Love this type of content, it's unique for Romania. We have no youtube channels that do street interviews about different subjects. Please keep doing this!
I grew up in Bucharest, so my answer is definitely going to be Bucharest for many reasons: architecture, nightlife, parks, activities, etc. I don't think it would be the top choice for many Romanians outside of Bucharest, but it definitely has its good parts. Maybe after that it would be Iasi. I've visited Brasov and Sibiu and they're nice, but they seem very quaint and "unimpressive" compared to some other Romanian cities. Iasi just left a bigger impression on me. I have yet to visit Cluj, Timisoara, Oradea and Sighisoara, though.
You've been to Brasov and Sibiu and you found them "unimpressive"??? You drove by or just stoped for some food? Try next time with a local and you will be extremely impressed.
Thats not the best part of Ro. Actually there is so much noise, car polution, to much differnet kind of ppl and became like a conserve too much. I prefer cities with nature, trees bird sounds and less noise. Sinaia is nice, Brasov..
I also really loved Brasov, but then I went to Oradea and that changed. I think a lot of people didn't say Oradea because they haven't travelled that far. But Bucharest will forever have a special place in my heart for its diversity. Baia Mare is also beautiful and it has a museum which looks like a smaller White House. Timisoara as well. Bacău and Târgu Jiu have some of the best street art in Romania, very different from the other cities. Iaşi is also the most beautiful in Moldova I would say.
Looks like Brasov is the perfect retreat for hippies. Ive been living in Brasov since forever and it definitely has that "flower power" quality to it, especially during the summer.
1. Cluj: cleanest and safest. second biggest city in the country. it feels like you're in a city, not just a town. loads of opportunities for jobs as well, tonnes of culture, restaurants and pubs to choose from, etc 2. Timisoara: pretty as fuck; and not just 2 or 3 streets. also city-like (over 300k population). You can walk for hours and there's something beautiful to see 3. Sibiu: just a beautiful Austro-Hungarian jewel 4. Brasov: could potentially be number 1, but it needs a little more work renovating some of its buildings. but it's stunning overall 5. Oradea: one of my personal favourites; a little smaller; but truly unique architecture 6. Bucharest: it's bustling with life, but with the exception of the centre and some areas in the north of the city, it's a little too communistic...the communists ruined it sadly enough. The infrastructure and all those millions of cables wrapped around lampposts are an eyesore 7. Iasi: best the eastern part of the country has to offer. Also, probably the prettiest mall i've ever been to. Never thought shopping can actually be a pleasant experience 8. Alba Iulia: mainly because of its citadel; which is a good day's visit; truly beautiful. But not necessarily more to see outside of that. 9. Arad: very underrated; it's a little eclipsed by Timisoara and Oradea, but it has tonnes of potential and it's called "little Vienna" for a reason.. 10. Targu Mures: room for improvement, but a lovely city
Everything you said about Cluj applies to Bucharest for the last 20 yrs And Bucharest changed a lot People still believe that its the same Bucharest from the 90's
This prove that half of Romanians from Bucharest have never visited Romania from north to south. I am from the north and I did it in some some occasions and definitely what I like least as a city 🏙 is Bucharest. It would be very difficult to decide which is the most beautiful city, but if I have to choose The candidates would be : Timișoara, Oradea, Brașov, Iași, Alba Iulia, Sibiu, Târgu Mureș ... you will see that in my list is not cluj-napoca despite being my 🛩 reference for the proximity.
If you are born in Bucharest its really impossible to find the same vibe in another city. Its like beibg from New York and going to Virginia. I travel most of the country, yes its nice but i dont see myself living outside Bucharest.
Most people from Bucharest have travelled more than the average Romanians. Everybody evaluates a city from their own experiences. Like it or not there is no other city in Romania like Bucharest when it comes to opportunities or transport links national or international.
nu știu de ce Bucureștiul ar fi cel mai cel dintre toate... un oraș aglomerat, gri cu o puternica arhitectură comunistă, mizerabil in mare parte, oameni posomorâți, haos, trafic... înafara faptului că sunt oportunități în obținerea unui job, n-ai multe de descoperit. ai zice viața de noapte, dar de la o vârstă prea puțin te mai interesează asta, mai ales când ai un salariu mediocru din care trebuie să îți plătești chiria și alte utilități... Pt mine Brașov rămâne un oraș interesant, cu istorie și cu aer curat.
@@rock58 nu știi pentru că cel mai probabil nu locuiești aici . După ce am stat 2 luni in Brașov , 4 in Timișoara și mai mult de jumătate de an în Cluj Napoca , mi-am dat seama de faptul că fiecare are lipsuri enorm de mari . Sunt orașe foarte frumoase , worth to visit anytime, dar în viața de zi cu zi , eu unul, fiind născut si crescut în București nu am reușit să mă adaptez lipsurilor . Zonele pietonale , sunt foarte mici și foarte puține ca număr in comparație cu Bucureștiul ; mereu a trebuit să îmi comand anumite produse din București deoarece nu le-am găsit la distribuitorii din orașele enumerate mai sus ; distracția , dacă ești o persoană caruia îi place să petreacă , în Brașov / Cluj , nu există viață de noapte , doar in Timișoara ce am găsit și am rămas placut surprins ; în materie de joburi nu îmi pot da cu părerea deoarece lucrez remote ; infrastructura lasă mult de dorit doarece orașele enumerate mai sus încep să devină over-crowded și nu sunt deloc proiectate să susțină atâtea persoane . Bucureștiul are blocuri gri / arhitectura comunistă , over-crowded și este total diferit in comparație cu orice alt oraș din Romania , dar la fel de mult are alte 5 tipuri de arhitecturi , dezvoltarea și îmbunătățirea continuă ( cel puțin asta am observat de când cu Nicușor Dan ) . Nu zic că este cel mai bun oraș , fiecare are farmecul și beneficiile lui , doar că văd destul de mult hate nefondat . Zi bună ✌🏻
@@romaniac and is getting better by each year 😊. From next spring , Brasov would have the second largest Airport in Romania, which would be and very modern 😃.
Brasov / Kronstadt is the best city in Romania, by far... it has many advantages, but, first of all, it's not as hot and the traffic situation is better than in Bucharest / iasi / Timisoara or Clujnapoca.
Brasov imi place si mie, doar pentru cateva zile, in concediu(mai ales cand este foarte cald in Bucuresti!), restul m-as plictisi acolo. Ich wohne in Stuttgart seit Jahrzehnten, aber ich vermisse Bukarest... Alles gute!
Bucharest is indeed a beautiful city. It is big, lots of oportunities, nice places. But I would never give Brasov on Bucharest. Is feeling like another world. Most of douches in Brasov are coming from Bucharest in weekends, leaving mess in the city and Poiana Brasov. No hate! Just facts.
Bucurestenii vin in Brasov pentru ca este cel mai apropiat oras mare, situata intr-o zona muntoasa. Daca Piatra Neamt era mai aproape de Bucuresti si era intr-o zona de munte, bucurestenii mergeau la Piatra Neamt mai mult ca la Brasov.. Cred ca 90% dintre investitiile imobiliare din Brasov sunt facute de bucuresteni si probabil mai mult de 60% dintre turisti sunt bucuresteni. Stii, capitala e intr-o zona de campie si multi simt nevoia sa schimbe aerul, mai ales vara cand temperaturile sunt foarte mari, sau sa meraga sa schieze, iar Brasovul le este la indemana. Orasul de sub Tampa, in afara de zona veche a orasului, care este relativ mica, este un oras comun, urat, nimic deosebit. Just facts.
@@619Razvan In Bucuresti vin oameni din toate colturile tarii. Cred ca mai mult de jumatate din locuitori sunt nascuti in alte localitati sau sunt la a doua generatie. Ca idee, cand eram student, intr-o serie de 60 de oameni, bucurestenii nu reprezentau mai mult de 20-30%, erau inclusiv 4 unguri. Erau veniti din toate colturile tarii. Deci cand zici peiorativ "Dar oamenii sunt altfel' gandeste ca zici despre toti oamenii din tara, din vestul tarii, din estul tarii sau din sudul tarii. Dupa cum ti-am zis bucurestenii get-begét sunt o minoritate in orasul lor. Mai gandeste ca dintre politicieni, nu cred ca 10% sunt bucuresteni. Probabil procentele de parlamentari, provenienta pe regiuni, sunt identice cu populatia fiecarei regiuni.
Vad ca aici in acest interviu toata lumea , e inebunita dupa Braşov , si Bucuresti Chiar imi este sila cind ii vad vara pe litoral pe disperaţi de Bucuresteni si alte specii românesti .
The question is somewhat vague; which city is "better/the best". Better for what? For instance, if you are talking about professional oportunities Bucharest is far better than all the rest, although it is not that pretty. Brasov is nice, but lacking oportunities. And so on.
Legend says that half of people that said Bucharest didn't had at that moment Brasov in mind ,but if u asked them to chose beetwen Brasov and Bucharest, many would say Brasov :) .
Cluj and Sibiu...Cluj is like a minibucharest but cleaner, better infrastructure but way more expensive, and Sibiu is the freaking capital of chill for me
Everybody notice it that we romanians, a lot of us speek english? Just a sidenote. My favorite citys are Cluj Napoca, Brasov my birth place, Timisoara, Iasi, Craiova, Oradea, Sibiu, Baia Mare, Sfantu Gheorghe.
@@romaniac Go to the hungarian regions to like Lacul Sfanta Ana, Sfantu Gheorghe, Sumuleu Ciuc, Ghimes, Madaras Harghita, Corund, Prajd, Sovata, Bicaz. In the heart of Romania in judetul Covasna, Harghita and Mures there are living 1 million hungarians. You should check thoose to out.
@@romaniac Yes, but all the cities in Romania except Bucharest are small. Iasi, Cluj, Timisoara, Constanta have around 300,000 inhabitants, Sibiu has around 150,000 inhabitants. If we put in the same list Bucharest, which has 2 million inhabitants, and cities with 100-300 thousand, then we can also include cities with 20 thousand inhabitants or, why not, villages. Sibiu, Brasov, Cluj, Iasi are closer, in appearance and population, to a village than they are to Bucharest. Bucharest should not be included in any ranking because it is totally different.
Ploiesti is a very beautiful and underrated city, a big ass industrial city, the first oil refineries in the world have been here, some of the most important artists and writers came from this city, it has a very big cultural and historical heritage. For me, it's always going to be Ploiesti.
They all answer Bucuresti because the interview/pool was made there :) . Better question would have been "What it's your favorite city in Romania, besides the one you live/born in?" ... or "If you would have to move and can choose any other city of Romania, than the one you live in, which one would be?"
Ofc everyone says Bucharest and Brasov, you are interviewing people in Bucharest. I bet that if you do the experiment in another place the answers will change a bit. Come to the west side!
@@nelsonmondialu6512 I think the country is very beautiful, especially popular cities like Bucharest, Brașov, Lași, and Constanța. The language is also very pretty and not very hard for me to learn since I already know English and Spanish :) the history of Romania is also very, very interesting. I wanna get to know the place in person other than videos and photos, y'know?
@1:13 Don't be too upset with them. If someone stops you on the streets in Romania, you do not shake hands. It is considered an invasion of privacy and you feel you are in danger that the person will hold on to that handshake while he makes you the pitch (usually asking for money) or emotionally blackmailing you to cough out some money. Bonus points when it's a man approaching a woman. Bonus points for the post-covid era :) Nice material, anyway. My favourite city in Romania is Bucharest, but that's only because I was born here and i know its every corner.
Really nice,but wanted to ask if you or your friend speak romanian because you said some romanian words like salut? i ask this just because living in a country and don t knowing its language is quite embarraising and also becaus of curiostity also i am from romania too
Venim in Brasov pt ca aveti muntii si pt ca este foarte aproape de noi. Daca muntii erau in Craiova, ne-am fi dus acolo Iubesc Brasovul ca destinatie turistica dar ca oportunitati, night life si multe altele este cu mult in spatele Bucurestiului.
Sibiu și județul....are cele mai frumoase orașe și degeaba e singuru oras din România care are decernate 3 stele Michelin, Mărul de aur în turism ptr județ și destinație turistică europeană pe 2020.
Sibiul are oameni faini atat...Am fost acolo acum vreo 10 ani si era sa mi rup masina in doua de la gropile din centru, in acelasi timp in care in Brasov mi se trasese un asfalt asa de drept aproape ca n Germania pe trotuar pana n fata scarii de catre un primar (culmea!) moldovean din Bacau, nici macar un neamt sofisticat cum aveati voi la vremea aia. Cultura, muzee si arhitectura are cam orice oras care se respecta, inclusiv Sibiul, dar Brasovul are, cum a zis fata aceea din clip, ceea ce multe orase si ar dori, VIBE-ul! Poti doar sa te uiti la cati turisti straini posteaza pe You Tube Brasovul cu gura cascata si sa ti dai seama ca pentru celelalte orase din Romania este NO CONTEST! Nu are rost sa explic aici ce face Brasovul atat de special dar, daca nu ma crezi, cauta te rog clipuri cu Brasov facute de turisti si iti grantez ca te vei indragosti. Enjoy!
Eu sunt din Brașov și am fost prima oară in Sibiu weekendul trecut cu scopul de a vedea dacă se ridica la nivelul orașului nostru și crede ma când îți zic ca nu m a impresionat nimic, orașul este foarte mic, am ieșit cred ca pe la ora 10:30 prin centru era gol golut mai ca bătea vântul, târgul de Crăciun înghesuit in centru, bradul artificial bineînțeles, prețuri foarte mari, cluburi destul de mici înghesuite, viața de noapte sărăcăcioasă, un oraș drăguțel dar nimic mai mult, Brașovul e peste Sibiu cu 10 clase și ți-o zic sincer, cum s a spus și pe videoclip, îți da alt vibe alta atmosfera alt aer și ca sa stii și tu cel mai vizitat oraș din România e Brașovul și ca și județ nu exista comparație cu Sibiul, aici ai Poiana Brașov ai Branul unde e castelul, ai Sinaia, Râșnov și multe altele
My favourite city outside of Bucharest is Brasov, followed by Sibiu and then Constanta. I also have never been to Oradea and I don t plan to go there for personal reasons, but I have been to Cluj and to be honest, that city is very cool (the cleanest from Romania actually) but I don t wanna move there because I don t want to betray the city i was born in (Bucharest). People from Cluj want Cluj to be the new capital of Romania and I am strongly against that. Don t ask why, it should be pretty obvious.
As fi vrut sa aud mai multe argumente inafara de faptul ca e mare 😂 Ok dar cu traficul ce facem ? Chiar o fi placut sa pierzi zilnic 2-3 ore in trafic ?
I live in Bucharest. And probably Cluj-Napoca is more Clean and more beautiful than Bucharest. but yes Bucharest is An Emotion . Some of places in Bucharest are clean and nice but Bucharest City should be more developed and more clean. I don't know why people's are saying that Bucharest is their favorite city when Cluj, Oradea, Sibiu, Brasov are more beautiful 😍.
Bucharest is the sole big city of Romania, is the richest, full oportunities, most alive and vibrant, full of culture. There are more beautifull cities as: Oradea, Sighișoara Craiova, Iași, Brașov, Timișoara or Sibiu but they are much smaller
What is your favourite city in Romania?😍
Eibenthal, but it is not a city 😆 I think taht Eibenthal is the best place in thé Europe
Brașov 😁✌️
Every time someone mentions Cluj the rent prices go up by 50€ 😂
Ok tho Cluj in Romania is like München in Germany
I miss my country Romania.🇺🇸
Don't want to spoil the likes. Left a comment
Love this type of content, it's unique for Romania. We have no youtube channels that do street interviews about different subjects. Please keep doing this!
We love filming these kind of videos too. It’s definitely helped us solidify where we have to visit!☺️
@@romaniac Please keep doing this in other cities cause you're gonna get different answers!
Being Dutch and living in Brasov I was so glad everytime someone said Brasov!
Mooi man
Bravo olandezule!
Brasov number 1
Pov nood
Does being dutch have anything to do with how proud you are of Brasov?
Nobody commenting on David’s Romanian skills? 😂 his accent is lovely 🥰
Forza here, I have to agree with you, he's been working really hard on learning!💪
@@romaniac yours is really good too
Man i miss romania. Looking forward to visiting again this year hopefully
Dont come back, you dont want to see the shitty politicians
Love Romania so much. Love brasov and Oradea the most because of my wonderful friends there
Love, from Texas
So happy to see people from the USA who actually see the beauty in Romania, especially these two cities, much love from Romania❤🇷🇴
I grew up in Bucharest, so my answer is definitely going to be Bucharest for many reasons: architecture, nightlife, parks, activities, etc. I don't think it would be the top choice for many Romanians outside of Bucharest, but it definitely has its good parts. Maybe after that it would be Iasi. I've visited Brasov and Sibiu and they're nice, but they seem very quaint and "unimpressive" compared to some other Romanian cities. Iasi just left a bigger impression on me. I have yet to visit Cluj, Timisoara, Oradea and Sighisoara, though.
You've been to Brasov and Sibiu and you found them "unimpressive"??? You drove by or just stoped for some food? Try next time with a local and you will be extremely impressed.
Thats not the best part of Ro.
Actually there is so much noise, car polution, to much differnet kind of ppl and became like a conserve too much.
I prefer cities with nature, trees bird sounds and less noise.
Sinaia is nice, Brasov..
This proves how many Romanians do actually speak English! 👏
You guys speak awesome English! 👌🏼
@@romaniacits because its easier for imigrants to integrate here??
I also really loved Brasov, but then I went to Oradea and that changed. I think a lot of people didn't say Oradea because they haven't travelled that far. But Bucharest will forever have a special place in my heart for its diversity.
Baia Mare is also beautiful and it has a museum which looks like a smaller White House. Timisoara as well. Bacău and Târgu Jiu have some of the best street art in Romania, very different from the other cities. Iaşi is also the most beautiful in Moldova I would say.
Bacau and Targu Jiu are places we haven't been to yet but Oradea was just fantastic! The centre looked like a movie set!😳
Bacăul este în oraș al cărui centru vechi a fost ras de pe fața pământului de către comuniști, a rămas un oraș industrial anost
Looks like Brasov is the perfect retreat for hippies. Ive been living in Brasov since forever and it definitely has that "flower power" quality to it, especially during the summer.
All my love to you guys! You are so cool! I love your enthusiasm, great job! All my respect to you! Keep it that way!
Thank you!😁
Oradea is a cool city. I like it.
We are exited to go there! 😋
Oradea >>>
Long live Oradea!🙌🙌
1. Cluj: cleanest and safest. second biggest city in the country. it feels like you're in a city, not just a town. loads of opportunities for jobs as well, tonnes of culture, restaurants and pubs to choose from, etc
2. Timisoara: pretty as fuck; and not just 2 or 3 streets. also city-like (over 300k population). You can walk for hours and there's something beautiful to see
3. Sibiu: just a beautiful Austro-Hungarian jewel
4. Brasov: could potentially be number 1, but it needs a little more work renovating some of its buildings. but it's stunning overall
5. Oradea: one of my personal favourites; a little smaller; but truly unique architecture
6. Bucharest: it's bustling with life, but with the exception of the centre and some areas in the north of the city, it's a little too communistic...the communists ruined it sadly enough. The infrastructure and all those millions of cables wrapped around lampposts are an eyesore
7. Iasi: best the eastern part of the country has to offer. Also, probably the prettiest mall i've ever been to. Never thought shopping can actually be a pleasant experience
8. Alba Iulia: mainly because of its citadel; which is a good day's visit; truly beautiful. But not necessarily more to see outside of that.
9. Arad: very underrated; it's a little eclipsed by Timisoara and Oradea, but it has tonnes of potential and it's called "little Vienna" for a reason..
10. Targu Mures: room for improvement, but a lovely city
Ya i agree, But "Little Vienna" is Timișoara not Arad
Wow! What a precise rundown on all cities! We just visited most of them on our trip through Romania. Your description is very precise 😃👍🏼
Sibiu is more likely a Saxon jewel, than an Austro-Hungarian one.
The most important ethnic German city in the medieval times.
Everything you said about Cluj applies to Bucharest for the last 20 yrs
And Bucharest changed a lot
People still believe that its the same Bucharest from the 90's
Also Ploiesti its 10 times nicer than Tg Mures, Arad or Alba
David, your accent is amazing!
haha thank you very much 😅
This prove that half of Romanians from Bucharest have never visited Romania from north to south. I am from the north and I did it in some some occasions and definitely what I like least as a city 🏙 is Bucharest. It would be very difficult to decide which is the most beautiful city, but if I have to choose The candidates would be : Timișoara, Oradea, Brașov, Iași, Alba Iulia, Sibiu, Târgu Mureș ... you will see that in my list is not cluj-napoca despite being my 🛩 reference for the proximity.
If you are born in Bucharest its really impossible to find the same vibe in another city. Its like beibg from New York and going to Virginia.
I travel most of the country, yes its nice but i dont see myself living outside Bucharest.
Most people from Bucharest have travelled more than the average Romanians. Everybody evaluates a city from their own experiences. Like it or not there is no other city in Romania like Bucharest when it comes to opportunities or transport links national or international.
nu știu de ce Bucureștiul ar fi cel mai cel dintre toate... un oraș aglomerat, gri cu o puternica arhitectură comunistă, mizerabil in mare parte, oameni posomorâți, haos, trafic... înafara faptului că sunt oportunități în obținerea unui job, n-ai multe de descoperit. ai zice viața de noapte, dar de la o vârstă prea puțin te mai interesează asta, mai ales când ai un salariu mediocru din care trebuie să îți plătești chiria și alte utilități... Pt mine Brașov rămâne un oraș interesant, cu istorie și cu aer curat.
@@RUclipsnonesense Yeah sure, lol! Besides Constanta and Brasov, mostly nothing. Bucharest sucks ass.
@@rock58 nu știi pentru că cel mai probabil nu locuiești aici . După ce am stat 2 luni in Brașov , 4 in Timișoara și mai mult de jumătate de an în Cluj Napoca , mi-am dat seama de faptul că fiecare are lipsuri enorm de mari . Sunt orașe foarte frumoase , worth to visit anytime, dar în viața de zi cu zi , eu unul, fiind născut si crescut în București nu am reușit să mă adaptez lipsurilor . Zonele pietonale , sunt foarte mici și foarte puține ca număr in comparație cu Bucureștiul ; mereu a trebuit să îmi comand anumite produse din București deoarece nu le-am găsit la distribuitorii din orașele enumerate mai sus ; distracția , dacă ești o persoană caruia îi place să petreacă , în Brașov / Cluj , nu există viață de noapte , doar in Timișoara ce am găsit și am rămas placut surprins ; în materie de joburi nu îmi pot da cu părerea deoarece lucrez remote ; infrastructura lasă mult de dorit doarece orașele enumerate mai sus încep să devină over-crowded și nu sunt deloc proiectate să susțină atâtea persoane . Bucureștiul are blocuri gri / arhitectura comunistă , over-crowded și este total diferit in comparație cu orice alt oraș din Romania , dar la fel de mult are alte 5 tipuri de arhitecturi , dezvoltarea și îmbunătățirea continuă ( cel puțin asta am observat de când cu Nicușor Dan ) . Nu zic că este cel mai bun oraș , fiecare are farmecul și beneficiile lui , doar că văd destul de mult hate nefondat . Zi bună ✌🏻
Numai ce am descoperit canalul!!! Va iubesc 😍 Sunteti totali 🤗😂❤
8:05 What is Sheldon Coopers' brother doing in Bucharest? I mean the one from the ''Young Sheldon'' sitcom
Haha, you've got a keen eye! 🤣
It would have been nice to have a counter for each city that was mentioned. Even so, great video, really enjoyed watching it
We are happy to hear that you liked it!
Why nobody mentioned...Vaslui???
because the people are envious
Timisoara for me! been there on a business trip.. i loved it! Hi from India!
Brasov is real nice I recommend going there bc there is many beautiful sights and this place silver mountain is cool
BRASOV is the best city in 🇷🇴🇷🇴❤❤.
It is a beautiful place in the summer and the winter!
@@romaniac and is getting better by each year 😊. From next spring , Brasov would have the second largest Airport in Romania, which would be and very modern 😃.
Oooo, I’m looking forward to that!🤩
Brasov / Kronstadt is the best city in Romania, by far... it has many advantages, but, first of all, it's not as hot and the traffic situation is better than in Bucharest / iasi / Timisoara or Clujnapoca.
1) Bucarest, 2) Brasov, 3) Constanta, 4) Cluji, 5) Oradea, 6)Timisoara, 7)Sibiu,8)Iasi,9)Galati, 10)Craiova.
Constanta so far up?
@@romaniac because there is best weather.. The sea..
Cu restul sunt de acord dar Galati? Craiova? De unde pana unde?
Brașov is by far the number one, second is Cluj then Bucharest
@@robertpintilie5442 Daca nu ai fi prost ai sti.
Brasov imi place si mie, doar pentru cateva zile, in concediu(mai ales cand este foarte cald in Bucuresti!), restul m-as plictisi acolo.
Ich wohne in Stuttgart seit Jahrzehnten, aber ich vermisse Bukarest...
Alles gute!
More street interviews in Romania!
We see people love them so we’ll be doing more!
Definitely Brasov, and Oradea! :)
I’m biased because I’m from Oradea, but live in Naples FL now :)
Bro Timisoara is soo underrated
Bucharest is indeed a beautiful city. It is big, lots of oportunities, nice places. But I would never give Brasov on Bucharest. Is feeling like another world. Most of douches in Brasov are coming from Bucharest in weekends, leaving mess in the city and Poiana Brasov. No hate! Just facts.
Bucurestenii vin in Brasov pentru ca este cel mai apropiat oras mare, situata intr-o zona muntoasa. Daca Piatra Neamt era mai aproape de Bucuresti si era intr-o zona de munte, bucurestenii mergeau la Piatra Neamt mai mult ca la Brasov.. Cred ca 90% dintre investitiile imobiliare din Brasov sunt facute de bucuresteni si probabil mai mult de 60% dintre turisti sunt bucuresteni. Stii, capitala e intr-o zona de campie si multi simt nevoia sa schimbe aerul, mai ales vara cand temperaturile sunt foarte mari, sau sa meraga sa schieze, iar Brasovul le este la indemana. Orasul de sub Tampa, in afara de zona veche a orasului, care este relativ mica, este un oras comun, urat, nimic deosebit. Just facts.
@@Romold18 de acord. Are zone comuniste rău. Răcădău mai ales. Dar oamenii sunt altfel.
@@619Razvan In Bucuresti vin oameni din toate colturile tarii. Cred ca mai mult de jumatate din locuitori sunt nascuti in alte localitati sau sunt la a doua generatie. Ca idee, cand eram student, intr-o serie de 60 de oameni, bucurestenii nu reprezentau mai mult de 20-30%, erau inclusiv 4 unguri. Erau veniti din toate colturile tarii. Deci cand zici peiorativ "Dar oamenii sunt altfel' gandeste ca zici despre toti oamenii din tara, din vestul tarii, din estul tarii sau din sudul tarii. Dupa cum ti-am zis bucurestenii get-begét sunt o minoritate in orasul lor. Mai gandeste ca dintre politicieni, nu cred ca 10% sunt bucuresteni. Probabil procentele de parlamentari, provenienta pe regiuni, sunt identice cu populatia fiecarei regiuni.
Oamenii in Brasov nici macar accent ardelenesc nu mai au.
Mai bine de 50% din locuitorii Bucurestiului nici macar nu sunt Bucuresteni, si tot ei se plang de oras…
Brasov is pretty exclusiviste its like Portland in the States equivalent.
"hai aici, haide! salut, frate!" xD
I'm from Romania Constanța
Vad ca aici in acest interviu toata lumea , e inebunita dupa Braşov , si Bucuresti
Chiar imi este sila cind ii vad vara pe litoral pe disperaţi de Bucuresteni si alte specii românesti .
The question is somewhat vague; which city is "better/the best". Better for what?
For instance, if you are talking about professional oportunities Bucharest is far better than all the rest, although it is not that pretty.
Brasov is nice, but lacking oportunities.
And so on.
It was an open question, that's why we let evryone give their reasoning for the choice 😊
What opportunities is it lacking? It does not offer as much as bucharest does, but it definetly does offer opportunities.
Legend says that half of people that said Bucharest didn't had at that moment Brasov in mind ,but if u asked them to chose beetwen Brasov and Bucharest, many would say Brasov :) .
Haha 🤷🏾♂️😂
As a Romanian I'm suprised that ppl know pretty good
Ich liebe diese Art Inhalten !es ist großartig ! .Danke für das Video!👍
Hello dear, I want to visit Romania soon, can we be friends
Brasov is amazing the most beautiful and visited city in Romania is like is from another country
Cluj and Sibiu...Cluj is like a minibucharest but cleaner, better infrastructure but way more expensive, and Sibiu is the freaking capital of chill for me
Cluj was insane! So nice…
better infrastructure? Clearly you haven't lived there
Bucharest cleaned itself for more than 10 yrs
The idea that its a dirty city its from the 90's
Those days are long gone
@@alexanderbogdan8327 bucharest...really? take care of your city entrances first!
@@gabix7488видео.html sa inteleg ca nu vii cu trenul din Moldova
actually surprised no one mentioned Sibiu
We had been to Sibiu lately and we have to say that it wasn’t as good as some people say…
@@romaniac oh no! what didn’t you like for example?
Everybody notice it that we romanians, a lot of us speek english? Just a sidenote. My favorite citys are Cluj Napoca, Brasov my birth place, Timisoara, Iasi, Craiova, Oradea, Sibiu, Baia Mare, Sfantu Gheorghe.
It was really surprising to us also how good the level of English is here! You just named almost all of the cities Romania has to offer😅🤣
@@romaniac Go to the hungarian regions to like Lacul Sfanta Ana, Sfantu Gheorghe, Sumuleu Ciuc, Ghimes, Madaras Harghita, Corund, Prajd, Sovata, Bicaz. In the heart of Romania in judetul Covasna, Harghita and Mures there are living 1 million hungarians. You should check thoose to out.
Is Craiova more fun than Oradea?
Lovely Video
Thanks. I think this guy was Ukrainian. Media and reality is not the same…
Romanian women are beautiful
True 😊
what's that intro beat? I'm in Sibiu now and was just in Bucharest for 3 weeks ! I loved Bucharest , Brasov was good but small!
Sinaia, Bucuresti, Constanta,
Isn’t sinaia a bit small?
@@romaniac Yes, but all the cities in Romania except Bucharest are small. Iasi, Cluj, Timisoara, Constanta have around 300,000 inhabitants, Sibiu has around 150,000 inhabitants.
If we put in the same list Bucharest, which has 2 million inhabitants, and cities with 100-300 thousand, then we can also include cities with 20 thousand inhabitants or, why not, villages.
Sibiu, Brasov, Cluj, Iasi are closer, in appearance and population, to a village than they are to Bucharest.
Bucharest should not be included in any ranking because it is totally different.
Ploiesti is a very beautiful and underrated city, a big ass industrial city, the first oil refineries in the world have been here, some of the most important artists and writers came from this city, it has a very big cultural and historical heritage. For me, it's always going to be Ploiesti.
That’s a first, another city added to our list of places to see!🫡👌🏾
kind of boring 1 day seen all
@@romaniacNothing to see man ,Ploiesti is trash
Can you help us for accomodation and arrival service in Iasi?My son got admission in Grigore T Popa medical university .
Wow, a lot of English speakers. I wonder if its only in Bicharest because its bigger and see more international travellers?
A lot of cool people there??? Effing hell! What an intelligent answer.
I love Oradea!!!
We as well!!!🤩видео.html
I enjoyed this video. Thanks.
Glad to hear you enjoyed it!😊
They all answer Bucuresti because the interview/pool was made there :) . Better question would have been "What it's your favorite city in Romania, besides the one you live/born in?" ... or "If you would have to move and can choose any other city of Romania, than the one you live in, which one would be?"
Ofc everyone says Bucharest and Brasov, you are interviewing people in Bucharest. I bet that if you do the experiment in another place the answers will change a bit. Come to the west side!
But then wouldn’t everyone in the west side say the west side🤷🏾♂️😅
@@romaniac pretty much yeah !
I would definitely say Sibiu and Sighișoara, it's weird that no one mentioned them
I’m more then halfway and I didn’t hear Craiova😭
In my home town (Galati) we have a saying: 'Fuck Romania, I'm moving to Brasov'
I'm learning Romanian and wanna visit so bad
how come?
@@nelsonmondialu6512 I think the country is very beautiful, especially popular cities like Bucharest, Brașov, Lași, and Constanța. The language is also very pretty and not very hard for me to learn since I already know English and Spanish :) the history of Romania is also very, very interesting. I wanna get to know the place in person other than videos and photos, y'know?
@@Masqu33 glad to hear that :) i don't really see foreigners showing that much interest
@@nelsonmondialu6512 Of course! I've met a few Romanians in my life actually and they were all very sweet, warm people!
Wow we haven’t heart someone saying that as well….
@1:13 Don't be too upset with them. If someone stops you on the streets in Romania, you do not shake hands. It is considered an invasion of privacy and you feel you are in danger that the person will hold on to that handshake while he makes you the pitch (usually asking for money) or emotionally blackmailing you to cough out some money. Bonus points when it's a man approaching a woman. Bonus points for the post-covid era :)
Nice material, anyway. My favourite city in Romania is Bucharest, but that's only because I was born here and i know its every corner.
Cluj Napoca rules! ❤
Really nice,but wanted to ask if you or your friend speak romanian because you said some romanian words like salut? i ask this just because living in a country and don t knowing its language is quite embarraising and also becaus of curiostity
also i am from romania too
Da vorbem romaneste
@@romaniac și de ce nu faceți interviurile in limba română?
Tank you lady for ORADEA
What about Constanta?
They said Bucharest but they all come to Braşov every weekend, our city is full with people from Bucharest trust me
Venim in Brasov pt ca aveti muntii si pt ca este foarte aproape de noi. Daca muntii erau in Craiova, ne-am fi dus acolo
Iubesc Brasovul ca destinatie turistica dar ca oportunitati, night life si multe altele este cu mult in spatele Bucurestiului.
Sibiu și județul....are cele mai frumoase orașe și degeaba e singuru oras din România care are decernate 3 stele Michelin, Mărul de aur în turism ptr județ și destinație turistică europeană pe 2020.
It’s for sure a HUGE fan favourite!
E varza calita Sibiul, seara nu ai ce face...pur si simplu, e mort!
Sibiul are oameni faini atat...Am fost acolo acum vreo 10 ani si era sa mi rup masina in doua de la gropile din centru, in acelasi timp in care in Brasov mi se trasese un asfalt asa de drept aproape ca n Germania pe trotuar pana n fata scarii de catre un primar (culmea!) moldovean din Bacau, nici macar un neamt sofisticat cum aveati voi la vremea aia. Cultura, muzee si arhitectura are cam orice oras care se respecta, inclusiv Sibiul, dar Brasovul are, cum a zis fata aceea din clip, ceea ce multe orase si ar dori, VIBE-ul! Poti doar sa te uiti la cati turisti straini posteaza pe You Tube Brasovul cu gura cascata si sa ti dai seama ca pentru celelalte orase din Romania este NO CONTEST! Nu are rost sa explic aici ce face Brasovul atat de special dar, daca nu ma crezi, cauta te rog clipuri cu Brasov facute de turisti si iti grantez ca te vei indragosti.
Eu sunt din Brașov și am fost prima oară in Sibiu weekendul trecut cu scopul de a vedea dacă se ridica la nivelul orașului nostru și crede ma când îți zic ca nu m a impresionat nimic, orașul este foarte mic, am ieșit cred ca pe la ora 10:30 prin centru era gol golut mai ca bătea vântul, târgul de Crăciun înghesuit in centru, bradul artificial bineînțeles, prețuri foarte mari, cluburi destul de mici înghesuite, viața de noapte sărăcăcioasă, un oraș drăguțel dar nimic mai mult, Brașovul e peste Sibiu cu 10 clase și ți-o zic sincer, cum s a spus și pe videoclip, îți da alt vibe alta atmosfera alt aer și ca sa stii și tu cel mai vizitat oraș din România e Brașovul și ca și județ nu exista comparație cu Sibiul, aici ai Poiana Brașov ai Branul unde e castelul, ai Sinaia, Râșnov și multe altele
Foarte plictisitor Sibiul!
@3:30 Nice to know what Shia LaBeouf's favorite Romanian city is.
Brasov! ❤
🎿 ❄️
Fan favourite right there
Try Craiova, also Constanta, Iasi , Targu-Jiu , go in Vâlcea , Drobeta Turnu Severin , Tulcea
Oradea, Sibiu
Oradea is awesome 🤩
Budapest, hands down.
Brașov. Best City în România!!!
My favourite city outside of Bucharest is Brasov, followed by Sibiu and then Constanta. I also have never been to Oradea and I don t plan to go there for personal reasons, but I have been to Cluj and to be honest, that city is very cool (the cleanest from Romania actually) but I don t wanna move there because I don t want to betray the city i was born in (Bucharest). People from Cluj want Cluj to be the new capital of Romania and I am strongly against that. Don t ask why, it should be pretty obvious.
1:35 dariaaa, hold your horses baby. That s not yours. Te pup
She got a little too eager, bless her😂😂
Bukarest, Brasov, Cluj Napoca, Craiova, Romania .....
Not many people if any mentioned Craiova, what is it like over there?
@@romaniac I second this, I'm starting med school this fall and would love to know more about Craiova, or if it is better than Oradea
As fi vrut sa aud mai multe argumente inafara de faptul ca e mare 😂 Ok dar cu traficul ce facem ? Chiar o fi placut sa pierzi zilnic 2-3 ore in trafic ?
Compensează pe alte părți. Poți merge și cu metroul .
Constanța! 🤗🇹🇩🇷🇸
the best city in Romania is Brno ( alot of parks and nature and wonderful places)
I also wondered this about Ukrainian men I saw many here
Rich people dont go to war
Probably they were among the first ones to leave
3:30 ayo bruh, what the hell is that guy's shirt 😭😭 I am dying
♥️💛💙BRAȘOV !!! ♥️💛💙
Im Sommer, die 35-Grad-Hitzewelle in Bukarest....viele antworten...Brasov. aber, wie würden sie in Oktober antworten?!
Bucuresti, Sighisoara, Brasov, Sibiu, Oradea, Iasi, Timisoara!
Brasov and Sibiu are my favorite cities ♥️
Nobody said Timișoara. Too bad we have a german mayor. And a german president.
German mayor? 🤔
@@romaniac Dominic Fritz
Focșani is the best city
Very beautiful and interesting
Bucharest is the best !
I live in Bucharest.
And probably Cluj-Napoca is more Clean and more beautiful than Bucharest.
but yes Bucharest is An Emotion . Some of places in Bucharest are clean and nice but Bucharest City should be more developed and more clean.
I don't know why people's are saying that Bucharest is their favorite city when Cluj, Oradea, Sibiu, Brasov are more beautiful 😍.
Neamt city 🥰
I Got Neamt City work permit 😇
BRASOV IS THA SHIIIIIT!!!! Best city ever
I love Arad
classy people loves Brasov for sure
Hello friend am visiting Romania soon, can we be friends
Bucharest is the sole big city of Romania, is the richest, full oportunities, most alive and vibrant, full of culture. There are more beautifull cities as: Oradea, Sighișoara Craiova, Iași, Brașov, Timișoara or Sibiu but they are much smaller
The German boy is so so so so handsome!!!! I'd go on a date with you bro
My favorite is Pascani and the best in Romania is Timisoara
"Buck-a-rest" because it has a lot of people.
Travel vlogs hype ?
Yes, we’re hyped!🤪