any chance you could do a quick update for rhino 8, it seems that the clipping planes need to be "EnableClippingPlane" in stead of just automatically clipping...
Mike, where would l get 'curve through point cloud'? I have committed to Rhino v8. Of course l have no experience of it, however, it could on rare occasions be useful to me.
any chance you could do a quick update for rhino 8, it seems that the clipping planes need to be "EnableClippingPlane" in stead of just automatically clipping...
Mike, where would l get 'curve through point cloud'? I have committed to Rhino v8. Of course l have no experience of it, however, it could on rare occasions be useful to me.
Tremendous ❤
Question, how are you moding around in the model?? It looks like you are using VR type controllers to me! Thanks for the video :)
Hey Hi, Yes , well spotted ! I should have mentioned that I am using a 3D Connexion 3D Mouse. I highly recommend using one for 3D work.
Thanks a lot dear
Great. Thank you!
Rhino 8 handles pointclouds much better than Rhino 7.