What does a technical writer write?

  • Опубликовано: 22 апр 2024
  • What do technical writers write?
    Hi, I'm John Hewitt. I've been a technical writer for thirty years and the content strategist for Quicken Personal Finance software for the past four years. Today, I wanted to discuss the diverse types of documentation technical writers create. While I primarily focus on software, technical writing spans various industries such as engineering, manufacturing, and electronics, offering a wide range of opportunities for aspiring technical writers.
    So, what do technical writers write?
    Let's start with Manuals and User Guides.
    Technical writers create and maintain manuals and user guides that are primary resources for end-users to understand and operate products effectively. These documents must cater to a broad audience, encompassing users with varying technical knowledge.
    Technical writers focus on structuring these guides with clear, step-by-step instructions and accompanying visuals where necessary, ensuring that even complex procedures are broken down into manageable, understandable parts.
    Technical writers play a crucial role in enhancing the user experience by making the product as accessible and user-friendly as possible. Their aim is to ensure that the end-users can navigate and understand the product with ease, thereby making their interaction with the product a pleasant one.
    I spent much of my early career creating manuals. I don't see as many of these projects now. Manuals have declined a bit since most information is presented online. However, it is still a significant part of the business.
    The next type of document technical writers write is Quick Reference Guides.
    These are like manuals, except short and sweet. Quick reference guides are overview or get-started tools created by technical writers to provide immediate assistance for standard tasks or problems associated with a product. These guides are concise, focusing on standard functions and troubleshooting steps that users can refer to quickly without navigating through more detailed documentation.
    The design of Quick Reference Guides is all about efficiency. They emphasize easy navigation and rapid information retrieval, helping users save time and reduce frustration during critical moments of need.
    These can range from a single sheet to a few pages or slides of information. Quick starts and quick reference guides aren't as intensive to write as manuals, but they are still a challenge. They require solid planning to provide as much information as possible in a document as short as possible without making the content unusable.
    I've created a few of these over the years, and they are a surprising amount of work if you want to do them well. By the way, please like and subscribe if you find this video helpful.
    Next, technical writers write APIs and back-end documentation for coding.
    API documentation is a vital tool for developers who need to understand how to implement and integrate various software interfaces. Technical writers produce these documents with detailed descriptions of API calls, parameters, and return types, along with code samples and usage scenarios.
    The accuracy of this documentation is crucial, as it directly impacts developers' ability to work efficiently and avoid errors. Good API documentation supports developers by providing clear, precise information that is essential for building robust software applications. These documents are much more informational than they are procedural.
    I haven't written API documentation in many years. I used to have a lot more coding knowledge, but it just hasn't been necessary at the companies I've worked for recently. At this point, I'd have to relearn any programming language from scratch. However, it is still a big area, especially for those comfortable with coding who don't necessarily want to be programmers.
    What else do technical writers write? We write Project Plans and Design Documents.
    Project plans and design documents are internal documents that technical writers prepare to outline the scope, objectives, and detailed specifications of technical projects.
    These documents serve as roadmaps for the project teams and include timelines, resource allocations, and technical requirements. By creating clear and comprehensive project documents, technical writers facilitate effective communication and coordination among project managers, developers, and other stakeholders, ensuring that everyone is aligned and informed throughout the development process.
    Technical writers also write and create Help Systems.
    Help systems are my bread and butter. It's been my primary delivery platform for several years. Help systems are integral components of the software that provide users with on-demand assistance directly from within the application.

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