【cc】黃油手撕麵包 Butter Pull Apart Bread

  • Опубликовано: 21 окт 2024
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    You can use a bread mixer to make this bread! The recipe of this bread is still very delicious.
    📎食譜 Recipe
    材料配方 Ingredients::(六吋圓模 6 inch round mold)
    高筋麵粉 200克 / Bread flour 200g
    細砂糖 20克 / Castor sugar 20g
    即溶酵母 2克 / Instant yeast 2g
    鷄蛋 25克 / Whole egg 25克
    鮮奶125克+- / Milk 125g+-
    鹽巴 2克 / Salt 2g
    無鹽黃油 15克 / Unsalted butter 15g
    融化的有鹽黃油 10克 / Melted salted butter 10g
    製作步驟 Instructions:
    Add bread flour, sugar, yeast, egg and milk into the mixing bowl, set the kneading function for 2 minutes.
    Add butter and salt into the mixing bowl, then set the kneading function for another 3 minutes.
    Take the dough and knead it till a smooth dough then fold it around and underneath itself shaping a smooth ball. Place the dough in a bowl, cover with a clean kitchen towel, and let it ferment for 60 minutes at 28°C room temperature, or until doubled in size.
    Coat the butter evenly on the bottom and all the sides of the mold.
    5.一次發酵后, 用手指蘸上麵粉然後在麵團的中間戳一個洞,如果麵團不塌陷就代表發酵的剛好。取出麵團,排氣,擀成30 x 30厘米左右的正方形薄片,之後刷上融化的黃油。將麵團由上往下卷起來,搓勻,然後輕輕壓扁,切成三條,切口向上,之後編一個三股辮。將麵團翻麵,底部擀平,然後輕輕由上往下卷起來,不用卷太緊,然後捏緊收口。將麵團蘸上適量的白芝麻,然後將麵團放入模具里,蓋上乾淨的佈,之後放到室溫於30-33攝氏度左右,發酵60分鐘。
    When the first fermentation is done, dip your finger in the flour and poke a hole in the middle of the dough, if the indentation remains, it means the dough is right proofed. Take the dough, squeeze out the bubbles by tapping, roll the dough into a square shape about 30 x 30cm, then brush with melted butter. Roll the dough from the top till the end, knead it evenly, then flatten it lightly. Cut the dough into three strips, then make a three-strand braid. Turn the dough over, flatten the bottom, then gently roll from the top till the end then seal it tightly. Dip the dough with white sesame seeds. Place the dough into the prepared round mold, cover it with a clean kitchen towel and let it proof for second time for about 60 minutes at 30-33°C room temperature.
    After second fermentation is done, brush the surface of the bread with egg mixture.
    7.烤箱預熱170攝氏度,入烤箱烘烤15-18分鐘(每一台的烤箱不同,請大家自己斟酌烤箱溫度与時間)。从烤箱中取出, 輕敲幾下排出空氣, 之後立刻脫模,將麵包轉移到凉架上晾涼。趁熱在麵包上塗抹奶油,這能增加麵包的風味。稍微放涼後,就可以享用這美味又好吃的黃油手撕麵包啦!這款麵包口感蓬鬆柔軟,包裹著濃郁的黃油香氣,還有蘸滿芝麻的麵包低,一片片撕著吃,非常的療愈一級棒,大人小朋友一定很是喜愛,也很適合當早餐吃呢!這款麵包製作非常簡單,大家一起學做起來吧!
    Preheat the oven to 170°C, bake for 15-18 minutes (Everyone's oven is different, you may adjust the temperature and baking time based on your oven). Remove the bread from the oven, tap on the table a few times to remove air bubbles then transfer to a cooling rack. Spread butter on the bread while it is hot, this will add flavor to the bread. After the bread slightly cool down, then it’s ready to serve this delicious butter bread! The bread has a soft and fluffy texture, with the rich buttery aroma and dipped with the sesame seeds, everything is perfectly delicious. You can tear it into slices and eat it. It is suitable for breakfast and everyone must love it. This butter pull apart bread is very simple to make, let's bake together!
    我不是老师,单纯因为喜欢烘焙,所以开始自学烘焙!純粹分享我个人的小小烘焙制作, 欢迎大家一起交流。如果你喜歡我的影片請別忘了【訂閱 & 按讚)。
    I'm not a baking teacher, just because I love and enjoy baking, so I started to learn baking myself. Purely sharing my personal little baking production, welcome everyone to communicate. Let's learn and grow together. If you like my video, don’t forget to like, share and subscribe to my channel.
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