At time stamp 9:15, the elderly bald gentleman in the white shirt (just above your head) is Maestro Igor Krutoy, a very respected composer/pianist/conductor in Russia who established a collaborative relationship with Dimash. As you view more performances by Dimash, you will see him again as pianist for Dimash. He is also a great mentor for Diana Ankudinova, a phenomenal young contralto. Other people will provide details
¡Es difícil explicar qué emociones nos transmite Dimash, con su voz celestial! Después de escuchar a Dimash y dejar que su voz penetre hasta lo más profundo de tu alma, algo cambia dentro de ti. Es una vibra y energía diferente que no puedes entender, solo puedes sentir. Inevitablemente, un escalofrío empieza a recorrer los poros de tu piel y no puedes contener las lágrimas, que brotan de forma natural y, he aquí, empiezas a sentir tu cuerpo flotando, casi levitando, yendo a otra dimensión, en un estado de éxtasis. . Dimash no es solo voz. Es el cruce de todo. ¡Es único! Tiene un rango vocal, nunca antes visto. ¡Dios nos habla a través de él! Por no hablar del ser humano que es: generoso, amable, educado, caritativo, humilde, sencillo. Dimash es inexpicable es como si Dios a traves de el quisiera mandar un mensaje a la humanidad tan corompida de odio y desamor, sin embargo el es amor y belleza en su maxima expresion lleno de valores de los que el mundo desafortunadamente carece ahora mismo , mira su cancion de guerra y paz y todo el amor , humildad y honestidad que el entrega, Dimash no es solo el mejor cantante del mundo , Dimash es un mensaje al mundo. Debemos estar felices que pertenecemos a un grupo muy selecto de personas que esta en la misma sintonía . Porque me he dado cuenta que no va en gustos musicales, en conocimiento ni en edades ni culturas ni nada de eso, va en algo más allá .Dimash nos eligió, nos dio una parte de su alma y su corazón a cada uno , pero para recibir ese regalo tenemos una condición y esa condición es dejarlo conectarse con nuestro ser a través de su música y como hay tantas personas en el mundo y su alma y corazón no podían ser para todos, eligió solo a algunos ,los más dispuestos a dejarse emocionar y atrapar por su voz. Por eso no debemos prestar atención a los que lo critican o no lo saben entender porque ellos no fueron elegidos, no les tocó su trozo de alma y corazón , se quedaron afuera , no dejaron que su luz los tocara , se quedaron en la oscuridad, una pena por ellos porque nunca sabrán el disfrute y el placer que su arte nos proporciona. Me lleva a pensar en la voz de Dimash y el elemento terapéutico que supuestamente tiene en muchas personas. A menudo he comentado sobre la capacidad de Dimash para transmitir emociones profundas a través de su voz (incluso cuando existen barreras del idioma, Dimash parece capaz de transmitir el sentimiento vocalmente). Por los videos que he visto y los artículos que he leído, Dimash es un ser humano muy enfocado (¡obviamente talentoso!), que tiene un profundo sentido de conexión con las cosas simples de la vida: familia, fe, belleza, niños, amistades y respeto. (No digo que estas sean las únicas cosas que valora, pero parecen ser recurrentes). Dimash suele ser introspectivo, pero parece realmente una persona feliz, a pesar de algunas pérdidas bastante devastadoras en el camino. Su perspectiva me ha hecho preguntarme si es el sentido innato de conectividad de Dimash lo que le permite mantenerse positivo y también le permite ser un narrador vocal/musical tan poderoso. Un poco de alimento interesante para el pensamiento…Dimash no es sólo bueno en este o aquel campo, en este o aquel aspecto de cantar, Dimash es el campo de sonido, Dimash es una totalidad. Esto ya no se trata sólo de octavas(7 y 3 semitonos conocidas por el momento), registros de silbidos (como escucharás) o incluso más que una técnica simple, inmensa y vocal, Dimash tiene una voz universal. Para ser claro, su voz es como lo que en biología se llama una célula madre. En este sentido es una "voz madre". A partir de esta célula se puede generar cualquier tipo de tejido, lo que comúnmente se llaman géneros musicales. Sus transiciones son tales que la transición ya no existe. Dimash no canta los diferentes géneros (ópera, pop, rock, también rap, jazz, neoclásico, crossover, etc...). Dimash ya tiene, desde el principio, todos los géneros. En su caso, los géneros musicales no son más que una coloratura, una inflexión, una declinación de su voz general. Lo mismo se aplica, por supuesto, a todos sus registros de voz. Esto también conduce al hecho de que canta fácilmente en varios idiomas(15 idiomas). Las diferentes lenguas nacionales no son más que determinaciones, sub-especies, de su sonoridad general. Permítanme darles un ejemplo que también es una confirmación: Dimash fue criticado por no haberse dedicado exclusivamente a la Opera. Fue el propio Dimash quien declinó la invitación a especializarse en canto operístico, y esto es perfectamente consistente con su naturaleza y valor. Dimash no es sólo un cantante operístico, ni sólo rock, ni sólo pop, ni nada especificado y específico, simplemente porque es un cantante "holístico" tanto en el sentido filosófico como científico del término. Dimash es un "sistema de canto" que no es más que la suma de sus propias partes. Canta con todo su cuerpo. Este hecho no sólo se refiere a consideraciones técnicas relacionadas con la postura a tomar en diferentes momentos y modos de canto. Es ante todo que, como he dicho, en Dimash cantar es equivalente a todo el organismo. Supongo que tarde o temprano esto debería haber pasado en alguien, y sí, sucedió en este chico kazajo. En resumen: Los otros cantantes, todos los demás cantantes, interpretan una canción. Dimash se ejecuta a sí mismo.Soy un hombre mayor y jamás en mi vida ha logrado ningún cantante o actor fanatizarme o aunque más no sea, llamar poderosamente mi atención. Con Dimash me pasó algo que nunca me pasó: no solo me he vuelto fanático de Dimash sino que ha logrado que al escuchar a otro cantante me parezca que le falta algo. Y creo que es la emoción que me provoca su interpretación, su voz y su presencia. Para mí hay algo de misterioso en esa atracción que me provoca este artista, es como adictivo, como hipnótico ,que te lleva a un viaje maravilloso de la vida. La creatividad de Dimash es como el aire y el calor de los rayos del sol para mis oídos y mi alma. Además de un talento vocal extraordinario, Dimash tiene un mundo interior increíblemente rico y lleno de espiritualidad. Por supuesto, es una persona íntegra y autosuficiente a pesar de su corta edad. Estos individuos vienen a nuestro mundo una vez cada milenio para mejorarlo.
Even vocal coaches and music composers are at a loss to explain DIMASH; best they can say, is; you can teach a person to sing; but what DIAMSh does you can't teach. He is the G.O.A.T. for sure and all we can do is just enjoy to the max, everything he does. And be happy we live in the age of DIMASH.
That's exactly what I said in another video! You can train and take vocal lessons, etc, but there also has to be a God-given talent! And dimash has it! 😊
23 sec in one breath to be exact and as if that's not enough Dimash adds some vocal acrobatics to make it all even more out of this world 😲🥰 Thank you so much for your loving response to our Next level vocalist 👍😊
The man in white is Igor Krutoy, famous Russian /Ukrainian composer and musician. I understd this was where he met Dimash and together they started making music together. Thank you for your reaction. I’m glad you played out the performance so you could see a bit of his character. He is very humble and has a great love for his family and country.
I think you, being a 70s child might possibly enjoy Dimash’s cover of The Show Must Go On by Queen. You’ll find it under The Singer 2017. It was a contest he was in in China. I can’t get enough of it. Queen fans are amazed.
This was another very enjoyable reaction. This was his 2018 guest performance at the New Wave competition held annually since 2002 at the New Wave Hall in Sochi Olympic Park.The band A-Studio is originally from Kazakhstan. The keyboard player, Baigali Serkebaev, composed the song together with the poet Ilia Reznik, and the song was first performed in 1998. The singer of the group A-Studio passed away in 2015, and in this concert, the group was backing up guest vocalists. The triangle man is multi-percussionist Ilya Pokrovsky, a very talented man and a close friend of Dimash, and a member of the Dimash team (DQ Team). He plays various percussion instruments and accompanies Dimash in all his concerts. Someone explained that the special tribal riff is something practiced in Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and other parts of Asia. A similar technique is also used in some parts of the Middle East. It is referred to by some as a "glottal stop". We use it too when we say "uh oh". A Kazakh RUclipsr commented that Dimash used a Kazakh singing technique, called 'komeymen aytu'. You can hear it among the Turan Group. Sakha people use this technique too; they call it 'kylyhah'. I read somewhere that the tribal vocalization was a tribute to the deceased singer, as it is similar to a technique usually used by women in Kazakh funeral ceremonies. The final run is 21.73 seconds on one breath. This competition was organized by the man in the white shirt who stood up in the first row, Igor Krutoy, a famous Ukrainian/Russian music composer, performer, producer, and musical promoter. He invited Dimash to perform and it was this performance that prompted him to come out of retirement and compose masterpieces for Dimash to sing, such as I Miss You, Ogni Pietra, Your Love, Stranger, and Ave Maria, just to name a few. Since this concert, he has been collaborating with Dimash, writing music with his vocal range in mind, and often accompanying him on the piano. So you'll see more of him. There is another performance of this song in one of his more recent concerts. It is as good or better because you can hear certain parts clearer and the camera stays on him most of the time. Here is the link, in case you want to watch it. He is consistently perfect.видео.html
If you enjoy Opera, a relatively recent song on his channel is a duet with Placido Domingo that is just beautiful. Or Omir with his brother on the guitar!
Dimash is sooooo good!! He doesn't just sing, he gives you an out of this world experience. People from more than sixty countries attend his concerts, it is a privilege to see him live. Bravo Dimash!! 💐💐💐💐💐💐💐
Bienvenida a nuestro maravilloso mundo de nuestro príncipe kazajo, el ángel que nos lleva de la tierra al cielo, bienvenida. Muchas gracias por compartir tu reacción. ❤❤❤
👉Dimash's deep and gentle voice... I melt away. What a wonderful song, wonderfully sung by Dimash (Russian language). Did you hold your breath? 🤣 The final run was 23 seconds with one breath. 👏👏👏 Dimash sings here as a guest on the New Wave 2018 (international competition). Igor Krutoy, the man in the white shirt at the end, a famous Russian composer, music titan and initiator of the New Wave had invited him. Now, both are a "Dreamteam" and work together from time to time. They are friends, have a father-son-relationship. ... and of course Dimash donates the many flowers to hospitals and retirement homes. The band that Dimash accompanies at this performance called A’Studio, who composed and performed “Sinful Passion” in 1998. The band is also from Kazakhstan (Dimash's homeland) and this Dimash performance has revived the song. *Original: A'STUDIO - Грешная страсть/ SInful Passion (pronounced: Greshnaya Strust) -видео.html The glottal - stops is a throat singing technique called "bleating", “goat's trill” or „Trillo caprino/ little goat“ used by the indigenous peoples of the Far East. In Iran called this technique „tahrir“ In 17th-century Italy, 'trillo' referred to the so-called 'Monteverdi trill' or bleat, a tremolo-like repetition of a single pitch. Singing these trills was frowned upon. * Maryam Akhondy -видео.html * Sainkho Namtchylak -видео.html * Diana Ankudinova -видео.html (Thanks to all Dears who helped to complete the information)
Thank you for your great reaction🥰. These middle easter sound (melisma) he does in one or another song. It’s really awesome. The thing with the flowers has something to do with respect for the artist. It's a cultural thing. The audience listens to a performance without yelling or screaming that the artist can no longer be heard. No sound may be missing. In return, they then shower Dimash with flowers and gifts. That's the norm there. He then always donates the flowers to hospitals, retirement homes or similar institutions. 23 seconds in one breath with riffs and runs. It’s unbelievable. He sang this song on the New Wave in Sochi, Russia in 2018. This is an international contest for young performers founded by Igor Krutoy in 2002. Dimash sang here as a guest. This song was in Russian, a language he speaks fluently. The gentleman at the end you see standing and clapping is the famous Russian/Ukrainian composer, producer and songwriter Igor Krutoy. His and Dimash's collaboration created true masterpieces. He writes songs that only Dimash could sing with his vocal range, such as Olimpico, Stranger or Ave Maria. You’ll often see him accompanying Dimash on the piano. The two have no contract. Their cooperation is based more on mutual trust. It’s more like a father/son relationship. Thank you for reacting the video to the end. If possible, always watch the videos to the end. Very often there are interesting things to learn. Either there’s something to laugh about, or he’s talking to his audience. He always thanks his musicians. He is incredibly humble and never acts like a star. When he is praised, he constantly says that it is thanks to his teachers and his parents, who made it all possible for him. He’s just incredible. In this case he thanked the band A-Studio. It’s a Kazakh band who wrote this song. However, Dimash sang it differently. And in my opinion, much better 😄. If you like some really great fancam versions then I recommend the one from the Moscow concert:видео.html Or another one from the Arnau concert:видео.html They are all a bit different Please react to Olimpico from his Arnau concert in 2019 next. In this song he sings in Italian. You can find it on Igor Krutoy‘s Channel. Olimpico is another masterpiece that Igor Krutoy wrote especially for Dimash’s vocal skills. It was written for the 2nd European Games in Minsk, Belarus 2019. And that’s why the lyrics are also very motivating. This song and this performance from this Arnau concert is my absolute favourite🥰 I think this version is the best, because his performance is so intense and breathtaking. The light show, the background dancers. Everything. With this song in this version I always get breathlessness. The way he represents himself on stage, the hand movements. I think he has incredibly beautiful hands🤭(and apparently many cameramen think so too, since many of the camera shots during his performances very often only show his hands. Sometimes it seems as if he is conducting himself. This is really fascinating). And the facial expression, the look. There he looks so commanding😱. In my opinion, this version of Olimpico is one of the most impressive performances ever. If you don't know what the song is about, you'd think he was going to war and is calling his army to a lost battle 😅! It’s absolutely stunning. And I don't even mean the vocal part, but also his stage presence. The whole package. Oh wow I’m starting to rave again…🤤 Sorry but I can’t help it🥺. I swear it is mind-blowing 🤯видео.html Greetings and love from Germany👋❤️
the best singer por siempre !! saco su nuevo video !! este hombre es lo mas versátil que he visto en mi vida y he visto mucho !! cada vez que lo veas sera mejor y no pararas de admirar la perfección !!
Catching the emotion within the performance 💓💗❤️❤️🔥🫠 Most reactors just miss the point or are 2🐓2 say🤣😂🤣💦 This is just down right yummy 🥰 I’m speaking as true loving spouse 😘. I think Dimash is a very brave performer to sing a man’s desire😍💓💗💖 SO DANG WELL‼️ Last 🌬 🎶 run was over 22 seconds ⏱ The song is by “A'Studio” 1998 They are some of the band mates preforming with Dimash 🎹🎸🤩 The gentleman standing in the audience in the white shirt is “Maestro Igor Krutoy”✨🎹✨🎼 He's a Ukrainian & Russian music composer, performer, producer, musical promoter & billionaire. Very famous‼️🌟🇺🇦🇷🇺 He came “Out of Retirement” to work with Dimash. When you see him at the 🎹 with Dimash you can bet he’s the composer and or collaborator of that song. They’re Vast Friends Now 🎼💞 & ALL 🦌🦌 ARE GRATEFUL🫠 The most impressive part is his ✨ “Honor & Spirit” ✨ ❤️2U&ALLU❤️🦌🦌💫🌎🕊️🇺🇸
7:28 Do you see the man with white shirt that gives standing applause. He is Igor Krutoy, a composer that came back from retirement after seeing Dimash sing and decided to work with him.
The band named A'Studio that accompanies Dimash, is the same one that composed the song minus the lead singer named Batyrkhan Shukenov, who died of a heart attack in 2015. The song was originally performed in 1998 and the lyrics are by the poet Ilia Reznik together with Baigaly Serkebayev, (the keyboardist with long hair, which we see in the video accompanying Dimash.) The tones in the middle are oriental Arab technique (or traditional Qazaq singing, called Joqtaw. It is a lament to the deceased singer). The last run is 24 seconds on 1 breath. The man in the white shirt giving a standing ovation at the end is Igor Krutoy. This is the first time he heard Dimash. He came out of retirement after seeing this competition to begin his collaboration with Dimash.
I’ve watched this stunning performance many times, but what I saw here was that he looked like he knew how to own that stage. And great observation that even the band that was backing him was so amazed.
Thank you for playing the video all the way to the end unlike a lot of reactors who stops the video after Dimash sings. I don’t watch those reactors anymore. They’re only after “Likes & Subscription “.
Always extraordinary and beautiful every Dimash performance. And I really can't wait for you to react to the song story in the sky live in Almaty concert. Thanks for the reaction. I've also subscribed to your channel now 😁❤
🥰👏💖🇧🇷Amo suas reações. Gentileza reagir: Dimash e Victor Ma eart song, Dimash e super vocal boys no medley do Queen, ocean over time (game), across endless dimensions (movie), power rangers, e a todas as sugestões. Paz, amor e luz de sua amiga do Brasil.
He do swimming for lung capasity and able to hold up to 30 sec. He has so many suprises when you think he can't get better He just amaze again and again!! Have you done reaction to "Adagio" and "Your love"? I will also mention "The show must go on " by Queen. This was the young Dimash and he had to learn english in one week before this song in the competition "Singer". He always does it his way but I am really sure Freddy Mercury would be so proud! ❤
If you want to see him sing something more "lowkey" and close to his heart I recommend his recent live performance of "Omir"(ft. his little brother on guitar, Dimash wrote and composed this song himself) or the Kazakh folk song "Samaltau"(Tokyo Jazz Festival). Ps. I think you should wait a little with "Story of One Sky" until you're a bit more familiar with Dimash and what he's about, I've seen a lot of reactors jump into it way too early and end up very overwhelmed and even distressed since they didn't know what they signed up for.
It's interesting how the lyrics change depending on how or what program is translating them. The repeating lyric on screen saying, "let me" is actually "give me". Small difference, but an important one reflecting the emotion of that particular plea.
The song was originally done by a group called A Studio. The lead singer had passed away and dimash paid homage to him by doing the chanting in this performance which is a tradition in Kazakhstan when someone passes away. The rest of group a studio was assisting dimash in this particular performance on stage
For no "crazy stuff" at all, please check out the fantastic music video OKAY, with music composed just for him. It's a love story of Stalinist Russia. Dimash's vocals always serve the song, and he sings anything he chooses! ❤
the man in the white shirt is famous retired composer russian composer igor kutroy.. who came out of retirement only to work with dimash.. he wrote several songs for dimash and played piano for him on several of his songs... love is like a dream , i miss you, ave maria, know and list goes on... dimash also did adaigo who was performed by lara fabian, who is dimash's favorite singer besides michael jackson... he also does m.j. tribute... please keep reacting to him.. he needs his talent needs to be heard more in usa.... ty for your words about this great singer... you will find out along the way that he is also very religous, respectful, humble, a great humanitarian, who is fight for peace love and understanding of all peoples cultures races, and religion...ty again
For those who like information about Dimas' songs: Sinful Passion - The story behind this song is very interesting: The band that accompanies Dimash is the same one that composed the song, without the singer who died after a heart attack! The band is also from Kazakhstan and this performance by Dimash revitalized the song. Moreover, in the final part he added, with an oriental technique (from the Kazakhstan region). The song was originally performed in 1998 and the band name is A'Studio (Kazakh pop music group based in Russia, "Alma-Ata Studio", Almaty city). The dead singer (who Dimash was a fan of) left the band in 2000 and passed away in 2015 and his name was Batyrkhan Shukenov. The lyrics are by the poetess Ilia Reznik together with Baigaly Serkebayev, who is the long-haired keyboardist, who we see in the video that accompanies Dimash. Hugs from Brazil! Original Version:видео.html
Fantastic reaction to the amazing dimash well done on getting 20k subs well deserved for all your hard work fantastic channel love and respect from the UK 👍👍🌟😀😀 amazing channel 👍
Here's a short list of my favorites: Love is Like a Dreamвидео.html Adagioвидео.html Strangerвидео.html (Dimash's Concert Aug. 2021) Ikanaide (his first Japanese song)видео.html The Story of One Sky (Music Video) (9/23/22) Music and video written by, starred in, directed by Dimashвидео.html
Great reaction and nice that you let them play to the end so people can see what a great and humble person Dimash is. I post this 9 months or so after you reacted but I hope by now you know who the man in white in the audience is. It was his first time seeing Dimash perform. Igor Krutoy becomes a very special person in Dimash’s life.
@ you might enjoy Igor’s birthday celebration with a performance by Dimash , Aida Garifullona and Lara Fabian called Ti Amo Cosi and other songs by Dimash and Aida …just a fantastic show . You’d like it if you haven’t seen it yet
Great reaction thanks :) For stranger it seems the footage is more important than the music for it being blocked- most reactors blur out most of it or put some other heavy filter on it.. And also pause at least once or twice - then it should pass. It is the hardest song of his to not get blocked because it was on some tv channel who are very agressive with blocking.
Simply the best Singer on this Planet. Ever
Best? Idk. Most technically skilled? Yes very likely.
At time stamp 9:15, the elderly bald gentleman in the white shirt (just above your head) is Maestro Igor Krutoy, a very respected composer/pianist/conductor in Russia who established a collaborative relationship with Dimash. As you view more performances by Dimash, you will see him again as pianist for Dimash. He is also a great mentor for Diana Ankudinova, a phenomenal young contralto. Other people will provide details
“Imagine him singing this to you” ,,,, hahaha,….we all do Mrs. realistic 😉
I'm glad I'm not alone 😆
¡Es difícil explicar qué emociones nos transmite Dimash, con su voz celestial! Después de escuchar a Dimash y dejar que su voz penetre hasta lo más profundo de tu alma, algo cambia dentro de ti. Es una vibra y energía diferente que no puedes entender, solo puedes sentir. Inevitablemente, un escalofrío empieza a recorrer los poros de tu piel y no puedes contener las lágrimas, que brotan de forma natural y, he aquí, empiezas a sentir tu cuerpo flotando, casi levitando, yendo a otra dimensión, en un estado de éxtasis. . Dimash no es solo voz. Es el cruce de todo. ¡Es único! Tiene un rango vocal, nunca antes visto. ¡Dios nos habla a través de él! Por no hablar del ser humano que es: generoso, amable, educado, caritativo, humilde, sencillo.
Dimash es inexpicable es como si Dios a traves de el quisiera mandar un mensaje a la humanidad tan corompida de odio y desamor, sin embargo el es amor y belleza en su maxima expresion lleno de valores de los que el mundo desafortunadamente carece ahora mismo , mira su cancion de guerra y paz y todo el amor , humildad y honestidad que el entrega, Dimash no es solo el mejor cantante del mundo , Dimash es un mensaje al mundo.
Debemos estar felices que pertenecemos a un grupo muy selecto de personas que esta en la misma sintonía . Porque me he dado cuenta que no va en gustos musicales, en conocimiento ni en edades ni culturas ni nada de eso, va en algo más allá .Dimash nos eligió, nos dio una parte de su alma y su corazón a cada uno , pero para recibir ese regalo tenemos una condición y esa condición es dejarlo conectarse con nuestro ser a través de su música y como hay tantas personas en el mundo y su alma y corazón no podían ser para todos, eligió solo a algunos ,los más dispuestos a dejarse emocionar y atrapar por su voz. Por eso no debemos prestar atención a los que lo critican o no lo saben entender porque ellos no fueron elegidos, no les tocó su trozo de alma y corazón , se quedaron afuera , no dejaron que su luz los tocara , se quedaron en la oscuridad, una pena por ellos porque nunca sabrán el disfrute y el placer que su arte nos proporciona.
Me lleva a pensar en la voz de Dimash y el elemento terapéutico que supuestamente tiene en muchas personas. A menudo he comentado sobre la capacidad de Dimash para transmitir emociones profundas a través de su voz (incluso cuando existen barreras del idioma, Dimash parece capaz de transmitir el sentimiento vocalmente). Por los videos que he visto y los artículos que he leído, Dimash es un ser humano muy enfocado (¡obviamente talentoso!), que tiene un profundo sentido de conexión con las cosas simples de la vida: familia, fe, belleza, niños, amistades y respeto. (No digo que estas sean las únicas cosas que valora, pero parecen ser recurrentes). Dimash suele ser introspectivo, pero parece realmente una persona feliz, a pesar de algunas pérdidas bastante devastadoras en el camino. Su perspectiva me ha hecho preguntarme si es el sentido innato de conectividad de Dimash lo que le permite mantenerse positivo y también le permite ser un narrador vocal/musical tan poderoso. Un poco de alimento interesante para el pensamiento…Dimash no es sólo bueno en este o aquel campo, en este o aquel aspecto de cantar, Dimash es el campo de sonido, Dimash es una totalidad. Esto ya no se trata sólo de octavas(7 y 3 semitonos conocidas por el momento), registros de silbidos (como escucharás) o incluso más que una técnica simple, inmensa y vocal, Dimash tiene una voz universal. Para ser claro, su voz es como lo que en biología se llama una célula madre. En este sentido es una "voz madre". A partir de esta célula se puede generar cualquier tipo de tejido, lo que comúnmente se llaman géneros musicales. Sus transiciones son tales que la transición ya no existe. Dimash no canta los diferentes géneros (ópera, pop, rock, también rap, jazz, neoclásico, crossover, etc...). Dimash ya tiene, desde el principio, todos los géneros. En su caso, los géneros musicales no son más que una coloratura, una inflexión, una declinación de su voz general. Lo mismo se aplica, por supuesto, a todos sus registros de voz. Esto también conduce al hecho de que canta fácilmente en varios idiomas(15 idiomas). Las diferentes lenguas nacionales no son más que determinaciones, sub-especies, de su sonoridad general. Permítanme darles un ejemplo que también es una confirmación: Dimash fue criticado por no haberse dedicado exclusivamente a la Opera. Fue el propio Dimash quien declinó la invitación a especializarse en canto operístico, y esto es perfectamente consistente con su naturaleza y valor. Dimash no es sólo un cantante operístico, ni sólo rock, ni sólo pop, ni nada especificado y específico, simplemente porque es un cantante "holístico" tanto en el sentido filosófico como científico del término. Dimash es un "sistema de canto" que no es más que la suma de sus propias partes. Canta con todo su cuerpo. Este hecho no sólo se refiere a consideraciones técnicas relacionadas con la postura a tomar en diferentes momentos y modos de canto. Es ante todo que, como he dicho, en Dimash cantar es equivalente a todo el organismo. Supongo que tarde o temprano esto debería haber pasado en alguien, y sí, sucedió en este chico kazajo. En resumen: Los otros cantantes, todos los demás cantantes, interpretan una canción. Dimash se ejecuta a sí mismo.Soy un hombre mayor y jamás en mi vida ha logrado ningún cantante o actor fanatizarme o aunque más no sea, llamar poderosamente mi atención. Con Dimash me pasó algo que nunca me pasó: no solo me he vuelto fanático de Dimash sino que ha logrado que al escuchar a otro cantante me parezca que le falta algo. Y creo que es la emoción que me provoca su interpretación, su voz y su presencia. Para mí hay algo de misterioso en esa atracción que me provoca este artista, es como adictivo, como hipnótico ,que te lleva a un viaje maravilloso de la vida. La creatividad de Dimash es como el aire y el calor de los rayos del sol para mis oídos y mi alma.
Además de un talento vocal extraordinario, Dimash tiene un mundo interior increíblemente rico y lleno de espiritualidad. Por supuesto, es una persona íntegra y autosuficiente a pesar de su corta edad. Estos individuos vienen a nuestro mundo una vez cada milenio para mejorarlo.
You put it so perfectly... thank you!
Спасибо за такой глубокий анализ и за Вашу любовь🤗👌💥💥💥
"Imagine if he were singing this love song to you." You are the first reactor to point this out. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Oh wow! Really? Because anyone would melt if he sang it to them! :)
Even vocal coaches and music composers are at a loss to explain DIMASH; best they can say, is; you can teach a person to sing; but what DIAMSh does you can't teach. He is the G.O.A.T. for sure and all we can do is just enjoy to the max, everything he does. And be happy we live in the age of DIMASH.
That's exactly what I said in another video! You can train and take vocal lessons, etc, but there also has to be a God-given talent! And dimash has it! 😊
This young man, such a beautiful person, heart, soul & mind ! Then there’s his magnificent voice,,, just DAMN !!
23 sec in one breath to be exact and as if that's not enough Dimash adds some vocal acrobatics to make it all even more out of this world 😲🥰 Thank you so much for your loving response to our Next level vocalist 👍😊
Several has counted it to be a little over 24 seconds because of the start of the note that also has to be counted 😊
Этот пианист и написал эту песню.❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉👍👍👏👏👏✌️🕊️🌍🌍🇧🇾🙏
His vocals pierce your soul...healing it!
He has this magical quality about him. Dimashified as usual
The man in white is Igor Krutoy, famous Russian /Ukrainian composer and musician. I understd this was where he met Dimash and together they started making music together. Thank you for your reaction. I’m glad you played out the performance so you could see a bit of his character. He is very humble and has a great love for his family and country.
I think you, being a 70s child might possibly enjoy Dimash’s cover of The Show Must Go On by Queen. You’ll find it under The Singer 2017. It was a contest he was in in China. I can’t get enough of it. Queen fans are amazed.
There will never be another Dimash!!! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
The only way I can react to this performance is with shock and disbelief! Thank you for sharing this one !
Glad you enjoyed it! It was spectacular!
This was another very enjoyable reaction. This was his 2018 guest performance at the New Wave competition held annually since 2002 at the New Wave Hall in Sochi Olympic Park.The band A-Studio is originally from Kazakhstan. The keyboard player, Baigali Serkebaev, composed the song together with the poet Ilia Reznik, and the song was first performed in 1998. The singer of the group A-Studio passed away in 2015, and in this concert, the group was backing up guest vocalists. The triangle man is multi-percussionist Ilya Pokrovsky, a very talented man and a close friend of Dimash, and a member of the Dimash team (DQ Team). He plays various percussion instruments and accompanies Dimash in all his concerts.
Someone explained that the special tribal riff is something practiced in Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and other parts of Asia. A similar technique is also used in some parts of the Middle East. It is referred to by some as a "glottal stop". We use it too when we say "uh oh". A Kazakh RUclipsr commented that Dimash used a Kazakh singing technique, called 'komeymen aytu'. You can hear it among the Turan Group. Sakha people use this technique too; they call it 'kylyhah'. I read somewhere that the tribal vocalization was a tribute to the deceased singer, as it is similar to a technique usually used by women in Kazakh funeral ceremonies. The final run is 21.73 seconds on one breath.
This competition was organized by the man in the white shirt who stood up in the first row, Igor Krutoy, a famous Ukrainian/Russian music composer, performer, producer, and musical promoter. He invited Dimash to perform and it was this performance that prompted him to come out of retirement and compose masterpieces for Dimash to sing, such as I Miss You, Ogni Pietra, Your Love, Stranger, and Ave Maria, just to name a few. Since this concert, he has been collaborating with Dimash, writing music with his vocal range in mind, and often accompanying him on the piano. So you'll see more of him.
There is another performance of this song in one of his more recent concerts. It is as good or better because you can hear certain parts clearer and the camera stays on him most of the time. Here is the link, in case you want to watch it. He is consistently perfect.видео.html
Thanks so much for the background on that! I felt like it sounded middle eastern as well!
I love this song, & as always galaxy class all the way!
24 seconds starting with belting and then the riffs and runs from another galaxy.... 🥲🥲🥰🥰
He really is a once-in-a-lifetime artist & I'm so glad it's during my lifetime 😊
Thank you do much ☺️🙏💞
I agree, I’m so lucky to be here in this lifetime to witness such talented wonderful human being Dimash is.
@@TeresitaReed-de6xe definitely! Has he changed your life as he has for me & so many Dears?
If you enjoy Opera, a relatively recent song on his channel is a duet with Placido Domingo that is just beautiful. Or Omir with his brother on the guitar!
Welcome to the rabbit hole that is Dimash.😊
I looove your Ren reactions, but Dimash is next level. Never fails to impress. Beautiful. Thanks and keep them coming.
I appreciate that! Thank you!
Try " Hello" WOW.
🎵 Beautiful 🤍 Dimash 🎶
Congrats on 20K 🌟🌟🌟 to the stars
Thank you! I started this channel with 50 subscribers who liked my Kombucha recipe LOL!!!
Dimash is sooooo good!! He doesn't just sing, he gives you an out of this world experience. People from more than sixty countries attend his concerts, it is a privilege to see him live.
Bravo Dimash!! 💐💐💐💐💐💐💐
Idk but I hope you all have a good sunday
Thanks Luke! You too! 😊
Bienvenida a nuestro maravilloso mundo de nuestro príncipe kazajo, el ángel que nos lleva de la tierra al cielo, bienvenida. Muchas gracias por compartir tu reacción. ❤❤❤
The great Igor Krutoy was the first to give him a standing ovation!
best impossible!!!!
👉Dimash's deep and gentle voice... I melt away. What a wonderful song, wonderfully sung by Dimash (Russian language). Did you hold your breath? 🤣 The final run was 23 seconds with one breath. 👏👏👏
Dimash sings here as a guest on the New Wave 2018 (international competition). Igor Krutoy, the man in the white shirt at the end, a famous Russian composer, music titan and initiator of the New Wave had invited him. Now, both are a "Dreamteam" and work together from time to time. They are friends, have a father-son-relationship.
... and of course Dimash donates the many flowers to hospitals and retirement homes.
The band that Dimash accompanies at this performance called A’Studio, who composed and performed “Sinful Passion” in 1998. The band is also from Kazakhstan (Dimash's homeland) and this Dimash performance has revived the song.
*Original: A'STUDIO - Грешная страсть/ SInful Passion (pronounced: Greshnaya Strust) -видео.html
The glottal - stops is a throat singing technique called "bleating", “goat's trill” or „Trillo caprino/ little goat“ used by the indigenous peoples of the Far East. In Iran called this technique „tahrir“
In 17th-century Italy, 'trillo' referred to the so-called 'Monteverdi trill' or bleat, a tremolo-like repetition of a single pitch. Singing these trills was frowned upon.
* Maryam Akhondy -видео.html
* Sainkho Namtchylak -видео.html
* Diana Ankudinova -видео.html
(Thanks to all Dears who helped to complete the information)
we dont talk about bruno playing the piano for dimash
My angel Dimash the best of the best ❤❤❤❤
Such an unbelievable performance, what a privilege to be alive to witness this vocal wonder ❤🎉
Thank you for your great reaction🥰.
These middle easter sound (melisma) he does in one or another song. It’s really awesome.
The thing with the flowers has something to do with respect for the artist. It's a cultural thing. The audience listens to a performance without yelling or screaming that the artist can no longer be heard. No sound may be missing. In return, they then shower Dimash with flowers and gifts. That's the norm there. He then always donates the flowers to hospitals, retirement homes or similar institutions.
23 seconds in one breath with riffs and runs. It’s unbelievable. He sang this song on the New Wave in Sochi, Russia in 2018. This is an international contest for young performers founded by Igor Krutoy in 2002. Dimash sang here as a guest.
This song was in Russian, a language he speaks fluently.
The gentleman at the end you see standing and clapping is the famous Russian/Ukrainian composer, producer and songwriter Igor Krutoy. His and Dimash's collaboration created true masterpieces. He writes songs that only Dimash could sing with his vocal range, such as Olimpico, Stranger or Ave Maria. You’ll often see him accompanying Dimash on the piano. The two have no contract. Their cooperation is based more on mutual trust. It’s more like a father/son relationship.
Thank you for reacting the video to the end. If possible, always watch the videos to the end. Very often there are interesting things to learn. Either there’s something to laugh about, or he’s talking to his audience. He always thanks his musicians. He is incredibly humble and never acts like a star. When he is praised, he constantly says that it is thanks to his teachers and his parents, who made it all possible for him. He’s just incredible.
In this case he thanked the band A-Studio. It’s a Kazakh band who wrote this song. However, Dimash sang it differently. And in my opinion, much better 😄.
If you like some really great fancam versions then I recommend the one from the Moscow concert:видео.html
Or another one from the Arnau concert:видео.html
They are all a bit different
Please react to Olimpico from his Arnau concert in 2019 next. In this song he sings in Italian. You can find it on Igor Krutoy‘s Channel. Olimpico is another masterpiece that Igor Krutoy wrote especially for Dimash’s vocal skills. It was written for the 2nd European Games in Minsk, Belarus 2019. And that’s why the lyrics are also very motivating.
This song and this performance from this Arnau concert is my absolute favourite🥰 I think this version is the best, because his performance is so intense and breathtaking. The light show, the background dancers. Everything. With this song in this version I always get breathlessness. The way he represents himself on stage, the hand movements. I think he has incredibly beautiful hands🤭(and apparently many cameramen think so too, since many of the camera shots during his performances very often only show his hands. Sometimes it seems as if he is conducting himself. This is really fascinating). And the facial expression, the look. There he looks so commanding😱. In my opinion, this version of Olimpico is one of the most impressive performances ever. If you don't know what the song is about, you'd think he was going to war and is calling his army to a lost battle 😅! It’s absolutely stunning. And I don't even mean the vocal part, but also his stage presence. The whole package. Oh wow I’m starting to rave again…🤤 Sorry but I can’t help it🥺. I swear it is mind-blowing 🤯видео.html
Greetings and love from Germany👋❤️
Thanks for all the info! :) And I loved seeing the audience interaction and his lovely thank yous at the end :)
Dimash the king of vokal. Please Dimash Ogni Pietra IN ARNAU.
Dimash is like a fantasy in the flesh.
Thanks for the SUBS!
the best singer por siempre !! saco su nuevo video !! este hombre es lo mas versátil que he visto en mi vida y he visto mucho !! cada vez que lo veas sera mejor y no pararas de admirar la perfección !!
СƏЛЕМ Рақмет сызге керемет реакциянызға Аман-есен болайық !!!ҚАЗАҚСТАН 🤩😍👌👋😎🇰🇿🇰🇿🇰🇿🇰🇿🇰🇿🇰🇿🇰🇿
I timed him when he sang another song.. Love is like a Dream he went 24 seconds without taking a breath. at the end of the song. just amazing
That 23 second one breath run though! 😮😊
It's insane!!
Catching the emotion within the performance 💓💗❤️❤️🔥🫠
Most reactors just miss the point or are 2🐓2 say🤣😂🤣💦
This is just down right yummy 🥰
I’m speaking as true loving spouse 😘. I think Dimash is a very brave performer to sing a man’s desire😍💓💗💖
Last 🌬 🎶 run was over 22 seconds ⏱
The song is by “A'Studio” 1998
They are some of the band mates preforming with Dimash 🎹🎸🤩
The gentleman standing in the audience in the white shirt is
“Maestro Igor Krutoy”✨🎹✨🎼
He's a Ukrainian & Russian music composer, performer, producer, musical promoter & billionaire.
Very famous‼️🌟🇺🇦🇷🇺
He came “Out of Retirement” to work with Dimash. When you see him at the 🎹 with Dimash you can bet he’s the composer
and or collaborator of that song.
They’re Vast Friends Now 🎼💞
The most impressive part is his
✨ “Honor & Spirit” ✨
Thanks so much! That just shows you how incredible Dimash is that someone would come out of retirement for him!!
7:28 Do you see the man with white shirt that gives standing applause.
He is Igor Krutoy, a composer that came back from retirement after seeing Dimash sing and decided to work with him.
That's amazing!
Just found your SOS vid.. one sec.
Dimash perfeito
Saudações do Brasil
Oh Dimash , unbelievable as always
I love electronic music as much as you do and I’m ready to congratulate you
Why thank you my friend!
The band named A'Studio that accompanies Dimash, is the same one that composed the song minus the lead singer named Batyrkhan Shukenov, who died of a heart attack in 2015. The song was originally performed in 1998 and the lyrics are by the poet Ilia Reznik together with Baigaly Serkebayev, (the keyboardist with long hair, which we see in the video accompanying Dimash.) The tones in the middle are oriental Arab technique (or traditional Qazaq singing, called Joqtaw. It is a lament to the deceased singer). The last run is 24 seconds on 1 breath.
The man in the white shirt giving a standing ovation at the end is Igor Krutoy. This is the first time he heard Dimash. He came out of retirement after seeing this competition to begin his collaboration with Dimash.
Es una maravilla !! DIMASH LOVE ❤
I’ve watched this stunning performance many times, but what I saw here was that he looked like he knew how to own that stage. And great observation that even the band that was backing him was so amazed.
A breathtaking performance!
Thank you for your heartfelt reaction.
25 seconds with One breath, Only dimash in the history of the music 🎉🎉
Thank you for playing the video all the way to the end unlike a lot of reactors who stops the video after Dimash sings. I don’t watch those reactors anymore. They’re only after “Likes & Subscription “.
I love to see the interactions. It shows what kind of person he is! Thank you for your kind comment! 😊🙏
Thank you for the reaction 🎉
Dimash is the best singer in the world without any doubt ❤
Always extraordinary and beautiful every Dimash performance. And I really can't wait for you to react to the song story in the sky live in Almaty concert. Thanks for the reaction. I've also subscribed to your channel now 😁❤
Thanks so much! I appreciate that! 🙏
The amount of control is nuts ❤
It really is!
🥰👏💖🇧🇷Amo suas reações. Gentileza reagir: Dimash e Victor Ma eart song, Dimash e super vocal boys no medley do Queen, ocean over time (game), across endless dimensions (movie), power rangers, e a todas as sugestões. Paz, amor e luz de sua amiga do Brasil.
Thanks for another Dimash reaction 😊. Stranger does seem to be the worst for getting blocked unfortunately.
I re edited it, blurred the video and put words over the video as well, but still can't get it unblocked. I gave up.
He do swimming for lung capasity and able to hold up to 30 sec. He has so many suprises when you think he can't get better He just amaze again and again!!
Have you done reaction to "Adagio" and "Your love"? I will also mention "The show must go on " by Queen. This was the young Dimash and he had to learn english in one week before this song in the competition "Singer". He always does it his way but I am really sure Freddy Mercury would be so proud! ❤
That has to be spectacular! Thank you for the suggestions!
@@MrsRealistic Your so welcome! Greetings from Norway ❤️
After that endless chained Breathe at the end by Dimash, the pianist was like: "Oh God!"
Looking away in disbelief for the first time in his career😅❤
Mrs No-Interruptous!
Finally a reviewer who doesn’t pause every few notes and who doesn’t blather on ….seriously!
😄 I'm glad you enjoyed it! I find it hard to pause his perfection!
If you want to see him sing something more "lowkey" and close to his heart I recommend his recent live
performance of "Omir"(ft. his little brother on guitar, Dimash wrote and composed this song himself)
or the Kazakh folk song "Samaltau"(Tokyo Jazz Festival).
Ps. I think you should wait a little with "Story of One Sky" until you're a bit more familiar with Dimash and what he's about,
I've seen a lot of reactors jump into it way too early and end up very overwhelmed and even distressed since they didn't know what they signed up for.
Thank you! 😁
It's interesting how the lyrics change depending on how or what program is translating them. The repeating lyric on screen saying, "let me" is actually "give me". Small difference, but an important one reflecting the emotion of that particular plea.
Thank you for letting me know! It was a "RUclips closed caption," so perhaps it's not as good as a video made with the CC already added?
The song was originally done by a group called A Studio. The lead singer had passed away and dimash paid homage to him by doing the chanting in this performance which is a tradition in Kazakhstan when someone passes away. The rest of group a studio was assisting dimash in this particular performance on stage
That's so sad...What a beautiful tribute!
For no "crazy stuff" at all, please check out the fantastic music video OKAY, with music composed just for him. It's a love story of Stalinist Russia. Dimash's vocals always serve the song, and he sings anything he chooses! ❤
To fully appreciate what Dimash has done with this song you have to listen to the original version.
Efectivamente Nadie puede compararse, ni en la voz, ni en lo creativo que es. Gracias 🎻🇪🇸
Thank you for watching!
the man in the white shirt is famous retired composer russian composer igor kutroy.. who came out of retirement only to work with dimash.. he wrote several songs for dimash and played piano for him on several of his songs... love is like a dream , i miss you, ave maria, know and list goes on... dimash also did adaigo who was performed by lara fabian, who is dimash's favorite singer besides michael jackson... he also does m.j. tribute... please keep reacting to him.. he needs his talent needs to be heard more in usa.... ty for your words about this great singer... you will find out along the way that he is also very religous, respectful, humble, a great humanitarian, who is fight for peace love and understanding of all peoples cultures races, and religion...ty again
He has them send all flowers to hospitals and old folks homes in whatever city he's in. He's so kind.
What a kind-hearted man!
For those who like information about Dimas' songs:
Sinful Passion - The story behind this song is very interesting: The band that accompanies Dimash is the same one that composed the song, without the singer who died after a heart attack! The band is also from Kazakhstan and this performance by Dimash revitalized the song. Moreover, in the final part he added, with an oriental technique (from the Kazakhstan region). The song was originally performed in 1998 and the band name is A'Studio (Kazakh pop music group based in Russia, "Alma-Ata Studio", Almaty city). The dead singer (who Dimash was a fan of) left the band in 2000 and passed away in 2015 and his name was Batyrkhan Shukenov. The lyrics are by the poetess Ilia Reznik together with Baigaly Serkebayev, who is the long-haired keyboardist, who we see in the video that accompanies Dimash.
Hugs from Brazil!
Original Version:видео.html
That's so sad! Thank you for the info!
Love your reactions - this was when Egor asked to work with him - 07:54
Fantastic reaction to the amazing dimash well done on getting 20k subs well deserved for all your hard work fantastic channel love and respect from the UK 👍👍🌟😀😀 amazing channel 👍
🎉 Thanks Dave!
Қазақстаннан сәлем! Пікіріңізге көп- көп рақмет! Димаштың өнері керемет!! Димаш ,биіктен көріне бер.
Hi , i love ur reaction bout Dimash . Hope u do more react to Dimash . The Story Of One Sky - MV by Dimash . U will be shock .
Here's a short list of my favorites:
Love is Like a Dreamвидео.html
Strangerвидео.html (Dimash's Concert Aug. 2021)
Ikanaide (his first Japanese song)видео.html
The Story of One Sky (Music Video) (9/23/22) Music and video written by, starred in, directed by Dimashвидео.html
Thank you 😁
Please check out his newer "Stranger" on Youku. Astounding
Thank you!
in a world full of merchandise artists
we got Ren-Dimash-Ankudinova-SoHyang and a few others
to fill the emptyness we face in our era through Art..
Very true! We're lucky to witness it!
What a humble man❤❤❤❤❤❤
He’s becoming an addiction! I’m worried.
LOL! No worries needed.
A Vocal Symphony
Great reaction and nice that you let them play to the end so people can see what a great and humble person Dimash is. I post this 9 months or so after you reacted but I hope by now you know who the man in white in the audience is. It was his first time seeing Dimash perform. Igor Krutoy becomes a very special person in Dimash’s life.
Yes! I've learned a little bit since then. 😊 Thank you for your comment!
@ you might enjoy Igor’s birthday celebration with a performance by Dimash , Aida Garifullona and Lara Fabian called Ti Amo Cosi and other songs by Dimash and Aida …just a fantastic show . You’d like it if you haven’t seen it yet
Thank you! 😁
Great reaction thanks :)
For stranger it seems the footage is more important than the music for it being blocked- most reactors blur out most of it or put some other heavy filter on it.. And also pause at least once or twice - then it should pass. It is the hardest song of his to not get blocked because it was on some tv channel who are very agressive with blocking.
Yeah, I tried blurring the video and putting words over the top, but they still block it so it can't be viewed. I gave up LOL!
I just Subscribed to you as well. God Bless you!
Thanks for subbing! God bless 🙏
Glad you are are Dear as Well!! @@MrsRealistic
Don't listen to anyone. Just pick as you feel. There must be over a 100.
Thanks! 😊🙏
Сурьезная девушка!