Your concept of fun and my concept of fun are the same, the sounds are the same in Iowa as your neck of the woods, I’m thankful for the three 50 year old pin oaks I have on my property in the city, Neighbors don’t understand how I find it “fun” but hey I do me they do them, thanks for posting
Casey .. I'd like to see you setting up a hammock as you said.. also it'd be neat to see a series of short pithy single focused teaching videos breaking down the various elements of of the climb .. by short and succinct I mean like Bartlett's do to that end .. I was thinking of a demo of how you got the throw line up .. perhaps followed by tying your line and setting up your base anchor set up .. nice and short explanation .. also the lanyard components, including why each component and then how you stow it. If you have the time that is. Looking forward to the next one.
Nice to see you get out for a climb. Office work is great but you miss the hands on. Keep up the side hustle grind and try to give yourself time too. Rec climb helps revive the joy of it, without the time constraints of finishing the job. Just beating the daylight
I wish you had someone to record this for you. I cannot tell what is going on other then seeing just your forearms. I can tell your having a great time. As someone just researching to get started, your where I want to be - thus the request for seperate camera angle to show all the working parts together and a rundown of parts list or link to where parts used are at.
Nice video bro!! And love that you used Avatar the last airbender symbols too 😊😎🙌🤙
Peaceful brother that is what it's all about! Thank you Casey
Awesome, Casey! Enjoying your climbers high from my couch! Thanks for putting this together.
Glad you enjoyed it!
That's cool I was looking at buying one of those myself I'm glad to see a review
I found that opening the wrench up all the way works best💯
Have you had a good climb lately?
Awesome thnx for sharing I need to do some more recreational climbing ✌🏽
It’s been hot but I think it’s time to clip back in!
Get out there man!
Your concept of fun and my concept of fun are the same, the sounds are the same in Iowa as your neck of the woods, I’m thankful for the three 50 year old pin oaks I have on my property in the city, Neighbors don’t understand how I find it “fun” but hey I do me they do them, thanks for posting
Casey .. I'd like to see you setting up a hammock as you said.. also it'd be neat to see a series of short pithy single focused teaching videos breaking down the various elements of of the climb .. by short and succinct I mean like Bartlett's do
to that end .. I was thinking of a demo of how you got the throw line up .. perhaps followed by tying your line and setting up your base anchor set up .. nice and short explanation .. also the lanyard components, including why each component and then how you stow it. If you have the time that is. Looking forward to the next one.
Great comment and something I will be doing in the future. Thank you!
Nice to see you get out for a climb. Office work is great but you miss the hands on. Keep up the side hustle grind and try to give yourself time too. Rec climb helps revive the joy of it, without the time constraints of finishing the job. Just beating the daylight
Thank you man! Appreciate the very kind reply!
great video
I wish you had someone to record this for you. I cannot tell what is going on other then seeing just your forearms. I can tell your having a great time. As someone just researching to get started, your where I want to be - thus the request for seperate camera angle to show all the working parts together and a rundown of parts list or link to where parts used are at.
Super fun.
did you trust the fusion over any mechanical device like the rope runner pro or the akimbo?!.
What was the inspiration for the carabiner tattoo?
@CaseySnyder does the apex wrench fit on the Notch tether
No it does not!
It’s a great design but just wished they could have made it length adjustable.
Damn your cottonwoods for real, I don't like climbing our version big leaf Aspen type trash, hope yours r safer