I don't always get things right * I should have placed Statue of liberty slightly higher as its a game defining wonder for Diplomatic Victory * I incorrectly understood how the Great Zimbabwe works. I blame it on tired brain
I think golden gate is still kind of a meme but the multiplier on the tourism and addition appeal would skyrocket tourism and could be in a city with enough production so show it some love and move it to E
The Eiffel Tower is absolutely amazing. And I agree mostly with what you are saying about it. However, I really think you are ignoring/didn't mention the power of it in a faith game. You yourself are the man who chops the rainforests and plants forests looking for appeal. If you do that with the earth goddess pantheon, and build the eiffel tower... Oh my god... Religious victory is guaranteed. It is just game over at that point. You will get +2 faith from basically every tile in your empire. You can literally have a mine with 3 mines beside it and they will all still be breathtaking. We are talking faith in the thousands per turn with correct forest/lumber mill placement. Like you said, this is deity, people should know about tile placement. Religious victory, culture victory, the Eiffel Tower is a must. Definite S tier.
Statue of Liberty is weird. It's an S for diplomatic victory and best counter against Eleanor. On the other hand, any warmonger who captures the city with it won't have loyalty problems.
I don't just want a victory type wonder list, I want a government card tier list, I want a unique building tier list, I want a unique unit tier list, I want a leader tier list, I want a pantheon tier list, I want a religion tier list............please?
@@matthewbroughton8593 Easy, start building a wonder when you realize a civ is about to finish it. You get the production back. It's just going to be mildly annoying at worst
1 Pick French Eleanor 2 Divine spark pantheon. 3 build stone henge and spread religion to neighbors while collecting relics. 4 throw down Hermitage and Sydney Opera house beside Beijing. 5 Laugh.
@@serg9320 Nah the rule should be that you must complete some reasonable fraction of the d-f tier wonders. If you get beaten to too many, reset and try again. Ultimate pain.
I think the reason he wants it in F is he normally plays maps like highlands or Pangaea where navies can be completely ignored. In maps that have actual water, navies can be game changing, especially since the AI is worse at naval unit management than it's land unit management.
Ancient Era Great Bath (F) 2:34 Hanging Gardens (E) 3:26 Oracle (S) 4:05 Pyramids (S) 5:22 Stonehenge (F) 6:10 Temple of Artemis (A) 6:55 Classical Era Great Lighthouse (F) 8:07 Great Library (B) 9:13 Apadana (D) 10:53 Colosseum (S) 11:24 Colossus (D) 11:49 Jebel Barkal (B) 12:44 Mausoleum of Halicarnassus (S++) 13:42 Mahabodhi Temple (A) 14:31 Machu Picchu (F) 15:17 Petra (A) 16:15 Terracotta Army (C) 17:39 Medieval Era Huey Teocali (D) 18:30 Hagia Sophia (B) 19:32 Alhambra (B) 20:20 Angkor Wat (B) 21:12 Chichen Itza (A) 22:12 Mont St. Michel (A) 22:55 Meenakshi Temple (C) 23:37 Kotoku-In (D) 24:14 Kilwa Kisiwani (S++) 24:52 University of Sankore (C) 26:55 Renaissance Great Zimbabwe (C) 27:49 Forbidden City (S) 28:22 Casa De Contractacion (C) 28:43 Saint Basil's Cathedral (A) 29:08 Potala Palace (B) 29:40 Taj Mahal (C) 30:02 Venetian Arsenal (B) 30:19 Industrial Hermitage (E) 31:34 Bolshoi Theater (C) 32:27 Big Ben (A) 32:50 Panama canal (F) 33:34 Oxford universe (A) 34:10 Orszaghaz (B) 34:43 Statue of Liberty (D) 35:10 Ruhr valley (S) 35:32 Modern Eiffel Tower (A, when built with Cristo Redentor) 36:14 Cristo Redentor (A, when built with Eiffel Tower) 36:23 Golden Gate Bridge (F) 37:35 Broadway (D) 38:01 Atomic Amunsen-Scott Research Station (B) 38:28 Estadio Do Maracana (B) 39:10 Sydney Opera House (F) 39:16 Let me know if you see any mistakes!
I agree with all of this except that the Huey Teocalli should be S tier based solely on getting to hear Sean Bean say Huizlopochtli. "Hoochtly Poochtly". Glorious.
Oh shoot. I've been building wonders only for the sake of them looking cool in my empire and not even paying attention to the bonuses. I'm starting to doubt my Civ 6 skill
You shouldn't, why do civs like China hate you for building wonders? It's because you're asserting dominance on them. Though in reality, yeah, build wonders for effects
Potato: "Any civ player can tell you how powerful these wonders are." Me, a super weak civ player who can barely make it past Prince: "Yeah, of course those are powerful, I definitely knew that."
@@jg-reis I just recently made the jump to Emperor. But honestly, these things help so much: Spy's - game changing. But i guess you know that Adjacency bonuses for districts learning when to declare war on other civs - So like, if at the start of the game you spawn close to a powerhouse civ, DELETE them from the game before they get their Unique Unit Getting bombers earlier than other civs - you can take out like 2 civs at once if you have like 6 bombers and a few speedy units to capture the cities Honestly, I'd love to start doing my own civ content. But, Potato just dominates the market xD
@@charlienorthover1702 Offer to do a collab with Potato -- can you both play the same maps & game seed and switch back between games to compare your choices? 'Meanwhile, at Charlie's...' :) I'd watch that! :) Thanks for the tips and there's a lot I don't know -- only starting to use spies. I'm basically learning by doing the online courses here at McWhiskey University. ^__^
@@jg-reis Yeah the McWhiskey university is a good one. I'll probs just start out by myself. I'm currently building my office (sisters old bedroom xD) so once that's done, i'll get some videos done. Honestly tho, potato is just god tier with it
@@dodo-ux4po yeah I do that too. If it is a desert without hills most of the time it doesn't pay off unless you do it way long term. If you're playing Mansa musa and have plenty of trade roots it's a good idea. By sending all your trades to one city you're stunting your growth in all the other ones is the main issue imo
I just started playing Civ in May, and I've been dumbstruck by how detailed (and somewhat complicated) the game is. I usually end up mashing myself through to a victory without a good understanding of how all the types of points and bonuses work together. Well I watched your Civ 6 tutorial for beginners with Scythia, and your detailed explanations really helped me see everything in a different light. I just finished a religious victory today as Persia and finally felt that I'm starting to understand the details better. And I was thrilled when I reached the part of this video where you explain how amazing Kilwa Kisiwana can be, because I used that in my game earlier today after becoming suzerain of Jerusalem and Yerevan :) I see comments like this all over your channel, but really---Thanks for helping make me a better Civ player.
@ If not making a joke: It's the "I might make tier lists based on victory type" - Cristo Redentor is much stronger in a Culture game than a Domination game for example
Potato: Some of these early wonders are just too hard to get on Deity. Qin Shi Huang: Sorry, is this some sort of peasant joke I'm too productive to understand?
I'm still with potato on most of what he said. On deity difficulty you sometimes don't even have it unlocked before they build it. Machu Pichu is the best example of this.
Ever since I discovered I can bomb other civilizations to oblivion with bombers/jet bombers on aircraft carriers I realized the Venetian Arsenal is the most OP wonder. You just easily build a few aircraft carriers and a strong navy to defend it, then you can easily destroy any city close enough to water. If you manage to isolate yourself in your own island continent and have this wonder, you basically become the UK during the WW2. Had someone declare war on me and while he was moving his troops over the sea, I just obliterated his over 1000 strength worth of army and his navy in just a single turn. It’s the most broken thing in the right circumstances.
2 Units For Price Of One even by itself is incredible. in most games you can have a single city be your main naval production facility and just call it a day.
Once while playing on Earth with historical start locations as Australia I settled a city smack-dab in the middle of the desert. I built Petra there and filled in pretty much all the other tiles with Outback Stations, it was glorious.
Analytical content like this is great! Sometimes when you're playing you don't have the time or the patience (or both) to get into detail and talk things out fully, but one gets the chance to share your their thoughts in a format like this.
@@fluffynator6222 Europ*an way of spelling AI. They think that "Intelligent Adversary" is a more intuitive way of describing a robotic opponent rather than "Artificial Intelligence". As if any human you're playing against in a game can't also be described as an intelligent adversary.
"I'd put venetian arsenal in F tier" Me: *spits drink* How you dare disrespect the navy again!? (rly, this is my must build wonder, after unlocking fregates you can easly destroy every naval city)
@@Ed-1749 yeah, thats like the only weakness of a navy based army, if the map permits, I struggle to find anything better than getting the +1 production to fishing boats for first religious belief and rushing to frigates and the building that turns harbor adjacenty bonus into production bonus too. pretty much unstoppable.
@Carson Picard On Archipelago/small continents with Norway it gets brutal too. Using it to churn out coastal raiders that hoover up yields from enemy civs is great
I was about to get mad when you put Hanging Gardens on the E list...but then I remember that I've been playing with modded wonders for so long, that I forgot what their default effects were haha. HG is on the top of my modded wonders list. But ya probably a lower tier in the default game. Good list my dude, also I am super happy that your channel is growing, keep it up!
luca keltie you don’t know the half of it when you play as the great nation of Australia should always bum rush Eiffel Tower on city’s that have 5 or lower appeal
The problem is that the appeal adjancency bonus doesn't work retroactively so your old districts doesn't get buffed, at least that was the case when I played Australia, but maybe that was a bug?
@@StorKejsaren Strange. I always build Eiffel tower whenever I'm playing as Australia. There's a noticeable increase in science, gold and culture when it's done.
Doesn’t seem that useful. It’d be a late atomic or information era wonder. a point in time when you are already completing space projects. What’s better? Spending 10 to 15 turns getting 10-20% bonus production on future space projects or straight up completing a space project. Also compare this to the great scientists and engineers that grant 100% production towards space projects and it completely pales in comparison.
@@leftymcshotty4784 Agreed. Maybe also have it give a science bonus to each Spaceport. Could be useful if you're in a tighter race, and make building multiple Spaceports more useful.
Tier lists that you need to make: Leader/civ tier list Policy tier list District tier list Unit tier list Terrain tier list Map tier list Unique unit tier list Unique building tier list Pantheon tier list Civ youtuber tier list Civs to murder tier list Civs that are chill tier list (gilgabro is for once at the top of a tier list) Tier list tier list If you have any other ideas feel free to reply with them.
I have come to find out over the course of the last year or so of me playing Civilization VI: Gathering Storm is some Districts are situation purpose only, or at best. This is especially true for the Encampment District. Entirely due to where you plant your City in question and the opposition plants their City or Cities in direct relation to your City or Cities a single or a series of Encampments in your outlying Cities can make all the difference. Specifically, being defeated with up to excessive ease or you beating down one or more Civilizations who decided for whatever reason or reasons that you are easy prey and come to rip out your throat. More than a few dozen times over the last year or so with C IV: Gathering Storm in the Early Game I have had up to a fricken World War declared on me. Why? I presume the AI Civs would tell me in unison, "Because fuck you that's why!". I can tell you right now if this scenario plays out on you you may very well RageQuit, keep playing the best you can and resort to a War Game Victory Path instead of your original non-War Game Victory Path, or just say, "Fuck it!" and start a whole new map altogether. Though, if you are like me you will play on the default difficulty because the AI does not actually become any better at the higher difficulties. So why bother? I have made some custom Maps with the World Map Editor in-game. I have come to find out that because of the game's programming to randomize the placements of pretty much every one unless if you specifically make your custom map ultra legendarily rich in Luxuries, Bonus, and/or Strategic Resources the game may slap you in the most resource intensive areas or the least resource intensive places. The game does the same to City-States too. So you can literally play six back to back games on a custom map of yours and literally no game will be identical... or even remotely similar.
Leader Agenda tier list Exploit tier list Civ to build Nukes with tier list Civ 6 Memes tier list Government tier list Age tier list Early/Mid/Late Game Civs tier lists City-State tier list Civics/Techs tier list City Project tier list
I tend to rush Venetian Arsenal for several reasons. 1. Double the amount of ships you can build. 2. The less time you need to build your fleet, the more you can invest in your economy. 3. I play multiplayer against some very war dedicated players and depending on who gets the Venetian Arsenal, it can change whether your going to have an easy game or a difficult game. This is the one wonder I don't want anyone else to have. Even more so then other wonders
"ah yes the classical wonders are by far the best in the game, so many s tier wonders" >proceeds to slam every single classical wonder, placing 80% of them under s tier
Tier list that sets out criteria, actually works like a tier list grouping things based on the effect thy have on the game rather than arbitrary cut off points and is a genuinely useful resource for other players: A tier tier list. Bonus marks for not being 4 hours long. :P
I do want you to make a tier lists for Civs, great wonders and Natural wonders sorted by difficulty and victory types. Pls like this comment if only to make Potato regrets to ever asking this kind of reaction of his subscribers.
Celtic Phoenix Rome’s most powerful ability is the free monument which allows your boarder to expand, and plus 2 culture is extremely useful in the early game to unlock the civ tree. Just think about how many turns you need to build a monument after you settle a new city in the early game
@Celtic Phoenix Celtic Phoenix China is definitely as culturally signifcant as Rome IRL. Rome is more of a military powerhouse in-game, which makes sense since they were mainly known for military conquests. The instant roads mean you don't have to invest in traders and can immediately move units around very easily. The unit can clear woods/rainforest/marsh or build a free, extremely early fort. It's also just better than the swordsman in general. The bath takes the aqueduct, a great district, and makes it better in every way. Plus they have the monument thing. Mansa Musa is Mali, not Nubia. He's ok, but Nubia is kinda strong. Most of the other stuff you said is reasonable, although I think you're underrating Germany's city-state killing. Sometimes it's good to keep them but when you have a bunch or the wrong types it can be better to conquer them.
Some wonders are better suited for different civilizations. For example, Petra is S+++ tier for Mansa Musa (Mali civ). His settlements gain +1 food for each adjacent Desert tile, whether it is a hill or flat. So you can literally put your capital in the middle of the dessert so that you gain the most of Petra. Later in the game, its efficiency wears off because of the many districts present in the city but by that time you should have enough trade routes with other nations. They are more than enough to feed and grow your capital. Machu Picchu is great for the Inca. Temple of Artemis for Poundmaker. Apadana is a great early wonder if you are chasing diplomatic victory. I played with Poundmaker on Deity difficulty (marathon speed) and built that wonder right after Temple of Artemis. Later in that game, I had enough envoys to be the suzerain of most city-states that were useful to me. The map was huge and there were around 18 city-states and I was the suzerain of more than 6. The bonuses that my civilization gets from the city-states are what make Apadana worth it. It's not only about diplomatic favor, I always have armies ready at my side so I can focus on the development of cities instead of defenses. If someone declares a surprise war on me and I have a city-state near his cities it becomes easy for me to take his cities. There are also diplomatic cards that bring you bonuses like +2 Science, Culture, Gold from each city in which you are the suzerain, and +1 gold for each envoy that you have sent to a city-state. I always build Potala Palace because of the extra diplomatic policy card slot and the Forbidden City. It allows me to optimize my income. International trade becomes viable once you have unlocked the diplomatic card which gives you +2 Food and Production for allied civilizations. But I have 2-3 more diplomatic cards that I want to use at the same time. The one which gives bonus influence points and the one that gives +1 gold for each envoy sent. I almost never use any military cards besides the one which reduces the maintenance cost and upgrade cost. My favorite leaders are Cleopatra, Mansa Musa, and Poundmaker and with them, I always have high gold income and can purchase military units straight away. So I don't need any military production cards. Stonehenge is only useful if you need to choose founder beliefs that are usually taken first from the AI. I don't need to build Stonehage when I am playing with Mali because by the time an enemy Civ has finished building it I already have enough faith to purchase a great prophet with faith because my cities are in the desert and generate +6 Faith each turn. Then I pick the feed the world belief and unlock the Gurdwara building. I really need those because otherwise, my population will never grow because there are only mines that produce gold in my cities. On their own, my cities will be capped at 4, at which point I can purchase a commercial hub, with those beliefs my population gets capped at 9. When they are 7 ppl in the city I can buy campus. I almost never bother to construct a theater outside my capital. I'd rather spend the money on buying a new settler. Monuments already provide me with +2 culture. New cities provide me with new trade routes. Trade routes give gold, food, production, science, culture, and faith to my capital and increase my diplomatic visibility. In my last game, I had 40 trade routes going from my capital to allied civilization. My production per turn was 544. The science victory projects, which further boost the speed of my initial exoplanet project, took only 2 turns to complete because of Pingala's and Synthetic Technocracy's project cost reduction. I've been playing for over a week now so I don't know a lot about culture victory. But soon I think I will start playing civilizations that are suited for that type of victory.
Great video! I personally have found that Petra can be really useful when you have large swaths of uninhabitable desert, and get it early enough to fertilize it all. Has been one of my favorites, in my (relatively) short time playing this game
I think a civilization leader tier list would be interesting to see, would rather see that before a victory type wonder list cuz it's redundant at that point
I had the perfect storm for a Petra on my last game. Nothing but desert but lots of desert hills and two oasis and also mountains at the end and a natural wonder. With religion and culture tile upgrades and Petra that desert became the wealthiest place in the world lol. It was amazing. I was biting my nails hoping nobody else was building it because I just knew how good it was going to be.
I loved your analysis, I might not agree in every wonder but you explained yourself very soundly and even in some cases like the stonehenge, you even managed to explain why I would rate it way higher up. Keep up the good work, it was a surprise to find so valid arguments and considerations
What we really need is a Pizza tier list. He's got the method for reheating it too. Potato is a pizza intellectual, and should bless us with the Pizza lists.
Thanks for the tier list and thinking process around their placements. I see I've been overlooking a number of awesome wonders, and holding onto others that aren't as good. The Venetian Arsenal has saved at least one game for me (situation below for the interested) and made a number of others (mostly naval maps) much easier to win. So, it still holds a place in my heart but I get it's placement given how badly late-game navies scale (Air forces & Giant Death Robots OP). Game Saving Situation: My borders were pretty well defended at the time, but my coastal capital wasn't. An AI (I think was friendly at the time) blind-sided me with a surprise war and took my capital in about 3 turns and had it sprout 70+ defense walls immediately when I had at best a couple frigates. I finished the VA and pumped out TONS of Frigates to eventually whittle down "my" capital to where I could reclaim it. I think I ended up with about a dozen Fleets (turned Armadas with some more production) later due to the sheer volume of Frigates I had to take shots at the capital and retreat from heavy return fire. I returned the favor much later by nuking most of that AI's cities into dust and claiming them after the fact.
I assume you don't look at comments of older videos, but these tier list videos are so amazing. They give so much insight as to what a diety player would strategize and insight a lot of game knowledge in a single video. Playthroughs are great, but an overview of what is fantastic and what is situational is just exceptional. Thank you so much.
Ive never played diety, and I realized recently that I had essentially won most games by the industrial era, and it was just coasting after that and it had been putting me off the mid to late game. This has been helpful to contextualize when to go for wonders, some of which I would build 100 turns after unlocking, you have been highlighting, and one of my top 5s (venetian arsenal) was almost put in F!! Much to learn
Temple of Artemis is one of my favorite wonders because you can often get 4-6 amenities from it and then you don't have to worry about amenities for like the first third of the game.
I recently came to Civ 6 after a long time playing 4. Looked at Stonehenge for ten seconds and wondered, why would I ever build this? Glad to know I had the right intuition!
When it comes to Civ, i tend to play more as a romantic. I want to be a king over my people, i want to design my cities, i want to build wonders that match my civilization. So when i play germany, the Ruhr is appropiate. And the pyramids cause its my tombstone for when i be whisked off among the stars. Or i play purely for the flavour texts, such as Stonehenge, or Oxford. And such things as difficulty level just detract from the experience. Naturally i understand its a very subjective list, but perhaps Mr Potato, you could give us a list of your favourites. Not by rating, or quality, but by the feeling it produces when you get to build it. I'd imagine that would net us a very different list of wonders. And perhaps very much enjoyable as well.
I'm stupid. I spent so much time on Civ's games. And for months now, I stopped playing. Why ? Because I forced myself playing on harder difficulties, I stressed myself, I even made 1 or 2 rage quit when a civ build a wonder that I plan for so long time... Now, with your comment, I feel stupid. I love this game for this romantic way too. I'm not weaker because I just want to make a casual play.
@@adrianfenwick2571 To me this is what elevates Civ over the other 4X games. It's not just about strategy. Its also a beautiful world to just chill in and manage a personalised little society, with no designs on winning or without the concept of "winning" even in your head. For example, my favourite elements of the game might be the sound design and music, which have nothing to do with winning. I'll even pick a Civ for their music over their perks.
@@adrianfenwick2571 I tend to play games for the fun they are. If i get beaten or killed, i tend to not have fun. So i usually select easy, or in the case of civ, chieftain or warlord. And i like abundant resources, because i like easy. And then i play and suddenly find myself at 4 in the morning because i just travelled to the stars. That's the power of civ. Who cares if it was on chieftain instead of deity, and that i could have easiley steamrolled my modern armor and giant deathrobots over my crossbow armed opponents instead of going to space, i had fun. And thats why i play.
I really like going for naval domination when I play, and consistently encounter this phase in the renaissance where I'm transitioning from having just enough navy to get by, to having three times as many frigates as the next guy. During that time of massive naval build-up, even that little bit of extra movement from the Great Lighthouse really helps get ships out of port, across the world, and into combat. I don't know that it actually matters, but it certainly feels like it does.
I was gonna complain about Mont St. Michel in A until you moved Christo Redentor and Eiffel tower there too. I'm glad you listened to the feedback on Venetian arsenal, but I agree with you that navies are very situational, so I think C or D is more accurate. While it is incredibly strong, it only is in maybe 5-10% of games, maybe even less. Since Golden Gate Bridge boosts improvements, I think it could be good for some civ unique improvements, since you could build the bridge and then buy a couple of builders to remove all of that cities improvements and replace them with the unique improvement. Also applies to Colossal heads and Moai. Still very situational, but E tier might be reasonable. Overall, great tier list! It was very interesting to hear your thought process on certain wonders that I had overlooked or overrated.
List of "World Wonders" Classical Wonders Era: 2:36 Great Bath 2:28 Hanging Garden 4:08 Oracle 5:24 Pyramids 6:12 Stonehenge 6:57 Temple of Artemis Renaissance Wonders Era: 8:08 Great Lighthouse 9:15 Great Library 10:56 Apadana 11:25 Colosseum 11:49 Colossus 12:43 Jebel Barkal 13:43 Mausoleum at Halicarnassus 14:32 Mahabodhi Temple 15:17 Machu Picchu 16:16 Petra 17:38 Terracotta Army Industrial Wonders Era: 18:31 Heuy Teocalli 19:34 Hagia Sophia 20:21 Alhambra 21:15 Angkor Wat 22:14 Chicen Itza 22:57 Mont St Michel 23:36 Meenakshi Temple 24:14 Kotoku-In 24:54 Kilwa Kisiwani 26:54 University of Sankore Modern Wonders Era: 27:50 Great Zimbabwe 28:24 Forbidden City 28:43 Casa de Construction 29:08 St Basil's Cathedral 29:40 Potala Palace 30:02 Taj Mahal 30:19 Venetian Arsenal 31:35 Hermitage 32:29 Bolshoi Theatre 32:51 Big Ben 33:34 Panama Canal 34:12 Oxford University 34:44 Országház 35:12 Statue of Liberty 35:32 Ruhr Valley 36:16 Eiffel Tower 36:22 Cristo Redentor 37:36 Golden Gate Bridge 38:01 Broadway Atomic Wonders Era: 38:28 Amundsen Scott Research Station 39:11 Estádio do Maracanã 39:15 Sydney Opera House Thanks for reading! ;)
Agreed. Some are generalist like the card wonders, Oracle, and Kilwa, but most focus on one or two victories (and all are minorly useful in Tourism) and are wastes of time outside those.
@@anonymoushiram7672 in a recent game while going for science victory i managed to get up to 1.5k gold per turn in the modern era. by the time i won i had 3 or 4k gold per turn and had 100k gold
The Panama canal will always be an S tier wonder for me because it allowed me to once move my entire navy through my continent during a game saving me from a surprise naval attack in a MP game.
Big ben is probably the only wonder i consistently attempt to build. Especially in a domination game. The double gold is awesome when you have 5k or more in the bank and it take you over 10k. I just buy every unit or building i need from there and can focus on late game wonders, and districts that cant be bought
IMO the water bonuses from the mausoleum should’ve been given to the great lighthouse, as it would make it much more worth building and the mausoleum was powerful enough anyway. It would also mean that the lighthouse would be a clear naval wonder with the mausoleum as a clear engineer (and possibly scientists if they’d kept that) wonder, as right now you often build it for the extra charges without really caring about the water tile bonuses or vice versa.
Every single wonder can be S-tier in certain situation, Chichen Itza in Brazil games, I love building Casa de Contratacion on Phoenicia games, Alhambra have the same effect as forbidden city in a Poland game, but man, I can never build machu Picchu on emperor or higher. Sad Incan noises
I had a game, where I just try to build as many wonders as possible, combined with almost all great writers, artists and musicians, before i knew it, I won a culture victory
Potato, if you happen to see this, I'd be curious if Bolshoi goes up at all when you recognize it's one of the earliest places you can slot in and get Culture/Tourism yields from GW of Music. I feel like GWoM are pretty powerful for a Tourism game, but are so often locked behind later Wonders/buildings like Broadway or Broadcast Centers (or the even rarer things that give universal GW slots), that this relatively niche slot gives some real use to Bolshoi in a Tourism game. Love this list! Agree with pretty much all of this (including the "We Stan Venetian Arsenal") and like other commenters, I'd love to see more tier lists from you in the future!
I love how the Amundsen-Scott Reseach Station can give you 400 science/turn, but by then you are already reseaching future tech in 1 turn, so it's totally useless.
Ive saved my game from total loss by building the Venetian Arsenal. It enables you to have small army you can keep covered from the coast to obliterate your enemies with. Its a great wonder.
Overall I agree with the list, however I still feel like people overate Petra, mainly because it was the best wonder in civ 5 and because people are desperate to make desert useful. If you are building Petra in a city that is already good then that means you don't really need a few tiles with boosted yields, you'd rather have the space for districts and wonders. If you are building Petra in a bad city then it's harder to get and you have to give your city a lot of help through trade routes and builders. It also means that if you miss out on Petra you are just stuck with a bad city. I only ever go for it if I have a decent city with 5+ desert hills, or if I'm playing as Australia or Mali.
You should see what petra looks like with pachacuti, when your desert has lots of hills/mountains. You don't really suffer getting it online either... Sometimes I prejac just thinking about it.
The AI don't beeline the civics and techs like the human players do so it'll take time for them to unlock Oracle. Civs with hills bias like Korea and Georgia are more likely to build this wonder. Same also with wonder whore civs.
I've been playing some Civ VI and saw some exploits of the game, which got me interested in knowing whether there was a wonder tier list. Thank you for this video, man!
The Panama Canal has another use case: you get a steam achievement when you build it, two canals and have two cities, and so have a *seven* tiles long canal
Tier lists are very hard to make for games like civ, since there are several victory conditions. If you ever feel motivated enough, tier lists per victory type would be the ideal way to please more people. But I get it if you don't have the time. Keep up the good work!
"This wonder is really really bad so I'm going to put it into E but actually I'll put it in C. I should put it in E, it's really bad, but I'm going to put it in C." "This wonder is really bad. Actually, it is very good, but it's very bad." Literally 75% of the wonders on this list was one of these.
16:04 I'm a humble king level player... I literally HAVE to tech rush Machu Pichu AND chop some wood to get it in most of the games that I build it. But damn is it lovely when you do get it. But yes, everyone and their mother runs up those mountains to build the thing.
It's a bit hard to place wonders that can be so incredibly situational, but I still think both Venetian Arsenal and Great Zimbabwe should be S tier for the simple reason that in the right game, simply building them should immediately auto-win you the whole game. On an island map, whoever builds the Venetian Arsenal just doubles all relevant military forces for the whole game which makes it a cakewalk. Just spam out ships and nothing can stop you. And the Great Zimbabwe... it's hard to build due to its weird placement restrictions and even then it's dependent on the amount of bonus resources the city has, but I've had games where I've built it in cities with like 8-10 bonus resources in range. Rerouting all trade routes to that city can then effectively double or maybe even triple your gold income. At that point you'll be swimming in so much money you can kinda just buy whatever and win with it. The only thing you must always remember to do is put a spy on permament counter-espionage duty in the city's commercial hub or the AI will rob you 24/7 lol Also I was a bit surprised when you talked about Kilwa and said that most people would probably just toss it aside; I was like wtf I thought it was common knowledge that this is pretty much always an amazing wonder and has been since release
I don't always get things right
* I should have placed Statue of liberty slightly higher as its a game defining wonder for Diplomatic Victory
* I incorrectly understood how the Great Zimbabwe works. I blame it on tired brain
Tier all the things!! I love these videos!!!!!! How tough would it be to do one of of these in a live format????
I think golden gate is still kind of a meme but the multiplier on the tourism and addition appeal would skyrocket tourism and could be in a city with enough production so show it some love and move it to E
The Eiffel Tower is absolutely amazing. And I agree mostly with what you are saying about it. However, I really think you are ignoring/didn't mention the power of it in a faith game. You yourself are the man who chops the rainforests and plants forests looking for appeal. If you do that with the earth goddess pantheon, and build the eiffel tower... Oh my god... Religious victory is guaranteed. It is just game over at that point. You will get +2 faith from basically every tile in your empire. You can literally have a mine with 3 mines beside it and they will all still be breathtaking. We are talking faith in the thousands per turn with correct forest/lumber mill placement. Like you said, this is deity, people should know about tile placement. Religious victory, culture victory, the Eiffel Tower is a must. Definite S tier.
Statue of Liberty is weird. It's an S for diplomatic victory and best counter against Eleanor. On the other hand, any warmonger who captures the city with it won't have loyalty problems.
So.. Where would you put the great zimbabwe now?
I don't just want a victory type wonder list, I want a government card tier list, I want a unique building tier list, I want a unique unit tier list, I want a leader tier list, I want a pantheon tier list, I want a religion tier list............please?
1) Alpha Centauri
2) Everthing else
Where's my tier list tier list?!
City state suzerainity bonuses tier list
Leader tier list would be great!
I usually build the Christo Redentor just to T-Pose on everyone, even if I’m not going for Culture or Faith. The dominance is too good to pass up
Brasil Thanks you for the kind words, You are now the new minister of Belize...
@@LAZERAK47V2 "Here you go sir, a two bed suite."
It just looks so beautifull, I always want to build it. Who can stand against you if Christ is with you
Assert dominance. Brazil new what it was doin way before us.
Now you have to play a game where you build a winning strategy around building d-f tier wonders exclusively.
Well to win a game u dont have to build any wonders (depends on type of vic and civ playing) the production can be spent elsewhere
Play a game where you MUST build the d-f tier wonders. Or at least try to. That way you are delibrately wasting production on trashy wonders.
@@matthewbroughton8593 Easy, start building a wonder when you realize a civ is about to finish it. You get the production back. It's just going to be mildly annoying at worst
1 Pick French Eleanor
2 Divine spark pantheon.
3 build stone henge and spread religion to neighbors while collecting relics.
4 throw down Hermitage and Sydney Opera house beside Beijing.
5 Laugh.
@@serg9320 Nah the rule should be that you must complete some reasonable fraction of the d-f tier wonders. If you get beaten to too many, reset and try again. Ultimate pain.
An extra point - When you train a fleet or armada, the venetian arsenal duplicates those too.
Also, if you train singular units it's basically a free upgrade to fleets
This wonder has changed games for me.
@@FallenStarz649 for real i Always do it
I think the reason he wants it in F is he normally plays maps like highlands or Pangaea where navies can be completely ignored.
In maps that have actual water, navies can be game changing, especially since the AI is worse at naval unit management than it's land unit management.
It is my favourite wonder. I love building it with germany to build up a naval force.
Ancient Era
Great Bath (F) 2:34
Hanging Gardens
(E) 3:26
(S) 4:05
(S) 5:22
(F) 6:10
Temple of Artemis (A) 6:55
Classical Era
Great Lighthouse
(F) 8:07
Great Library (B) 9:13
(D) 10:53
(S) 11:24
(D) 11:49
Jebel Barkal
(B) 12:44
Mausoleum of Halicarnassus
(S++) 13:42
Mahabodhi Temple
(A) 14:31
Machu Picchu
(F) 15:17
(A) 16:15
Terracotta Army (C) 17:39
Medieval Era
Huey Teocali
(D) 18:30
Hagia Sophia
(B) 19:32
(B) 20:20
Angkor Wat
(B) 21:12
Chichen Itza
(A) 22:12
Mont St. Michel
(A) 22:55
Meenakshi Temple
(C) 23:37
Kotoku-In (D) 24:14
Kilwa Kisiwani
(S++) 24:52
University of Sankore (C) 26:55
Great Zimbabwe
(C) 27:49
Forbidden City
(S) 28:22
Casa De Contractacion
(C) 28:43
Saint Basil's Cathedral
(A) 29:08
Potala Palace (B) 29:40
Taj Mahal
(C) 30:02
Venetian Arsenal (B) 30:19
(E) 31:34
Bolshoi Theater (C) 32:27
Big Ben
(A) 32:50
Panama canal
(F) 33:34
Oxford universe
(A) 34:10
(B) 34:43
Statue of Liberty
(D) 35:10
Ruhr valley (S) 35:32
Eiffel Tower
(A, when built with Cristo Redentor) 36:14
Cristo Redentor
(A, when built with Eiffel Tower) 36:23
Golden Gate Bridge
(F) 37:35
Broadway (D) 38:01
Amunsen-Scott Research Station
(B) 38:28
Estadio Do Maracana
(B) 39:10
Sydney Opera House (F) 39:16
Let me know if you see any mistakes!
Thanks for this
King 👑
This comment deserves to be pinned.
Kilva is S++
@@The360MlgNoscoper Good catch! I updated that to be S++.
I agree with all of this except that the Huey Teocalli should be S tier based solely on getting to hear Sean Bean say Huizlopochtli. "Hoochtly Poochtly". Glorious.
Is this on youtube somewhere?
Than just play Aztecs, youll hear it all the time ;)
How is that even supposed to be probounced?
@@Djnomad912 weets-ill-oh-poch-tlee
@@Djnomad912 ruclips.net/video/zX9ElN66vfA/видео.html at 5:48 he says it
Oh shoot. I've been building wonders only for the sake of them looking cool in my empire and not even paying attention to the bonuses. I'm starting to doubt my Civ 6 skill
You shouldn't, why do civs like China hate you for building wonders? It's because you're asserting dominance on them. Though in reality, yeah, build wonders for effects
@@celtoucan4956 build the Cristo Redentor on the borders so he T-poses on them.
@@celtoucan4956 sometimes i do it out of pure spite
@@user-ft3jq5vi2l big dick energy
When i first got this game, i thought wonders just gave you swagger point so i figured id build the coolest looking ones
Potato: "Any civ player can tell you how powerful these wonders are."
Me, a super weak civ player who can barely make it past Prince: "Yeah, of course those are powerful, I definitely knew that."
I've been playing at Emperor level for the last few games.
I'm enjoying the beatings I'm getting.
@@jg-reis I just recently made the jump to Emperor. But honestly, these things help so much:
Spy's - game changing. But i guess you know that
Adjacency bonuses for districts
learning when to declare war on other civs - So like, if at the start of the game you spawn close to a powerhouse civ, DELETE them from the game before they get their Unique Unit
Getting bombers earlier than other civs - you can take out like 2 civs at once if you have like 6 bombers and a few speedy units to capture the cities
Honestly, I'd love to start doing my own civ content. But, Potato just dominates the market xD
@@charlienorthover1702 Offer to do a collab with Potato -- can you both play the same maps & game seed and switch back between games to compare your choices? 'Meanwhile, at Charlie's...' :) I'd watch that! :)
Thanks for the tips and there's a lot I don't know -- only starting to use spies. I'm basically learning by doing the online courses here at McWhiskey University. ^__^
@@jg-reis Yeah the McWhiskey university is a good one. I'll probs just start out by myself. I'm currently building my office (sisters old bedroom xD) so once that's done, i'll get some videos done. Honestly tho, potato is just god tier with it
@@charlienorthover1702 Subbed you, hopeful to see your content some day! :D
I love how Petra makes a desert town easily become a metropolis
The only problem with petra is how difficult it is to get unless you have great engineer for it
@@khalilrahme5227 I usually just throw all of my trade routes to the Petra construction city until it's done to get some production
@@dodo-ux4po yeah I do that too. If it is a desert without hills most of the time it doesn't pay off unless you do it way long term. If you're playing Mansa musa and have plenty of trade roots it's a good idea. By sending all your trades to one city you're stunting your growth in all the other ones is the main issue imo
@@khalilrahme5227 I like using Petra with John Curtain, the outback stations really make those desert tiles amazing
@@hrew9997 hm, I haven't tried that actually. Might be a good idea
I just started playing Civ in May, and I've been dumbstruck by how detailed (and somewhat complicated) the game is. I usually end up mashing myself through to a victory without a good understanding of how all the types of points and bonuses work together. Well I watched your Civ 6 tutorial for beginners with Scythia, and your detailed explanations really helped me see everything in a different light. I just finished a religious victory today as Persia and finally felt that I'm starting to understand the details better. And I was thrilled when I reached the part of this video where you explain how amazing Kilwa Kisiwana can be, because I used that in my game earlier today after becoming suzerain of Jerusalem and Yerevan :) I see comments like this all over your channel, but really---Thanks for helping make me a better Civ player.
Huey, Dewey and Louie Teocalli: the three mythical Aztecan duck kings
2000 years ago, they slept in stone under the city of Rome, but one day they will reawaken
Bruh I actually took five minutes reading this Bc I kept reading Huey in Nahuatl
Wamu,Kars and ACDC
@@TheBlueArmageddon what is that aayayyayayaya I suddenly heard
Ha, Ducktales
Christo Redentor T-Posing to show dominance over the inferior Wonders.
Would love the split victory condition wonder tier list
Me too
@ If not making a joke: It's the "I might make tier lists based on victory type" - Cristo Redentor is much stronger in a Culture game than a Domination game for example
Potato: Some of these early wonders are just too hard to get on Deity.
Qin Shi Huang: Sorry, is this some sort of peasant joke I'm too productive to understand?
Fredrick Barbarossa: Is Mein either way fraulein.
Qin Shi Huang with 6 1 charge builders prepared and already 10% production in; 你已經來不及了
I'm still with potato on most of what he said. On deity difficulty you sometimes don't even have it unlocked before they build it. Machu Pichu is the best example of this.
Ever since I discovered I can bomb other civilizations to oblivion with bombers/jet bombers on aircraft carriers I realized the Venetian Arsenal is the most OP wonder. You just easily build a few aircraft carriers and a strong navy to defend it, then you can easily destroy any city close enough to water. If you manage to isolate yourself in your own island continent and have this wonder, you basically become the UK during the WW2. Had someone declare war on me and while he was moving his troops over the sea, I just obliterated his over 1000 strength worth of army and his navy in just a single turn. It’s the most broken thing in the right circumstances.
Some would say that it's broken in the right circumstances and I mean that in a good way
u can also unite carriers into armadas so they become unkillable
The aircraft carriers are never the problem.. it’s the aluminium you need to operate the planes that matters.
@@cylee4735 usually if you have a few colonies the aluminum isn’t that bad, worst case you have a settler ready to go to a place that has aluminum
2 Units For Price Of One even by itself is incredible. in most games you can have a single city be your main naval production facility and just call it a day.
Once while playing on Earth with historical start locations as Australia I settled a city smack-dab in the middle of the desert. I built Petra there and filled in pretty much all the other tiles with Outback Stations, it was glorious.
Ever since watching Drew Durnill's Civ videos, my brain automatically reads "Outback Steakhouses".
Analytical content like this is great! Sometimes when you're playing you don't have the time or the patience (or both) to get into detail and talk things out fully, but one gets the chance to share your their thoughts in a format like this.
Potato never loses his patience. uwu
I actually love how the F-tier is more of a "Wonders impossible to build due to IA" instead of "Useless wonders"
@@fluffynator6222 You get investigated by internal affairs if you build them
@@fluffynator6222 AI
@@fluffynator6222 Europ*an way of spelling AI. They think that "Intelligent Adversary" is a more intuitive way of describing a robotic opponent rather than "Artificial Intelligence".
As if any human you're playing against in a game can't also be described as an intelligent adversary.
@@snaek2594I am from europe and I never heard anyone saying IA instead of AI. I think its just a typo.
"I'd put venetian arsenal in F tier"
Me: *spits drink* How you dare disrespect the navy again!?
(rly, this is my must build wonder, after unlocking fregates you can easly destroy every naval city)
When you use moar units and you get naval bombards, the Venetian arsenal is a must build for domination.
@@stephencrompton4352 indeed my friends. Army or fregates = Half of enemy's city destroyed
@@Ed-1749 yeah, thats like the only weakness of a navy based army, if the map permits, I struggle to find anything better than getting the +1 production to fishing boats for first religious belief and rushing to frigates and the building that turns harbor adjacenty bonus into production bonus too. pretty much unstoppable.
@Carson Picard On Archipelago/small continents with Norway it gets brutal too. Using it to churn out coastal raiders that hoover up yields from enemy civs is great
Usually my friends and I ban it just cause who ever gets it gets total naval supremacy.
I was about to get mad when you put Hanging Gardens on the E list...but then I remember that I've been playing with modded wonders for so long, that I forgot what their default effects were haha. HG is on the top of my modded wonders list. But ya probably a lower tier in the default game. Good list my dude, also I am super happy that your channel is growing, keep it up!
Oooooh modded wonders? Where? I want them now haha
@@SuncliffEnjoyer Steam workshop probably
Didnt expect to see Jack Chapple here lol
If your playing Australia then Eiffel Tower becomes arguably one of the best wonders in the game no matter what victory you are going for
luca keltie you don’t know the half of it when you play as the great nation of Australia should always bum rush Eiffel Tower on city’s that have 5 or lower appeal
The problem is that the appeal adjancency bonus doesn't work retroactively so your old districts doesn't get buffed, at least that was the case when I played Australia, but maybe that was a bug?
@@StorKejsaren Strange. I always build Eiffel tower whenever I'm playing as Australia. There's a noticeable increase in science, gold and culture when it's done.
“Now I do seem to be picking on a lot of English wonders, and I wonder why that is.”
He is Irish you know. But if of a difference
@@indivestor Thats the joke bud
That killed me.
They really should add the Kennedy Space center: operates as a space center and gives a 10-20% production boost to rocket/colony components.
This. Someone please mod this in.
Doesn’t seem that useful. It’d be a late atomic or information era wonder. a point in time when you are already completing space projects. What’s better? Spending 10 to 15 turns getting 10-20% bonus production on future space projects or straight up completing a space project. Also compare this to the great scientists and engineers that grant 100% production towards space projects and it completely pales in comparison.
@@leftymcshotty4784 Agreed. Maybe also have it give a science bonus to each Spaceport. Could be useful if you're in a tighter race, and make building multiple Spaceports more useful.
Wouldn't you rather just spend that production on building said components?
The russian "counterpart" of the Kennedy Space Center would be the better wonder for this effect.
This your dose of anachronism: “I’m really glad I built the Venetian arsenal.”
- some Irish guy circa 2020
It would be interesting to see a great person tier list
Every single Great Writer is C tier.
I agree
I just hate how einstein and isac newton are just op at compared to stuff like great admirals or great engineers
A 40 minute video to conclude that Adam Smith is S tier
A combo of Serguei Korolev,Von Braun and Carl sagan is perfect for science victory
Tier lists that you need to make:
Leader/civ tier list
Policy tier list
District tier list
Unit tier list
Terrain tier list
Map tier list
Unique unit tier list
Unique building tier list
Pantheon tier list
Civ youtuber tier list
Civs to murder tier list
Civs that are chill tier list (gilgabro is for once at the top of a tier list)
Tier list tier list
If you have any other ideas feel free to reply with them.
Best comments tier list?
I have come to find out over the course of the last year or so of me playing Civilization VI: Gathering Storm is some Districts are situation purpose only, or at best. This is especially true for the Encampment District. Entirely due to where you plant your City in question and the opposition plants their City or Cities in direct relation to your City or Cities a single or a series of Encampments in your outlying Cities can make all the difference. Specifically, being defeated with up to excessive ease or you beating down one or more Civilizations who decided for whatever reason or reasons that you are easy prey and come to rip out your throat.
More than a few dozen times over the last year or so with C IV: Gathering Storm in the Early Game I have had up to a fricken World War declared on me. Why? I presume the AI Civs would tell me in unison, "Because fuck you that's why!". I can tell you right now if this scenario plays out on you you may very well RageQuit, keep playing the best you can and resort to a War Game Victory Path instead of your original non-War Game Victory Path, or just say, "Fuck it!" and start a whole new map altogether.
Though, if you are like me you will play on the default difficulty because the AI does not actually become any better at the higher difficulties. So why bother? I have made some custom Maps with the World Map Editor in-game. I have come to find out that because of the game's programming to randomize the placements of pretty much every one unless if you specifically make your custom map ultra legendarily rich in Luxuries, Bonus, and/or Strategic Resources the game may slap you in the most resource intensive areas or the least resource intensive places. The game does the same to City-States too. So you can literally play six back to back games on a custom map of yours and literally no game will be identical... or even remotely similar.
Leader Agenda tier list
Exploit tier list
Civ to build Nukes with tier list
Civ 6 Memes tier list
Government tier list
Age tier list
Early/Mid/Late Game Civs tier lists
City-State tier list
Civics/Techs tier list
City Project tier list
Promotion tier list
@@Noe-nb2hx Tier list tier list
YES, please do a victory-based tier list!
I tend to rush Venetian Arsenal for several reasons. 1. Double the amount of ships you can build. 2. The less time you need to build your fleet, the more you can invest in your economy. 3. I play multiplayer against some very war dedicated players and depending on who gets the Venetian Arsenal, it can change whether your going to have an easy game or a difficult game. This is the one wonder I don't want anyone else to have. Even more so then other wonders
"ah yes the classical wonders are by far the best in the game, so many s tier wonders"
>proceeds to slam every single classical wonder, placing 80% of them under s tier
Saxy Gamer: * do Wonder Spotlights *
Potato: I'm about to destroy this man's whole career in less than 41 minutes
Saxy's videos are great!
Saxy Gamer: *Destroys entire career from calling it PotOla palace.* xD
@@gunzakimbo I called them Potato palace in my first game...
Tantam Sooksuptavon
But that's what you're supposed to call it. D:
@@PotatoMcWhiskey You civ content creators should have a multiplayer game with each other! That would be so cool
Tier list that sets out criteria, actually works like a tier list grouping things based on the effect thy have on the game rather than arbitrary cut off points and is a genuinely useful resource for other players: A tier tier list.
Bonus marks for not being 4 hours long. :P
I do want you to make a tier lists for Civs, great wonders and Natural wonders sorted by difficulty and victory types.
Pls like this comment if only to make Potato regrets to ever asking this kind of reaction of his subscribers.
@Celtic Phoenix Rome needs a buff and Kongo needs a nerf? Now I've heard everything. At least the other two you listed were reasonable...
Celtic Phoenix Rome’s most powerful ability is the free monument which allows your boarder to expand, and plus 2 culture is extremely useful in the early game to unlock the civ tree. Just think about how many turns you need to build a monument after you settle a new city in the early game
@Celtic Phoenix Celtic Phoenix China is definitely as culturally signifcant as Rome IRL. Rome is more of a military powerhouse in-game, which makes sense since they were mainly known for military conquests. The instant roads mean you don't have to invest in traders and can immediately move units around very easily. The unit can clear woods/rainforest/marsh or build a free, extremely early fort. It's also just better than the swordsman in general. The bath takes the aqueduct, a great district, and makes it better in every way. Plus they have the monument thing.
Mansa Musa is Mali, not Nubia. He's ok, but Nubia is kinda strong.
Most of the other stuff you said is reasonable, although I think you're underrating Germany's city-state killing. Sometimes it's good to keep them but when you have a bunch or the wrong types it can be better to conquer them.
Some wonders are better suited for different civilizations. For example, Petra is S+++ tier for Mansa Musa (Mali civ). His settlements gain +1 food for each adjacent Desert tile, whether it is a hill or flat. So you can literally put your capital in the middle of the dessert so that you gain the most of Petra. Later in the game, its efficiency wears off because of the many districts present in the city but by that time you should have enough trade routes with other nations. They are more than enough to feed and grow your capital.
Machu Picchu is great for the Inca. Temple of Artemis for Poundmaker.
Apadana is a great early wonder if you are chasing diplomatic victory. I played with Poundmaker on Deity difficulty (marathon speed) and built that wonder right after Temple of Artemis. Later in that game, I had enough envoys to be the suzerain of most city-states that were useful to me. The map was huge and there were around 18 city-states and I was the suzerain of more than 6. The bonuses that my civilization gets from the city-states are what make Apadana worth it. It's not only about diplomatic favor, I always have armies ready at my side so I can focus on the development of cities instead of defenses. If someone declares a surprise war on me and I have a city-state near his cities it becomes easy for me to take his cities. There are also diplomatic cards that bring you bonuses like +2 Science, Culture, Gold from each city in which you are the suzerain, and +1 gold for each envoy that you have sent to a city-state.
I always build Potala Palace because of the extra diplomatic policy card slot and the Forbidden City. It allows me to optimize my income. International trade becomes viable once you have unlocked the diplomatic card which gives you +2 Food and Production for allied civilizations. But I have 2-3 more diplomatic cards that I want to use at the same time. The one which gives bonus influence points and the one that gives +1 gold for each envoy sent. I almost never use any military cards besides the one which reduces the maintenance cost and upgrade cost. My favorite leaders are Cleopatra, Mansa Musa, and Poundmaker and with them, I always have high gold income and can purchase military units straight away. So I don't need any military production cards.
Stonehenge is only useful if you need to choose founder beliefs that are usually taken first from the AI. I don't need to build Stonehage when I am playing with Mali because by the time an enemy Civ has finished building it I already have enough faith to purchase a great prophet with faith because my cities are in the desert and generate +6 Faith each turn. Then I pick the feed the world belief and unlock the Gurdwara building. I really need those because otherwise, my population will never grow because there are only mines that produce gold in my cities. On their own, my cities will be capped at 4, at which point I can purchase a commercial hub, with those beliefs my population gets capped at 9. When they are 7 ppl in the city I can buy campus. I almost never bother to construct a theater outside my capital. I'd rather spend the money on buying a new settler. Monuments already provide me with +2 culture. New cities provide me with new trade routes. Trade routes give gold, food, production, science, culture, and faith to my capital and increase my diplomatic visibility. In my last game, I had 40 trade routes going from my capital to allied civilization. My production per turn was 544. The science victory projects, which further boost the speed of my initial exoplanet project, took only 2 turns to complete because of Pingala's and Synthetic Technocracy's project cost reduction.
I've been playing for over a week now so I don't know a lot about culture victory. But soon I think I will start playing civilizations that are suited for that type of victory.
You had that down to a science aha. What did you end up doin with the culture victories?
Great video! I personally have found that Petra can be really useful when you have large swaths of uninhabitable desert, and get it early enough to fertilize it all. Has been one of my favorites, in my (relatively) short time playing this game
I would love to see a pvp wonder tier list.
Those tend to be more interesting then vs ai tier lists.
I think a civilization leader tier list would be interesting to see, would rather see that before a victory type wonder list cuz it's redundant at that point
Glad that Venetian Arsenal landed on a decent tier
I build it so often but it's normally not useful. I'd say that it's a bit to high on the list but it can be op in the right situation.
@@gilgabro420 If you are going for a domination victory on a map with a lot of water, it's a God tier wonder. If not... it's fine.
It's at least a B. Theres just so many much worse wonders.
@@gilgabro420 i totally agree. people tend go crazy over its bonus but dont realize that they never use them
My go to is rush battleships online and get the Arsenal, you can run through people
I had the perfect storm for a Petra on my last game. Nothing but desert but lots of desert hills and two oasis and also mountains at the end and a natural wonder. With religion and culture tile upgrades and Petra that desert became the wealthiest place in the world lol. It was amazing. I was biting my nails hoping nobody else was building it because I just knew how good it was going to be.
I loved your analysis, I might not agree in every wonder but you explained yourself very soundly and even in some cases like the stonehenge, you even managed to explain why I would rate it way higher up. Keep up the good work, it was a surprise to find so valid arguments and considerations
You could redo this on a planar grid, one axis with impact the other axis with applicability
need more of these, I was lost when it came to some of these wonders before seeing this
What we really need is a Pizza tier list. He's got the method for reheating it too. Potato is a pizza intellectual, and should bless us with the Pizza lists.
Thanks for the tier list and thinking process around their placements. I see I've been overlooking a number of awesome wonders, and holding onto others that aren't as good.
The Venetian Arsenal has saved at least one game for me (situation below for the interested) and made a number of others (mostly naval maps) much easier to win. So, it still holds a place in my heart but I get it's placement given how badly late-game navies scale (Air forces & Giant Death Robots OP).
Game Saving Situation:
My borders were pretty well defended at the time, but my coastal capital wasn't. An AI (I think was friendly at the time) blind-sided me with a surprise war and took my capital in about 3 turns and had it sprout 70+ defense walls immediately when I had at best a couple frigates. I finished the VA and pumped out TONS of Frigates to eventually whittle down "my" capital to where I could reclaim it. I think I ended up with about a dozen Fleets (turned Armadas with some more production) later due to the sheer volume of Frigates I had to take shots at the capital and retreat from heavy return fire.
I returned the favor much later by nuking most of that AI's cities into dust and claiming them after the fact.
I assume you don't look at comments of older videos, but these tier list videos are so amazing. They give so much insight as to what a diety player would strategize and insight a lot of game knowledge in a single video. Playthroughs are great, but an overview of what is fantastic and what is situational is just exceptional. Thank you so much.
Love you potato, you've got brilliant and informative content. Certainly deserving of happiness :))
I would have put Maccu Pichu in E tier because of the bonuses when you conquer it, or somehow *are* able to get it
I've been waiting a long time for this my little Irish friend...
If you get the reference props to you
How do you know he is not 6'3'' ?
@@indivestor I know because the dark side of the force is a path to many ablities some would consider to be unnaturale
Are you threatening me Master Jedi?
@@hitchikerspie The senate will decide your fate.
Thanks for taking the time to make this! Super great breakdown :)
Ive never played diety, and I realized recently that I had essentially won most games by the industrial era, and it was just coasting after that and it had been putting me off the mid to late game. This has been helpful to contextualize when to go for wonders, some of which I would build 100 turns after unlocking, you have been highlighting, and one of my top 5s (venetian arsenal) was almost put in F!! Much to learn
Will there be a Tier List for the different leaders that u can play with for deity difficulty?
appreciate the good content :)
he did this in write up form on reddit somewhere awhile back i'm pretty sure.
stonehenge is too low. the AI always rushes it, so it must be op. terrible tier list. stonehenge is CLEARLY s-tier.
Celtic Phoenix mate the literal youtuber liked this comment. Maybe delete before someone comes around with a r/woosh
@Celtic Phoenix Blame jailbirb but r/woooosh
@Celtic Phoenix Sir the comment is a joke
Celtic Phoenix and u still haven’t realized it’s a joke
@Celtic Phoenix Either your sense of sarcasm is utterly diminished or it is so far beyond our capacity lol.
Finally some appreciation for kilwa kisiwani! One of my favorite wonders
I try to build it but only looked at the top half of the text because it was to many words
Temple of Artemis is one of my favorite wonders because you can often get 4-6 amenities from it and then you don't have to worry about amenities for like the first third of the game.
I recently came to Civ 6 after a long time playing 4. Looked at Stonehenge for ten seconds and wondered, why would I ever build this? Glad to know I had the right intuition!
When it comes to Civ, i tend to play more as a romantic. I want to be a king over my people, i want to design my cities, i want to build wonders that match my civilization. So when i play germany, the Ruhr is appropiate. And the pyramids cause its my tombstone for when i be whisked off among the stars. Or i play purely for the flavour texts, such as Stonehenge, or Oxford. And such things as difficulty level just detract from the experience. Naturally i understand its a very subjective list, but perhaps Mr Potato, you could give us a list of your favourites. Not by rating, or quality, but by the feeling it produces when you get to build it. I'd imagine that would net us a very different list of wonders. And perhaps very much enjoyable as well.
I love playing Civ like this too
@@coentertainer Me too, bro
I'm stupid. I spent so much time on Civ's games. And for months now, I stopped playing. Why ? Because I forced myself playing on harder difficulties, I stressed myself, I even made 1 or 2 rage quit when a civ build a wonder that I plan for so long time... Now, with your comment, I feel stupid. I love this game for this romantic way too. I'm not weaker because I just want to make a casual play.
@@adrianfenwick2571 To me this is what elevates Civ over the other 4X games.
It's not just about strategy. Its also a beautiful world to just chill in and manage a personalised little society, with no designs on winning or without the concept of "winning" even in your head.
For example, my favourite elements of the game might be the sound design and music, which have nothing to do with winning. I'll even pick a Civ for their music over their perks.
@@adrianfenwick2571 I tend to play games for the fun they are. If i get beaten or killed, i tend to not have fun. So i usually select easy, or in the case of civ, chieftain or warlord. And i like abundant resources, because i like easy. And then i play and suddenly find myself at 4 in the morning because i just travelled to the stars. That's the power of civ. Who cares if it was on chieftain instead of deity, and that i could have easiley steamrolled my modern armor and giant deathrobots over my crossbow armed opponents instead of going to space, i had fun. And thats why i play.
I really like going for naval domination when I play, and consistently encounter this phase in the renaissance where I'm transitioning from having just enough navy to get by, to having three times as many frigates as the next guy. During that time of massive naval build-up, even that little bit of extra movement from the Great Lighthouse really helps get ships out of port, across the world, and into combat. I don't know that it actually matters, but it certainly feels like it does.
I was gonna complain about Mont St. Michel in A until you moved Christo Redentor and Eiffel tower there too.
I'm glad you listened to the feedback on Venetian arsenal, but I agree with you that navies are very situational, so I think C or D is more accurate. While it is incredibly strong, it only is in maybe 5-10% of games, maybe even less.
Since Golden Gate Bridge boosts improvements, I think it could be good for some civ unique improvements, since you could build the bridge and then buy a couple of builders to remove all of that cities improvements and replace them with the unique improvement. Also applies to Colossal heads and Moai. Still very situational, but E tier might be reasonable.
Overall, great tier list! It was very interesting to hear your thought process on certain wonders that I had overlooked or overrated.
Agreed with Venetian as a C. If this was Civ V were navies were so broken, then yes, straight S. But naval play is too situational in Civ VI.
List of "World Wonders"
Classical Wonders Era:
2:36 Great Bath
2:28 Hanging Garden
4:08 Oracle
5:24 Pyramids
6:12 Stonehenge
6:57 Temple of Artemis
Renaissance Wonders Era:
8:08 Great Lighthouse
9:15 Great Library
10:56 Apadana
11:25 Colosseum
11:49 Colossus
12:43 Jebel Barkal
13:43 Mausoleum at Halicarnassus
14:32 Mahabodhi Temple
15:17 Machu Picchu
16:16 Petra
17:38 Terracotta Army
Industrial Wonders Era:
18:31 Heuy Teocalli
19:34 Hagia Sophia
20:21 Alhambra
21:15 Angkor Wat
22:14 Chicen Itza
22:57 Mont St Michel
23:36 Meenakshi Temple
24:14 Kotoku-In
24:54 Kilwa Kisiwani
26:54 University of Sankore
Modern Wonders Era:
27:50 Great Zimbabwe
28:24 Forbidden City
28:43 Casa de Construction
29:08 St Basil's Cathedral
29:40 Potala Palace
30:02 Taj Mahal
30:19 Venetian Arsenal
31:35 Hermitage
32:29 Bolshoi Theatre
32:51 Big Ben
33:34 Panama Canal
34:12 Oxford University
34:44 Országház
35:12 Statue of Liberty
35:32 Ruhr Valley
36:16 Eiffel Tower
36:22 Cristo Redentor
37:36 Golden Gate Bridge
38:01 Broadway
Atomic Wonders Era:
38:28 Amundsen Scott Research Station
39:11 Estádio do Maracanã
39:15 Sydney Opera House
Thanks for reading! ;)
This deserves way more likes
This video is game changing for me. So much useful and in depth info. Keep pumping out those videos; you're my NO.1 civ youtuber!
Most wonders only make sense in context of their victories, so a victory specific tier list would be nice.
Agreed. Some are generalist like the card wonders, Oracle, and Kilwa, but most focus on one or two victories (and all are minorly useful in Tourism) and are wastes of time outside those.
You got in the free membership list on RUclips. Well done. You deserve it. Hope others stay subscribed and joined.
Do it! Make that victory type tier list!
Don't forget Big Ben gives 50% of treasury. I've gotten as much as 30k gold before + a slot.
You really need to spend your gold more efficiently if you’re managing to save up 15k
@@anonymoushiram7672 in a recent game while going for science victory i managed to get up to 1.5k gold per turn in the modern era. by the time i won i had 3 or 4k gold per turn and had 100k gold
The Panama canal will always be an S tier wonder for me because it allowed me to once move my entire navy through my continent during a game saving me from a surprise naval attack in a MP game.
You absolute madman. You built a panama canal in a game against human opponents? What a legendary meme.
sometimes when I feel insane I like builder-rushing great bath as Qin only to be murdered by Shaka two turns later
Playing Australia with the eiffel tower is just beautiful
Kilwa is undoubtedly the most underrated wonder in the game
Whatever the consensus on these wonders is, I watch your video's to learn. And today, again, I learned a lot.
Big ben is probably the only wonder i consistently attempt to build. Especially in a domination game. The double gold is awesome when you have 5k or more in the bank and it take you over 10k. I just buy every unit or building i need from there and can focus on late game wonders, and districts that cant be bought
Potato: I would like to put this in F tier. Also Potato: *puts it in A tier*
Now that you've talked about the nice Eiffel Tower/Christo Redentor combo, we're gonna need a video about the best wonder synergies you've spotted :3
Clearly the Panama Canal and Golden Gate Bridge in the same city, it wins games every time
IMO the water bonuses from the mausoleum should’ve been given to the great lighthouse, as it would make it much more worth building and the mausoleum was powerful enough anyway. It would also mean that the lighthouse would be a clear naval wonder with the mausoleum as a clear engineer (and possibly scientists if they’d kept that) wonder, as right now you often build it for the extra charges without really caring about the water tile bonuses or vice versa.
It's always a little tricky what to purposefully build towards a culture victory, if any at all, a vid on Victory types would be a blessed relief.
Your videos are being very helpful. Just got back to civ, yesterday. Last civ i played was Revolution.
This video made me rethink all of my life choices, all of those times I rushed Venetian arsenal and only now I realise that I barely used it
I too was initially baited into the sale of "buy one get one free" only to realize I didn't need more shoes.
Every single wonder can be S-tier in certain situation, Chichen Itza in Brazil games, I love building Casa de Contratacion on Phoenicia games, Alhambra have the same effect as forbidden city in a Poland game, but man, I can never build machu Picchu on emperor or higher. Sad Incan noises
Also, the Eiffel Tower is really an S++++++ wonder with Australia.
@László Jenei I meant the unique bonus of Australia for breathtaking appeal.
If you play real world with Australia getting Petra near Uluru will make you a god like city. S tier for sure.
Why bother with Inca Machu Pichu. Inca Earth Goddess + Eiffel Tower is infinitely stronger!
@@Barista.Nathan What if you get both.
I had a game, where I just try to build as many wonders as possible, combined with almost all great writers, artists and musicians, before i knew it, I won a culture victory
Potato, if you happen to see this, I'd be curious if Bolshoi goes up at all when you recognize it's one of the earliest places you can slot in and get Culture/Tourism yields from GW of Music. I feel like GWoM are pretty powerful for a Tourism game, but are so often locked behind later Wonders/buildings like Broadway or Broadcast Centers (or the even rarer things that give universal GW slots), that this relatively niche slot gives some real use to Bolshoi in a Tourism game. Love this list! Agree with pretty much all of this (including the "We Stan Venetian Arsenal") and like other commenters, I'd love to see more tier lists from you in the future!
I love how the Amundsen-Scott Reseach Station can give you 400 science/turn, but by then you are already reseaching future tech in 1 turn, so it's totally useless.
I feel like a child I literally jumped n screamed “Ayyyyy” when Venetian arsenal made B tier
Best wonder in game
Me too
Ive saved my game from total loss by building the Venetian Arsenal. It enables you to have small army you can keep covered from the coast to obliterate your enemies with. Its a great wonder.
Acthukaly pototo you pronounce Huey teocalli as lake Petra
Mausoluem at halicarnassus = sea petra and st. basil's cathedral = tundra petra... the 4 petras of the apocalypse.
Overall I agree with the list, however I still feel like people overate Petra, mainly because it was the best wonder in civ 5 and because people are desperate to make desert useful. If you are building Petra in a city that is already good then that means you don't really need a few tiles with boosted yields, you'd rather have the space for districts and wonders. If you are building Petra in a bad city then it's harder to get and you have to give your city a lot of help through trade routes and builders. It also means that if you miss out on Petra you are just stuck with a bad city. I only ever go for it if I have a decent city with 5+ desert hills, or if I'm playing as Australia or Mali.
It still give strong yields early, stronger than similar terrain wonders, and come early to make the yields useful
You should see what petra looks like with pachacuti, when your desert has lots of hills/mountains. You don't really suffer getting it online either... Sometimes I prejac just thinking about it.
More than 2 years playing Civ6, never thought that Kilwa was THE best. Thanks man!
I jumped into Machu Picchu just to hear what i wanted to hear... thx!
Kilwa is so good, that it even is bigger then all the other wonders on the tier list
No ai will rush the oracle, u can build it pertty dam safe. I personaly build it every game no matter which leader I play.
why xD
"Wonder-builder" leaders, like Teddy or Qing Shi Huang like to build it quite early.
The AI don't beeline the civics and techs like the human players do so it'll take time for them to unlock Oracle. Civs with hills bias like Korea and Georgia are more likely to build this wonder. Same also with wonder whore civs.
Big Ben is top tier my dude! Economic policies are strong af.
I've been playing some Civ VI and saw some exploits of the game, which got me interested in knowing whether there was a wonder tier list. Thank you for this video, man!
24:53 I love how excited he becomes when he explains how good Kilwa Kisiwani is
The Panama Canal has another use case: you get a steam achievement when you build it, two canals and have two cities, and so have a *seven* tiles long canal
Your mom has a seven tile long canal
I'm sorry, I just had to
Tier lists are very hard to make for games like civ, since there are several victory conditions.
If you ever feel motivated enough, tier lists per victory type would be the ideal way to please more people. But I get it if you don't have the time. Keep up the good work!
Rip Press F in the chat for macho Pikachu being F tier.
hanging gardens is way too underrated
"This wonder is really really bad so I'm going to put it into E but actually I'll put it in C. I should put it in E, it's really bad, but I'm going to put it in C."
"This wonder is really bad. Actually, it is very good, but it's very bad."
Literally 75% of the wonders on this list was one of these.
16:04 I'm a humble king level player... I literally HAVE to tech rush Machu Pichu AND chop some wood to get it in most of the games that I build it. But damn is it lovely when you do get it.
But yes, everyone and their mother runs up those mountains to build the thing.
@@alex2005z That actually makes perfect sense. You're on to something there.
It's a bit hard to place wonders that can be so incredibly situational, but I still think both Venetian Arsenal and Great Zimbabwe should be S tier for the simple reason that in the right game, simply building them should immediately auto-win you the whole game. On an island map, whoever builds the Venetian Arsenal just doubles all relevant military forces for the whole game which makes it a cakewalk. Just spam out ships and nothing can stop you. And the Great Zimbabwe... it's hard to build due to its weird placement restrictions and even then it's dependent on the amount of bonus resources the city has, but I've had games where I've built it in cities with like 8-10 bonus resources in range. Rerouting all trade routes to that city can then effectively double or maybe even triple your gold income. At that point you'll be swimming in so much money you can kinda just buy whatever and win with it. The only thing you must always remember to do is put a spy on permament counter-espionage duty in the city's commercial hub or the AI will rob you 24/7 lol
Also I was a bit surprised when you talked about Kilwa and said that most people would probably just toss it aside; I was like wtf I thought it was common knowledge that this is pretty much always an amazing wonder and has been since release
I would really like to see a wonder tier list for science or domination:)
Another great analysis, the Kilwa break down is so eye opening.
Thank you for this. You have forced me to consider some new viewpoints, that I may now incorporate into my games.