RUDE NEIGHBOR GOT A LESSON! Officers I Am the Owner of This House and Property r/MaliciousCompliance

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024

Комментарии • 75

  • @BazilRat
    @BazilRat Год назад +35

    Props to the real-estate guy in the second story. Not even his clients and he goes in to bat for them - if more people were like that person, the industry wouldn't have such a bad rep.

  • @stuckinmopro8533
    @stuckinmopro8533 Год назад +43

    I went to our local Ford dealership to buy a car one day. I had done my research and knew exactly the car I wanted and had my financing approved through my local bank. Being a middle aged woman not one salesperson approached me on the lot and when I approached them they were all “busy”. After waiting an hour I got into my car and drove across the street to the Honda dealership where I was immediately approached by several sales associates. I bought a similar model car, did the paperwork (being pre approved makes this go much quicker!) and was offered coffee and a comfortable seat while they prepped my new car. When I got it I drove back across the street, parked right in front of the door and went in. I went to the office area and found the one marked Sales Manager and walked in. I put the Honda sales contract on his desk. I pointed to my new car and told him how I was treated when I was first there. I explained to him that he might want to teach his sales staff the even a lowly woman can buy cars these days and one of them could have made commission for an hours work if they weren’t so stupid. I walked out, waving to everyone who had ignored me earlier. I could hear the manager yelling when I got in my new car to drive away, lol!

    • @qinelenleawatanabe2162
      @qinelenleawatanabe2162 Год назад +11

      Years ago, I went to a Toyota dealership in our town wanting to look at one of their "hybrids." First words out of the salesperson's (female) mouth was "Are you trading your truck in?." "I told her not a chance," as the truck was a vintage Chevrolet with low milage and had a lot of work in restoration. She walked back into the dealership after my response, totally ignoring myself and the person I was buying the hybrid for. To this day I will never buy, look at or consider owning a Toyota.
      P.S. Also I know of a gent who happened to be a multimillionaire (50M) who wore coveralls and ruggedly worn boots with a lot of wear. I chatted with him on his appearance (yes I did know him as he did a lot of business with the company I was with) and he mentioned his ability to go about his business invisible because no one bothered him because the perception of others was that he was a simple pig farmer and couldn't afford gas for his old beat up Ford (Yes, he did own a beat up truck he drove about town. It was very sound running but it would never win a beauty contest.).
      A good message to anyone trying to make it in the sales biz....careful not to judge by outward appearances. The ones with the least amount are more likely to try and impress others by what they do not have and are also more likely to be debted to the bank for everything they own.

    • @kathyastrom1315
      @kathyastrom1315 Год назад +3

      @@qinelenleawatanabe2162 I know someone whose first father-in-law was a successful local restauranteur who, after he retired, decided to open a small landscaping business. One day, he decided he needed to replace his beat-up truck and went shopping in his dingy jeans and work shirt. The salesman at the dealership treated him like crap and refused to take him seriously, until he finally had enough, sought out the owner, and told him he had been willing to spend a lot of money, cash, that day, but now said that he was taking his business elsewhere due to his treatment. And went across town to get his new truck.

    • @qinelenleawatanabe2162
      @qinelenleawatanabe2162 Год назад +2

      @@kathyastrom1315 Sad how stupidity can be so epidemic in people judging others by the clothing they wear. Cover judging will always be a downfall of missing out in the good things in life...books, movies, people...anything, anytime or anyone an be a missed opportunity. We must all be careful as we can miss something truly wonderful.

  • @triciajumonville7741
    @triciajumonville7741 Год назад +5

    The first story brings to mind something I learned in my early teens. My Daddy was the local Methodist minister in a small East Texas town. He had a friend, a grandfatherly type that I never saw in anything but overalls. What impressed me about him was that he had a bass lake on his farm, and we (Daddy and I) got to go out with the elderly gentleman in his jonboard and fish on occasion. It was some years before I found out who Clint Murchison, Sr., was (think Texas Oil Mafia) and that small countries trembled when he glanced in their direction.
    About the same period of time, another friend of my parents used to take me to Dallas to go shopping at Neiman Marcus (the original, downtown, when Mr. Stanley still owned it. The service, from sales force to elevator attendant, was impeccable. One day an old woman who was dressed just above bag lady came in. Suddenly the air was electrified, the already impeccable service went up two notches. On the way home, I asked about that, and my parents' friend explained that that old woman was Old Money and could, if she so desired, buy everything in the entire store AND Mr. Stanley.
    Both of these people could and did "dress up" when THEY felt the occasion merited (or they needed to manipulate someone for whom surface appearance was everything).
    Taught me something about judging people by their clothes or their vehicle that has served me well over the intervening more than half a century.

  • @christigmc
    @christigmc Год назад +20

    My in laws used to own a motorcycle shop. They had one employee who had a very similar attitude as the rude employee in story 1. So they asked a loyal customer to help catch him in the act. This customer had just ordered his 3rd custom built bike from them. Price $20k. This was the early 90s. They informed him that his bike was ready and to please come to the shop “looking poor.” The guy had just finished some gardening so he came in a dirty t-shirt and jeans. Shortly after the customer walked in the customer told the employee he was in for a custom bike. The employee laughed him off saying the shop was too rich for someone like him. My MIL walked in and greeted the customer telling him his bike was ready and there was still $5k left on it. The customer paid the $5k cash and left with his bike. The employee was fired right then and there.
    Never judge a book by its cover. Like in story 1 the employee lost 2 things that day: commission and his job.

    • @HappilyHomicidalHooligan
      @HappilyHomicidalHooligan Год назад +6

      Actually, he lost 4 things that day...
      In addition to the Commission and job, he also lost the chance for a Good Recommendation/Work Reference and the chance of ever getting a job in that town doing anything other that asking his customers "Do you want fries with that?"...

  • @blackfield8248
    @blackfield8248 Год назад +2

    The first story reminds me of my Dad. He’s a Mexican that owns his own construction company, but still goes out and does the grunt work. He’s a huge Ford F150 fan and buys the newest top of the line generation in cash whenever they come out.
    In 2004 he wanted the newest 4x4 and went to his dealer right after work (still in his construction outfit) and as he was telling the sales rep what he wanted, the rep commented “let me show you something else in your price range”
    My Dad was livid and chewed him out asking how did he know what his price range was? Sales Manager came out (knows my Dad from all the previous trucks he bought over the years), apologized, gave my Dad a killer deal on it, and fired the rep the next day (manager actually called my Dad personally to apologize and inform him of the rep being let go). My Dad still buys his trucks there to this day!

  • @Juggzy
    @Juggzy Год назад +4

    The house flipping one I don’t know why the gvt goes after the BUYER when the SELLER is the one that did the illegal work, or had it done. The buyer has absolutely NOTHING to do with that, that’s ALL on the SELLER and the company that did the work.

    • @mkvv5687
      @mkvv5687 Год назад +1

      Correct. As was related in the story, the SELLER was on the hook for everything, with assurances to the BUYER that they were in the clear.

    • @Juggzy
      @Juggzy Год назад

      @@mkvv5687 yea but only cause that was written in the contract AFTER they were found out. That’s a once in a blue moon thing tho since almost every time it’s never found till after the sale.

    • @JV-pu8kx
      @JV-pu8kx Год назад

      Sounds like they are going after the current owner, except in this case. I've heard of them going after the current owner for back taxes.

  • @kennethcook5705
    @kennethcook5705 Год назад +3

    The first story is so enjoyable the arrogant salesperson got what he needed

  • @brandexample1776
    @brandexample1776 Год назад +2

    First story. I can relate. After the salesman ran my credit his whole attitude changed.

  • @PiersDJackson
    @PiersDJackson Год назад +2

    The car dealership story reminds me of the oft-told story of when I went with my grandfather, aged 5-ish, to the Truck dealership (tractor-trailer type), as we looked comfortably threadbare, in moth-eaten and worn-out clothes, and driving a filthy old light truck. None of the salesmen came to help, we got help from the receptionist/"office girl", we went into the lot to kick tyres, with the help of her boyfriend in the service department to answer the curly questions, my grandfather ordered ten new Kenworth K100C, two W900 and one C600, for an outlay of over three million dollars (Australian), in the early 80's.... he was doing the operations management for my late uncle's transport company, as b-double and road-trains were becoming more common on the east coast.

  • @Vulpine407
    @Vulpine407 Год назад +2

    First story: "Zero guilt." Absolutely. Racism needs to be stomped on whenever it rears it's ugly head. The "never judge a book by it's cover" aspect of the story was nice, but seeing that racist piece of $#!% getting his ass handed to him was the more satisfying aspect of the story. Good job OP. Props to your Father for being an awesome person.

  • @kenshinflyer
    @kenshinflyer Год назад +1

    Moral of Story 1: "Never judge the book by its cover, because, in the end, MONEY TALKS."

  • @timhansen6951
    @timhansen6951 Год назад +3

    last story wanna bet its the neigbour who stole op´s stuff

  • @lewischase
    @lewischase Год назад +4

    Good morning RedWheel
    Good morning all my friends

  • @kayvaanmcsharrowkyn6901
    @kayvaanmcsharrowkyn6901 Год назад +3

    Last story, it was probably that dude that robbed OP's house , just saying.

  • @standinthegsp6858
    @standinthegsp6858 Год назад

    I worked retail for a few decades & always knew to never assume, at least outwardly. Treat every customer with kindness & respect. & a few with a little lip if you know they won’t be offended & will be lippy back.
    We’re not in an upperclass area but there are a few wealthy people.
    You never know.

  • @patricialadd520
    @patricialadd520 Год назад +1


  • @scotthultin7769
    @scotthultin7769 Год назад +3

    And then the homeowners can sue the seller for every penny that they have or had wherever will have because houses are protected by the government because you never really own it all you get is a warranty card

  • @stoopingfalcon891
    @stoopingfalcon891 Год назад +1

    Never ceases to amaze me how many car salesmen shoot themseleves in the foot.

  • @dorothylloyd1804
    @dorothylloyd1804 Год назад

    Morning Redwheel. Real estate guy did a very good job helping out. Have a good in morning

  • @scotthultin7769
    @scotthultin7769 Год назад +3

    The entitlement of some sellers will come back to hunt them
    First question the realtor should have asked is there a title insurance on the property yes or no

  • @HappilyHomicidalHooligan
    @HappilyHomicidalHooligan Год назад

    When Mr. It's none of MY business parked in my driveway and refused to move when told to, I'd have had the wife park across the mouth of the driveway and called the Police to have the car Illegally parked in my driveway Ticketed and Towed...(when the Police arrived, I'd be waiting at the wife's car ready to move it for the Tow Truck and explain to the Officer that this is our second most valuable possession and since we were robbed recently, we're NOT willing to park it several blocks away, that's what the driveway is for as well as why it's temporarily parked this way)...
    I don't know if the Police would Tow the neighbour's car with him standing there to move it, but I'd make damn sure that they DID Ticket him for Illegal Parking and Trespassing and tell him to keep himself AND his car OFF my Property in the future...

  • @jeanannd
    @jeanannd Год назад

    Story 1: LOL, salesman lost a good amount of income by refusing to help OP and his father. Then said salesman lost his job. Hopefully he learned a lesson. Story 2: OP shows we need to make sure and have those improvements approved by local authorities. Story 3: LOL, what comes around goes around. "It was none of my business" LOL.

  • @morallyambiguousnet
    @morallyambiguousnet Год назад

    First Story - I really don't understand the attitude of some sales people who immediately size someone up, based on their appearance, then rule them out as possible customers. I've experienced it and I'm a pasty White guy.Hell, it's not like you're dealing with anyone else at the moment, so why not take some time to find out what the potential customer is all about?

  • @joshuaengleman1131
    @joshuaengleman1131 Год назад

    # 959!!!

  • @PowerStruggle555
    @PowerStruggle555 Год назад +4

    1st story: Is what I call a Pretty Women moment
    (going to a place that sells expensive stuff, being ignored because "obviously cant afford it" but ended up buying a lot from someone else.) Op shouldve asked the guy before going another salesman "You make commissions right"

    • @mkvv5687
      @mkvv5687 Год назад +2

      Heh. There's a Chrysler dealer in town. I've been there twice, been "pretty woman'd" each time. Ended up buying my Chrysler 300C at the Ford dealer for a terrific deal.
      But I did forget to go back and give the Chrysler dealer the little "commissions" speech, so my bad.

    • @PowerStruggle555
      @PowerStruggle555 Год назад +3

      @@mkvv5687 never judge a book by its cover. some rich people like to dress modest. I mean before their show the duck dynasty guys would all be assumed to be homeless or at least super poor. but they are millionares.

    • @Jerseybytes2
      @Jerseybytes2 Год назад

      @@mkvv5687 happened twice to me. first time it was while I was buying a house, and the realtor completely ignored me while chatting with my now ex. what he didn't know is, I was the one with the money. I chose another realtor.
      Second time same happened but at a dealership. needless to say I went somewhere else.
      around Dec of 2020 I was bored from being stuck at home, so I decided to buy a condo near the shore. After searching online, I saw one I really liked and called the realtor. He probably thought I was a crazy person but hell, it was the start of 2021 so I guess he figured, what do I have to lose. husband and I bought the place. when my youngest kid heard we had gotten the condo, he and 2 of his friends volunteered to spend a week there. when hubby and I went there, we stopped by the realtor's office and talked for a bit. I joked and said we were the crazy couple who bought the condo. he laughed lol

    • @mkvv5687
      @mkvv5687 Год назад

      @@PowerStruggle555 A good motto.

    • @mkvv5687
      @mkvv5687 Год назад

      @@Jerseybytes2 There are good ones out there!

  • @welshdragonfunhunter3461
    @welshdragonfunhunter3461 Год назад +4

    Hello RedWheel hope you are well. Thanks for sharing. Please stay safe.🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿😷😁👍. Have a great day and a wonderful week ahead everyone stay safe

  • @stoopingfalcon891
    @stoopingfalcon891 Год назад

    Seems to me that buying a house in the US equates to stepping into a minefield.

  • @scotthultin7769
    @scotthultin7769 Год назад +1

    361👍's up thank you for sharing

  • @WayWardWonderer
    @WayWardWonderer Год назад +1

    1st story: Good! Condescending bigots deserve to be thrown out of a job for their nasty attitudes.

  • @richewilson6394
    @richewilson6394 Год назад +2

    Yeah if I was rich I would always act poor or middle class because that way you know that you're never going to get screwed.

  • @bridgetdebourgh5698
    @bridgetdebourgh5698 Год назад +4

    Good Morning RedWheel hope your weekend is going well 👋
    Good Morning and have a wonderful Sunday everyone 🤗

  • @noahellis3672
    @noahellis3672 Год назад +2

    Great stories in the video. The first story basically says to never judge a book by its cover otherwise you'll lose more than a sale. Enjoyed the following stories as well. Can't wait for the next video.

  • @heatherweir8726
    @heatherweir8726 Год назад

    One saying I like is money talks wealth whispers

  • @GloriousRock
    @GloriousRock Год назад

    No permit homes are usually 60 bad 40 fantastic, either you get expensive good repairs or 1 hr diy and paint everywhere

  • @davidponseigo8811
    @davidponseigo8811 Год назад

    I really like the home sale story, it wasn't embellished just the facts and a good interesting story.

  • @kayvaanmcsharrowkyn6901
    @kayvaanmcsharrowkyn6901 Год назад

    First story, he literally works for an Indian man who owns the dealership like wtf? Why would you assume anything about anyone? Your boss is the same ethnicity as the people who came into look at vehicles so just by that alone why would you assume that someone of a certain ethnic group wouldn't be able to afford the vehicles that you're selling? Also construction workers make a lot of money so car salesman that I've known because I'm a mechanic and I worked at dealerships literally told me that they nine times out of 10 would run up to someone who came in in construction gear covered in s*** because not only do they know that they have a stable paycheck and make damn good money, but they've also said that the people covered in s*** work really hard and are generally more forthright and upstanding, which means there's not going to be any late payments repoing of the car financing not going through etc etc. The people that look the part like I'm dressed in a suit or a tuxedo with Tails and spats and I'm going to go buy a mercedes, those are usually the people with three mortgages on their house for maxed out credit cards three more credit cards that are being used to pay off the other credit cards and usually they're robbing Peter to pay Paul just so they can portray a certain look to the world. But most of them don't have a pot to piss in or one to throw out

  • @karenstafford724
    @karenstafford724 Год назад +3

    1st clip, never judge a book by it's cover !!!!!

    • @ElCid48
      @ElCid48 Год назад

      also, most Indian people in this country are not hobo or welfare people. most are educated and well of. like most of the other asians in this country. and being in a dental office most of my working life in an area of the country with a lot of asians especially people from India, many are tall and I have learn a lot about their history.

  • @scotthultin7769
    @scotthultin7769 Год назад +3

    Is it possible that the houses are so expensive cuz they burn down over 70% of the unoccupied ones

  • @lorettaross2007
    @lorettaross2007 Год назад +2

    Hey you're shining today! you matter to me because most days I would be down, but your stories pick me up. Thank you!

  • @samuelridley122
    @samuelridley122 Год назад +2

    Good morning RedWheel.
    Good morning everyone. Have great day

  • @stevec3526
    @stevec3526 Год назад

    One of our local auto dealers has the reputation of being anti-Asian. My wife is Asian.

  • @darkchia00
    @darkchia00 Год назад +1

    It's been a while, but here I am. Thanks to Lucifer P for keeping my spot warm while I was away.

    • @mkvv5687
      @mkvv5687 Год назад +1

      Hello darkness my old friend...

  • @maureendaugherty2130
    @maureendaugherty2130 Год назад +3

    Good morning ❤

  • @scotthultin7769
    @scotthultin7769 Год назад +3

    Thumbs up for stories that was great talking and titled Grace's need to be in the unemployment line with the Democrats of the United States

  • @standandknowgod
    @standandknowgod Год назад +2

    Welcome back

  • @sealand000
    @sealand000 Год назад

    Money talks, bullshit walks.

  • @joestamp3524
    @joestamp3524 8 месяцев назад

    I am so SIICK of hearing about the Musk,Rupert and Oppenheimer Ponzi Scheme.
    PLEASE, cut down on the number of times you run this DAMN ANNOYING AD!!.

  • @luannhetrick-wood9764
    @luannhetrick-wood9764 Год назад +2


    • @luannhetrick-wood9764
      @luannhetrick-wood9764 Год назад

      @@luciferpetrenkoff5040 You act as though you are the content creator, WHICH YOU ARE TOTALLY NOT!!!!

    • @luannhetrick-wood9764
      @luannhetrick-wood9764 Год назад

      @@luciferpetrenkoff5040 Back at you dude.

    • @lorettaross2007
      @lorettaross2007 Год назад

      @@luannhetrick-wood9764 How do you know! What difference does it make who is the creator, it is his delivery that everyone likes!

  • @brianloveless2717
    @brianloveless2717 Год назад

    Explain why you needed revenge on someone who had done wrong to you or anyone you know.

  • @theGermanPrintingNerd
    @theGermanPrintingNerd Год назад +2

    one Hundred eleven almost in Heaven Best Channel

  • @craigs1266
    @craigs1266 Год назад +1

    Good morning 🙂