One must always be attired as befits a gentleman killing machine... I mean, who's going to tell him his tie doesn't suit th situation...not me, not even from inside a tank, 100 yards away from him, on th other side of a river...
"One-sixteenth of an inch reduces any man to your own height, weight, age and strength." This saying will be on my next Christmas card I give out to everybody.
He would have been about 57 years old at the time of this film. And make no mistake, he lead a hard life... Royal Marine in his younger days and in his later years his body was covered in scars from knife wounds.
Police records back from when he was serving in Shanghai state that he was involved in around 600 street fights.. this man is the definition of badass.
A few of my dad's cousins, in-laws were either working Shanghai or Hong Kong as police before/during WWII. One wasn't that large a man but he had that Glasgow hardness and readiness about him. SAS Eddie Stone (edited from "Andy McNab") reminds me of him. The other one was larger than life - he would be a stand in for the famous actor Victor McLaglan (The Quiet Man film). There was a mini series on international styles of martial arts and they had a segment on caucasian bouncers in the rough areas of the far east. Those guys were no-neck brutes like refrigerators. English, Danes, Swedes, Dutch. No actual martial arts moves, just stay on the sidelines unless someone is threatening someone and then toss them out as fast as possible or their friends would think there was a chance they could do better against you. Gangs barging in the from street just to start a fight was common. That strike down the side of the face demonstrated here was used in a fore hand downward smacking fashion by a bouncer on the leader of one such gang. He split the side of guy's face open from ear to chin down to bone. Even he was upset because he didn't want to mangle the guy that badly, but like they said you have to take command as quickly and as forcefully as called for to stop things asap.
I figured there was an Asian influence in those movements. I have never been a fan of using a ridge hand to parts of the body that have solid bone structure. The skull or even the jaw. A hammer fist type motion would probably be the better choice for strikes like that. However having said that, a ridge hand to the neck can be quite effective, more so typically than a hammer fist because it’s easier to “slip the gap” with. Depending on the opponent’s body type, size and skill level it can be hard to ball up your fist and strike the neck before they shift there head or move there shoulder to compensate and block or partially block the shot, but an open hand can usually still slip that gap even if they have moved in such a way as to block access to the neck with either there shoulder or chin And I might add, if you’ve ever been caught with a shot like that, it will definitely ruin your day. At the very least it tends to knock the fight out of you 😫
@@PostalFerretWithRum so I don't have any of the material anymore, but I was a student of traditional Chinese shao-lin kung-fu, and this was the translation of the move in a monkey form. It makes me do happy to know this lol It may have been steals not snatches
That look is the difference between "killer instinct" in a sporting match and someone who's actually been there. If someone looks at you like that, the fight won't be a game to them.
The amazing thing was he remained modest and helpful throughout his life, even though he dedicated his life to kicking ass. He was a cop in Shanghai back when it was pretty much the Mogadishu of its day -- the Wild West was a laugh compared to that place. He and a small police department cleared it up. He invented this fighting system himself by learning everything he could and getting into a terrifying number of fights. He developed a simple system anyone can learn the basics of quickly and could be used by both the tiny Chinese officers and the huge European officers. That is a great feat, because man fighting systems and combatives today all seem to assume that anyone learning, trying, studying, or using them is a ripped six footer. The truth is, not even 5% of people on earth are that size and build. I love his Gutter Fighting system, because it's easy, effective, and universal. I reread his book on it every single year. It's helped me out quite a few times in college, especially with drunk people who thought that the request to stop their 3AM loud music parties were "punch me" signs. And then there was the guy who tried to strongarm me into giving him my money. Nope. And the guy who tried to pickpocket me. He had muscle and inches on me, but this stuff really made the difference. Learn it and practice it. it's been more than 100 years and this stuff still works like nothing else.
I would have loved to have an in depth conversation with him, but of course that's impossible. What is impressive is his ability to adapt the Chinese systems into something the 1940s Western mind would accept.
For me some of the most impressive things about Fairbairn are his commitment to practicality, and the way he integrated his platforms for unarmed, knife, smatchet and similar, and shooting. Starting with how the body behaves under duress, and what the smaller can do to the larger person reliably and with effect he really pared things down to be taught in limited time but with a bit of practice available when you needed it. Still important stuff today I feel. Rick
@Cue Ball I know you're just joking but for those who don't, Fairbairn died in 1960 at the age of 75, when Norris had only studied Karate for two years. Dermot O'Neill, a colleague of Fairbairn on the SMP (Shanghai Municipal Police), was the close combat instructor for the 1st. Special Service Force in WW2 (immortalized in the mess fight scene in the movie The Devil's Brigade). Interesting generation of people. They would have been studying with the generation that taught the teachers of Bruce Lee.
*Pat* O'Neill not only came in to train the Americans and Canadians in the rough stuff, but when the training was over, he is said to have stated " I damn well trained them, I damn will go to fight with them..." What could they do, tell him "no"? They commissioned him a Captain, and off to war with the Devil's Brigade he went.
G'day Ilias. How did I go with the subtitles on the knife film? There's background on the process on the DVD's webpage ( ) but I'm keen to hear your opinion. Rick
The quick clip of him controlling a man with the tip of his knife is detailed much more in the book he wrote. What he recommends for "sentry removal" is basically a stab into the Vena Cava. It's a very painful way to go. Paralysis too. In fact, if you've seen the new Dune movie this is exactly how Paul dispatches Jamis and they are dead on far as the effect this has on the human body. Can't move, can't scream for help, can't even breathe. Deadly effective and I can see why they stopped teaching this stuff to young men after the war ended
The superior vena cava isn't the target, the spinal cord is. That's why you have the symptoms of paralysis, which would be present from the trauma point and down.
Fairbairn was the man. And his approach: Forget blocks/anything defense(handing the advantage to the assailant), attack, attack, attack, gross motor movements, few simple techniques, savage application. Proven in WWII. Would serve you much better today than all the nonsense you see in dojos, in film, and on youtube.
Totally agree. But remember it is only to save your life in combat situations. On the street it will get you behind bars. The mugging scumbag will get what he deserves, but you will lose a lot as well.
@Joep Buyod The comment is a bit disingenuous. Fairbairns taught a few simple moves to soldiers in WW2 because he only had a few weeks to train them. He was highly accomplished in the martial arts himself, amongst other things he got 2nd dan in Judo from Kanō Jigorō(the main who invented Judo)..
@@sadetwizelve He served in Shanghai with the local police there so he picked up lots of techniques from different martial arts. He is also well known to have survived attacks from axe gangs with hatchets on many occasions
I was thinking that was DUTCH, Nederlander, nicht Deutsch, (mine is a lot rusty)...made for training the resistance forces in England before dropping them back to their home countries by parachute, in the dark, in N*z* Occupied Europe. And a lot were women, believe it or not! Julia Child was in the OSS. Makes you think differently now about watching her cut up a chicken! (No! Not Dan Ackroyd!) /;p
You can see that savage inside him when he turns back to the camera. Still on a leash but wouldn't take much to flip the switch and Doom music start up with him around. Fuckin love it.
There’s nothing like “old timey” instructional “kill films”- I especially love the Greek and German dubbed narrations. Ol’ Lt.Col. William Ewart Fairbairn (1885-1963), formerly of the Royal Marines Light Infantry and the Shanghai Police Service, certainly knew where it was at..
I inherited a Fairbairn-Sykes (0:54) from my father, and it's nothing but a killing tool. But I could never be as dangerous as this old guy. All kidding aside, I'm pretty sure that's Fairbairn, so, yeah, he's as scary as he looks.
Got mine from my father's older brother, one of the very first recruited for Churchill's Commandos following his evacuation off Dunkerque - straight off the ship at Portland Harbour. He was captured fighting rearguard on Crete (having torn off all Commando insignia! Germans were ordered to interrogate & kill 'terrorists') with LayForce. His C.O., & 'Batman' Waugh, got off of course. 😒
If you dare to so much as mouseover the "dislike"-button, the ghost of Fairbairn will rise up out of your keyboard, reverse-grip your mouse-hand, and backhand you upside the head.
William Fairbairn is my candidate for history's most badass individual. He was Batman before Batman was a thing, if Batman didn't mind assassinating you in a dark alley and teaching younger guys how to kill Nazis.
You need to consider his contemporaries, Rex Applegate and his Commonwealth counterparts, Harry Baldock, Pat O’Neil and Geoff ‘Tank’ Todd. Neither was Captain Ben Mängels, late of the Rhodesian SAS any slouch at it.
I dont remember how i got to this video BUT im glad i made it here. I am 47. My male influences were WWII, Korea, Vietnam vets. Even if they werent in the armed forces guys older guys I grew up around were off the hook. Always show respect and try to avoid a fight a point......then nut grabs, fish hooks, ANYTHING excluding gunplay was on the table. Seeing Fairborns eyes at the end of the video is truly scary without him meaning it to be. He pulled UP......and thats what makes it scary
Getting your nails done, beating up your opponent while you make him suck on your fingers is both a good experience and asserting dominance in one of the most demoralizing way possible... sounds good to me 👍
Lieutenant-Colonel William Ewart Fairbairn (28 February 1885 - 20 June 1960) was a British Royal Marine and police officer. He developed hand-to-hand combat methods for the Shanghai Police during the interwar period, as well as for the allied special forces during World War II. He created his own fighting system known as Defendu. Notably, this included innovative pistol shooting techniques and the development of the Fairbairn-Sykes fighting knife. After joining the SMP, he studied boxing, wrestling, savate, Shin no Shinto ryu jujutsu (Yoshin ryu) from Okada-sensei Kodokan judo in which he gained a 2nd dan black belt, and then Chinese martial arts. He developed his own fighting system-Defendu-and taught it to members of that police force in order to reduce officer fatalities. He described this system as primarily based on his personal experience, which according to police records included some 600 non-training fights, by his retirement at age 55 from the position of Assistant Commissioner in 1940.
As a military combatives/street self defense instructor (ARCS Self Defense & Combatives) and as a law enforcement officer, I have to say that this is some good stuff. I use these techniques almost exactly as shown in much of my teaching. Love it!
Για όσους απορούν γιατί το πρώτο μέρος από το βίντεο παρουσιάζεται στα ελληνικά: η εκπαιδευτική ταινία του Βρετανού ταγμ/χη Fairbairn (παραγωγής του αμερικανικού στρατού 1944) διασκευάστηκε και παραχωρήθηκε προς εκπαίδευση του Ελληνικού Στρατού και της Βασιλικής Χωροφυλακής αμέσως μετά τα «Δεκεμβριανά» του 1944. Υπάρχει εκτενέστερο απόσπασμα από το βίντεο στα ελληνικά στο dailymotion σε ανάρτηση υπό τον τίτλο ”Fairbairn’s Gutter Fighting” διάρκειας σχεδόν 13’ .
"All of us who were taught by Major Fairbairn soon realized that he had an honest dislike for anything that smacked of decency in fighting" Too true, i wouldn't have ever wanted to piss this man off, he'd cripple you.
Decency in a fight= Sports; a contest with rules and regulations designed to reduce the odds of one or both "combatants" being seriously injured or killed. I know you know this, BTW. Just adding my counterfeit two cents to the conversation...
The Fairburn Sykes dagger, is the unit emblem of British commando forces. I left mine (issued) in the boot of a car I sold 😂. The other I had is mounted on a wall plaque in my mothers kitchen. Maybe I’ll get another one day, but uk ‘knife law’ suggests it’s unlikely.
He's actually striking at the joint that holds the bottom jaw, break a jaw and they can't yell for help or surrender. Joints and static bones are the weak points He's striking, damage, pain, incapacitate, kill if you must. Make your assailant a victim.
I grew up in Germany, the kung-fu ball grabbing was a standard playground move in the 80s German school playgrounds... the knowledge is still being passed on!
Understand one thing; tournament and dojo life have absolute nothing in common with combat. "No rules, no time limit" mean exactly that. No one is coming to help you, and your enemy is just as likely to get you down, break you down, beat you unconscious and then cut your throat as not. Real combat is very simple stuff. There's no time for anything else. If it lasts longer then 10 seconds then you are in trouble. It's imperative to rob your enemy of time, position, and choice. This must all be done before he has the conscious ability to understand what is happening. This is battlefield management, and it applies with individuals just as much as it does in an army.
Broke my wrist from a drunk punch, boxers fracture from punching a forehead and many dislocated fingers and minor swollen hands from punching the concrete/walls and not to mention infections from cuts from punchingTEETH. Gentlemen - I’m telling you - slaps and “karate chops” to the neck are your best friend in a street fight. The reality is a closed fist is super risky in uncontrolled conditions
100%. The skull is many times harder and denser than a fist, there is a very high chance you will injure your hand if you land even a good textbook punch to someone. A hard slap across the side of someone's face that also hits the ear will disable a person much quicker than a punch and is much safer for your hand. The only downside is that a slap comes from the side and can be blocked easier, whereas a punch can be delivered in a straight line from shoulder to opponent's face and they won't even see it coming.
As I've often told my missus, if the shit REALLY hits the fan, stay behind me; because EVERYTHING in front of me is going to experience a REALLY bad day!
Groin strike, fish hook, crush the trachea....dude should've been doing choreography for action movies. Imagine the action movies today if he'd helped make a movie like John Wick in 1952 😂
1:32 This makes no sense, hit with your fingers your opponent scull (that would hurt you more than him), then put your fingers inside his mouth and close his jaw by hitting it with your palm while your fingers are still inside his moth (you would chop off your own fingers)
People in the comments keep mentioning the look on this guy's face when he looks at the camera at the end, I guess a lot of people don't know what a warrior looks like. People comment about how much they respect this guy, I doubt anyone of them would know how to act around this guy. This is exactly the type of man social media wants to cancel for being 'toxic', but depend on to protect them from the boogey man so they can continue being soft and weak without consequences.
@@Veltrosstho piss off. you are the exact kind of person I am talking about. You probably try to dirty look people to death, huh? Let me guess, you shout 'hey hey, ho ho' a lot, don't you? LMMFAO
Fairbairn was a British officer on loan to the US when these films were made. I don't know why the films were dubbed in Greek and German respectively - the good thing is that we now have this footage of Fairbairn which speaks volumes regardless of the soundtrack. Rick
rickinoz1 I wish there was more footage! I want to see a lot more. I LOVE old combatives videos from WW1-WW2 and from the 50's and 60's etc. Its amazing to know some of these very old techniques are still taught in many martial arts schools and are still effective!
+MaharlikaAWA Why would they become ineffective when a few years pass ? Grab a Gladius and stab your enemy in the axilla/armpit. He will die within seconds. The Romans did it all the time and it's still working I presume. And hey - they didn't even speak proper English !
Jo Ann Freeboom What the hell are you talking about? I never said they were ineffective! ! I was stating the opposite. These moves are classical martial arts techniques that are still taught today.
There’s a video on YT called USMC knife fighting, from WW2, also club fighting. We were taught these techniques in boot, a little different than this guy. We stab the liver first, then the throat while covering the mouth from behind. Guaranteed sentry removal, the Marine K-Bar is the ultimate weapon for many years.
where can I get the full version of these? This is seriously intense stuff. I'm a martial arts student, and I'm scared to use this in RL since most laws today forbid that kind of force in self-defense.
I think maybe you should study self defense laws a bit more. US Law Shield has classes about self defense laws for about $10. They're mainly focused on using a gun, but the exact same legal principles ain't to all forms of self defense. Of course, it includes promotion of their legal insurance. If you sign up with the insurance, and then ever need to defend yourself, they pay for your lawyers. I carry a gun, and know the basics of when lethal force is and is not justified. Believe me, if shooting somebody is legally justifiable, punching them would be, too.
@@cymond some states using a knife is entirely illegal, even in response to immediate aggression (DC,MD). even carrying a knife in your vehicle is illegal in dc with blade length beyond something ridiculous like 2" or so
@@generalnango Yes, there are some specific jurisdictions that are the except rather than the rule. I need to look into those places, since I'm not familiar with their laws. FWIW, I live near Philadelphia, where it is flat out illegal to carry any knife for any reason whatsoever. The are a few exceptions, but they are so narrow that they're effectively meaningless. However, even Philly's law applies to carrying a knife, rather than using one. It's hard to imagine a scenario where one might use a knife without carrying it, but in those cases, an affirmative defense of self defense should lead to an acquittal.
@@generalnango I finally started looking into the situation in Maryland. What I found seems to be a matter of intent. I would appreciate it if you can point me to where it's completely illegal to just a knife for defense. The website I found says "Carrying a knife that is a weapon for possible use as a weapon or to deter an aggressor constitutes unlawful intent. Accordingly, a defensive use contingency for carrying a knife is unlawful." No officer, I carry this as a useful tool for opening packages and other such mundane tasks.
@@frakismaximus3052 on unarmed techniques, I could certainly take him to school. On knife techniques, I know nothing. You have no idea what I have done in life.
This guy basically created the modern SWAT team in 1920s Shanghai. A lot of his methods were the foundation for the modern room clearing tactics. Such as stacking people besides the doorway with front guy holding the ballistic shield before charging in.
Surprised as an English man that there is some confusion in the title if you stick a knife into the back of a another person he/she will instantly drop to their knees due to the vega nerve and will also probably start sobbing "pere mere pere terram," and god save the King.
Back then they even wore ties to demonstrate fighting techniques.
And glasses.
Nor would the be seen dead with earings.
Ties can be used as a garrotte.
@@MountainRaven1960 or to defend against knives, or a tourniquet..or as a buttplug. Depends what you’re fighting for I suppose lol
One must always be attired as befits a gentleman killing machine... I mean, who's going to tell him his tie doesn't suit th situation...not me, not even from inside a tank, 100 yards away from him, on th other side of a river...
"One-sixteenth of an inch reduces any man to your own height, weight, age and strength." This saying will be on my next Christmas card I give out to everybody.
Comment wins the internet.
@@recipehacker9752 My mommy would be proud!
What does that even mean???
@@cinder7377 It means that I care if you get a card from me.
@@martialhealth4062 U make no sense im talkin about the quote
Back when 33 yr old men looked 63..
He would have been about 57 years old at the time of this film. And make no mistake, he lead a hard life... Royal Marine in his younger days and in his later years his body was covered in scars from knife wounds.
And sounded like they ate gravel for breakfast.
Rapid aging syndrome
@@jasonlovi8745 that's what I keep telling myself every time I look at my messed-up tennis balls.
Nowadays they look like spoon fed babies
Police records back from when he was serving in Shanghai state that he was involved in around 600 street fights.. this man is the definition of badass.
A few of my dad's cousins, in-laws were either working Shanghai or Hong Kong as police before/during WWII. One wasn't that large a man but he had that Glasgow hardness and readiness about him. SAS Eddie Stone (edited from "Andy McNab") reminds me of him. The other one was larger than life - he would be a stand in for the famous actor Victor McLaglan (The Quiet Man film). There was a mini series on international styles of martial arts and they had a segment on caucasian bouncers in the rough areas of the far east. Those guys were no-neck brutes like refrigerators. English, Danes, Swedes, Dutch. No actual martial arts moves, just stay on the sidelines unless someone is threatening someone and then toss them out as fast as possible or their friends would think there was a chance they could do better against you. Gangs barging in the from street just to start a fight was common.
That strike down the side of the face demonstrated here was used in a fore hand downward smacking fashion by a bouncer on the leader of one such gang. He split the side of guy's face open from ear to chin down to bone. Even he was upset because he didn't want to mangle the guy that badly, but like they said you have to take command as quickly and as forcefully as called for to stop things asap.
He was just doing research, lol.
He wrote the literal book on gunfighting. The British and Americans would train on the methods he taught his officers in Shanghai.
I figured there was an Asian influence in those movements. I have never been a fan of using a ridge hand to parts of the body that have solid bone structure. The skull or even the jaw. A hammer fist type motion would probably be the better choice for strikes like that. However having said that, a ridge hand to the neck can be quite effective, more so typically than a hammer fist because it’s easier to “slip the gap” with. Depending on the opponent’s body type, size and skill level it can be hard to ball up your fist and strike the neck before they shift there head or move there shoulder to compensate and block or partially block the shot, but an open hand can usually still slip that gap even if they have moved in such a way as to block access to the neck with either there shoulder or chin
And I might add, if you’ve ever been caught with a shot like that, it will definitely ruin your day. At the very least it tends to knock the fight out of you 😫
600?? Maybe he was the asshole because its nearly impossible to have that much conflict unless you're looking for it.
My dad had a WW2 copy of his book Get Tough! I still have it, I've admired this guy since I was a kid.
Everyone talking about the face hits, but the kung fu ball grip made me squeamish
Apeman snatches the golden peach
No thats The Tai - Snake Catcher grabbing cobra clutching eggs, technique... Surely?
@@PostalFerretWithRum so I don't have any of the material anymore, but I was a student of traditional Chinese shao-lin kung-fu, and this was the translation of the move in a monkey form. It makes me do happy to know this lol
It may have been steals not snatches
@@GF-nm1cl Oh right, yeah I'm sure I've seen ninjitsu masters teaching the same stolen technique.
Really is chilling the way he turns to the camera after neutralizing his opponent. As if the viewer was the next threat to be engaged
Fairbairn is behind you, right now
is it safe to turn round yet
@@davidmt23 no
@@davidmt23 wait a several dozen hours
anyone else notice the slightly crazed look in the instructors eyes at the end lol,
lmao the way he looked back!
Probably seen some shit if he's doing a tutorial on where to keep a knife on someone's back 👀
Good call. That definitely gives me chills.
That look is the difference between "killer instinct" in a sporting match and someone who's actually been there. If someone looks at you like that, the fight won't be a game to them.
This man is as deadly as any I've ever seen. Look at his eyes. This is absolutely someone you would NEVER want to be in front of.
The amazing thing was he remained modest and helpful throughout his life, even though he dedicated his life to kicking ass. He was a cop in Shanghai back when it was pretty much the Mogadishu of its day -- the Wild West was a laugh compared to that place. He and a small police department cleared it up. He invented this fighting system himself by learning everything he could and getting into a terrifying number of fights. He developed a simple system anyone can learn the basics of quickly and could be used by both the tiny Chinese officers and the huge European officers. That is a great feat, because man fighting systems and combatives today all seem to assume that anyone learning, trying, studying, or using them is a ripped six footer. The truth is, not even 5% of people on earth are that size and build. I love his Gutter Fighting system, because it's easy, effective, and universal. I reread his book on it every single year. It's helped me out quite a few times in college, especially with drunk people who thought that the request to stop their 3AM loud music parties were "punch me" signs. And then there was the guy who tried to strongarm me into giving him my money. Nope. And the guy who tried to pickpocket me. He had muscle and inches on me, but this stuff really made the difference. Learn it and practice it. it's been more than 100 years and this stuff still works like nothing else.
I would have loved to have an in depth conversation with him, but of course that's impossible. What is impressive is his ability to adapt the Chinese systems into something the 1940s Western mind would accept.
For me some of the most impressive things about Fairbairn are his commitment to practicality, and the way he integrated his platforms for unarmed, knife, smatchet and similar, and shooting. Starting with how the body behaves under duress, and what the smaller can do to the larger person reliably and with effect he really pared things down to be taught in limited time but with a bit of practice available when you needed it. Still important stuff today I feel. Rick
Absolutely! And his 1,000 plus encounters proves both your and his point.
Old school people were a lot different
@Cue Ball I know you're just joking but for those who don't, Fairbairn died in 1960 at the age of 75, when Norris had only studied Karate for two years. Dermot O'Neill, a colleague of Fairbairn on the SMP (Shanghai Municipal Police), was the close combat instructor for the 1st. Special Service Force in WW2 (immortalized in the mess fight scene in the movie The Devil's Brigade).
Interesting generation of people. They would have been studying with the generation that taught the teachers of Bruce Lee.
+ironpirites Which means he was close to 60 when they made this footage in 1944. Tough old bastard.
*Pat* O'Neill not only came in to train the Americans and Canadians in the rough stuff, but when the training was over, he is said to have stated " I damn well trained them, I damn will go to fight with them..." What could they do, tell him "no"? They commissioned him a Captain, and off to war with the Devil's Brigade he went.
@@henryhalterman493 He also went on to train the CIA
I just happen to be a Greek & I clicked this video by chance...imagine how pleasantly surprised I was to hear this dubbed in my mother-tongue :-)
G'day Ilias. How did I go with the subtitles on the knife film? There's background on the process on the DVD's webpage ( ) but I'm keen to hear your opinion. Rick
Το ιδιο και εγω φιλε
Γιατί αυτό το βίντεο είναι στα ελληνικά 😂?
@@elcano56 δεν εχω ιδεα
You where spot on with the subtitles , perfect translation
The quick clip of him controlling a man with the tip of his knife is detailed much more in the book he wrote. What he recommends for "sentry removal" is basically a stab into the Vena Cava. It's a very painful way to go. Paralysis too. In fact, if you've seen the new Dune movie this is exactly how Paul dispatches Jamis and they are dead on far as the effect this has on the human body. Can't move, can't scream for help, can't even breathe. Deadly effective and I can see why they stopped teaching this stuff to young men after the war ended
The superior vena cava isn't the target, the spinal cord is. That's why you have the symptoms of paralysis, which would be present from the trauma point and down.
We learned this in 90's (USMC) But they stopped by 2000...."too dangerous"
scary asf way to die
@jasondw2 exactly...not adding details on how.
That its old, doesnt work. Special forces has modern knife combat. Its like old box, evolved. Many combat arts evolved today from the past.
Fairbairn was the man. And his approach:
Forget blocks/anything defense(handing the advantage to the assailant), attack, attack, attack, gross motor movements, few simple techniques, savage application. Proven in WWII. Would serve you much better today than all the nonsense you see in dojos, in film, and on youtube.
Totally agree. But remember it is only to save your life in combat situations. On the street it will get you behind bars. The mugging scumbag will get what he deserves, but you will lose a lot as well.
@Joep Buyod The comment is a bit disingenuous. Fairbairns taught a few simple moves to soldiers in WW2 because he only had a few weeks to train them. He was highly accomplished in the martial arts himself, amongst other things he got 2nd dan in Judo from Kanō Jigorō(the main who invented Judo)..
Dude this is ju jitsu
Exactly. These were techniques born out of real experiences in life and death combat.
@@sadetwizelve He served in Shanghai with the local police there so he picked up lots of techniques from different martial arts. He is also well known to have survived attacks from axe gangs with hatchets on many occasions
this guy was truly a legend.. greatest hand to hand and knife fighter to ever live..
I'd have easily fuked him up.
He looked to the camera and the eye of the tiger started playing on my laptop...THAT is what I call a powerfull CHI
i love it how fairbairn looks small and geeky, and fucks everyone up. pure knowledge and attitude, seriously dangerous man
Lol, he gives you that look and you gotta shuffle over and just let him fuck you up. He's already won
Watch out he'll give you 1/16th of an inch...
@@nickpolizzi5897 bullseye
Like Mad dog Churchill another weapon of a man.
All I can say is, thank God he was on our side.
Albert Steptoe was very handy in those days lol seriously though amazing to see clips like this many thanks for uploading it.
Part 2, narrated by Adolf himself.
I was thinking that was DUTCH, Nederlander, nicht Deutsch, (mine is a lot rusty)...made for training the resistance forces in England before dropping them back to their home countries by parachute, in the dark, in N*z* Occupied Europe. And a lot were women, believe it or not! Julia Child was in the OSS. Makes you think differently now about watching her cut up a chicken! (No! Not Dan Ackroyd!) /;p
@@johnnygnoneeded it was high German not Dutch, or Swiss... It confused me too.
For crying out loud, that's definitely German! Natuerlich ist das Deutsch, Jawohl! Schlag die Pisse aus ihm raus!
You can see that savage inside him when he turns back to the camera. Still on a leash but wouldn't take much to flip the switch and Doom music start up with him around. Fuckin love it.
I reckon that stare at 1:27 was the last thing many people lived to see.
Chuck Norris looks under his bed at night for Fairbairn!
Nice :)
That happens to be my action at this very moment... appx 4 am here
Well played sir!
You watch your mouth.
Better look under the bed, too...
There’s nothing like “old timey” instructional “kill films”- I especially love the Greek and German dubbed narrations. Ol’ Lt.Col. William Ewart Fairbairn (1885-1963), formerly of the Royal Marines Light Infantry and the Shanghai Police Service, certainly knew where it was at..
Great stuff...This man is the epitome of kickass n take names....A legend...Thx for posting..!!
The legend himself, the creator of the principles of "Gutter fighting"
Commented before I saw the vid bc I was so excited to see Fairbairn In the thumbnail 😂
I inherited a Fairbairn-Sykes (0:54) from my father, and it's nothing but a killing tool. But I could never be as dangerous as this old guy. All kidding aside, I'm pretty sure that's Fairbairn, so, yeah, he's as scary as he looks.
Got mine from my father's older brother, one of the very first recruited for Churchill's Commandos following his evacuation off Dunkerque - straight off the ship at Portland Harbour. He was captured fighting rearguard on Crete (having torn off all Commando insignia! Germans were ordered to interrogate & kill 'terrorists') with LayForce. His C.O., & 'Batman' Waugh, got off of course. 😒
He was a joy at the family dinner hour.
Nice fishhook grip in the bearhug escape series - incredibly effective and traumatic physiologically.
No one has disliked this video out of fear of Fairbairn.
If you dare to so much as mouseover the "dislike"-button, the ghost of Fairbairn will rise up out of your keyboard, reverse-grip your mouse-hand, and backhand you upside the head.
Many thanks for uploading this. Have been chasing these films for years!
William Fairbairn is my candidate for history's most badass individual. He was Batman before Batman was a thing, if Batman didn't mind assassinating you in a dark alley and teaching younger guys how to kill Nazis.
You need to consider his contemporaries, Rex Applegate and his Commonwealth counterparts, Harry Baldock, Pat O’Neil and Geoff ‘Tank’ Todd. Neither was Captain Ben Mängels, late of the Rhodesian SAS any slouch at it.
Jelly Bryce
Didn't batman originate in the 30's?
I recall him shooting a lot of people.
I dont remember how i got to this video BUT im glad i made it here. I am 47. My male influences were WWII, Korea, Vietnam vets. Even if they werent in the armed forces guys older guys I grew up around were off the hook. Always show respect and try to avoid a fight a point......then nut grabs, fish hooks, ANYTHING excluding gunplay was on the table. Seeing Fairborns eyes at the end of the video is truly scary without him meaning it to be. He pulled UP......and thats what makes it scary
1:37 The last technique consist in hammering your enemy jaw while your finger are in his you can clip your nails too...right.
Noticed that too. It's probably best not to stick your fingers in an opponents mouth for any reason.
I believe the finger is between the cheek and teeth so not being chomped on
@J P it's a fish hook, theyee relatively effective for controlling someone's upper body movement for a few seconds
@J P I'll agree with ya there, I guess when it's life or death you're willing to maybe lose a finger or two if you can finish off the other guy
Getting your nails done, beating up your opponent while you make him suck on your fingers is both a good experience and asserting dominance in one of the most demoralizing way possible... sounds good to me 👍
Now I know where Capt. Kirk got his fighting style.
we exist together in this plane of thought
Underrated comment xD
I don't get the reference
@@sovereignboss1841 Star Trek, the original series. Trust me, you won't regret watching it.
You love that little smile that says " i wrote the book , and when its done rIght it looks good!!
Lieutenant-Colonel William Ewart Fairbairn (28 February 1885 - 20 June 1960) was a British Royal Marine and police officer. He developed hand-to-hand combat methods for the Shanghai Police during the interwar period, as well as for the allied special forces during World War II. He created his own fighting system known as Defendu. Notably, this included innovative pistol shooting techniques and the development of the Fairbairn-Sykes fighting knife.
After joining the SMP, he studied boxing, wrestling, savate, Shin no Shinto ryu jujutsu (Yoshin ryu) from Okada-sensei Kodokan judo in which he gained a 2nd dan black belt, and then Chinese martial arts. He developed his own fighting system-Defendu-and taught it to members of that police force in order to reduce officer fatalities. He described this system as primarily based on his personal experience, which according to police records included some 600 non-training fights, by his retirement at age 55 from the position of Assistant Commissioner in 1940.
As a military combatives/street self defense instructor (ARCS Self Defense & Combatives) and as a law enforcement officer, I have to say that this is some good stuff. I use these techniques almost exactly as shown in much of my teaching. Love it!
The look at the end, glad it was not directed at me.
Για όσους απορούν γιατί το πρώτο μέρος από το βίντεο παρουσιάζεται στα ελληνικά: η εκπαιδευτική ταινία του Βρετανού ταγμ/χη Fairbairn (παραγωγής του αμερικανικού στρατού 1944) διασκευάστηκε και παραχωρήθηκε προς εκπαίδευση του Ελληνικού Στρατού και της Βασιλικής Χωροφυλακής αμέσως μετά τα «Δεκεμβριανά» του 1944. Υπάρχει εκτενέστερο απόσπασμα από το βίντεο στα ελληνικά στο dailymotion σε ανάρτηση υπό τον τίτλο ”Fairbairn’s Gutter Fighting” διάρκειας σχεδόν 13’ .
thanks for sharing!
Guy: "So what are you here for, fighting or fcuking"?
Fairbairn: "Yes."
Great video it is good to see a legend at work
Who would dislike this? If you searched or wanted to watch this... you must expect this stuff. He was badass.
Maybe they disliked the teaser clips and were expecting more.
Maybe they disliked the fact that it's all in Greek for some reason.
"All of us who were taught by Major Fairbairn soon realized that he had an honest dislike for anything that smacked of decency in fighting"
Too true, i wouldn't have ever wanted to piss this man off, he'd cripple you.
Don't believe it would do to fall asleep in one of his instructional sessions...
Decency in a fight= Sports; a contest with rules and regulations designed to reduce the odds of one or both "combatants" being seriously injured or killed.
I know you know this, BTW. Just adding my counterfeit two cents to the conversation...
I like how he looks at the camera at the end as if to say "Keep walking, pal, or you're next"
The last scene where he looks into the camera, those are the eyes of a badass...
It's ALWAYS in the eyes.
When at the end Fairbairn turns toward you, you see the eyes of a seasoned killer.
1:37 when the guest for dinner walk in on you disciplining your wife 👀
Absolutely hate when that happens
@@zabintasrik4488 not everyone gets off on bdsm fans watching them
When she mixes the colors with the whites and now you gotta show her your backhand
Plotwist: he's John Cena! And you can't see him
"... he [Fairbairn] could kill a man with a folded newspaper, and his finger-jab had blinded many a Shanghai gangster."
That's Albert Steptoe before he got into T.V.
The Fairburn Sykes dagger, is the unit emblem of British commando forces. I left mine (issued) in the boot of a car I sold 😂. The other I had is mounted on a wall plaque in my mothers kitchen. Maybe I’ll get another one day, but uk ‘knife law’ suggests it’s unlikely.
Don’t ever underestimate grabbing your opponent in the testicular region and giving a crisp karate chop to the upper cheek bone.
I never have🤣
Cheek bone huh?
He's actually striking at the joint that holds the bottom jaw, break a jaw and they can't yell for help or surrender. Joints and static bones are the weak points He's striking, damage, pain, incapacitate, kill if you must. Make your assailant a victim.
@@Veltrosstho I’m sorry if I’ve ever upset you. Please forgive me. 🫣
I grew up in Germany, the kung-fu ball grabbing was a standard playground move in the 80s German school playgrounds... the knowledge is still being passed on!
When he started speaking Greek i was like wtf. such a badass language
Understand one thing; tournament and dojo life have absolute nothing in common with combat. "No rules, no time limit" mean exactly that. No one is coming to help you, and your enemy is just as likely to get you down, break you down, beat you unconscious and then cut your throat as not. Real combat is very simple stuff. There's no time for anything else. If it lasts longer then 10 seconds then you are in trouble. It's imperative to rob your enemy of time, position, and choice. This must all be done before he has the conscious ability to understand what is happening. This is battlefield management, and it applies with individuals just as much as it does in an army.
Still in service today, tge Sykes Fairbairn knife.
Broke my wrist from a drunk punch, boxers fracture from punching a forehead and many dislocated fingers and minor swollen hands from punching the concrete/walls and not to mention infections from cuts from punchingTEETH.
Gentlemen - I’m telling you - slaps and “karate chops” to the neck are your best friend in a street fight. The reality is a closed fist is super risky in uncontrolled conditions
100%. The skull is many times harder and denser than a fist, there is a very high chance you will injure your hand if you land even a good textbook punch to someone. A hard slap across the side of someone's face that also hits the ear will disable a person much quicker than a punch and is much safer for your hand. The only downside is that a slap comes from the side and can be blocked easier, whereas a punch can be delivered in a straight line from shoulder to opponent's face and they won't even see it coming.
@@TheStupidcommentthat’s why you palm strike with your jabs
Having been to school in Hackney, East London. This looks very familiar!
The full versions of both films are still available on DVD through the website given at the end of the clip ... regards, Rick
Hi Rick, I'm trying to get hold of a copy of the films for a British TV programme, please can you email me on: ceara.east@terntvcom. Thanks.
The kicker for me is that Fairbairn means "beautiful baby" in Scotland.
Ah, but they do grow up and we all know what mad lads the Scots can be! :)
It's English meaning is similar, someone with attractive, youthful looks, it's also an English place name.
1:38 LMAO that is the resting face of every old man walking in public on the streets
Good advice for Glasgow on a Saturday night
Damn, those eyes at the end are the last thing many of his dispatches saw.
When you turn up for your first job interview in suit and tie but they tell you to defeat the enemy so you grab the CEO by the balls
I showed this video to my kitten. Now I'm desperately trying to hold him back with a chair and a bullwhip.
Apparently Scots and Irish lads have been highly trained OSS operatives for centuries.
I still have my uncles Fairbairn knife from WW2, amazing knife.
Fairbairn was the man!
This guy was afaik, an instructor at the Commando training school in Scotland in WW2.
Fairbairn was a certified badass!
As I've often told my missus, if the shit REALLY hits the fan, stay behind me; because EVERYTHING in front of me is going to experience a REALLY bad day!
I will stick with my worked for my dad on Guadalcalal so it's good enough for me....
Developed his own knife
Man's a legend 👏
read the book the worlds first swat team the shanghai municipal police force it is fanatic book
Mild mannered janitor looking guy would leave me dead in seconds.
Imagine some thug meeting Fairbairn in a dark alley and mistaking him for a easy mark.
Yeah...thug will be thugged back
Groin strike, fish hook, crush the trachea....dude should've been doing choreography for action movies. Imagine the action movies today if he'd helped make a movie like John Wick in 1952 😂
1:37 ok im gonna just keep walking sir, have a nice day
The eyes say it all. Only experience gives you that gaze.
"Those techniques will never work because he hasn't fought in the octagon."
--Joe Rogan
Fairbairn taught William Burroughs everything.
1:32 This makes no sense, hit with your fingers your opponent scull (that would hurt you more than him), then put your fingers inside his mouth and close his jaw by hitting it with your palm while your fingers are still inside his moth (you would chop off your own fingers)
I doubt he's going to yank a man around by the nose instead of the mouth for a demonstration.
'Oh, just an old geezer in glasses, I'll lamp him and show who's boss OH MY GOD THE PAIN give me back my faaaaceeeee!!!!'
Perfect disguise. Looks like a Poindexter. Kills like an assassin.
People in the comments keep mentioning the look on this guy's face when he looks at the camera at the end, I guess a lot of people don't know what a warrior looks like. People comment about how much they respect this guy, I doubt anyone of them would know how to act around this guy. This is exactly the type of man social media wants to cancel for being 'toxic', but depend on to protect them from the boogey man so they can continue being soft and weak without consequences.
You're straw maning a political point in a youtube comment section. Diagnosis: Brain rot. Treatment: Touch grass.
@@Veltrosstho piss off. you are the exact kind of person I am talking about. You probably try to dirty look people to death, huh? Let me guess, you shout 'hey hey, ho ho' a lot, don't you? LMMFAO
Be afraid...
Be very afraid...
...when an old man looks at you as Fairbairn does.
Why were these films made with other languages and not english? Wasnt he a US military combat instructor?
Fairbairn was a British officer on loan to the US when these films were made. I don't know why the films were dubbed in Greek and German respectively - the good thing is that we now have this footage of Fairbairn which speaks volumes regardless of the soundtrack. Rick
rickinoz1 I wish there was more footage! I want to see a lot more. I LOVE old combatives videos from WW1-WW2 and from the 50's and 60's etc. Its amazing to know some of these very old techniques are still taught in many martial arts schools and are still effective!
+MaharlikaAWA Probably because they were training agents who spoke the languages of the countries they would be deployed to..
Why would they become ineffective when a few years pass ? Grab a Gladius and stab your enemy in the axilla/armpit. He will die within seconds. The Romans did it all the time and it's still working I presume.
And hey - they didn't even speak proper English !
Jo Ann Freeboom What the hell are you talking about? I never said they were ineffective! ! I was stating the opposite. These moves are classical martial arts techniques that are still taught today.
There’s a video on YT called USMC knife fighting, from WW2, also club fighting. We were taught these techniques in boot, a little different than this guy. We stab the liver first, then the throat while covering the mouth from behind. Guaranteed sentry removal, the Marine K-Bar is the ultimate weapon for many years.
where can I get the full version of these? This is seriously intense stuff. I'm a martial arts student, and I'm scared to use this in RL since most laws today forbid that kind of force in self-defense.
Don't worry about self-defense. The all seeing, all loving, all powerful government will take care of you if you just obey.
I think maybe you should study self defense laws a bit more. US Law Shield has classes about self defense laws for about $10. They're mainly focused on using a gun, but the exact same legal principles ain't to all forms of self defense. Of course, it includes promotion of their legal insurance. If you sign up with the insurance, and then ever need to defend yourself, they pay for your lawyers.
I carry a gun, and know the basics of when lethal force is and is not justified. Believe me, if shooting somebody is legally justifiable, punching them would be, too.
@@cymond some states using a knife is entirely illegal, even in response to immediate aggression (DC,MD). even carrying a knife in your vehicle is illegal in dc with blade length beyond something ridiculous like 2" or so
@@generalnango Yes, there are some specific jurisdictions that are the except rather than the rule. I need to look into those places, since I'm not familiar with their laws.
FWIW, I live near Philadelphia, where it is flat out illegal to carry any knife for any reason whatsoever. The are a few exceptions, but they are so narrow that they're effectively meaningless.
However, even Philly's law applies to carrying a knife, rather than using one. It's hard to imagine a scenario where one might use a knife without carrying it, but in those cases, an affirmative defense of self defense should lead to an acquittal.
@@generalnango I finally started looking into the situation in Maryland. What I found seems to be a matter of intent. I would appreciate it if you can point me to where it's completely illegal to just a knife for defense.
The website I found says "Carrying a knife that is a weapon for possible use as a weapon or to deter an aggressor constitutes unlawful intent. Accordingly, a defensive use contingency for carrying a knife is unlawful."
No officer, I carry this as a useful tool for opening packages and other such mundane tasks.
Thanks, the Medic. Very cool.
he had his finger in his mouth when he slammed his jaw. Probably not a good idea.
You just exposed this man
It's a fish-hook. One of the dirtiest and most effective techniques in controlling your opponent's head position.
There really need's to be a TV series about his life. You wouldn't guess by looking at him that he could kill you in many unpleasant way's.
made for Greek special forces of ww2
Andreas Mandritis no, it was made originally for the British and Americans. For their special forces.
@@MandenTV don't forget about those Canuck's Ulsters and Auzzies. Bless em.
He can sure beat the hell out of stationary men
Not impressed with the "unarmed" techniques.
not at all, kind of reminds me of Fred Flintstone judo classes
Wow you two brilliant men should get in your time machine and go back and take Fairbairn to school! I cant wait o wise ones!!!
@@frakismaximus3052 on unarmed techniques, I could certainly take him to school. On knife techniques, I know nothing. You have no idea what I have done in life.
@@fordguyfordguy the point is, we are 75 years ahead of their time. No shit Sherlock!
@@frakismaximus3052 of course. I am not disagreeing with that notion.
This guy basically created the modern SWAT team in 1920s Shanghai. A lot of his methods were the foundation for the modern room clearing tactics. Such as stacking people besides the doorway with front guy holding the ballistic shield before charging in.
Surprised as an English man that there is some confusion in the title if you stick a knife into the back of a another person he/she will instantly drop to their knees due to the vega nerve and will also probably start sobbing "pere mere pere terram," and god save the King.
I have a copy of Maj. Rex Applegate's book 'Kill or be Killed'. In the preface he lists Fairbairn and Sykes among his instructors.
This is the ancestor of the elbow destruction guy
lol @ the german narrator... he sounds just like foreigners imagine us germans to speak 😀