me from the raging sea
    And I am safe on this solid ground
    The Lord is my salvation
    I will not fear when darkness falls
    His strength will help me scale these walls
    I’ll see the dawn of the rising sun
    The Lord is my salvation
    Who is like the Lord our God?
    Strong to save, faithful in love
    My debt is paid and the vict’ry won
    The Lord is my salvation
    My hope is hidden in the Lord
    He flow’rs each promise of His Word
    When winter fades I know spring will come
    The Lord is my salvation
    In times of waiting, times of need
    When I know loss, when I am weak
    I know His grace will renew these days
    The Lord is my salvation
    And when I reach my final day
    He will not leave me in the grave
    But I will rise,
    He will call me home
    The Lord is my salvation
    Glory be to God the Father
    Glory be to God the Son
    Glory be to God the Spirit
    The Lord is our salvation

    • @endtimes9212
      @endtimes9212 4 года назад +6

      Thank you!!

    • @stevedyer5902
      @stevedyer5902 4 года назад +5

      Thanks for adding these lyrics!

    • @pamanton
      @pamanton 3 года назад +3

      Thank you!

    • @MrsStrut
      @MrsStrut 3 года назад

      does anyone know what the word "flow'rs" in verse 3 means? I know God keeps His promises, but the phrase "He flow'rs each promise of His Word" doesn't make sense to me - any help is appreciated!

    • @Cleveland.Ironman
      @Cleveland.Ironman 3 года назад +3

      @@MrsStrut I believe that it means that God makes His Promises like a field of flowers 🌼🌷💐🌸🌺🌹 bursting into bloom during the Springtime. (Imho)

  • @WilliamBrown-dw3fz
    @WilliamBrown-dw3fz 2 года назад +4

    Can you imagine how peaceful the world would be a people listen to music like this I know I do and I'm totally it peace I'm just waiting for the end

  • @Lovehope263
    @Lovehope263 3 года назад +19

    This song lifts me up every time 🙌🏾. The Lord is my salvation ❤️! His grace reaches down for me, pulls me from the raging sea, renews my days (time I’ve lost), will call me home to be with Him....The extent to which God’s grace covers us is beyond amazing. It leaves no room for us to ever despair in this life.

  • @audreybowles6357
    @audreybowles6357 2 года назад +17

    The LORD is my salvation ❤ is truth my heart cannot contain. Your grace, mercy and love are overwhelming. Thank You Jesus for saving me!

  • @dennishagans6339
    @dennishagans6339 3 года назад +2

    This is better than all of the so-called Christian rock garbage, I was a rock & roller for 50+ years, still got thousands of rock anthems in my head, but thanks to great songs like this I am hoping these will write over those songs and replace them.
    the only thing is I do not care for the headbanging body contortions as if this was the same body moving music as the devil's music.

  • @adamcapps9743
    @adamcapps9743 4 месяца назад +2

    This is my favorite worship song ever. So unbelievably worshipful. What a gift. Thank you guys, so much ❤

  • @emmawasilwa2125
    @emmawasilwa2125 2 года назад +21

    What a wonderful worship song,I just discovered it today and It's spirit filled, indeed He's our salvation 🙏🙏🙏

  • @gsar3345
    @gsar3345 11 месяцев назад +4

    I love this song, it brings in his presence for sure.

  • @cherylissa
    @cherylissa 3 года назад +6

    Psalm 74, I parralelled this beautiful worship with this Psalm this morning. In times of waiting, times of need. I know His grace will renews these days. Amen!

  • @ralph1682
    @ralph1682 5 лет назад +16


  • @mannyrandhawa865
    @mannyrandhawa865 2 года назад +9

    I love "The Lord is My Salvation"! The Gettys make great music and music videos!

  • @Joyful-Jo
    @Joyful-Jo 9 месяцев назад +3

    Beautiful truths!

  • @michaelfalsia6062
    @michaelfalsia6062 2 года назад +11

    What a great song. Very moving and most importantly it is biblical!

  • @psalm2forliberty577
    @psalm2forliberty577 Год назад +2

    What an amazing testimonial to the faithfulness and powerful nature of the Lord God Almighty maker of heaven and earth !

  • @kristeyh2761
    @kristeyh2761 5 лет назад +25

    Wow! Another amazing song. Thank you to the Gettys and the Getty Music Team! I just can't get enough of their music. ♡ I don't remember in all my years any other music that has had this kind of positive effect on me. Heavenly Father, please keep them safe always in their travels wherever they go. Please bless and favor them, keep them all well, prosper this music that teaches Your word to fill every home to bring people closer to You and to unite us as Jesus' followers, not denominations. Help all of us to reach out to others to show up and be there for those we don't call family or friends, to give of ourselves like Jesus did, to be open conduits for Your loving -kindness, compassion, and mercy to flow through. Bless you Heavenly Father. May Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name. Amen.

  • @melissalepper5880
    @melissalepper5880 3 года назад +8

    Well done worship team!! Good doctrine not repetitive not flashy all did well

  • @WilliamBrown-dw3fz
    @WilliamBrown-dw3fz 2 года назад +3

    Imagine if this type of music replace the gangster rap in the inner cities I don't think that we would have the shootings that we do especially in killadelphia

  • @naymannbassey691
    @naymannbassey691 2 года назад +8

    My goodness.... i feel like heaven

  • @davidrobinson3744
    @davidrobinson3744 4 года назад +13

    Thankful for this song as it gives me peace, hope and the assurance of God's goodness and sovereignty in this time of uncertainty.

  • @shoppingcitytown424
    @shoppingcitytown424 Год назад +1

    Through this song, All mankind getting know JESUS is LIVING GOD

  • @user-hi8rg7bl2s
    @user-hi8rg7bl2s 4 года назад +24

    The whole song is full of truth!
    In times of waiting, times of need.
    When I know loss, when I am weak.
    I know His grace will renew these days.
    The Lord is my salvation.

  • @carynhall8195
    @carynhall8195 2 года назад +5

    Just found this song....this video....WOW! Really blesses me at the present

  • @oredaw
    @oredaw 4 года назад +12

    I love "He flowers every promise of His Word" - what glorious hope and imagery! Getty's your music is the backdrop of my life which is Christ the Lord. Thank you...

  • @evanevan7326
    @evanevan7326 2 года назад +1

    What a blessed truth we have that the Lord saves. Saves us from sin and makes us his own people even we all deserve death. Yet when we will still sinner he saves us. The Lord is our salvation a truth that any person cannot save himself.

  • @98Dougmorris
    @98Dougmorris 7 месяцев назад +2

    Lovely song, Amen!

  • @snicko6872
    @snicko6872 3 года назад +9

    Beautiful, powerful. God Bless all the saints

  • @TheCreepypro
    @TheCreepypro Год назад +2

    thank you Lord for being our savior may we cling to you help us to do so

  • @normanpelley
    @normanpelley 2 года назад +2

    Biblical! & beautiful

  • @alanbingham8279
    @alanbingham8279 Год назад +2

    The Lord is my Salvation hallelujah Praise The Lord Jesus Christ always I pray! AlanBingham! We are SAVED hallelujah!

  • @iamcon610
    @iamcon610 3 года назад +7

    Thank you Lord for our salvation. 😭

  • @PhilipAdeyeyephopad
    @PhilipAdeyeyephopad 2 года назад +3

    I just heard about this group now, and I love them already; powerful lyrics, awesome musical delivery-no noise, simply beautiful!!! I could go on and on... music from the throne of grace!!!

  • @albertmisoga1568
    @albertmisoga1568 Год назад +4

    So so soothing and calming inspirational.Glory be to God

  • @jonasfreire5943
    @jonasfreire5943 5 лет назад +13

    This a very very very beautiful song to praise our glorious GOD !
    Thank you my brothers for this music.

  • @daphihepsyiem4783
    @daphihepsyiem4783 Год назад +3

    The Lord is my Salvation 🕊️✝️

    @MARINGTRIBECULTURE 4 года назад +10

    You made me cry.... You are so beautiful & you've a wonderful voice... Keep praising God. May God bless you & your family

    • @ronradian3802
      @ronradian3802 10 месяцев назад

      Only a wonderful voice when no flat singing!

  • @rockgrove3
    @rockgrove3 6 лет назад +49

    I just love this worship song - one of the best recent ones from Keith and Kristyn. The lyrics are so profound and meaningful. Having been through a very tough storm in life, this song is full of peace, assurance and hope. Coupled with "In Christ Alone", "There Is A Higher Throne" and "There is a Hope" from Stuart - if we fill our hearts with the scriptural truths from these compositions, we will be truly blessed.

  • @lilacfairy.
    @lilacfairy. Год назад +2

    I love all of these Worship songs for my lord and Savior because he is the Only One whom is Worthy!!

  • @beto88keys
    @beto88keys 6 лет назад +5

    I can't stop listening to this hymn. I had the immense privilege of attending the Sing! 2018 Conference and heard this live with 5000 other worship leaders and pastors singing...amazing.

  • @judyaguilar5801
    @judyaguilar5801 4 года назад +4

    Thanks my teacher show me this video

  • @odhh7933
    @odhh7933 7 лет назад +15

    of course. the lord is our rock and salvation. Because he has redeemed us through what he did on the cross. Hallelujah. Keep it up Kristin and Keith Getty.

  • @runahrimagai9636
    @runahrimagai9636 4 года назад +28

    This song just penetrated into my soul. I Love this song, really touching praise God.

  • @nailit21
    @nailit21 4 года назад +16

    I am absolutely in love with this gives me immense peace and strength every single time I hear it

  • @lallunghnemzote8503
    @lallunghnemzote8503 2 года назад +4

    Praise the Lord

  • @IgnorantFishermen
    @IgnorantFishermen 4 года назад +4

    Yeshua/Jesus - Yahweh IS salvation! (Matt. 1:21) Awesome, beautiful, song and biblical message! Can't get it out of my head! Praise the Lord! Thank you!

  • @ProverbsOne7
    @ProverbsOne7 2 года назад +7

    So beautiful! 🌟

  • @RecetasconVeronica
    @RecetasconVeronica 5 лет назад +8

    Que bonito cantan a nuestro DIOS precioso muy lindo Dios les bendiga

  • @jacquelyneclayton-naute8926
    @jacquelyneclayton-naute8926 3 месяца назад

    The grace of God has reached for me and pulled me from the raging sea. The Lord is my salvation ❤

  • @LelitCalumba
    @LelitCalumba Год назад

    Number one beautiful song

  • @rochmaddog
    @rochmaddog 2 года назад +2

    Absolutely love this song it's goona be played at my funeral

  • @gabbydor
    @gabbydor 7 дней назад

    Amen 🙌 glory glory to God

  • @kingtendoable
    @kingtendoable 6 лет назад +8

    Another wonderful worshipful song from the talented Getty's and a nice pure vocal from Kristen as always and yet I wonder WHO ON EARTH WAS THAT VOICE BELONGING TO FROM 4.54 Onwards? A snippet of some vocal skills someone be hiding. 😉

  • @JessicadePaulaPithcain
    @JessicadePaulaPithcain 4 года назад +6

    The grace of God has reached for me
    And pulled me from the raging sea
    And I am safe on this solid ground
    The Lord is my salvation
    I will not fear when darkness falls
    His strength will help me scale these walls
    I'll see the dawn of the rising sun
    The Lord is my salvation
    Who is like the Lord our God?
    Strong to save, faithful in love
    My debt is paid and the vict'ry won
    The Lord is my salvation
    My hope is hidden in the Lord
    He flow'rs each promise of His Word
    When winter fades I know spring will come
    The Lord is my salvation
    In times of waiting, times of need
    When I know loss, when I am weak
    I know His grace will renew these days
    The Lord is my salvation
    Who is like the Lord our God?
    Strong to save, faithful in love
    My debt is paid and the vict'ry won
    The Lord is my salvation
    And when I reach my final day
    He will not leave me in the grave
    But I will rise,
    He will call me home
    The Lord is my salvation
    Who is like the Lord our God?
    Strong to save, faithful in love
    My debt is paid and the vict'ry won
    The Lord is my salvation
    Glory be to God the Father
    Glory be to God the Son
    Glory be to God the Spirit
    The Lord is our salvation
    Glory be to God the Father
    Glory be to God the Son
    Glory be to God the Spirit
    The Lord is our salvation
    The Lord is our salvation
    The Lord is our salvation

  • @tgortl
    @tgortl 3 года назад +3

    Simply beautiful, singable, and most of all, honors the Lord Jesus alone.

  • @victoriacharlesworth7099
    @victoriacharlesworth7099 4 года назад +5

    Oh how beautiful hallelujah 😊✝️🙌💕

  • @benjaminh8767
    @benjaminh8767 2 года назад

    Amen🙏🏻The Lord is my Salvation! Jesu christ saved my life! Who’s listening in 2021.❤️

  • @skygreen41
    @skygreen41 7 лет назад +20

    Your voice is full of love
    May God exalt you in music ministry

  • @vounabiblia
    @vounabiblia 2 года назад +1

    Que lindo louvor meus irmãos, Glórias Ao Rej dos Rei pela Graça imerecido.

  • @emt5726
    @emt5726 4 года назад +1

    salvation- a free gift from God to those who keep the commandments of God and the testimony of Jesus. y'all Jesus is coming back SOON keep the SATURDAY TRUE SABBATH DAY AND HE WILL SAVE YOU x

  • @yohonnestennel.1670
    @yohonnestennel.1670 2 года назад +1

    I love how country sings sing 90 percent country then throw in a gospel song once in awhile well he won't except crumbs it's all or none he said ...

  • @cindyseymour3871
    @cindyseymour3871 3 года назад +2

    All the verses - yay! Praise His Name!

  • @AdvistaVideo
    @AdvistaVideo 5 лет назад +4

    Getty music is inspired and beautiful. I love this song. Thank you....

  • @d.h.1691
    @d.h.1691 4 года назад +2

    Wow!! What a beautiful song!! God bless your ministry!!

  • @ANISTAZImetal-po4rz
    @ANISTAZImetal-po4rz 4 месяца назад

    Beautiful ❤

  • @daltonelidio781
    @daltonelidio781 2 года назад +1

    I love this song 🥰😍🥰

  • @jemmrapiz8499
    @jemmrapiz8499 5 лет назад +7

    i am so blessed

  • @jonik1556
    @jonik1556 3 года назад +2

    Beautiful! 💗

  • @RepairersoftheBreachEx.20.8-10
    @RepairersoftheBreachEx.20.8-10 8 дней назад

    ¹⁶ For God so loved the world, that He gave His Only Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him [Jude 24] should not perish, but have everlasting life.
    *-John 3:16*
    ²⁴ Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy,
    *-Jude 24*
    He who has not sufficient faith in Christ to believe that He can keep him from sinning, has not the faith that will give him an entrance into the kingdom of God.

    • @RepairersoftheBreachEx.20.8-10
      @RepairersoftheBreachEx.20.8-10 8 дней назад

      *Are Safe to Sin No More!*

    • @RepairersoftheBreachEx.20.8-10
      @RepairersoftheBreachEx.20.8-10 8 дней назад

      *There is a Fountain*
      -Zechariah 13:1
      There is a fountain filled with blood,
      Drawn from Immanuel’s veins,
      And sinners plunged beneath that flood
      Lose all their guilty stains:
      Lose all their guilty stains,
      Lose all their guilty stains;
      And sinners plunged beneath that flood
      Lose all their guilty stains.
      The dying thief rejoiced to see
      That fountain in His day;
      And there have I, though vile as he,
      Washed all my sins away:
      Washed all my sins away,
      Washed all my sins away;
      And there have I, though vile as he,
      Washed all my sins away.
      Dear dying Lamb, Thy precious blood
      Shall never lose its pow’r,
      Till all the ransomed church of God
      *Are safe, to sin no more:*
      *Are safe, to sin no more,*
      *Are safe, to sin no more;*
      Till all the ransomed church of God
      *Are safe, to sin no more*

      E’er since by faith I saw the stream
      Thy flowing wounds supply,
      Redeeming love has been my theme,
      And shall be till I die:
      And shall be till I die,
      And shall be till I die;
      Redeeming love has been my theme,
      And shall be till I die.

      When this poor, lisping, stamm’ring tongue
      Lies silent in the grave,
      Then in a nobler, sweeter song,
      I’ll sing Thy pow’r to save:
      I’ll sing Thy pow’r to save,
      I’ll sing Thy pow’r to save;
      Then in a nobler, sweeter song,
      I’ll sing Thy pow’r to save.

  • @Sherlock245
    @Sherlock245 5 лет назад +3

    Please pray for the 18 who hate this song. 😥

    • @vuesnat
      @vuesnat 5 лет назад +1

      Dislike does not mean they hate the song. I have a friend who is a Christian who does not come from Western Musical Background and does not connect to this kind of music. When he worships he sings his songs in Middle Eastern Style, which sounds strange to my ears.

    • @Sherlock245
      @Sherlock245 4 года назад +3

      @@vuesnat but there is no reason to vote it down unless your not a Christian. Jesus was not western you now. Its rude and depressing so lots of prays for those downvoters.

    • @ricdavid7476
      @ricdavid7476 4 года назад

      @@Sherlock245 thats nonsense just because someone does not like over produced electronic music does not make them a pagan unbeliever. Its the same as saying that anyone who likes this is automatically saved. what about a person who knows no english and has no idea what is being sung but likes the tag line and the music does that make them a Christian?

    • @Sherlock245
      @Sherlock245 4 года назад +1

      @@ricdavid7476 grace to you will pray for you. 😀 only the lord can make you see. I would not down vote your video if you were playing jazz.
      And we dont condemn you to hell that was not the issue so sorry about that. Just felt heart broken you can pour out your soul and get bad feedback. 🤧 have you been called names before???

    • @ricdavid7476
      @ricdavid7476 4 года назад

      @@Sherlock245 Hello and trust that you are well where ever you are. The fact of the matter is people put a lot of stuff out here on you tube. The Gettys put it out for 2 reasons 1/ financial and 2/ spiritual. You have to ask them what % can be applied to those 2 positions. Anyone who is putting their product, and it is product , onto this medium better not be too thin skinned because not everyone likes everything and it would be naive to think they would.

  • @mevorahashem
    @mevorahashem 4 года назад +3

    Куплет 1
    Любовь Отца меня нашла,
    Из рва погибели спасла.
    И на скале стою теперь.
    Бог - моё спасенье.
    Куплет 2
    Не устрашусь я темноты
    Под сению Отца руки.
    И я увижу вновь рассвет.
    Бог - моё спасенье
    Кто похож как Господь наш Бог?
    Любит нас и спасает Он
    Мой долг прощен, свободен я.
    Бог - моё спасенье.
    Куплет 3
    Моя надежда на Христа:
    Всегда верны Его слова.
    Зима уйдёт, весна придёт.
    Бог - моё спасенье.
    Куплет 4
    Когда ко мне придёт нужда,
    И понесу потери я,
    Его любовь придёт ко мне.
    Бог - моё спасенье.
    Куплет 5
    Когда ж настигнет смерть меня,
    Не буду в прахе вечно я.
    Услышу зов, пойду домой.
    Бог - моё спасенье.
    Так да будет хвала Богу-Отцу.
    Так да будет хвала Богу-Сыну.
    Так да будет хвала Богу-Духу.
    Бог - моё спасенье.

  • @esthercoombs6913
    @esthercoombs6913 Год назад

    Praise God for being my salvation. ❤️🙏🙌

  • @jasonobrien1989
    @jasonobrien1989 3 года назад

    I do like Worship songs that are very bible text based and many of their songs are - great job.

  • @emmyngeno2602
    @emmyngeno2602 4 года назад +2

    Powerful timeless truth

  • @marchelohuafer6514
    @marchelohuafer6514 10 месяцев назад

    Soli Deo Gloria....

  • @corne2711
    @corne2711 8 лет назад +6

    Thank you so much. It is so beautiful!! God bless.

  • @antonieboshoff1
    @antonieboshoff1 4 года назад +2

    Great and anointed song. Thank you!

  • @praiseandworshipsongchrist709
    @praiseandworshipsongchrist709 5 месяцев назад +9

    Verse 1
    The grace of God has reached for me
    And pulled me from the raging sea
    And I am safe on this solid ground
    The Lord is my salvation
    Verse 2
    I will not fear when darkness falls
    His strength will help me scale these walls
    I’ll see the dawn of the rising sun
    The Lord is my salvation
    Who is like the Lord our God?
    Strong to save, faithful in love
    My debt is paid and the vict’ry won
    The Lord is my salvation
    Verse 3
    My hope is hidden in the Lord
    He flow’rs each promise of His Word
    When winter fades I know spring will come
    The Lord is my salvation
    Verse 4
    In times of waiting, times of need
    When I know loss, when I am weak
    I know His grace will renew these days
    The Lord is my salvation
    Who is like the Lord our God?
    Strong to save, faithful in love
    My debt is paid and the vict’ry won
    The Lord is my salvation
    Verse 5
    And when I reach my final day
    He will not leave me in the grave
    But I will rise,
    He will call me home
    The Lord is my salvation
    Who is like the Lord our God?
    Strong to save, faithful in love
    My debt is paid and the vict’ry won
    The Lord is my salvation
    Chorus 2
    Glory be to God the Father
    Glory be to God the Son
    Glory be to God the Spirit
    The Lord is our salvation
    Glory be to God the Father
    Glory be to God the Son
    Glory be to God the Spirit
    The Lord is our salvation
    The Lord is our salvation
    The Lord is our salvation

  • @xaviercasamada1946
    @xaviercasamada1946 7 лет назад +8

    God!: thanks because we let you sing these lyrics

  • @krisaksonify
    @krisaksonify 7 лет назад +6

    Yes, He is!

  • @lucymaria8273
    @lucymaria8273 5 лет назад +5

    Amazing !
    What about show the lyrics ?

  • @josephauld6565
    @josephauld6565 4 года назад +2

    You sing beautifully! The whole group is awesome. Love it!

  • @健前田-z7q
    @健前田-z7q 2 года назад +1


  • @fernandocarvalho6098
    @fernandocarvalho6098 5 лет назад +3

    Louvor bíblico ! Glória da Deus !

  • @jeremymaneipuri6970
    @jeremymaneipuri6970 4 года назад +1

    Praise be to God!

  • @maamehannah2802
    @maamehannah2802 5 лет назад +3

    Powerful words

  • @ekpeadew
    @ekpeadew 4 года назад +1

    The Lord is my salvation!

  • @kyeiprince5344
    @kyeiprince5344 4 года назад +1

    The Lord is my Salvtion. I love this song

  • @aruldasssarc8028
    @aruldasssarc8028 4 года назад

    Amen. Glory be to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen...

  • @joshletunovskiy2301
    @joshletunovskiy2301 3 года назад +1

    Global internet said that she did that mucus untitled comedy night’s wasn’t surprised 😯

  • @arpinetv1
    @arpinetv1 6 лет назад +5

    Love love

  • @marlonlaunio4012
    @marlonlaunio4012 4 года назад +2


  • @alanbauch2815
    @alanbauch2815 9 месяцев назад +1

    Boy howdy isn't Krystin just glorious! What an astounding voice!

      @RONNIEPBER 3 месяца назад

      Only when she sings in tune and not flat,

  • @theacharity4606
    @theacharity4606 2 года назад


  • @luizpauloviegasneves1398
    @luizpauloviegasneves1398 3 года назад

    Sensacional, sensacional. Sensacional!!! SOLI DEO GLORIA!!!