Ephesians 2:1-22 Seated with Christ above all!

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • Hi Friends,
    Last week we learned that the fullness of Jesus fills everything in every way. Jesus, the creator of all things, has been raised from the dead and is seated at the right hand of God above all principalities and powers, and he is head over the church. His desire is for us to have wisdom and revelation to know him better.
    This week we will see how the grace of God has changed us, and we will see that God has a calling on each of our lives. Let’s take a closer look.
    Questions for Ephesians 2:1-22
    1. Paul begins by stating the condition we were in before we received God’s grace. What was our spiritual condition, and why do you think this was our spiritual condition? Vs 1 Gen 2:15-17, Rom 5:12,18-19
    2. For us, gratifying our sinful nature should be a thing of the past. When we followed the ways of the world, who were we actually following? Vs 2-3
    3. Paul says that the spirit of the ruler of the kingdom of the air is now at work in those who are disobedient. How do you see our airwaves being used for evil today? How do we protect ourselves from these airwaves?
    4. Following our fleshly nature makes us objects of God’s wrath. Why did God make us alive in Christ, even though we were dead in sin? Vs 4-5
    5. Once we received God’s grace (God’s riches at Christ's expense, or getting what we don’t deserve) where did God seat us, and what are we seated above? Vs 6 and 1:21
    6. From verse 7, the kindness of God shows the coming ages God’s incomparably great grace given to us through Jesus. What do you think is revealed about God through his gift of grace to us, and why do you think this is important?
    7. Unlike our worldly system today, where we work hard to obtain the things we want, salvation comes only as a gift from God. Why do you think God made it this way, and how can we make sure we don’t try to work our way to God? Vs 8-9
    8. God carefully created each of us, and He has put purpose in our hearts. What has God created you to do? Vs 10
    9. Once we were without hope and without God in the world, but now we have been brought near to God. What made this possible? Vs 11-13
    10. Jesus abolished the law with its commandments and regulations and he brought peace to all through his blood shed on the cross. Now, through Jesus, we all have access to the Father by one Spirit. How is this plan for all - Jews and gentiles? Vs 14-19 Rom 2:11
    11. As fellow citizens, we are being built together to become a dwelling place in which the Spirit of God dwells. What descriptions do you find about this holy temple? Vs 20-22
    12. From today’s lesson, what stands out to you about the richness of God’s grace?
    The great love of God has been lavished upon us through Jesus! God has saved us and seated us in the heavenly realms, with Christ, at the right hand of God far above all rulers and authorities. May we never forget who’s we are, and where we are seated. God has work for us to do!

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