【cc】黑芝麻手撕麵包 Black Sesame Pull Apart Bread

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • *開啓字幕CC有詳細製作步驟*
    *There are detailed steps to turn on subtitle CC*
    You can use a bread mixer to make this bread! The recipe of this bread is still very delicious.
    📎食譜 Recipe
    材料配方 Ingredients: (六吋圓模 6 inch round mold)
    麵團 Dough:
    高筋麵粉 210克 / Bread flour 210g
    細砂糖 20克 / Castor sugar 20g
    鹽巴 4克 / Salt 4g
    即溶酵母 3克 / Instant yeast 3g
    鮮奶 145克+- / Milk 145g+-
    無鹽奶油 20克 / Unsalted butter 20g
    黑芝麻餡 Black sesame fillings:
    黑芝麻粉 70克 / Black sesame powder 70g
    奶粉 15克 / Milk powder 15g
    細紗糖 15克 / Castor sugar 15g
    鹽巴 1克 / Salt 1g
    鮮奶 30克 / Milk 30g
    蛋液 Egg wash
    杏仁碎Almond nibs
    According to the different water absorption of flour, you can adjust the amount of milk based on your bread flour
    製作步驟 :
    4.一次發酵后, 取出麵團,排氣,然後分割成4等份。取出一份麵團排氣,往下方摺叠的手法收緊滾圓。重複排氣滾圓剩餘的麵團,之後用乾淨的佈蓋上,静置15分鐘。
    7 .静置15分鐘后, 取出一份麵團,排氣,擀成長方形,之後抹上黑芝麻餡。將麵團的下方稍微把它拉寬一點,之後把麵團從上捲下,捏緊收口, 用手掌把它搓長一點。用擀麵杖將麵團輕輕壓扁,切成三條,切口向上,之後編一個三股辮。將麵團翻麵,輕輕由上往下卷起來。重複剩餘的麵團。將麵團放入模具里,蓋上乾淨的佈,之後放到室溫於30-33攝氏度左右,發酵60分鐘。
    8.二次發酵后,在麵包表面刷上一層蛋液, 然後撒上適量的杏仁碎。
    9.烤箱預熱160攝氏度,入烤箱烘烤23分鐘(每一台的烤箱不同,請大家自己斟酌烤箱溫度与時間)。从烤箱中取出, 輕敲幾下排出空氣, 之後將麵包轉移到凉架上晾涼。稍微放涼後,就可以享用這美味又可口的黑芝麻手撕麵包啦!
    1. Put milk, egg, castor sugar, yeast and bread flour into the mixing bowl, set the kneading function for 2 minutes to mix well.
    2. Add unsalted butter and salt into the mixing bowl, then set the kneading function for 3 minutes.
    3. Take the dough and knead it till a smooth dough then fold it around and underneath itself shaping a smooth ball. Place the dough in a bowl, cover with a clean kitchen towel, and let it ferment for 60 minutes at 28°C room temperature, or until doubled in size.
    4. When the first fermentation is done, take the dough, squeeze out the bubbles by tapping and divide the dough into 4 equal portions. Take one piece of dough, squeeze out the bubbles by tapping and folding it over itself. Using both hands, mold the dough into a ball. Repeat the steps for rest of the dough. Cover with a clean kitchen towel and let it rest for 15 minutes.
    5. Place the black sesame powder, milk powder, castor sugar and salt in a bowl and stir well, then add milk and mix well and set aside.
    6. Brush the mold with an appropriate amount of butter and set aside.
    7. After 15 minutes, take one piece of dough, squeeze out the bubbles by tapping and roll the dough out flat into rectangle then spread the black sesame fillings. Roll the dough from the top till the end, then seal it tightly. Flatten the dough lightly with a rolling pin, cut the dough into three strips, then make a three-strand braid. Turn the dough over, gently roll from the top till the end. Repeat the steps for rest of the dough. Place the dough into the mold. Cover it with a clean kitchen towel and let it proof for second time for about 60 minutes at 30-33°C room temperature.
    8. After second fermentation is done, brush the surface of the bread with egg mixture, sprinkle with some almond nibs.
    9. Preheat the oven to 160°C, bake for 23 minutes (Everyone's oven is different, you may adjust the temperature and baking time based on your oven). Remove the black sesame bread from the oven, tap on the table a few times to remove air bubbles then transfer to a cooling rack. After the bread slightly cool down, then it’s ready to serve this delicious black sesame bread! Serve it while it is slightly warm!
    我不是老师,单纯因为喜欢烘焙,所以开始自学烘焙!純粹分享我个人的小小烘焙制作, 欢迎大家一起交流。如果你喜歡我的影片請別忘了【訂閱 & 按讚)。
    I'm not a baking teacher, just because I love and enjoy baking, so I started to learn baking myself. Purely sharing my personal little baking production, welcome everyone to communicate. Let's learn and grow together. If you like my video, don’t forget to like, share and subscribe to my channel.
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