I’ve struggled with my assurance for years but I’ve come to realize if I wasn’t saved I wouldn’t even care. I love Jesus, i desire to obey honor and glorify him in my life. John 3:16
I went 10 years thinking I was saved and really wasn't. The Lord got a hold of me one evening after I heard a sermon on salvation. I realized I had never repented. I became genuinely regenerated, and I have never doubted since.
DW: The Calvinist cannot go by PERCEPTION as an indicator in regard to election status - because Calvin's god purposefully creates a percentage of believers to be CHAFF believers and he gives these believers FALSE PERCEPTIONS concerning their salvation. John Calvin -quote The Lord instills into their minds such *A SENSE* …..as can be felt *WITHOUT* the Spirit of adoption. (Institutes 3.2.11) -quote He causes those whom he *ILLUMINES FOR A TIME* to partake of it; then he....strikes them with even greater blindness (Institutes 3.24.8)
@@LookinUp_ DW: The Calvinist relationship with scripture is also a very unique relationship - because the Calvinist is taught to treat scripture *AS-IF* what it teaches is FALSE. It works this way 1) The Calvinist is taught that the doctrine of decrees is not only what scripture teaches - but is one of the most sacred parts of what scripture teaches. 2) The Calvinist lives *AS-IF* the doctrine of decrees is FALSE Thus the poor Calvinist is forced to treat what (for him) scripture teaches *AS-IF* it is FALSE. Since that is the case - it makes perfect sense that a Calvinist would want someone who shines a flashlight on their dilemma to STOP doing so.
@@LookinUp_ DW: BTW: I do agree with you about legalism - cults etc. Calvinism - has two characteristics which are commonly observed within religious cults. 1) A Closed system of logic 2) Milieu Control Calvinism must have a closed system of logic - because there are so many aspects of the doctrine which the Calvinist does not find palatable. This situation naturally leads the Calvinist into various degrees of self-contradiction. The STANDARDIZED rules of logic are problematic for the Calvinist - because under its light - the self-contradicting nature of the belief system becomes too obvious. So the Calvinist must find a way to embrace self-contradiction - while refusing to acknowledge self-contradictions for what they are. Doing so required TWISTING language and TWISTING logic in order to contort it into a system designed to obfuscate its contradiction of itself. Milieu Control - is predominately the controlling of language within a group - in order to control THINKING PATTERNS of group members "Milieu Control" is "GROUP THINK". It entails dogma, protocols, innuendo, slang, and pronunciation, which enables group members to identify other members, and to enforce cognitive changes in group members. That is why we see the TWISTING and CONTORTION of both language and logic within Calvinism.
Do you love Jesus at all? Do you love God, and His word, and His commandments? Does your spirit struggle with your flesh? Do you desire to be free of this body, this world? If yes, the Holy Spirit is working in you, you are not lost. Jesus said to "fast and pray" to overcome wickedness. How many of us are doing that?
True Assurance is only found in the promise of Jesus. Our desires/feelings/emotions for Jesus has nothing to do with having true Assurance of our eternal life. Jesus simply promises. "Whosoever believes in me will not parish but has everlasting life." That's it. That's our Assurance.
You’re SO wrong! Demons believe in Jesus, but they do not follow Him and hate Him. Assurance has EVERYTHING to do with following Jesus and realizing what He accomplished for YOU at the cross, so how can you not love Him? At least a little, as RC explains. Check your heart, and if you have no affection for Jesus, then you’re not a Christian, and no better than the demons.
@@larrysauriol759 what passage says “the demons believe in Jesus”?? And if there is such a passage that says “the demons believe in Jesus” then what does it specifically say the demons believe about Jesus? Do you know what the promise of Jesus is? Do you know what the gift of God is that Jesus gives by one single moment of faith in Him? Do you know what human beings have to believe about Jesus to receive the gift of God? Do you know John 3:15-18 explains Jesus’s promise to receive His gift of eternal life. As well as John 6:46 11:25-27 20:30-31. Do you know “the demons believe” is in the book of James and that book isn’t teaching how to receive the gift of eternal life??
Amen and Amen. We believe in Him who justifies the ungodly. However, how does that faith play out? God is the same yesterday, today and forever. The Son of God is the same One who appeared to Moses, Abraham, Jacob ect.. He commands holiness and righteousness. If the Holy Spirit resides in your soul, will you be motivated to love God, or to rebellion?
@@SuperCanonshooterJames 2:19 is cited. Yes it doesn’t say “believe in Jesus” but rather they believe that GOD is one. The saying “GOD is one” was the most basic Jewish teaching that every Jew knew. This was most likely to assert a Monotheistic GOD as opposed to the Gentilistic pagan polytheistic systems. GOD being one and United was a mark of Holiness (being set apart) from other/false/created religions. This verse and the commenter’s interpretation come together in light of verses like Matthew 7:21-23, where there is a difference between simple professors of Christ vs possessors of Christ. ‘Belief about’ does no good. ‘Belief in’/trust/faith is the difference. With this comes an emotion or affection. The affection accompanies the effection/election, but does not drive it. Everyone who believes in, or puts their faith in Jesus (which is a gift of GOD- Ephesians 2:8-9) has an affection and desire for GOD. People who simply acknowledge the facts don’t live by them, and there is no connection to them. True believers may fall asleep or wander, but they face discipline (Hebrews 12) in which they are awaken, and their desire/affection stops being dormant. We, like Peter or the other Apostles, may fail in our faith, but He who has borne our sins and drawn us to Him will never fail in His faithfulness towards us
I know I’m regenerate because I love Gods commandments where I didn’t used too. It took long time but it did happen.can’t pose something we didn’t earn. Salvation is a gift! Praise God.
🎉🎉🎉🎉I fear until I remember His powerful love that He showed me when He appeared to me. He made it known to me that the literal Hell/price I deserve to pay for my sin against Him was suffered and conquered by Him on the Cross.... it wasn't just what the Romans did to Him or the cross itself... He showed me how when upon the cross, my portion came before Him and then He said yes in love as my sin came down upon Him... like everyones.... He suffered and conquered more than we can ever fathom... OUT OF LOVE
I want to be saved more than anything in this world. I think about it everyday. But I know it is only by God the Father's love and grace that I can be saved. I hate my sin and wish I had never sinned ever. But I have and pray for mercy.
Do you believe Jesus Christ is Lord? Do you believe Jesus died on the cross for you? And God raised him from the dead? If you answered Yes to all of these, you are saved! According to the apostle Paul in Romans 10:9.. You are absolutely saved. Faith in Jesus Christ is what saves you. Nothing else. Nothing more. I have a feeling that you do believe all of that..I just think you are having a hard time believing you are saved. Sometimes it feels like we have to do more. Like JUST having faith isnt enough..that's how I felt at first. It's hard to believe that he would make salvation so simple.. but it is! God bless you my brother/sister in Christ! ❤
Realized this as well. I know I have signs of the Spirit in my life, yet I cannot name the last time I genuinely sat down and studied Scripture. I figure that it makes sense that my soul is starving and left grasping, I have not been feeding upon the Word of God!
What makes cold or hostile indifference the worst kind of hostility? Indifference is the true opposite of love and affection. Hate is not the opposite of affection. You cannot hate someone you couldn’t care less about. 10:06
@Nick87899 Ephesians 2 blows dispensationalism out of the water, my guy. Romans 11 just says that there will be covenantal people (ethnic Jews) who will be saved; in fact, there already were ethnic Jews being saved as that’s who made up most of the early church.
As Sproul says, if the Holy Spirit has regenerated someone, then there will be fruit, evidence of a changed life and dispostion. Once God has begun a good work, He won't leave it to not produce fruit to His glory. It's like a mother giving birth to a child and not feeding it and keeping it in a darkened room, without any light
How easily we fall away from our earnestness in the relation and expect God to make us, become whatever. Earnestness is seeking Him with your whole heart. If you "Will" not pick up your cross and follow me, you are not worthy of me. Your desire is hidden in your heart. His Word is a two edged sword tightly dividing bone and marrow and even the intentions of the heart. He will know if your are free loader, a gold brick, a gold digger, a benefits man.
The Bible teaches: all of humanity is dead in sins and trespasses and is at enmity with God. Psalms 51, 5. Eph. 2, 1-3 in present tense for understanding.
I think most of us struggle with Assurance due to any ongoing sin. Where we are fully obedient or at least we try, we feel more assured. But salvation is ultimately by grace through faith. Maybe the simple answer is if we hate our sin, and try to sin no more (even though we will sin) this is evidence of the Holy Spirit in us. God bless everybody in their quest for faith in Jesus Christ.
no one can fool GOD when someone repents and believes on JESUS they are saved immediately and JESUS does the saving. once JESUS does the saving HE never loses anyone.why do we need a 6 part message to know that JESUS does the saving and HE does the keeping unless you think you had a part in the saving then you are not saved to begin with.
@MisterFrieze how can they do miracles unless they are doing them by God’s power? We know several things about them from the text. First, we know there are many of them, because it is many who are on the broad road to eternal death, as compared to the relative few who have found the narrow path to eternal life. Second, they claim the name of Christ. These are not Muslims, Buddhists, or atheists. These are those who would gladly say, “I am a Christian.” They work their works in Jesus’ name. They pray and heal in Jesus’ name. They preach and teach in Jesus’ name. They build huge churches and ministries in Jesus’ name. They claim a relationship with Him. But they are none of His. In fact, He sends them away, not with commendation for their good works in His name (and many good works are done in Jesus’ name by false professors), but by disowning their every deed and word. He “never” knew them, nor did they ever truly know Him. They weren’t Christians who lost their salvation. They were never part of the elect of God, chosen before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:4), set apart and sanctified by the Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:11; 2 Timothy 2:21), and justified by faith (Ephesians 2:8-9). The ones Christ puts away from Himself with harsh words of condemnation, calling them doers of evil, never came to Him in faith, despite their outward good works and miracles. Your not a very nice person are you? Fyi I never said these people are saved or good with God.
"Do you love Him at all?" This is Assurance?? About as much as any Gold Digger you discovered the hard way in your dating days... Blessed Assurance? Strive to seek! Many on that day will say to me Lord, Lord... We groan in this flesh... There it is!!
no calvinist has real assurance the biblical christ died once for all, defeated all sin for all people and all the world. the christ he believes in only atoned for the sins of some people…. when he says someone can profess love for christ and not be saved, he is talking about the reprobate who can never be saved bc Jesus didn’t atone for him…
1st He actually didn't say that 9:25 2nd Many "calvinists" have assurance of Salvation. Martin luther had it, Calvin had it, St Augustine had it. Because the "calvinist" knows that the Bible teaches that Salvation is a work that belongs ONLY to God and does not depend on us, while false Christians who believe that we "co-operate" rely on their strength thinking that Salvation start from them, and depend on them to keep it.
*THE THREE MISLEADING QUESTIONS* R.C. minute 5:50 QUESTION #1) Do you love Jesus perfectly? This is a question this person is incapable of answering. Per the doctrine of decrees - WHATSOEVER PERCEPTIONS come to pass within any person’s brain are DETERMINED by infallible decree. Every PERCEPTION of one’s world and one’s reality - is established by a decree which makes each PERCEPTION exist within the human brain infallibly. And it is humanly impossible to countervail that which is infallible - making it impossible for the human brain to discern any FALSE PERCEPTION. THE CORRECT QUESTION: “Do you have an assurance that the infallibly decreed “PERCEPTION of your love of Jesus” - is a TRUE PERCEPTION or a FALSE PERCEPTION? The answer is NO - because per the doctrine of decrees - humans are note granted the function of discerning an infallibly decreed FALSE PERCEPTION. That which is established by infallible decree is inescapable. QUESTION #2) DO you love Jesus as much as you ought to? This question is LOGICALLY IMPOSSIBLE. It implies the EXISTENCE of something that in fact does NOT EXIST. Per the doctrine - the creature can ONLY be or do - that which is infallibly decreed. Nothing more and nothing less is permitted. What the creature will be or do is therefore not *UP TO* the creature. It is solely and exclusively *UP TO* a divine will. It is established by a divine decree, which the creature has NO SAY in the matter of, and the creature is powerless to alter. QUESTION #3) “Do you love Jesus at all?” This follows the pattern of question #1 See answer to QUESTION #1 CONCLUSION: John Calvin -quote But the Lord....instills into their minds such a *SENSE* of his goodness as can be felt *WITHOUT* the Spirit of adoption. (Institutes 3.2.11) Per the doctrine - the believer is given no ability to discern if the *SENSE* of salvation/election or love of Jesus - they have been infallibly decreed to have - is a FALSE PERCEPTION.
How many on this thread think God so loved world of sinners and gave his...? My quess...all of you are self-determination salvationalist that have not truly been born from above. Read Psalms 5, 5. Want assistance? 5 The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity.
I’ve struggled with my assurance for years but I’ve come to realize if I wasn’t saved I wouldn’t even care. I love Jesus, i desire to obey honor and glorify him in my life. John 3:16
I went 10 years thinking I was saved and really wasn't. The Lord got a hold of me one evening after I heard a sermon on salvation. I realized I had never repented. I became genuinely regenerated, and I have never doubted since.
DW: The Calvinist cannot go by PERCEPTION as an indicator in regard to election status - because Calvin's god purposefully creates a percentage of believers to be CHAFF believers and he gives these believers FALSE PERCEPTIONS concerning their salvation.
John Calvin
The Lord instills into their minds such *A SENSE* …..as can be felt *WITHOUT* the Spirit of adoption. (Institutes 3.2.11)
He causes those whom he *ILLUMINES FOR A TIME* to partake of it; then he....strikes them with even greater blindness (Institutes 3.24.8)
@@LookinUp_ DW: The Calvinist relationship with scripture is also a very unique relationship - because the Calvinist is taught to treat scripture *AS-IF* what it teaches is FALSE.
It works this way
1) The Calvinist is taught that the doctrine of decrees is not only what scripture teaches - but is one of the most sacred parts of what scripture teaches.
2) The Calvinist lives *AS-IF* the doctrine of decrees is FALSE
Thus the poor Calvinist is forced to treat what (for him) scripture teaches *AS-IF* it is FALSE.
Since that is the case - it makes perfect sense that a Calvinist would want someone who shines a flashlight on their dilemma to STOP doing so.
@@LookinUp_ DW: BTW: I do agree with you about legalism - cults etc.
Calvinism - has two characteristics which are commonly observed within religious cults.
1) A Closed system of logic
2) Milieu Control
Calvinism must have a closed system of logic - because there are so many aspects of the doctrine which the Calvinist does not find palatable.
This situation naturally leads the Calvinist into various degrees of self-contradiction.
The STANDARDIZED rules of logic are problematic for the Calvinist - because under its light - the self-contradicting nature of the belief system becomes too obvious.
So the Calvinist must find a way to embrace self-contradiction - while refusing to acknowledge self-contradictions for what they are.
Doing so required TWISTING language and TWISTING logic in order to contort it into a system designed to obfuscate its contradiction of itself.
Milieu Control - is predominately the controlling of language within a group - in order to control THINKING PATTERNS of group members
"Milieu Control" is "GROUP THINK".
It entails dogma, protocols, innuendo, slang, and pronunciation, which enables group members to identify other members, and to enforce cognitive changes in group members.
That is why we see the TWISTING and CONTORTION of both language and logic within Calvinism.
Do you love Jesus at all? Do you love God, and His word, and His commandments? Does your spirit struggle with your flesh? Do you desire to be free of this body, this world? If yes, the Holy Spirit is working in you, you are not lost. Jesus said to "fast and pray" to overcome wickedness. How many of us are doing that?
The message is so cleared about assurance of salvation. I'm blessed by God through Dr. RC sproul sermon. I wish he is still with us 😭😭
Well he certainly is in a far better place. Praise the Lord!
are you sure about that? do you know what limited atonement is?
This man was truly anointed by the NAME above all names.
True Assurance is only found in the promise of Jesus.
Our desires/feelings/emotions for Jesus has nothing to do with having true Assurance of our eternal life.
Jesus simply promises. "Whosoever believes in me will not parish but has everlasting life."
That's it. That's our Assurance.
Yes . Amen. Too many confusing doctrines. One true faith.
You’re SO wrong! Demons believe in Jesus, but they do not follow Him and hate Him. Assurance has EVERYTHING to do with following Jesus and realizing what He accomplished for YOU at the cross, so how can you not love Him? At least a little, as RC explains. Check your heart, and if you have no affection for Jesus, then you’re not a Christian, and no better than the demons.
@@larrysauriol759 what passage says “the demons believe in Jesus”?? And if there is such a passage that says “the demons believe in Jesus” then what does it specifically say the demons believe about Jesus?
Do you know what the promise of Jesus is? Do you know what the gift of God is that Jesus gives by one single moment of faith in Him? Do you know what human beings have to believe about Jesus to receive the gift of God?
Do you know John 3:15-18 explains Jesus’s promise to receive His gift of eternal life. As well as John 6:46 11:25-27 20:30-31.
Do you know “the demons believe” is in the book of James and that book isn’t teaching how to receive the gift of eternal life??
Amen and Amen. We believe in Him who justifies the ungodly. However, how does that faith play out? God is the same yesterday, today and forever. The Son of God is the same One who appeared to Moses, Abraham, Jacob ect.. He commands holiness and righteousness. If the Holy Spirit resides in your soul, will you be motivated to love God, or to rebellion?
@@SuperCanonshooterJames 2:19 is cited. Yes it doesn’t say “believe in Jesus” but rather they believe that GOD is one. The saying “GOD is one” was the most basic Jewish teaching that every Jew knew. This was most likely to assert a Monotheistic GOD as opposed to the Gentilistic pagan polytheistic systems. GOD being one and United was a mark of Holiness (being set apart) from other/false/created religions.
This verse and the commenter’s interpretation come together in light of verses like Matthew 7:21-23, where there is a difference between simple professors of Christ vs possessors of Christ.
‘Belief about’ does no good. ‘Belief in’/trust/faith is the difference. With this comes an emotion or affection. The affection accompanies the effection/election, but does not drive it.
Everyone who believes in, or puts their faith in Jesus (which is a gift of GOD- Ephesians 2:8-9) has an affection and desire for GOD. People who simply acknowledge the facts don’t live by them, and there is no connection to them.
True believers may fall asleep or wander, but they face discipline (Hebrews 12) in which they are awaken, and their desire/affection stops being dormant. We, like Peter or the other Apostles, may fail in our faith, but He who has borne our sins and drawn us to Him will never fail in His faithfulness towards us
I just love Dr.Sproul’s teaching. Such a gifted teacher and expositor of Scripture.You can never listen to him and leave empty. He fills you up.
Thank you very much for posting Dr.RC Sproul's preaching! Greetings to all brothers and sisters in Christ from Almaty, Kazakhstan!❤
He is with the Lord. Waiting for his crown. He has finished the course.
I know I’m regenerate because I love Gods commandments where I didn’t used too. It took long time but it did happen.can’t pose something we didn’t earn. Salvation is a gift! Praise God.
Nothing in my hands I bring, only to Jesus Christ I cling
🎉🎉🎉🎉I fear until I remember His powerful love that He showed me when He appeared to me. He made it known to me that the literal Hell/price I deserve to pay for my sin against Him was suffered and conquered by Him on the Cross.... it wasn't just what the Romans did to Him or the cross itself... He showed me how when upon the cross, my portion came before Him and then He said yes in love as my sin came down upon Him... like everyones.... He suffered and conquered more than we can ever fathom...
Solid and faithful teaching! Thank you! And, Praise God!
I want to be saved more than anything in this world. I think about it everyday. But I know it is only by God the Father's love and grace that I can be saved. I hate my sin and wish I had never sinned ever. But I have and pray for mercy.
Sounds to me like the Holy Spirit is working in your life! God is love and love NEVER fails!
If you believe, tell Him so. He is faithful and just to forgive All your sins . You have not committed a sin He will not forgive .
Do you believe Jesus Christ is Lord?
Do you believe Jesus died on the cross for you? And God raised him from the dead?
If you answered Yes to all of these, you are saved! According to the apostle Paul in Romans 10:9..
You are absolutely saved. Faith in Jesus Christ is what saves you. Nothing else. Nothing more. I have a feeling that you do believe all of that..I just think you are having a hard time believing you are saved. Sometimes it feels like we have to do more. Like JUST having faith isnt enough..that's how I felt at first. It's hard to believe that he would make salvation so simple.. but it is! God bless you my brother/sister in Christ! ❤
Had a really dry walk last week and realize now it’s because I wasn’t totally committed to the Word like I normally am
Realized this as well. I know I have signs of the Spirit in my life, yet I cannot name the last time I genuinely sat down and studied Scripture. I figure that it makes sense that my soul is starving and left grasping, I have not been feeding upon the Word of God!
What makes cold or hostile indifference the worst kind of hostility?
Indifference is the true opposite of love and affection.
Hate is not the opposite of affection. You cannot hate someone you couldn’t care less about. 10:06
Love changes the heart
I know that doing a deep dive into the Bible has worked changes in me for the better.
The whole presentation is wonderful. However, R.C. hits on a very important point starting at 11:00
A solid grasp on proper theology is crucial otherwise your faith comes apart with the pull of a thread.
@Nick87899 as long as that “rightly dividing”doesn’t involve dispensations…..
@Nick87899 Ephesians 2 blows dispensationalism out of the water, my guy. Romans 11 just says that there will be covenantal people (ethnic Jews) who will be saved; in fact, there already were ethnic Jews being saved as that’s who made up most of the early church.
As Sproul says, if the Holy Spirit has regenerated someone, then there will be fruit, evidence of a changed life and dispostion.
Once God has begun a good work, He won't leave it to not produce fruit to His glory.
It's like a mother giving birth to a child and not feeding it and keeping it in a darkened room, without any light
John 6 proverbs 3-4
Matthew 22:37-40
John 3:16-20
Acts 3:13 , revelation 3 , 1 john 1:6-10 , genesis 13
Psalm 15-19
Proverbs 23:17-20 gal 5 1-24
How easily we fall away from our earnestness in the relation and expect God to make us, become whatever. Earnestness is seeking Him with your whole heart.
If you "Will" not pick up your cross and follow me, you are not worthy of me.
Your desire is hidden in your heart. His Word is a two edged sword tightly dividing bone and marrow and even the intentions of the heart.
He will know if your are free loader, a gold brick, a gold digger, a benefits man.
Luke 13:12-14
The Bible teaches: all of humanity is dead in sins and trespasses and is at enmity with God. Psalms 51, 5. Eph. 2, 1-3 in present tense for understanding.
Mark 13:11
The gospel "by which also ye are saved" is in 1Cor 15:1-4 KJB, Trust Christ as your savior exclusive of works.
Romans 5:20- romans 6:1-2
Col 3:1-3 isaiah 26:3
I think most of us struggle with Assurance due to any ongoing sin. Where we are fully obedient or at least we try, we feel more assured. But salvation is ultimately by grace through faith. Maybe the simple answer is if we hate our sin, and try to sin no more (even though we will sin) this is evidence of the Holy Spirit in us. God bless everybody in their quest for faith in Jesus Christ.
John 14 2 cor 5
1 john 1-2-3-4-5
John 14 v21
2 Samuel 6 v1-11 1 timothy 3
The only assurance is the Presence of the Holy Spirit, Ruach HaKodesh who is greater than our Spirit.
What Theology did the thief on the cross next to Jesus have?
Yet, Jesus assured him “Today, you will be with me in paradise.”🤔
He trusted and expressed faith in Christ. He did not have the opportunity for additional steps in the sanctification process
2 john 1:10
1 cor 1 ,2 Peter 2, Matthew 13 ,romans 1 v18-28
Matthew 5 , romans 3 , 1 peter 1
Matthew 26
Message doesn't answer it 4 me.
Jeremiah 17
1 peter 1
Romans 8 , eph 1:1-14 , gal 4 ,
no one can fool GOD when someone repents and believes on JESUS they are saved immediately and JESUS does the saving. once JESUS does the saving HE never loses anyone.why do we need a 6 part message to know that JESUS does the saving and HE does the keeping unless you think you had a part in the saving then you are not saved to begin with.
Towards the end of Sproul's life, he was NOT sure of his own Salvation.
Any evidence of this?
@peteee1067 Ther was a video of Sproul himself talking about his uncertainty.
Where can I find this series?
Go to the Ligonier App and download for free.
@@velvetthunder4150 Thank you my sibling in Christ!
Some do bear fruit and are told to depart from Jesus. Matthew 7 : 21-23
No they are workers of iniquity. Liar
@MisterFrieze how can they do miracles unless they are doing them by God’s power? We know several things about them from the text. First, we know there are many of them, because it is many who are on the broad road to eternal death, as compared to the relative few who have found the narrow path to eternal life. Second, they claim the name of Christ. These are not Muslims, Buddhists, or atheists. These are those who would gladly say, “I am a Christian.” They work their works in Jesus’ name. They pray and heal in Jesus’ name. They preach and teach in Jesus’ name. They build huge churches and ministries in Jesus’ name. They claim a relationship with Him. But they are none of His. In fact, He sends them away, not with commendation for their good works in His name (and many good works are done in Jesus’ name by false professors), but by disowning their every deed and word. He “never” knew them, nor did they ever truly know Him. They weren’t Christians who lost their salvation. They were never part of the elect of God, chosen before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:4), set apart and sanctified by the Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:11; 2 Timothy 2:21), and justified by faith (Ephesians 2:8-9). The ones Christ puts away from Himself with harsh words of condemnation, calling them doers of evil, never came to Him in faith, despite their outward good works and miracles.
Your not a very nice person are you? Fyi I never said these people are saved or good with God.
1 cor 3
Phil 1 v6
Exdous 19
"Do you love Him at all?"
This is Assurance??
About as much as any Gold Digger you discovered the hard way in your dating days...
Blessed Assurance?
Strive to seek!
Many on that day will say to me Lord, Lord...
We groan in this flesh...
There it is!!
Too bad for the unlucky billions to whom this is irrelevant.
no calvinist has real assurance
the biblical christ died once for all, defeated all sin for all people and all the world. the christ he believes in only atoned for the sins of some people….
when he says someone can profess love for christ and not be saved, he is talking about the reprobate who can never be saved bc Jesus didn’t atone for him…
1st He actually didn't say that 9:25
2nd Many "calvinists" have assurance of Salvation. Martin luther had it, Calvin had it, St Augustine had it. Because the "calvinist" knows that the Bible teaches that Salvation is a work that belongs ONLY to God and does not depend on us, while false Christians who believe that we "co-operate" rely on their strength thinking that Salvation start from them, and depend on them to keep it.
R.C. minute 5:50
QUESTION #1) Do you love Jesus perfectly?
This is a question this person is incapable of answering.
Per the doctrine of decrees - WHATSOEVER PERCEPTIONS come to pass within any person’s brain are DETERMINED by infallible decree.
Every PERCEPTION of one’s world and one’s reality - is established by a decree which makes each PERCEPTION exist within the human brain infallibly. And it is humanly impossible to countervail that which is infallible - making it impossible for the human brain to discern any FALSE PERCEPTION.
“Do you have an assurance that the infallibly decreed “PERCEPTION of your love of Jesus” - is a TRUE PERCEPTION or a FALSE PERCEPTION?
The answer is NO - because per the doctrine of decrees - humans are note granted the function of discerning an infallibly decreed FALSE PERCEPTION. That which is established by infallible decree is inescapable.
QUESTION #2) DO you love Jesus as much as you ought to?
It implies the EXISTENCE of something that in fact does NOT EXIST.
Per the doctrine - the creature can ONLY be or do - that which is infallibly decreed. Nothing more and nothing less is permitted.
What the creature will be or do is therefore not *UP TO* the creature. It is solely and exclusively *UP TO* a divine will. It is established by a divine decree, which the creature has NO SAY in the matter of, and the creature is powerless to alter.
QUESTION #3) “Do you love Jesus at all?”
This follows the pattern of question #1
See answer to QUESTION #1
John Calvin
But the Lord....instills into their minds such a *SENSE* of his goodness as can be felt *WITHOUT* the Spirit of adoption. (Institutes 3.2.11)
Per the doctrine - the believer is given no ability to discern if the *SENSE* of salvation/election or love of Jesus - they have been infallibly decreed to have - is a FALSE PERCEPTION.
Trying to follow your logic, could you speak plainly?
@@UnknownUser-dy6ij DW: What statement does not make sense to you?
Could you sum up what you are trying to say in a sentence or two? The amount of hyphens and caps is hard to follow.
@@UnknownUser-dy6ij DW: There is a lot there. Why don't you tell me which statement doesn't make sense to you.
@@dw6528 Can we have assurance of salvation?
How many on this thread think God so loved world of sinners and gave his...? My quess...all of you are self-determination salvationalist that have not truly been born from above. Read Psalms 5, 5. Want assistance? 5 The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity.
Calvinists have no assurance. You might be faking it and you have no idea whether that is the case.
Another sermon taught falsely by Sproul who's an evil calvinist.
Jeremiah 15-18