The bag can get scratched if you handle roughly. The gold hardware especially. I like the small size because it fits the essentials so definitely travel friendly. If you have more stuff than that then I’d recommend the bigger size. I haven’t worn it more than 2 hours but feels like a standard bag. Hope this helps!
I love the small size, most practical and very classy! The color is fabulous.
Beautiful bag! The colour is stunning
this bag is stunning !
love the bag! :)
why did you not get the standard size?
Hi! How’s the wear and tear so far? Scratches? Travel friendly? Comfortable to wear esp for long hours? Thanks in advance 💛
The bag can get scratched if you handle roughly. The gold hardware especially. I like the small size because it fits the essentials so definitely travel friendly. If you have more stuff than that then I’d recommend the bigger size. I haven’t worn it more than 2 hours but feels like a standard bag. Hope this helps!
What color is??
What sizenis this small or the regular?
Hello, do you notice this bag scratching easily?
The hardware definitely does. The actual bag too but it’s not too noticeable unless you look very close.
@@Thanyawan thank you!
I want it in Black
How heavy is this size pls
I think around 1-2 pounds. Online I saw .62kg. Hope this helps.
#lvguci Bolsa réplica 1:1 con imagen reflejada, resistente y resistente al desgaste. Me gusta mucho.
Insupportable la musique dommage