Ephesians 5:1-20 The will of God for you!

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • Hi Friends,
    Last week we saw that we should no longer be infants tossed about by every false doctrine, but we should be steadfast in Christ, and growing in his love. Then, through Christ, we all have unity in the Spirit, and we work together to make up the body of Christ. It’s great being part of the family!
    This week we will study the will of the Father for his children, and we will learn how to please God in our day to day lives. Let’s take a look.
    Questions for Ephesians 5:1-20
    1. We are dearly loved children of God, and we are to imitate God by living a life of love. How did Christ exemplify living a life of love? Vs 1-2 What additional information do you find in John 13:13-17?
    2. How could you be more deliberate in your love for other people?
    3. As God’s holy people, what does Paul list as improper behavior for a Christian? Instead of these things, what should we be offering? Vs 3-5
    4. How would giving thanks to God help us avoid evil behavior?
    5. God's wrath will come on those who are disobedient and those who are still in darkness. We however, have received light and should live as children of light. What fruit comes from a child of light? Vs 6-10 also see Gal. 5:22-25
    6. What fruit do you need help growing? Take a moment and ask God to help you grow this fruit.
    7. We are to “have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather to expose them”. Is it okay to talk about what evil people do in secret? Vs 11-12
    8. When Christ shines his light upon us, everything is exposed. So we should be careful how we live. How do we live as wise people, making the most of every opportunity? Vs 13-16 and Rom 13:14
    9. We are no longer to live a foolish lifestyle, but we are to understand God’s will. What does Paul say is the right way to live? Vs 17-20
    10. How do you incorporate these activities into your current life? How could you be more proactive in following the will of God for your life?
    Imitating Jesus is the best way to live our lives. Letting go of our old life, will allow us to make the most of every opportunity and to shine the light of Jesus to those around us. May our lives shine the light of Jesus to this dark world, and with thanksgiving, let us praise the Lord!

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